look Into the Bowi wer.II owoldmiii in thec out it! evning hý1ou: seemo an ice-t ilt~r to icetur'n to he ýThus thp weethe sole PIUC Manag ,hting and heat- Brdge,71i Iý . Yet suri a history, of1, 0- Id be oy lgtyfirst evep-r e '0 years into the Bowmanv illei steam eng]in( inville, 84 yeas rr. tret, thinf ctirý tight fCom- hadinra s a B an vifle w. Ro S ~~ke ~ o atvntg 0 o wmianv we drvîngthe Iwe nî L milli l[ th Vif rm isin .thlat had ltaPÇoCh 1ded; a pond Hdo, rer hich is n w t i ii ýIi! i Dhe, 22, 1971 Tour We wi-, a vecrvy e, lectri, ComIrpanriy *\ f, eyears, by18 oýf street ig h mesintow clr liting. ýtrike 4-who cn 1 deas 'a youri ý25 and rase Ira ofth oc a Happy Ný al peasure THE STAFF 0F aid ti, ne par rm'ter tcoay." HAI Plant neà-r-Car)pbLic'- ad,"The cçntrol fo Zir Ontarioa Hydro. Tie ijpality ha'd norionrol-li 0xiu s t o have the c' iphiy ake over- the g 1li liiEvery Sunday they can, i was broadrast lîve, in itsqfetured the Most Young tai- Sabyan, front row, centre tat the Country2aod Western msc erytwo hour eirey. ent ever. rmonitors the sound pick-up qon" town fr ian, woul-be msician f andThat the 300 people who The George family, of Gary, ihemirpoe as one Ofthl tri.c di- ebuHinfaurt upon the maý_de up the audience appre- MrDavid, Julie, Marg and1 groucps swings into a croon1ing9 BomaviIetow..n hall for iaetl( iemse there çcan bJim mr adle thir frt appear- bailad. van BidgiF- onle, twao or even three houna u esto.Ta h iwn ua The Cormier faiiy of"Treiantigabt esting pos- ýsessions. Theyarerpit au diece Uei te samne way Chiristina, Tommry, Danny aýnd thils how, one Jf the TV abeyanre ing, rucu, wng ffis bas yet to be deterined.cie ee ire s terînirians said, "we dcot 2Ms tiat numi" the audience mb Howeeri they did, thare is Doug uxo and Ai Bragg aet oryaotvlm. e Pi1 1928 a bhifl upora 'METicaunds eery sibiliy tUn Sunday POPUlar Bonanville folký Passyd a Of the Dmuir fiteopiUgi t Ahtleousscouhd become a.regu- singers. Other gueste ineluded! Whynyone CoAd have',ý the prica ls ofWticesecond storey har -featr.Jm ayN CbeSe Hureron, Gariiry "Gizz" tol1d him that system. audWioium wlsand hang in TV proram diémrecorinîsa. Watan.ieHtr ierlnie1ahy henxtJm repiy -'the ,. air u sd.soneiesig.le atst aseste i opson, oe Bthel ad ora lsated for JaînJuar they are uibhle for adsac eut isOeigi arfe-ihanhie Kilpatrick. 9p iWe do ntknow, asy, hleaide a îof obocks or mor e, fUhetimn thou1.gh. Cable TV is -i'.n- ahie picture aob,;m filwUbetevidasa_ ce lie .a-wn is bloÀwiug right. îere(sted in br)Iinginýg .its vie_ be a wise Up to now, ifyou didnt ers moxe sh-ýloiVs de hin y, r1 gi bath fo~ ohyohr lufrthnte ~~J no iie sH I tIierhave àa tiket tat wasti, wthand fiorn local subjýcta. tWas re- lowvee, on December i2ti pleased iéth the show wih i 1930 option became open' Annuja1 1mas N JIgh;tlï ithe ask- r hcurlous, msrmne publi, c h thie show on b î'Aou710 enior;r insehectians, mrbsa -Cable TV. li U1IIq stdon tter ta theirwpq «P 'rwnm À te owanillai, partmentût- ofRertinwihpnas lhe Country adWestrnJa- bree but for any show -pre- sendd tein l(ýie own hall.1An nmouai 1Cbristmya3 dit e Lions Centre on ' ec. H, 1971. MArs. W. Caw! elr a ha Lt he ii~ w~, ~ The are no asies n tIe phay ( going to Kent Wilro a I is tird anal Cof the Y' CHRISTMA.S t- -11 our frie'ss-8 A R!NA T iON OWER SHOP Earn1 Clfu4slmasý a rid a )ï ?ea Tint Aindiý CI is f ourptb in flie sýecon3rd 1. Jon ancI .dta8-, h L3 aar ass on the goal gcong ta mUI Marlte tiid ipelad W Vl'ihb lr ex- sroredt s go)j alnabekwa Kev,ýia Wehsh nloakingthpa but thIpurkju5t tirih bewenii matis îinto the nei G a on:ýo phay going a îts oînotaAîmond icjaný obeng ie adStwa lasses in lagui r imeýîl ag0m bay, hüve- very Mo rry Chaiirimo md a Happy New Ycari Koo1 to oint ~riends ami Çust~me~~ orphood Store ff/2e liLAuxrin ugh theO Year, olirapevain teo a Clwistinas SpeiAa ildo &&aff Taa hi PpoUt~im)y ,,to rxpresa thii thnuto our titnny cusiopoers ami frielids foc tiiir loykil patroqnage dluring 197.t211lwit;h you al be another FRIDA.V. DECEMBER 241li &~ Tflerr~ FISH and CHIPS 5OC per order tIor tiuek on (ie Dol*inion ?ariking bl' Thankiing y0o again, CIu-~strnas Ini the Editor's Mail TyrOne, Dec. J6, '71 Dear SSi: As a ronrerned mather 1 wýas wondering if you would findc spare in youir paper ta prinitthie follawlng informia- tion. Until rernth I as Uni- aware of thne dangers and 1 presume, thia is tiecrase with mou tpmres DO parents reahize 1hat lhric havea' ofthebeaUtiffl po ;sti refaal One jeaf çau kdii; a id Aho, lCe barriesaof lie W(ý aiknw how uly chiidren gel t llg. Asïan fextra rrui, ahthougi luis bas nothing ta do wib)th ti s ason, rhubarb leaves ame also fat- ah. TIhanik you very mmueL for yaur kind atpî Bespeetfuîly yu (Ms, atria heI a, gn o!d-f~ negr0ectîm, th,,acom (-es srzg frot~thç eart and carries eý'ery good ih RESTAURANT ai a J~{appy Our taswiIl be availklelehrgo h hoida'y soason. ifeoyour callU Pau son as osil for Ne Yars ve pris beý su it is L, PHONES CLOS!D CHRISTMAS ri NýEWe Y'ý-AR'S DINNER -- PHONE 6, RESERVATIONS NECESSARY Our NMjaMiy We tak ý,e rinany fri( 1.1 reir hhinEýe thie ds of fllerry ~kappy 'vt~ wej. y the ve and were ~ted by romiflg in a b ,rerîatic nired t o Ihanl