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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jan 1972, p. 4

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'4 Te Caiidexr tteni~a,-wmanvilleý, Sam, 31g7 EDITORIA L CO0MM-EN-T Keep Those Snow Shovels Operatinlg Qutsdethesno 15falling to ardd more to the downfilJwelhad lstweek i-cli nf which iS Stili resting on sidewalks al aver town.l Evry yrar thaese wha cwalk to work, ta sýchool oir uptown to do their shopping go thrzough a perilous period and. often -ufrpainfut Jiury asthey creep alQng aover sdwlsthat haven't been shovel1ed. Thi:,-, is by way of a reminder that the town-,,has a, bylaw thaMt say S Peo mutsho-vel theirwak to keep them clear for pedestrian traffic. Any-one who doesn't rmake the effort or- havýe it done could face cosily expenses in a court case if' an ufor-tunýate person f eh because of the home ownoer's neglect. As g-ood citizens itwol be f ar bette r to make certain hosesdelk are cleared of ýsnow as ,oon as ossbl after a storm; that way, everybody wh be happier. 'Sowmvanville town couincil'sreua ta cnsidr atendig a joint meeting of the Darlingtortownship couneil and the~o~~anvhl-DrligtflCommun. fzy Sports Complox Cammiilttee bas seni- ouisly dampenied hopes ai either a new arena r imm pool beinig bujît ini this area in, the ioreseeable future. Tb.auigh couni's concern, for ther tiinicial implications, is quito unider- -staudabie, thoy seem ta have mssed the whoi& poindtota he committee's re- quest for joint taîks: the realization that if the two mrulnicýipeities United they, stood a rood chance ta et the facilities; butdvie they wouid end up with nothing. onclsreasoning that a million' dollar debenture- for aQ water filtration plantl had ta- take precedent is correct, WiVthouLt the plant Bowm-anvilile's fut- ure would be nost uncertain. It is im.. perative. B-ot qcouncli is being less thant fair whIen jt seSrs thet it cainnat consider ether -projects t the same time, The million dollar debentune is a debt cege t hcBowmenviile Pu-b- Etthte Commission which wili be responsible for ail paymrents. The towN7n's mýriii raýte wJli nt10feanlybe rhaniged. , houigh jthe water rate sure- ly wiil. So1me councillors eIl'bis le a formi nf tax' I.1,11 it jP)anadded burden tan ail týax-pa1yers in towv'n but-sit Aa tax? When a firm udaesits qup ment and rquCo aptl ado zio, h pay'S? the canumer. leta, a tx? Caunicil argues the t J It is eithrer able rnor redy tansidr he costs- ile nouse in discuscÎing the rmatter fur- the n. "We %would beie'ainog CtheComt tee down the gardon patfh if we a91ree« ta a future meeting," -Reeve Dykstra and Couincillar Hooper sýaid. Does that mean we have ta waýit until council'has the money ta pay for the. sports facilîties before they wili act? Does that mean that council cannot sýit down and taik over the proposai, ýta finid out ail that is invaived, ta learn what it wouid cost, unless it hscs i hand? Shouid ail dreams - ail plans bc. stified because money 15 not in 1the pocket? Mayor Hobbs tald the Conimittiee degatian that they coud not hv brought their proposai befare counrcîl qat a worse tim, When, theni, is an opportune, momn- ent? No one expects council ta comrmit themselves ta such, a proposai on the scant informiation given at Mondany nlight's meig But one miýgh1, expect them ta take the time ta look into the mattor more deepiy -- ta explore every ý avenue - ta see if a, meeting cold be h arranged with Darliington Cou.ncil. It is doubtfu.l the. Commiritteo cmrn sýalvage mc from thbe ashes leit aftr their presontation. There is one hoe eft, hwvr Darîingtýon counicil m-ight ask for- a meigwith BwmnvllT t conuld he a golden opporltunity for- them'r, If they play their adright they coulýd get, anr arena for the to-wnship n a eltecot If not, weil perapstheDariingtan taxîY- payers wn't mmid paying the fi-uli amount, After ah, teirchiriae going ta have ta play hce oe where. IReport from Queen's Park I ~by AlexCrrtrsMPP lu wecami~ th NewYeair one's, ~itheueevet levCaltebi ading ta &another. Thelesof A171 wiil be minr- rored lu the eventsni4 1972 and as the ewYezir un-folde7, the cha1gwng cni tonsa a raidiry growlng and develop- tng province present, new chlegsinf Iiilfilling q lie poiea oforrow -, "~The future ie for pea pie and their 1971 wasan iportent adevn luiyealut he hisoai Ontanian, a yrear vwhich -e teulinetion of jthe Poh- ersansratonanid the beiu1ning lf a nlew en'a under avgoosyaungic Primne MnseThe Hono1able William Davhs, Adiose- decisions and iuliiied $egehave aiready loi t their îimprint en the pages ai Ontenio's histony. The year %witnessed a number ai significant de-:cisions on lhe part ai lie new PirimeMnitrWlia Davis, and bis gavernnet'i ni tlie Spadîna £ccpreossway ta prevet 11rban sprawl and detlerioration aof he 2.The refusai ta aýCCeçC-In tathe ~ounCatiiolic Separate Seh-jools for an exte1ision i ffinanciai aid, -lu o-rder ta prevent fragmnentation ai lie Ontario gehool -system.i 3.The aboblton ai heaith insu-ur- *nce premn-lumls for aid age pensicnrars end those wt low income. 4 The banning ai logging lunxQue- tico and Kiliarney Provincial Parlc. 5.The stopping ai sales of i Cron Ianids ta pivete intenests. 6. The preventian ai a selaut ai Ontario papenbeck and peiodîeai dis- Itibutors ta United States interests, and ithe provision of financial assistance ta phone 7. The estahishment ia ioaf ault autamobile insnance., 8.Tii.reducini the age ai tau imuicipaities irom 51 ta 55 per cent ta- reiv rpnyassm nl addi- tiona ecehîng was ýýplaced aontfiesprl ing cef of ieuain Looýkinig iradta the m nth a 1972, tho emotiotielissues ai 1971 tprnd inl tii.pigt a nfeality (ta las. the.irsî nificance, T1ii. 10 per cenl;t-ited Sae suntex had Mite impact an aur econ.. almy aîdindeed auir exprta thei Urnïted States increaesd ai to the taxK and oie(r isusincluinýg cncr on th.enrom t and econome aton- ali7imhave, hwvn atda0ctlss spurring gove rn-elritadcîiest talke steptacorrect 1h. errons i li Cetin u[972 we shal eegrat eremiei on pollution cntrai thinoug increased aid ta muinlipalities lunthe estbliht of sai sewge ichlisand; wase dspsaisits.Planinjing nian Area balsic wili beooîeamjoratr lui relations lbelwen t hr cpnti jgav- ernmnepf ricndmniialtes nd ilu tfe process, the.acquining ilend for nec- neation and cnevation -pu1upoeih b. ecceierated la a markedder. In smay, I am nfiettn in videw i lie decisianslaeloay and the eso of Lbaehowonlkmn. t'ary cnis, we vcan itook fmrward toa aya of inçreased poutvtgreater emn. pioymYent, iprve igron ios and in genienai ta a period ai gnýeat pnag- ress in 0Ontania in 1972. To you and yours on beheifai, my iemily and myspif a Happy ,and -Pros- penous New Year. Second dlies -rmaIl registra.tian number 1561 Piodcced ev.ýry Weciine-day by LIE .ANIS PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITEI, 62.-66 King St. W., Bowmanville, -Ontario P-hoe 623-3303 JOHN M. JAMESPATRICK GOULD O.PMflI r iiav.3ig c musI ,t eiitqrnGd fro ithoi'i, u rc", ithe, printer. Aiunauhrie ir*koduiýuqpwïD * 6luct ta recoufrse Iaw.n7v Sý.OO - R months $3.50 $8.00 a Year in thc. Unitced States, btrictly in advance Althol tiiugiiyP7pettto5will Jbe tIpit ~l ro i.Çpdr t~,a ceî det mg m i ts ~ui emm tlo nqm&unde g a dm a twu MM t be 1am1 ue Oy *rur iniany uvrienn pbihedhreýunder nls apraci oof zi1> edvcr~iisrtni5; reqiesicd e wrîtnr;bthe cdveÈtîser cnd returied A Ti, ei tIan Sîem=n NIwunee fAs duly sind by M ~rAmËer and wihiiec vre(oc, icmorrio, plainly nolffed in wrAlnq threan, and ii intUcmeae fny emreruon oWd ed net eOVzrced by The CndknSltcEs,m î l; iajlityshhll. et cexccÇe sic fapotIo i the ci re10,8 0% odwomm=9 GoU Me iiam epOtUkd buls mii od «rbeIXi~e lte th ,wlil;e e~ e OTTAWA - finance Miiter E. J. Bnsnmay .7 fonîv en the sjightairto' stisac tioni, eve-n suns ii which h.l - reported ta tii. Hause 0of Cm oon lowî C.anada fareýd wlh.en an iiu- ment wv eahd ymh "g Ou0f len" in Wasing- ton. wanted fr-om th'atagemn on beafof Canada, u- dluding nemoýval 0f ftbe Unit- ed States 10 Pr'cent lsur- tax on the im o0f manu- factured go, 0od, o ne quota amd itii. igbt to keerp the. Canradlian do(llaîr 11oat- ing,, on world rmoney maik- ets. Othen members of the. qrou 1p of tenl, Who coomprise- finiance miiters of tbe. 10 mnost pow)ý,erful countnries', finamcially, in tbie westerni wond7, apae to haive nade alteconcessionis, The- United States devalued it currncy and othes, e- ýep)ting Canada, agreed ta, reau heirs u ýpwand]. ut 'aNam n this understandîmng and automaticaly extended investment cred! ta imv- por-ted caplitaleqipen ordiered after the tex Nwas lifed. mre Benson inised tmat the Canadiari dollar would Gloat down tonmaintaitn it relatiomshiipwththe UJjS, dollar, desputetc ir- belief 0 f UNSAuSentaY oMte Treas- ury JonriConnadly tut it Woold nnt. RoetStanield, Coinser- vaieparty leader, was lulkewarm lin bis Praise ofi Mr. Benso-n. TI L Ii. Co- nions h. said he wa»,s jin) a Yi 'VEAIns AGO 49 YEARS AGO home a Mn. anti mr5. Lloydý7 St. John, Sunderlaýnti, A ýý paseengen 'plan. a buy Saturny atror taki îng_'-up 4 ichlienfor a skis t d eti antiFtoo\"off on'ýJ' tIii J. J tt erifb ery it.Tii. youngsters haia grand time.ý Mn, i Ms .Wilim snani Ms. T., Joins anti redeToýrcono, and 7Miss A udcle Dean, Oshaiwa, were hoidy isitons witb Mn, anti TMra,. AIf Biekeil. mn,. anti Mrs. Norman Clemiens anti Marilyn, To- ro)nto; n. anti Mrs. Laverne Cleieens, Bannie anti Barry, 11amlpton, were New Year's' guets at ii. A. H. Ciemeas nna Cianbe have returnetil tc] U'-int ef Tononton parents, Mn. ati Mns.W. Clark",Loe'ba. Mn. and Mis. Kevin Bua- ner, Esi, aviti antiAlan. Wblitby, speat New Year'e witb Mrs. Muriel Symnons anti Miss Vivian Bunner. Miss Helen Guna, Toron- to, spent Cbîstmas anti New yýea r5;holiday v with ber pare(_nte!, Mn. anti Mrs. J. A. Mn. anti Mrsi E. E. Dow- ney, Manvers Roati, were guiests with Mr. anti Mns. Ralph Beatnuis aiOU sbawa. Miss Lillilan Oshoýrne is a s«tudtint teacher at Sbaw's Sebiool tIbis weele, miss Wlma irbalrds vis-~ iteti bier siter, miss oa tbiy Richards, Toronttu. Mn. antiMr.Garmet fich- ards, Tor'onto, spent Sun- day wvitb is ýbrother, Mn. Len RIpihards.-, Miss Mary Southey visit- .ýd iss BreaVirgin, baside. ,IseBaP Wn -htvas guest ai bler sisten. ns W. Davi, Toromtô. Mw,,n.. BoySaines vîsitFd Jli em son4p itratierd. Th ntpîs iMiss Lephaic y.Dneo, AT.C.M.ý, gave ýin St, au'Scbnol om bank, Ireme H-alliman, Daro- tby andi Ada Alli,"Beatres Crydermnan, Herbent Cali- mer, Ruth Gnigg, ErneptÉ Raach, Beatnice Grigg, Riby, Seweli and Stanley Os- borne. Piano trios were gîven by, Doreen Battie, Winnie Clarke, Annie But- tery; Leola MclVaan, Neldc'a Lyle, Gertrude Allun; Dor- thy Plummer, Greta Pal1- lard,, Ada Webber; Rti Grigg, Gertrude Oke, Hl en Cryderman. Piano duiets, Evelyn and Morley Oke, Beatrice anti Greta Motion; guitar solo, Miss RIuIbyý SeweIl. Tii. rciti en eti wîtiia pu \,e bytii ýcoauosed nofMis ocat Pr, piaiafIý nti isses RuýjByI SwlMa'yMmnngandi AunyNokcrs, ai Mse 'Wihbun h0k., Gordon Wigit anti A. Lanrd. Mr.Jas. G. Rielkard anti her siater, MIrs. Aile.ý El- fard, 'Welcoie, ar-e vst relatives 'At stratiord, Port CohbpormeantiLondon. Messns. Claudo anti Clay- ton Hïincelliffe aci Swanr River, NManitoba, are visil- îng thiein aunlrt, Mns. W. C. Caverly, Chiurcb Street. Mr. and 1M,13a. Adolph Tueker, Toronto, have been visiting her, parente, Mr. andi Mns. Ar tb ur MngeIti Cbuirch Strect. Miss joeie , Menchant, Ontario adaies' College, Whitby, ,;p-ent the. weekend xitb ber mother, Mrs. Jas. Lunmey. Mn. Richard Prior, Athu-rl, Ont., la visiting Mr. Wm. H, HoIbbs anti otiier relatives. Mn. and Mns. J. Haroldi Cana are vîsitiag fientis"ln Toono state of 1hopeful kptc about the een(,ltul lOutcome of the ealHe wslaakirtig for a jokerý in, the deck hn terms of Illeprice Canlada will h'-ave tto payin traide agreements ytfo be - gotiated lwîth ltii.Unitedi canada -US. auto trade agreemient, balace of aec- court undier th1dlie Pr o- dvr'icin sharng agreement and equality in tii. valuie af goode hi visitoirs ta one country can take home iduty free to tiic other, Currýent- ly Canad1iansar limnited ta( $?à ia dutty fe.importi aiter a mlinmum 18-boiur visit tthIle U.S. Amcericans cen takr ho-ýme $1010 of goods1 duty free. from Canada, On the othier hand Canaq- do i7 much xrcsçib fbb- dom--estic neraioa sales corporation (DISC) pormrecentlly passed(- by would give ILS. exporting coimpanieus certaitax decl trate moe of therlrofe tioni ât hoe ather thanl abroad. Whait is fealredi ï that ILS, owned but Canl- adian based cap la nieis' might nmove thleir oeain home in ord e t tke ad- vantage of these tax bene- fits. Tr-ade ýta]ks are la htii. bandsetQ Idustry Trade-, an d Commerce Mr0inistr but nobody ha, any doubti that IMr. Benson, anid . teWa A f fa i r s MNister MitchllSharp haw e smq intemrest. oni of theRM have Cberen wllng to muet am, cmmmetit on amy o the. thiree issu-esi ýn thIl aseof Comirons. (Ont 1 ,ide thF, chambher, whert commente have rno officiaI ring, altbough they are in- dicators ai goveramneni thiniking, tliere h ave ber indications tiF. governiment will motl hang t'no tough oil any of thle tlre. maji issues. Finance M'ilister Bý-ensoi, has been quoted as asking watsimportant?" whea asked about tii. prtecbive feaiture's of thle Cnd auito ltrade part. !He fee v.tetithey have creater me.son.tue agremen became operative in orde to move production back t( the 1U'..lunothon or ratiomalization bas madi th-e industry la Canadaý coin petitive and there is ni reasan ta move - that ilelui legs the EISC program pro videsq the inicelitive. The auto front, fi gI1 qeemns to centre ou keepin the DISC pragnani separat frmditnlaexchargefor iv jng up t, thpprotective cAus os f the agreemlent whlc in essence enîsur'e that pri duction in Canada w'ill U intained attde pre-agret menit level, advaln wil the nmarleetaniffl keep inimnum Canadian conter in auomobiles. The Goveýrnme-nt seve willing tol maki, somne soi 0f saw-off to balance tat wner tie Defene Produ tion Sharin agreemer urntyCanada is a h billion doll1ars aheapd rv( tii. wliole teirm of tii agreement. Ui., ivrjvý te th r de Sugar and Spice By Bihl Smiley BETWEEN BITES, TIE AP PLE WAS SWEET Looking back on 1971, 1 find it con- tains the year's usual melange of the good and evil, the sweet and bitter, the laily worm within the lusciuus apple., An old f riend, Don McCuaig of Ren- frew, won the Best Newspaper award among Canada's weeklies. V've thought for several years tha t he HAD the best weekl-y in the country (sorry about that, al]. you'other chaps who turn out first- class %7weeklies), but neyer got around ta telli-ng him. On the ather side of the fence, I read an editorial in the Bowmanville Statesman, an aid, established, many timnes winner'ai prizes, written fromn bis hospital bed by another aid friend, John James. This shook me ai bit. i.Haven't seen Don McCuaig for some years, but we have an aid pact. Hie was in the army and one day was being slightly hrssdby Hun .8's, a fearsomec- gun, if ever theý-re was. A flight of Typhi)Ioonis came-er andc sileniced the Jerry guns. W 'e met at a newspaper con- ventIjin and hie pramnised m-e he'd buy me the biggýest aid !best dinner 1 caid eat evTeryý time we gat' togÏethle,. becauJSe I'd been -a Ty p1hoon pilot, And he still Senids anl annu-al inivitati-on ta cornie trout fishinig in thle Ottawa Vaiiey, the natal place of maniy great men, like us. Last time I saw, John Jamies, he and two gigantic sons were whialing,- golf balîs at'a weeklies' tournament, while I pu-ddied aiong with my usual slices, hooks, and variaus blunders of the links. Get. wve 1,, John, and hit, them a mile, Hieres a clîppin4g and note from Tommy Lee, former weekly editor and now PR man withi Royal Trust. He, too, was a pilot. TIhe ciipping is about the big air-crew reunilon in Winnipeg and the note chides me far: not hobnabbi 'ng wvih the mob. I wanted ta oTommTy, but m wîfe wouldn't let me. She diîdn't want me shipped home in a casket. Andr here's a rnote from Walter Kay- aniagi ai the Taber, AtaTimres, iving, me heil for, using- the termn "Jap-s" in a colum-n. He cdaimis that the word "JTap," is deaaoyand Objectionabie. To Tme, Iit's just an abreiaia. also doubts if I wou"Id eall a Germian or Italian other tIhan suich in puiblic Print. See above, Waiter. Iw1 ld tgive a diddle if somrebody clle CanIadiansý "Cans". In fact, itigh'ci-tbe suitaîble. Many of uis h-ave thie figure ande' the m1-ental iesiliericpe f a cau. Eeres ahuge nwpprfa Orooct, NB.,ini whichI 1learn ta a dear aid friend, GeoI,.re Caýdaganf, who actually got this column gairig, irpr't, resist the smell of printers' ink and haFc got back into the scramible of running a weekly, after a letter swearing that he was gaing to take it easy and spenid the winter in, Spain. Take it easy.,, Geo- rge. Oromocto is a long way from Maldj- orca. But good luck, Lord Thomisoni of the Maritimes. And the bitter. News that a close friend o f my wif es, a d edicated Catha- lic nun, and one of the most vibrante, cheery personalities one couid mei5 seriously ili. Young in age and spirit, she resists my firmn conviction that God does not ."see the littie sparrow fl. Bless lher. Here's a buoyant letter frora n.iy Uncle Iv an, who has'suffered( the tragir loss of a brilliant son, andt the death of his wife in a stupid car accident, iî 79, and is off to Florida, and thnk ie'Il drive this time. And JUSt before Christm-ras, friends of ours lost a little six-y ear-old angel of a girl, who was pitilessly smrashed to rags ini a stupid, unnecessary car acci- dent, on lier way home f rom schooi. Anid sa it goes: the bitter and the sweet, the good and bad, the joyous and thie tragýic. Life; and ît's the only onet we have. 1 don't want ta spoil a mnoodl or ai- pear frivolous, but we had the wholr thing distilled, in aur Christmas aca tion with two cats. We have a fat, neuitered lady caliPed Pip, bequ-eathedt to usby.Kim wenshe, lef t home. Well, Pip has established the fact that she is queen of her own domain. She chases everything from squirrels ta butterflies to spiders out oi HERbc- yard in sumnmer, and deigris ta spenid the winter eating and sleeping., Homne fromi college camnes Kimi, sneaking, in a box with air-holes,th raucheiest, rvnLett-orni acat yau've ever laid eye- an. For the first few day, Pip trîed ta lay down the 1aW 'a"s ta whmthe Jhousýe beloniged ta.o'The pre- Chrisýtmi.qair was rent with howvvi 'andý screamns as they clashed IF4 ptl;one iii the cellar, the other fin the backjhn Fialfat old Pîp gttapoe to priiae After na fýw dysntey decided toc-eisand nowspend thii timne chbasing each aother up Ithe drapem and over t pholstery.- lomew)e-re. Tlhe goad atd the badn, thqe bitter and the swf7et , prtcfhf, aind we cani eithe,,r accept it or run aa~ from ît, Religion for Today by Rev. Gordon Smyth and t nitwihti lli4-e. The Gs ladGovermoustIolaime ed isIa strit nutnaity Butthlhe plc Dub lin~uI wer a eicme ig a Ie J.1î4f Dt- lrwe-f 'in seeh ainau. A nê url wasf iii acni nemyA.eura Tasii. cam e nily pi.t vr dean i sue piiryad I3,(oyily Yu nie;ï tii, eteof rtio ndl timaniu ai fiondL. yotice tiie courage 0ai a mebe fa panliamient with regard te a mnattLe hhet yau feivor. You notice sa man«y tings. Eut do you sýay anything? DO you do more tien taik? To what degree are you involved? Tbiiindividuel Who tries nlot ta be coéuntedC on e'ither side îla caunted On lie cwrang side ah 01ut from i i. paesni the Bible, camrre tiheiiaunting figue ai twa ie who ilsteethlstruth,. pîlte thaugI-ht it po3ssible ta be nither Cold ueor hot ilu tii. case aoCrit.He vwashed hl$had aud poese îHincn e- sk weli ai Ihie prisonepr, Hoe eenratl hin- but did nat biberate hl. li tl,,hîgt ai iitary ftii. lEoman governor was ;a responsible agent lu thei.deati ai thý, _Son ai God. Pait], ou the. oier hand, îmyade wvhet Iwouhld hav7e appeal'ed ta ýPîlatýe-a fatal blunder. He perseeCuted lie very Churci ta wiiiclii fterwands h. belornged. The camne quahIty tint made lmr a pensecui- ton in thie end made hum an apostle, Biunderng h. might b., but a miene spectatr le couId nov,,er b,- Hisýtony th oni e i 'cea Puand gic 1rateiull,,iy rnibers usJý passianate inolemul e ahi know somye'body narmed allfer hlmrrweer haqv e 'you ever met anybady Caled acfter Piietle? Hislor'y recabU îs inn oy tb vomrit hlm. Up, THE LIMITS OF NEUTRALITY Loi t ri nt b. supposed tiat lie higi sndavrds in lie. New Testament were iu!!ly neahied. ýAnty nion aiofperfection et ii.eginn iti Chntrian enra finde no spo rtin i othei. wnît ingsexýcept as auIdeal ta sýtimulate aur Every E'pistie endeeavors ta meel cam ii iuit ordaner.This is lie caýse, for(ntacin ie tRevelation, ta JIohn. >Tii vn"lter"in lie second and third chepters give a giimpse ai Chnîstianlt uits lighit anidshade in lie lest stag)e aithe. age ai lie apasties. Tii.-- chunchi lu each ai seven cities receîved a lter lu eeig ih l greatanlulie weitfhy city i LeUodi- Jia prad]yianc1hiediteh sinlul nuil i. awvr Iit a la facl pon.mî It ws i ti t enifs tato asn et lhe aulsot 4rom e nturel aloofuece, ha active faiti. Hience lhe hansi ver),dict, "I kuow -your, wonks: yvou ane neithier coid Pnon, bot. WoVuld i aIyou were coid or icI! Sa, because ynu are iukewanm, I Wll sp.ew you out i, fmy m-outh." W1ien Dantle, lhe greetest pool i Itaiy, -was setting differeit kinds ai sin- Pers ilu diffenenit c'incles ai hehi. ho f .11 lie seime 'eutisiou. Wiere siiouid ho place mortels wi'o dosenvd neither praiso unonbae Nihrangeis nor clevls wukl anlhecam urpany. He 1,c1!tiiem, tocae inigbetween ia'niad ei. ie ad 1forgotteni l'fIelmite af ueutrelity. Durilig W4Irdï War11, Binewa w,,idei-y caudenod. Tiiewqns ere oiten uittenod by maany afitis awn sns a lot 10 do wiflb that. Never- hheless one cf the conditions 0)f liaý Iagneem)enti, anticon- tainetàla a memoleàIAt eveny ejfrt shoult be matie 10 keep purebeseS between lb.ý two cou-ntnies in bal- ance. The oniy poSesibe e- drese la for Canada tA la- Ueesois purbases b=çIl tbe U.S. TiieolydifficulItY is they cio mot offer amy- thingý National Defence,( Wallts vwor11tihbat kii ai mîIomey atIltue point in tle. Dweece may wirid up buyiag ChOr airerait to re- place tie aing Argus usei in long range reconnais- anc. anti anti-cubmtiale patro. Tii. Arguale cap- able o ainîg rebuilt ion mu)Icbi less tien the Orlon would cost, nti lb. Oionl w.ouid rpot aller imulch 1mr in tii. wayjoi caraily canada's in j ig b Federal Grant for Port Hope Northumbern'd, - Dul'laniý amouait oai $46,900 10 tht M..Russell C. Honey lest Town of Port Hope unden thoe week announcedt1iie approv- Local Initiatives Prognam t-,ý ai ai a fedenal grant luinthie ecate wiaýtr empioym.nt. MnI. lHom.y saidti s was tbe seems ta be againast the. US, third grant approveti unde- PISC prgoram . It cdaimýs the federal pnogrvm l in ii- tb. program' l iprapR iciag ai Northumberland-~ uintier lhe Gemeral Agre.- Duniham.ý Grants pncviolusly ment on Trade andi Tanifi approveti were for the Coi- (GATT) wbiihws auppjos- bourg YMl-YWCA andtihr. eti ta'oire. trade in pro- Ratary Cluib of Bowmamvîlle, gnessive steps over a mumli- The. grant ta ilie Town of ber ai yeaï,s, on. ofwie Port Hope le for lhe cou- le ta be tahen on Jenuary L. structiofl ani reonstruictioni It can be seen that w hile of idewalks in the. streets andi Mnr. Benson was able to an- panks. Tii. projeet will be niounce wînning a miaj or carnieti out unden the, Super- battIe as result ot the Bigvision ai the. Tow,ýn's Worlks Ten anreneet, h. anti bis Departm-euit. cole Ues ailihave a war 1Mn. Honuey statodtilaIhtii ta wn whb espect ta fetieral ratwilprovide 4(0 economie !amie traie Mat- jobs. WanTok will begin as sooui tersbetwen anada and as weathen permits, the. M.P, the United states. ;*Lteet, Council's Attitude a, Real Dampner bouquets ,to Benson

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