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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1972, p. 1

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q r c r r 'n 't at ia lOour ionrs Nieris101-h Birthday VOLUME 18 18 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARiO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12 12 15 Per Copy NUMBER 2 Colonel R, S. (Sam) McLaughlin .(Sam) McLaugh-mc cftebadcdietrmoetn otrs t te r cf Genemal Mot-cf GeneoueCaweym rket adn wbo wes 100Lt.etetecfbsdalcfterq lty lait Sept. 8, died1 et ed in1S sdey, January 6thi. tme h .prn im Fo h rvn-le ln Vear, le spent at 0f Iili-Scutib e estyevee te MLUgbnCa 'ai a day et bisSmue Meguîn nage Cc. wiegit wokers .e Oshcwa plant of c cni h rsmcsthtge nltl oeta T trom the carmiagce i cfO awasept8, 71M otrs cfCaa Lts, rted by bis father SirJohn A. Macadfu wrkers. the plant p n s eos more than 300,- Cl caguns tfirtl eotrfitlele i trucks a year eadmie mve te E isllnbe biontehdetfe ,000 mon and wo-frm nryTynewleebawlelwngntoite lie leied pindu9ed ax adies m fbsf-le' ang augunw c O fiant bruit h ape n cst S J n . dn w per mmnk tood farm-'ags etf$75,000 aginsffli cn has been awamd- unitjixuacentid in c- .000 jucggment againstbour lat e by N. burton - Kawartha -JutcW.ADnecetfi ge Healthb Unit, which n rcSurm cr uid pt hi eut cfJ d Co s f Nesie-lii i boug (laT PAGoE byWMr. Sbacki cf a parkedi bile tralien on flic ina cf Manvers e hlcî ?st et Highway 35. ding te Newcastle Provincial Police, Mr. bad juif coma ovan a rade mn flic road when T naine in contact withi the left rear of the trailer. Hîs sncwmobile, unscratnci in the mishap, contined down ti roaid 230 tct cnd veered mIet a dc. Mr. Hyland s body was found lying fane up on the nr i a line with the rear cf flic ireiler et 10.40 p.m. by four oassing snowmobilers - John and Shirley Davis cf 6 Orchiard View Bîvd., Bow- manville, andi Haroldi cnd (TURNl TO PAGE Two) s n M lake Inventory 0f OId Buildings If you sec a couple et meni givlng our old buildings in town c close inspection don't be alarmed. Tecy are iera in bje name of ne- search -- e part a group hired by thie faderai gov- .ernment te comple au ia- ventory cf the hm'torical buildings la Canada, Any building cnstructed baera 1886 will be survey- cd. complete with detailed description : cd p h o t o- graphs, The recorder is Brian Fraser and photographer Peter H-arris. They are be- ing introdneed by a letter frerm bhe gcvernment te echcl occupant cf subject Ibuildings. The Bowmanville Darington Comnmunity Sports Centre po n rntemte Committee had a rough time wouldhveeCwaitsuia lest week. On Monday its proposai te hold a joimt meet- Drigo o t atsî ing with Darlington was tur- tatBitwas coeraot ed down by Bowrianville e euaino h ujc councîL, On Friday thé com-wiccaebfrtemat mttee met the same responsec em a a so when it appeared 'before Dar-ocuidcopinifrmtn lington Council.n e- Only the reesons were difit ferent Bowmanville claimed ta twsol neetdi that, wîth a new million del-p f lar filtration plant in the1 offing, it had enougb te con- sider witbout adding more. It ned poo tal nTUR aa PGE TWO) Thesenor peatigoficrwoord wave production un cf . MHolingbed c a- 1Dprlintn from 1970.t ai adaRosseKerietoM that Tot ws csdeng anpoft- Statsma eserdy thtter basptatnume cf theng sbcd lay-ff f fve eope fom h ichb camsierbedfore dhemlaed compny'splat hee wa DWctme wadcidtd ws toay ransoryupoiecompngs fo.ato 'Thecomany inacialyon challe mther mov polehaps basn' donthatwellfrtmat idt a nycintrested eut proitst doi tforsoeldont fov ew rhea a rs preidet c th opan 11 mne cf e percation Bid reard ta thatg leestear s per URNk patO fAGem Carl Father and Son Review Bowmanvil!e Foundry's Past formance was Xnexuee 1Y aner a son, . crnest nenaer ana Tom rview rence, is in charge o costng and purehes in 1960 the pregress rnade a he Bowmanvile Foundry by fire destroyed the id buding erected at the site in comparing tvo pictures, one, at the bottom, taken in 1921. Previous ta that it h'ad been located et th corner the 1930's, the ather taken during the 1960's. Mr. Reh- lot at Ch urch and Division streets. The business s cele- der Senior, t 81, is president cf the company; Tom is brating ifs 70th year in Bowmanville. It was stnrted by vce-president a general mana nother son, Law- C. E Rehders er, Chrsian, on January 4, 1902. TRIKEd POLE Three BowmanvMe youths lacemations and abrasions, and 9- were injured Sunday night et released. girl, Ruth Hosku, was injured about 10:40 p m. when a car The driver oe the stalled car, Menday mornin, while on bei collided with the rear end of Muriel Crough, 40, et 208 way te work ai McGregor's another they were trying te Churcl Street, sufered a neck Hardware in Bcwmanville push to start in front of Menm- inury in the mishap. She was when the car sbe was driving orial Hospital on iberty Street aie tmeated et bospital and went off the road about a mile et Prince. reeasedy west of town and struck a Joa-nne Pappin.18, cf R.R ny 2,j Bemcnville, Muray Orm Kn tet is105m wstknf iston et 31 Jane Street cndofetutb ehe r EatmterivrMeoia esialad di GryGray, 17, cf 77 Duke. cr vlvdwa edywîfbl aretos un nee Street weme taken to emergen- an shoulder inuries cy w ere tbey were treated for Police say tbe irpact f tbe Investigating Newcasle On Seventy yecas cge on Jan- Rebder bad been attracted te cation with the town bas re collision caused the Crougni tarîo Provinciel Police placed uamy 4th, Christian Relider, an Bowmnanville on tbe promise mained unbiroken te tbis day vemîele te swing areund on the damage te the car et about industrious Dane whio bad that thle town would construct And se toc hs the name ao laneiville an hird car drîven byi Ronald A. was sheared and a mail be ler, walked into bis rnew tac- The town did. Mr. Rebder Next week on Jenuary 19th, a e (Tum to page two) damaged im the rmsbap tory et the cerner cf ChurcF accepted and the Bowmanville the son ot the founder, C. Ern- §e redeWwcrk. An electcpler who spee- na orts Lotery agi<tena fe9 am on Advertls g J 4 ë 'U , P P, nes nu, aw w- et Paris Statfen, Ontario, Mm. flà,J Thm VsixhMi o 0 weeklyIS Early Bird Draws in the Sports Lcttery was made to- day at tbe Sport Ontaria Headquartems by MmLarry Milson, Feature Wrîter, Tc- monto Gloe & Mail, wniners etofle $1,000.0O prizes fer this weck are: 1. Fred Campntelli. 35 Ell:e Drm Scarberouga Ont, fickret Ne. 1140108, seld by Central Onterio Track & Field As- sociati:0 2. LEo VilleneuTe, R.. 1, Janetville. Ont., ticket Ne. 1843927, sold by Bowmanville Hockey Club. Murrey Tabbi wcs the seller. ORONO BAKER SELLS 8S10F Hank Vandenimrnk, an Oreno baker, lias sold bis Main Street shop where for the past 10 years lie las een making tho finest cf brecads and pasi res. H1e infendis te take a short holiday, then tind another job - working for someone else. Tne buyer is a Bcwrnanvîlle businessman who wishies to remain unidentified cf pres- ent. lospital Walkathon Raises $2,231 for Equipment The towmnyme Memonal Hospîtal employees and familles who participated in ast September's walkathon may have had soie feet, but now they know it was worth every bliter theat broke ouf foilowmg tre 20.2 mles they trudged. Yesterdey, the chairmen i tre spnsoring group - trhe Recreation and Social committee - Hoaurd Embree, handed ever thi pro- ceedi raised from tire walk - $2,231.50 - ta Hospitel Board chairman Tom Cownan. Tire moaney wnili be used te buy muack aeeded equipment for tira Hospital. Tak, lng part in the presentatian are, from fthe laeft, Mrs. Myrtle Marsden, secratary-treasurer cf tire Recreation committee, Mr. Maron Burges, vice-president i tie committee, and on the far rightf, Rinhard Elston, irospi- tal administrator, Tie persan raising tre most money unes irospital phrarmacîst, Vivian Meachmn, whoQ, witir tire healp ai hec famîily, managed ta receive $500 in pledges. Mr. EmbreM said tire Cormmiice irpes te dau- ble the ameunt raied by tre employees ie another walk scheduled for next f aL HAT TRICK - One of the graduates af Bowman- ville's Miner Hockey organization had a big night Sunday and we extend eongratulations. We refer ta Capt. Murray Cawker, the 6'1' defenceman cf Part Hope's Junior Panthers and sen a Coach end Mrs. George Cawker cf Elizabethville Ha smaeked in three goals amaint league-leadinrg Sutton ta help the iltoppars earn a 5-1 vietory. Murray was alsc goed for one goal when Port Hope met tha Red Eagles eree Monday and beat trhem 3-1h Cme on back, Murray, we could use you EAST BEACH - Recently, an item appeared lu the social column saying that Mr. and Mris, John E, James were holidaying i the Barbados. Since then, several people have stopped the Editor's wife te ask if we bhd a goed holiday. To clear up the confusion, it should be noted that John E, James of Montreal is the eldeit son of Editor John M. and wife, who recently haven't beau any farther south than the East Beach Road where he tries to get back in shape, walkiug. .BIG WEEKEND - Area snowmabilers have a good opportunity for an outing this weekend whcre they won't disturb anybody. The Second Annuel Basch Invitational is being hald et Msport Park and top drivers trom ail over the country will be on hand, with Rick Clarke i Barrie aiming for ea double vic tory and tire leadi for thre new and rich "Triple Crown" SANCTUARY - Speaking cf snowmobiles, Hope Township Council received a latter lest week from au anguished resident who claîmed bis quiet wild-life sanctuary had beau utterly destroyed by snowmobîlers who wrecked a beaver dam on the proparty and did more dam- age. As ne goes on and reports cf invasion of private property by snowrnobilans centAine to corne in. i would seem certain that those who enjoy the sport will find niera and more restric- tions applied. t t t -t t AWARD - Congratulations are exbended to long lime colicague and fraquent avard winner Foster M. Russeil, former publisher cf the Cobourg Sentinel- Star, who has just won second place in a recent essay cantest sponsored by tire Municipal World rmagazine. He wrote on e "Stetemant of a United Nanal Purpose for Canada" DUMP - Town administrator Joseph Mcllrov is urging residants to pay heed te the new ragu- lations regarding the town dump. As of January 3rd, the date of the lest council meeting a new schedule bas beau drawn up. The dump will ha open five and e hall days a week from seven e.m, bo four p.m. Monday te Friday and from seven arn. te 12 noon on Saturdays. At other timas the gaeat the durnp wli be locked. There is good reason te pay attention te the town's notice, Anyone caught duumpicg outside et the site eau ha prosecuted and fined up te $300. CHANGE - Lest week, wve prinfed tiret tire Bow- manville Chamber cf Cammerce woujd hrold ifs annuel meeting on Januar-y l9th. This week, Peggy Frank, secretary ai tire group advised us thet the' Chember iras found It necessary ta change the day. It wiil be held sometime durîng early February but an exact lime hes not been set ye± We should have more information in later issues. YOUTHS CHARGED wITa BREAKING AND ENTERING Three youths have been cbage folloigaseisc beaknsintocotagese atthe Donusciwaben Park in Cart wrîgbt. Uido Kurt Gobkes, 21. cf 1. 1 Nestleton! wayne Clay- ton Kirkpatrick. 19, of St., Catharines and a juvenmle were charged by Neweastle O.P.P. wîth breaking and en.- tcnn and tbeft from three cottages in the park. Cottage owners are Melchior Mark cf Toronto, Anton Mark (a brother), cf Scarborough, and Anne Lîppert cf Toronto. A loe tender received byffer et $135 a side was below the towe for adveMsng on Ibis miurnium the Zamboni ice machine at The probieni was hobcw lo Ibe Arene was opened emg ask for tenders whien the price tlie regelar counnc rneeting cf mi fixed. January 3rd. But tha amount 'Yen can't pet a price on e orrered - $270 - by joint tee- tender." elark McIlroy told dears Glen Rae Dary ad council. Preson Transport eas reject-1 p 'unc , somewhat embr ed as if did nef meet a prier maîsedi, voted ta tabla the mat- conditon thatl councîiilied set. fer ter feurther review. But not A nurnber cf months ago withoeut a sida-note from Coun- nouncil had adopted a renom- nillor Hcopcr wbo said thiat mendation thaet bhe ccsi et ad- flic motion was cut et line vcrtisiag on the machine benause flic leader was nef ad- shoukri be increasedi fromi $100 vertizedi properly in flic finit ta $200 a side. The tenderedi plana, n ni -;ergroun w'Services The town cf Bowmanville Central Onmarîo Joint Planning pn.Aprnl h opn basn't any trouble determin- Board and write down its ob hsntmd valbet-h ing what lies above ground jections. It did so because, ac-tonaylupnsdgrm wnthin the town limits. But. cording to Reeve Dykstra, the adifrainpra igt below - well that is another town bas had dficulty secur- weeterue u hog matter. And it is causig sme ing copies of plans which de-i o concern. !tai just where underground T on Last week during its regu- services are located.qetdth inominif lar meeting, council decided to! At the top cf the problem cneto ihalglmte accet a initaionfro th'lis istheConumesGs pCrn- Apprent the CE mpany 1 é kl

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