ks to Org ilng pi dn iI teOruro Cbano merce mneeinglste rd e ou oftGuieca assismtan eIndu- la imsesconneeeilu .mri5 intiustry. eaU poe o!f Pe prsci. t1 theý M kr:a.Chasi lay, Dc gl ay I comotioln to Lil the h1'P Eest wishes fo our mnany friends andé Patrons frorn ail the folks here at GOODYEAR (Bowmanville) Em ployees CREDIT UNION L.TD. HAPPY HOLIDAY r M0 smSlI and un $25000d c Iyn B ýest Sil Churches Wîth t cellr? 'ou The new hyn ed by the A ated Chmuhs a ahas M01 OUL cru. Now of ndering how tl ale eager chur ii Malrch he nrtitng wxiii cowu eady, there ar A for 21DU00c hefit edn(iti( ment wl rbbyrise- about Deoer-i eitbl) tg ,ber -23r-d, 171 e ternilnate wba-t I the regon. belie-ve uIli tbe, fcr soni-e 240 daýyecf ad thatVhe i! the cneti he aai, was The eny ntl(cab1e siens cf Christ it was hoped on arliament MIIiare the large inrae o%,ritly lighited Chrisýtmeas trees th fla t race the Iawns. The debate on theta eform bill, whîo ich la nw truthe ook Lecrp f Comrnmnsand im beng studie hy tHe Sena2te, iasbcee long an31e (tme, biïtter. As 1Ilhave ime.ntitiied hîi prévioius reporte, 1 think the kflo f er One 550 days;oï deb"'te, a rnawy igîrs-at-ion, To poogt1ie deba,ýte be- ~ b~k ~ yond the end nt th, ytar woul d h nglcanandresite Inlittie but confusio. nl- few mnthadeclsloù;ý for Canaidian txaes cail 181,001 hi fcialà PareC Thshas ben l anusy year fr rnme Lhey cnn ap- wvithte responsibiites as Deputy the~th lecond oftont Ue of pes. my usuel dutie:g as ýyour ordra em-b-er cf ParliRment. The l3eputy opis. Speaikership lias been rewàxdIJng in the on11 a e- sense éniet!A 1scrspofthe experience whch Iahave ve i o±. finc pini&in u-1 er. Distribution to con- gations of hoth denomrin- uns began soon afCterwards. ice o!fthe new hymn booK $3.75 in quantity iota, $4.7.5 lesa than 121 copies. ix years ago) the two rches establishied a corn- ftee o! 25 ergy and lay pie who searched out anti rned 10,000 hymnis and 1s froxn iloveVr thewori .aiiy, 507 hynns were se- el, of which 150 are new.! nadiian authors wrote 5 7 mns and Canadianmuian 2ponsed 45 o! the tunes. 1 It'S the finest hyman book r proçUced, it ih thie fin- type, paper andcesg, d Rev.7 R. H. Ný. Davitisoni, o-hira f thei joint îimiittee. A1iani R. Flemning Trornto was the eig, muntsie engrýjaving wsdn g, Germraniy, andi printing' a by SouthaWrn-ry of, V0onto). In vie%,,-of the e Ita, Dr. Davilsn n nay beý oWeýd hbin omnent of exul-1 ion. Bishop Frederlek Hi.Wi- ýon of Toronto l caima the commriittee, Rev. SLan- I *L. Qabor-ne o!, Oshawa 's rItar MndiVen. G.H.: linson o! Toronto la s -soci- i e w dl l ir--11. hZIl 11AIUCi.W4 'Ml.& jJZC lmsýnie large An~d some amali, buit ailver inmportant tecontet h are conicernâed, are my firast prlority. Ths hat weee jetotesolution were sivdNeýt evéry vwish fcf «ery consItuenlt c-, begranted however, Tu- thee cses neertelesthe facto awtre exploed, he cicurntanc s îcussed wihthe rsosheatô itê nd tue reconsuexpiained 1te t.hecotiut. Whuie eit-,the time cf wrlting this,- Reprt, the date un xwhdl parlanient wi'fl, corne back after the New Yearha neôt been set, I arn hopeful dhat we will beluees most îcf Jauuiary. T1iti wil .ieme An oýppcrîtunity Cte, $pcnd ms cf the ,meitlh lu the >Rildilg> 1 hocpe to se uiany cf my Cofitlt.. u1ents ,persornally in January. Until thien, and te those 1 df. net Sce, mny wifÈ Auine saudeur dauwgbtitersje(-hiihn ail a Merry Christmas aund greod health and happînesiu th-- New,? Year, 'May Youi, HO1te e 1 Al.aI lmMis-ý. Lef peareý spent Sunday wîth his par- enta, IV. and IrMs. R. J. Pears, M.and s.James E. 'JTohnson andc faimily of Peter- borough spent Saturciay ex'- enîng, with his -parLpts, Mr.ý anti MrsJ.L. Johnson,Hi- retLane, Congratultions tu iVs. Ar-ý thur Allen, iV. Charles Tay-1 1-or anti to everyone who ai)soý have a birthtiay on Christrnasý Da y. MVIr. aaai esCentýre' StreeýJI has returnedihm from the Memoriai Hospital, Mr. andiMr Vertai Wi[lson-i are sýpending the Festîve c.Sea-ý home iast week from ,Civie Hospital, Peterborough. 1Ameng the University stUu- dents at their hOmes over the Festive Season are 1M11,,sGlan1-1 da Tennant ani i ss Liida carnof Guelph Uni-ve-- sity, 'NIr. J1ohn Duvali of Tient UiestPeterbor- 'ug îjMss Elien Milison anti M.Davidi Gray oft Queen'sI un)iverçsitty, Ki-ngaton. MVis.s Catherine WV. Stewart of Kendalis a àpatient in t'he her cousin Mis-s Marlon MeI-ý Keivey o! Ki'r'by is apatient ÀAUi lous :eCo. ýrchi Street F'ron the Staff andff Directors o! irham Farmers' County Co-top ORONO CLOSEID MONDAY, DECEMBER 27th BOXING DAY t1Jýe t1iJ&ciiigsi-o W storn111 Mr. antiMi.J. B. Johi-son ,nt chiltiren o! Peterborovghý calice. on Mi1. anti Mrs! C. L.ý Myles on Saturtay evening Con-gratulaâtions Vol Mis. M 1-. Staples, and, MNrs. ee Robinson woce 1e b r at1ec their birthday s last wýeek. - M.andti Mrs. Chas. Taylor, weîe dînner guests o! Mr. anti Mrs. Roy KXellet, Oshawa, oný Saturday, Dec. 1lih Mv Ls.,s Lottie Whitflelt Rae,ý * taughter of the late Rev, anti IVr.Rae, formeriy of Orýono,l anti sister o! Agnes. passed away ud alyetthe Tor- Cinto General Hospital on * Motia, Der. 13th,. A private cfuneral service was belti on Wedneçstiay aftemnoon frouai the Trulil Funieral Home, ELIZABETH VILLE1 é, Christmas se rv ic (-s werel Jëeli tGarien Hill. Mr. B3ey. ay took thle opening ser1V- ices'until Rex'. a i arriv- ecl. The choir sang an an thieui anti Neil Pope oif Ferry- Mto wn sang twd 5o. olos. Gardier,, HillSuntiay cho heldti tir Chr-isLnmas C(oncert Pýon Suniday af1ernoon.ý e1 Suntiay eeigElizabeth- îviiie Sunday School bheiti a pojuck apecocrindi C-rlstmnaa tree. About 75 at- tý endeti. On Wednîestiay th general1 mee-jcting 0of the iUnitet iihrchi Women was helt i atMis. W.ý #Bardsteî's homne. There wasn't' a big crowd as thewate ý,Was su nasty. Unit 3 wasý Àin charge of th(, programn wihwas a Chistma-ns theme, £ýput on by Mi1s. M. ýGaridine(r, MTrs. N. Gardiner antidr.D.j Monroe. They vplan to have! Ourri ,cgrgatjinal mjeetingj wiiibe Jnua 1 i th et th c-h ur:ch. Mr. ên a. M.Waiker, alrn r.ani Mru. .J.Peacoçlk anti ianti Mia. W. Honey', Mi.r t e . Thirksoni wee n Toronto on W7edn1-es- day.I Beryl at ananti ua. bneweeat Thîckaoýýn'a oncr ýsSinday. The Eiaehll oe' Tinstitlite serveci tea, ani cookies anti aise Put(on a antique display for thie Hia11 ýt0rical Society in Port HopeC SonTu ia !eîonandi '- evenîng et the- olti fîre hjall, INA,1 S 9ID Whiletiriving on ice nt siow, remesuber that any sud-! dr tinmovemepnt can cause a 'e skid. criÈ ino& r. un im ons Yornge Strèet, Tôomate. !orrnerbY 4f R4.. 2, C.G.I.T. were Sxmtiey supn- ave recently -rn per and Christmas Partyltheir newr house Igjuests rlffeD tthe home or Ma. vill -Dive West, ( anti Mis. Marvin E, Colvin Mrs. R, E. Lagon inti !amily, before thieir Cari-! a pp jent In the cle Llghtinig Veaper Servicp HRospital, Bownianvî a thie Orono UntidChurch, Mrs, John lvorrb Sunday evening. relatives attendedti Mranti Mis. Phil Dtst Sr.,of he-r niqye, Lhe BYAM BIG UIEATING Tyrone, (Ontario P*IONRE 263.2650 e a 5b4 31 CAnedla vi~e lreAf, Ymntg (NMfF~zn 6 t. 20-Iba aY.rageD Fred, Turkeys tb9 TURKEYS 18VERAGE39W Swil Pr.,mium. RV;5at.r0f.é, rFý.n, Vawoim Paak.,ý4 Doepatg Yung Butt-erbaII Turkeys 6 to 18 15average 20 Ibs and p FIRM, RIPE 2-LB TRAY Don't Milss These! 4'Mae, Limhe, OF'ànqa, Rèaspbovy' I*i'wbe"r Shlrr;tRf'3 JELLY POWDERS 1 o c CiacErs CHRISTIE R1TZ &I 54c CHRISTIE CRACKERS - bp 39c I Oean Spray(W,.orJfl) CRAN BERRY~ SAUCE 2 tis&9 m I1 w A Sel4 noag ko!ed, Roady-t.-Srve, ilvxe SMOKED HAMS MAL VES OR QUARTERS No. 1 GRAIDE, FLORIDA IsorrT DRINK WI4Y PAY ni bU-s' A Suneri 3-Le BÂO Check These Prices Himiphy bLsmpiy POTATO CHIPS Faecy Quely AmPaie KETCWJUP FOIL WRAP <Pnprioetl 6~c) 3 - Pa is, e- INS pk.of2 56 9C (12" . ï$w pe 3c Il'~ by 25 ft olil 6 9 Write Tluis0 O,» wO! M.APLE UAP 2~S-OZ TiN I JANUARYSTC Report from Ottawa TIN IThe Orono News STFPHFNE GEO. $TEPHEN & kOWMANVIZ~LE ER FRUIT CAKE Over 2/3 Fruits and Nuts 11/2-LB PIEUI 3-LB RING $lo19s3o49 ,548BING $499 EPIOSIT A&P Me,,ey Su ver! e WE$GATI BRAN4D ICE CREAM HALP GALLON CARTON mules, mai1y flowe, TOMie ATOES ýrý 1 STOCK may Imm=