The@ Canadian Stateisman, Bowmanville, Dee. 22, 1971 '55th wedding anvrsr n ,ipe ç> ethi( h1 "e_ C r istma s s. T e S J (1 octa jes n ~ e oMr. and Mis. I The stff a TheStaesa i ~P hone 6 23-3 3 0"3 bdaseiltetti ek Make.The oferigad MissElizbethBrader, Uni- bolhdays wîth isprnsat nte ~oi.'eiiu o veisity of Wterloo, îr homne'sister, Mr. and Mi. amo er ral"1f-;t;ofc for the Christrrasholidays. (Bun) Welsh andi Melaiebek îe nc gi E aup as býeen madie too Liberty St, South.tbks ~atgrate a aw oot, add Mr, andi Mrs, Gary Mc- Ms oma ae it nt cokthe ,o-up for a f ew lougb, St-,0 ani Dnn, o a snsRoad ni Michaecl 1minut'esý. Oh wwiii be pntigmoeon Wtnsiyfo Dokr.i- an ti Ms.Womein Petenbo-rolugh where i versîIty, is home for the ho1iiLnt5and sisteDr, M. aesi eplytia daswitb hIis parents, Mr. and'C1les Austin and Charuti . EticoJae suture sPoectn- MrsIlJoe Schwarz. Central Publie SehoolStfngno D)itinyu know that eggs are their vives, husbandtis anf-thismsiot fsh if they sink to the bo-fietshet iii hrsslMk hoi a saehi3tmfo tops ofa bowl of water? If dn at nt ac tt&ouî ome - w h e you go they float don't bother with Jowmanivili Country Club 0outmkueth relgt the Tbrstay ~crngDecmbr tcal outlet -andbÏepr-nto On Friday, December l7th.,l6h water the trunk of your l- AVP Extrusions, Newcastle, L & L Tools Ltd,, annual 'ing", tree to kcep itmisad helan enjoyable CbristmasiCbista dinner anti dancethe edtles green. party at he Bowmaniewas belti recently at the J3ow M n r.I{r t Co0u nt-y Cluib. manville Country Club. GruendMis We areI ç ha ppyý to report tha eetewvs ubni niJhLran n yoo frienrdeof management antfiviiiScrogb, re Fita ,Mr, George c-Stephen is prog-' efessing ie nOsaa e-Mis. Fred Dayes of Black- r; ai-Hoptal following surg- r.EeCobs tc were Sunday dinnerý Ery lazt Wednesday. Buington1"I, vîsiteti bis brother gpuests of Mr. andi Mrs. imi Mrs. Chas. Cassin, BoltonLsü n d ;i)1Mris.Coombhes OO Aýbernetby, Concession Street.1 pnclt -? few days last wekStrta.TbyasocletiýiI~~GoieîTire & BuF #~ih hr mthe. M F hs brtis, egandti f amil ber CompanIiy of Canada Lt7,ý rTiheKing St. East, and WhObawa ati Cyil Clanr" announý ceti ttTher ton eatveWhtbthe following "Mý,ilestones-" o!- Miss flo-ree Gswl oi-Mi. anti Mrs. Oscar Jnl tained by Mi. J. iL. Rowe wit to,1~ peniin ths xeekson of Peterborough, Mi% anid 30 years service ant1i 7r1.. C ~nd Cristms weeend ibMrs. Duncan Cameron of Osb- Beauprie with 2,5yer.Bt 'arcother, Mrs. Myrna Gos-awa. anti Mrs. Mary Jamiesor. men a re from the FBowmnviie r eh ~d roher, KogS lTowiiwere dinner gucsts of pl ant. West. hesKiig V.r. and Mrs. Frank Jami'esonDoi -ryObn, -,tGr lh W elsh, Univer,,be Mr. anti Mrs. George Sal- Osborne, Assistant "'Pr-o"aàt, There can bardly be a place in the country where 1 ~îf uelh, 5 sentin ]ton, Waverly Gardens, and Salem Hilîs Golf Club, Detroit, M.anti Mrs. Cecil Carvethiare visiting Mr. anid Mrs.el- the ubiquitous band doesn't trod each year to stop and ofNwastle were guests at son Osborne. "D)ick" wa-ýs busy play its bright, brassy repertoire of Christmas tunes. It SV O E the Cornisb-Miller wetiting ativisiting frientis ovr he has -1beceen no different here in Bowmanville. The group Inia ierUieiCurhweed tteBwanvi"lle has been out on a number of occasions, i nstilling the on December lltb, .Couintry lufbwhr he hati United.atiMs.A J lak, en nth taf festive spirit and hoping to raise money for their fut-. Il -c[I lam", Ln clbatt terMr. antiMsdoh .Jmeuegood causes-. lii the pictur-e above, three member-,s Susannie anti Tonmmy, fe t b- jet from Mvontreal tIo attend Me.H A. Turner, RHOUr M. John Bassetti's Chriîstms ~ BD. ar ty helti ait the Innr-oin-the- Orgnis: R ~ C ristian Reformed Park. Susanne, anti Tommyy ABCTA.C.C.M. Cuciwî usso r n r.~. Cu-hEail Dobec anti Anni Toronto. f1~ DECEMBER 24 A Seugog Street Mr, JTamles is maaero he >î Minister: onre- .FT.. adio 7:30 p m. TeAevisionnoffice ChisnxsEve evt .A.VneBrL The !staff of the Cndink inSlm hrhB.A,, B.D., M.Th. 1meilBn fCmec it a Phonie 623-7407 hie1 lti an ejoabl C hrismsi'~ 1 DECEMBER 26 î H1RISTMA;S DAY diuineri-parv at the- Fling SUNDAY SHOOL j 1 a.m. eber 8h.Gues7ts on thi5~~tnT WITHDRAWN SUNDA V SERVICES wieusatsnifrni. TM00 wereentertaieti, bot 11:0 am.10:0 .m.beoreaniaftecr the dinner FamiI Worsip 7:0 a the ome o branh man _ UaJV old-.ashonedjosbior! SerïviceBaktGdHur MsMcnieanf Morgae o niv Every Sunda:y 110:30 a.m1. wng the nrames of youirou-f Ch"IanE ato'veryonle Yerant.-ýiaoit Building ~~~conce nJling youis its aýwy_________ from home. As nexc -e ,iI_î~a h- lbe ashorterpblsng, ,.v week, we wu,Ld(i'qp pr'c ia te , , St. JOhn's Anglican (hurch so spsile utta Chitis evcsEarly t his omoI ning, aifwIe ý adit while sîihî sep CHISTM1AS EEw eeeta ehat 11:00 par.i CrsTrno ai potcse state that renpit 1Hug-hes no! the . 11:30 pa1n. Canifeliglit Colmmun'i w on HLlPildlp4 Fhyers "e% Kouti he hot to th(- hockey lieSMA DY fea:m for .onme 'time, due te a 8:00 am. - Hly Cmuinfîractureci right wi rceiveti 11:0 an'i 'i arecet-igame aga-ýinst Tor-' FailSevice and Commuionot.Hp tinttu.>, ,l MisAPe Eet nvr- '~$ ~l siof Gu-,elph,, bas arriveti à a bonme IforChristmas lhoitays ait4 with ber prntDr. aiiIs. *I« H~f E. LEr. Airea, wIbo was~ fIuItdUU recentiy lanamotor accidient IRINITY Lsuir k at Guelph, fruit n scp Minîter- Re. GorgeK. ardBABD. eti witho)ut serýious injuyMr. i Orgauist - is il Thompsou niMs hs.Eet ig EWE Drn arisiting their parts,1 FIADECEMBWER24, 1971DraniMsEetatii.i 7ý:30 pnanti Mis. E. R. Lov7ekîn1, - s FA1M11LY C1HRISTiMAS- EVE SERVICEcate. "WHAT CHILD IS THISV' O odymrîg e- May your Christmas season be la ember 1, 1971. a reulrl Rev. K. Ward Meeting of the GoodycarR- dwi George tirees Ascainwshli filledwt beautiful things! Ai hecoirs wiIl sing Duîîng th[is nmeeting Snt l Sundy Shoo Hous Causpaît a îsi ant pi~en- ~FROM ALL 0F US AT Junior, InitermIiediate and ilsenior 945a..eti each pninrwt ' a iïýIce 1Iluhwssevt.Thebe M..[te ilhop( SUNDY, ECEBER 6, 971penioneuSi.techMntr" _37 NG ST. W. - PHONE 623-5455 11:00 a.m. m~nn nS.Jh' a ~. r Christmlas Festivatl ofLessons and Carols ll. the rgha eetigi Mngrss-BcMri JoY'OUS HOL(DAY CREETINOS TRAVEL AGENCY j, Mr3s MlailnCoty Ms hre nn PIResidents on WeIlington, St.i Ilte Brown St.,ahong Brown St, 1 ta King St., th ndston Kig aspecial treatP on Moiýnday ~ eenng he achoir of pLiî- 'I ilUs fromn Grades 5, 6 anti 7 at Central public Sch-1oh, wn ~ cdther wy aongthis route snggChristmas Cri.The, 4group was under the directin~ fis. A. Cohs ant inMi.JI ~~~~~r Wesat eeasiacom- i ang frabot 20 minutes hefore returning teIothe achool j for cookies ani ot chocclate. ý IN CASE 0F JE«MITRGENCY 1 SAs an i addcled mesure gisc asnow emergeýncy,asebei these items ant make surAi theyre available in your car thrugbout the colt mnonh i snior tratio mat am l c ne hove, c crapr ant"i i ushilt wtr antfreee anda. 15 fashlîght. the car fentiers befor e ,the masfreezematidffcts steer- SMtrsugests the Olntarie, Erv BrooksSuees and STAFF 15 King St. E. Bowianville Ivation Army Carolling by Jhin Clarke I-arry Locke 'TV1-rega1ineti a portion cf first place lt Thursday evening, byý rocking 41 teco-residents cf top spot,1ý County Chrysher, 7-2. K<ramp'ý Furniture disposeti c7f Mc-, - Ntîty Sports 10-4 lna the wide ý, open second matc,tÎo movc If to witbin two points nf the ý losers. In the fiîstgaeLoksI led 3-0 after thie first, on1 g'oals by Steve unpnm bes 8 nti 19) antiLuke .tarrînilg roles, for Lockes, w\itb -, Buinsu collecting five points anti Luke nabbing four. Tbe winners' eati expantied te 5-1 aýfter. 40 minutes., Tully Thompson anti Gary Wilson beat Chrysler's oft testeti "Slip" Rowe, while Bilani1 Bradley connecteti for the loscîs. Lockes outscoied thei opposition 2-1 over the finlI 20 minutes. Dave Rafuse antill Prout ceunteti for the TV oýuti- fit, while Gene Balsonpeet up County Chrysler's final1 marker. Lockes picketi upsi of the 10 penalties callet IDh officiais Vince Vanstone anti c Kim todgers.y The TV club have now sýcor- , ed a total cf 55 goals atter 10-. league games, wbile a11owýIng J 38, tops in both. categorles. Z,, Burns' five point flfingleav hlim .atop the scoring h)eap, with 29 pooints, il better thaqn seccond place Waîner Wallroff Wf of McNultys. Kramps, the heague's 10,w-1; est scoîing outfit (33 goals lu nine p Irevions outings), bhem- b.ardeti goalieý Cuit Vanstone in the late affair, as they awept to their 10-4 victory over McNulty's Sports, Ray Piekell continues bis great play up front for Kapas I he bagged thîee, givînig bim 1l for the yeaî. Granit Fin toff anti Cbarley Grceeneai i bati a pair for the Furniture,( gang. Dave Green, Bilan v- ans anti Albert Green adteti - singles. For the bewilldec-' Sportsmen, "Woody" Le, Wallroff, Archie Courtice anti Laîîy Peris cennecteti. The -4 winnersled 5-0 afteî 20 min- L utes anti 8-1 heading into thev, third. Kramp's Brian Howells dîew the game's only penalty, at 10:54 cf the final frame. We would like to apologize I for neglecting te note that it was Larry Nemisz,, rather than Cuit Vanstone, wbo per- foîmeti se well on Thursda, M Dec. 9th,,as McNultys shaded 4 Lockcs, TV 4-3. LrywsI ai1se in the Spo-rtsmen'sý net for a1 5-5 dîaw ,vitli County I Chyhron Dec. 2nd. 'NemisaI îeferring to hlm , as anto Sonry! J4REGIONAL DE-VELOPME-irNT INCENTIVE TO CREATEu 13 NEW JOBS INOTA O The 1Honouralble Jean ar chand, Minister cf Reglona iJf Economie xasotdy a nnounýcedi that Go(sselJin um :ber Co. Ltd. cf Heist hbas i' acPicepteti a eveoýpmntbi- ce1ntîve offer for anwpo t7iuct expansion )f idr luber plant Pt Calst(ck. Ther offer is subject te ýcondi- tions specifieti under thepro-1 vsosof the Regit1nal D-..I vcho1(pment Incentives Act. A esiaeitotal cf 1l jobswil bceteiby this prijeet. Th fcfappioXimatel1 S,î,O0 ishaetion a rt fI 20 prce-nt cf thieapret caplital cstestiimatýeti job createi, MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM LDA. WNDS HI1E LD (O VER Heavy Duity Plastic Windshield Cover i-vth Magnets 33 in1. x 86 in, List 1.29 99 Ce MILK - TRAY CHOCOLAES S g.List 2.2 Ro WNTE ElS BLACK MAGIE CHOCOLAES 1 lb. Suýgg.Lit25 $1217 GUERLArN SPECIAL GIFI SET Shali'maýr mor ChamadeFagnc 1% ozm- Eau De olgn and ¾ o' z. P'erfume.f Suý,gg. List (L147à $9,00o 'ALEX McGREGOR DRUGS 5 KING ST. W.. PRONE 623-5792 1