Domw F 0M fA E ON Fý jing memibers or the LgoWsig, you. Besf wvishes !0 ourv friends, Bowmanville merch - ants w,ýho have assisted bm theh apns arn o i sale of tickets, ail!thr iciçetý rm;,lï selliers and thie public wh o ý have been buy 1 ing itly /C hat cani corne draw tickets. Thirough t-h e ail-out effort, Brai o 18-cp~ ntneFo bas been able ta finish thc year 1971 Aith a total of y year1. This is anreaeo TED M1I LLER 1L11 ONA $1,7500oer 1970 sls ROY Nichols Mlotorsalid and hias heiped Branch 178ý Royal Canadlian Legion do) a Ltd.AIIJ bettr srvie ourC commun - BOW31ANVILLE MNAJ ity bey assisting in youth po-______________ grams, youth sports and youthi edjucation, as well as 11-se4pQii 4t1ing ýY in charitable dîonations ta wý'orthyv organdzations and as-:eý siting local camnpaigns. Since the November draw7,ý- the toliowving donations hiavetjý7 been made from the WeliPlare 1 Fund: Bowmran ville High Schjool (English Prizes) $25,'me Bowmanville I-ligh Sehiool (Scholarship) $600.00; Cl1ar ke High School (nla Priîze', TO OUR FRIENUS and CU!STOMVERS,,-: $25.00: Clarke High Sch'ool Thank y-ou, for corning '0 Lotus Gardens ta enijoy tI. (Scholarship') $600.00; Orono aur ne Chinese dishesLand Canadian food. WhlethEc Public SholBand $30.O0, 01 e, British Commionwvealth Ex-Z> at Lotuis Gardens, aur delicious food will1 assure yvOL Servîcemen's League p-1.0Q pe asanrit experience. At this tirne we wou1d also friends and customners a FIlLE DESTROYI4 A two-storey frarne bouýjs e 1lsîls aî ( ithe ie on Newca-stleie_ B3each cub ieand h'ourn- ed ta the oudearly vSatur- diay morning. The buildingX1 wTas owned by Mrs. Mary Mc,4- an d Mr S. Col1 in a rr-a chi The fire was reportcd by R S A telephane at ':"0 a.m. but by thie time the Newcastle FireX1 Holiday Hour% Departmenit arrivedt at the scene. the building was a12.T ASadNWYERSD' mass ai flamyes.CH IT A an NW -R'DY According to Fire Chi:ef W Fred Gianville the iire wUas È 12-9 nirtl7 .n dlifficult to combat because of the cold weather and aýê1 Reservati4rns Required Phono 623-5583 62 Philling wind off the lake-. The house wasR- apparently ____________________ insured, but, it isbeie, the contents were not.HO E D LV R DOUBLE CELEBRATIONS_______ _________ FOR KENDAL BIRTRD)AYS Conigratulations to AMrs. MAORI.STSERIC E.~~FO FAstST SEenaVICos 85th birthdayý, was on SundaY, 'Î>j, TAKE-OUT or Decenber 12tbi. 11t wa a douL- HOMlýE DELIVERY bIc celebration as he(r grand- son, Boy Allen Foster ws 3Plo years aId con Saturda, Dc 2358 or Tbeyhadonecelera onu623-3473 On Sunday at the homne ai her von oy hj-e wonderful wold o! er yýou dine at hiomec or- i and your faîlyo p like tLo %wish naur rmany 'y Il ewjJear ensýý"§ RÂNTA rawy0vî