Thie Caradiar.taemaBowmanvîle. Dec. 22, 171 fwîth t"joy to, thie Wrld". 1 II~I Iin and Miiss Mary JewcL,!1 ,rln jv j,'~,v , IlStGIS Somne once said, there is ail i better thing thant the, nce of Christmas, it is the1C New 0f ficersrform197 î ce r5 7 lThe programmewasdîf dlW f r IZ ferent. It was taken from ai Trinity .W lcebrvaju units. Pennies 10or ack prepared for the uise of peeing. was el o uedaPea.ce were brought in by the ~h ...I a ics flacemnbr 1421 the uda nis Mrs, S. James read a sion with three voices, thep SiholHalli. Presýident Ms e from the letter sent to leader, Mrs. R. Hendry, other M. Puk pres-idcian-d after the Government by the U.C. voices, Mrs. Trewin and MUIss econgalii te'W. in regards to the Pakistan jewl 1ms R. Hiallo eh metfgwa pened wvith "O situation. Mrs. F. Jamieson lýayed special music, This Corne ,AIl Ye atfl and gave the corresponding sec- lisussion waýks sto ris as te the "Lor's ýPraye-r". retri report, Mrs. Bragg appeared in the press 01r as T'he bec! dînnrer helId re- repore 28 lbzi. of stamps rported by an inIdîvîdcual.1 cenly asver suceafu. entawa ad a lestanoh-They happened in 1969, and Mrs Pu an Mr. Combser 3 iba.ltO go. Members are are stories of Christmas Eve socil convenor, tanedal requitested to save their stamps. anrd Christmas. It was 0f Ithe who hiad helped in any wýay Units are asked to have re-i "Wor-d" - for some the "Word" rsK. Smrfrcara ports in In the Secretary,, did nolt beom tangible, for cf thJ finncecommîttesMrs, L- S. To-mlinson by isome the "Word" reached ou brough1-t in reomnain eebr2nth. Mrs. 'Puk iS and warmed them-I. As fr as' for cetin exýpenditures whîcihRhaving a meceting at benr home hojpe cfan streth the-Wod were accepted.Oni Dec. 29 for executve e- miade flesh tangible,,nd arm. i At the roli i r.G ports. The Fredhpad"o !tedys are hasten- ElhttlieraurecovenrCommunity Convenrti urgles ing on us to visit as many shut-insWe ec saloe l gaveout nvelpes o th andsick as possible, to try Ris ancient spiendor-sfln admake th-is, a special pro- And the world gave backth l ct or-the Christmassason. sin Mr.Colwell said she'had had Whicb now the anjgels sing". a letter from bier son Rev,,. T.: Mrsl, uk-thnked thle Unitý oleland he is 1okn0 fo-fr ,e v orship service and Christmias cards. Save yoUr ciallengin1g programi. a-dandbring th-em in. jMrs. Puk expressed thianks The Mvissioni' Prayerwa for ail whonad given of thehir given hy Mrs. Garson an co-operation and supporýt fori 7 2k ~ Rev T. Colwehlanid R-ev. the past two years w,%hich had "Bradlywere especally nmen- pse o ucl.She sk edtesaefr h ew Presi- Rev. . K. ard installed! dent, Mrs. T. Rehdr, ho thIle officers for 192. 'They she cl Scforwr-.t'cl aeas follIows: Honorary Rtehdler saîdi she, would do ber 4President, Mrs, . l K.,Ward;!ibest for, the U.C.W. She read niPast President, Mrls. W. Puk; a poem o r. u, nitled ,Y ePresident, Mrs. T. Rehder; "MaIdamnePeiet.Ms M 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. RWRhdr 1ahed! an ex-cuitive Coomes Recording Secre- for Frid1ay, Janî. 7ý e~ ~ , tary, Mrs, L. S. Tomlinson, iat, 2 p.m. in the Churjtch lparlor, Assistant, 'Mrs. J. Hayes; Trea- She wished ai] aMry ;àýisurers, M biss _Margaret Allin,: Christmas adaHpye A. .W. Harris; Corres Yar. odngSeceay Mrs. F. M ý1etin11gcoe with thej) fhJmisn Cormnte ChIair- Mi1zpab Ben.edictionI. Unit 6 u1ý mn: Citizeniship and Social served acuIp of ta and ý Action., Mrs. S. Jms;ni-Critacke e' ance, Mrs M. Puk; Christian __________ us All Rejo-ice ls Happy Day! )RE ILLE -a-ndâ issîonary Education", Mrs. K. Sumersford; Nomina1- tions, Mrs. K. Sumersford, Nrs. M. Puk. Portfolio Secre- aries: Communîity, Fînsi and Visiting, Mrs. C. Trewiri; Literature, Mrs. G. Ward; Press, Publicity and Arc-,hv- st, Mrs. M. Wiseman., Mrs. 1. Vunday; Stewardshir ai Vo- Cation, Mrs. M. Siute; Suýpply and Wlae rJ an Mvr. C. Aluin; Mne r.B wighti, Mrs.,. teen Pian- .sts,Mr.RHalwlM. T. Gatchei; lwesMs.B Bail and Units Social Conven- or, Mrs.IR. CobeMrsIR. Eutcinson; Kitchen , Mrs. 1H, Eamnpiond, Mrs. E. Laird, Mrs. C. H. Cook. The Wo hinService aDlr PrOgrami wep iii charge of Unîit 6 The theme, was Christ- fflq 'riprivntri,;l minnan ýfe~ Mlay your homne be blessed uith ail the joyS of the $çcison! Mlerry Christmas! DOIJG JAMES and STAFF James Insurance Agency Ltd. BOWMIANVILLE - ONTARIO STORE HOURS ýEN - Wed. adTus q .m ta 9 p riday .. -9 a.m. tofi p.m. OED-SiartndSuni. ,N- on 9 arn, - P.n, SRylGoid, isGi ofted Flavors Ctn îCream77c shEgQuart Carton IIFT PREMHIM P'URE POR1E e Meat for Turkey Dresbing 35c ib. 89C HAYDON (intended for last week) Mr. L. F. Thompson end son Terry, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. L, Barnes and daughter, Mr. ýR. D. Thomnpsýon, Hampton, Mlvr. and Mrs. J. Abbott, Ste- yenr and iHSusan, Burketon, werewekn visitors at Mrs. A. Thomnpson's,. RoaAshton, Allan and Gor- don Sharp ahe on Mrs,. Apah- tn's unMr.Joh nBrown, Orono, on Sunclay'. Mrs. Roy atersonspe!nt the Mrs., Arnold Gallagber, A.Jax Mr- and Mrs. W. lakurn a-nd Oale visited Mr. and MrsvT., Douglas Blackburn, Whitby,ý on Sunday vniïngý. 'Mr, and jMncJýOhn PotM visitedreaie at Cohling wodon tie weed ORITTJARY Bethany pee aa n No- ?e-mber 28, 1971, at Scott's Nqursýing HomPe, Lnd È. 1 was in Ébis 95th yeýAr, Born lin Man)vrs Tôwnahîp, lie wan the son, of the late Mr. and Mrs. Williaým Bowvin. He bhad farmned inMavr Townshiîp, -was amember of the Unîted Church and an bonorary member of L.O.L. No. F2., He was predeceaszed by bis wife, the- former Mar - garet Elsie Powell, H1e in survlved by ftbree Sons, Lorne of Oro;no, Albert ë .AdIuif n of Poi +urr!, w, dag -rMyrtlî Rainey) of Ui (Mn WaterFall any; six ggrandeý tbr eer-greait grand ilThe funeral wL the Mackey Fuil Lindsay,, wîtb in Pontypool Ceméti Nortbieyo« Bethiai the service. The ralibearef. j.randso,, ,g Jack B acalle, ARl bnurns Eari ai-d Ch BICK'S PICKLES SWEET rMIXED 14 OZ. A WHOLE DILLS 3-Z (NO GARLIC> OR POLSUI OGORA Ja DILLS 32..OZ, TABLERITE Grade A lironi Cryovac PF.E-BASTED TURKEYS IGA(COFFEE vuGIn t Freshi At Timne of Purelmas-e ROYAL GTEST 1-lb. 75c 2l,14 SUNNY MORN 1-1b. 69C 2-lb. 1.37. s - LARGE SUNKIST ORA NGES 69c m m W m 4 MGA Famiiy Sise Mincemeat Pie Can. Fcy. CGrade1 Red Delielous Apples 5f IGA FAN< Fruit Coc 28-oz. Tir 43c Recent'Iy Celebraied Firsi Birthday Little Robin Lynin Wilson, 'shown in the above photo, recently celebrated first birthday on N,ýovember 3rd. Robin Lynn is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson and sister of Chris,,Bowrnanville. lier proudgrandparents are Mr. and Mrs. G. Major and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson, ail of Bowmanvil.le. McRobbie Phioto IBLACKSTOCK At tels Chrî,nistas Season may 1 take thi s opportunity to wîish the Editor and Staff thie compliments of tbe season, My gneetings aiso are extend- ed to the readers of this col-1 um-n. Appreciation is extend-i ed to the many People who kindly submit news items eacb week and aise to those wbo remit their, subscriptions te mep. Merry Christmas! Joyce The Sunday- School room of t-he United Church was beau- ti hy decorated for the Li,C,, Christmas Party on [Decem-ber l4th. With ideal werather and volunteen drivers o1ur long tables wvere filhed andI aU sat down to a tunkey dinnen with ahi the timmings. The table centre IeJces were fabulhiious and favouirs for al weeplaced at eacbi plate. Atý the1 conclusîin of a hearty! mealrý in a most pleasant and informiaI atmosphere, àma11 parcels wr passed around and unwý,ýrapiped to music andý you should b'ave seen sonie of the faces 'when tbey fina11ly reached the pr7ize ait the enid. Lindfa Mountjoy-,7then ledini a; Chriâtmhas sing sonig, playiîg and singling along on hier harp, Rev. V. Parsons took over with Mrs. Strong at the piano 1ande r.sanigsome îmore Chiristma,- 7ongsý. Ruiby finish- ed offIa moîtrearin - membe,,rs witb "We W\isb YOU a MerryChits" Most of the are's any universit-y students arehm to spend theý Ilrhistms a cations with theirfails Several vwere homieifor Las-t week, while thers were an-ý rivin-g tels past weekend, de- pending upon the aceu f, the varlous universities. Hip py holiday, folks! Miss Doreen Vanam ibs moved loto Mrs.IyHm- toni Rabm's bouse recentcily. 1 There isan otboa f cbickenpox in this omunt juat as there la in mny oth ers now. Many familles ar having to change thirr st msplans because eof1hisý. On F.riday Miss Mabel Vaýn Camp was sworn in as Oni- tai'sfirst Madame Justice. Those attending the cenýmDony which was held in the New Court House of Toronto wene ber mother, Mrs. W. W. Van Camp, ber two sisters, Mrs. 'Blake Gunter and bier family, Richard, Kathy, Jack and Susan, and Mrs, Roni. Drink- water, Ottawa, Miss AMlecn VanCamp, Mn. and Ms.Ted Kemp along wiith Mn. anld Mrýs. Stephen Saywell of Osh'- awa. Madame Justicer Van Camrp, wihl receive word as to telocatiorin[ of ber posting ea;ly this we.Congr.atula- tio,-ns, Mabel. On Friday vein alrg cruowd packed 'the Townsbýý1ip Hall when the commujnfltyý hornoured the elyweds, NMr. an1d Mrsý. Raliph Swainý (nee Joan orn) HavyG- hamn acLtd s M.C, 1in bisamlil- able a;nd easy-goîng tyeandÈ intrduce thefollwingpro- gram, al in tle Chrisýtma;S themep. Sarn And LUnir Bailey each pla-yed a v-numen ontue rpiano as dîdNay Dorl.Thelmna Wright g-ave s everal shorit readings-. Barry VanCamp favouned itba piano sýolo andl Mrs. Mariln Baîley gaven a readinig, "Cold Fet.Linida Mouintjoy gave two loveiy pj7iano solos. The MGCiten presented the 'bride and croomi with a vacuumr cleanien anid a, card table and chair;s set. Bothi Joan andi Rnalph replied fittinlgly. Lunch and a social time concluded another pleasant e-vening. Saturday eeig dininer guiestsa of Mr, and Mrs. 'percy VaTnCamp wv.ere Mns, W. W. VanCamp riand mi-s Mabel VRIanCamp, Mrs. Ron Drink- wate , ttaw, -Mr. andM. NortniVanCamrp,Lsoel Mr, and lMrîs. FacsWerry, Enn-iskïîlen, Mn and Mrm.ý Haýrry -VanC-amrp, Mrs. Stan-ý ford VanCampt, NMr. and Mn's S. Saywlell, Ohwand .r Jack VanCamp. Friendshiop Club Christmas Party, rityUnited Churcb, Bow- mianville, behd its Christmas party in the church baill on Friday, Dec. lUth at 2:30 pr. Many miembens came in spite of the inclemnent weather. The hall was beauitifuly dec- orated ,with Christmias plants, flowers, candhes and two l arge cutters8 adonn11ed the plat- formi making a pe-rfect setting frChristmas, The tea tables bhad festive centres of flowers and lighted candies. Mrs. A. Cole welcýomed'the membrs.Two carols were u 0 Come AhI Ye Faitb- ful" and. "While Shepherds Watced TeirFlocks by Night," accompnanied by Mrs. R. Hllower.1 Mrs. H. Hardy read a feine poemn entithed"1w to Keep Christrmas" whicbh was ta.ken from a Salvation 'Reader's Diýgest. Mrs. Ted Morris theri in- troüduced Captain Frost of the Bowm-anville Salvation Corps who presented. a rnost inspir- ing Chrîstmlas Devotional in, messagead. song. Hie sang "Do You Know Milyjesus" and "Th(- VWonder of It Ail". The Captain read a poemi "Wbýen Jesus Smihed"« and then spokýe about "The Spirit of Christmnas", God's gift to man, andf man'S gîft to God. He conchuded bis message by singing "It Took a Miracle of Love and Grace-". m. ýMuLriel Aiinvas bis cpablrýe accompanist. Baskets of cannedl goods dýonated b- flthclb rmembers weepresented to thie Cap- tain by ,RecT. George Ward to be, used in their Christmoas baskect fund"c. The pora~ws i te BLACKSTOCK W. I. ~(r.Neil A delightful Christmas mee dsay; Elsie îng Was beld by Blackstoc lis) of Betb- WI. in 1he Community Hal hblîdren and Dec. 8 at 8 o'clock. The ha dcbîldnen. was tastefully decorated f( asi el on the occasion and over 2l pD.m. from p ýeople were in attendance. îerral m, Mrs. Percy VanCamap we nitermnt at cýomed ahi p)resent and espec ~ry.1 Rev.B. ally aur 'District Presidei nyi, conduct1ed Mns. HowU-and Bradley , Bowmnvile.The meetir s. wene four orened wîth sînging Institu Eaîhey, Davïli Ode a1nd Colhect repeated an Bowîns.unîsolin. The minutes of N and n h ve ibrmeeting wene ne2 iarhes W eatb- andapprved - The corre prondence- consisted of tha: yunotes for glîts for Pr ,vincial and County, Honou nin 4H work given by W Also tbank you notes for che boxes and two of our mer ebers whio had been ili we ýpresent and able to thanki Lin person. The Area PreE Îdenit's letter was read regar îý,ýng the 70th Annivensany Pr Sect and one fnom the 75 Anniversary Area Conveni announcing a noon lunchs( to celebrate the 75th Anr výersary- of our 'onganizatic taîned until Feb. 12 for eai branch and if any availat bmay be punchased after th date. It was moved we sei ,a dehegate. Our Sr. Trainil lScbool will be hehd in Bol m"':ýanville in February, "Kna ~of Sewing with Knits". eý t was decided the regul * Institute meetings wihl be he beLj on he fîrst Wednesday aftE a-t 12:30 - a dessert lunchsc Ail Mrsý. Mountjoy gave the Tre - suners report and Mns. TV Arthur gave, a report of i Parksý Boar-d and announe e ,Cthenices of Tlown Hallai 1b '7 lb RecreaýtiniHa-llhad been nsa ed Te rol cal-\as w 74-s. a, Mïemories" and, a gift for t Chîldnre's Aid. Mrs. Ghad e 49C Thoropson had change of o -Chistmnas mereting and cail ,crip B,ý on1 Miss Dempsey to 1'epLy, Crip BC. the motto "Othrthings' Size Î600 'imited to one bour or a d elbut is foreve :or59c Mr s. KC. Samieils gave a reE or59C iiin,- "The cutter was cosy on - cod igt" -Mns. Howard Bradley,o CY ïïDistrict President, spoke ;Friendsbip and said that thal ie organizations she1 :kt lil . to she felt the M men's Institute was the frier A Chnristm-las VMontage wasý it on by M-nis:'Tho-ï-pson andt 'meL of ber piano pupils. As tiniy Chistmias tnee was law5, W IeMen, Ar.ggDla, etc., the pupils plaed crols And1 songs aippropriate for teach Et- interspersed with brief rea-ý;î ,ck ings by Mrs. W. re, rs 11, C. Smith andi Mrs. V. Býailey.> alii The children taking part wr [or Elaine Archer, Paýtti andLnd 50 Hoskin, Annette Keunling, Barry VanCamp, Marlmee1and 4'Janet Parsons, N1el.odÏeieial SAnnie Dorreli, Shiaron a1nd ,nt Laurie Baîjey and everyone: 0f present enjoyed tiheir contri-' 11P bution to the programume. *1t Meeting was cloed with in 0 Canada, refresh1-ment.- erv- oed and a social tîme enjoyed adby ail. es- ro Busî.ness Dieor ra ,"Ir Âccountaicy re WM. J. R. COGGI-NS us Chartered Accounitant ýsi. 115 Lîberty St. S., Bowmapnville r- Phone 623-3612 o- WILLIAM C. HALL th 1B.Comm. or Chartered Accountant onl 361/2 Kîng St. E., Oshawa n- Telephone 725-6539 Db Chiropractio ch ble G. EDWINMANN, D.C. hat Chiropractor nd Office : ing 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey S',- ýw- Phone 623-5509 i ick Office Hours: y appointenO ,- on,,W. M. UEL.DDS 'n 75 King StL. E. EBowmranville ýon Office Hoursý: sa.. 4 9 arn. to 6 pm. daily he Closed Saturday and ed Office Phone - 623-590l nd DR. WILLIAM KENT.,.D8 iis- Bowmanvillle Professional Bldg, el 222 King St. E.- Suite 10 6 asOffice Hours: he Weekdays -9 -6 dYs except Wlednesday afternoon uir Telephione 62-7349 to I s ra e pre DONALD A eGEO r £life, Auto. H-ome n a 67 Kinog E., Suite 2A urBowmanvlile - Phone 623-5,-962 of O pto m eir 14 igSt. E. - Bowmianville' OfieHours: By appointinentl Telephone 623-3252 Mmo~.- Tues. - Thburs. - Fri F a.m. tca5 We.adSat. - 9 - 12 or ofan old fsindri pesand read1îngs wmere well B R K E u given by Mrdjs. 1, Bragg, Mrs. orytO reporit Mrs. eorge fMrRss stn. ad A. E. Billet, Mrs. A. iBaîr, Alhisoný is a patient i nOshawa' Mrs. Sam ran and hM Mrs. A. WT. Harding,. Mrs. A. Pospital Zion, sppnt Sunday with,h Brooks told of two Ch1ristmaS M n r.C opr .Dvy e.xperiences. Mrs. George rard C. ooe, Ward xrssd Geeig Orno,-1 were visitors with MUr. andM D. Gatcýhe 11, fromn "The Ward Family" ad Mrs. WV Bryan on Thrda.Oshawa, spent the mieeetd wished ail a Merry Christ- Mrs. J. Abrams, Tyrone', with Mr. and Mrs. Aý. C. S ma.calledi on Burketon friendsI- phenson anid famrily. MiEss Andrea Ward nicelv during the week. Mr, Russeil Cochrane, '.r- sang two Christmas solos, A very successful sale was dy, had a v,,eryscesf. "Long, Long Ago" and "JollY held at the Burketon United stock sale oDn Saturday; mnan') Old St. Nicholas' accompanied Church on Saturday. from this commu-iinity ,atten- by Mijrs. Harding. Sorry to report the passing ed. 1Piano solos were given, by of Mr. Everett Strutt of Ba Mr. and Mrs. F, Fitzg-er-ald Mrîs. R. Hallowel], Rev. George vert, a resident for many spent the weekend inKtcî Ward, Mrs. A. Cole, Miss yearsý in this distrct. Service , ener with their parents. Melanie Ward and Mrs. Cole was held i i Bowmanville on played a lively march piano FiaDcé. 3rd, at 21 p.m. duet. Interment in Hampton Cerne- Mr. Walter Woolley played tery,. Ife was In bis 90th year. lî~UDO b is trumpet, playing two Sym-pathy to Mrs. M. Brown', ýPOUT Christmas nuimbers which sseadaltefmle n , 1, W 3C were enijoyed by ail. The sserBnEalte aile ndB 51WITURWITRl520 second number was played on fins ETIITRWT the harmonica. Judy Beech, Uniiver- ALLIS CHALMVERS Aletter was read from Mr. slty -Of Guelph, spent VL 1hp Snow Thrower Colin Taylor and Mrs. wot e eknrih adMs who are presently residing in L. W. Beech and famrily. For More, Information England. The Club were Several fromn this diis,_trict Se p1eaSed to hear from them, attended 1the funeral service Se and hope that they will soon -of the late Mr. Everett StrittOH W be back to Bowmanville. held in Bowmnanviile on Fr,'-! SNOW1MOBiLE CLI NIC Mvrs. Morris thanked Captain day. i 1437 King St. E., Oshawa Frost for his fine Christmas Mr. and Mî's . C. . Hogson Phone 723-8861 imessage, also Mrs. Aibin who called on Mr., R. Davey on TE I so capably accompanied hlm, Wednjesday. RE I Rev. Ward closed the meet- Sevra fom thiis districtl FARM EQUIPMEIINT' igwith the Benediction. attended the Christmras Party Blackstock 986-4281, A special lunch was served held bY U.C.W. at1, the hm'___________ by Unit 6 consisting of sand -____________________________ wiches, relishes, assorted cakes and tarts, Christmas cake and home-made fudge and tea, Rev. Ward thanked the, Unit for their delicious re- freshments. Mrs. Merle Slutel the lunch, assisted by Mrs. A.1 Garrison. This brought toa a mas party. NOTICE OF BY-LAW concerning t 1he ________________________________rem.__ N.D.P. Women Elect Officers The Dunham N.D.P. Wo- men's Organîzation held its Dpeember meeting at the home 0f Mrs. Marj. Hill, Hampton, on Monday, Decemnber 131h and hehld an lection 0of of- ficers for 1972 with the fol- iowing resuIts: Presidlent, MNIs. Pamy Hodgson, R.R. 1, Bow - man ville. vice -Preside(nt, Ms Grace W Îgley, R.R. 1, Ooo !Pasýt-President, Mns. F r an SMoffatt, R.R. 1, Kendal; Sec- netany, Mns. Tenny St. Pierre, Bowmanville; Treasunen. Mrs. Rbodessa Stacey, Bowman- ville; Publicity, Mns. Ann Marie MacKenzie, Millbrook; Education, Mrs. Elleen Coutts,ý H-ampton. 1A tentative schedufle ol e-vents was plafnned fr 1972 inclIuding tefollowinjg:Jn lUth, Regular -meeting wit'h ýguest, speaker on "'Womeen uin Poitical Action", arh11h, Reguhar me tin eo lnfor Apri.l Pennyv Sale and 0open Meieting. April l0th, Open meei"ting e- !Panel discussion on pertnen isssWay, Bus trip b Quen'sPark for Evening Sessin of Panliament. Apnîl, 122, Penny Sale, in Onono. The locations for the ahove meetingsi wili be announcedI la loi-r t. 1 Street and for the sale thereof to an abutt- ing owner. NOTICE IS HERE BY GIVEN that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanvilie wil consider passim-g a by,-law to stop up and close that part of the extension of Park Street easterly from Liberty Street for a distance of 165 feet running between Lot 16, Block "O" and Lot 15, Block "F" according, to Hanniing'"s Plan of the Town of omnle at its regular mreetinig to be held on Tuesday, the 3rd day oif Janiuary 1972 at the Council Chainhers in thie Polie Buildinig at 7:30 pa. or at a-ny time thereafter. NOTICE IS ALýSO HEREBY G91IEN that tlhe Council of dhe Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville proposes at the same meeting by the aforesaid by-law to auithorize the sahe there- of to the abutting owner., The proposed by-l9a ad plan showing the lanids affected may lie seen in my offices in the Town Hall. The Council will in person, or bv i or lier cusl agenlt or solicitor, any person whio disthat bis o.r her lands wil l e pe judiclally alffected by the said by-law and wvho, aplles to lie had Reports from Womnen' SInstitutes AN VILLE Doz. Size 113 m 4