las thedy wamard. bhat wag a dayrlà 198 TWhe wd1-M o taca liE a I l :t a elowh (le t ip1- She dicdin 198.The-ac PROM PAGE ONE, befora the birth f th atihey hod five daughtes and ý,hcp, 'and 1 ýIlva had whee--, ls' JOCe faitneyer hard a son t iny head evar sMnce" ' dpn't care what hAppues, c-ar on the McL ,aughins nThosa "whel eW iPnte 'u goieg o allthe next nine Mis aMfacterin the 91! % convince is father tbat the chi Jlda Uy"saeoftebuissro'e. horsead-buggy daswr ThbaywsbrsedealMtr -ading away andteauoulenr utsas ,i o Thi, 95 r cLuhi e ýrçbile was the comlng thmgù MLugun miqyanM I ddtomkebl wucr zWhen hie fýather 'flly amfrieds, ven sicee abeame youi107meerythnwas lai -,relutpan-tly areSain, te-Mr. huch ,Manof Mark iolt 'n he Ohaalaýnt fr, 24 made a-1 alce imwot hare, Ont To)ther daogh-thfrt10cascope e fcsngirieý frormthe tUnited jters and Mrs, Mcaugblin rengines bt hesuddii States and vw(-nt kon ite vri a dcea5ced bîn_ -iness fhsegne ruh corner of thue NorthAmerîcn Cl MLubln horrh h ,car market with is 2McIaugh cy ouhd iqor unyeithe steec fwa ih a¶nBu~ nd other auoi ýlînes ccasorapipeful of tcro ebe aadsoiya] The decision brcgit hm imar. iCaadianautomb1le vceath and farre, WTh he Although iIhe oo tanpo - amade a dea] i h buii~0te angincas atdesîed tatuonawY frein tehseant toput Buck engiris in -r'Titl 1t18 t hastoshaw thi!Âe conelhaladgi,,ýc McaUhltcars under thJIe1 .tte ledghni wnhsodouta status of alnther kind cm MIlbinBic.Ti ~~htI4glfl inusryto Gm- In 905cars werefo le Wthe bfret yes 193 ere turo- .Motor- Corp. But he bM. advnurY hesaî asn1 Mi4 edautand freinthen on the raepresident of The aut Btnww o ossfrMLubi rde a h GÈu~nera1 Mntors of Caaw» ]"biggest elr costhec oun1- and 4vice-presidant Of the thrtiv. gru Lsae dergbed r~ th ia, r c Work'erl YUp For years he arcd hrssLag]iyasmaea eco Athough he ýa2waa boru1 In und0 th -qolb-ne a ,u rjd fGerIern W o o rp. wba icho .&4khdstry, and gryw andipo-slso akodstbesl-0 h rea e îÏýr ngthe ar na95mo . urntaf i ~ pre wt tCoiMclauh Tyo f Tnjorr, wo eth tre am b lh ad -i wted-ris-wau-trogh n1d t1heNaioalStd!o nalilthe Awaysingb, r~1cSeerlyears go ar beovd motor (car wers teý ';1etoid a reporter Tecauhînhrss e- henw] eredOnea -'~When 1 turned 2,mpy inaed aainrcrlu-Mtr of Canada hehcm ~tli eadmete$.0aing the Mi3s anid 1940s ac rsdn teCanadiano- wek~i he lied tak.en lrora rmy aiSe atrdmjr tk ainand a vc-rsdn salary for roomn and board rcsnthUied tas.oteUS. ii. I Te 192 ny a'4 brthr eorge re ~eurngmytheaya!)-lia wnthe Kings Platehree irdUnd Sai nMaugblet -i uentceship with teMc-ltnunes - th ooee n eaehaiatMLuhi Laughlin Carnage Co" 134, Kirnave in 194 ain(cnactie nthe buasiness. ~Iis ealth today was asi- M"oldy in 1947. etd t up to $ý275 Imillion Hae cldidn't serve ýin hleay.He aIfinteecird te etir SNo one knaew ocb a etent 0f Ibut ,col. MLuhnddbi speieton bis 7O0iýth bithI -his benefactions.. ented the Second Woind War wa nillions to e 11bidn uid aH ad h Mfcl- a- of Canedian univarsritivs and tien in Osawa avaîablefrW 0 HNheh"mecar ýhaee oe hn 0 ougwr mataial production - andwmari 0fthe boad. rCanadian doctors erinàther vaenapt bi, owi cansa-Ahg anttI u families ta Zr, abroaci for a age for the duratien, drîvn raiadtik i o i nipipe as uch a part of, ,,year of study Aise, bis $2te w,ýork reach dai3In ehrsa u a i risoklfbi ý'riIion grant 1)re t1 cn-nbgg.huy ybrw acicipe Laughlin icience planetarluin Wes Bih.'Fa usaChe, l an ejo fini Toonto and another $ aai ec e î not id frmSt, f i ~uu1lin xpadadTeent'sa bicycle.Tenbis yeunger Ife. His firetserjieu ness ,HLmfital for Sick Children. days ha thought nethîng Of a canmesbortly after 1 ne Second Beeked scouts 70-m'iile ride freinOshawa te World Ivanwhen belac s le In addition, ha as consc-,Teronto ,andi beck fer, ada'bi s.Ttws enh rr~ed Caneda's most generous e.-utin o teig Abrwbeelers stpped cown as president ni supWporter of thaBo -'y Scout th nopet!ingwtbhersbeWý, ci ebaîran o lf the oard. inovenert -a-lsîgnificeritfrspace o t utecircI-s Wenb ws94, st'ili ac-1 gesture fron i mac wbe hadicf othIe aa ltbcentury tively ai Werk but wît a ne noS î.on the day)F Mr.Mc nurse e keepan eyn on hlm The fathier five.daugb--Laughlie's firet ings Plae hyemqprteci-"ursr says sbe'if tare, Cl. DMLaughlin 7, vcry a s Hromte-intae m te10.")nda ler, PatP.), be sic lue was( t N i~~~~n, tt ýjr )ý ,~DELOITTEtu HAs-KIN04S & SF-L LSnadtote rsMn, Col Sam Pi-other twosui- OFFICES IM MAJOR CANADIANCUTIES mrkt.Hi dugtrs i 9-Miidred (Mrs(MA.Turnier) PATER:GRDNW.RELA .A. R1(,lunra o Studa Satrda wbe heusands paici J-___________________________ hi epcs MEN'S WEAR LTD~ TOP COATS SPECIAL CORDUROY - BELTED STYLE - Reg. $3,0 j3elted Style $ 2 SPORT CO S Sale rrîce m Sale .r-icr -----$ 9 9 SPORT SHIRTS $,92o Slýale 1rc - ------------- - $7T 50 SWEATERS _ sale Pricef fr m -i - -------- --- Bo0Y'si,5,S ki Ja c kets Clearinig firom -- ---------- SALE STARTS FRIDAY, JANUARY tlh I Bowmanv.....Ontar. the as beuastaff raogani-l1and is avarilaiiiebsdeM F or ur Bownes : y Up o G idatiion etth e plant. Tom 1le, Hobbs and thai t ttïitsdd riect ly te 'oceatinalpurpses (bafoe berepotecite Mm. Kei b Sakeocaa Luke), and Gary fteSot omte ac cAsinig agent wii 00W b ?fiheSa s apoincthtw charge of ail satsalcntrol.cucl wudntga oah 5ueri o ffile- iaci rforijoint talks. The comîti- are cfepeatins -ili be frein fr tii nteis te appeniar Holingshaad's sister plantbefoire td e rIlo humbe M anci cr 0Dayco Rubbar àin Wastn. o- niubauCeunty Board oe lirgeheaiof Canada is a sub-Edumi'ah n n bourg t h i sidiar y fim c oiigbin busa t slwe a nd oU..winletuim is ownaid would)ha vailable ai tha naweu by the Dayco Corporatien. Bowmraeviile High Scbool for sports failitipe. Thea is smaspeculation R e c s thecmmuittea wýilI nartro-w j Re*- clsbt!s te conae oay on a new smmigpoon.t . r- vdeci, cf course, the Deriing- Sport ý,vi couencil takes cerne action ona prejeet te huild a naw, (PROM PAWG,E E meal tatwbp maîtaîed "ce ste a t a tune ttitude te the pioj acIteow Though the comittee was: noeudbasicallyey askîng fer 'joint1 tike, thaDamlîngton tcouecîl.-0 lois becama absor-be inî tAe Des151IDes nîty-rityissules cf the pro- posai -- bow Mucbi tha van- (PROM PAGE OmEt ties m w cld cestandi wbelr agaînst the comnpany wluich ile tbey wculd ha buîlt. TbeyI epceI tomabfr cesrguac alo that BownîanvtsIALIr uet coneimeti3 spring. coec t ac ndcae q t o l Bt, als yet, tha cenpany;11 net aale te considil er hocas!tebgcwc _A --e AMconmittees preposali m)W 5 why should tbey ask fer eReavaDyketain iks the joint meceting. Loun il uehuld biave tlie informa- tion nd futrereceiveý Shw eewith theéI Laders are the Bries Mce h rthur, Lynn Laskais, Scotty Ow-l Vera Lsar "It is flot our abýus-in tteeil dtaîleci plans of anly changes thtfa ip to Gidacs. Fomtha elaf t, B o0w),and MAroia Haning, Browin Owi of the 3rd rwijBwavll htit cholaulcitende') Ibe sstem. Mary Lou "eeslyî-law1ly-OwlBetty BaIL, haylPaulk. dc e-EmvaCarl awnsaJi ifel itshenr- uehamadel Mfimer fomthae3rdBrCwIiieack, Carosl ut, Sandra Dri~ ncucliciaiiaa_ilable Lte emncpit tiey wu erataig a long baîci th-, Reevesaid in nuaninterview efi e -Y p r wd iýieok et a proposai t uu ci a ith the S aa m n M ouday, Bu ts ffiiecy rovci tenp-ensmain tde townsbip and '"ethat when we enPgage un Tri ut to C L arnWc~I,~ueî fi' Ca aIn Cub'said they were cii-oenl cme- pace mneres.A 5 prcetc .>eaCeocl' ntret assprk ality bas te rigbt terkewl wih ine'àrgrt bhDrngbin1f sa, x-len dol olars m$a8,00 te h pL .,. aoe hc nDcme17h,ýjf ceivci tedig evr a entry, a cîe) As 5aicetcte wgas"' Hamey W liebser cf oeun"- Town clark - diiIn irt th itznso Dran out bsbrnth ecpan f ay lc alres. <amvilaani ic Biî cf a in- ospbcl re toin i e tates u- cThie wci LcytatRouyS. br-emembodereci as c 0r c"fiva te thacountry preduîng bars). tergas company efere ouadirgati vsn. Cdsindust riel mistro.And ha aJ amiteviw ithepilanywere n rdr t nak Mc- fgure, hgreateet pa o malleabl $0100 sure tre-c et, apygasfolinamoniscpnot iniH Largey tbough m. te nerous uld- qumci , asrepui tai ! pode " ttemn oetra M.P-te aycfth vexcavacions.f Lb in'eis efforts the car ales anifii,,jùiii ofpmvi d igsea c h finèet malleY:,;k ai c hid committeainofWha)t we we]d lkthe Save shp tEnieukewa on- itbougb hndie gr ie wil aleicT ete fu laysnd. mip.-1 totapayarss i'th opa iy wanted ahe ascbart cfail tha upder-c vertei int lthe atn' s arg stan as anileatnas f Thri e A predcuts ttpreduces e rsecni, sraefrteae.gcudsriesr fams eus min nt t r inu sty an adSmï1e1i io.Ad hsau long life deveteci te prome eluci ambîn fron metan artiipation bacaua t 5 er pla"ta laksaiec.PMucn citey f rbawagitwas.rrrmankgiic he. joshiLs-r are yayg mjo PC hoafhateud ncud srvce lwpàiaMws hecunaglhg ad eMU pvidd mean eseca ipj mtsupiied y Cale TBl tha bi geiosanc enerpise Ale Camuters safetyfdoge fiers ta pianpek sd o ortner. Canada nci tha UC le adi plaeci ia d ing mole n - h hhe M.P.P , Duba.simeta11 oinars ad. fory scythes, fro"ms car o I te ndr v hydranjwmancbs teccar.a. onHaswasronfidenaadarsn tiengt Ceesumrs' Ges iThethi periec. At 1 ha hadîeckecound h ra cebu lît. i e o~ajs Th serc esPB hvan eo in, a- comoc a n(itr n a on i th Parkine n Tub tha e m pm -anf %-c He. m tti' o! tie," h a nidOPars -edei tha" t lesatic d. '- dA rOhw. 4wshrises.Teafito rvn-uebsnyr ckc , oel eli e au-iailed ê_ýsuOdrawigs a me VaiT-ï qu hd;ns rchlm m fon atediigunvf-oiristeth psttht hecet-u;esi ma thsjor ...mabmlhe e emermuîcpait e e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ci y ylkâhnter ntafn-paytmsc hs t Oha- *ne Jnury thog. nelayeeta ntaltino l-ly Ha teok ovP.,DurArthay reL iersar or tha ebds a " ,M.ookfit Catt ndrgrond serv11ic. <PO OCOC dprmeta tafctr nc el val e e herbsiness bas He daciston e bild ltaaena cChamatrisLt ais ad u. igadually erkd.bit wa int ha ot eempoyes wo bvaband e band that s nw f ianhpplcaon Byhae rgasm Benucvil plie ssSsdomeclowvhichh ccpaie todayo! the's partbybvean manuoig0n<t3 obtrnsisio ia fn t e cangMt$00tsh neeneTbe yaThe ha uederw semnepaidtrbue e soema e! tes Oc Meday Janamy 71lmonalàowCo! iby te mthe Vageý vehile,$900te me. mouh's a .eproaten ng 1was mi sutheioogsvice1 reum orsnyteCanapCue!Wssaide tat l cts!ef ot Parry.ltie anci $375 t MeLea 5. c t hedeeae eplyr.oldeiivy. I Dqrbam will meat Jetthele Tnieityeoce leohracieteocrig Atmtaenci otheathe he "Wyad s vle iarr pro u ii tef4s lac% Church tSclu.oel Hall at 8:15maier as yk le owndminPGEtha weekap-cupanly stare is e preduc e th b alomyras whavai % Th mae speaker wiill hau Mm.liutot bybege thxnaeyfiO augsee masiteabofe ren, ra bre et iipeBowevillaè Ilugh MarMiellan, LiaisonI 0f-ial a irwga" reutd rm ateca c- enlmjrcaiasîvs-îehVef neyer bda tike irrwithbcavee iiAr --' ýan JAf geti h o r YsinFll i heeo lng St-re)ie Ene nea rment' - purh e csi »a fur nil , wthe psiieaep-0îes aleCndano 8,35 p.o. he rvaners wree o t a oin h e nmyhc m aeryof"ci Tam toricaofW- l-l ocumev Jnt anci basr lHiý,t tp i1p% Rck ) Hav liersc 164 Li-bonopmroucigapndosmitî Rhdlnsrvieday the playthc- ponremai le I bfi whiHead btIacsciofPrPi- ert'3ý No nc lusA ofcas o mle. Tamleplager. "Tluadeeden cf baehm asnfer iald4as If R. R. 4 Boanvîs0LLe.No Alwthe domineg cthe Aco e taeigbt menfthe wa South Arica anei aio817a injuris wme epte. adthe wek mpesibilitias weme entc AÏrfeceite ebacue PHlugb'pspaoake nEtecaeri. heiu twd ocar wcarlicnat ledrts. cfp ltnvÉ.uehae utira" ' g U&K l ie 36fot uît -t Al- th orn o! King aetEuniv-I Te .pran xpndjwan u iteoduiblthat par-.ancr, hfollownS,,g Ah2e fAuRr- ciceu 21n Stmday at akeu t wsan neaigoent îtrugo tbeofi ci be me wbc bilt thnr a che ruts, earAro 19671 nu!h R150 pinu.cTue dÉvan eeti a the M cria actery weInme, $17 canag tIii e a ar c, ir16 ivabn yclas c th e a' nd pU - n o n othepartman ,gand i a brig d c fu on r oemigs. Te, ns' hhfudywras hn-taeras Ahirh foledas by awcne adtlcfoR.ablerd stn, oj oing.the e taf salves. thnib x e rou tes f orîc ean thMousan R. 2,e BwavLlr eanci$7 elon emnntbs of c M miles frno Gr an oage.ene luetbeor andrîr byF. aJong hdospnt to yaienieneotate Mntreltane HA T eSWE TER Bemc l. ad tr e s taldsurgy tue rsity bafore l'ovween u l 1970 ha ad a bria o mus jjiniamfluelArsFerreraiwth a.. wLc, tooipart e tha Hci CLERINO A ply wrew Harrase ofIl Liwasonac o.leth e dundry ciu, fia (os nase. i-1 uieF annivrrsamy aed M LoancfSWEATERS le Ach 16 Fr bkennnltia i irokl ai aIlle. Hie PRICE TO CLEAR A kca's bcw heut rtaci. Btu a teowbs th aa wasBnthing Eileen Mem cfr R.6 RomIoues.ONE JRACK, P ru or ee= oh n anvilir --- PrOm PAGE OCul ieft excaçpt a md Fbot mess ncf1Ha wastaeteMnra twîeed steel beanne.Hospial, BownuavH&ilovbythaM9m eut ierar us!lcobseethefBwmnileAmblulance Ser- li0 cqb e! h yprA ie îemnrkab:ia1 The dacisien te rebuilllcwcieand 1pronouececi dcipn FOMAEOod DR S ES&G @N assct un itb t business. tha rnost important enae arva'eOMPGEOS IT ver on tMit day le 1912that family lidever baci tlmke Aposî-meorten ravraird iec a succesul busiesG E TL.E U E a cyptîr mesage ans dai-Buiness bacifêalen hefore ftic thaf he suffie acia uptuyeci iri Oe 1ad ten bis dor iiw Tereto: tia. Ta inorance Mrne neyaetaandciimltipla injurias te "Tlan cenvirec iltat, the "Yo lr broher-, rd,,kl oudhave iven thrIbm a goudoshingbt sid. dfnatPut 1IbiS plaintif! ec sccident at plant." liing. But the fcundî'y sas Mm. Hylanci, a Gemalt t bs e just as afferct- ALL SA4ý,ES FINALt Emne cme omeimmaied- the c-v Arylfaoc o!Ernest oors employer bnci rn ivelyas if il baciput a prci- )tey.,a,,t a lave e! ,,asece PadteecoulciAha ne doubtsnewmebiEng the past Ibrer leck on hio plauNt, m.JutieNO EXCHANGrES OR. REVUNDS Pfrenu hieemployr, te Gumney w'Aftba ho Ici de. By Ft-iesos e hAdi selyDeoul id)jeoiswrt Foundy 0Cernny wmhere ha br a pluw factery, slightlbeuglut a non, machine. Ac- jucgnent relacecilest waak, was~ ~ ~~~~~~if atmkereain19rnletanthe one il e- ccrding te pelicpe ha ws oceinSeOpeneRI 96,bca centsan hur Bu9ha aver p îarfws up it ni par-hue way fu visit fiande whan lbalthUni t ld Colîluis t îa ý - cerl, al iru T3,t heneve plcea'fcci toccýulmmed, l, H w isbuiness -was an, ofîf11sivaY saw te that. Ie 1914 they err Goeewas tha electreplatingtrPoelicegrrpomn tthtbe tIhatbHid i r Inetmnec. Acertin'laî0opý-g. .traellngaone dateli a fmad undeThe Pblic He]tse mamuc ad eth eeing roca s Goa-w-ateppr-rddaywa1 sopara Whe latfo- -ezigAc î KIGS. .BWMN.L nefrpae-tutr.T17 f ~fe would prove an assat Lb wereshipec alsove h mIu nohrcmay"The site j lsedSauda fterneOýt nfdalil da uîr un196 af a a ientrois'Haýzardous Laballuieg' laws for tua asfryed he epenîve over$3,0) iorne cf Ibae drap là business pal terris. _or___________________explainling 1 tcan e cstomn- Anyona 1 ond dumping Outeof Idu eSe cou d treunil tha new ragulelions poen chae l einly hrlbtFREI!FE C U EU E Y cone imtcbeing (nexl Moallu). u erate onn a;edrec caieý. SoneaHaeilci nefanticipaf aovng ol!thap workýers, a1ý id offnci (inimu $3a) e anfy furthai' staff cut- bonesi stmig 4moud hme %haks thougb efraserd the cen-1 If leaiso pointrd out kthat By-Law NO, 1966 pro- wold corne, te fbel plntniiPhone 6113 :3 703 pauuy wuid hava e Ybning àf vides dtetthe Site is for 1he useof permssrsd aWCer wîtutpyjust te keep M01'0 in Iilijefu!ture, i orupiei. Teir ime ac m- H salut thaf the lbas a- ing' or cai'ryiiig on buinss u he To-wnoIf cordcionaelees aMd a sel 50 KING ST. E,'. BOW-MAN VILL rahc h unionlereprs- Bowmanville and that use by others le illegal, wbp h dpreio lfec. BUSINESS HOURS: plant anci basaed for a en'-a H Tne b aie190'snaP itnsyear freeze.on wages. ConftJ..Mîro unere dci- sucb ne an uson 10 A.M.L'ç 10 P.M, DAI LY negçiatioes are currantiy un- y ui Town Clerk-Adninistrator (i wolsaedfor 8 ets) FRIDAY and SATURDAY 10 AM, ltu 1 FPA.."1rnyJCnar 1, arýci alhae.Eîetssc I ~îtoeocpr y i 71 end~~~~~~ eletsoLwmn horlI orff il i neft ï hlc Sstatu ci wr UMliME cdur.~ Mr.MKnzesacJut $ SW qm