aiesanBowmnvileDect. 22, l'ý7î the~bîam0e~ e tîrel frthe dec- han m ithe winiter, buis cool tl e tourîsr(d n on soýme e!,fl dbyccntant trade wns Ha1-ppy, Blonde Lil'lee, i--Year-Old Crecl1 m Idin July,190 i; Jîm Starkr', in charge, A fre1ecsi ai roica rw oprti sreports were given b Carl1 od.ad1rs po-td oc'rgcia cuniIsu uil"e tehnloie an rtRobinsýon. ,ido -f the Oi"vntl dcain commrunirication ll media in or- numerofChri1stma muicaios utort c dr tore h learnmgi ls wre sng w i rs Mr Benet, ow a l"es i nec1ýeds f alc1iie , f n w Hloell s1 rgnatdetof7ootoadt1e pr- eryahlho to aid 'agz F, ev Sne,ý -lrDvegiving etdr oro f teRbr t bsn s cnuti Chrîsmas m, sag. M augli rt Gal41iery rou u h rvneb r .Ros Tod anid-Mrs. Oihia, pao e af 15 ri tridfive regionai oýluiLs. j,3,or assiszt ed wîth"Ilread- tothe ýSouth ýCentral Otra MxBnetl atDrc Regon lioucil. tor nof the A rinstîftt . the cr-oreo at rs pones are uamed tac j 1ontr l io sud a formrer hugh ison~~~~~~~~h mriy itrbucdtenouc1 y term nc1i ichîvool1ahr exchIange ifts from th tv tree cfolowed by a cjiai bu-ffe lnc 1.rlndly getniwr x i the NcwYXear thle riir ýt r.anud Mrs.llrldLtte a 4110,w a .son 'ededa f ls )ry of the Lord". ____________ OBITUÂRY IA-ROLD ,TLE-T Stewart occui d on Sstur"ý tmý rtf LOE Su1erneÈI'1 Lê ar cip> ALLIN 14~ lo n1Ç)o The husýky littie fllwin 1the aýbove htcsJso lfodNeilEglh wý,ho wa1Soneea-l on Moinday, Decem!Der l3h. - is the silon f Mr and Ms Mevy L EglshofBomnie and -his rnnns are MUrs. Cliffordi En- Ilsh, Bowmanville, and -Mrs. RichardRoaEnkiln Gov't Reeases Eucaf ion IlIçw±lv tÂre lle e )ider. vci11f plot Cost Ceiling Figuresz For the Next Two Years for. th (0 t $30the foli' [, the ceil]nzgs ieb t$ll0in 173comn se, of theceilingsy a dî rectorv vw 1 '11'bEa rïpom1-ted for, the tskforce with-lin the netfe-w we STARK VILLE Mr. adMrs Allen H1-aw, S1 Halloweli. Mn ;. sndiMsE. Sie r, To-, l ruta, vîsitedj at Mr.Lly the1 M'1 , Caswell i weil visited( pIeasure to say -r manly f rîendsç Chr-istmas. W'ALLPAPEIl .AND PAINT J. Rae Pailntel King St. W. Boivn'ani .bting ý lu a sîgVil Mnr~cha .d itu r l iî Vi. '.4U4 deu~ as c caut w hie WPVP >Iasantly Surprise the Whole Family fhis Christsmas wif h an) .ADMIRAL and. :ationa uril V arrinri ~'hls -sincere wish we 1heartly extend to you, our miany loyal friends and crtoinem. ltps aven veo people ai .ifortable lo n hat, are poiel tinps" )Csllt ba+ future uise Of ]oc on, thc 0Or eopJ.e WLU g.- L1eJre.--- A visitor wh says he, go- fiI gta Ochof as i ay be of Educ 0und for a hotel 10 mjiles or a steenir arie on ither smde of the naM town One of the most Opisn rspots ta stay vwithi anadians ýis the deligbtfui Owe-r 2lIie, ad wîthr goo"d rea- (ne n.i Unlike so mauiy resort Mi a[ ùtels, they not Orly cater ta were gi ýiilies, but provide alimost cammut'-I -mtinutous etranmu achurch eep everyvone busy,. There l r.Flo oextra charge for breakfast dresa fo ni your tenrace anýd thebeca bridge ith comrplimentar-y sailfish gave yda ùat rides is reef protected.iwLloydi yen bicycles, surf boards, was vis. nuis courts sud srchery are quaints] t charged for. extend( BeýYond Ocho0Riisa large youungc Lattion at besultiful Bnîmr- Mn, al ici Miai!haýt cari now bc to'ur- nW tracor-dîvenjitney, Durîuig Oh te frequent stopDs alonI-g the C o ri un a molifored guide James p ii show and til ya0u M a th 5Wb îout the raisig of bauansc celebrat cauutscocoa, cofCE and party, Ie-r exoic lats. \N Mn. a mni' from il 1 Locke's!l SPECIAL PU RCHASE ENFIELD îdced for last weekl) nd Mrz. Ear'l Cochranv ýusts of h-onouîr at ~re di Mrs. ns. Wilfnid Aw YIDO aita M d'ay, wth a tei rs. Jo-hn TamriL CIJ hawa Mu.anc iant'y orle D RIVE 1INN ERNIEanid MARY T'OPPLE~ - Wednesd4y tbe i.tJ exu-let returi' to MAKES THIS SET AVAILABLE TO YOU FOR THIS LOW, LOW PRICE.. WITU TRADE Mlodel 6AL2071 26" lackmatiicture tuibe, auitomaiýtic fine tu ning uomatîic tiint conitrocl, slide -volume and color coritras;ts, ADAMZIRA exclu- ................. sive 3 yeCar warranty on1 picture tube anid tuner - l year fin smjlalI par-ts anid rie Don't eeelgt wtihout sevc "WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL" PS. ý - are su onfdet hat you cant bythk, is -et foýr ls nwee-that w ilpay you One dollar foir every dollar youi pay lemselehee A-ÀRRY LOCKE TV w, Phonie 623-2312 lang oo--rt ta bto see .try, but r tp be onm tesi't ob- renting ýa taow and os 'hnt cni g cfigue cd ucatiîon0 1 INN~ to AI l!& Pl +limf