FOR (LASSFE Tuesday, 4:0pm 623-330 Births Cards of Thanks I n Memoriam Christmas Greetings Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Cars for Sale Wanted to Buy _Al ASH O N- arr a d E ely I wîs to tha k rie ds ndBECKETT --In ovig oe- TRIANG train st, 2 trains, WVATERJL-for sale and deliver- '64 CHEV. sta nidard 4-d o. P A O gr n or pi ht <nrele Moore) are prleasedl to neighbours for ail the cards, maory of a, dear mother E-dith MRY H1TA tracks, acsois eclete.CalCliff Pethick 623-213. Phone -786û'224. o0-1JsuîtabIe for student, will pay LIVI an.nouimc the arrivail of a flowers and help, also Rev. May, who passed away De-AN A condition, $50. Eldncr2-f6 LM H6clsad ah rt detsr20 P_ 1 a paien cemer 8, 156.race, 2 cars, laretrack, $15. c/o Canadian Statesman-P1Oat Durh da~trAneaLnn eg-Northey wîl Iwa apaiet emer18 15 HPP NW EA FES Cnaia lmb 0 o rd gndcodiio;Pveins._ rn-g G 11m'.os..Frîda, D e- in the hospîtal. The golden gates stood open,' APYNW ER 728-0834. - 51 [RESH Canmea. Mrs. D 40 o 987-5124. 50-1 Box 190, Bowmanville. 41-tf Orono Qeral Hsptal. Gr ar Lary BadlH.od saw you needed rest, JM NTADMIRAL 22 cu. It. refriger- 6 23 -5817. 5- 6 VV axhl aon otClvesg 501 isgardien must be beautîful JMMY AD JANIE atar-freezer, alsa Frigidaire stndad13v,000 mrýhRilessecnd e, ents- M.and Mrs. Sandy . He only tahes the best. NCSN 3"eeti agbt UIIIR ienw sd ar 623-2677 , 5- N lc n rysRieidie Moore, Port Perry and Mrs. 1 Iwish ta thank the ladies r Aîways remembered by the! i so-iN 3copperne Phne 2-2h] easo, $5. eephonie ' 50-cat, front aw removerýëd. Caîl o MaieBelyOsaw.50-1 of Trînity Church as well as famnily. 50-l* te 5 $350-1 23-5018 _ 50- n-an fîedsinBomavîle--I ___-Livestock For Sale 63*-23,6 0. 50-1 Aucti JAMIEON- an rd Shir- for their good wishes while BICKELL, Irene (Barrett) --To Our many friends, relatives MOFFAT and Sîmpl-icity, Ap- GUTN cabinet, wooden, wjlh~2326.OEBakLboeGle from 0 ley~ne Ivie)aredeîgtedI asin hospital in Toronto in lovîng memary of my dear' and neiglibours pliances, Hoavrr ioduet's.lihs for 15 guns. Caîl a fter iNEA!pNEs 50-1 Labe.,hone 62o780aen t taanouceth ariaiat and St., John's Convalescent mother wopse wy ~ IHYUA Large selection'of new chrom 6, 62373. m_ 5- __1 alc no on eard-720,2 uc thei- Ihome of a darlîng baby Homne.Sincerely, December l5th, 1954. MRVCRSMS suites. Paddy's Marke-t, Hap- i-STRIG1Sanih gutarRABITSneay mat. ele 50-2y ha I ihtotakmyrl As long as life and memory VERY HAPPY NEW VEARmuntdPhoneoi -lbs5., T77 lakwhtefceiEnfield area, ath Con. terfiel< wîh athn nyre- g outdasofurrgua VARIETi, 0 f used by' tva lso stove, gond for cottae. alntn SMI1TH-.Don and Betty .(nec tiveS. friends and neîghbours LOD YNDA, TODD 7,00x13 mounted and tWO 0Y5 toys Phone 2638263-250-i tspu Rundle are poud taan- foi'ah the laX'ely cards andi I xviiiremember thee. LLOAN , LNEMRRI usto35x4wel oyingond 1condition. Telephonei 501ac nioun'ceý the arrivai of their gifts gîven ta me during my1 Ever remembered by son01 hn 2323 veig. 98 74423 after 5:30. 50- IF you are buylng9 orselg occasioi cio-iiEnDn ak ap tyi saaand Toronto lKen. 50-1" 504 GUTAR, cho 62trin437c-llvestock, of anv kind, cal TWO maie cats; 1 black and kitchen cliosenaront Dana Mr. any st ea inosa Sei Ivan Johnisan &Sons, Live-iwhîte, fluffy fur; 1 lgtcfc granparrîtsareMr.ard rs.Genral osptal. Spcia -j MU. AND MUS. A. TALSMA INEW and Useai Parts for caustic, almost brand ne, sokDaesadodrby brown tabby, smooth furBetal Lewis 7ý1Rni n r nd thanks ta doctors and nurses iCHARD-In lovîng merv Iah kesorWsh DBebes ofer62-523a0- -Ms 20d5-*o ohhsias f oui' dear gadugtr R.R. 4, Bownianville ma es ri rs, R.R. 1, Bailieboro. Phone iieved taken fram home arca bunkb _______ Eleen Hearl. 50-1 rPaula Lorraine, who passed wudliet and Ranges. Paddy's Appli-MN atwhmtcng759-65.4f by car and dropped off. $20 Serta wu le ol IIÇa i mthn7093-85 -fance Parts Ltd., 344 King St. __ reward. A. W. Savage, 79 riage, WýL SON 1-Ria y anid Gwen awa'; December 13, 1969. vshail their friends a W., Oshawa, Phone 579-1332. slacks, size 12, excllent cn East Beach, R.R. 2, Bowman- set, uti 18-tf urfinsTw er av asd yt ws dition. Caîl 623 -3681. 50-1 Pets'vle50l'woe (nec Hills) of Bethan an-! ManY tak aar ed1w yasbv aseytrBLESSE» CHRISTMAS 18t_____wode npuice6thc- birth of a second frcm beng us on our time has faîled ewvWHleE gïj-l Tarmmy Lea on DecembrFfyffh WdigAnn To take the memaries away. and a HAPPY AND N2"hlp lc n STUDEBAKER, Service, n HT female poodle dog, 2w all iMth, 1971,. 4:16 pm, sîster forIversary and ta those who help- lHer deai' wee image neyer FROSPEROUS 197Z white TV, anc 25" Philips and sdpat.GahmPyacs old ,in April, registered; VV 1 ork \Vanted dishes. L~î sc. Sh r_ a 8 bs l3u d at tm e of m shap, a so f rs rofradesa a' V at e o dii n d Ga a e -416-263-2233. 1-tf $75,62 -35 7>5 * - quantit - fades.n ___1-___________rd an cllswhlp_______oger: CIEANING offices, a f t ercosmeli oze.~~~~~~~ Soca hnst r lwrcrsadclswieI utgaswith new picture tubes. Telle- CHRISTMAS ,trees, prunedi hu_______ 63-512.5_ a t timE Me c{eand Mýatrnity Staff Charless confined to o- vry day. A SINCERE WISH ýphone Television Service C., Scotch Fne and Spruce, fresh dW anted F I S L TON - Bowi ye n-ia -vile.~ i Chas. and Elva John . and P ppa Chard, Angela, M U Y C RI T A O KC S , lqu r c b n t i. .49Ho s2*StStock. D A and rpped arm me hadlwth or ____________5_____0-i Peter and Tom. 50-11r AN» A iamps, 7.95 up, coffee table,MALLARD Margwiîî Fur Far'm, manship guaranteed. Free Cra ______NEWVEU 1.95up en t~ie,39 co- ginaLfowi ducks, pheasants, 263-2721.' Licence 328C71. estimates. Sealdaire Insula- 1PEýOSPEROUS NWYA 29 p n al,3"cn unaïw and geese, dressed __ __ta aPoe757207 u Enae et My sîneere thanks ta CHARD-In mcmory I dear te ail our relatives and friends tinental bieds, withheadboard, orac7627,-tRepeenttie. HyL.W, Phoe757207 il(POi "1r aiidMs Ernc$t Topple, frîends, relatives and neigîî- daughtcr Paula Lorrinehoa74 for' $6; hassocks 5.9 up. o alive. Phoe7627,Rpsnitv arL.Wd-tioot -l~mavliare proud ta jbours for flowers, gifts, cards died December 132, 1969.-IL OL n Murphy Furniture 623-3781.50 Help Wanted Phone 987-4531.4-i Oshawz a~oUenOatde egagement lseathe mnyDear itti augteriupin theBNI LEMIR oîTWO formais, each warn once, BBSTE nTrn ravant's daughteiai'Carol, tTYkEWRITERSaddhecrar, best50offer; one wig, best offer, AYITRinTrn ra.M uto'S t., o WilaiýMRitr Oshawa. Special thanks ta Dr. H B. We'h1 riot fogtyai s tîmel - ERgiters, des, cales, v5lued at $55, woi'n twîce. Phone 263-8850 after 4:30 p.m .ecm 501Rninre pdsafa assb.We take this opportuinity te cash eitrds, chairs, Cal_623-,5271. 50-1 EXPERIENCED N-urses' Aide Bcckhoe Service Refrige SugialFlor ea on sGo wntd o, doar, and)Wish Our Relatives, Friends files, new, used, rentals, service new); Forthoming Grectings ta ail. tonnyou away and Neighbours a Discount prices. Open Tues' CHRISTMAS Trocs, pruned. rird Cal6371.EPCTAKSTMScpe Hîla roc. 0-1I ut hre in aur thoughts, MER CRITA day, Wednesday, Thursday. Scotch Fine and Spruce. 16 _ 50-1 Water Lines - Foundations 3-pice Îý, ar ra c e, 'i Bll amlto, BookinJackman Rd. Bowmanville, REGISTERED - nurse wanted. Biaksoc 96-73 ______youll omin every day. AND A Bî aitn ' Phone 623-25"j. 50-1 ot ae usn oe MarriagesSîncoro thanks ta hemay ea ltte i s you watch POSEOUS NEW VEAU 655-4179,- T yu hîta rc 8744.4-f5- ah ~M.adMs lrdGafriends for cardes, visîts and from ahv,lO" - - - - GTyu ChitaTre98-4145t5-1wsn himn, E ,Nwatc ihmn esa knn~ hw om n ld r WES and MADELINE BOOKS, magazines, paper- fresh at Murphy's, North of - Boos (E sîdeboz te~ announice efrthcomîngmewlcihoptiadine sdnghirov MARTIN AND FAMILY bcsad cmebns Tyrone. Cut your uwîî or we MAN or lady ta serve Fuller Don rook & So bunk1 nag f their daughter, cmn oe % ol jeWe know you'rc an angel, T ought, esoldad foxchanged eut, $1,50. 263-2589. 49-2*icustomers in Bowmanville. m uldr resser c mng hme, May yu have Topprists aidHRIforS famiiy '75eCalPort Hope 885-43 02. 'C~ustom ules gm J nt tar, William Stu- ,t watch over us oiease --- n da11ocsi, son ofMr. ad1Cmot s ln, andmanywbossîngs s tic Christ- Mibaraielfn4 d icoet n Fn ndpruce at - -49-2*- NEW HOUSES - ADDITIONS tables, mas Soason and In th1ý e Nw Cmotudrig w pould it tak th u hibrgaielfa8n d coetnHR PiandTRES from e, YÎs. Elmier -Hodeoli of Toron- Yoar. gi-veo ur hoartsecase. opotnt t ihorSouth, Oshawa, 723-7621. the I.G.A. Store. Seven days SCHOOL busdrivers. Con- and RENIODELLING and st, 4q- onDer me 3lst, 1971 at ra o orbohr eýRltvs red n 50-I a weeh and evenings. 50-2* tact Burley Bus, 623-3811 or Vou Naine It and We Do ît drawer :nrniin!cýcsl .ntd(Mrs. A. G.)BrîeE ct.Pa oryu rteh eaiveFins n __the office o mso n v. Poepîcture 720 ni. n Necaete Unted o-î~ misses you sa, Neîghbours -- - __SipnAv.phe-rao Cliurrh. S-f-Teeaetetig ewn ER HITA ALLI S-CHALMERS tractai', REGISTERED C- h i h u a h u a ýBowmanville. 50-2 rd Wît gateulhort wsb yau ta know. A»AHPYNWVA 6 years aid, excellent con- puppies, tiny wee beauties, 7 ARRSEeprccd 723-6176 or 623-2301 chrlomr Deathsak r, ubad n Some day, if Gdswîigdtoeupe withtacin eksad;asoTy o Ter- four-day wcek, wa-gespls-__ 50-8* chester 'tthakDe. nubrsedo and 'I ji vuan, HAZEL snd EVERETT booster hydraulie system, riens, small. Phono Oshawa cmisonpu -dining WATMETT-, AeadnAsi etattenre fte wl onyuadte STAPLETON drive pulioy, adjustable rear 576-2926. 50-1cmmssot start fret aoBBf -ï ntered nt àtet.i he resecodufrin for theindth toete. ail ho ohppy50-î* axies, with 3-furrow pîaw. ya.Phn 2-23.5-tf B BBEERS rfîe O~aGeneral Hospî, T1hsîtl o lncedurngmso atay t ~t gether aîn, ____ byPrico reasonable. CaîIl Weî- For Rent CARETAKER for St. Pauls 137 ELGIN ST. mattre SludaDeebn 2 17,the patients ai my room, thé Mum, Dad, brother Dan. 50-1 WE WISH TUEcae7329atr pm . ____-___ nidCuchPeseppyP mb g- dishes, At4cxanden Austin iEniett, [ _50_ s-1 ONE two-bedroam apartment. in writing ta D. W. Hatcly, Pu b g- etn dock. b~1avd huband ai Mararet visitons and thase who sont lSEASON'S GREETINGS CTy~ro- hîta Phone 623-3058. 50-i 3' First St., Bowmanville, or rsur ytni sil Porter. ,oj-vd fther of-Mrs. . arand ft;M. ndws forGLASS-Im laving-mmn e i u rends, Neighbours Trees. Scotch Pine $1.00, TObdomapai'tment, îim eall623-2883. -49-2 Ne WOkanRpar Trm H.a Mrkread Leonard fe ofLucasdar arPss TWObedreoamk ad Rp_____rm Ponalwho dieti December 20, h965 asd Relatives snd niai'each Spruce $1.50 (pruned), Turni med-iateo pOesOsiori. 623-7637. SCHOFIELD-AKER Ltd., Real Service and Estimateý furnitu Lq_ 1Vr h idDecember 2,196.hae; Joyous, Happy Tume au i115 aiter the de crass- i 5-Estate Brokers, require ut > 1E King sinCorely, Father, Dcmbr16, 19d61.-501 h62-261 a tîci),Bomavii; Vis.r Mrs. F. F. Willan. Ohpybusw neadth eto elht I ing sign, 4 miles narth o If Eroe hoeulap east anc mare maie or female Cl 2-61 .,7 IsntnHod Mryý),I T05-1 Ioyd Hwy. .15 cutofi, north two tn immediate possession. sales reprosentative ta add ta 3t i'Ho nto Boter i rs Jon O- menjoyed, F. G. SMITH AN» GRACE 'concessions and follow the Pho1no 263-2650 andi 263-2288' oui' Bowmanvilie office staff.- ites (înniro),Torn- ow wot teirmemry50-if arraws. Fenton Fallis. Phono e.l Ability ta speak the Dutch J.ACK BURGESS to~Mr. arlBoeniec1 hefamlyaith lae llan sr1till . f q705-277-2963. 49-2* OEERO aatetlanguage and SOME sales OLBRES-FRAE h r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N cd) S.Labrt Q Wlerwul îk a x Btdet hslats aelnseEITRAN ___exponience would ho an asset St T~amsMotrai i he St 'ree hiir incere thanks ndi The world cunnovrfui.,,ANYTIMEIS APPLE TIM!heatcd, nicely decortd iabt nat a necessity. Wc wîîîCLAN»rrîstiv 5etbun ra'ia n A m - fîiIld sLa rela tiv e s, E-ver e m o m b e eti b y th M UtJO H . J AM E S W -o r t d a lC L À E Eand n,î-hbaurs far famiiy. 50r 1*mAN»hFAMdLfBuy Vours Fresh anld Crisp at two bedroom apartmient, Caî rananiasbtuh acptd PLUMBING REFAIRS bus gîrngFneri Homeni, Oshawa, cards. floral tributes, doa-1IFESFUTMUE 623-2672. 50-i applicant ta become, succese- PHONE HAMPTON accasio - -. r v 7lcrip- 5atetedSîncere Greetings RDSFRI AK THREbdoo-u el sae23-11Wd W~nedyDcebe 5 ttions ta the Heurt Foundatian HOLLND EI fon d etendheateti apant- flin the ra saefield. For Whome aanroîtynteîd ail other sets. ai kindniess grLAteîuîery ai,ur fien1'd' te evcryoue for a Maces - Red and Golden ment mn Hampton, avaîlabie an interview, eall Mr. ýMichael 6-11hm graem. the vERV'fié1d MERUV CHRISTMAS r l cius - SPY naw. Të1ephone an3y time, Belmonte, Manager ut 623-4403 âMail Address:Pie do natonLhe-s eawhsanirwo away yors A» ASWEET CIDER and HONEy 623-7290. _50iobsnsdecut7618.POBo43-Bwavl 2a -iva n ry old Iho father anti son. A special. aga, Decemben 21, 1966. AD I0- r-i 4sdec a 7-3-0. owavletf aproite.saithps ta Dr. Cunningham, Dear Friend, you are not HAPPY NEW VEAU HIGHWAV 115- ORONO ROOMS ta nent by manth. _____Mrs. M. Burgess, Ambulance rfargatten, s-if 49-4 Toievision, bath, sauna, indoor WEED INSFECTOR - G,~~IANT, Mary C-At Me- ~Staff, Memrial Park and Though on 'arth you i areGFTSgetos Unua pool., Flying Dutchmun Mat- Applications rwil edfreiv FR N BR K Mo 1iarïeilHsiaBowman\ ille Mrh ruMarsFn - no marcJOHN and CAROLYN BRUCE items, dishes, glass, china o In62-373 9-f d ythear undensigneti ora ai Chý, Deebr 2 rs a ap lk ex'. . acihe. tl i eory you are wîth AN»D AMLYlampe, hangîng lump, an- TWO BEDROOM 2apartmcnt, ai a weed inspector undor the SEFTIC TANK I 71 MryC.Mler242DebcMs.dihWlerAsyusas wcnîfae their Frientis, Relatives tique, $125.0 swag iamps, avuilable naw, $120 monthly, Weed .ContraiAtinteTrnhn Mtli Lun, be2ove6wîf e ie 501 -ih l E'io msseickaniedih odNigborsa outdoar lantern hîghts, $17.00; plus hydro. Appiy 9 Duke St. Caunty ai Durham. Ail ap-R..,BOMNLE 50-1____________acknd______nd________s pole lumps, new, $16,00 1uP; an Caîl Oshawa57-56R.., OMNIL j$e1by Gat dear mother ai lWalton. 50-1' VERV' MERRV CHRISTMAS 2-piece chesterfielti, necw con- 5 0-175. ~pîscants must ho residents af NOi FlCAL 4JMr0s.(G. Be'bee (Joyce). Rost-IC r gEvn - z.n 950; hnacbiest h esaîiCounty and applca- FilNAVCAL (V el atfthe Northcutt-Ellîott i migEvnsandi a dta,$50;ciacbntCMATbdra astasw orcieiutl623-7201 V unenal Homor. Funeral scrv- Seil-Een audyHOLROYD-In memary of a FROSPEROUS NEW VEAU $55.00 up; round dining tables, NOMP2CHighway utC oustie, tixnon , Thu bcrsidy, De- îcoe wa et t23 'cokIiho1 heFs niCisiving grantison anti nephew o* occasianal chairs, betis, youth v,-onaldd wh2a0 obit us Docembher _____ Chps 0-1bcd anti mattress, $24,00; rail- $o mnnthly. Available Jun. cember 30, 1971. Tusdv ïý!yioo t raeyou can est for 99e t-Thie -adwh ets eeb 15 or sonner if necesssry. K. Symons, Clerk-Treasurer, AL G. OSBORNE Luatheran C7hurch, Oshawa. ýin-,Are Rsturat.5pn, 1968. We would like to wîsh ail away bcd, new, $25.00, etc. wArsRetuan.Oen k(j-A inS. .5-156474_____.m 01 ntd onie f Capt-Upholstery S. tiernent BwavIle Cem- ntis oniy. 40-tf Alîttie boy holiealways was our Friends, Neighbours 73 inNIt. E soan5764724aitern4epm. 50-1 UnîttiuuvntieainCarpur-aS tey.50i________________IBut lovîngly -,remnembereti. FUNISED nt den ac ontumbrlatiant Duh _______ rTeenage Dance fcutuning -Nana Haolroyd, aunts anti Relatives bercom apartmcnt, pivate 860 William Street Foesoal lae ROISN aySin Manchîlîti", B o w mua n ville uncles. 50-i* A MERRV CHRISTMAS ANDREW[S bath, cutable for working Cobourg, Ontaria 5-2 FREE ESTIMATES 4 ~Imoiu Hspta, ow- Legion, Tuesday. December 28.ý AN» HAPPY NEW VEAU TV TOWERS wmno w il asae 02 Poe6320 1m1aliille onm Suntiuy, Docem-IContact 623-3609 -for tickets,.riHLROYD-In lovîng mcm-j CHARLIE and ETHEL S YPT T~ abstainers. Cali 623-23". ' Texas Oil Company BOWMANVILLE20t * be 2 91 aySelina $1,75 per persan. 501 mory ai a dear grantisn Ras' MUTTON and A TENA501 -.t Johnîsto,D Orono, Ont., in hon -Newcastle Liane Club New aid, it lha eebr 0 NTLE T HOUSE in Bowmanville,aiV[ntMnOer4 lf4th year, bleiwie .ai Year's E-vo Dance. Bar prix'- 1968. ovnecs suitable for elti- FOR \7ictor ona, doar mother ileges, novelties, lunch. Tîck- We would love ta ae or WC wish ail our Low Rates eryor oung couple. A-rail- Bowmanvill re Watch Repairing ni, Eleunor (Mres. John Shet- ts $12 per couple. Telephano bhands ta halti, ALSO ;SrECIAL ON able Januany 1. Newtonville ere Certified Watchmaker of * ltI), Orno ,nt Robert ai 987-4534 or 987-4411. 49-2 To soc the shine inyour big Frientis sud Relatives Coou ys7m 86-2470 betwoon 6 p.m. 9 We need a gooti man wvho ean Canadian Jewellers' Assu. Bowmnviie. ster ai Arth-Ol- Tie Square Dance, blue oyes, A MERRV CHRISTMAS o± Jyem p.m. 9-2 make short auto tripe. We are un oisoToronto. Ret- Tyrone, December 18. very- To heur that vuice wc loveti AN» A Phonie 623-2006 BOWMANVILLE Cýhristmas wilîing te puy t opi earnilngs. Marr's Jewellery 24 ,-lA t the BEar iow Funeral 1 d ecm.$.0'pr sa much Spe cial- New large two berd-: $15,000 In ac Year 39 Ring Street West couc0rrý.Sevýe a'mple. Music- by Lea Non- For thîs each nîght we pray HAPPY NEW VEAU or 723-5198 raam s uites, $147; aduits pre-u tpmninohrpat 1__ __ h~d irons Lang emorialmn anti Midnîght Ramblers at cy 24-tf freTiWil onidr n Canada d r a w exceptional Cbnecneda, t2 1p.m. Gentle Jesus up. abovo. I[MU. sud MUS. BERT MUNDV -Yid Cali Mn. Bolahoati inte-rmeýnt O_-rono CmtyTckets vailble or -Gi-veoaur lîttie grandean ali 50_1i Ideal for.. GVN 728-5123 or aiten 5:30'725-8333. earninge. Contact customers DARii'LINGTON 50-11 cb valb frLions 1aur love. ,1 1-----CRSTAsaVNG5-1 around Bowmanville.MA NR Club__ New Ycu's Evo Dac, ,-Inserted by hie i ovinggrand- 1 would like te wîsh aIl mi' Air Mail AO R DL____$1_propl._ar________1_ BlockanFîeds StooknfeVALAL imeiael, n ,PXJNDL-A Ol'waGen $ee i lcuple ai'îîriViies andana,_________CAR____TCKETS bcdroom raw hause,.Bawmian- S. K. Dickerson Brick, Bok tn eî,u Hopitl on Wene-sday. rnoveltios, fre unh.Ph-ePsLaiad_ an._ 0- A soîerY Rs ni Ried îtBo fAALBEimdaey n D~ebr15, 19,71. Jessieý Buti Oke 623-5936. Biny- f HOLIDAY SEASON 6 for $4.50 - 12 for $8.00 ville, suitable far couple or Fres. CHIMNEVS & FIREFLACES Pnie j ï Vanetone 623-533,LaeCr-i eTOa ___ couple with small chilti, fritige Southwestern Fetroleuni Corp. the ateCepus ame so 62-784. 0-1Suplic-(Rbbe r u fthe patrage INNanNd ' tstove includeti, $125 F ot Tx Phone 623-2176 34 mùtnd1e,1agetie84 years, Wifo HYGIENIn!-iThauk yau foryearonage G S onhl Telephoue Oshawa t-otTx 49-tf ~~~~~sO SE BINGda ote iBi [~#~TTp rT'P Ood mieipspi î MRS, GEORGE KOZUB G Il L F S E R V I C E mon-19y.501 ASSISTANT MANAGER nié (Ms. ohnMage),Rd- ~j pî,. selet enelae wtbSTAR LUNCH, NEWCASTLE LIBERTY ST. S. uit 401 wadJ., bahri Bwavl THURSDAY - :5p.iii pric-e liut Six samiples 25e,j - TWO bedroomn apantment anc Lonig establishoti store, in a Rer eainove) Rcein u Nothut Biiat pouortibi' 24saple il Ote 501 ____4__ -mile îram town on paveti rapidlîy expanding ares, close efgrto Fueri Hoe, 53 Division Ohw MnrS0f(ball Dept T3.NvRbe oTURK roati, $90 month. 1Pieuse ne- ta Toronto, requires, ion and S)tyet. flor service t 1il oick 'Ohw îo,,EoýM.iil 1T R EYS ply giving refercuces, ta steady cmployment, a mature, Aî~ineSrvc SurtiymannP ntre tJUBILEE PAVILlON- o 1 atn n. 1-52,i'eai' Frieutis andi Relatives: FRESHLV KILLE» Ativertiser 247, c/o The Can- responsible persan with re- Apac evc Bowmnvile - __O H W A 30-f ~Mai tue magrie of tue Star A»DESE dian Statesman, P.O. Box 190. Itil furrnituireperriet(,ncetaCommercial sud DomestieRe wcnim-v close Wdne ayDecsm pn t' 1UMday. Phono 623-3181. 47-6* 4I1 .bt-u 'UNem bot 2th, 1971 uat 4.00 P.mli Sunu ay, ±.ec, Ratve, Nihor ni BIACKSTOCK AREA _____________________ Jr oel Tue fe'Hus-H MTN ro Specfîcaions foral ,i F 0jfs lf the at '130 .m. iius srYU "Ageucy will ho closing Friday, lectri abvemntant aes ayTckts5.0,ar aalaiea BS WSE OUAIVE WISH YI ADecîîmbei' 24 anti Friduy, De-23888Askî Le obtaînei ro the office ani JR LOVELL, TRAVEL ERUHRSMS MER 'HITMA cemiben 31 ut 12:00 Noon. They ALL WORK GUARANTEED Gel. M. A. MacLEOD 1AGENCY, BWMN i4EA»ANWVA 0 N EYi lwîll, aiea ho cioseti alday in______ - Cs 5 Satunday, 'Dec. .25, Mondaye i ant ~neaurr I _________________________________ Decemben 27 anti Saturday, GET CASH TODAT ed NdithmbnIn nt!uramRomfdBa- A pFpINESS IJan. -ist. Busimess houre as TUROUGH ît ~butyBordofEdcaio _ and___________ iHADWREusual througbout the week. TTEMNLin( B 47-, 7i,- Fc veilô'n fO nihud&aial LIGOG , at LRN LCKTCKiFr mergencies Tel.ephone, wîth1 COBOUR, ONTRIO ireutil home. Telepone5MORIS I50-1 23_-5092 -579-2008c, 623390 GAS9 I Fl E S 'site. 50-i6374.5-. -.II____________________________7882. -5-1Poo623-3303 i1d Luction Sales SWEEKLY FSTOCK SALES rhami County Sales A1rna, - Every Thurs., 7:30 p.m. g'Horses, Cattie, Swinie, sSheep, etc. Charlie Auctioneer and Pro- * 23-tf tionsale, private estate )sha 'wa, plus community bbe held' at Stirtevant's ,n Hall, 27 Hall St., va, on Saturday, Dec. 18, sharp: Electrie stove, erator, sectional ches- d, good condition; din- uite, good condition; heater, full size bed, onal chairs, wardrobe, m suite, step tables, Stables, round chromea and four chairs, beddîng, beds, four TV stools,' mattresses, baby car- good condition; train tility table, centre table, n chairs, -school desk, 1plaques, ornaments, 3pots and pansq, large lty of Holiday, Magic tics. List nlot complete ne of publication. Termns All furniture welcome. King, Auctioneer and ge, 725-5751. 50-1 -ton sale, private estate, rty of Mr'. B. Birkette, la, to be held at Stirte- 3Auction Hall, 27 Hall1 Dshawa, on Thursday,1; rber 16 at 6 p.m. sharp. gerator, Coldspot (like ;electric stove, Gurney; rtone range, lihe new: se bedroom suite, geod tion; 3-pce. sectionaPl erfield suite, like, new; ig machine, antiquie oard, blonde dresser, beds, full size- bed, rs, electrie ironer, sew- iaehîne, coffee table, step- Sportable typewrîter sand, like new; cheFet-)Ê ers, space-saver,]Irge e, rugs, combination record player, wardrobe), ne suite, kitchenchis erfield suite. televisio,1 groom table, lanternis, bedding, table lamps, ,rator, frost-free; Serta, .sses, large quantîty of stricycle, sieighs, school Tisi is a large inter- sl.Plan toated caý,sh. No rese rve. Ail ture wVelcome. Myles1 .Auct(ýioneer andCat 72 5-5 7 5 1.5 Rieception efamily of Mr. and Mri. ?rice wish to invite their ies, friends andnig- 3to a reception upon th ion of-their parents' 50thb Jing Anniversary at theý Sof Mr. and Mrs. Terr lSunda, December l9th, 5. Best wîshes only. Égages Wanted [RST MORTGAGES ?COND MORTGAGES most Drolet Brick or framne 1 -2 -3 year terni for above City or suburban Also 4 to 10 years at good rates and ternis 24 H1OUR SERVICE 579-1321 INCOME MORTGAGE SERVICES King St. W., Oshawa Member O.M.B.A. er 80 Years Combined Experience 48-tf al Estate for Sale rsplit level home with rie heat. Ravine lot. ig $25,000 with termsý. iawa - 2 bedroom home- outh area, nicely finish- inside. Asking $17,000 terms., ,Pdsay area - 20 a;cres ibarn and well, also prond- Asking $22,500 andi- ~snahnery,