LefoI-plain1ts -49 ofif hen-, b mner' I The Cnata taesa , w avle an 2 f'2 ty Newtv îlle. La01-I. egistered with the Ontaria __________ _____________ TK N Vr' , u ce iui1r n Wozmen's Bureau. Iii addjition, (ftede frlat ee Mr. and ;ILLr icarte ivruedîganvr- hr eesome 2,500 requeists lpu on F[)thefl idayc seàson many and Todd vere M.an rIIry rceton frir adFor infocrmation., spca lasfretctiigRediiWood and sonsi eo-Ms , elaverne Wood. itlias l E I Mr. andvilleLTMr. aadlo- Progruti, "o ate Jit ha ben nces I0Pas1t Hae Iea were erjoyd ,th ý,,l vlls, .an nd Ms.Car Tdd nrugh1s ýw Hall~~ M.adMs iiSociSivca u r'It occnda ucomrplinin - wr adtoGnrlMotors Mxmmaarne h M.ndMsRusiSa-Brian and Mc. and Mrs. Har-guots i M, and Mrs. Johni oilje:f0 lriset Chrsmswlth Mr.,oId Souch were New 'zearsiLyrig. '%-No flhumberLand Durhiam dwrio hCbugY-srctovlimerrntyleve f o Cnaapeople m 1971 for G(-MSugsinPani anld Ms.J. Bothwell, 30W- dinner guests wth Mr. and Mr- Jim boýviîî, Newcastle, 1i.P. Russell C. Honey, an-lyW'CA, ayCu fBo-Gat odt i heRid woman legdy oce o hirsggsios TtLiaars $000 h eetie manville. ivrs. A. VnDrunen, New- speit Monday thîS wekwithnounced rd aanvihee and theTowvn ofing,,amounit to $150000 and commence heraatrnity leav fro he 34,year lele 64,0- sc wrsls er r.anid NMrs. Grant Syl castie. Mc.,Jim Hallowll ài and potlipfor sCew l i o- uwill create aot100 jobs. st1i1ale n iln 0crynuneetwsmd oa vester,,Juliead David, of M.ar Ms i Hloeldinner guest withhm. povl0 afda rant in W nbrjb yPeidn onD ae.I Mraii ýjsSidHalowll Mcs. John S.,' h muto 3170tterý irJb Salrniai, were wecnd guests spewt ii(,Staî'k and famee- Athei amouIint f $38,750 t te4T2cCarton estiated that B u wtilth hec arntMr. and pn h athldyily visited brbohr M levle nnRsîe at Aduing the past yarthons-: -,I[CiKIniii is an1oi1 Mcs Jm tar, soMsend ,viith Mr. and Mrs. Dl -eneanth N 'ye w Asdct omnwokrshveGM0aand hsai utr aJs in 3 onLoa l Is ir. nbert .' $.3,242,000 sto employees dc Maurce alwel , Michele bh Carman, Mdo, Bowmanville, in It-he holday The grat, rmade -under the Iceived benefit of mtriyîgthle pastfieyas or oCnda om neikii ne uests wit1Item Bowmanvile, had New Yea'sl Sunday afternoon, Rev.cratownte mpomct i JL/IIuhady xsed ne<f h fraisvig o mpoe Mrfs_, A.Dobson was dinnerine ihhc aetM.Snelgrove's fine message foi for gn ral cenovation andL ro isi ndr>the Act pro- qaiy n14out1f1y'hrcmnte. Pobbyn gucat wîth Mc. anIrd vrs. Rd. and Mrs. Russell avcy the l\cw Yeac was TePs'7ld(aî gadwilpovd J~ ides the potec(tion 0of a1-hoskcpnmauatuigonei tosn hs Jiu1thlvenZin.I it M. ndMcruceis he Past'", usiîng Apostie for 22 jobs. fJ e rnwe acnt laeo ehd rmpatsfty peopeeentikso heps Mrs. Clughclif , icabol- Todd and sonis[or- New Yeac' sPaLUls ttrto te Pii- Tî sth it rn pasec.poeue.Te cmaya-sblîyo bîghr e ough, bas ben spninig a Day were hec parents, Mr.Ips (catr3) in Ihich h lie ud' h eea r-,The- Minister Salid that miIcpe 5,928 suggestions last secondsbfr h rb c hoia ih M.adMr.s. and Mcs. Scotlt, Oshawa wand sabd "but ti his one thîng I doiproved uThe thWomns Ero-quiaiF111in. cs - omaie as veli as fm(eadteal hob l 1jel hve Vyeac. cnrs. eso huad GodnTrim n d wrîýýith Mc. ber auint and uncle, Mc. and ocetin tos thngrwbc gam in the Riding, Mc. ployment OpruiyAct îla bmthe prvce that1t111 - een aoîhd b he AtIGnci oos pol.1aain oud cp n and Mrs Tim, Mrs. H L. Mrs,. MaiýFarlane, Barrie, areu bhlind and reaching onnoai.00i ayer;l. ndinaceemn'tEqaiEmiomct0aan aljos-reopntoquin'nsle ofce orpatsjry alogthr o hvet Tcim. Miss MarlynTrm and c , and irs. Jim Starl en- forth unt those things which The week hefoce Christmas port ria re ccntid y bpotunity Acf prohibits dlis- fe okr jgrusroy,ç achue nMncoMn-iesnd i he ocsa TvI. avi Rthefod ejo- ertaiiIcd frienids at thîîi ic aeheýfoe, T press loNvard thca granit was appcoved for the Labor iiistec Gormdon C r rmnto n'h ai f Acrigt h oc' ei Ottawa, Toro-nto, Loni- he1ts. Te naro Sae cda etIeline(,fh r.hme t eove of the NEw mark ýýfor the prize of the high, Society for the Restoration 0f ton, it seemý1S to ihave gon-e a sex or marital staItua," Mr,'Bureu thfie lacgest numbr doni, Winnipeg, Regina, Cal-!Leaguesk iirvr n an r.Joh ovToc-Yar c oln f God in Chris Victoria Hall in Cobourg in long wayin imakzýing the two Gordon declsred. fcmlit hyrcic ay dotnadVnov asnest eebr-L blD. Mc. ~~~\T ýand Mcýjîs. Bcian Casweil, Jcsus. lthe amount of $19,000, pcovîd- sexes i, eul con th[P stormy He remarked Lthal t) in h ocre o lsiiaine s wl a ntepatCudHipnT o!Bc Mr1ls. W. arso adMr! \ . M.ad c.Ewart Robinson. Mc<.Brian Cswl] ws nng for cight jobs. plain 0 o ck irtyec<i noemenrof s d s Jnobiy lst htba aiis v0f O saiSt th ar- ý!Cuweevryuriei Wviison aronspent Christ- Mc, and MLs. TLle"\,Hallowell charge f th(, muLsýic.Grants ipreviouisiy approv- "f4 woul assurii( l1worký- thie Act, ther eIee23'o-wollcri inca, Wjindsor, Ste.__Theree, car. -a wthM. zand Mrs. Bzirton - anld ènferfahîemd ii Mue familyjvaaiNcw Yac'S. Westbeusec nPetst- Mc. and :Mis .an Wes. Bi-ibuer and ifamii-Ày, Tocoý-ý Mc/1. aid Hloel Mbcbei cowo, orotco Mr Mcs.DelerfCarmiani,Madoc wer dnnr ucatss on Chrlist- mas Dy Mca LnnxGardon Hill 9a a uctwbh ber daugh- fr,Ma b oneFarrow Mc. Faro andfamily. Mc.1and Mca, Brian Caswell' anid fmyenjoy cd am.pre '- M.Robert Býcce's, PrtHW cand Ma.Chrle ci dnnle ithMcd Mc Or-me Falis and H1-Carvla crin afMc. ortTrîjm S. McEd Rweand Tiffani ,esolilio.c Mc. and Ms. wact)4Robe.% y7R Coing guostwere .JMc. an lo ,-~i> LMca.srme alis all0owelhl, # 9 4 s 1,, ~ oiCswell wereDMc. Jm aSo Mc. nTdd rwasl a 2 or 12 ,ýit b Mc. and Ma.Mocley vnl '50àF Robinson, Doris ad.Gm- LIIU U Chac elie ros, WPrt oe BNDD"OLN MU ASpeciaî clearance cff irsat qualîîy spoîwa 0 tec yo at aewt xr aa 01 fu '1Sfrom a 0well-nw aer eyu ic rm frperfect fitcn immcmrtShe c,5pant,a , seaer, pnt tops, etc. insr t- meh egs, nudle heels ndrefore pny Prou-so, Portf Hope.ïgCa Mc. andMca. Jii Redfrd, IJU edwasablefabics cfhI l eie pce, taupe, tropica n akban toir cyP . ch1efo.Szs1 02 nteslcin size fits 165 ta 225 Iba. enlta, AMc. anid IMc..Deibert o, wa a olidy giestwifhPI set cnisaof double ~borparetsMr, nd Ma. reasted blazer in sli hade feami- John ILlyng. tockU P d avIo a I dosjaott e br1 îcdup wîth a potdplaid skrt. Mc. and j Mc.yri oc qnetiehe m m es o Asr lid 0cosIfo otdc lonsniblle uiion inacluding black,ê 2.49 2for89?w last e o f hey wiv Th caIltybonfnrdadaocn Mc. Dan Sbutk and sons Da an emnObwcî-riB ~I popular styles lardcoblous 5 e Sil 1ir~ h eft 5f 5 b daf c.LIEw HaHl's ru Long sleved t-shirts in asotd0rFu rc OS'N LN1STRETCHTO ARIIR.11 lAIS lanshades wîith domed sh0uldr. E F.olowig anilîeasof fo Szes12, 18 and 24 monîha. weoks, the rû dl eahoAtur GS WM BL SUTH SE Y ,H. Mairs, agcd 41 yaoc- 149Ne 29 curced ni Tue)sday, December e9 2,1971 1atMemoci ospi- Soo MaVEl Maoirs f .0-IFATS ESY-91 a adiaLegin, ad TEmburt /11 ~Basiccaon poloshirts in rip lnk and collýar Hot~ uea srvic Reg 800 Sal £m uS ecalstyed Assorted colaurs, Firat quality washable acnrcsetr.Tk bÀ8.,fo4)tfeMolrisFunera> /e Chapl, owmavile, o Faulon no-dig "Aîro III watz lngî COR U BYs8tu 14 1your -pick tram a selectian of fulyfshae FLARE i c~~rdianys and puloves n assrm oua Thursday, December 3Oth. snd fearAIng ace tini ati ncckolin n ie9 os1 00"'FortrelVdouble kn r tswh hdsicuîgwie eglprl n -av ai, Tnd c[cInity Unted aGsK,îlc.ad î hde antes c ccion Church. Informent was in neck-, Assad colours. ie 11 aua. Sizes S-MLin1hegro1, Bowmanviie mtery. Sires i-M-L, Regin6.00,- 7Ai Palibeaersg.crMMeaPs Bob eer, AchucKnapPpucrw!i'cartüon look' corduromy fo Heb ar andDan Hall girls, ChooseJfrmn o-wvales and1 pînwales in a variety cf sylsj n GelCas Toay olorsSires 7 fo 14. Mdmwflregas jhcipsBOW\,,/M AN VILL -Fer OId App, ne 1ST1ATEIl jpu ]0LASSIFIDiiSCi À m P 'Y*oitSaA Pbo'î,623-330