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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Dec 1971, p. 10

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CARPETS, uplilstery and APARTMENT. fl(ýos cleanied in your, home.Mles Store, ComrpeVitive prices. 6339.-2-23 5 2 -1 'îAPARTMEJ RNT, Ns U 1A T10.N - B aï in g fig e; Ce0ntr al; method, wvith' rock waol. Work- Statesmran Offi( maýnship guaranteed. reFVEroe esinae.Sealdaire Insulaý-!ton, immnediat tion' Co., Phone 705-742-0272. Phone296.3-2650 R"eprlýeentative ,HarrY L, ae Phone 987-4531.4tfONE bedroor Moutjybeatedi,nwy Mounjo2 bedroom 1apt. Backhoe Service LAG on SýEPTIC TANK SYSTE313 ment, stove a] Water Lille,> ouiatosmodiste posse Blackstock 986-4737 ROOMS ta renr Don Brooks & Son PO lig 4as Rd and Golden WF-ET CIDER and -HOýNEX: RIIGHWAY 115 - ORONO h love c'ne so0 723-6176 or 623-2301 B-OB BEERS 137 ELGIINST Plumlbing - Heatïingi Pressure Systenis NwWarki and Repairs service anci Estimaltes Cail 623-2641 JACK BURGESS OILJURNERS - FURNýlAÇELS HOEHAMPTON 263-2151 P.O. Box 43 - Bofwmnilie F RANK BiIN K Trenching cEPTIC TANK INSTALLATION R..6, PBOWiMANVILLEý NO SUNDAY CALLS 623-7201 Al G. OSEORINE Cafrpe,-t - Upholstery FREESTIMATES Phonie 62,3-2002 2-fWartch Repairing ___ certified Watcibiaker of 1 t Caadin Jeellrs'Assnl. td.Marr's JeweIlleryi [on, 39 R gSret West - DARLINGTOCN me MASQNRY Brck3lock, Stone- 2l Phne 623-2176 Real i________ male! Rfierto ri Vo utAppliaince Service LstCommercial anG1 Domreatir wilRefrigeraion - Mfilk Coolers ptd Phone BEET SYER e55 Dy5 - 623-74 For Nights .- 623-,3177 -hael 44103 Lander H'ardware Do8, and EETI ACKER1MAIN AUTO WRECKERS OP- LI3GT, HEAVY, SU7PER ate. DUTY T O W I N G r- GENERALREAS Li)- OAS and ARC WELDING ~dgeLieesed echaie ,on J3utyý ced-!0PEN 'AUOUND THIE CLOCIK sitat-1 SEVEN DAYS A WEEK be- 623-5756 Wanted ion ~ ~~ P Farn 2633-2721. Licence 328C71. 521 Cars forSale ____ONE ¾i-ton truc, $4,95; carý --ubb---- ho een at 6 Orchiardvie au Pý 1B ,vd , owmav-,,e afto n wl th :0 m 5- 1 Order Tenders Cer ýo* ONT *1-52 _____PUBLIC Insalatonof G SEALED willbe reeeived tuntil Wednesday, J For uppya andinstall N-tchýea No6. Ji at The Departir atrie Hospital, Whiitby, Ontarî Tender D)cuments tiay be Deparimeto-f IPublie ýWOrk<s, P,Oý , cox 8000, Kingston, Onta -Note: For furthierla! orn, plaeçall 'Ur. C. J. Tooloy, Ringdto, Ontarlo. Telephene: The lowest or any Tender LARýGE 2-tbediroom apartmentý inl Ty-rne. Parkig area, ylarge playground, heat andý watLer incluidedf. 263-2650 or 263-2309. _____51-tf TWO-BEDROOM apartmoent, one mile from tnwn ocilNe. 2 HihayS90 month plus hetand hy,,dro. Telephone 623-2637, 50t FURNIMHED a-nd -dean, one bedronom apartmnent. Piva-te. bath, suitable for working, wvom-an or togirls Vo Share., Abstainers. -623-2384. -52-1 LARGE houso, irncling thro bedrnooms, two bathroomi-s, kitchenl, livingroom, dining.- roorm andtw sun porches; very centra-lly locateCl; avail-ý able January lst. Telophione REN'T tilliLis yours, homne on Cedar Crest Beach at the; foot of aere Roadl, on[lyý $169.00 month. r.Andlely, Guyi ,, LeBiane Real Estat e L'td., Roaltor., 725-9,529. "We also- have a niee one on this« pfia~n at 186 Annis St., Osh-ý awa. 43-t Notice Dr. Angus M. Blair, .D., has resumed G'enerai Dental Practice at 26 Frank Sîtreet, Bowmanville (near Dominioni Stores), Office hours 10 am Výo 10 pm including Satu- i- JLury & Lovoî7l Travel Agoncy willl ho closing Friday, Dýcemnber 241 end Friday, De-1 cemnber 31 iat 12:00 Noon. Thiey will ilso be dlosed ail day Satunday, Dec. 25j IMonday, D)cemnber 27 and Saturda,, Jan.ý lst, Bu-Tsiness heurs Asî usual thnoughout the week. For EegnisTlpoe 623=092 - 579-200 - 623-902, WAanted to Buy PIANOf, grand or u pright , suitable for suet will payý, icash. Write Advertlsor 240,l c/o Canadian State-sman, P.0. Box :190, Bowmnanvllle. 41-tf -Livestock For Sale Ir, you are buyIng or sehfling, llvestock of any klnàd, cal] Ivan Johnson & ,Sons, Lâve- stock Dealers- and order b--uy-ý ers, -R.R. 1 , Bailieboro., Phono Pets GERMAN Shephlerd puppies.ý 623-7807, 85War'y Road. .52 -1 dog. FuIlly trained, god wt ChIildren. 63-4170.,2- kloom cand Board WOULD) like o)ne man or wo- mani Vo board, Phone 623-2395.1 Tenders 'Wanted ýDurham County Board of Education invites tenders for Auditorium and Lecture Room, seatinIg, for, the InewBoan vleSecondary Sclhool. Tend-ý ers wicose Fridlav, 0January 12st, 1972 at 4:00 pm. Speci-' fications 111:W b e obtainedi from the office of MU. A. 'Ma(coci, 1Businiess Admini's-: trator and Treasurer, North-ý * lÎ>l FIRSI M TG AGESL' SECONDMOT GE *1-2-3 year terni fo)rý *aCityor suurbc '1Ais0 4 Vtu1H years at good ratËes and ternis 24 HOUE SERVICE SERVE 342 Ring st. WV, Oshawa Mlember 0.1%CT..AL over 80 Years Comibined Nur!singlHomne ACCOMMnODATION avýaila-bie Mor ip or bed patients. Reas-, onable rates. Apply South Haven!Nursing Home, Now- castie. Phone 987-444 1 1-tf Aucion Sales LIVESTOCK SALES, at Durhami County Sales Arena,ý Orono - Ever:ï Thurs., 7:30 P.. Seln orses, Caýtte, Swlne, Cales, Sheep, et.c. ham~ice Reid' Auctioneer and Pro-i prietr. 23-tr Real Esta te f or Sa-leý Peter Kowal, Jr. REALTOR aud GENERAL 1NSURANCE 52 Kinig St.W. 1 omavil Beautiful 3 bedroom bic bungalow in a chloice iocation on an exýtra large lot. Ex- eeptionaIliy vwl[i1iandcscapred grounds wvith hedfgeý and a variety 0f treées. Carportad paved drive. Hugoe ilving room withfire- ýplace for your enijoyment. !Three good sized bedroomsý with csiost.Nige khenti with ample cupbcoanrs Love- ýly recreation. room, too!. Priced to sel at, $27,000, Moedest Down Pymon After eursn: Gord Beech - J, A. Bartonl P. Kow aî Jr. 5 62G-56 - ) 62 0$98 S OBITTUAIRlES AICHAEL SPIIOSTAR denly at theý farnily residence 954 King St. 01 shwu, n day, Dec. 20, 1971. BornSept. 12,i94 in Mar4 kova, Czechoslovakia, lho a the- son o! the laVte Thomas and Maryuý Spro)staýk. lie was marnle-d la 1919 ila CzechIoslo- 1A rsdn o CanadiCa for 44 years, be linla1s01afo 3:1 years and was epoydat Gmeel Motons la the body slop for 21 yar ad eir lan 192.levas an avid gard-ý ener. The deceased is surTved b< bis wîfe, the former Eva, Ziga;ý Iwo daughtsmrs. Martî Prazienlka (Sid[onia) o! Bow-; manill: iss Filipina SprOs-j tak o!ý Osbnawa; one son Stepli-ý en o! Qshawa; two sistors,1 Julia and Frances anid oneý brother, Thonas, o! Czecb(,,o-' slovakia; thnee grandeblîdronl anid two great-grandehlîdren. Onec brteG or ! sha-ý wa died Nov.20,1952. Mn. Sprojstak resced at th Anmý,strong Funerai,, i lione, was beld Tbulrsdny. Dec.23d MacDuff Report "Af ter Trudeau Who? Ol"ne oilthe faývoritepat imles 'of politicians ilattaa wben thiey aie sjiting ai ound spieculatig abouithe future, is l'O discuss the possible ne- plaIct-eents for Primie -Minis- Ver Trudeau. Th'is doesn't 1mean thýCvey epect hlÏm ta vacate bis post la the lnear fluture, althlough there is ai- 'ays to pssibility fho might somiedaôy decide h e bas had enouigh. Thie politîc.ians are just b)ejing practical and accopt- jvn5 the realities o! hif e In Ottawa, chiange conies suld- dleniy and uu ll noxpeet- dy.Wise poicitho-se who urvie, re those who cosdrPossible change anld who are nioV shocked by su decvelopmoents. Whelin these people talk abou fuureLiberalPat- leaders - and prime miinis,- ers - the first namne they usualIjy mention is Justice MVinister Johnj Turner. The handsomne, 4-erodfath- elr ofjfour, has been talk'ed o! as a possible leader everi Sinice ho entered lactive poli- tics in 1962.1lie wouflIdsoon Vo huo a niatural choice. Mr. Turner has wre bard f'or the Liberai Party and bas been an outstandin scosas Justice Ministen. Even partisan Conservatives1 Pr-aise the work ho bas donc appointing judges and ne- 1form).ing Canadian iaws. But 'ho bias one potontially fatal -weakness - ho is not', liked Uby those vwh-O currentlly Con- trol the Liberal Party. The Prime MAinister .and bis as- sociates have seen MVr. Tur- ner as a possible~ rival and have- fought with hl. Their last act rmay ho Vo depnîv7e hlmi of the leadership. Anlother possible leader wbose laiyme is mrentioned more and more ln Ottawa is Tr'ansport* Minlister Don Jamieson, His niarne is not f iia o imost Caniadians. But Pierre Trurdeau was hardy a househiold wr several months before ho becmePrime Mi1nister.' 11r, Jamnieson, a former b-ro)adcaister, bias shown on- rmouis ability to avoîd trou- ible la a Departmnent whichi hias caused beadaches fo.r inost o! its m1-inisters, life IF able Vo tura asidebitr peneirtnlg questions witb light. JociUlar answersa. But rrany ili Ottawa are begi- niing Vouwondn wetber 'the stooky, 50-year-old Mn. Jai- ieson !bas cdone anytbîng lu- ibis Department aside Iýfron avoiding trouble. If Mr. Jamnieson lis goi-ng Vo came on as a soiid contonder la nyfuture 1eadersbip race, hoý will have Vo ibuild hbu- self a mnore concrete record as nadmoinistrator. M0any of the monoe xper- ienIced observons o! thle Lib- or-al Panty say the man most lkLy ta ho the next leader is a tali, distinguishpd-Iook- ing Torobt lawyer na8med Dronald Mac donald. Mn. Mac - donald cýurrerjtly is serving as DeflenceMse, although ho bias stnong ambitions Vo ilom External Affairs Minister. M7veanlwhile the 39- year-o)Ild Mr. Malcdo)nald bas performed la a solid, unispec- alan mapnner ln the de- fonice pontfol)io, Mn, Macdonrald5s first two years la Cabinet wene spent by, : ik, sbawa; Steve, ,ville;:lk Swan River,- Man.: Californin; Paul, Bowman- Antan, Oshawva, and Pote *o!ý NoaScotia. Also sur-vlving are sisters, 1\rýs. Thomnas Savostiaaick (Mr) o! Vennan, B3.C., and Mr.Jacob Kukîn (Christa) o! thie Ukraine. 1lie w as predeceased by a brother Inant and sistors Eudounlka and Ephirosenia. lie is alsa survived by 35, gradc~ldenand Vwo great-ý Funerai service was bold oný îTuesd'ay, Dec. 28th la the !Arrinstronig Funleral Chaipel,; Oshalwa. and was conducted] hythe Rev. ýAllen Kenredy o!f Osaaail the Rev. E. Potip- co o! Toronto. IaVermeint followed at MaIount LanCemetory. MRS. ALVIN <ED) WINTER lmori'ancî ano 1 u rbnarnrntlindL Pas ~ J~Id eident of Oshaamos jCon1ty Board of Educam on n e(t4yRe. hii Iocbriife, )Vrs. Alvin (Frd) r Box 470, DnArcy Street North, Fiess, ofC Gra C Lutheran Winter died at Hi0ldale Mdan- Cobaug, Otarl. ~ 2l Chuch oficited.orOshawa, Tuesday, Dec.21, 1971, followving an illnless of WNante--d JH ZE eerlyars. She iived at FA-Riè--1'-49 King St. E., Oshawa, WOoKS John Zurba, of 2_30 Cadîllac for m-ore, than 50 years. c, WOÉKÇi Ave. S, Oshawa died sudden-1 Th-e former Rose Ameiaý Ay at the Oshawa -,Generai Hear was borni March 18,ý wrease Interceptors Hospita, Sunday. Dec.2t, 80 in Clarke Township, the 1971. dauhkte0 the late John and TENDERS Son rif the laVe Mr. an-d Mrs.i Elizabeth Heard. Jacob Zurba, hoas borný Her husband Alvin (Ed)ý i 2ý P.M. LOCAL T(IME August '23, 1892 in Horodjca, Winter died Nov. 3'X 1953. the UkraLLne-. Tbree sisters and three bnoth- anuary 12, 1972 1 nwas uarIedY %-maorsdied beforebm. srie dation of grease interceptors latinla Solow'ay. ' by four sons, NeisonRoy and5 ment of Hlealth, Whiithy PsyChi-ý Mr. Zurba had been an Harold, all of Oshawva, and1ý Oshawýa resident for tLhe paustIRass. o[ Brampton: two sisters,q N0,ysars, -having corne o Mns, Robort HIall(da)et! e otaiedfroi R'gonaI l fieeCanmada in 1929 and farrned ÇLiréon, NLY.; Mrs, WValter] M7 Princess Street, Suite 2011 in the 1es111n1il1961. . Wne (Mabolj) of 0shw z He was a mmbrof teoebrother, Or-viile Heard o!1 .arico. Telephione: 5441-8955., Evangel Pep1tecosta" ll Church Oshawa; nine grandcbirdrent natkin rgarding this Tnd rle A is uived bv bis wif oand 15 getgriciirn anWdwdagbersiMs. Nicýk She wvas a nmemiber o! Kings- Pepavtmient o! Plie ïW44k ýsShewcbuk '(sophie) o Wi- view' United Chunrchi, also a 544-8955. iineg, 'Mrs. Adam Ruak emero! HarmionyWiin (Martba)0 of Pine ieMni okr and active la Han- inoV neeessarily avcepted. tband NMrs. Atoy i-m nSnd.ay Sehool.ý G. ~ ~ ~ ~ r1 1i ONTEElck(la nd Mr. evrs. s. Winter 1-rested! at 0theý A10-INTEVN, j-Hewak (hota , botbU ! Mntsh- A£nd3c-rson Fu 1neral *ý Regioî*al lN1aager. Oshawa linn whrethe serv\ice wa1s( Tehder Opexfixg No, C-47,5 H asrie b osh[ rdaDc 4b nter Kasper, Toronto; Wliamntwsin MutLawn, 52-ibaKenzle, B.C.;Jack Whit-4Cerneier, Oshawa. as 'Pres'iIono!the Privy Council and House Leader where bis record wns nnt as suecess-ful, le was inotcd for bis tendencey Vo geV into iý. position countorpants, mon with xlhom ho bad Vo geýt 1;nlong if tLhe government's legislatinweeta movo- VhJrougýh the House of Com- mapois smoothly. Since sbift- Jing Vo Defenice more than a year ago, ho seems Vto bave mnellow;ed sornewbat, geing out o! bis way ta avoid a- tagon-izinig opposition mecrn- bons whereP once ho was ai- tuost eager Vo fight it thent. If ho Can cont.inue V O~ iid a ýsolid amnsrtv nemputation aven tIllex ýt few yeans, Mr.Madnl could bave -an easy w\aik into the edesi the nex-t time tlhene is an openinýlg. *The leadling 'ec-n- dian in the future laesi stanidings s j5 styTrade anld Commerce Mi n ist e JenLePepin., A 48-year- eid former pronfossono, he ii Intelignteulergotic n enhuiati.Hobias bhad mian.y cdificulties in blis paort- folio duo Vo the sluggib Canadlian economy and Vo some general prblmsl world trade. But deçsplte these bis record bas beeau good. However the Libenal Party 1iulikoly Vochoosa: cee Freh-Can"aa x- A iong-sbhot la the loader- ship steple cha ela Enîr- onmnit Miister IJackDavJis, 1 '55-ya-l nts Coitum- bia Ph. D. -HPe is qiet and opeetand aperie, 1termined Vo fiht polutvion If hoin F successful, and if p-ollion roýl -mains a big polîticai issue, hoe.could quickl'y ris'e Vo the front oi L he pack o! potential Làb- oral Palty Leaders. Boon: re C-.4stelot j Andre Castelot, the ds-portant as ý;his brok en' tinuisedFrench hijstorian,IJosepjhine, which won sueb h-asdone a superb Job in bis wdecriticai aei-ai-m, new, bookto make NapoIleon Napoleon, irecaling h i liîve again. 1tCs called -Na-jsch,-ooIdas i:"Nha poleotin: A BRiography (Fitz-:overawe(d rme. 1 as' afraîid henryv and Wh-iteside). Caste- of anyb-ody. I. would pumn- iot's text reflects the,, deep re- me]l(one boy and cratchi an- search done by the author in other,. They were ail afraid the past '10 YeaIrS. He camne of me.u The time woiuld c.-orie up w7ith uýnpuhblished,, or for. when mot of the wi oul g-otten texts to enrich thç lbe afraid of hlm aiso. Byý the narrative with dcetails not yetc tim e he was 26 hie as figbt- known generaily. -What be;irng inthelsrcetsof Paris as has clone, and done--,wefll, 15 toa êeommandîng Ï,general of thie Ire-create the settîng of one l Army of the(- Interrior - he wa1 of the iilos t unusualIhf e breaking the heart of Desiree Stories of alh time. He has and hlad met Rose de Bea-u- skiilfuiyil retraced the emp- harnois ho as tfo hbco m- e-ror's route from thePya"tencmablJophn" mids to yMoscow, from the He ivda great many w-7ýomen Great St. Bernard Vo Auster - durin-- is lifetime, including% litz, and from one to another his siter,1 Pauinew. He wa of those isiands that Cast thei1rimarried Vo JesphDhne al sorcerer's speil1 over Napoie-jand was tIliing other gepii- on's life. Ther.e was ,Corsica, erals 'waI o cdo cdeFspitre "hi where he was born Elba, s-hort stature aýnd sickl look- hr he ruiedc after faliîng ing face". lfromn the pinnacie of power-, \TPOleOnY's ge-nlus and ami- Aix, <where he nmade the 'cav- bîtion adancd hm ver est decisiori of his ifetirmo,'the heada 0f sen-ioro flic-rs, a,'finalyv, St. Helena , where And Ih]s soidierS would1.0110W~ ho breathed his Iast. hlm ny iwhiere. eNapoleonie buiff;ss wil cheor Castoiot's Napoleon horl thîïs effort becauise CastlotL's thenf, aster historian 4at' -narrative has vitality, orgn-les.Te tran'slation byG ality and great sustaining flanleis does justice to C; power for the reader. lýot's finest book to à8aC It's incrýedibIe that bis great w il.lpi reasuired 'bY Il~ adventu-re dcidn't last '20 years. haveiý7( been tl'iriIed by the --X This wor k is eulyas îm- ploits oqf th1e ýrnce mperai!. Acciedefnt Round-up (lntendied for-last wvekI) One ,Reportable Acdn Thiere -was only one repr-,lt-, able accident in Bewmanill.eý duinirg the past ,veek. , It. oc-ý curred last Fcidaýy atabu 3:15 p.m, -viheo a, car drivenj by Greorge White o! 34 Con- cession[ Street went eut o!f control in the intersection o!ý Lowe and TemrpenanceStet and skidded ilaVaautly polo. According fo BowpnanviIle Police, damage Vo the polo' wias assessed at, $250 aid V the car, $550. Then ero n injuries reponted. Mid-Party Inierlude LasV4 Saturday evýloîng, js as: the Dariington/IBomani-! ville firemen were iia th, imidst o! their' annuLRIChiTst- mas parVy. the alarrniahoveý the, firo hiall souinred. The, moln, dropping everytinIg, nu-hod Vo te bail. Thle Dolwmaniville policei who put la the alarm said that a man had non into theý station and advised tbem isiý b-ouse at 1,5 Silven Street, h-ad cagtfine wben the electnie panel box supplying power Vo the building shonted oeut. 1 Wb',en the fîremen arrived' at the scenoe, the boxlwa smnouldoring] but otberwise! thero was no serlous dangerý o! fine: whereupon thefi- mnie rjetunned, with qa haste, Vo thein places beside, their wý,ives anid datesý. [ncidentaliy- Fire Chie! Jimi Hai'ymani says that the samon thing happened. Vo theMi- rokfirornen during their Cbristmoas party two week].sl ago. Tbiey ,wore uluiei though. Their calI took Vhem-I ai1 the vway Vo Baltimore! whoa a tree Veppled, ovor la strangý winids and krncked outý a panel box la a borne there, As ia the Boýwranville inci-" dent, damoage wvas relatlvelyý rniner. Stil, orle couIl hardly Pick a botter moment for' a fine or even a fine scare. Truck RoIls Over Darlingtoa / Bownivilieý firemen were eailed out eariyi Saturday afteirinawen ia truck driven by Anidrbv,- Lourws o! 8 Barbara Streetý siddid on ice on CoDuatyý Rend 57 north o! theHyr sainand roled over thiree- or four imnes. A wiliness ta: the accident Vhough-t she saw 1 the vehicle catcýh fine,. i Howevor, finemea discoveredl that the blaze was mnenely ail'( wbich had sp-i]led ot andl wa &sbung off 0low 1y on t'he ne ot manifold. r, !wa qu- icky etP4ushd an cýraage, at eaýst from the G fie, was miner. Miraculous--ly - neetthrMn, Lo1uws non twa, other yotbtravllng i hlm werýe ini uired laa figues are unavailable a - press tme Local lWomnan Hutin Miskap Jeani Ho]îmea o! Newýcas;tLe reevdsever-elbruiing Tues.. dayDecobor2lst sh,1orty be- fore 2:00 p.m. when she was bit by a truck as su he wsed AMIiiSteet south of te forir corniers, and trw into ths j kft sideof a car stoppod at the light. MrS. Roirnes, age 5 ý4, wiae taken Vo BowmanvîiloMem- arial Hospital for treatnenit and admritted for observation. The die of the ý,tuckwa :Richard Dudar of RR. 2, Port Perry. Accordirig 10, Newvca- tie police, M'r. Dundar had býeen stopped at tl ight at the corner and whben Ct eh angedc, had just turned soutýh iii III Satre whthe i,Uhap occurred. Thle driver rof the car wasý,ý Mary Kozak of! Newe-a s tio. STARK VILLE Read weil. Read the Statos iman too. Oftines it's been r jightly said, "What a joyful privi1ege wc are(, gr'anted Toeno the issuies w e have read". PcrhapeSsome items and sone dongs", See inign~icntas th ey Bu here are 1many th-ings of To nlighten each and e-very- one. Tbeyý say we'reýý one big Durbain onyis oaurhoe Welcomne is thle homne towil To ai of in, wheresoe'er ,ve roam. Read wvell ! Happ]y New Year. AL-L THATSUDE IS NOT SMOKE Silver Street thouglie ho i', smloke nising off the roof bis home mid-morningSa day, hoe quite natun7ally rushecd Vo the phono Vo enîl the Fire Depntmnt.The alarr sound- cd and soon a police car sand fine engine anrived on ýite scon. 3Bt mmjncli tre Mr, ~nok was't eokeat ail. Whatit as, as team cauis- ed hy tho ovaporaitien ofte Iý , 7 - - le -1ý

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