il) iJý, Ltgoe, UflL5tu1C1 tJLU, u ~aw*a, xim finied $350, or M ddyfor dangero s driijný ts Novem1,ber ;th. Re was pro ,n hIibted fro drýivling any i,. whiere i Canadia for a year t Constable MKaOPP, w e esbondon H-ighwa.y 40 Jhe observed a car- cross tIhi cea of Wmn, Bol ai therein 2a ýrkpatrlck. pleide, A Woodcock wishir misel ake fr h j'or triaL.-Bail Centre Hall Pla .ns and a compacùt sav -es 'a ltot i a lady o f fthe ýatedC on a quiet chooQls and shop- las a patio, large [ved drive, the Springl bungalow On g Roaâ,in laBow- r lot [On' x 150' «. n you will pic- bs property wl hal( trees, Shrubs4 are ait their hast.1 ;cled gar'age -! icees - Evecrything -itside in imlmacu- n. Let uis show John DeWith Real Estate AND STAFF 33 King Street Eat Bowaaville ZtISat tha driver vwas r -obvrnl-v impairad by alcohal ancd th-Is was conrfis-mati by ,breathaliz- an readingaz. Total dam-aga, was estlmatýd at $800. Thormas Baadjy, Cobourg,! was fiied $310 and costs, oýr îsix dyfor impreper passingý on HighvTay 401 Sepitemb Ler 17,tii. InvTestiýgation by Con-ý stable Jer-ratt, OPP, raevealatii that Mr, Handy waq aastbouid, and tus-ned out ta pasa an-ý other eastbouad vehicle. Ia ejso doing bis car colided -with thie right front fenider ofai a- uther car in the procass ofl npassing. Thare was mie 11ýdamage and noa injurias. Conviction fer împaired, dnlvlng brought a line of $1,50i and cost, , r 1.5 cays, anti automatic license suspension! for, Kenneth, E art S-wardfigar, 62S-5638 98'4 4867 COUNTI Çher each hom~e, This Christmas Nighti DAVID GOHEEN Represeitative of- 6213-376i7 J ma-inagem'ent ani Sta4fl l'o ar BwanveaniOaaOfie is7tmlas G'reetings to al a ur freniaong wnýith eaur besi wshe py aýnd i osperous New YVea-r. M1ikie Beionte Melville Dale' David Allison Mfichael Gualtieri Elfriede Jost Robert Sîberry Mike Shane Iretie. PBrowni Bill eFetr Reg Aker pamiela carr Ed Druimrnýý Mlarr-ill 3MacýDonaldl Ed Gray Beverley Dewlirst Fat MacDonald el wu .iieFin uuur as lar as" d: Newtonvil1e, There it aide-j Swled two vehic1es, reaultin1gý ina $20il damage taeach and[ S$!3000 Lo bis own. The condi- vtion ofr the driver, Mr. Waz-ý ntýeywa confirmed by twoi ,,breathalizer tests. ci 'Tis ils an appalling ex-ý lamp!l of diriving," said theý -Crown, "evigthree vehii- cles totally wieof. Conviction for carelIess driv- ig Septeimber 26th bProught a fine of $100 an-d costa, or 10 days, for Wilhert Kemp, ,Br$ghton. The report of Cýonl- stable Foreman, OPP. mwasý thlat Mr. Kemp was driving sthon Counity Road 57a- jýproaching Taulnton. Ble went! ovar the wvarnlnig bumps and passed the stop siigal where- bils car collided withi anothýer,l -1wrecking bath and seniding ffive' people ta hoSpital. BonniL Barl 0 r o nio,ý heldier charge of careleç-s riinrg dislnissed. She was outoihbo>lnd wthth-ee girl ,frienda on Bighway 115 when, hecollided wlth la car driveýn byNeil Allio. He had stDpped! at the Fourth Concession of Clar-ke, signal a left tura' 'and waiting for nrhon traffle ta clear. VoastLableý Cralg, OPP, was investigating officer, The mnatter ci- dam- ages was Iefttl cvlcourt. Christoph-er Bickniell, King- diale Avenuile, Will)wdýale, wIas convicted i of ollowing anthler vehlicle too close! 'y and finedý ý$35 and costs., or seven days., Constable Jarrett, OPP, laid lhe charge Nvme 2nd ai-! ter investigating, a colliisionr on ighlway35 Mr, Heard' fwas OPerating a Departmet ýiof lfighwavs grader- on. the!P ilShOulrOÉf lhway 35, Mr. Lidtoe as following it and M.Bick-nell wals thrdi lina. When Mr, Lidclst'onie siowced MVr. Bicknel applied is; brakes, ski dded into the grader, bouniced off andý struck iMr. Lidstone's c ar i, appoxiatey $00damage, Ta.eday, Deeember 2Ist, 1971 Judge Runciman presided wlth ASsistant, Crown Attorý- nýrey K. Stubingto and duy ccuaise1l9K. Van Nest. ýt A chlarge under the mlaster i! and. servahil act was set Ion'1 trial January llth agaiast Mr.l ýMeCrea, Towniship aiýf Dan-1 liaton v waes$297.50 ow- i Ing ta: J. Stewartý. John ReelJe, charged by, R.C.M.P, on Jvy 9h last InA Township of Cartwright wih heing in possession of a re- 2 strieted IIu for pu1rpose Of i tra3fficking, had February 1Sth!ý set for pre-emiptary trial BajI;lI taý continue, Mike Cameron appearedc without counisel and was toldi ta get colunsel and appear January 4th on a charge of d-rlving in Bowmanville ,whjjeI ability wsimpaired, Bail will, continue. Garry' W. Vance andGr. gr M.Brennick, Willow- dlecarged November .Sth, beig together, did possýe-s a .z nareotic. February lS1th ws set as a pre-enptrytrial i date. Brennick la ta obtain counsel. Thle Crown. was ready tü proceed todaY Vanlce hatiD a further charge read ta hlm-,lý that ýof beîng an occupant aIî, a m-otor vehicl--e In whih 1ha knew the(re was a p roh 1i biîteCd weapon, 'namInely a s pr i-n1 g! blade knife with a push but- 3 ton. Andrew Mcllroy,7 252 King > St. E., charged Navemnber 6h id unlawful3 operate a o- tor vehicle carelessly on Scu- 3, gog Street, pleaded guilty. Constable D, Smith investi-ý aedan accident niear the:' C...tracks. Mr.Mfro failed to negotiate a il-rn,,d broke,ý off a hydre pale. Tha! vehlicle was, a total loss.M Mcllry wasrepresented by 3 MIr. D. Barber wosaid it -wa s a s1harp) curve. It was a Slip- I pery day. J Ldcga IRun cimyjan fouind bhlm guilty. Theail ; $150, costa $3,njj efoin !5 days la jail. Ble was givea I twa waek ta py. Keith Rohinson pleaderdj ?ith in Newcastle ta drivil whille ability" was impaire-d 'by7achlor drug There was aý furthe'r charge that wvithouiti reaisonal excuse faileî taý provida a samiple of breat and to accomrpany a police of- I ficer. Vo this cfharge -heplead-î P,-R. 2"of thE -cssof Liniu a tatwr('Cpiv edafinle of $2, costs $3, fi.or e-parký. ing on Church St. jack Gray, N e w Cas'tle pleaded rlot gui-ilty through couaise] R. Lovakeýin, to driviniý while having cGicnei, vn tIrary te the crininal coýda, OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE announces the openlnig of thse NEW WINTER TERM Monday, ianuary -3, 1972 offering FIVE JOB.-ORIEN- TED DAY School Courses f roinwia to ehbese: BUSINESS AD311NISTRATION COURSE SECRETARTIL COUR'SE STENOGRAPHIU COURSE CLERK-TYPIST COURSE% ACCOUNTING COURSE These finclude indlividual inistructiun, reasoniabla -tui- tion rates and Jeb Place- mient Assistance for grad- uates. ENROLMENT IN TRE ABOVE COURSES IS LIMITEED BiALF-DAY COURSES FOR IIOUSEWVIVES Attend aithier morings or: atternoonis Monday to Frn- day. Take up to four sub- jeets: F'orkner Shorthanid Rel resher Courses iii Pi- man, or Gre', Slhorthind &- ~'eg 7<¼4~ 7~ Browin's Equilpment 91 King St, W. gathered inr the, chunch witl the congregation and bai orE the sermon th e chiidrell jouraeyad to the basemrent for their lessons. There was ir attendance cf nearly 30G i Sunday ehol TeS, S will try this systemn fora whila ta sec, if thie plan wil bring agood_ turnouti. Thm Constaýble Whiteley observe( a car in a, ditch, haviyig strucl a culvert, w,,Ith approximnati dam-ag9e ta car of $225. Tiv car traIvelled -q4, off thiýe roa- bedi. Mr. Gray appeaned un stea.dy aad there was a stron§ odor nf an alcohlolic beverage Constable Br unton reporte, readinga; were A15 and .14 Judge Ruimair,ýn foundMr Gray guilty and the fine wva, $150, costa $", i default Iý dlays, withi automatic 'licensiE suLsponsion. The judge aug gested as ha needs bis licens1 for work-, ha could alter thrqeý mionths write to the depari ment and ask for a, restricte(' license. Mr s. -Annie Clara Kinii caedSeptember 25th w drivijng carelessly an Higli way 35, peddnet glt through caunsel J. Cunn-tg hain, Lindsa 'y. Mr. Robt, Ste phf-enson, Janetville, said h was travellýing noth and w stopped ta make a left hané turn at County Road 14, Twx. cars went by, him on the rlght and the Kiia car ln avoidlng hlmo -went byý on bis laf i anc caught the lat rear leader ci a car travelling south, ýMx Inlishi said It was his car tha was bit and was a w-,rite-Gffl a 1972 Toyota. Constable Jas- nett, OPP, was thse invastigat- ing offices-. Mrs. Kinia waý founid guilty as cbarged. Tlvý fine was $100 and. costa $29ý in defautlt 12 days. SIte waý given ta Feb. 22aid to pay. Bruce Martin, R.R. 4, Bow- mavlecharged Saptamnbei 9 5'h with nlawfýully operat- ing a mater vehicle carelessa ly on. Liberty St. N., pleaded net Guilty. Constable 1D Smnitb followad the Martin car north of Concession St. in excasa aiof85 miles Par bour- In Darlington the car tus-ned right on thle 4th Concession. Judgïle Runcimranî found MNr, ma rtin, gullty as charged and tlle fine -was $100, costs $3, ir default 1.5 days, and ggiven 30 days to pay. Donald Paul Smith, R.R, 1, Blackstock, pleaded not guilty to baving an lasecure 'Jad on County Road 1in eClarke Tow,nsbi'p. Constable Brmston, OPP, observed a-,duûnsp tric1k whîch wstllow,,ing gravel stones , ta lUfron the box of tIsa truck. Ha ewas ïfound gullty as chargad and the fine was $35, costs $3, fia default savent days. Ile was giv,-en te January 28th to Pay. Pauil Douglas Crou>igl, Bow- mranville, charged Septemibesý lst. with taillag ta yield the righit of way on Highway 2, pleaidad not guilty thr-ough counisel R. Lovekin, Robert Wilsýon, B ownanvillie, stataci hae was driving east on Hligh- way 2 when a- car backýed oi of a pt'iv?,ta drivewýay loto bis lane. Wilsocn went around the car and slid on ta tIse nordi shauLldeni of tihe rondi. Co-- stable Bielmaer, OPP, was the investigating officer. Be wRm fo un d guilty as chas-ged and a fine oi $25, costs $2,was levied. Ha, was given twc weeksfta pa y. RBoy Clarkýe receivad a $)O fine 'For going thirouigh a stop liglit at King an-d Temiper- ance Sts. Gregory R. Gox wvas finati $20 and costs for disobey-ing a red inaffie tiglht et King, andi _ Joy To All at Ch$îstma»,s JACK BURGESS FINE QIX&LITY MWONVUMENTS AND MAnKERS i rcz BROS, L'lm. js:hM~sd VaW Stafford Brother;, Nernunenis LIMITED Box 13d, 318 Dundas St. E. - Whitbl Plione Whitby 663-3,552 "Simith d#u"thte seaconj rIos.d Ail ilk8yChitaan 'wYr' OP~EN BOXTNG lA BROCKfS Roii and AI Lawn Boy Sales & Service 20 KING ST. E. 9 0WVM TOASTMAgl«E A'IPLE LEAF TENDERSWEET D'inner Itams 9 9' Sliced ore by the Piece SWBITT ' tE AT [MAFLEE1.AFi 2 " 'n s6 3c ~Mincemeat lce rse Tdbt 169c2~IStuffinq iKernei i.Corn 2 12-ors. 43 Craniberry Sauce Whole or Jeiîied Save 4 27C Tin FRUIT PUNCH 2 8-z.Tins 69C Save 9c MAPLE LEAF -BREAKFAST BACON Ginger Aie 2 Cï a l't,3 3 Plus Depoes1 FANCY No. 1 RED Bread 4 forSÇ FRESR C0RISU Cetry 29c ALCAN a FOIL WRAP RIAi OLD WOFLD CRUSTY ROLLS 59C lb. Save rted117' FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE OPE N EVERY NIGHT TILL 9 O'CL( EXCEPT FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24thl, 1971 L-OOKI-NG FOR SMTJGDFEET Ii or eat Departmennt wec arry A com0Iete uine d~ DELICATESSEN MEATS BAMI ROLL POLISH .SAUSAGE- ORNDf LIVER SAUSAGE -HAM SALAMI1 TONGCUE "i SMOKED BEEF LUNCIHEON MEAT ThRKEY ROI Large Selection of Malple Leaf Grade "A" PURK EYS5 aliso availa-ble, Capons - Chiceans Geese - }I2anss, etc. Attractively Prieed TULIF Margarine 100% Pure 4 1Ibi, Chocolate Noveltios Liqueur FilIed Tins of Bïscuits etc. - HEATI1NO 'ILLE ýe EUdU. IH ýetcalf had on Courti'c l a - lhp 1 ýn rpceived. Sthanked alil ir help for ls whVliel'!p 1then heldi teing. Th ie nI presented enham and we elnnorp thlàe 1, GOHEEN REALTY LTD. a - Phones: 576,3281 ire