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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Dec 1971, p. 3

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0For Wclfotqut Iti titase who have t spndp -mt o a i th day wovnkin'g iien't imune t he hit lias heer and ragc.Antd "uieas hana is a Santa Claus thywili a-I l gl hei.r .urkcy feat, venif it is onfly a Wodtrkey adih 'RutherFord nd IMrs. mn Payne whouill ha wonkinig the Pafiarnoon shift at Mac- rnoial H1ospital, the casa could >speIl two nnn-tn Pt bbc bospitaiL, ta oherat their homes, "Il h sarIoa an:; abn us"tysay. Bth M.Hae ai fMcri. Ruîhenford Ih a v Pc workecd Chistimases ibrfara. Tt is Mci-. PycîfinI. Sheis taking lessons f[rom bccl leagues-. "It is fun ta spend varI a i bbcday ban," tbe,(y say. "The pa.tients arc: axcit- ýcd , he r navisitons coring and going day long, and the atmosphere linthe bospital i;generaliy fan marc relax- ced." Wbca dinnar timac olis arouand, the pa ients.ùç' t 1-ays' will be gaily ckeIýd anda tali caît sevd Turkey ai course. i th spcîlt I tehe ouse aI al tèîmratsin the ana. t ~'the FIy ing Dtcbmni Moto tain, John Pass, a 3-ycar-old rxecutive chef fromthfie 'US. will Yha prepaling tibe meal. Working on Cistmas Day is nawt John - ha bas wýonkcd the, day for the paît ii0 yemns,ý. Patrans wll ha able ta tel' their friands ibat ihein chrnistmas mcl was pncpined1 ny man who bas cookcd fan sucb dignitaries as Khnush-1 hv.Nixn, Keniedyv, and the 5h a i Iran. -Scrg'gýat John McGuey ai )f theBommvilePolice Frce Ch ristmcu FRANK CARTER. Not many passengers. knows what is in store for las weil. Hlis shuift starts at him Christmnas Day as he[3 rpr.. nd ends at 1 i .n works the~ 7 ar. î t 4 p.m Only two men on ie force shift - cold turkpey sandwich- will bave the day oCffon es, again! HIe and Constable pletely. What's it lilke 10 Dave W., Smith wîll mpan the work, Christrias? Ded station during the day shift. says Sgt. McGuey, "JusI LikeP Constable Bob Sebumacher a Suniday." There is; oneex wilI hav most of the day to ception, the.- iîra v himýsElf andbis family. But c evrtb'Jectic , Last year ihere he will he on duty Chrimras was a rash of aýccidentïs, m-o'tý ,Eye ...and Christrnas igbi af them iapparently > vcau.(sed __ directly or indirectly b y NN sh you a Christ-ims tihat Îs beautiful ini evýeryv way!l Jt'UT IN ,JI'ýURL BEAUTY SHOP BtOWMýAiNVILLE drinking. The Burley ,-Buýs Lîïnes will op)erate ne bu 1s iletweenI Bomanvi]lle and Whitby o CbJrissDay. lTle drvei 'FrankCrtr.Thýis ins Mr.ý Car'ter's tiurd Christrnas in ai row Hat he bas worked, His Christmas plans aren' upsetl toou mucb, Ithough. lie and h-is family buidl her dai's actvi-1 ties aoun his worký schedule, andf thereP is alwayýs ample time set asýidei at noon for the big mecal. Mr.ý Carter starts at, 6:00 arn. fout ofBo an vill, and comsplsis route uwitin an hour and a haif. Then hel,-is off until '2:00()p.n. wben Jsýhe bgiýs his scn rondr. T ooHier trips, onle at 5:0prn. and the othier at 1:0p.rn. finlishI off the ay cW dn't get manypeopleý riding thc bus on Chrismas Dy"be says. ".Most cf'th pas wgr we'doget wrkat! the Whitbhy Hosp-itaL" Tbeq1se are nly a few, of co1>r(,,of Lthe many peoIple workng quietly beind t<e :secenes tQ en csure tliate very,ý7-1 oWnes Pa opmeaspt a"p mery day.Witbout thfm [the! commuity ould grînd tnaia bat...and even on Christ-j maos Dayi, arsoietynou011 62e33O3 + leernngs a-t Chnisîmas It's a wînt a mat Chrîsînias the tinkie Chrisîmas candie in Chnisîmas Chrisîmas iatch, and mincemea Chnisîmas Christma~ on Earth, s eS niht, and an angel sang . .. a giant star, and a thy stbie fi tger, andsrw and swadqrdiïing coh i a lime ... and Sient Nîght... caroiers, and the Pirst Noci of a beIl on a u! Pg , coin in a cup. is ickens, and Scnaage, and TIny Tim. otshai n H1ie doar, a the wi,,nda)w . ..the scent af pine, and the parieof tn à5 rd and green, and blue and siiver. C hrisî Lmas s Fwhitr s cards, and ribban, and týssue paper. It's a tnp home, an ope-n J a hiancIcasp. It's turkey, and dressin.g .cranberries anrd tt pie. hiJ( aid ad wanmth . .. Dargvenesi and a iie s a prayer, . . a tenewed.plea for ian anicint hope . .. For Peace Good Wili Taowand Men. ,fjesw ana fJim ire- an c-/Staffi CONSTABLE BOB SC'UMACHER and SERGEANT MRS, RITA HAYES, MS MARY RUTIIERFORD, JOHN Mc1(GUEY col turkey sandwiýches, again! MES. IRENE PAYNE . da.y of fun in the h.osptal. Durhc Assiant A'NNU';AL MEETING The ýAnnual Meeting ai the Durhâam Soîl and Crop I m- provernent Association is plan- ned for Thursday, Jaýnuiary 6,1 1972, in the Solina Comn ity Hall, beginning aýt 10an. The program will comimenice with a film on the Funda- mentals of Proper Application of Pesticides; following this, Harvey Wright, Crop Special- ist for our county, will dis- cuss projects-that have been carried out within the county. The guest speaker for the day is Menno Kiassen, a Mark- et, Developrnent Specialist with the Ontario Food Coun- cil. He will speak on Foreign Trade, specirically, the Pacifie areal. The day should give fresin the county an op- portunity< b bhave thiirr spe- dufc cropping problemns an- swered, as well as lera more about trade and bow it aiffects us aIl. 4-H JUTNIOR LEADERMETN For -the îpast two er acigas Ju[nior LeýCaders in thef 4-T] Proarm in Durhami. Not cnly bas bs bee~n an ex- celleIlnt 'opportunity for them ta gain eprinein leader- shrp buîaso, they bave con- tributed greýatly to the success of the, program. Once a gain, in 1972, this programi is plnnd be continued. To give thep 4-H members Who are interested the opportunity to leanmore about the pro- gramry and bow they can be- cne involved, there is ai Worksbýop scheduled for Wed- nesday, December 29th at 10:30 a.rn. at the Agricultural Office in Bawmanv;ille. Any S-enior 4-11 mmerwbo feel they would b iieesedin l tinsiprogram nd x vio have a lred encontacted, sbýýould feeli rre to aittend this Nowihat 1971 i7,raînt !a close, it is -a good Limefor us -to s3tart thinking about 197i2 JOH4N PASS$e executive chef preparing the tuýrkey Whlite ,Gift envelopes ,ýwill be er. Minuites of preius met- br pr ecain for it h jfi readvciingwere giv"nby Scetr c-peain wn Fber thi Mc, R;?ymor-,n 1C! ru[ce sentAmel p ia anateafter whichilpast yea1r by tlhe miers'ý er ,,,i - ew iweekend with rltvsat: 1 hand b,îI ler fello-w oCffîcers, after un A grîc - I~~Je14'S Brcroft and PetarhoroughI. tefnnilreotwshadwhîch Unit Leaýder 1Ire"BOL?.- M.Pat MacDnald ý(iis nw ron Teaurr .ryVinkife, ghen presented theworahi Bob al(-,ta be home aýgaýin from an ý1-d that 0ý f tha pacaac- pro? hews sIs, db 'yVatt Li~~~~~~~~nsay Hospitaýl, aftar suf- cut mVioletlme. Msae . lsae ri jferung a broken leg1, and zMr. IliThe baleIf used crio[tbijn, WooV0d, lds WleM Ag ricultural Representative and YMn. Don Vinke, %ltb weJhig1.5 poun;d5s, sgiret Ellioti aýncd Aceyr wer ou t se bm during1 serveý, and the if or1b n-cras eeuga _gnse an htit will bring, o ii or E SHS Cb ween.dangr, gponsordbyar fth sulexbng fft what ýwwnil ta obring. NaiTheSafa h nai TryWrali ùoeforn groupbd be uebsdatclswrlivnfr onily shoucild %we be thnking o fnAtý1Ii>Jatcls wre ,i- fi ý crops~~~ ~~ tab rw rth îeDprmetaigiutueQensUiversity for i ndforwarde tI frnliw efoe a buïrL to wbch rw wlorate ise u n ad iBwnnilhldysao.frarmnse A ecde d ecnlyýbor aluweshud e akngawould like ta take tbis opo0navspoeiuît ihan rgrtE iI enre lt was decided tri ehaénýe fook i whatpurhssw uiyta iheeyprsnMadM.C_.NM.Jone rc forih Nmnaig omiib ae Ir.meenr._g kthetb beig malire invl ihW aeapeidieWt Mn. 01-c'd0,Mn. C (r nunedlaien, "Parein iitTahr retn what personal ex,-penses w uei dun-iing thli, paîtyea'a'an n Lac 7aCrray, Mr. want ta maka durînig te op halwe nay bv ,-eof as7- and Mn. Gln Farrow, ýCa- year:? __ ___ sîstance ta) vouin l1972. ourg pital, is taobave furibr r - airtl week M rP.n. ndi MrI' "' 0 stAproým tly20busdigrcnbi n eann members i Ibe Gray family Bus ChriîmsPa1rty ýin New ete ebna h Chita aryhl nOr- caille Cornrnuniiity 1HallIon IGilmer )-famrily i n a anao iown hl.Sîudyrinn.Lca e-Chita inne1r atySn Twa mare loc-alcoupIe le Mr. and Mclc;ýiI. . ay a tehae i ha"od R t C bave celebratedl _edn n Samis, Mr. and Mrs.H. Sta c, .G nivr ris, anel, r, end ýpleton, NMr. and Mn- -. 1Bcd mu ner., be101h nia3ry fYv r-i" - Mns.ý Wallac Bge n (,,Ther opkinis, Mr. ani M, B.CrlynadPil wasinLuJM 131hi), and M Ar, anîd Mrs-, PhII1Webstcr U, Mniad Mi. L. edin th reaso fr clbrt)L II igr. anid M.LodCy-Rbna.Abountifl suppr !gnadagtrKmiale dale,~~~~~ M-.Ra Tmp wa eoed ata wCc ibe la ha a ltr, ItIe iyloung i arn ailyMrW.and Mr'eann fnChdof it stgancMArn tenS F. iler urnlsd ~. ndmuiad dancing. tibe Legion Cbitmas pany Mi.Pil Gilme)(r lby dropping ThieCrstssevcwainPiHowihMrsa~9 inta celenbrate Ille îîe' elaine ud mr-FakadPi imr U Bethilebem?» is mssag ar- Staff adal useaesm ai reativs an intresîed pliasized thal distance i-7 oftpen frie1 ands a bpryCrsîa!z friands aý ýtrtended lbeNewton- Pa relative facî, dcpcndrinlg ip- Newtonv1Yil .CW vilSulc Seool Music nthe trust and faiîb ao i ie Nenlwv ic U1,C.WVbeld . NigbI A valed pogramai tue- beliaver, The choir sýangtarChiî meigo dais~~~ signistuetlRger Wilsoni's arrangemn e.8hinieSna choo and prcusin umbes wrcaithP ad avnie"Cant, Iqur al]aondwtsaaa of Fere d, wv'ith -I>lluPi, fro0n! eN1" ib Vek arsdcnton n natatv ferrd t byPricipl V I1 Srnrvice in th-e Ichrcb iday a welomý)Te ta 1 l, faI a .b îtnediingff, in S býis AHnuwn inimtabl stya, bicbiii-humn f amily Cingi-ing ta alur rgiei Mc.Bea Jncs anld Ms0.abaecvlîain- M.Joncjs wcrr tc13o9g ibeLeos 41-etydawoeante attendîg 1hC1istasHon-A S entIn belIaandJodanci er talaur henI C ci îng Lin ta al j < Public Se oPrt Hope, an4 AIt asi of Saturday, December lilth, 1971 TYKE LEAGUE Ttamn G W L T Pts. GF GA Cardinals- 7 6 1 0 12 23 Il Americans 7 5 1 l il 15 Hornets - - - 7 4 3 ü 8 22 18 SteeIers ; 7 3 3 1 7 1 B1lds--------7 3 4 -0 2 Royals 7 3 4 O 6 1 4 1 Inin-------7 2 5 O 4 8 2 Bobes7 1 6 O 20 TMLEAGUE Fr aniiks -- --- ------- 8 7 O0 5 3 Clippers 8 7 2- O 1421 Roas8 4 3 1 924 1 Fag' - - -3 3 1 2 8 14 1I Tigers 8 1 2 5 7 1 Bisons8 2 5 1 5 1 Ranis--------8 2 6 0 4 il t Seals ------ 8 1 5' 2 4 1 B------ er--s- 7 6 O 1 13 47 t( Ca -dan ------ ----- 7 S i2 1 il 5 I Blaes7 4 2 i1 2 Kigs8 3 4 1 7 2 W ing 2 6 3ý0 Haks8 4 1 6 ý18 Raners7 21 i 5 1J Frankeý 7 2 4 O 4 2'ý1 3j Leafs 7 7 0O 0 O 15 31 BAINTAM LEAGUE Indians 8 50 O 10 2 Cubs8 5 3 0 0 2 lPanhrs 815 6 2 Fyr. 8 345 O 60 162 Ge-neras--- ---- 8 54 3 -10 2 1 M.Roa3. 3 4 1-j!1 j Sr aveC-8 2 S 5S15 J:ust Me im Another

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