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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1972, p. 11

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Mnx. Bruce TiIson, Id»êr bePhorte 987-4213 ji Thiq nittan will ha haàndêti- Ha Dusy sessionfl oatellehall board nmeeing for fthemtO deeal %with. The 3account, were autthoriz-- M Cauncil orIor ava the etl Daraili om whchwas coi- SI UN ~Tha building report, givan' ~'l~wes1eTh frstreu- LirAy, RevÊ med tétitr ta dor by Tvaions pearca for a garage, Altnéti 1ery tiouftiul smetilà "Wilb thÈ, loue- mleAtbêrs, however aiIMacigMathiel- s . Hen n- Webbfor a tool ihed âa tiWmn. newly lecteti afficers4 was ý_'éri appointeti, C. rZ. CaRvéth, I qlea wal granteti. IGattan for a porchb.i hieM iopMeIbday t eéiig. Pres- Jacob De Jong, Mrs. éGbr5e el fic,- fonm of a peitiôli, a Tha hea1fth rparltot b n-I -rit ware Reeve Afred. Gray Biicklêit. Mrs. L. Sý. 1k Vété a rclei rs aernembr was on file.' ai énti0 Cbuhvi»br* Breriton Ri- ad Jak Nesbitt. The Slxth Sikma a ntisignet by vnos Othen lius.inesa fouîntiFinel kard, -Kéth Baïran k Hoai' naineawan atidetiw a êletter atfay eglonst ueCif1rdGanilflpt 4fnd TrédCoi hé.Re v. iimd been inceiveti frtim Mi a 'to f a 'safelty tievica lia Chiai Sanm Brereton anti Fine- 1ti Rôtobe't1à~yne At iSt. eogéniA'iJôafl 141 i t PS. ý, Nêweasýtleita signal mor vaheati bridige ýfighteîi7 ick paktrnaw in 'a Atià>ci nCheuréh, Newéintlê, Who had i apreaaéO bérÀýeli At af b>C.N ~ iga e-attentiance ta leamo wh at wàË i(ièatêd hetwéén CÔuiii-An ltêrélt ati axpa~yéi' nti calf Street. With e chool chlt- Council -ware doirsg on ith e ler Cbuch andi thê Clerkl, Mrà. t-.péileilcecdl lbrarîàên who tmn fuard ta anti frs'n ichool 'tdsl0 awVai ,i'émn MefillouLgh. 1woôid bhé *iln tid Ang t 1:u i an atitrucks raelI-j'1he enlPrvnie-ui With only twainv o tiétboard. ithat portion of the villageialLcniv rgar ss asyespre-sent al lê Al ord Ith twô mnem- they feal sarne (tangar ta fror aplicatÎîis for approvâlý pve . ber,à érieén éi f ôtirêiî, Fi'êdtî CôüIé!h ttme him omnn coss.'yJanuany ti That heit"lg ~~to tianci oin w'ir r7th bien inant i ,êtt tlk ti, rêé napartlctslanly 00w wIlh thatis wav(ek, RHeave Graeywith' àfnayêýà r for thé& othe-re;Wré 0haaponatfAtnieé rais a e- Ciscilôors Hoar anti Barr and V & ewalté o u. 11neil. FOI- Maâ i. Wlfm Sttonka mie Mur- ilotrôu hteFine dhiéfwill amaI Tués.' fo ,V ný hfwrrd r t, geu M.' ray 1lititon. A nôether an io n t hi m tt r ate a i i nif g o f mr h ri - bi jotitiinî'pét- Arnabis uh t e reviacl b(e t.'sigatior'e of Oané auch pro.' A liétdd. Ibontimhtlijutt agirênté m posAi Prayi'i. thé aM agénfflên ôati-,ling naine tini bckanti the Tha naw dition af the fln- ~Lod'iant C~ncllo Har C4.T. fficiAis Fmîtet hai v s tatotên rlýOffOntinoW Following this, othan tan,-t1fr oi ancilîwlth thrcee adi-ItirMa, titat théeul tnAffi 5 170 hv blitquaat payers anti enother member ans,.A'lx t4èndty, John 1Rick- ing tht ci'oasinlg wnatt i hýelrk. shé raporteti -of".th, prêa9 étiaeftthe roora. arti;entiWilimCmII. noovenhéati bridge a sgnl.tht hey dlo lhavé ftsa19601-' Apa't frorin siLylilde- ~eêt0 ôiite W onilrHa etviseti th issue i'n office b ut aa anat isi4i liatéaditmc fr~ ~ontA, >An- pt RI'k Concl hetth ovnhaacýf a mont up ta dAptr oana, Thée for ~ êv.Who atiêndÈd oni-. At ahèrs w eré Charnléa bridge lhatnIt benmen tionaipnrcfor. thaa'x iS$65,00 penr, snail fi' Is e~ncl é* AlýtliseWiai alié , 'Ôta bui, butla t&lkning ith set a;nti$4.5.00 forl, Si'O for' is i'ewIlaapar, thêr W re ê- 'okn,? ýb Sitéane, sAi'a Mn. ikrîla ha bat titoldhlm lýion lta Citator. A motion wis n tê tofrnérr inéWshéikof Bjýreton ai Mi. Vel tawrite Lta 1lail athoritias ta !matie ta punchaea hé Coai- rouicil Who Wéré, 1ong with loitli.up. seek informatLtion anti that hate! seD 6t3ai-, beté aItIs ~ola. ¶rh Glanika onirva hieel woltisuportthc Thiere baibng no fuither bus- Reva Gray thanikat 11v. lion Authôrltý1, la neati of anc petition for a signarl. le-temetn dorna -1 H ie foý i' akinti words a nti mrnbé.l a i Ibig lime vacanit, iThp Reeva anti(11(th enm- j praeranti extentieti aworýd,àawiting ;hnswer frôo tb"ftb- bers ai councl agea t hve1 of welconie ithe¶é néw êounCil, l C' Re Douglat durinin 1ilte ntn ateCNR ;aigtlhît ha lonkéi 0t*t ham , who baS hat conidera1a officiais ýta r-eview ti matîe- *wii to a .lot et Work balng tinnaé xperenc in tla ll'tter andtienquire \what ation. a jR goced yaar ehahémit fthey The Mémorial Mospital ap- théy would taka on il.Laiî- 7amOtr w,ôrkéêd opthar. poitméit doéui1 ôt oé due Th'crrs ntnc 'w -.Lahkstaf-211 end 0v h- mms. Mcullôtugil ntoln- until Marclianti will ha filed ti rsa 71B ptl étd m±ii 'é 1 ênôni oUn'uttalti tet.A bSthan deaft wîtn nlik26î, eI. Potona1,4 . per.' ci ale5ng *ith Iôhn flickard tUrne, VWilliatn Stôrki rapré- tié,a latter frniM érril ia 242, H. Courouix '26, M N. anmd. lirv McCullough af thé lsente Newcastle. beni whôsubrlitti bs ras-nontrer 2 . Langstaff22 Pýv.C.. lnad béts irévilouàIly The Ce--raettêr& 1ntio la B-aW Officer M.Poll l _8, flWRde 218, a;wopnt mn office wif .11mildec- twô fitmbini iî-rtn ceut'iil niWaiIsetr hvn .Rhno 1, t. Ç_ low laRrat!innà md îllefiane* beîng thé têa mi Couscjlloiýbeen offered Anti acçapting ann- 2 C-G.Dwyê,r 207 . Major ai;gneti. Couéb, with MOiSi-i. Mr'mothar position. Thltia wiA-20, A Langatafi 2'03, >. Forth Wifth the 1mintaS 0f ýthlé laest ?trsoan, Haroldi aiisanat é Wtliré.Atnd-20,K VMe1c-r l9ý. D. Mere- ré r iiÈting aflo teti t>ugl» Wri, n O'ti oiionwl] ha an19e, . Lunn 06, -9. Thqiiiý- Hééve G1 hnnmJl ~é~ohéCnnitmî Aléifrwt h édîeson i9, .ESiu 102, J. t>ow-. icoimittig fMr thé next tarin: tiorg,é lCib;Îl, Aonmld M t rtapiatôsbigFbu-A 9,f.Nal14 .tnw Roýdiî andt ridges, Chiairman ro anti Abert 5earce. a 111h, 81 J utton 11, B. Colin- A1 Gray anti Couitillor Hoar; Ltters of rta-appoiîflitil A lttn'aase'-a7o ceii co a7~ . Rani-y 175, P ý;iftwalks, Chairrriin Ere.ntân wfll hé sert out and il ii from i Buildingin2fspt-<tor vr uge 7 rUdkard ane, Atevè Gray,: titi hoptd Ali wlllaïan act on thé Vianrhout, winhâ trign îa 20adOé and Police, Chairman Franik varioun cbinitttes. his positïoi oaffering haowever T. EiTbley 114, J. Pruton11 Hoav anti Couiiar Barr- Mri. Narda Heogkam.p was ta aî ay oonntiitil repl eRani27,J.Hbinisn 29 . PropétrV.Chai-man ' r i d pi'eioit et Cori scêking par- offérng tla aaslst hie sucen-24 C Caiiig-2,52, G. Kin,- Caiîch andt Councllor tirUkard; mission ta halt anr.a ppeal Or, extaaldîng bisý gratavful bal 51, J. Par.reËtar 249, C.1 Finanie &nami rtsiutrial, dCiair- throtighout tihé village sanelthanks la the Clark ai Mn.d V)riea4,W.Fitf ,L ýnéan Keith Bamr andi Couavhil- limeci nuay What wai Grày for ali lhthé halp they hati Taylor 211. B. Lws . P lor HUoan.onice kiown as Ithé March ai héén ta him. Tihiis was lsaHeniS 30, J. ýnln 225, Creuncilaponacn werp t>.lmas la-,.q calleti the, Abil- treceivet i wth regret ani a K. Nîlxan 213, E. Cowlîng26, a~ follaws: it ;,Faan appmiD wl becl'fr enerw iaio -aG. Kupery 206, F. Stpletami _____________________________________ madie wîth the déatiuiné aa 2 . arw205.I February 111h. Tlmrsday Mixed Information was matie aveul- 125 ml Oves' able ta Newcastle aîwn Bob Glenville 318 (860 thei ta aaaiciinlap- triple), S. ',Black 2115, I.Zuý 1 vicia - mniCpâl ie patic,ýe215, E. Stephe1-1 207, cS'o ialanc1 /l~ rson L 1rogram' for additonalfot.M Lewis 186, H. eurh weeulcirnnmet ila miti-Fabru.. Gragar 183, We. Forgat 181, H.- Diboaýhlaii 0 thir mn.ý Fe, untl 'ayFi'iday 1Mixed -175 anmd Over: Mdî, o ing sa flte A!, ,,5j ef t-1 Afiitti foi'the . taleo-30,R.Got be296, M. 1Hanrry 27,S.Powel 'At ý1rne bld nr) the Das sentir taotHamb- i248, L. WiIem, 246, B. Hoo- -t-, ýtc3fphe, ýstr ad rot- . dam wil lsotae pa-ley's Baveragas fin reg-aîrd lcýa p 241, T. Embley 223,.P. eý, n nd M CaresOnlan-enboieedpilov lCtng13SÏal, 20,A. Roacli 217, N. Aoiia !adAlfêlctt n uc lh i-Fis ndChip trsop ,ýaiJ217, . E ne A 1M. thaliey e -,undt ion.BifaI 12 , B.Cali 1,J M.,actLeo ati ..Vsiigsee Hce ohe o c This crallati Ifor a quliesion Sîkma ý207, J. Jenkïn-,320 6. ;W. -pran frérrle aH.from n Cuncilor Rickanti whoSi-ipson 205, A. Pearrcé23 wbvhle et k ezemnge oèLarée hvcett- kd fthe Côunty rom'1,iînî-E eka 13 .Goi12 e jýt v-,t ltrm.nt m8ýR.reoredte m éhrt a'd. thé noati. L. Sant- ÏIdrcock 188, E.Nebt t;WihG. oý.itj eôebe i nêî i wa lad o'Itter luî ncetvei 17 J ou 186, .J MVC- thi oztean u.ur ig i;N'i heim, fi iu-tr- akn184, 1 . Cail 181.aH. îow or- -1 l1t s j, ~M. Marna -o180. , 11 urliay1 180. thetM.Gro ;ro eti. Pst ya5h -he, jcléan nlp thé ouastio,.P iii19 Igè, etunc hmf ro M- caceeor a ,,nacb writing uim Thé cauntly roatsi;on e-fti-a hot ta. Aso ýùs Ps-iton? ta a-ithen mysé1f aew agnepimenit, wbiar1,ea->vày 1vene Cuinainghanc lnving or tirectly mb othé Statasmaanthey caud cheoase ta aka aven Hockey- New$ be(n a ptien thLe îshomeofgie oever, Ibis yaar, thé' roati fon a lump suri anri aan eare sarry ta îreport ne ana acacia ta hbe hr'snion dear n 50w Ihe-eelves E aosheear thtMrs. Oliveé Maadowsi ,Wt, realiza tIsera are 'a 1onlheY would continue as JnuryPI frain gtlomp e svère f aI gt f anses avery aight ofthéy hati. Feeling that Nawý-' la ae atéae %istakan tao IMémorial Ras-thé wveek, lboth here ant OiIeut tlwoUid net bae ati Ebrîiiyhurst faugbýt Ihjir way to latr teiafaréi taOftOwiC1, 80 il »Caeés il im.' franc what they c)ulti undan'-:a 3-2 win var John~taswh Gshw n erai. Ve don t posible ta haveaaay oale per- stand, and inîg ai Ibis lime wvere wtlouit e goalie anti hati knwteextent af bar iajury, son caver thern al. Hw-of thé freeling tIsaqI il was ta Aad'y Sulcli covéingrt the net hn hvelarnéti, a aven, if you evant tbis 4caver- tIsa Uniteti Counilies ativant.' ion the ilS 22 miautes, ai- lia s ha ledoes bava more cga, please contact your cocach aea anti nat Iheirs, thé naw, ioin only one goal. ihr rpbrokeii bane. anti have hlm appint ne géacetwa lf usind cn-n: musin o anIlr Chi.BrI- esnwoattendslthe gaines et Ibis limaý, pni frhrSlc oals, 1 assiSt; Gary a2,on , lérig tIa a ho cen giva an accunte ac- tfOnination. As ta théesigmc , Van Dam 1goal. 2 aaios; Tony broher Saldn MCatilescouat af sanie.,nia ane séameti ta lai-i that mera Iass1 t WM-OIJL-n LIKE TO ANNOUNCr, TME 4IWENNG This fée wasPma . Igoal, 1 assist; Glon n a2ý 0F AN AGENCY IN'NEWCASTLE. Thé St. JohnAbuaen-asit.Qan-Pt é- adsI fo ap'ls cépéiemn I goal, John SIalen gal at$1,0gîven, I Bian MI y1 siaJohna For t-he convenience of ovr Néweastl.e estosrom On thé appeal frani théCen- !Tendon 1 essist. etiin esMnal Ilealh Associa-1 Stamsdîng Afler 9 Gaines garmientx n,*ýr b. Wet and picked uxp frorn tien, Ibis was hit aoven, kpend.' Team, W L T ris. ng mare information on;,thé ,ca-wanivilla 6 2 0 12 Crowther's Barber Sim p fatIt i larepéa equs Ri' 52i fir Ielp, gaing bath teCun.'ElihursIL--------- 5 2 i Il KIN~~i STEI$T - NEWCASTLE ýies ýCauincil antr uiia atnrs --52II -KING STRET -",VFCA'ý4TUFCoauncil. Johmstoli's 3-.0 Couxcçillar Rickardastiuén -- 1 7 i 3 Servc Iow oa n calti ha eliminatati Tom Scorers seriv a aetcyasfelosanti nat anethar nihen possihly I eam-player G A Pts. pickupTues.'a.mli waré for goati cauisas, ani E-Rami Slach --- 12 9 21 Psku Te. am.qusionaiché ld IsaICou- -Mika White 8 13 21 Retmitried Thuirs. 1%.m. cl d i n' li a collectiont E-Tony Maraw 8 12 20 Pickutp 'thona. &.M. ficy foranouther agjic. -Gar y VanDam 8 il 19 l mgasteti aoingimta C-Pela Mfciulough1 8 Il 19 lteuredFf.by3 .i~.wheî othér micieitisi -ike f.-ýMRcGnagor I13.5 1a ~~ ~~ on thabe ruc!estra. pChnieGela 91 Rettrn~dTue. a~ gLAU~W lic CelnatapliCismlteR-Gary McCllolri 7 91 161 niqueztadtilt h thé Hll Cs -GryGarneht -4 V2 I15 _________________________________ odac héreuéteitaoya JGrCoer 17 714 j thenow aiv ic e Croah -èéHenairsoic à iW ~T~ a~iaia Satsran ~wirn1 lê, 1t 12, _- U M-r, An 0. C, Âsb ton iigtoaýst was a toast tn Eileen min. and cMrs Re-th î GiIL O N G S A U LT 'Iêrp vir. omand M"g tem many1.11 ,"IPaII le ni Brin re Sunday ý vand Mrs Southwell and Wednesday nîght, arry1 W1"ê, ï111t R . cBt0oW- oeyasofgoihat addne sts eo r - . qn! Mis fami] ly wer e daguesaof WMr.nti is Ji V&n IË nanville, celbr a t i ngn ~mr.hpfils. LyÈl Brbrk. Bowmanvil1. Iher MothrM 'GÔi'd nd fjflilT 'oi wêi' Sat- ah nds VI Wordon'sI Mn.and NMos, lidytihd , Misna MtiEpckeltand I Heay,. rin(ric-Albet,. irday altun fon, v inôrsaAtd rtldays. iCongraulations! onld anld tay-, fl&ydonMM. George Palmer Were SInM N. and &W BoÔlflcaro M. ilyt. Mrs. Paul V&i14yj,ý Mr,, N. F. Wrightý, Mrs :aind TVrs. A. Shn'wêcrp mat- day aupper gueatzs or fiM. and eton Ruthannpa nd aàth ,Tronr, W4i'e Sâturiday év4i orma BDradilord, Oqshawa, Mr. urday evening visitos a '.Mra. Alan WerryPrnwarden wèi'ê Suftda yttVlIng vlsitor the~i, parent' 'id Mr.Druicc ShlierPd, iMrs. han Shwirp's, cae% Mr.and TM KE.Wriomst nurguast of Nrn and Miii Mr.. nd _Mm '9W, Vâm~yk. îsJul'ie BdvMr, t.aur-aibuMng heJanu ar rlly Mts oMm»urvstd {ro-od 'eýiTrivett, We, t PMr, aria Mii. lý . t.c&)4c MeM WrlghL Tortoir . ýýblrhdàys. JÔe Mullr at at mebo ou9l" i' -aitn . Jr, V e. 1e iv Wê ttrdtv uppe gste* Mad Mm's.R. clenom ,,Rrust Mrand WMs C. Stpinô1x 'Uosliii on z8gturdaý eeOsh w rwra waekend êti pand Mr'. 4iiýd tlsLlô14sMr- Mid BrutHamptdn, w ,ýere and iamly, Mr .and.Mi's 10M.rM. anti Mi'. g nadofsecr tiauhteTer. and nièr, r. f, , lwI.lie unday guests of Mr anti POllrd, MNu.andi Mrc. PUdStainon accoMPanIi "Mr, MVi-on Davis, Mr, arid Mta. 1eréTa unrsdlâý 1 u ri ch idn 4rs, E. Wright ani P.Btty. hanibcyr's ware %weekenti clkaltfl iCryderman ant10gIrL .StoikaOrôlti, wérii-Moni- guésta of btA fithS. N. and Mrs Kéir bainh enaitMr. andi M.s, S.Lama. Oen Sahlnday evenng to a da,- vsitors or tfhe t>. Davis'. Mr4. gmd Mii ,44i' êr Vtoê- Imn o Fafiswer allarst Mrnandi Mii. . GrifnfR1A'ily party et Princ Aslent Mrs. Kehoe anid Gay1l ova ai dAriria Érènt Fidâ&y %r andi Mrs.Lorne Lanib's. wete iudHaPY evnbgn dinPr IPU .called 4 On tha ftyî G1b n id Skitrdàymy wl h U"'* Mr. and Mm .Grover Gage guaas of Ur.and irs. W.iMr. .and NMrc. rW02Tin, uon, Suniay. Isse " a fýï11yIilyi i nio id Debie, Oahawa, M were Griffin andi Misa }ethnr CobougWrI sny visi- RUtA.Ricky and Sft-ený 3unda. dïnner guenof IMn Griffin, tat etn.aiN Mn. ýI__F. Pr Bker ware gueSts at 'liTài ýý'nd is. A. J Wn'Xry Mr anti Mre RnlAeGtippnri___ __ fIkn'brtlid.ay party Sat-! Mn.ant' Mn. artWona-.__ rda-y aftcrnQmrli In ê0iawàý BUJ<ETON wAker Seagi'ava, wrp thu"-Q *I-eeStriyêaîg uaa M~&4M.~ 46y iyP7liQ inrS 0 LI N ~A Mi. ati MvLvnn et in. t, ova1a Mit . eGaey ayl MreningdtMr Asht nofMr n. ad TIM iJohn Oihiw&,WittibMnal rlt Mi, ati rsA. har lVia ieiyn iKnox rapn. Me anti Mrc. Rinir HuggiS N. anti Mra. G.NIa r. A. C, Ste$¶&insoft Iid Ms'. andi MrmRalph Yirtua,,,Pnniat lhai County, Zmoa WakWock, won'eSunayca-visitati with the G. 1KovR(s ark~ilW. Tuy anti LAUni Were iziato'sToin the Ptshic Speaking eet he hoine or Mn. andi Mr. andM rs. ?ind 4ib ,,ithi Mr. and- Mrs. Cadil Mils, coGtifltion haiti a n Snturtiay Mrs. Ralph T P;Avis. ina Commninity Hall was hemeial un n n d Mii, A.] MapIe Grove. atthe Ring Edwaprti l'tu i M. and Mur SJon Knox setutay nigRAJan. SUI vwith vi An rae#ritlF Master Darryl VtlerR.R. Tormntô. She whmoi U ruu in we,'ê aantvîito v ith Mi'. a gond attendanai. Vaàôu Mi t.t>iîj ei 1Erini-kilin, spent Saturd" he cosntst. Congrauins andti Mrs. Bffb Karr and fam uineawadsuat &t h ari. Lni~ ~a nth i-gatprns th- E 1Marilyni. iy, Actôn. Hll Tfoatti far 19M2 ia-ýWen- Mi Vnighe-. -Mrs.Gopnahero an i rs. r.alph Dni cc ~ evuIy Huis1Ghii'l's rs, i.Wii 'Mr , MeCillitt&Sh ý Mr.~~~~~~ S.Kray eitot a c Kît i Eti Ruty werè ld Wna.R radley, anie ha-n Ashton. Clareincea y, -E,' at suntiay Swipper witb Mn.Sunday afternüon visiltr it3 rvandiMn MneGln êrym êi . ti'Oi'ig 4f"d faM11Iy, rit Mi Hrôli shtn. Mrv. antiMrs, nKnox, o~mnvlato Ln i ni rd wea EbsaKo-Ssatz. Eiurhrýé Mr'. andTorMs, . onPetîk, Mry antid n Albert Uick- %Moiay ta meet thti nwBoar'd mps enjoyati by al et!rultJy ôgîuatn M v eWAbrogh, spent Sntiay wari, 1Toroônto,apent the Dimreco'of Or sWe. t, in HIigh Lady,s.a Ciarene bèt, Wl8hOStn Mii. Ol6mz Wih M4nantiNon.S.,H. wekend witI rMýn. ad Mpa. Mi' . AllnGîlsPP y HgiMari, Mn. Donald sonday ,LMrd&â, MM r. Petjhck.,Alrx Potter. On Satusdy night. Mc.andi Taylm or;CnsolitiÔn ple nstêart O oy ?i y et On MndayavanngJan. MneErnesî Hockîtiay anti Mis. Fnank VWestake anii Mrs, ee illa anrl MrS. Frote WÈt Làu âî W~lAi ~y't rd, 40 rltvsgtaeia n.Iran Eliticmt, ?etolbr flBlMahunwre ision nn.jr,.lenn WCerl)rny gave 0ôut on thifr rèduirit 1iippii*6 ha home of Allen andti Plna oghvli a with iMn. anti th WMrs, .Micelof Bow- soni otharprima, ýthey bahi bi Sryt rt o*it MvàAthdld Warry ta Jionour Eilaen qahd Mnr.'Donald Yllwlaà Inianville. ithe lady 1with a run inhi' Iml18 la ndin thé dtictý's, omr Sobil mon thein '20th weti- Brampton ta aay fPtawell ta Mn.anti Ns. Frank Wst- tokbsg, Mur .loug IFlêtAt; rê pIng nienay A teliclus thehirson Grag wha la leaviglakevsitidwih Myse F.Cook, mrnnwith colrnti underwean i. and Mii. PE. 'ftaUÉtâl uffet suppen wý-AS anjuyeti forAustralie, Bawmmnvila hat n.nidc hErvey Yellowtees one vWtd lith LMiand£M M ý Ii )ulgtha evening Mi. Petsa MaCanal Hwls hms rturn-PMns.Rom Cook, Shelley anti wlon helpatciimta wAsh tiabes et Sw&âA nMdtifamlly. Sobil actatias WMC. Évenyone'ed toi Kingston ta resumaelier Jackia fraim Chatham vi«tng suppen timneWayne 'Yallow- Mr. Andi Mrm. >iwAl X, njoyeti a Oonta t, n'sack wad- stuias at Quleen'S lees; the lady wlth hCr hair flavcy andi famlly, Bowmmtin- ing anti aaing sang. The Several young people fnam McAti iM"s. R"on îomes dyd, Mrs. Dorothy Pasaëe; illaMr.and W HUl'ren plénadatiopla were fpresýent- hée eattentdet the Junior Fiam- anti Kell , owanville, visit-'dntitheoana withitha 'iost - rant gs'd fan1y, OsasêW; Pd with a i'iney rAgeandi.tha ans!(Conenca oni Saturiay et wii l nant iMrs. Fran gantchueMrs. Lorne Rai- Mns. R. Davey, Burkêton oung nieces anti nephews hlt at the King Etwand HoteWstlaka. lett. Lunch. was Servoli ai-id a speit clrSniMniaS with Mr, amýd pre.aentad records. Tha Toronto. The annua!l meetng of SWl.'socal timne anjoyedi. Mi'a Sam Grânt, Zin 'Y,. 'i n .1 Il i H i *4 I r

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