u LMre aUL irie a, gamqe pave a crcld Ariena.;in ïihe gamle third :Maay of I and'drop-ped off ur lat fewgameS (stically 'getling quit schedýc- in Lhe chec ie next The Boy; aise tr>ok Im sztie, was ry 18thc r l8th wi use in th Dennis \W îitney Phe oa wold sreex ~I., M M 'Iv i mle sent had bepenj id by thec es and Decemn tuaions to Mr. a cM. Lunn who w~ ed 25 years on NE Ry. d mrs. HI. Fergus( the funerai of 1 Andrew W.iHardii Ta on, Thur-sday, D( A. Jak ci nut anda tnrîs- tina Marie of st. George, To the Editor and Stafjf andcj ail Readlers - Best Wishes forý Hathlappiness in 1lÏ72. Tralor Fair H-uge ,'Success Apporoxm&telv y fff from constru 1Robt. Lock- New- er 67 now e rovince, N'Y b'i!U, estminster Best, [acArthur; among Lullaby" Mr. an Shiackle- Hooey, i. Welsh., ronto or Youi Hear MVrs. th snare spendin, int hv ft el ys5 thl' ýt in; the . estil tives and arry of leen fack.~ Vay iàe L, Day. lrdlson iSý ve Seasonlý: friends in Mlonitreal, Mr. andi arris, Douglas and, rs. CecilGrahamr, Graham spent )ay with Mwr. and -Gaynor and san of Fenelor play purposes. Attacks Vertical Integration iThe Chrîstirn FarmersF eration bias recommendcc the provincial ecwPrnmnn± burham/ Assistant Agi Workers ~ssra' MrJohn Robinson left thie istilce 'Van Camp LaSt Friday in that counitr Cam-Ip, fthe pi ck, wlill have ne nt first, -e Gale "She's ýrden cf the si iblieity which, ler foUr somce tiri [adame Just4ice - ot.her persons, povwel.and M1 of oshawa; iA Power and1 'Zi tif Torontoý ram-es Power Mark and ' Sdininer gues fi-s Gqr -n 15 th Date Mr. and -Mrs. Kennedy and David visitied Mr. 'ton Gray in hospitl 1n erfborough., s IMiss Gladys Jackson,C wa and Mrs, Jimn Tany - adtheir rý'ess o the the arg1 nough fo, he crctorSs of The Bouquet Invitation Line as-,elegrint as YOU could poýssfly,ViwSh. ~RMO-ENGRAVI hotat ndyiduaJ look that sets aport fine crtiftsmcrishir. ,ke Library Board siders Expansion folownga'e eeling that thie Libr, ýhe- Clarke'Lib a.,ould have ito expandi the Librarian, Mrs. stairs sometime in the fut amp, aecomiteehe Board has dQnaýted - to1 explore exýpanl-:use (Df the usar for a p jes to ac.commi)odatel bd of five yas lseIt furthner space For bos injus- Mr-s. Beauchlam-Lp stated ,tbra Uhe LibrarY was coming to ornent poifl whre it couljd not & rthe, cmmoate furher addriti C:e was no Bo'ard ha fi each ycc f booka.l cof Ray o0dyard ia ga a gl'7an, a r'estricted Thbe librarian reported- tili Slaiest moln0rithly irculatio. aytto be recorde atL thý Lirr.Circulation in ýNcG [S vemiber ran over 2550. ie Rayv Dicýkson suibmritted th-i 'financial report for the yeai wlic rvele a$120.00 _stur i plus of a budget epniu nof '513,473l.00. n The capital debt ai the crn r of1971 wilI rest aet'$14,000.0 The BoarIjdill requesi from tlhe townlship for 1972 millisiilar t htcf 171 ith is expected thIat with thIý C rat te Board shouid be abli7 a~ retirýeli debt over th-( a next tan -year as wvell as tak- ý-!ingc care of scrma expansion in gý aýccommrodation. --Orolo 'rimes li e U ïs III L1I 1dCtir For. the gol feripl0ans are Ma so envisaged which illin- ( ude pr-ntice(, teachllng a idc api rtting areas. bel Th]e course hias been de- thb - gned by C. E. Robinlson cof stl ronito who is Caniada's lead 'col %Lf Oshawa There is a show on at tie <C haert McL.tigh1lin Art CGal-,ing ry i Oshiawa which willihib ve anyone front the l»ortherr n i rTI of the counlty a new a2p- dosl eciation for bis suirronnd-Hlaý ~s. eye iervef o Our F'riends: s we- stand on tf is good to paus, )B. to those whi( 10W 011 >rlyasosl eral ce senv:< md not4 prry EDDING ST, !y Be Golf Club 9 . 9 ,.- 'f- 1-l'.