Joseph's eceiber h9th Pts. Pi s----- 75 -4 m-1I ----ý64 40 ---------1 60 5 0 ars ----57 40 A . -D. Rý Piper - ý--4,0 Martin-------- 467(12 Richards --- - 472641 Brock - -- -47104 Orme --------456C46 Averages Reynolds ------ 239 Etcher ---------- 237 Wilcox -- ------226 Richards 225 selleck 222 Brock 222 Palmer ----- 220 Sinale 218 Brock - 1 Prut26 Welsh ----216 Etcher 2ý1,5 Richards 213 Bradley ---- ---- 210 Sleep ------ - 208 Bradley - '207 Rey nolds ------207 Mer(,,aw --- 206 K:onapaki --------)20 6 1 s o n -------- 204 Zealand -------- 2 04 Orne ---- ----20j3 Luxton -------- - 203 M artin ---------203, Dickens ------ - 2 02- Piper -- -------201 00 and over. Gaines over C' .agles Defeat Cobourg in their lust homne gamne be-1 the Eagles wt two goals,' several fine sa re Chiris;tmas the Bowmvjren- while ail the rest wvere singles! helped by the lle "Vowles" Red Eagles going to Douig Croughi, Rick cleared i te pue nded up on a winn nïg noteý Shackelton, Byron Holmes for the few laps home as they' vdefeated the and Glen Rice. first time lu ma ,obourg Couigars 65-2. the Eagles hav£ Bot tema laed~disr- Reply-ing for 1the,-Cougârs stregth fr a1 D-oh eas ja,-çldior,ýwere Jjim Flesch and Mîkel (n Wedlesda snized and scrappy hbckey' Connor. Eagles go to Lin hich resi-lted 4n a large' With the win the Eagies gam-e against th nount of iroughing.ý andicould have mnoved to w'ihinl There wili ighting penalties. two points of Xîirst place Sut-. game next Sun If, was a close gaine until ton decidiig on, fih eouicomne I would nox' 1-i thiird. periodl when flBow-1of their game, aiso on Sunday ah the Eagles ianville pulled away wt vnn.very Merry Ch] e big leadL. Don Sturroclk played ailhaif of the coo Right wing Ken Holmes led strong game in goal, makingilmentand playe it. Marlmy's- Redmeân Los e to Lii 48 by David Goheen 1 48 Bowmanville St. Mary'E! 481 Cernent Redrnen played twov 4gamnes ithrough last week.ý 48 Tuesdayý, Dec. 1, and Thur's-ý 33 day, Dec. 16. 48 Thie Redmen played only 40 48 minutes of hockey, one jeriodI 48 against Lindsay when WVayneý 48 Seymnour scored from John, 48ý Colwell and Mike O'Brien,, 48 'Terry Baker from Ra.ndy AI- 45,len and Scott Burgcess anai' 4R> Phil Broomne and Laurie Gay,ý 4t8 but this wasn't enough as, 48 Lindsay defeated the Redmer' 4 8 5 ton '3.11 48ý For the other 20 mninutes,ý 48 Dave Ormiston scored an un- 483 assisted goal, then Wayne 48ý Seymour-ii scored from Steve 48ý Wýatso-n. 1Markham was th- 48 victor as they scored 5 goals.ý 481 It looks to tis scribe that 39 there are. stili three perlods m-Foundry Bowling P i December 14h, 1971 Fins Pointsr ýy Cats 42165 25 Ileads 43184 22 I ýd Pinis 41598 211/-l w BalLs 43500 2 er' Balls --42895 19 s -- - ----41176 18 gh Single - Ron, Good 4005,la 3ridgcr 311. Ch Tripfle - Ron GoDod 974, c ley Gordon 675.s dden Score ,W\innersr e 1, O. Kn-app, Dfiane c r; Gae ,G. Sipson Si In the garne of ho( everyone doesn'ýt1 ail out every timn on the ice then i t continue to go df .feat. On Saturday, Dc Redmen played th ville Old Tim-ers, out to- be the ove "C",. the coaches eniles and Midgets members of the T( players. The Redmen hýnds full, as thE uIsed to Play last junior "C"' showe ý)een playing at t] sityý, schools and ing the Juverillesi thîs game than il playving their opi: were supposed to Scott Burgess -cflrngfl«hon, S( tijey *boys wi to period, finally bangiir ick past Vanstone wl ýade severa1 sensation, seconds bkefore:. Anc niext lu lino, losers, II amr swere the ( h the goalten( of an often r. stone. this opportunitý mobile, der ove nature Directic 1110W sîg~ Ni GIRLIS sof thef Captain Bon Gibson, Cir Bishop, Lei aurle Gay d ýrng with T-err, bing. t wasn't krn ier wI'en cRJiUUeu lIo 5curei .uinas anct ua iappyJ for the Old Timers, Pred Year, Ryari scored an unassisted! See you ia the New Yeî-- Commercial Hockey League by inimClarke fpa,~,were +ftq d1-1 fte ,fui Thei 9:00 to Girls I r Frank Real 1 AN ED S 9 SUNSE, franchised dealer RD. Bowmanville 2761-252,ianerPiper 209,1 Cowle 266-278, B1rad Adary AIverages Over 200 Games Avý Ron Good --------- 42 24 H. Ballantine --- --- 30 21- G. Wilson -----33 i Bruce Smith ---42 21 gamne succ ging ùwo 7j ssts whi N. cowle ' 21zîo'wars fU11U place~. 'Ille iwo By Frank Mohun 623-72,34 A VERY 3MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! GQOD BOWLS GOOD If you'11 pardon the pun and slip in grammnar that head- uînes this paragraph, Roi Good turne7d in the best bowling, performance of the season, last' week at Liberty Bowl. Bowling in the Foundry League, Ron started ff witlx a 231, had a 338 second game and then racked 'up the top single to date - a 405 effort. That gave Ron a 974 triple, also the t'op total to date. DID VOLT KNOW? When Phil Esposito entered the 300 goal plateau, over a week ago, he accomplished the f eat in the second fewest gamnes - 564. Only "Rocket" Richard bettered the m-ark, scoring bis, 300th in his 481st ,amne. Ail-turne scoring champ- ion, Gordie e required 624 games to register 300 goals, The latest s;tatisties available ut, press tinxe, show Breni Hughes, Bowmiaiiville's representative in the N.H.L., wit1h one goal, eight assists and 20 m-inuiteS in penalties after 28 games. t ï. t t RED EAGLES- NO HOME GAME THIS WEEK Affier splitting, their series with leugue-leuding Suttoix, Bowmaaville Red Eagies faltered i lu Whiby last week, and lost valuable ground, instead of gaining. The Red Eugies cam bak t wn 62 oerCobourg, here on Sunduy night. Bowzmanivill'e wîll pluy tonight la Lindsay but their nexi homne gume, originally scheduied for Decemnber 26th, has been re-scheduled for early in Junuury. So the Red Eagles will not be in action tis Suniday, but £eýume their home achedu.le one week later, Sunday, January 2nd. With the locals playing o7nly o-ne gaine next wew wilî take the opportunity of introducing the players, throumg the medium of tis colunm, and also) letting you know-ý where somne of hast year's graduates are playing. Je 8815, ýberis Box fuit range of '72 models now avallable ýo Suits ý29.95 18l9 19.95 -'E Gymý s sunctlay eight team! -ontinlue to1 i at thiree in, the Miè Tanionship. go . 1