anvilie, Dec. 15, 1'971 1Tetaieffort from ourf G ids.1 il rIIThe Canadian Staiesman, flowm side was 100 per cent as the, uiri ud s Aw4ardeciA li KoundlOý bevrbut could not over-A Su fe t o cS'oia 9/IersonaI Ae aed andchecke acorne Port Perry's strength, especially the shootlng fromn Pron 23333the points, which gave thern «e the goals.' Bowmanville' had I h n _________________________________________ a few real good 'chances to Many friencis, relatives and umn is shorter than usual- score but were forced to shoot Te ae2,00sltrh ni1This had to be our places in the United Counties Meghbors -were callers on the we'l1 do our best next week uck, admse h agt weekend as guests of Mr. and we hope. ~d where people can go in case ra lVrs. Don Smith. We are sorry to report the evittî n thgam e oa edanof nuclear. attack," Gordon ci] Don't forget to give us a cli deth of Mrs. M. G. Gould, it out as well as taking lt.WihC-riao ntea when your son or' daugliter wife of Judge M. G. Gould of I h aeaantArr Counties for Emergen cy El arrives home for the holidnys. Sault Ste. Marie, on Friday, the locals looked a littie tiredj formedNorthuamberland and just diai 623-3303. December lth. Mrs., Gould, alter the Port Perry tilt, but! Durham Councillors at the mr. an!d Mrs. George Easton the former Dorothy Bonny- came throueh with a 4-3 vic-Noebrssin of Perth vsited with hier sis- castie, was the daughter oftoy The nuios'de irtNv mberssofhte ti Rv.andMr. . A Tr-the lite Dr ad Mrs. G. Cr. Thhevisitorsofrew firs Ver, Rv. an Mrs. . A. ur- a an . blàod as they got off to asaewsqesindfo ner over the week nd. Bonnycaste of Bowmanville. uick start, scor:ng at flic Congratulations 'and best She rcceived her education l :2q alý.Bdwmanvîîîe ev- hMfr. w:h adta h wvishcs to Mr. and Mrs. Mur- town schools, attended um ni- 12 tmark scbre was cor M, r ct ad athat -yCan who celebrated their versity and came hack to teachiee h cr ntelt ra l S istages of the first. alter Brent 2ThecJy weing annivhenesaYra BWT~l serice ig coo. Badour drilled a hard shot 1970 was made of the 'build- hi mtebleie ter- ingsin Canada where people on Monday in Sault Ste. Marie,.wol b roete urn Mr. and MiVrs. Dale Crow, bound was picked up byi nuldear otTe wrk Chatham, Mr. and Mrs. Clifi, On Sunday, December 12, Wayne Whiteman and fipela ben eroed yu- M\cçormiick, Dunnville, were Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Plummer, over thec Sprawl goaleie,- deadutee stufrmdnts, und weekcnd guests of Mr-, and Mr. andý Mrs. Hugli Murphy, Brad Godfrey also pickcd upý computerized. A thorough Mrs. Cha-rles Symoiisý-, Ontario Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Thompson an assist on the pî, albeacmpihdn Street. and Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Mc- Aurora jumpe ed had 2-1 oha U eenecopiished in Contrary to popular belief, Murter were lundheon guests early ia the secondl period "There are many small a m~edium potato has no More of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Col- only o lhave Don Farrow . shelters," said Mr. Wright, e calories than a nedium apple, well, Toronto and later attend- even up the score on ýa powrer "but they will -keep you alive. a mecium baniana, sring cd the beautiful 'Christmas paygolest pbyGofey:, \ h eavy stone con- of~ ~ g.e paorasrv of service and enoyed the living ad an Strike.. .. struction, deep basements, and li;ma beans Christmas tree at The Peoples'M tteohrsrcue i aebe Rîck Vanstonle, Trent Uni- Churcli, Sheppard Ave., Wiî rard ort ris edfo h checked., Time is the factor vesîy Ptrbrog .,ari-lowdale. The church scats 2500inTradsptrters ahead for theo cd home last week to spend and, wases fPtroruh ri iled to capacify, as first tinie ln the gamne, taking theli fallout." oîa~ wth is aretswell as standing room. There a pass from the corner an11Recee111a be th idac filUhi prets active, M r h poi nt u nd rs.yro Vastoewill be two mnore services on drilling, one into the lower atvM.Wih one u Mr.a Sunday, December 19 at four left corner, Godfrcy ncli sreot and asitac 1ing st. Wet e . Whiteman assistlng. Aurora Reeve andi Mrs. Garnet ~ tied At up again at the 14:30 Rîckard and Ex-Warden lM. .J. mark for about a minute as Memnorial Hospital Elliott attcndcd the Wardenis lI . Whiteman scored what proved dinner held iv Port Hope on W ood T*ransDor t oletewnlgga tteWeekly Report nîglit last week. Mr. Elliott is 15:15 mark, Godfrey and Tim TetreGr udskeln ntepcueOhw;Ms lao ako r ooh ros the oldest Ex-Warden living, 'f.jr IrAUD assistingTe.reGr udskeln n h itr saa r.Eeno akoMs ooh ros servig as Ware a 97 Pee W ees Dol àuWI The team 1isooking forward above, received their "Ah Roun d" old cords in a cerýe- Mrs. LorrieL hm, rsJueW teadMs Week of Dec. 6-1 nlsv to plyingin te Wilowda are Bai-bra-Hndma, ComissinerAdmissions --- ---- ------ 77 Prof- and Mrs. J. P. May-t lyn a h ilwae mony at M.J. Hobbs on Novemb er 25fh. They rBraaHamn omsinrBrls2fmlimi berry and daugîter Elnan o Daim Lions, Tournament during the fr-om fthc left, DebraHorfon, Darlene Lapham aniBrh-2dml, al St. Catharines and John May- Bay idges< Christmas liolidays, T h, e i r Penny White. tnigbhn r areaTon ht oreyo lv rw icags---- ------7 bcrry, U3pper Canada College, first game will lie against fhe.Stnig bhd ar Ptiia TrPoo cureyoClvBow Major operat ions----- 17 were weekiend gucsts of Mr. The H. L. Wood Pee Wes SenecaYouh Club on Mon- roasfrflcetdddu Minor operations - 31, celebration of Mr. Roenigk's H.A. Lakeshore play on Tues- York Centennial Arena. Game ri a (1 * Pln for tlie new residence Visifing ours: 3-8 p.m.aily su rs . .Rongk~hod BaY Rîdge7hskain oM aD,2tat the Nortli 4, Ifm!i e V' pc-spe lieyer. merenSes19 býiirtlday. day, ec. ve7t-1skinto a lm 53 pm have greatly augmeated the Please remember to let us tmrehve7- icor.Association's money require-. have the namnes of your ouf- Aftflic mîdway mark of flicFr xml hebid ,r, ' «l' Ü cf-on-CrsmsadNew first- period, Scott Stevens g r îng will cost $114,000. The1 batdahr htt hM ites L)etear ti in i rbue$w00,fi Yýear's guests; also if you %0sc ir so ofi i LD J V IL EV lI province lias ngrced f0 con- .%0 spn hrsms rNwlowcr right corner, after tak- i ,jer' cutýf-ow wewolding a pass from Don Farrow. Port H o e2 0 ise 2000ad ie o appecafe hi inoratonasBay Ridges eveneci things up j The Trinity United Churdli Unit ed Churcies whichspon- tic provincial/ regi onal corn-Rise$2,0anMlsfo appreciatethis inforation as ,1 Il teeonsf$00$14ht ea ivcll Dia1 623-3303. oie minute later, Hylatt beiiig Canadian Girls in Training sor CGIT. mîttees. This commnittMlios $1,00 Tnolae flc arsmnChecking goti On Sunday morning at ftle will preseiit Christmas Vesper Ti$f14gfo feevlner peae I od ,000 whicli fli Association is s Velma Gay l ad fithe ti ls o fi ean Mmra rna lcBwan- Services ibis coming Sunday Services makes possible flic magazine, dîstributes t he will have f0 maise so e. nufsfortuae recently f0 slip on a der of the period, aifler ville Consurnci's' Gas Mtes niglit, December 19f1, start- work of flic National CGIT Cliristmas Vesper Service and Also there is fi atro Iiece o:f ice, brcakiag lier team being able to organize dcfeated Port Hope 2-0 in an ing at 7 p.m. Committee which plans and provides other resources for operating expenses. once flicOID ývrst.Howvý sh ha ben n atac. MHAMit lagu gae. The focus of flic Services is co-ordinafes information wifh leadership developmcnf. 14-lied residence is in useý 'wvis. Hoevershe las ben a attak.lOHA Mte Icgue ame.Thougli flicprovince subsîdîz-ë o)n flicjob at Marr's J wo' l Tescodpridsw -Te s gero altce-rsour several, worlds, symboliz- 0 pe nissing only a day or to Thnve secdiperiod aw Bo y- TIc irt perîo aslcoe din fhe, "Circle of Christ- c hs ofs pf 0prCaptain's 1 ag6 manville cath fire and neyer wiendborlimas".5cent flic Association lias to fnid i Mnidentalys flir eyers amah seriflic th hs teremainder, Ad for fichtstasD tirce unanswered goals. BracI Tic second period was onlY foric setting of tic Christmas fi. f t C n i tzr rst flirce montis of operation N ew Year's1 broken. ~~~Godfrey stnrted flic hall roil 25 seconds old wlen Kent Sfory witî tic relation of ticheyhv 0 rvd 0 e.~NwYa' Duc fo a shortage of staff ing,, scoring on an unassisted Wilcox scored a goal, flic as- individual f0 fIe prcsenf-daycetoth ss -abu flirougli ilnss, plus flic ustial effort. G e r a r d Morrison sisfs on fie pa on oGatwrd h oyfml nA S O,-C. for R etao-rded $12,000 Mr. van Lifli rcckoncd. MAKE Y( Iheavy giff subscripf ion busi- wound up behind lis own net Brock and Vauglia Wells. At tic stable, flic fown of Beth r a ihpitdott HITA n make mrrany phI-one calîs m- ing on a fine solo effort. Tom same period, Allan Potter Augustus, and tIc star of inth .1o t n Mrdwt h sit oigBtlhmwl l ejx a itf or IhFuIfla vcstcd infercst i lcAs-*RESERVATIOI> gardirg itemls for tfus clumar. Eyman rounded ouftIchesec- crdwt I sifsgig chce ila i ut-I eâGeluior S ciafion programns. jOne of tf lDa 0 '~ ' Toc, wlen flicre was a mn"- ond perid scoring on a past Kent Wicx and «Vaghnosed ich modermans-0D Ichoer s rlIDE 6 lent fo dial a numnber -mor fromi Larry Wafýson f0t give Wells. , family circle, lis neighbour- Bowmaaville Town, CounciliNovember 1sf fiat up fte mranville and so are flireo ç,, ci flan int there ws otic locails a 4-1 end. jTheî third period was score- iood, tIc world commuait y lathed 0cnie mk.gpe entflcAssociation tias tic3ý5 aduif s -ntending 1f1ic' JYS P ¶wr gess everyone \,luW5bl5(ýocat a Tc fhird period, Bwa-lcss, again bofli goalfenders rand flic universe.ion eÀi ianflic Ciif rs r.Thle CGIT members, num- a regular annual grant f0 fie beln abltf0op,,bu emte ir Geneole Reîncill stafin Cen- vil scoe¶antfe tSorr fIlsUP col-e ig'Pay bcing about, 30, will conducf Oshawa and District Ass)cia-lwell on is wu, but "t i -time r Ass foidtoncîlsrs fIanWl uus, lood ec. Sryths gas Buttonsliaw with fwo, f0 make fie final score of flclatohec encdfn-fi soito sre ny ~ DC ALA -,argos, flic, s-gmered2-ý h Yule observance. tion for fie Mcntally Retard- cial assistance". Oshawa and Bowmanville DC A LA SFarrowon te unalssîs tedAs gaeKen odar2-0. veNationally flic Services cd wlea flic Town daws up tog at t'a ~ sits o fli goas gong f KenWoodi'd w vry 'M- havc been licld ecdliycar its-budget for 1972. Tic City of Oshawa con- thul9talte aei a in the REHOBOTI- Godfrey with. fwo, Whitcman pressive fic Boe manvillc siace 1940. This ycar's Pro- Thougli Council would nof fnibutes $5,000, ycarly and tic include referraIs from Dar- CAPTAIN'S DININ Christan Reormed one. Two offlic goals came nef f0 cara a well-dcscrved ducfion las beca prepnred by commit itself f0 an amount or United Appeal gives anof ler lington and Newcastle. TîcreSA RAYDE Chita eomd1 while Bowmanville was play- shuf-ot, Dr. R. K. N. McLean of Kîngs- vaf 1tfmn itfe 7,0.Btfla s' nui S a separafe association scrv- AUDYEC Church ing slorfliandcd. Thc Bowmiiiwille Mites fra- ton with flic assistance, of vÎould make a grant, fie fact tiey said, f0 manage fie wide- îng Ajax and Whifby aras Next home game will lic vel f0 Bay Ridges on Tiursday CGIT groups ia Elginburg and fa iywl osdrfem-rnigpori lcAsca cfe caewl nfi S u g treet Saturday, Dec. 18f, W litby ev ning for -a sven o'clock W ston, Ontario. t amajy il o dr tete-r ing i ring p f0 a te sci a y W ef0 providea r ael f0n flic ,Zcuog 9Brooklilabeing fthe opposition. game, with flic powerful Bay Girls from ages 1 0 7qucst was a ajoAsste otio ics citino fes ayraveprogrda fraflc retard- Mlsltr:Ga e ti~c 345 p. .Mue. ak ar i ic Sev csward i heja flons Th Ê c-in ce s d in Oshawa and Bowman- cipaExhvobitenoninPragra00f wl er viceroras, digsile" thyouaedong i Rev. A. VandenBer<Ex ii on Pa Bowmanville's nexf home whic are eld la some 1,500sruggle f0 get greater muni- wetr o rg a s nl dn il," M. S iî sî B.A ., B.D., M .T IL T ic T ansporters played in gam e is Sa furday, Dec. 8t, cng e aion s across Canada, for l ic rleard incd. a failiti e rviacpr ,-s i o u stri c ryI fine jou li a r o ld two exhiibtion games, one on at 5:45 wif h Whîfby as flinicldng fi Norfiwcst Ter- rtresad Bermuda. Tic Association president Andy an adulf elabilifafion centre, flic Association rcpresenfafîv- WR P E823-407E e.ltI, fie fler n fli oppsiio.Services are belld in Bnptist, van Liti and Executive Direc- and, Iopefully next yenr, a-es.M c WORHIPSEVICS Mtajor P crry a end Aurora Chistian Churcî (Disciples for Gordon Smith said ila a.sdnc.T ddto f ra-All fttisncdd ow s Majr P~ ecsliengfIe0P~Prsto ~of Christ), Prcsbyterian and presenfafion before couacil on izes a varief y of recreation fie, guarantee of sufficient 7:00 p.m. was Port Perry 7, Bowman- P e tn.lIua e rsfns ocryo hi rg ville 0. In thcelhome encoun- I fams. '~ Bac to Go Hour ter, tie locals edgcd Aurora UnV ~ pe Back to God Hour 4-3. W n'p # Dial 1310 Radio la a lafe game at Port REligi n f r' TodaySAEM, Perry on Frîday evening fiel Preston tic Mover Novicey CLASSIXDS LBRYS.a 0 Every Sunday 10:30 .m. Transporfers- f ouan d fîem- Al Stars carncd six of aP5b e.C ro m t Phone 623-33031 svsupagainst a big, strong sible igit points la flir lastb e.G rd n 'm t "EvryneWecoc" wcll organized fcam, some- four games played ouf of ting fhcy lave nof encount- town during tic past two LIFE AND RELIGION as he would converf his villain, by ered many fîmes fhIs year. wecks. Tic first fwo games"aCR T AS AOLsoigfhaisfudfosrsed n ...... 1 ý ~~ ~~~~~~~~were reported last wcek."aCRSM SCRL hwnta igfudtosree n The Movers played ia Osh- The bcsf lovcd Christmas story ouf- fi aefudfosa h~ fmi awa Tuesday niglif, otitplay- side flic Bible was wriffen as a protest vidual chamacter - justice and brother- TRI IT U IT D HURCH ing Osliawa'sentry la Lake- hy love. l"NIY U IHshore league play 8-2. Dennis against working conditions in England Thîtr a led uiul M11inister- Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. Sobîl got Movers going on a over a century ago. Cliarles Dickens Trhfeg tehfin hs ammed whn uri -l Orait -Miss Gail Tliompson setup by Ken Cowlc Randy knew whereof he wrote. The second idbktoLn nadsh i'l CHISMS UDADEEBE 9t,191 Prout also soi inlatic firsf leto ilt hîrn i arbr udbcnoLodnadsu iself perlod assisf cd by Daryl Pet- . up in his ftd o put if on paper. Dick- Pîe fetv ni au 1100am rs. Second period scorers in 1812 fo a struggling navy pay office *to Ken Cowle- for a dlean alte shf * Ail classes ef Sunday Sehool at usual times breakaway. Ken made no mis-srefsepcilylsabyngio-adkpfnaspiahffehefna * fake, firing a lard shot past hoods, in search of cliaracters and scenes place of lionor. * ~ ~ flich Ajax goalie on tic glove for -novels. Charles Dickens passed away nPH' 1PRE AE * ~ .ni.side. Ken Cowle aiso counted One niglif as lie stood in a darken- 1870, wlicnlie was 58 years old and atE ~Christia Woship Service with Junior Choir sitcMe adres'utoal s- d sliop door in Manchiester and wafcli- the liîglt of bis, creafive abihity. In lis F EID h~ D sit oWadePesoned a flow of pathefic humanif y about last will and testament, wiften a,.year FINE Sv Lý l#U*UIPC 7:30 p.m. MERRY AKERS Bowling 1hlm, thicre came Vo, lis mind tflcfirst before lis deafli, were found fliese as1 GtBo-A-0edens 7:30 p.m. MERIT MAKERS Bowling germ of flic idea whidli was Vo flower womds, "I rest my dlaims to flic remrem- 3caes nGf o sotdSe "Festival of Christmas Mvusic" direcfcd by Mr, R. December l3th into tfelic ierary classic cnfifhed "A brance of my counitry upon my -publisl- $ soje o Metca!L Prescntcd by Senior Choir, Thc Golden Hîgi Single, Mary Huisman Clristfmhs Carol." Almost at once fliccd works." He wantcd no oflier "monu- t Ass re C .eilnîssoloist Mr. R. Cotonacmpie 288; Higi Double, Clama Sar- figure of Scmooge came alive in lis im- 'Ment, memorial, or testimonial what- Sugg. List 2.50U BareLis Legiotonnaires, ed ginson 508; Higli Average, 9 Sg.Ls by organ, trumpet, bell and percussion Clara Sarginson 198. agination. ever." Thus, wîtli fli simplesf of pri. y Gamnes over 200 - Mary The man wlio lated Christmas and'vaf e ccremônies, lis earfhly remains instrurnent s. Huisman 288,,213; Clama Sar- dismissed ifs cehebrafîin as "lumbug" were placed in Westminster Abbey,-H MnaDecember 20, at 7:30j p.m, ghson 255, 253, Vemnaý, Sargin- wouhd stand for ail tînt was unClirist- under a plain slab hearing onîy lis I.D.A. REMIEDIES Monday, son 240; Ev. Bisfiop 2127,20 SunaySchoîChistasPrgrai n he huch Helen 'WhitVe _227;,'Dori ian in tIe industrial w7orld,. So Dickens namne and flie dates of lis birtli and SU1daý- Shoo, Cri,,ýtaýïProrRmin he-Chuch Moore 213; Gail Heryý 209.i painted Nûs villain as bhac as only lie deafli. 201, 1Mary Loti Towxns ,ey 204.j could paint hlm and imad of Scrooge MaL"ECmstasCao" ti cd Wam W lo e To TaASadngI ari-a "sýqucezîn , renching, graspi-n,cosene.Then wwihl flimhili Vo Tin 18038J 8ihop 17670SHuis- g mlan 16912, 16620, cmapin, ci d covetous oeld sin- Tîim's wrds- ofjoy, "Godi bless us,evy5KNGS.W M~re161, owse 602. ner.'He ie wuld try Vo conv,ýert sociel, one," f Shelters d Counties Ld been given during the^( Iadoc Rock Festival. For ,diological training two fa- lities fori training wierc [ailable at Westinghouse and Idorado in Port Hope. OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE announces the openling of the NEW WINTER TERM Monday, January 3, 1972 offering FIVE JOB-ORIEN- TED DAY School Courses f rom which to choose: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION COURSE SECRETARIAL CUS STENOGRAPHIC COUJRSE CLERK-TYPIST COURSE ACCOUNTING COURSE These include individual instruction, 'reasonable tul- tion rates and Job Place- ment Assistance for grad- uates. ENROLMENT IN THE ABOVE COURSES IS LIMITED HALF-DAY COURSES FOR HOUSEWIVES Attend either mornings or afternoonls Monday to Fr1- day. Take up to four sub- jects: Forkner Shorthand Refresher Courses in rit- man, or Gregg, 'Shorthand & Typing, Typing for Begin- ners, Bookkeeping, Business Machines, Payroll, Account- ing. There is a strong de-. mand for mature womlen in Business. Train now to fil] that demand. For Complete details, Dial 728-0052. AY HOURS n the )ining, Lounge iy - 12 nmon to 9 Eve - 5 p.m-. to 9 Day - 12 noon to 9 OUR NEW YEAIR'S NJS NOW! t3-3373 1QUARTET NG L'OUNGFe EMBER l8th Ils37 iday, Decemnber 18 Limit Quanities, WORLD WIDE MIXED NUT i3 oz. Tin 'Sugg. List 99c 77C RCK BELl FIER SUAVE MATE "PROFILE" ml & Pencil S OCLSPITAL SUPPLIES REGO! PHONE 62,11579 et 7 7,-'