The cian S eni±,Bomnlle &n 1972, ya=rudrinik; or $290,NOO thi at~tj r n w -Prayer Services W ife woomcherouldincljus Mt unnt~ Lu " Ceri0 5 1 j i f a 60 s eaot edn o r s S p e i yM s o a a p, M , o d S e e S, 1 "1in u ma, :D1a w ls in d t wnAG Ehov e Ses, te cednt=a1. The Cxmte a nbea eeigo a dy M -. r. Tom Van, Camp, Mr. and Mr"I' s. ýb-Fred R Stevpns.. ThHaiuonKa rba H l V OS î$le ltminent, Mrs. an luen se - O ianswmeI coiuiI'squ re n29th at p m i.telhïthmis5êLoriLialin the vFlil r 1,E5pree noniS~~i~1'g i~dtfeli crl1ed.luSan It answ I1nCm i iiht n'thformef an IlIre BoweRnoue1 e Miis- coetal church in Ogls wa heseif over her dugte ierd that sucli is extended to MrL Nd r rfboteiae Mr M r s. ANr tohur Amré agement OF the Golden Plough 0f raiscnred uin AilnhaimanWhc elto n sai D ha ie ohrson KathleeA nin fml hl herNw ers lbdDwl, Nehw Yeroh-chi ran an te dîoy nfraaî twsip thi Tiusda ad rîay v=ed Chrcl mnites G rr te rhpu h oMs n1 telildgtapovlo Bke) am ny n tergathrcin a th Cachbenler g r. Sain i e Ml mp o- thhe n a kunkhs Ca ingaV'l4~p,_.Ai nnechrcsii, -: OW wounds. S at Tiiy Uîe 'Cuci ~ esri ces foara!grant nd er the sL o a r a Mrs on uban * N ea' wt ter a'bM . a n d e ec re new 1 ' i, ad tb , Sniths aEM iwileth e gucat The AsOcla n a ei-the ash t1o1d hr baad~IiitvsPorm u h saa pn h hita daul"i h 1-ý' g tt eMrs. E. L Gilbnboardye4getL f1hi th ed to ser'Uaitemdnï-raisedvsîtc t he oCIo bedeainCfo0ap Licat io 1, "ekedIlthl",fome s ro O er Mr. ormd MWightSsi Irig of bis mesage, reflnet though theto-,erîgs to theLn adition Mrs, Alle iJanuary 2lsThend Mrs. OtisPnitchard, son the my thee of t he,- FePaitan Reie Fud.tine a insho-atd, igt knee, Two mens er othe gadàJon ad Pu. Mnoi upand OsJonN dauhe r spent sliwa; b and nlt won naioalPryr eric - boedcllrhnead rc-ec viedoino th , n- heyalto vtisithCd mr. ad tot li ekviîigh WihSonyCek "LveasI av ive he ABowmmillha b de rediek. intnie ogbr a yîg aMsnetrPicadMn-prnits, Mn andLMn. lbr,at'sMr. and Mns. -if L slo no . 1ent ie tuCA oodo- ir - ey,0MTheewsmilon. de n , iMa G r M , sis- yeîu'~. ofu Commren a ectý 'ride o h Iéns 2-enod agen se fot e recati n ltlek ofth Ewmnvle alatonte ret în ide ou tae bre ndahafsetenauiciPnso,1angeoient rug and s a.Mly, O haanitd rs. Lu C . usoQtefre'ssn e from the ifriun t r etanpkiSountto 1000Pup n. a montagrived Taso rt. la oher Dan- Febn n fml.Ln -,,,uhy ndk. the Women's apleg a sligbtconcussiorneand ta cutlion roesd 0 en t hye!f r-who a, w h iAs ay n st t etngo ody stiche bosutre.thefene,1 thnkvteiËtie dug er Mr ad . M ms edi anuab th atpnd n irt e an deLod un Mns. R.-Mrs. lanny tOh DrawaW DELOITTE HASKINS & S~~~~bl OEIS Mn, ASAlepdiscovened lrarlingtaron Itate payîn tülulkadaiy nSn E al ett aa Chart iu e l r o.IAcoutars nibs. w=à he e ne taken toh Nohd A trom n suppor tro tet'alr to s nd svea ersn raMn.Gry villesegon ie BndiCrs OFFCESIN AJtrCA ade Rok UITIE ýd b y rk nvMr.Cmmte, n rstnn- ota nte un Sub I'. nndM l. s n. M as Dpnazpwheo-npwDecei oiananam m nkTed thon hmfeitdit bywpq riameontonAh, ahdare: VIELL CAPAIAmBUXLpJING Alli vs admîte. h ,I e f- .la îm a nw aenawsblip M n1 -f DoMrs. Mndra i ie sent cou's wîth berii Re OSHAWAil CENTRE - Ôtto 160.0WA p TA nt1 nd git rat h rsnd wnc "uannue D atfr-an a"y, bo alle! M n. ierMnad Mr.Cae S Dwon Oha menfict an ma inggod arog-theigin dslys uld nly ii hugl CUmp! eeCrs-Aln omtvll.sleP abae nDu PARTNERS: GORDON ~~itRIEHLi F.C.A.,aR LA. nehng crease th"doe so hefaity.mas ue sta witlthe formen's Mn. and Mn f. M fIi -snR, Whby seiler T theeghoosuiia l P on i nk c iczfrits paents, Mn and Mus. CAU. n aiy idospn rw. ld s onl DEhough lait week visiting theire panre ofhi Rowmvianvielaec. seller, BillTursColi OOR.DO F. SEGEWICI, C.A.withî sight fithertad into k pparetti1ckoTheteest labbc Cafbehe raaci i , te rodsCwr(DL!setteintMsBaer ad M. an fily who e t-urdtn, Mr n n.Hrl e r PieMavîn tAd PHONE 728~~~7527 bedl, Alen sî.lie said, o es. tr Psop n inbnonis on tSun y o rit pem - Cosy n wn1e eri oe1ecsl elr n incrêdble," ouncilor ingnean1ytceawdksîle uests.ith p rtMnrie as p. h, R. .on de er )I TheIA re were clo sbu t o pp ceding counl, ata t u t he ]sfly St. wr Snayad n . ne ndi -Bwanve: tJn tbing yu as iht Se la a il r ate lwingmembensof he in pan Steven, Kichen erwoRcadBhP.oeLl- b .. . DA BkAmhe IALUIN CVi. wsrtnnn Ianno aigw oNI'..HOUd CC,4 IDENavTgenehm.M n n a;Su, Gog ib Dowson andfami y neutItrsnR.JohnqOMhea;iselne 05HAWfrSHAW m sùnd mlng pob-Sunda. ImPi.lipdSnoden Rbmal, liA KNG S. E~ BOW ANVILE a n. Alen'smotb r'spae a y e altofohenThday son bonat thle l- nMrPar JduonrRbi e PeKit, n lisSt Toms.Thy iedîut oo Wecoldgoout od b u & scinpbof K ng and Geonge-And Wan, Catie;rs dl in R te.Oshawa; selle that tise roadiMB weMre îcyGAbutFAp so cthem ontohe tx-$20 amge, e drves nd Le» oanvileqC ARRIED îda' think t wuld aidtbeywer co -,eret o th a he intrafispetNwYa' ihteignh omnil; sl JUST ~~te prt 0f rthe hîgw,ýia1 vm CouclSatodtet, Ooo adprnsM.apaMreli ere icel the accdent, a offic r" at lacNo in- MnsandiMns, . H. Brow fLýý ,W TRS meruture ws 6 e P or , Afer tyuar sîg lnswr rprei n D ai Mn. ad ns YlVi E ON IN TU CA IANS LR * B ~ DS oerpases end o ac as e- w be aprovig. m ReeDy-1 n r ! ael rO n d rs DnBnwn'Lnon'M W.Mc b'ed Mna. ra tprtre nt hose ars e nao mimigpol ,,wit he forme'/hs. parol ent, laley MeAb ho n Mh fAmiy I SI 7entedMn. anr.MBaker thur Gîbson, of Lotue * CANDLE MAKIO SUPPLIES prviingîn en ases th anwerisYes). Ye M nii elth BaseLîc, nd e w o F- or eNeýwcYss,IM.W.POTaHLETVR Mn wlere cned t Edm- es"Counci iai offe- nySuh op Sna u b .Cne n r - (Incudig Wx SéntandDye) a e , Dis cya as abb rnrnhaout 1500. ed. Areues byth e 1anadIn MiAls1'Ma Ivry AnaJohn, is eCb acite taly c "We re lokig fo som Metal ealh Asociaionfor uambra W ih n. Tom Cf1paes re ustf n1p.nsa doitih l il rectonfro cuci," M.lont ritio nf 00oroe Vnaphv rtrei t, nMbannd Ms isa - Lewwsraft ealeskup porI~ Shaissîtn saî. "i then la wes uraeddownsummaiîycGr(phnbornety Ilig't.nonJean0f Lidsay.FR1.and SXTGeorgeSOTCiE bel ne Dfo sot &ling, wyo ae yNE&mnv leton ouni ad fmiy asendf Q e -AMn n.WilonOshawsil eua ,the nly wýýaelteci ïý rereena ive, onday nigbt. N d n.GogTan nie eTrnoti ekt Gr seoupJný1Iý 1ayo holi iedin teOn oucilrMancefmilMe toGrnov were at fwriday01htbber 71A KING 55T, E.~ftO WMAtV1EONE) ecif b atwe l are boping, add- rcadn "It' a ocMergai- the forme' ns ldstson, tRbin dle, K4 s.ItPc BiicLuke presidnt of tse zatin fieesidadio an's IateTdN's duer, Mn, andM" ubr(w oe)fo phtohe wili temai Dan- By omanviemChambe ofSwyn dambouldnTheg ive $0., an e Wiglst a nd ocild-ths m untyatedd He- l tn counc,çitl r preettvsCm ec uportr oV"elî,JoI su ppose ot organ- en Bowm a vil oNwYerspat hl i h - ARtoe r t ie el te dt ihe o Sitee,' i a c omon SLationis arefieognzain, M.adMr . n Top p, nRy eovai o m tyM O O N g sspiîou. T ey eailyagrecilO Foi nd the co mmyittes 1to The matteur wa o f 75 it ...hrug; M n n. Hn'iy ev an.E T ph re i t e d ieuen o d uste mater aar und, Acteo moioe ,n to n-c -__________ ne pot acltis utteytbefi on.1\1r. and ile" fuM~ ~ rued L u P rý. ' uiswr m s n ad u n \T',X F l .isfier(ae l with "It l iasbe n s0fte moat _IN TU___I IN,: L~A~I~~ gy* g~~ miliondouadebntue orino i, pponviesoappro %Acliý th ow ilePblctJth-coa ui Mayor Hobeler-se-,'. K w an i îj I flr- "oTncil is 'f cerad , Amitboruonen Nw cfs THE MO ER C NV NINT WAYý ,u3areveyl he ares e edtuesitlisil h omrsJ u tM n m moeyfar is pbicp rse iecît i sport4s M .facîlities ibon ýf . ~~jicudn I* A FAMILYaSECOND CARajetsn hi adamant Ly e 5t n 'ç'mutno1oI cnic-Mihia. tIt icpto eci hat isepnimry cnsiéra-er tse eiegbionïiMyor .hp rgaiIftonMr.s tTc,,, tinwa ottîkbt ots obi airi, "un oe ml aclso muotlabusiness onientec activioy ADVANAGES . Tie mater, nevîably tbin abot bie othr peple8ut tda,, iwans iscons NoDonPametguiîî efsci ~ t tclaly~ ~ on fixi, r cstroslIo f $MOserviceeanprojeadcts. E Ln tiseeproposc rejointDmeeting. cr n s udTh-IfyearGuealph Interna One Cnvenent onthl Staemen by .bs ya rmn Ketmerhack-footcomignifaylid a Uop-AndONDIUGAL'MUpro plo o onvrîit aer1imeto'ndkOnit.lb1,gr.n nc intiae answ ac r' edAr fre ain ru e- p iy , O JBCT l E o N VIROuN - a 11ý P li ,Hp ýIp rii Simplifid TaxeRcords frmed bycIlc.rnid cite as donndtPenk t MENT. Internatonal lis year Continulng Us cf New Car IéIXiePs cf cIquiriîigaain- rouldMmein a positio bo unci- 27,000 membelsnr5,80- club ..........doo.........g.pool...c i ew en a --a t uilding 0f tha type blirougisout th Unnted States, BUICKIC PG OE !KLR -R EiNaeefrteacIPred nci raispe sficiet4Cnad A ese fteCo mtfni t t nt îthin tise 7 tse , i a i $l co"I es iiiiM, n vrs ,, u br(todzii r pu wÎV-S engloenthrwe spéed tnrbo-hbedrolmatlihteepBiveBagneil, expaadnewn ctodnextsfewmmuontbe ,tbbcdMdyth transnussiOnsrush-button r fo, seat1b it couacil wheSwouidalie eatl-osaid addîge.satNcounciVwiilslie obsrving tne the conghts, tfo-Creedi'Seaectriem Pindahdondswarelinerno rnecommLion d"ajmaximum-usgetnitTorganiîied witein r ternatioaalddunlin mKria1is nd ases lcns pLte.1niniju jniw oer, l ippaii - Z eatn. uh o es p a nve saory eekJhn JanuaryýPte-C itnatBarsocl o l 1 ý, 11 serscian ie 111b c b emool mrcsda190r;abin h onrth e t eiatter wil Re v sra Pt anciý \ýrEui-d3 a e eae$ Mnh Bkr told cua ilthtr u ch nd ow Cr tercili o nillo u ini otioc express ltan/be rnany cstMmers /rn hav opool wouuld ot a miniu W wÀould l ie egbCulgaitelO#wOU TH 1-EER t).N1E T W Y <- m l<ân hsmr eyM rgstepnàwshlc Discua YourT ranspIrtatio todmt$2,o rbewe 35 omteedw b adnTseCmiteanuc witli Tom Cown or Ray LaMhnmoe $,W ifde scheurs pah f e greo fuït J ure hti slnntees uprei oe ns 0yas esyo PIIONE 623-3398 A re~~raens tat1vý -eteO- ad an moeita tse ak reeetton eoe Snn.M cuci alFnoatin. 1e aTUEon Cpni tî F- LE/ L__ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ga i ar SRe 16 K NG ST E B W1 'I NVLI onesré iwe a dsia fq a scodci liioucllr a aten on LI u e uit/s a l A POIT; -Pnew arena. 11[e' WxMiaicedflb, AwoulD AY QSad osb rougbly ! ocy $8,0 o1 ï.ir.I ~ L~~LL_ J55its LADIES'WEAR $HLD,7 KING S-T.W,, OMNI COPEEUNE ALL Oïl 1COeATS 7and HQTPATSCAR COATS CLEARING AT GR&e.ATLY REDUCED SAIVINGS P RIýC ES UpI TO Price ONE lflCOUNTER 0F SWEATERS DRESSES CARDIGANS - PULLOVERS CLEARING GREATLY REDUCED AT REDUCEb PRICES a1nîï,d U~t eces STAMPS - Rernember tg affix that extra samp t. your lter.Thé rate is niow Up to eight cenjts. If you forget, your recei .ver is gigta bave bo pay double on the diffeeretiald or return thée lebter bo youunped SPING, - The first hint oýf spring willý be finit ini thé next few weeks as postumnsoart deliver- ing the 1971 personalized inco:me tîax fewims". BKi that shoud not hbe somethîinjg 1tegroan oen roghly Iwo outiof threeof the more thau 9p,00 000 Canadianawý ho will comploté the foms ill receivýe refund, ýaccording te théeDparmen o Revnue. Thé eparmet strýeSsés lýthat té ne tax laws do not apply in fit1ilg mit thé 1971 returns e, Pnd aggst e forgét aIl about thé; tex réform . until next, year. Oh1 yes thé, Departsment ai5n urges we 6Di out on r form% eairly. Apparentily it ia eager tve shoufld get our refunda quickly, ne dobt ton tart recircletng thé enimney in ainother round of frénzied cou- MORE WINNERS- Thé Irish swept into ow manvillje lest; week in truly amazing feshion ..a readers of thé Sbetesman are eh booe well aRware. Three bown 'résidentÉs drew horse-s. One of the bhors1es caein Jfirst, payig 12ý7,000, ýnother Ca me in sc ond earninig$500 for t'hé lucky hiolder, jand the Whordmws scretched but peid, nionethleless about $7,50. But that wasn't ah. Wehave earned sirîce thatbo other tbown residenits have been awvarded consoletioni prmzs valued et abou.t $250. They are Louis Dwl of 6 NAlon Street and Cathy Wilson 0cf 142 Third Street.An. Dewell ncdetlives on thr si ,e stree.t as th-e first prize winner, Merlené S.yme cf !40 NesnStreet, Novw there is a coincidenjce for yvou. Twoe wineseceving thé highesb andlosbpzs offered in the Sweep living at opposite ends cf the sýa.eé sreet in a smali anaiax twnFanlazstic! I DRESS SLACKS REGULAR STYLE - FLARES EXECUTIVE FLARES EE, RICE TO EE.PRICE TO EE, RICE iTO -9,,95.m4.88 -14,95-fm7,88 ~-229 m12-88 19, Pure WooI Worstecls, Permanent Press, Etc. JARMAN!S Save up to$12OO SWEATE WAOOL PULLOVI SAVE Up TO SHIPLEY SUITtç1x- Regular price tO ma-n- Sale price . . . - 59 35Temperance Street North Bo0-y,, er pir ERS 12.A-0 500 il n r t nr t 4< 4 n. s. a 's. n r r * M s. s- r r. r 4, 4. n ALL SALES CASH ALI SALES FINAL 1 1