RECREATION 1I las o teague and Tri- TYKE LEAG-IUE Cardinais --- -- Americansý IHornetn ---- Rndaai-s------------- Blades - Steelers - Bombera --------- ATOM LEAGUE VRmWyais . .. -- Clipperii - ---- --- 1Marinna Tîgers - Fargo's EBjS os ---- - ------- ýS ea s- ----- - ------ PEE WEE LIAGUýIE Blades . . . . . Canatdiens Kings WVings ---.-- BrUins -a --er - -- - - --- --- --- -- -- - - - EANTAM LEAGUE C ubs -------- - ----- I d a s ---- ---- Braves-- - Hfuskies - Panthers ------ ---- -- IDGET LEAGUE Ge---r---------- -- 'Canueks . lt. Rals c Braver - PR.S.-- ---- 3tatesnian, towmianville, ,Ien, 12, 1972 MINOIR HOCKEY STANDINGS f J1anuary 9t,1972- Gr 11 L -T Pts. GF GA 1l 8 17 38 17 il S 3 13 19 10 il 60 O 12 29 30 il 60 12 23 16 4Ulm LEASING DIVISION T-HE MODERN CONVEINIENT WAY TO MEET TRANSPORTATION *A CAR FOIR TIE EXECUTIVEý SA C A RFO0R P E R SON AL US15,E *A FAMILY SECOND CAR ADVANTAGES.- No Down Paymerit Freedom of Work inq Capital On.e Conivenient Monthly Statemnent Simiplified Tax Records Coniing Us cof New Car 1172BUC SKLR 2-DR. SEDAN 50V-8 enginle three smpceeti trbo,-hydro-matir - tansissonpus-butonradio, seat beits,' shouder arnes, eati restrainits, back-up iihs wo-5peed electric wîndshield wipers ant 'washers, license plates. $89.00 PERMONTH Ne-*t Lease 36 Mionthe, Dîscus,- Your- Transýportation Needs ,w!th Tom Cowan or, Ray Lathangue PHONE 623-3396 168C KING ST, E, - BOWMAN VILLE iReg. te $M9.95, JANUTARY CLEARANCE $6,9 -$13.99 WOMN'Sand TEENAGE DRESS SHOES WOMEfN'S î4nd CHTILDREN'S VINYL 8BOTS Flat and StAtck Reels SLUPPERS SALE PfRIE $1.9 P !Tlrr. aid M.FBlackbiurn, llINUGURAL MEETING hl- onyBar !Eu A Toast 10 the New Year I(ntnefor last week) OR 0 JA iNtIfWl hedne Foly heinaugualMee g Cobou ntrin et i 7:30o p To, weeNe ear's din ýthe 1iNrthum)ýberýland and Du onTusdyJn1.17 ue us~o' M P nd Mrs. 'F Is ad 7r.Ciarence ,r I owad Cryderma&.=B R piSrvwr vnin vEsw supeP ýr e ini Mx ndedn jj MxsLaurn c Sav u lk.: guies of M and Mrs ese A hum werWednesdaytirg Wsuppesrs :z Mx. and Mxs . (lging,:atr~A annver' sa ofMx, edMx B -odKilc,go or g n f , M r nd sMlgnvrs, î I31]ackburu, Solina, Mx. end1 MANY PAPERS IN STOCK Mxs3. Brian Blackburn, Scer iborough, Mx. and Mxs. Fare-. well Blackburn, Mx. Ro>r FROM As 1LOW As 79c single roil Welsh and Patti, Foxboro, iMx. and Mrs, Larry Welshi s I ichael Chameau,Bemd A..5- 1,t M. 0Otto Mladsen andMr. qand S VO L M, LelieWelshwexe new2 N L diýnner guestq of Mx ~.ail(Mr, nWe 'lh. Pansçrse nd Rollers Mx. nd Mxctr. SamButey Th e group in the picture a ;bove ra;.se theix glasses vey uneyand Fijd ippînis. Their wîvýes Ruth M iissMrlnBut'yM.nd ORTci tnioalth ewYÉw ar fthe croIwd whvio took< in ftl1is0n, Bey L ;-,,iad MrgTîppins, sit opposite s . ri, isM Cde the f'estivities held at the Bowmanville Golf and Coun- them. j and Mx. Alan Mur- 6. txyv Club, theareý, from thie lef t, Trevor Allison, Har- o x n rBbCag toi]nïand e .M.adM1 LATEX589gi Our U.C , unit wllmetxe1vx to Mr. Hat-ey M iim eds omn B-ANTAM GRSHigli Triple et the huchonThxdil ton aiIci nOtt(, MadîFn vle x n Mxi. Kn E "' Alisac 1olroyd 3, Ovenden 2; ,Lne D Grey 67JaIxyith ho hve ben aietsinShclind D-1,nd Bo, 1', Brce3;Luto 5 FrrndW. Moshex --------------6331 Mi-, and i , E. Twistw eoi alHsptl.Ms.Mh l Shekieton,'il, y DLI. TT WALLPAPERS 0. Stnitg SENIOR MIXED LEAGUE Stxa vnn alr r n rWlu lc-Shlackletlon a-iiiNd Mx. xic Lutn ,re , orod3 hteed ,Ter 2;. CharlesHuBwa. uo adn x n xSakeon, Otaw, w rxc 5. K-ING ST, W. IOE2351 Ovenden2 Bruce2, Ferrn Bouwmeestex 5, Brock 2; Bo' il.Grl hcltuwr e-NwYa' usso x n o. herts ~~~~5, Devey 2; Jensen 7, .etwse o sed ra vnn istx ih r.Grl hcltn HighSinleTa cDonald i0. C ýojr 1loy 76Ta 'ýtAading L. Secey -- -168 Jensen 7,Whitehead E ern 5 ouwmceetr 5, Roberte _ HighDoube - Devey 2 rc 2, Tery7 B. Lne --. ~ -290 ighSingle R.-- -e-en on--------28 A.~~~ LutoCBYS - , -ibon- 0 Muph 3 amhel~EP ' . Bouwmneester 277tý ex Thiess n ods05, d .Jensen -------- -- 21, mondaolor.-L.-------------------- -2 Campbell 2, hies--n 2 -----W--d- 2- Wooa 5 MuPhy'3, Brock25 mondsn 0.Congxatulations to \icke }lîg SigleTexxy for a fine 827, R. Boiu- K, Konpeeki 203 mestex 714.,_M. Wnood674. B S, Dn __ 18Holroyd 666 . ese 55. J. StOp16 J. Edmondson - . 5 D Shehe --1501 St. Josepn's Mixed K Konpeek Bowling League J.Emnsn279 " WONDERCar Match -JUNIObR GIRLS Teani Pts. ?Vin, Aide 5 Taylor 2 Luxton 5 Shamxocks ------- 14 578,9n Miitchell 2; Gray 7 Bond 0. Rlaidex, -- --- Il ,3570 Team S-tanding Showufs 191550 G r-ay 7, Lu xito , Aie , Douigheeads -- 7 ' l P a i n t High SingleDendelions.... 5 3 5I K. uxtn -Sunidowuers ------3 «neirLtxSm~Is RIgh Triple - Hustlers --- -----079-----NT-UED LN K. Luxton - - 601 igh Triple MenREUA RC,$25GiP K. ~ OY AidR52AJk Bowu699y MgaLREGULAR $1.09 ec .IUNIOR BOY Higb Single Men I ~ ~ K Whyte 7, Mosher,(0; Gray 1, 9ron . 0C Cooimbes 0; Brooks 5, Lane 2 i - Trile LdiesClearance Price TeainStanding Hg rpeLaisRGLRCRC 25 T Gxy7 hte7 [ros 5s, Betty Charland ----- 9% Lane 2, Mosher 0, Coomb7es 0., High Single Ladies CLEARNCE PRICE - ffigh Single1 Betty Chaîrland --- Grey250-2231 Betty Charland 325-238, E2erorHorePan4 9r,- c' __ P Lvîne -2301 Brown 300-249, Eicen Hickey iL.Ddo -- 226 267-216-210, Jim Fai- 262-2215, -\,Murphy 223 Harvey Williams .250, BnPr,' R. Terry .-216 Camphell '243, Phillio Tonip- K.Woolley ' - 213 -kins 240-206, Merg Perris 239 R. Sitacev . - -- 12 222-208, Rose Marie Conway'1,4 JJeen211 238, Bill Holroyd 235-22!l T R j George Chaxland 235-213-207' T rris,Jeffxeys 234, Joan Gîhhs' 227, MIolly Hor.stnan 226, Jh YSEWO Ford 220, Terxy Malloy 1U20,R Hîcey 14,Deanna Cam.phell 211 Eal WhAdi 10 CUSTOM -DELUXE, Geore Ghhs205-202, Pauie Willtts204,Done Knned .,~ ~SUPER DELUXE LINES JANUARY CLEARANCE CLEAINGAT 0F F SNOWMOBILE BOOTS 20 oOff price E LLIS SHOE STORE BO'"WM ANVILLE Br eani( Sta 7 d 'lng : Co lvil le 1967 2' i Sephns -1834 2 Horstma Pn 1780U Coombes ----- 1688 2 McDonald ------- 1799 1 Ghbsn -----1720 1 M illerx ------.----- 1624 1 Roberts -------- 1814 1/2i Shackleton 1660 O Kirkton ---- 1606 O Hligh Single Ma1rtha Hgxh2801 Dorothy Fx 203,29 445 AvrgsOver 170 rothyý Fox 223, Maxthai H-ogaxth 216. Mary Lene 2112, Jean Chapple 211, Pauleen ECornish 209, Val Miller 208, ITxudvcl Marchand 207, Mollyl Horstman 205, Marion Colvileý 201i, Une Miller 201, Merg. I McDonaid 199, Florence Lendl 193, Sharon Robinson 190, Is-obelle Burns 190, Joy Lux- toni 190. Aun Bons 189, Max- ioni Gîbson, 186, Faith Stead- nierl 186, Mary Smith 181, EMargie Lepp 180, iaýn Bisani 180. Colleen Lush 179, Eleanor Dadion 17î, Toni Try178. IPhlylhîs .lohnson 177, Caerol 'Roberts 175, Beutty »MeDon- aid 172, Marlon Henning 172,i .The Tmîison171, Bessie I osy170. 20Ganies Mýartha Hongaxth 280, Marion Colvî1ll 209, Florence Land -2IR, Dorothy, Fox 203, 242, Marin- Gibson 219, Faith StedmVn 2itl 21, Moly lHorst- mni 215. Anin Bous 204,Auira Trewin 222, Val1 Millr 2 48,P loy Lu1xton 2 00, Pau-1pleen Cr-i nisli 256, Mary Lane'25o, Rosej, Mori,0!), Narg MDnl iE 240, _Une ,MillFer 2ý, 49 KING ST. W. j-