Ai vilite'd 1Wth1 s on Mondayi Lî!ne ,Correà- Ryep Gibson, n(Jd al a very, as and a Pros- .ppy New Year'.! are extelndedI iRfl foficcP staffý Baker, even- S. Robert Srr i, Pow,,manv supper guest r anu DeO i. Don Steven- wveekend with- ind family in Fred 0. Smrith, were Saturda4v vas a Saturdav tof Judy ai-i and .yl finiish bar rte top, Large Reg. $74,95 $ 99 ACORN FIREIPLACES Distinctive cone shýapec-, bood. Available ini tren- dy colours te match aniy decor, nI (CHECK LOCALLY FOIR SIZE FRANKLIN FI REPLACE ?u" navep âiterJ. WI] "CASCADE 40" HIGH-CAPACITY ELECTRIC WATER HEATER A full-y auitomlatic wateri heater that wvill mewet ail normnal bot watcr needs. Two elemiet operatînn, f irst elem-Kent cugts in for fast recovery, second element tak-es oiver te ee water bot anld ready for usc. 230--volt, 61) cycle A.C. Easy- clean white applianice finis'h. BEAVER TAKE HOME SPECIAL ONLY (onily 4 left) PLEA ) AD £ ,FOR EZ VR Iii --_I RANGE HOODS Wbite - :A," 14.95 addrusieranige hodred and ductles home. Onliceverter. * Ideal for apartment 229.9 Now 33,.33 Of oOffi ALL LIGHT FIXTURES DO 1T YOURSELF NO ADHISIVE REQUIRED PLACE 'N PRESS FLOOR TILE 2.29 pkg PLAYTIME by BIGEILOW - DEEP PILE lNDOOR*OUTDOOR CARPETSQ. m).5.88 The herculon olefin carpet wuithl a highi density foami back Vîrtulally stain proof, easily cleaned with deterge-nt and water. It's easy te custom lit thiscarpet -... just make a a pr frn of difficuit area aind tri~ with scissors! Ideal foýr bedromoniro, family roon-i, Available iin Indlian ume Tweed and Av>cado4 Tweed: LUXURIOUS SHAC CARPET SQ.YD. THRIFTEX - NCE N' EASY Olle Day Onîy 2.99 Thlriftex is alyproplene ncr-outdoer fibre e-th a fon iback for Jindoor usec. Grease, food spilis - yen name it it ail wipes up wiha damp sponge. lE's eaýsy te custo i intalchi,, carpet ,..jivst sip 'n fit, Ideal for kitchent, bathroom, playr-oomî, Available .;l wo grerat colours - Coin Goldl and Mess GEree-n, Reg-. 3I49 sq. yd. ENCORE ADJUSABLEWALL PAPE R Just wetit, n stif. AIR DEFLECTORS Celorful patt'erns teo eeps- driapees cenrand choose frem., fluors warmrc. 98C Reguar $,49a single rol 2%off ail 99 nlon-stock olur Economùical toilet seat GUeamiing whitpchked onl enamniel ish 0nly 4.881 hen Centre ni-cii siink RAdtap), 144.95 INSULATION and fis hï aril te get areasý. Bags ,arm ligi weigbit for easy lhanidlin 3 Cu. ft. bag only liý 1.79 Walnuit stained polyure bhanc ceilinig beanis, Thi ideal finishing touch t aliy ruentil From 1.09 ft. CERAMIC TILE x 1", bright glaze iaîc- tue. WiflI net 'atelilov etal-ole!i 250/o Off O'N DIPLAY AT BEA VER CA eery jrceeeins ta Our frienès ...j WALL PANELLING 30 TYPES ON DISPLAY 10C,>o Off HOLIDAY SPECIALS WALL PANEL ADHESIVE No moeanails, rie banner dents, ne holes te f iii. Il fluid oz. cart. ridge Only Reg. $1.98 (Sac DolIy and Frank and Staff 623733 TO Att Doiït FAUCETS 200/ýo Off ANTIQUE BEAMS to