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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jan 1972, p. 5

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Tamblyn îs survived by two Lettes to he Edtoclaughters, Mrs. Jack Goheen Letterse) ft-BwthevlEditorN and Mrs. Ken Withers (Marie) TRN ofPeterborough. (Intended for, last week) were Christmas Day guests of tuik, Bwavle 8 0 ~ The funeral service was Joseph Randolph Hilis, Mar- Mrs. Edna ?hilp and Miss U .W. January meeting U g s B y S o t Ldo s F o ow 2th, from the Morris Funerai Pleasanceè Elizabeth Dawn and Wayne Phasey, Karen and Mr . C. CoJn,1ta Chel o Mony , andmbVgaet NancyPHulsSanVAne 'Jrea Philp athy. Benda wilm l be ldiesat the ome.o was conducted by Rev. T. became new members by Christmas week wîth their Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Rahmi, p rin ip l s orSýc utiq ,âl )vem îlt Smith of Newcastle. Inter. Profession of! Faith and Con- grandmother Mrs. E. Phllp Rlackstock RHR., and Mr. and ment was ln Eden Cemetery, frmnation of Tyrone United and aurit Miss Jean Philp. Mrs. A. Grace, Bowmanville, Dea Eito: ard te stifacio o!gan- tadin ftur gnertin. Cambray, Ont. Church on Sunday, Decemiber Mr. and Mrg, Lloyd Skinner visited Mr. and Mrs. W. I wish to thank ail those ing respect from the boys and Andy Hoornweg, anean rers W î ers. 2thEracBibls presnew ithmndosfSarpywith Mr.andGMrs.Rhm who were instrumental ln ap- watching them play and Président, West Durham WyeadEin Wthretea il o e ynRs hap ah n o.Mrs. Leverne Taylor, IJuane poitin meas resden o!amle nd eveop ntore- Disrit Council. Eddie Solski, Arthur Shier, Book. Rev. B. Hopkins de- don, Enniskillen, on ýChrist- and Danny, Mr. and Ms ________a_______ofmlean evlo it r- isr Carl Tamblyn, and Alan llvered a very inspiring, mes- mas Day. Gead alosttne West Durham District Coun- sponsible men. ead Tyo cil By Scuts.There is obviously a bright- 'TST*TIDVTambln. sge t the cogeainem- Christmas Sunday guests 01 Christmas dinner party. re- Th pstfurwek hveersdeto bat la happening Qbaigepcal h Mr. sud Mrs. L. Skinner were cently at the home . f Mr. aud been a ixture o! enthusiasm, in the district, and that is the n u . embesnM iTss C rone r. W. P. Park, Bowman- Mrs. Don Real and sons, pleasure, .disappointment and enthusiasm and dedication PERCIVATÂ S. TAMBLYN S e rn an Te Hrnville, Mr. snd Ms rodGenak ~ades. sow bymay ladrs nd Foiowng n llnsso! in uussellu ue Carol," accompauied by\her Geisberger sud family, Zion, Mrs. L. Taylor, Duane and My disappointmient h a council members. months, the death o! Percival *mte r.G rn.adM.Wle oted y an eespe usso manycf ule r t heud co nodktooecm ur- aby, gd7 ers, Sentingil Star Th? annuaI meeting o! the roue. ber other daughter, d ipety roem th ey fel e occuSrred ynat M 9 eora opifficiai Board will be held in Mr. and Mrs. Gene Roberts Mrs. John King. oprtor ewcn laes soud be looking ahead f1n-tai, Bowmanville, on Friday, Foster M. Russell, former the Tyo17, C972.rch ath pm.,and blidren of Chattanooga, M~Xr.fad Mrs. Ralph HUis rodsu d mermbntesso!nor-ng tattf itud o!deu otin g December 17, 1971. publisher 'sud editor o! the Juay1, 92 l pdigCismsndfil etrandth boi work es fcon a titusteao! noyni qur Suo h aeM.sdCbugSuie tri hr-who will have reports to pre- holidays with lber zother, Merry Family Christmas Day Soreh.ow.1, aveth im ita tankessjo . erngMrs. Samuel Tamblyn, he iug a cotributor, the preseut prsent laien be r eaediforMrs. Ana Phillips sud famîly. and Sunday guests were Mr. Sorehsowha ve n th uerl- it thuklss ob.wassboru in Mariposa Town- publisher, sud the company peettoaanhsmetn. Mrs. A. J. Hoar Jack Jarvis sud Miss Jessie ficial aud that the district bas I arn sure that if weai hip sud received bis educa- with libel. Mr. sud Mrs, Alvin Hesyn sud Louise attended a Christ- Jarvis, New Torouto. developed cancerous diseases adopt such an attitude aur tion at Edèn, Ontario. On The libel case coucerus a sud famlly, Mrs. R. Tetiaw, mas famiiy psrty at the bome, Mr. sud Mrs. Albert HllIs, such as disillusioument, mis- problems ilb vrsdw eebr1,11,h a-lte ulse uteJi Scugog Islaud, were Christ- of Mr. sud Mrs. G. White, Bowmauville, speut Chrlstmnas trust sud struggles te show ilb ai owoktgte ried the former Alma Cowie- edition o! the- paper ever themaDydierueto!M.Bw uvle with Mr. sud Mrs. David oniesýel! more capable than kunowiug that ne matter whatBon who survives, signature of Margaret Wil- sud Mrs. Adrian Haines sud Mrs. Leverne Taylor sud Craig, Wteshol utfogt h w re anciln in the s trict The deceased bad resided liamsou., childreni. On Sunday, diuuer family held their Christmas Mr. sud Mrs. Raiph Bowers Weuho cf otaurgsoitionhe w .t arem o!nthe Boary a$ecsl o 0yassu r usi scam 50 - guests were Mr. sud Mrs. R. party at Haydon Commuuity aud sous speut ,Cbristmas ruihs th oyou t asove-o u tsho!anada.,th was s Canadian Pacifie Rail- 000 damages sud casts in th'e Haines, Caesarea. Centre ou Christmas Day. with Mr. sud Mrs. George met udtht stadoat ar Our goal is te win the cou- way Section Foreman, retir- action. r.DviPise PasdDw aeke-BwrNsltu tme sud efft s olnt uutr fideuce of the boys we work ing uîne years ago. He Ws5 a Also named defeudants are sud family, Castieton, MiWr. tertaijed their grandpsreuts, Mr. sud Mrs. F. L. Byam te aenpdtefboytsvin te is- t member o! Newcastle Uuited James Jobuston, publisher sud sud Mrs, Ronald Philp'sud Mrs. 'G. Yeo, Hampton, Mr. entertaiued their familles for to elthebyn h i Our victory is the creationi Church. edîtor o! the paper, sud North- family, Oshawa, Rev. sud sud Mrs. W. Vaueyk, Tyrone, Christmas Day. Somec methods used b, a! a better sud mare under- Besîdes bis wife Alma, Mr. umberlaud Publîshers Ltd. Mrs. W. Crawford, Nestleton, sud Mr. sud'Mrs. Stan Gyly- _Mr.,sud Mrs. DogPak members toenegiueer people oute!fofflice bave been un- etbicai, inexcusable sud in ..... compiete violation with the . rules and régulations used ir3t..,....,'. a demrrocratic socie'ty, ý This is nota very good way , o! setting au example o! l . Pesce ou Earth sud Goodwill e,,..> Towards Meniespecially te A 11_ ', v boys who are iookiug up ta 0 1 . us for guidauce. w u We ail get burt at one time ~ ~ ~~ '~ ~,'"~ or otherr aud I, hope that we V~~" .. .. . ~ ~. .' aubear those burdeus grace- , fully, with the .knowledge ' demsuds making uupopularA W"' decisiaus. Our aim in Scout- iug is te contrîbute; aur re- cl The Canadian Statesman, omiile a,5, 1972 M Oshawa, sud Mr. aud Mrs. Walter Park were Suuday guests cf Mn. aud Mrs. Eanl Byam, Oshawa. .Mr. aud Mns. Davld Breut, Landou, Mr. sud Mrs. Gordyn Breut sud Christine were Christmas Day guests o! Mr. sud Mrs, T. R. Sykes, Tor-, auto. The Mreut famlly gatberiug was held at the home o! Mr. sud Mns. Don Badour on Christmas Sunday, Mr. sud Mrs. E. A. Virtue s penat Christmas weekeud with Mr. sud Mrs, Howard Wouuacott, sud on Monday were guests o! Mr. sud Mrs. Norm AlUin, Bowmauville. Misa Maxine Aldread, Tar- ento, spent tbe holldays with ber parents, Mn, sud Mrs. Lloyd Aildread. Mn. sud Mrs. Lloyd Ail- dread, Miss Maxine Aldread accompanied Miss Anvilla Beckett cf Bewmanvllle sud spent the Christmas weekeud with Mr, sud Mrs. Melvin Beckett sud Mr. Heury Bec- kett, Stratford, sud were Christmas Day supper guests of Mr, sud Mrs, Victor Boire, Strat!ord. Mr. sud Mrs. Eugene Kra- mer, Part Coîbarue, Mr.' sud Mns. C. Clark were Christmnas Eve guests e! Mn. sud Mns. J. Brown. Mn, sud Mrs. Eugene Kra-. mAer sud famnily, Part col- borne, speut the- Christmas weekeud with Mfr. asuM. C. Clark, Judy sud Susan ne- turned hiome with thecir surit sud uncle, while Douny sud Bobbie K ram e r boidayed with the Clark boys. Mn, sud Mrs, Jack Brown were Christmnas Diay dinuer guests o! Nrs. N'orr Avery sud supper guests of Mn. sud Mrs. A. Býroauow- mauville. MËs. Dora Ra sudMr. csud Mrs. A. Bnown, Bowmnville, were Christmas Sunday sý-up- per guests o! Mn. sud Mrs, Jack Brown. Mns, H.ay Scott, Kedron, Mr. asud Mrs. Gernrt Giaspell, IMrs, Aiex TMclMVaster, Mrs. F. D. GlaspelI, Ziari, were Crsmsd'iuenguiest3 of Mn, sud Mrs. R, B. Glas- Pell sund lelped celebratci their mohe's86h blrthday, Cougraýtulaýtimus! .Mr nsdMnis. Harold Tri. vett, West HilI, spent the Christmnas weekeud w.ih h'r sister UM rs. Eda Wood u-ýd son Johu. Chnistmras Bye tbey attended a family gathiering- at the homne of Mr hVfs, Don Henuing, Bowmianville, sud were Chrnitmas Day guests o! Mr. sud Mrs. Menton Mavin, Oshawa. A Happy sud Prosperoun New Year te al, Good Idea Worth $1 0,000 A picture may be worth a th1ousand words, but a goad ides eau be worth as much es $10,000. If you happen te be a GM emnployee, that is. Thati s the maximum am- ount paid under the cempany's Suggestion Plan. This Christmas an Oshawa in, .R. J. de Beaup,.re earneci the award, the eigbth Cana- dïian employee te) receive it iince the mi-aximuini suggestion ,award wvas raised te $10,000 iu 1968. Riïs suggestioný was te stan- dardize tblype o! sealer on the dash pau.ei between the erigine cem)npartmeuit sud the lurterior of the vehicie. He was asl ry-ae emiployee then, iii the quality ecotrol de- partm-eut. Since he hl-as be- coine a memnbro! the eom- payssuggestion departmnent,i &t il goeesto show that yýom eai! seal your future brigbit, if yeu pauise a wAbiie te th1ink, as ,you dash through h! e, (Intaunded for hast week) Mr.n Pete Kane, Oshaw,,a, Mr. aud Mue., Russeli Stainton were Christmas Day guests at E. C. 'Stainteu's. Mr. aud Mrs. Jim Staintan, Dave and Deug were Christ- suaës Day guests at Leonard Sbaw,ý's suad Eddie Remauuk's, Oshawa. Mr. sud Mrs. Kelth Stain- ton, Clarke aud Susan were Chrcistmas Day guests at Mrs. Clarke Moare's, Oshawa. Y,-. sud Mrs. Fred Ward audfmi, Hampton, were Chistmnas Day guests at Wes Mr. sud Mrs. R. C. Stairitan ývisited Christmnas Bye wlth Jn, and Mrs. Steve Sobil, Columnbus. Mr. Fe Cameron is a p atient ut Memonial Hospital, 1owmanville. MAr. sud Mrs, Roy Thomas ,smd daughters o! Scèarberougb wvere recent visitersaut Rus- &eeIiStairitou's. Mr. sud Mrs. Ron Jackson, Paris, Mr. sud Mrs, Leoniard Shaw, Mr. sud Mrs. Dave Shaw sud sons, Oshawa, were Bexiug Day 'guests ut Jim Stsintou's te celebrate Mr. sud Mrs. Leenard Sbaw's 410t1h wedding sunversary. Mr. sud Mrs. Allan Bristol, Donna sud Shayue, Hamilton, Mr sud Mrs, Don Prout, Don- nie, Raudy sud Kim, Mr. sud Mrs. Tim Brooks sud Tommy o! Bowmauville visited at Mr. Ray Csmeron's ou Christmas Day sud they aIl weut te Tlm Brooks' for Christmas diuuer Christmas eveuing. Mr. sud Mrs. Fred Dart sud family, Woodville, Mr, sud M10rs. Arthur Dart sud family, Mn. sund Mrs. Bob Dart, sud famil 'y were at Henry Dart's fer Ch1,rtas. Mr, sud Mrs. Hans8 Geiss- berger Sr. were atý Alfred Mohi's, Gormley, for Christ- -mas. The, Vice !amily had their Cismsparty at Solina Hall ou Mandsy, December 27tb. Mr. sud Mrs. Gerry Glaspehi sud Mrs. Donald Yel- lowlees atteuded. the party. Mrs. Alex MeMaster, Mr. aud Mrs. Gerry Giaspeil, Mrs, F. B. Giaspeil atteuded s birthday, party fer Mrs, F. B. Giaspeil at Halph Gisspeil's iu Tyrone ou December 23rd., Mrs. Allau Glaspeli sud daughters, Oshawa, Mr. sud, Mrs. Bill Burns, Hamptou, Mlrs. Donald Yeliowlees were Christmas guests ut Gerry Glaspeils'. Mr, sud Mrs. Alîsu Fisher were Christmas Day guests ut FobsFisher's, Oshawa. A very Happy, Healthy sud Prosperous New Yesr ta the !7ditor sud staff of the Cana- disu Statesmran sud teaail its redreverywhere, FBRAND NEW 1972 STOCK!I 100% POLYESTER CRIMPKNIT Take your pick fram a first quality assortment of blisters, jacquards anci crapas ln a wide range of Spring 172 and mid- 6 winter colaurs. Crirnpknit practicaliy takes cura of itsef-just 1 machine wash and dry and. i's ready Io wear! Stock up now< anid save. 58"-62"l wide.< SCREEN PRINTED POLYESTER KNITS New 1912 ecreen pdfnts in machine washable 100% polyester, 99% Choose from f IoraId sud geometrios ln a wide selaction et Spring YARN DYED CRIMPKNITS Batter quality crimpknit in exciting new 1972 designs. Çhoase 9 trom assorted machine washable wcven pints ii aw Spring , *r shade& 58"I-62" wide. ""TEX-MADE" PRE-SHRUNK BROADCLOTH First qualIty, washable 100% coiton. bro'adcioth at a special low price. Soi shades cfw~hite, pink, blue, turquoise, yellow, mint, 5 Yr J'; auvepesh~orbeig.25"36Yarde > POLYESTER LiNiNG Plain 1'O% polyester taffata' lin,- i ng -machine washable,Rauo selection of caots. 44"'-45"wmide, >1 y-d, <POLYESTER I>RESS CRE SMachine washable dress weight S crepe weava fabries in white, pini<, yellow, mint, turquoise, liliso, navy, > rad, back sud purpie, 4411-4511 wide. yd. ACRYLIC DOUBLEKNITS S Fuily washabie, drip dry double- knits wilh s wo rstad finish. Navy, e red, gray mix, violet, turquoise and pink, 60"' wida, yd. fPRINTED POLYESTER C S Baller quaiity, machine washable dress crepe irn riw fleral designs and aseorlad Spring '72 colours, >, 4411-4511 wide. yd. I59 ,REPE PRINTED COTTON POPLIN Washabie 100% cetton poplînin -i assarted designs. Purple, nav, I blue,* red, sud brown ce^.-B9 binatians. 3511-3611 wide. yd. M BONDEDACRYLICS and, ASSORTED WOOLLENS SpeciaI Miii Purchasel Washabla bondad acrylics anti better woi- lens in plaids, plains, navaltias and. tweeds. 54M-51111 vvle. 100% COTTOPJ PRINTS New fierai and geomeiric designs n Spring colours. Apren, dress and quilting designs in the group 35".ý36" wide. d PRINTED FLAPJNELETTE Better quality, good wearing flan- nelette in washabie floalai nursery tt' and mens prints. 35 ý36 'wide ni SLINKY JERSEY PRINTS Hand washable acetate and ply- É1 É1 ester blend jersey prinîs in ne, Spring '72 designs, 4411-4511 wide.u yd. PRINTED CREPE de CHINE Machina washabie 100% polyester d in new floral designa and new o 9 Spring colours. 4411-451 wda KING STREET EAST -ee NO-IRON "'ROSE GARDEN" FASIHION SHEETS TrwinTlsMai dThed , 399 Doube Pa udffed a.4,29 Fine quality. aasy--care impotted sheats and cases et speciel January Sala 10w pficesi Beeutiful Rose Garden pattern Iu your chaice of pi* lae a nd vellow floral$. JIBEX" 'BLANKETS 70'x,90' Reg. 3.98 :î. ,39 SOW x Se* :aeg.4.3 . 3 79 80' x 100' Reg.4.9" e,4.2-9 Best-selliup, warm and casy flannelette bekt made of I00%saftby'uepped coftto Naturialhdes thith strped border, THERMAL BI.ANKET .449 Slightiy substauidad blede i ekets for warmnth. Withaut weightl AsetC,'Aoours-satin boutai 70' x90'. "KENWOOD't BLANKET ~.119 Ouality ail .wo6l double bed sz blankats with satin inding. Choose frein ros, bittesage greati lovett and gold shades, COSY COMFORTER 1(eg. 1.8e: 12.99 Soft 'n easy *'Fort" f ifle corafortar wlth a ight- wýeight scetate chromespun floral caver. Approximeteiy 72' x 84*. FLANELETE WÊARMSHEETS Twin-Fitted c.3 4 Double Fiteci --,3 -99 Vary slighteubstandards troms DSouiiortTaxtiles. HOMESPUN TABLECLOTH xeg., dl5 d% ~9 Ne-iran "Scandie' homespun-typteablerloth in four decorator coloura.51 x 70, size. PHONE 623-5451 Twin) Haï and itte)"d cc .9e, 13,99 [Dobl Fit udFited Xte,4.7? eaz 3,99 matchbing Piliiw Cases LRg .9 ,199 A iuxury blend of 50% polyester and 0 lhte4at neyer nteeds iraning 1 Whiteeny COTTON SHEETS Twin and Doubla Specfal [Fiat and Fitted purchase en.2.9 Match'ing Piiiow Cases Pr. 1059 Decerative and deintyfloralpatteM lm, muli colours. "LAS VEGAS"PILLOWS Rogular Size -. 399 Que Size"0.4.79 Piump and cin?'Tottrer'11uslid pillaws-nt>n ailergenie. Luxuriausiy soft SOosfe iather1S and downpillowsl. Peiy baigged, Rg4.98 Sped!az eh. 3 99 super soft solid bain ubber with :ippmrd white cottoil caver. Pli.L!LOW PROTEC"ýTORS 89el 'Whitep muslin pratectors witb zlpperad ends. Stock up aud save 1 BEDSPREAD CLEARANCE .199 Manufacturers clearance of wavena ecrylle/cottani spreads in un attractive stripedi pattern.Tyvln We aize ent1t. Blue and green cembination. FASHION BLANKETS peurchase.69 By Dominion Texiles-attractive viscose/cylc blend blanketsin semeail avelypattems. Satin bound, UUILTED IBEDSPREADS Double 'Reg. 29-98 '19.919 Queen -Reg. 39.99 '29.99 Lovely acrylic batiste in ail-over quilteci throw styla, "Fortrel' filled, aud mvil-' able ln beautiful decorstar shades. MATCH ING'DRAPERIES 20% OFFI 'Maeatoeir ect specifications. MATIRESS PADS W9 x 750-,59 atSie Group Gvat 21 Reag. ]-N, Reg. 2,98 ltag L9 Itcg. 1.191; eg,1.9811 ag2.419 ,, - 99 1.29e.,1.99 Fa;ceClth Itteg. 591le.79t $Ee.11 ea.9c e.69ir a89c- Gîaup 1. Large assartmant of Camtaî.cx nsud Lad G ait tewals in 3 patte rne an-d aiet1a pais. Graup 2: ýRic h, ticLowais frem J. P, S andr Caldwell, U'xuiouisly Noveu,,isad shea9rd fr ,ext velveat-like ale.gauice. Pleins snd fierais, Group 3: Luxuty towel ensembles ftarm Carnnas TERRY TEA TOWELS Quc rigkitchen tsI St9ck up Oau.4 "WVHISK DRY, 1TDîWELS Rg 'G9 'p , a , leS Fast dr-ying icentI aaraînbàow a,4 assortiient of caloorsq. LINEN TEA TOWELS tisnd smart srpssd eigna 2 "fr89 UnaVariey o A u .Approximate L i20, x 30'. TOWELS -SUBS Bath Size pa Ptca e uts9911 FaceCth SpecidP chs > 'r99c Special purcliase o! slightly uîbstaridard towelst and face cloth5 l$y Lpdy Gait Stock up uow ar.d saea 1"CROWN PRINCE" d4h Mlanufacturer'e clearance of first quality bath sheets in assorted colours. Large 29' x 52' siza. "LADY GALT" DISH CLOTUS ]Reg 29ý au, 4 f-,89ce Popular rainbaw clusd;sh CC iota a pecial low priçs. Stock op uow aud -save 1 OVEN -MITTS SET 12 Rueg. 1.98 vt1. 9 oven mitts, pot holder and apron lai colourful kitchen prints. IRONING PAU & COVER SET xeg. 2.98 '~ 1-99 silicona pad aud caver for aairioun uy aQw at.this specijal loW price. VINYL TABLECLOTHS 52' x 70 . 2,99 60x90' e.a. I"gq Coleurful ad euwf- yl mwviLh tannd bmdda and Visiy! tsysiet buem Gmme, og. e.m ansd gold atiades BATH19MAT SETS 59 Lwaýuf pletrand viscos-e lond l!rý p tb- i I BOWMANVI LLE ài W44 179

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