B TIr Canaian ~atesnan, BwmaîuilleJaný, ~ 1 frm eansd Donna VitueNayOr at efers udMr.Jî MKemud of Bo=wnvilevitd e - or oreprursRâ.fami.O Srdytiywr Mr. u ~firsmer arepaentslu PortpeuyGess er Ir Jm ee W ceau s.uDon Pruttare mrsNuelson ,Mrw- ou- Mrs. C")iiîn Mcee sud fam os isroher Co.IvnProut, ýjoyed hiîmsWt hriyJfCdu.,r sdMs ~fssRuh rott M' uddughte u o-uiw u.Jh MadMillen, Tammny sud MrS Jon Bcha, Croln sd Ms. rau SyonesudBreut of Caearea, Mr suad ~udDoulasof înday.C~o- smiy o Bomauiil AsiDave Frew sud Dwayue lyn ema'ue fo s oliay uosî fo Chîsîas ith0f auetvîiie, Mr. sud Mre. wit lir gaumoterMr-4M. sd rs eog BrsBrisïa? Ft Shea sud, boys of Fleot- Ivan ~oGeorged, iss Jane Russell of Mr.Joh Pr ut su Su- sd Eriwý,ee Mr, sMsBethean sumsGraeShort anOshwawer Frdaycai- RipI Bwers sud boy2siofnif Scarbrough. crs mthhi~aun Mis RtIrTyroe. i. ud rs.WiirîdOn uuda;y Mr, and, Mrg. ~rout sd he mthe Mrs Vie ad fmii sudtIr Ar- Dn FewNancy, Vaierie, CvnPoiodWiimsfml fsi-Aasnl sud irgiiajoined with Clrrsîms Dy gusîswit to. oter embrsof thre famîly Mu.su rs anSot udSnd. u ona iioîttr hm fIis paren,3 MrS. RobertSadier, M.sdCurs e Mis -sW Nri !vtre Raip Sadir, Mr Wilfid Madinsu Loru Caunngbon ar Mceni sdCaire, lrsn r u IIs erewueholiday- gueste îhIs Keuzi vusted n Toruto u Bu Virue su Dona 0fsud rsMorley'Long atWai Cu Dcemer 6 MraudGeoge Wndsr o Stoff-Mr.sud Mrs. Lawrence iMc- enjuysd a family dinnerYomtàjMaireSud )amiyo etitnsettIre holiday weekeud,, ho parns, Dr sud ma, Prs, Wsd r sdMrjKeeayîh er parents. Mrft, sud F. acKuze l Scrbrouh.nard' sud faîlytof emaMrs, eGlover Boss aI Taiesc Mu. udMsGrn Tom-ville. MrkOlaud Rohrer lespeudn- ~o er.hot 1 fmlyM, u% Me JaMcUieîugsfw days withIi Guetswee r.Jak ar sdeMs.cmumeSmelsdMrLusFeltz atz, tch Carl nd oyof %akstckLoie, aAioGeeWouf , BmRiUu Mu'sudMu'. Tompon pou Sudry sonthMsud àJohnujioyed tIrur fam strounpsi id thre AMarOw ou Ms. Larmn Hylad iue ihtIorfthr r ___________________Cristoms gusts uth u'.Hr oe tHet S NurIsm e pg, Suzane rweo Ms. Sid Lock- u' sd i. onP ssr NI ye sr nf Brou, M.su m s.eCathy,'To n!su!Tomy sud lès' loyd Wilson of WestHc tvnBlokwr up a Lndsayg. Briil ettyesud Ge o o oua Mnis, Magart ikBtt ih hism Arstrongsud MisONesbitsndugunrsudmue- . EthelHicksof Prt PerS. Ad u.sdMs ot liamsMayre hristmss gests Prsseville on C,îs-mas Da Stepetsonsud smil uof Eu' fate csu ntheMu UA8IITYHAZA eSui :ý su IeAuodo ple u rth, Mu 150.rs. is. Colmann of B'ýaiir DEY$NALCS son.vusuted forniChsta, Da ton spen ChiseawîthMnIruu accient dohapen or hriîma Da Mursd Cnusisiguets tpeMr. IlMrsinygwSu aLueslAsno1t lamtes itiace BATWNTRWTHBthn, u. uis.pîth VIiitd ALLIS CHALMERS Be1 ay ad iiy of Ott Mbý ar- woro Tiesday evniug dinuexk Sec: masenpson assur'aGtio $2.O eah, akecheques payable to "Kiotry n mi o Km Ltte Box17795 Cornwall«taro171 -I Ouli ere Sunday ove- ha-st wishes fr a Happy New Yerto thre dto nsd staff 0fi tis papor nd o ail its rodes;sso s ver'y sîncere "Th'1auk You" to ail who con- tsiibuted uows to thIs volumun. TIre nîumber to cal s 986-43.05. Nestieton Fresbyterian Christmas Programme TIre Preebyterian Sur day ScIrool held tIroir Christmas concert in tIre churcIr ou Mou- day evoniug, December 20. "O Canada" was suug, sItar which tIre mînîster, Mi. Morley Mitchell, axtauded thea welcome. Donna Lac recîted a welcomiug p o m, TIre Juniors san-g sud sctod "Thre Wise Man sud tIra Foolush Man". A pantomino "Away lu s Manger' bytIre Juniors; a recitatuon by Yvone Figuoredo, a soug by thre Scott sîsters, 'No Boomn iu the Inn" vis eneacted by ail thre childien with Mis, W. G. Hooey beîugtIre narrator, TIre story uufolded as thre chidren took tIre dîfferent robes sud Christmas Carois wora suug by thre audience. Debbue Lee played "TIre Red Nosed Reindeer" on tIre organ sud recited s 'Farewell" As ail were siugîng "Jingle Belle" Sauts Claus .,aîuived with hue "Ho! Ho! Ho!",Ho sud Iris helýpers, distu'ibuted gifts to thre happy chîldien sud each chid also received a tient f'omn the Suuday SehooL, Ail were invited te thre basemeut wheu'e refreshmiîeuts w-,eue served by tIre ladies sud sb social time folowedý-.Ap- picato s etne 0thre n-the 1Presbyterian hr I o01 Sundsy -ý, oruiuý, lu 1he las nc fhe minister, Mu' 'Guides and Br ownies MranMsE.Talr Hold Christmas P"art ~a~Ms ibrTm Moter su dugher 0f A ote of thsuks wsgvnLuhî and familyM. u the 3rd Gudeanç 81Brwitote couvenors, Guide sudI ,rsSturt Dorreli n fm Companies ahrd tieBrwîeLeader s ,sad Mi, il, Mr,and'Mrs. Stuart Dor Lions CentreDeembr 8h Ieensud Rosemary wh -4i nd fsmily, Mr]. ad s for a ChrisÏtmas super.Con r heevenîng's pisnists. ';haud family: venors were Mrs. Sýelîck sud ssmeeting was held.IMr. and Mrs Llod$emiou, Mrs, Mathewe ndaeiteyâh minutes were read and Susan and Fredy f ayon Mrs. Purdy. Boxed lunches trasurer's report g yen. The Mr.arîd MsER.Taylor, of chîcken, chips and sa.Imain item.wss a reminder of Enniskilien. were delivered at 6:00., For thýe Commuuity Fair to be dessert, ice creamn, lemronade h'eld lu the Sprîng, at whîch Christmnas ray guecsts. of and coffee were served. Tables the mothers wouid be respons- Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Grahsmn set by Mrs. Dowu sund Mrs. lible for the tea room cakes and famïiy were Mr .auid Mrs. Stedman. Plae cards sud aý, nd sandwiches. No bake saFýI-,trank Hloskîn, Mrs, Curtney, charmiug noeiiesmae by wRi be held, but plans, are __Gýraham Mr. and Ms.Robert Mrs, Selick. ein ade for a Lucky Fietch, Diana ndscott, The Presidert, r.DwLnho to be held at a late-r Mr. andMrs. Ronald Hoskîn, weiomp t~ mth rsa -,Idte. District Commissioner sdCîgMrLary Hoskin, ,,his, foiiowed bysperadMrs. Meachîn delivered a Loudoni 'ire introduction of th hadChisma message and re- iVrn Mr s ap amr table as foiiows Disit Com ý- minded Guides to be aware John. David and Paul were miesonerMrsMeacin ad o their behavîour when out Chri stmas Day gess )f daughter Carolyn Brownî-1o uniform. Peggy's parents, M4r, and Mrs, Leaders, Mrs. W-1n,1 Ms M Dow thaunked the moth- Eber Snowden o orie Harrison, Mrs. Byn u r for their co-ope 'ation and Mr. sud Mrs. Raye- 'ssery, 0 Mrs. Down;Prsdu Mrs_ asked their attention uriu Oshawa, wereChriÎstmas _,Eveé- Dow sud dugtr arn te foîoigluie anzuests of Mr. and Mrs.Rip Guie Lades re.Rigy ad rowie ceremonies. Larmer aud family, daughter hrnrFae The group then wacd ThCrimsACWmet sud daughiters Lri sd Ss iie instalaton of 18 girls ir g wýas held at the> Parishi au and Mrs, McFariu; .-Sec- mb DBrowniee,, thepretaHl. The opeuiug service by retary, Mrs. Stêdman sud tijo f badges to thre Browuîies Idia Dempsey took the form daughter Feru sud V antsd thre Fly-up Ceremouy into of a caudieliglit service based Vice-Presidents MrS. BaIly the Guide Co, paury. Time dîd or the Light of the World. and, daughter SaJIly, M , not aliow for the presentation Reading parts were Mrs. Nqor- Moorcraft a no:d-'trs0 Guide Badges. man Green, Mrs, Austin Bea- Angea su DeiseTreaur- A campfire was set up sund cock, Mrs. V.Biey Ms er MrsMGeorsdduh-laes mothers sud daugh- Chas, Smith, Mrs. HTarry Mýc- te adra, Diuesd any tr gathered for a Carol Sng. Laughlin, Mrs. ýJohn Mcv- Arthur, Mrs. Frank Stani- laud lit 'the candies. Hyne, M prayers sud medîtations were B L A C K i nterspersed through therv- (Itede friat1 ee) Chri stmas numUbr. arry brought in. Plaru were made Ou Tesdy evniu, De kVaCamp gave a recîýtation frteenuA., u 21,tIe adiorim f t~ Thn sd Now" after -which fthsa Guildpot l dn- Cartwight Centai Pulic he Kndergarten under the uri amr.Ape u Sehool, was acedtoovr-diecion; of Mrs. Corden sang titled "Chr_'îsas Wshs floxng f" te ~rseuation sud played the Rhythm Baud sdbndcinb r.H +î,,hristmaË 1 istLruments. Cindy ,Grieve I Morie MicelBe,- i 'eied sou- of Ptioruh wstreGae1 lses0 is..d-P Mi guest lspeke r.,odu onbr sdMs oîentd ws 2:8 Ire chose T IreT, eLi pnd Ieeeîn' ne-eorder Now Shunes astretee o timt is rdbW'hAIi irhis message.MsHVisrcsssnFosytIeSo-puig tsang 'Theîe's ognIemnsdMsRhuo' uaa Air".csssn uophtr c ral Victor' Parson hse"o-gv duioo iHt y-di'ce 7Do Wa Go -imHîe ïa n / îmTn wscuedt tIre »pie for IrssroLloe yapa Tr Da freading Matbew 21-3sdSrk nSuaCasLu' eSaut Luke 2:25-36. Miss Gaîl sfteuichtr rae3C oirCmes", 7Malcolmsag "TIre Huron" oertidrcinofMslbhted iCarol". Turner sagjay ît r acted Baby, "b' hiiansd M,C. fc "Up ountreHoue" Ie Creýdit c( FXADo N ~RhythmBadgva r-e to t' mendous perforaceo 'pclse (Ieudý-ed for iset weelî)outrHueop.fncn Mu'su Ms avd orOW A group seng sibntNgh ympa sud AlexYýandra of Torouto was doue by Cndyl, 1 «nv, ity'is O spent Cnisîmas Day wîih Jance Judsou, Cny-oChy i.G Mu', sud Mu's. Aithur . ,,nsher Debbie Thoas, Jean sudMnS Willia-.amnsd Paul. TonKly uyDuy et .acdn su ad Mis.A. Nebitt, CathyGetsDI-ee-y Mu.TA, ,beWlo, ai isn a ua of William sud Paul, sud i Prîl it sl pî tkn s l sud Mis, Moriow sud Alexan yBur Vnap uMené dirn vsited Mr. sud Mis. Wal M' hslc' csspesu-Wdnesc 1&er Loveîîrdge, Joy sd hr-e spay TIeInkaprM : lesý iTyroneono hila fBtbIei ,sdtr eirCm aI br hme.anid Mn MradM îu jwig rspaetiu'sdMus ,wera M, ofM îmrstdwI i.Joe nSua.M.sdCm ar Garrard.0 oot e' nM'sdMs hueGradCnsî d.anditr ohergrn- ' bi. paretsMu'a, sdM'sCale weu'Of g'-IessofC udMý fm Mu'Chrsudms. Arche WMr-.orAuno Cnsma a. aiy Jh uo,iîsNrecssleweu'e ýTours- n sudMs. Loy heo, i, Fan is, Caeîoofo Mu', sd Mi WiburTom Mcr, sdMis. C. 7,W Dowuey,i MsA.TmsosptGau] Res Nhvier0 B mle aC.3 îsmalihhu, o, u.Crln Hauh 0 Haifa, M.asd Mrs. J ol u ihMi Mu'su Mi, oy îsamSunday ý,,evening astosonsd Mrý tendin weieMi, sdMis0feMi sud Mis. Ian îaamo sdta Hampton, Mr. udMs.Lsle-n set Graham, Mr. sud Mis Tom c C 11Ufl, 1, other, Potts su"d visi Mu'. sud Mue.LlyAson W..H.OGNS udia 1'hield s famliy pstonCt-CarterdAcutu Mr, ai mýas Day. MusdMs.rn anet t . omvlesd Jîm, Sharp, Linda sud Ja-n, MPhn62-12 dylunc RusselOmsooEuîl- ILA ,HL i.W: Torshon n 0f Bowî As.ton sd fmil 6 lu!t. . Ohw mas Mu Mu',sudMrs Wane lack Toaphne 25-539 joined th buru t rnovStdWt'Wib ~s~u'etsMrdan~d!rs~W C iroprciian Mu' sud MsDouglas Bis - Chnpctreew burn, Whî by, visitad wnth IrJs Oce'- W;. W.1 parentsMi. sud Mrs. W. 1hElgin St., or. olosy î abel 'V Blackburnu on Christmas EBye, Phone 2 50vinlec Mu' sud Mis. F. A. Osmond, Offiee H-ours: y pouteuttw Chi lMu'. E. R. Thompeýon Mu'. Don in- both Thompou 0fBowmsunlle. en.ai tIean Mu'. sud Mis, R. M. Thompeon Sunida3 sud Penny of Loskar , Mrs.DRU. R. E.DINIWLL Mis.M Walter Bahm- of Tyrone were Dental ureo Dempsey callers at Mi. AThompsou's Iras îesumed genripîatceansd Bar: zuîrig tIre CIristmas holiday. at 30l Sîlver SBwmuiiie hank, 1V Mu' Deibeit Potîs of Bon- Olc Hus Dysaîl 0 frew u eturned home for the 9 2am b-6pm Betty M( Chi,îstmae holiday. except Stu'dy udSnda Adie Mi Munsd Mis. J. PolIs sud DR. W. Mt,RDLDDS.Tr fsmily Irld a Chiilmas par- 7.,Ïg- i E BwnavU ou, Dec. ty ou Suuday Mr'. sud Misr fiHus : btIrte To tatteuded tIre gatIr- 9sm ..diy weu'e WC eriug Coa atudysu udyMis. Oîi Mu' Keuuetlr Graham wss Ofc hn 23-70 Lorna E guest of MusHilda Cîossmsî itWLIMKN. ...Ms i on Christmas Day. Mr'. sud Bwavle rRsina igMe Mrs. Ian Graham of Hampton22KigS.E-Sut10seod ware atternoon callers. Office eouis: Luckyp Thre A. Beands wre guests Weekdays -9- nearest1 of Mu'. sud Mis. Cîsyton Read axcapt Weduesdsy - toîoonMis. F. aud f amly 0f Bowmauvilhe oun ehoe63-39 biuthday Christmas Day -vman Ke Mi, sud Mus Bob Joues of ran e cP, Miý iT'hundar Bay spent tIre Christ- S____u_____________ oucisted mlas holiday wîth J. Joues sud DONALD A._M-iG-EGO ,,ers, C famiiY sud otIrer relatives. Lte, Auto. Hom Life. 11L.Chc, stmn Mi, sund Mis. Russel An-.,usuisuce teeiv derson, sud Bibie of Pr 67 King ï..Sute 2A Christi Hope were roceut visitais at Bcowmnaur1ihbe- hoe235962 Mu'. sud Mu'. sud Mrs. Arthur Tiewiu's sui;d farr Mi. sud Mis. Bruce Gar- O ptom ei r y CuiIs rau'd, Douglas sud Tlim Ofrona Kaswîck were Mauday visi- K1HA.DLETODChlt tors with Iis parents, Mr. sud Obmtns ari Mis. C. Gaurard. 143 King pît. E. - Bowmanvtlle homeo-ýc Mis. Lyshl Haro of OshaIva Office Hours: By appointînEnt Mi. ancd wass sSunday uesî)f Mi. Telephone 2-22 ocy sud Mue, Boy Patreun sud 'i sTues., Tus0 F1fsnl9 famiiy 9ai.115p. o MiNsud MisJhnJuefr WdLsdSt,-9 lCu isýe Chrîsîmas Acquit- meting. Christïmaâsluc followhrdsbyaseAcit1wae servod by Mrs. McLuh numblloes. evr lin sud Mrs. Baile, Tr e r n, uber.maînder of the afterou a arios ekt, "i~sPrsent packiug C histm D'Iah", by Bl.air Cheer boxes sun coru sd Ray Porrili tIre church for Crsms deiighted the audi CrsmsDa uss0 ~he Primary C hoîr Miss Doreen VanCamp er by Miss.Fieldorco Mrs .Stanford VanCamp, r tIre programiýme it ,h -dMrs. RichardVnap Little Caudie",I"Muet Lsu Lis awec ta" sud "Sauta Claus Loise Li Lwrue u complete' with their Bîu ,candles. Jack Gunt- Christmas Day gtiests of il as s very capable Mr. sud Mrs, Bill Forguson rr the programme. sud boys were Mr. sud Mre. certainly must be giv- Grant Forguson sud family, those teachers wbose Toronto; Mr. sud Mrs. George. psrticipat,ýed iu thisIDunhar andfaîy Scr iert. borough; Mr'. sud MrLloy athy, of the commun- Wright sud famiÎL, steuded -', Mr, sud Spending Chrîs-îmas wt eorge Bryantasud îMr. Mr. sud Mrs, StanrahmÏ1 ,Ailan Bailey u h were Mrs. O.Hill, MrsAtI tai death of hi Rahm, Mr. sud Mrs Caeo dPort Peîry. Allan ired in s car accideut iay sud psssed away lsay. and Mis. Haîry Van .veie Christmas Day of Mr. sud Mie. Glenn .p sud boys of Port Suudsy guets of Mr. rs, Hsrry VanCamp gr. sud Mis, A 't Van id Jayne, Scugog; Mi. e., Hearfs-îp,Jaevl. 1a, gueste 0 -f Mi, su van Toumpe n sud Roy Taylor had ha<, home for Chnistms. ider,,Port Perry; Mu'. s. Auson Taylor of 7ugh; Mu'. sud Mis, Taylor, Diane sudý sune, Mr. sud Mis. MIurruay, Ksther'ue sud1 e f Cresswell. nd Mis, Russell Mount-I ýnt Christmas weekeud! rs, Mountfoy's brother' or, Mis.Cecil Feigu- Mu'r Milton Payne of tle, Lorue Thompson speut is holidays with Mi. e. Hubert Cobbledick nington. Velvs Bailey spent tIre d in Toronto as guost M. Pritchard. id Mu' . Dale Gunter nily 0f Thunder Bay Christmas with- heu' Mis. Chas. Venubug ited other brothere bers in tIre ares. id Mis., Elmer Archer aWhitby, were Tues- ich guests of Mr* arc. ilbrit Archer. Wd su p pe'gueste wbe Mis, Vincent Archer' nanvîlbe. Ou Chýrist- su ad Mis, rce Ie family gatharing, at at home of Mu', snd [mer Archer. nd Mis. Ronald Drink- and familyof Ottawa nekeud gueste 0fMis. VanCamp' sud Mise TanCamp. cîowds atteudd tIa th irstmas Eve servicesý Ëehurches iu apîte of ibiy wiudy weather, ?y Christmas gueste of McArthur aid Mise y weîe George, Bruan ry McArthur of Green- Ir. sud Mrs. Norman oîf Peterborough, Miss IcArthur, Mu'. sud Mis, JcArtIrur sud Cu'aig of éhrnistmas card "paîty 21 sttîscted 18 tables festive affaur, Prizes ion by. ladies' IrigIr, ùve Gimbictt:Mis. Richards, second, 10ow, mi Coates; men's IrigIr, 'id Cook Bibi Ford, low, Mi. Goslun. prizes, couple married 10 Christmas, Mu'. sud MeCullougIr; neareet y10 Christmas, Heu'- eruy; number of tes rs. Jim Coates, Lunch Id of sandwiches, turu- Christmas cake sud A brightly decoîated ias tree added to tIre spirit. mas 'Eve suesîs of Id Mis. Gerald Kelly mlly wou'e Misý. Olive ;ank sud 1Mis,. Reg. ry of Port Peîry.' On las tIre Kellys joiued ly gaîhering aItIrhe of Gerabd's parents, d Mus. Wm, Kelly, geon. Gueste of s gatring attreKel n Mondsy wro MýIisY y Graham, Mu'asd] VilIur Tom. Mr. sudi r 1 s ni stLi, av el - Sizc 6's ORANGES 3 doz. 100 Lau, Faneky Grade-3lbBa Cri eLo;al GrownD McINTOSH APPL ES Red Emperor Prod. et USA, GRAPES 31Ibs. 9c Maxwell HCuse u0 o, li BuneBef Stew ý,Of -e/5OzTin ,'21 IGA ChieDsetPas1-s in .19 [«A hoic Pea - 1-osTin.14 IGAFacy ppe Suc 1-Cos. TÎa .15 IGA ureVegtabeW1 2obtl .59 Sunflight Powdereod - g-iant size .95 Westons Biscuite 2 vaiîties 6 (Iutended for c, t wee- ,ud Pamel euîeu'ained Mî, Good luck toMu. udM 1,ad1is DJaStnsnDanny7 oxeWhtne, ,PaulBb u aeaJ-ue Ri-an and Rady whosi Muud i.DoBrw movîuirg thIs week from tIreu sper Chîitmas Dy wit hom nlutIns bocality 10tIre tIrirdagtrsdfiy i GadCsyap u lýslands (80 Toroutoýn miogoth or Cuba) wher > hrsma getea el MoieIas a musical engage2- cuaicuedM'sdMs meut wîth tIre hotel in Geor ge- Ad aatosd fa C! o towu. ï Thre family wi411 a PrtCredi"t, mise n tins 5u'5. M i-d Mis. Fu'aukGlas Christmas festuvîtias wr ean sd Dav-,îd sp en rnjoyed ir this commuuity' Cîsts ihtIeGîI family days. Mu'. sud MsM anissd M'.su- Ms ýH:owsrd Malcolm entertaiuoed Auke- Van Der Mr sdfamr, Mu'. sud Mie, T'ry Maliolm, ily iss Betty Wbîttakor sud M'.î Mu' sud Mis. FloydStî,,non7 A FIDINGBY FOU1ND iArt Fouud of D&rirgton hved up 10 Iris namosu FIKS'è ,did -uet tIrat. Ha fouuda EPA rO .,TG, smal cashi box in tIrebus othe west sida of Praston vLa Road about onraîf miesouth 0f tIe con ________ Cocession onBxngDy UnJder tIre cash taywas ,S puece of ~papi ou which;wa- t wuitnMeades Electrie f O_-shawa, Police assume tr bxwss taken'fîomn Meades a in- a receut robbery. N mouey wss fouud.-g For OidApine CL ASSIPIEDS 1 lhûee 62-3303 ORONO 983-5206 5550 HOME HEAT SERVICE BY AS eMU)CH AS lHeAIF You as home o e ae ow ehîgîbie fora oi c seodor jirdmrtgge loan from $2,A0t 500 at reue thly pamnt Fi'id out how a low cost homnwn ba~ca a I your bills, give you additionl as i rquedan a the samne time reduceyorothypyetbya mnuch as haîf. Find out how easy it1 t etyurbn proe within 24 hours. You a a o1i.m oa o ep fui courteous servic.Poi tIneten op.Ld 30Bay St.,TorontoI.Calolet3698,vnig 231-8146. IGA SIE WHITrE EBR EAD5 PEA or HAB iTANT SOUP 24-z. Ai Bouîe, 7 1 GA iTOMA4TO0ES 19ý-osli 39C