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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Dec 1971, p. 6

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6 The Canadian, St&t,1esman, 4 Bowmanvillè, liée 15, 1971 C lb ae G le e d n n ies r Mr. tniMrs.Claire.llewerc guests on Frýida;yeven- lake *i saaGnrlH Bowman ýiibM.' and MIrs'. ing at a Christmas dînner pitaL, A eeyroeyk fi unce R ep o rts Hialrid jYcllomlees, Orono, provided by Triple X Feeds wished fora andMrcces. Yeltorswlees. ao ngr. ond and later called Mr. and s o et x%-i Mz.We. eloles. onMr adMrs. Karn Symons Ilake amd Cnie ulh Mrne rs aod otr at Otterville.Mr.Gat lspiTr ÎC o r A ed imlptoni, visited on-Sunday Donýt forget 'the Sunay cidMrs Prc Wet ctth home 0f M r. and Mrs. Sehool Christmas Concert at were recntcieswt ,hî*tl1c to4, ratndentb of the Lodger the fou flithe ,w additirn wa le Pttr the ,Solina Hall o ridy nd Mrs. rn ette CIL Northm el nd aind first 10 mon ths of the byea otaned on IlN1 vér anes 19ox, àndng D haHreforv the Agiïed was $2 13,792. leaving aMeh edr eeeUdNÔ'~B~ ntM~Rs nxeeig r.WlaeMn the tfcrtto10 costveof $131Mr. and2Ms1971llaaulvn i, C andMrsz. Gro. Knoxn Sun- day and, Janice, Oshawa, wr montb o 1971 wasao- A 70 per cent suhsid wf-11 MrsCr said th gUthe unday spper gusta wit jmate _i$35,<26 , Eoard ofl b e paid by the Dominion and Couils werceatIv sndebù- n r n r.LottBore Management Chairmran Roth Provi'ncal Govermnents. The cd to the Ladies' Auxiliary versity oqf ToIrontýo, la spned- and family. Clarke, Rýeeve 0f ortoY Hope balance, $39,442 represents and lorganizations throughautý ing bler Chiristmas v7acation Mr. and Mca. Joe Snowden, disclosed at", utisCounl. h oto pcto ob etteCute o etî-wîtlih-herparnts, Mc'. and Mrs. Bruceand Sheryl attendeda The tLotal rmoney ireceived out of the counties budget mnt and addiîtîonail côm-fo1'fts FCritma di - , ____________________ofthefial___pr icÉ, Mfr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith, Sund ai t home of Mr. and *+- etroroughi; Mrls. FHarold The Solina Women's insti- Pascoe wýere Saturday even-tute cectainly enjoyed their - or ~ a iiii~,av ng guests of Mrs. Chcistmas meeting on Wed - R e je %c4 ~EvecettCrdema.nesday afternoon whentyAtYuSor P ( M r. and Ms Harvey Yel- joucneyed to eKndl And Vvere loles n fmiyviitdon served a deiicious Christm-as'tý saturday nliglit with Mr. and dînner by thé Kendal W.. presented their programme - ia'rrad Mca. 'Don Taylor with Mra. Helen Werry, and T h ere are tw o n ew,ý faes on w ere the tw o m em bers of the focd v w t i M . a d r . F . M s h s, F e t o u b 5 Milhrok illgeconl fol- Publie Utilities Commission, Te utînwswthc.4 " i'/% MfaiyvtdonSnbrgruinhre.r 1owdng the imunicillce-Howard Lancashire and Arth - thc côurncil should go ahéead T.* ~' ay w, ith i'. and Mrs. E. R. M a. Th s lettCoubu,i lions helci on Dcecemiber Gth. ur Jeffery.anpovdmuiilwae >* ,cgi ""TyonisienwsaSnay uprget -i povdemi wte and Ms Jor Snow,ýden with Mc. and 'c.Du lt.~ They are Kernnetil lair Mîîbcook votera re,îectedl and drv(,lôp a sewage SYtm'É ~. .~ '"Mr. and Mca. Wes His and an ati'ick Beyr c lir watec and.aewec proposais, On The v7illage béa b0en l tÔ i SDlà,"' . Ifmlywr Sna dne topped the 'poi ith 241 the watec proposai the e the issues laý"cey becauSéof . îgusta ithMca, Dorothy ves; MX Byccpue was 214 againat, 102 foc, on the enoi"rmlouls costs which Pasecoe and family. fo-uth positiun with 163I votes, the sewec, 202 againat and l115would bc învoived.__ lii *ý. Ia iuce Tink w1s n ~~Bueueuun~Rep rtFrida dînner guest with hec ý ý . mother, Mca. W. A. Ormiiston, Mc. Ridg,-e, and thecu n aixtn esI IUeceue'*t "Mi *ppaently because of the Brokand . Don Taylor i, oafls atCKenore" unene-f UOWflnta I visited with ha aunts, Mca. louccensfl nh i-rebd oi o ser op rt- fcamres, construction of the Wrightson Wight and MisasoAehlcDik offce.Bu ine s "'~~""'~"'".~" ddiitîon to) the Ocono Public Lillian Hoac, Bowmanvilie. Incument cuncliors oy ug mu4 Shoolhas fallen, behind ache- Remember the C.G.IT e-7 lwcind Pýcicy lto n 7 dule, a contractor's building oer Service' at the Chch ( Iei i a wee etrnd îh 98én ~_reportÎ, bas indicated. Dec. 19,ait 8 oclock. ý8ve resectwivly oma19t1n onclfo enand/ ~ :. -~The report, tabled' during Air. and Mrs. Hary Knox. Reee lifos dNoche ws ucnd I sme Mc wan .' ' 'iiiip te istmetigrfitenou-.isted wîth bis mother, _McaD eidce by cclamartion.aSobasdoun en Inat the srlletter * ....t. Board in oourgon De- Wm. Knox, at Fairvie og fcctc h om ih n hp drreqtuested tbe use of prop ,. on.....uiid'ayir erty between Mac's Milk and . th~~' tq~ er t, la csiîaicktat01 SndP ROA TFROEMNT to rcent space on town prp- ran's eaiEstaté for sel] .> cri?, e5ý,';tî 1the ilt tmeva]lck Srcyt ety over the Chcismas sens- îng Christmas trees. 1mTJrp secal jhUe ria ibrt laHaspit oinanMe, Tflicentrance to Clarke on. He said ha would pay the Mvr. aflu irs. 'Roy Burley 0f wilteci' viand Hospita, ownan98Kînes w RibShol migghwý,ýaY A. Swaîn, who oprarýtea a townl $30 for the use of theI______________________________ S/i5wilike -rl beimi'O-fs n hptuk pledt pcadta ewud~ Mc. and A. Roy Bucley the ibride and groomi by their Prime Minîster Trudeau, a O rkmnsb hip in il areofas vle ndM.PecnWs ýz#a cd duItrî 1i te,, ',iex iam council, for space beide the crecase it to $50, iif business of Orone eeni c1batd-rndagtcMssGyerplaqe fothe nta fciGov- aiftoyqltth re of coad o lite 1bi;ghway. town hall building to park wvas good". their 5th Wedding Anrni- Buriey. The twa tiered wed- rmn nplteso o The liepa]tmellt of Trns is vehicle on Fri'iday nigbIts on a motion by Counillor vecsary ai, a dînner pacty ding cake waa made by the Davis, ons froetStanield Thecontracer basagre port and Comncain s aftec the town hall11is; closed Hooiper, seconided by bedatehoeftei son grooms sister Hazel (Mca. E. and Mc. Alex Carruthers,topviecseinbadg Or C h s rr s ~o pve ic ighwy. he e ofere topay$25 motlinîedbot i'qlJlStS _____Mca. Gordon EBurley, in Osha- ceived many gilftsflowecsand eft for Fiorida on 'Sunday înlg andtbGeeaPups tianrs eaul for extenddi1tper AI wa. A beail corsage and carda frin frienda and rela-'andwili remain thece for the! 1o0M anhS sudnt0-Ik G B uildings boutonnie~~lre xaspînned on tîvea, alan a telegcam from wner. îgfo n rat h te enfotofic chol cnsrutinwork. FISH & CHI SP CA The Ceunty -Board of Edu-cI T ofcae nw ere ~ati as nmade represent- , IIioIIW MIn bthe sucI aîîd te theON ~Ùet t exendth taer n ,gi eaa.t énd t'Iomaintain a perma- inteof the Turner prty-C auujcu net boundary fer the stilRE frnielte urerpopert Hjso ic lo% &yi-er aEu ato C n r den-tste observe, j 5OR of the entrance ote Ic hool. An architectura[ lisucveyif The overal poctfiavsb le kdamsclmxue en ulderwre mde Th EDUATioN MEETING M NA USA ENS Assurance bias 'been given that buildings built before 1880 tbrec phases, Mc, Sinha saild. age boys fcoO akodCI, eoy oessrn eth- The County, Board of Edu- i the request wjll be carcfully will bé coîiducted in Bowý- Thley inelude cecording the Torontu's Durham CountY 'Bob Stevenson with bis clar- er were likcned tai the lines cien drî,ving their regular DECEMBER 20 21 -2 considercd.- manvilie and surrounding ar-ea extior of al bbc buildings, Club held their meeting, Fn- miet accompanied by Larcy of a well designcd building; meetinig o December 9th duin te ex furmoth.recording the interiors oe, day, Nov. 26 at the Education llfitcbko on the piano put on the supporting harmony et the Voted te can cel, their, next The wavrk lai sponsored byv someo f the buildings, and re- Contre. President Aleen Akcd a notable performance, tbc accompaniment likened ta a scbedùl(ed gatheclng, on De- fromi the n-atural historie sit1es crding tbc structural deaîgn welcomed the members and fîcat sélection Opus 167 wcit- stueco cottage in a pastoral cember 23rd,> and bave agrced bcahrii,ncof the Department. of of a s3elected few. He and Mr. frienda, saying there wece ne ton in 1812, botb sélectionastting; colour, tone quality, that the next meeting will G O Indan ffiraan Netbon obetawll Juat be involved strangera, only some 'were and musicians wecpet0 sym- music bad colour like a picea- boeldr on Tb7ursday, Januacy L E R S 1- Dveipmet, nd'in thisae en b firat phase, andl they,) stranger than others; a amali phony orchestra- qualîty. Gucat'b, sharp orange or soa i.lth In Cobourg. This wouldi wil ho cid ot bycimiwi o adpcsdte co- cbîld aftec the second day et speaker was Mca. Mary yevoîs ryhuiy a wlibc nagrlMeeting foc Sih,29,cof OrOn, aip lt bt o eoeteracolisse ntakiing a Linholm vwho k a orld hilt foundation, wcll laid.' ho new a piied p1-ysist anoAtu onre xie n Marccbp losent to tectecher b- known concert Ipianiat, hec "Symphony Homýes" cre yegu ar foillowd 41bb ând Arcuseus acb iidanaodou n e Yr aa foI- built eetng. USH , mV beca,27 0 Tcete aph- j8 vcyintecesting vwas c aîîo e y said "Preu- lowýed hby ine yearin ibc bylins21m tographer.a riigrtii i At Iest 20000 uildigs îLwok," said NMc. Sinha, "andcnt" - present meant one1Toronte Symphony rche stra tWriblng musi for ch, cn.CE$ OJ I 2OVSO T-6315 Attat>,0 ulig I'soniething, of a challenge too," thing "a gift". To ho presentlas gucat ectiat, 'flow writcs i erbersosiiiy r- Wthtieifain a ____________ 26urteein an btrorpe nai rmbb egl Ida hsewearng odpr-Gat cide'chool children ar'o nover ticplanly on long trips. rUnder-j 26 ctiosin ntaca wil b An applied physiciatoIlg-at a meeting is like a gite music foc the TV "Friendly more ceceptive; lay a firm inflation threatons hotb your 'ý1->.e~ th suv bîhis omxpected te o ih a adofbsjbga'Wt eibfîpecm foundation in 'infancy, don't safety and your w,ýallct, warnis it#y I- n eventulyrecord and an- wibh Duplabo eacly this year. Progcam ,Convener O.J. Linstrom built uphe cbarm ca.withe ch oo lteacifhirs et heontariil; Sa eotyLaue. intIt LI1ABILITY HZRSalyze 100,000 buildings acresSince then be bas lad some Hendersn"HwFicm a Foucndaionc" besind tee latse; if bisNtlcslbdneosi PREMISS Canda. I Westrn Canada, fifficulty geting ,himscif ronhad a gond one - sai iwaatikysoknga sdecvdahr a ocn t lipp r conditic ut fapp ine (o the survey will include build- establishcd in another jo.oI cî was some ex- tehimd p.Prnt a sobn io' io ya inga constructed beforo 1914, rsecafc b ine of everal greatat tshwt b mdeu.le-p air' î l s Tleway your home la ýMain-M.SnaadM. oet aehe gi fMnoe ng colored îilustratIions from port in the audience who sometimes arc misguiîded; te( mn'ur h as 20 per cent. rzs taincen aricause bodlynjllu ry.vestnaed ther.srvy hadn'bofered hrnifM a pros books she lîad reaearchied for knew more on tbc subjeet to oheca Oshwawere bey eliva n pson few wi ise s- g br aetathan the'speaker; like tbb c id en prsoogruan tootersONA AOhareare býe ten 60ei70 "tpitla odd," Mc.Sîngoh e atifllydc te aemani who sucvived bbc Johns- cide omisaivenosa s ! "It s dd," Mr.Sitfld andtiapoko oforItd ail taught in a book, ne fii'm! buildings- stîli standing wbich s, " aeawyswne a onated by bbc group andbvf ftcdth Hvn foundation was but. Taughb Any inemnber etfyen' rfamily; werc but bofore 1880. ste,"hoa archibeet" d sld t tehihe biddec as hs'ieate l nHevneofoundation bringa fear, eveni youc pets, may infliet The work-,"; bas involvod _il ____an __________ e contribution from tbcm te ho, wiahed to addccss that seerchîng for somobhing and EU DEFNC CST tk mn -oareic 87 nhEL YVLEn. lrneNîhl r-1ohws rsn ii htcn d' taethe place 0fgdui-E injury -.-accidents do beppen. painstkingcscacbhbbcfunda.adec n wabl S.indseaonunatdrg "htw haednisaEMPtrjutacemember întan -biven.Perisiveos _' tk , rj md i M ar.sided ;et bbc election et officers Nadience! ésMct.-Lint hoanc.Prnsaeainbd tegAl actions çosb mnoney , ley i' (over a more rcnI ftelcl gop n xarfie mse and b'ldi-'"' Pret aealeatd tIc i o h o a top ndforxbbcpari ui n uiing, eblîdren subi oct te pressures, Copoit weligPo iicýy mr," Mc Sinah said. "Froni On Wednesday atternoon, pressed appréciaio or bhouses as vecy similer; forer b b ece e îo FREE DRAW ON 100 LB. HIND OF BEEI wilpey whicthec, you'ro hiable thîs wo are ablo to detormîne December 7th, tbe UCW local fine leadership of Mra. Harold Board 0f Education with 50 cac e ec epr not. the~~fli concentration of buildings unit met at the home et Mr. Beat, etiring afttor two yeara' other artista she tourdte n hnc e echcspnillt For Furthec thoen d nw"land Mca. Harold Baccowclough service. Thom eîleted %velé: in comote aes, building riP wchlb an pacet e bc WT V HRSM STREYODRPAE l'or ~Information Cali11The noxt phase ho explaîn- wth 24 ladies"present includ- Leader Mca. Ken 'Dinner, Vice audiences; many wero starv- sheboohls May aen ts sendatATMETDEA YM cd, is te goto bbe aes. and ling anme isiters. The meet- Mca îKen1 Ashby, Treasuror cd for musie from her et their cblrn to piae TM A D-RM N envi' hemblok b blcking wes openled wtî a Christ- Mca. Reovo, Socrotacy Mca iÎve'countries. Four compaci- ahosjntt otuh i- lames Isrn eall the whle crosa-refecencing a prayer by bbe leader Mca. John Walter, Social Commit- sons hebween bbc ,_composer cpie wTh he fogmadcr ein !Ha rold "Beat, and the g17011P tee: Mca. A., Ford, H. Barrow- Ciid's bîghest point as an Gt RZNCYVCtiie Anencu ~~ deedogoasd, ho raidTh iforbbc ontb led bY Mi's. cleugh, Mca. A. Thorndyke, Bsns Drcoy indlividuel is betweon four and blet-e as te ho reesnable i larence Nichols presenbied a Mca. Rosa Joncs; Visîîng and ýieyasod l a wý N0er;0Ib 24Rn tEBx10 fine bo allow for pîictuces. :Chrisbmes devoional9 service. Ciizenship, Mca. H. Beat and ileasbhycen ho teugit ok R at The seipture was read bY Mca. E. Barroweiough, prog-inss t ec copuerMa.A.bocndye a pol, amo co n r Mc. M. -___'nr n v îuth, aira eonqbuio, f uk 5 l ok R at Bomaviie - ntiieii h sord n TA.norain hycoTl n wondeeae euyi(3-LB. AVG.) oc s by panr and bi- 'The w;oncdrous story'-' read by Payne. wÏU,. . H. CO7GGINS acunktemsui s sow torcalocetis n pnpintng Mca .Payner, and prayer led Çhureb service on Suriday Cberbeced Accountant fke, mapleo bat or the weak- Teblierîte - -Fro7zen Uryovae RIB TENDERLOIN S ua e M a leuaiy'adhY Mca. Ken D inner. At aecen- morning was, conducbed 195Lhct toSBwmnller esa o în, Bi ldg an!pr-BALsTED - Ail 'Sîzes, PORTION PORTION Perfect for ukyDeae T~UR'~'~~"'usefinesonIthousanda eof tre acranged for recoivl*ng beachers and cbîldrenofet bcPhone ode6p23n.Buldngme Candle lighb service at Wel- Office Phonoe-62-5790 mombers abending, Mca. E. come United Churci on Sun- DR. WILLIAM KENT, D.D S. V. Heear, Bowmanville; Mca.1 day evening, Dec. l2tb, was Bowmanville Professianal Bldg. Milb. Tamblyn, Miss E. Ever- Alcen 18" widbh Orange Crystels WoeBa in charge, et the CGIT and 222 King St. E.- Suite 106'son, Miss K. Foster and Miss Aunm 25F.BlPoyage43iozPks, IGACfe thei igeeca.Offie Hers:Gladys Jackson, Oshawa, Word as cceive by ca. Wekdas - 9 6 Nxt meeting will berFnl- Poil Wrap 59CTag7cS NY ON VeeAderson cf tic deati except Wednesday aternoon day ovoning, Jan. 28, 1972, B-oz J r 69'Caoy 4-s ic 1l.Bg -b a of ber bmotion Ephraim Heida-1 Tlephane 623-7349 et bbe Education Centre, 1'nstanit Clc 0o.JrTmt ue3cc13 way of Sherman Oaks. Celîfor- - thore is ne meeting in De- T ROYAL GUES32 nia, on December firat. Mn. _ ebr. Ail geod wisîes t' NeSCafe 1.65Ilb a 2-.Ba Hoiawa wa boe e bb ____________________tic Edîbor and Staff of the "Some people ijuaSt You cao icash hem o iiiaoyumrc Holdawey homesteed, îîow DONALD A. MaoGBEGOR aainStse.IA7o.Pg.'7c14 tink eriough about Chrisirmas. you waot andiatter sxmooths owned by bis nepbcw, Ghis Lite, Auto. Homo "You GrCl;nd /79lb Fresh TE IGH ýyo vndsitto.yers agomeanora 7 inESute 2 BEWABE CO POISONING ott Cis /9 EBSRE H IH tmîee ueis prescritu. But I'vo alway4,tried receive ioterest to)Ç(omm rýerce Andsitto. Ho b ornan al- 6 KinESuie2ATO LIMIT QUANTITIES A i te0 get gifts t etI tio are Growth Savinga Certîficates; thougi net in< gond icalti foc Bowmanville - Phono 623-5962> Drivera must take poi t iv'c rigt. e otenI gve ekea god hritma prsen. ame finie, was only in bospital stops te avoîi cachea mono- argeSelection of IGA Fruit Cake YouriG Str Coimmrerce Growth ,I-Saiviogs Thoy'rc easy ta get aod anec day. Ho la survivoti by a 0 n f o m e f r v ide poisoning, says bbc OntarnChîtasNtsla acmpceseetiae Certifleates. b oiyco peoplo appreciate theo.They're brotheiýrM. EHarry Holdawey r. Motor League, Drive et a safe' 1-lb. '2-lbs. 3-Iba. these extag3de o $6.81 fer a certifîicate tËhat w!lI called the gift that grows: ef ýt eibropenda sistor Mca. KE ITH A. BILLETT, O.D. distanpce tframtbc veh,-ile aýnd CaIndies grow to $10,00 ini six ycýars. M. Walkey et Newbonviilé as Optametrlst ahead ta prevent heevy fumnes,6c 12 .q Chita ',.ou can buy as ma;ny as yrm well a3 s ca. Andoen 143 King St. E. - Bowmanýtvfile trom ibeinig drawn b;ack.Spls& hcls_____________ NEW CO US .wanýtevenif youden't have MnVi. Hacoid BrocluhOffice Hours: By apAn7ft cu iwindow>s, heaberýs ?nd 1Betty Ainc (Ass,,'b,) 14-es. FOODY PRICES EFFECTIVE CNIS a~~ôone teCmec.CANAD IAtN IMPERIAL I tretriied tram Petenb;onougi Telephane 62'3-3252 air vents. 'Keep bic atm WEP. THBU SAT. LUSCIOU AL BA K F OM ER E ositl es Tesaybut M. Mr cn -Tuies. - Thoura. -FrI bile's bipp rco nw .hooa 9 E.1,1,17, 8 ATES &FG~EC ,Wm Eyen as ad o rtur 9 ,m.te pm or ice. "Whiile dîinalw'ays - 0ta ort Hope baoital etter J Wcd. aSt. - 9 - 1 lkeep a window~,atal open-; ï~aofe take lles, ' hrdyeeig d

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