lVfis ~Io1t Mc !lisr Mr. ad Mi. PeCyaMd 'As.n vlcted MY . Lgli' j M h' h 2-, is É ,7Ja p tet a ,PDr. Joh Alun, Caat A Ain, ,owe Sret.cLean din, r ob1ert and Dare Q etSellIl s !Sut Chrstas i Mis. , Lister andhe daugters~urnneL yn n Colling o, spentCiistasy Mrs, Norman yoTownu Mr. ad Mrs Nora Aur, OrnO.n . emerl9h Tfiluy Rïegion News and Vie w Monlro!Ontario Hydew keti ng Taiea as been pue- mee eAiea Sale Represen- tatreBomanrillIAea teýrs, Mi ýssKimn$> e!!and Chus e! Llndsay were Christ- mas Dy gusteand cehe- birthdaýy wlth thc !eumeî's parnt, i.andMis, A. Mas- M.and Mis. Jack Goheer, Mis. Dianne Ogden aànd fani ily,, and Mis. P. Tamrblyr-n Tew,1 Mi.and Mis. îKen Withiers and boys, Peterbor- ough, werc Christmas guets o!fi and Mus. E. Solskî, Oshawa,. Mu, .oand Mus. Fred Smith, Mi. and Ms. Bob Smith, Lisa and Kariwe Christmas and ecight gueste o! the for- mr'daughter and son-mn law, M. and Mus. Roy Beu- draDawna and Gregory, Ncdwmaizket. Mi. and Mus. F.- ,-,Wbili (nec, Carol Elton), Deep River, Mi, Bilan Ehto>n and Miss Vieki Benson, Toronto, were Christmas visteis wit] Mu. and Mus. C. J. Eîston, Concession St. East. 1Vistors witb Mr. and Mix. Gardon C. Martin Chrctmnas weck wcre Mis. -Franàk Bing- hani and !ailly, M_:,i. andMix. Alec G. Martin a5nd am Neccastl, Ëand M01, and -Mix Lloyd A atn taa Mis. Mrc Vanstone and Miss Barbara, Vanstone, Beech Ave., returncd. onMona a ter spcnding the Holiday Sea- son witb Mu. and Mus. Bruce Murray, Guelph, and other relatives and friende In Wes- tern Ontario,. Mu. and Mis. Glenn Lande: and Bill, Miss Janice Lander, Waterloo, Miss Leali Van Ah- suine, Napance, end Mu. and Mis. Enlyn Côlc, Morrisbuig, spent Christmae w e e _k e n d with Mu. aýd Mis_. 'Richard Lander, Toronto. 1 Mu and Mis. Gordon C. Martin s pent Christnmas Day witb thehi datghtei Mrs. Fran Binhamand faminf oontov, ging on the next dayte failygathering at M.adMus. Alan A. Mai- tin','PrtCedit. e Ms. Perey Mc Malienrcaîooghl, Mr. Wayne Mcan, Markbaîra M.TryMars, Lida Town> ttncdth unieal Of theiîr an, isViaK nlr Mindený , oýn Mon1d ,y Ms Mi. and is. Mardn - Maitn acompnledbrMi:- and Mi. a ý nd Miy a with Mi. CMis'Ale rMa tîn ander famhl, Dec. t, Tancr spet n ejoablte evcningo cdr home1Y0Lean after p2din Chuistmas wt Mi. and Mir Cleelnd.Oo Atew, Year'e, Ms. Hoar ws vgu1st, Mr. ~ ~ ~ ~ W aJ.i. .E Ku Phone 23-330 wcre under the supervision ef plosive Cutfit take on the leaders, Mi., and Mis. Claie slumpimg Brooks cu t C9:00 Mutton. Members o! Hampton a ni,, wilie Brysens and ut Cub Pack alse enjoyed the tons collide Ln the 10:5 a- outing. -renture. COMMERCIAL LEAGUE SCORING1 Dave Greýený,i, Brysons 10 Rick Wonu atuFak___ Steve-Brns, B .ooks ....... JoeBaon Bryons--- ------- 7 Grant Finof, aterFank --3 --- G-i,-M-tto - ------ - 6 Doug ?Crouh,ÏWat Fiîank 9 G eoRay , s b r--M-to n-- - 7- STNIGS AS 0ïF JAN. 3, 1972 W, L T Ftsý LEADERS A Pts. 16 26 12 23 10 19 7 16 6 1 10 13 6 12 1 10 3 10 5 10 GA 29 39 34 48 linadJhg e with Mi.andTMhsèlaiesAi an MisGeorge ySapleton, T u s e eutand te newyeaî in te seemn to playthibs ec -the niurs-c ic cf t eWod-Gîh- key ithe Pot Hoe renýia - onRuhefod rcesraIn and- last Thrdyeeing - theCommnityhallwas roexptoasVyd- Lucengues D n Decem. feated th:- om, ow Pn ber ' 124th witb Mi. ad i&s. thers 4-3. ~ oetD. Kerr, Elgin St, It was abgwlfoth -~~~~~N wereMi. ih cimlckof Eagles and ple hmit -Van-couver. B C., and Mr and a secondplctewihPr h i.Myles Buie19dRoincHperi îtbeLndc lagu Is Teronto, DonaldKerKik-leadingSutn Thear 3- land Let, Ms arlnOnsiX ont etenthe - Oshawa foui points d hrsmsensSoeap-eonaie set-up froemC' - ration An~YIn the secon, MurayCa ker's two goals niowdthe - te 3-2 Ènt_; Glen n Rice anYi,,onKllnadscoied near teedof the famlyof ha'sincudd i ecnd periodfo 42lead, a;e i, ai Fue n he score staye esame Dogls !BotoMi aduntil the md-1,way mark of Mis Orile Callceand the third wbe Paul Hilîs Deis ! onyoo, iand p Ikedupan cerra nt pass and Mis AlertMuneke andwent in te cr and again Keneh ! roo. Mi.adPull PrtHope 7te wlthin one Mis.Harvy Aken nd Tm gal. Tescore remiaIned the o! ontpol wîe hrstnassame until the end of the wekedgustgame despite some great r'Ph Editor recently Teci chances et cither end., ed aý card fr'omMi. and Mis. Rob Wlloughby played an- Nerman J. Scott Of Wiflow- other great game in the Bow- daîe, formerly o! Bowmani- manville net wbh is turning ville, Who were( in Montana ont tô be the usual perf1:orm- vîslting their daughter Janet, lance for hîm. Shusband and fam.nIly. He aise h olboikSekl i ecently rece__îid a «"get well" ton means that hee bas scored -card frcm Mi. and Mis. Allan at least one goal i each o! -Knight e-f Dundi, Florida. thelatengms ~ M. Kigh isa nte son of It was the bs efrac ~ Bowmanvlle and biwf e a Iby the Eagles i the, last -fermer esdet three weeks, ae everyone Mi. and Mis, Lou is Dewel skated and worked bard es- rentertained Chrstuas Eve in pecially Smith, Shackelton, ,honor ef Mi. Dewell's biith- Johnýsonan the whole de- -day and tihe Dwelfamily fence corps, d Christmas part,,Thoseý at- 'The Eagles play at, home te YI tending iclde i. and i .Is. ir.el, aRdd anrjDa- ~Commercial Leaigue vey, John anýd Mary, Miss HokyN w Ruby Dewel, Oshawa, Miss H ce y' Donna, Lyle, Town, Mr. Rick Ji lak s eweolrk University, and Wle rn elEtt F Mi.Ray Dewell, Halifax.WatrEae The latter two were home for and ByonsSmokeL Shop ýt te Cristas olidys. clubs gieeted, 1972 wlth con. t th Chistas hlidys. vincing ,ictoriesArn îast Sun- -Out-e!-town visirs with day Inoinïng's action., In the Mi. and Mi ..eitParker epener, Walýtei Frank piled Up - urin the oidy were Mi. a,5-1 lead on their ayte a an Ms.Da~dPakeýr and 7-3lacing eùver Muttcn's SheILi thre chldie, M, adrMs Brysons îeceived lIttie resis-1 ', Jc~cPaîkr, shaw .1M, and tance fîcmn Brooks' ;~ us.RonPaîer ndson, in'the moîning's other affair, f Whtby Mis A.Wynn Brnt-as they îelled te a 7-2 decci- a fordand berdaught rMa- sien, The gamnes Were th sha ,,o! Tient ies, Miss lith f or the team.s h hi Su_ýsan 'ShIner, Mi. PaIu1 Par- 17 game schedule. ker, Ottawa, Mi. Doug Par- The Real Ett îw .y ker, Miss Patricia Parker, manhandled Mton ithe -Waterloo, 1i. aRnd Mis. Fred epening match, as eu r Yates nd tfour cile, Crouli bolmdhmefu ~ iserinha ndthirda-perlod a h înu'scr- ghtr, i.andMis Mîshîling binge g1.ot'underway. They , ReseandMis Kahene moved in front 3-o in the, ~ Rese oh Menrea. Mssmiddle frame on two goals by f Eain Glinham TronoCreugh. at 1:40 and :0 f sentChIstms ad ~ew Wooy"Lee, the laes r Yers lthber aretsandchoice in a peer sewng anoter augter nd us-scoîed an unassisted beauty band,~~~~~~ Mu:n u ,M-a 110. Cîougb and Adams Crimon nd aughcr ea-ciushed. any cemneback hopes ther n, gncut ere for Muttons, connecting be- aise Chnistma and Newfoie the period coewt '4 ersvsti a 5-1 lead. Ther two tan .1 u ! ongesaoe each struck for a pair e! third 31NwYerswekn w iM. pcriod goals, with Crougb and us J Wclh apfaIlly and'Adams the winners' snip- were D and Ms Pati1ck crs 'and ProutanGiIcu- Higgxns Petawaa iand i. ng for Mutton, 'li5 ln and Mis Knneh Pn, Penalty called ini the game OuilaMi.Brce elh Ise went te Mutton's Prout fou ax-ivd hmeIn im folte hooking. hoidays, having spent tw The entire Wý%alteu Frank mcnths in British -outfit were in j.high geai rColumbia, GalfrniaandFier- throughout, comipi e t ely in ida. Guests at. aN eYar's centro l al the ,w(ay. Muttons, Eve paity alec cuddMi, showing, signs of improve- and MisJHe M. and ment lately, wcre neveu really YMs.R. WlattwM.athucat ithis one. nand Ms.J.DnaieOsaa Cuit Vanstone, Bîyson's Cefgraultios e D. ack oser, and bis mates ciushed Laninad ad bsldughter, alifeleas Brooks club in the N~nc o! shaa wh ati second gamne, 7-2. Charlie ing ý.zyclmpishalp ýho'theaI-SotmniePae lnr Cobeug ta 3rd The ext layo! s iî staît i heu homegameis unda tac9thaîyse cme u delp the wr tF alspayhe ebysbîgascodcneu Pis PisBetty Cbaîland 281-203, Bîl Shamrocks 7 2843 olreyd 279-264, Lionel Hlic- Doglcaa . 254key 265, Marg Peris 256-201, Danelins 270 arion Vanstone 247-218, Raiders4 2644Molhy Herstman 239-216, Jini Sundwnes 3 683Feu238-227, ElenH-ckey' Sbew-o!s 2 852 2xS-22-203,Geoieehaad Aucie at - 243 34200, Les Hunt 229- 203, Husties --238-Gar Conway 22-21, ose Higi- riplemen - îlh H l arie Conway26,Tr roy 73, îgl ciîge, ien- oîstman 226-201, DoisHo- Blî Horoy 27; hglitrilerey 22-21, TrryMahoy ladis BttyChalan 66; 26, Ors .efs2023 hîgi inle ldis B tty HaveyWlim 2,J ini C p a 8.Jfîys26Ja cry TheCnaan tae anBemnilJ. ,17 7 208y, îonGbs22 bhi Tomins 200 eaer -2dShd Mol Hostmn, im Fair,, Jo an ib, i ue, vn iam, DLes Hu-C ntAnelo eo hpl Tomnpkýms ,FrancesCap Arct;ýîc Cats-Mike Kenneýdy Eiheen HîckeJck Bîew, jEleanor Auge-.r, BobCap bell, Mairy Lane, Husters-Pauline Wlt Terry Malhoy, Lilian Smrith,1 Ewald, Wihhidal, Donna Keýn-E nedy, Arnold Brinkhowj Shamrocks-LionehHske Cathyi Ford, HarveyWilim Dot FPair, TonyHosmn BettyChaýrland. The Raiders-GeorgeGîbs Marg Peris, JoseplO Sto Rose Marie Conway ,.Martin Malloy, Jane Smitb Sundownersl-Dorîe Holroyd_,I"[ JonFord, Mary Binko egWillatts, Jean olryd GexeCharland. Feb, IFeb 2e, 9 No e-aoyn 1BI;c, Jhc- Roe, Do ennaVrcyeI No I-K.'ampon, 3,rg M 2ea;'. Dykstra, B. Nimi- geS3rinkman, J. Wouds- tra, N.4-J.. Mairs, B. Piper, 1. Wught, M. Ovenden, M. Bak- er, D.,Vanstene. No.- 5-D. Ogdcn, B. Smith, A. ykstra, S. Carter, S, Haîsma, M. Knapp. o.6-B. Wîl.bur, D. Coch- aeNVan Abbema, M. Trmb , J Dîxon, Pam Aide. Jeeul an. 5 - April 26 Alics 1- 3-4 5-6 .ln,5 2-1 4-3 6-5 an12 3-5 2-6 4-i Jan, 19 4-2 1-5 3-6 lJan 26 -1-3 6-4 5-2 Elý A ND-S H 0PO0UAUN-STORE CLE /IAeuxANS MOITPSESU I ~EGULA OR SPARles 4 w mn foiG o loe OSPTALSUPPLIES Tel.6373 For Apitnn Instructioengie and hosesboaded A N N U AL PRAYER SERVICES THURSDAY end FRIDAY JANUARY 6th and 7th TENITY UNITED CH-,IURCHi BOWMAN VILLE -7:45 P.M, REVGERIS LACIK, Smithà Falls, Ont- F TRINIT ,UNITED CHURCH Miniter ev, eorgeK.Ward, B.A., B.D. Organ¶st Miss Gail Thompson SUNDY, ,ANUARY 9th, 1972 Sacrament o!f Tfie Lord~s Supper "Makinge fie Most of the New Yèar"' Reiï,,George -K.'Ward THURDAYandFRIAY VENINGS 7:45 p,1m.r epý ýt94 .à Seglu~er KidergrtenandPrienary Depts. at Il -LI -79 h t hf a v,; lksr i exil, t Il KING STREET WEST