Enniskillen's Most Famous Native Dies Early husdy vrin, . R. (Samn) -McLauighlin, tht-, village of En- niskillen-'s mostiilltriioi-s naive and Osaasforemiost itizen, dieti in iris slejust four mnthS af'Lter bis looth birthday. Wpe mourn bis passing and extend sîn(cere smatyto his familyV. R Fis civeins aebeen mny éýnd bis g-enerOsity vin sponsoring and suýpportirig a wide range of worthw1ýhile prj ,ts fo-m Boy Scouts to uieste r; the berit kýindof -morunmt tobis mnemolry that anyo0ne couId wish for. We reýgrett prior to bis death Do s1teps, tnOour knowledge, were taken) to perpeýtuaýte tht fact that though bis tremedousbuisïiness sýuccQSese a~ ;.ftVer he ati, his familyinoved itheir <riaeplant Vo Ohwbis birthplace wýaS Enniskillen weethe fou.ndation of bis hratr prncîp-les, humant- ness, genil-ad comirnon touch was W&ve ftenwondred ho bis teachers wp-re ineam schicoo days, and bor-w gr:eatý a parct they, alonýg with bis paetpyet in bis developmient; if he asbrghtfil schýOojl ctivle 0onthe iccrfieltIS, w10 big youing fritnds wiere and what thiey thoughit of bim. -nthe Dîmn and Distant Past YromthSttma Fie Als3o, for aý long timne vwe hav/e h cýuïJous to learn w.hyv he andi bis Father decideti to move their carrnage planttin OShaa\3inistearl, or Boianirville or tIse- where. Boli towns, were alm-ost tht' samne size at tht tinie that dlecisionws mrade and ont w&ould think thi's towni waýs tht lgi-lplace for thte new busi- ness fo 'be set up Was a ,building more repadu'Iy vailable in Oshawa, did coun)- cil discourag.e bim here or was it sorte- thing tise? Now, wt isdahaf ber 'a f ilad productive lfthese anti other qu-ir; tions suich ,as wby bis wideslpread gen- erosit.v was ntver txtended fo bis home Village 0or côunty ý'Wiilprobably remain unasweedunless sun mteial bJ as been compiled for a biogr'aphy"' of this gréat Canadiani. in ciosing, on bebif of tht citizen- of bis native county, wtt take tht liberty of recording for posterity thti considtr- aýbie pride a1l of Us feel in knowing thiat Coi. ,lVfcLauigblin, thie founider of the giant GeneYRa lMotors of Caniada, anti nt of the most humant multi-mil lion - aires of al time, waRs born anti iived bhis fornmative early years just afe miles north of litre. 1-.l Heatth Unit Hit By $610OOO An nusaistory came out of the freezing and, stoi tar ', Surm, Coiurt un Cobourg.iRast packaging elsew] "Iek whn ichard Collins of Nestie- the, order virtual] e. Station wasý aýwarided a. $61,00O usdgn-ient against 0-h> Counities Health ness and obonustl ntwhich he clmed put himu out of agreed. usns.It aPpears t0 hé- one of those We ogrt Pare occasions wvhen a citizen-business- cause it's nice tA an btckedc 'clty hall' and wý,on, if the citizen willing t udgrnent is tnt appaled and changed, some rights. Butf, 1 Apparent1y, -Mr. Collins hiad estab- in cheek, not con %jisbed a successful. mink food businesp b)ac.kground that r Oron)ro, where: we suspect the opera- that closed bis bu. con brought complaints from neigh conscious of the ý -os.Il Sept. 1965, the healthn unit told taxpayers pobab' ilRins that his business was- an offen- [o Pay their sha ive tirde under Tht Public Health Act wvithout having $nô that he could on!,y use his plant' for wvhole affair. Fruistraîtio)ns of Bein g A Pubi un Mof us citizens are ail ton frer rn-mpent to irnple o7.mcritica comnt bout those wve menut. iect to serve a-, our rtrsnaie n He sugess iýroujs levels oif goen nt So t a istory and see tî rfresing this wekCo read comments pies who onet en fr9m Couindillor Denis Watts of IRen- dom and piie frew who took, a bit of time and co- in Canader, but ~drbeeffort to write a letter to thethug aphy ,c1itor of their local paper, giving bis and petty politics ýýJ-Je of tht story, As thî-ls is an e.lectionseffitaoap :year for varlous; bodies here, we felt We agret W]t 14hat some of hi-, coîments havýe an ap- municipal couinci plication hiere as well as in -Rentfrew, ponsible citizens tratedi by goveron unHes been frustrated by the short- w1ho, are sincerely ieof candidates ini hwial e Moitns and make their comn. ~igsts this sorrýy sitiiatiori bas dievel- for ail ifs citîZe'i ~,eped! because in oui, present day society, con-cluded, only 1-he aiccelerated ac andi resultant pres- of mnembers of coi ,,,ures leave few people w~ith thetm rs n is ýni desfir to serve their community by of this commnut »ýtanydin1g for public officej withi itsý becomne a i ealit-,, ý'row1ng epniiiis criticisms, fair Renîlrew Editý ;.,td unfair, thiat tht trend Coý I o-,, man";otsec day are wve es ic tht goverj >iç-pected to be available to the citizens predicted by Ge niour comnuitfY? he asks. Twe.nty- seemis to bt no wa, fO-I? Are UVEt to) be denîied the right Io ment towards l9î ve ' 1"our Moments of pivac-y with our much, Having th( irmily andi frientis? If we, arel then the us seemns to suit yý-e ïS not too distant VwhIeyn o ont Security is comrfori wilstand for office. This- theti will be appeal to the puil Phe ideal time for tht provincial go v- ea rS. Credit Card Chaos S (Fromli Tht Port HopJe Gyuide) the systemn wor.ks SThtý end of( another year also sees fact chat retailers Ùi e start, of anlother speil of crednit card credrit cards andi chaos, However, this We we're reiddof this state of on the credit card -ýffairs tus mrorning whnen a, ce iard cards aurivè only1 .foi'n Olid Mother Beljl arrived in the nameti as being va n ame of a person, not oniy no longer, A card rectivc lth tht Gude ut not even living in than the person n0 scanada, ence to obtainu g< cThr ell lephone Company, is, least for sorne tHM Ofcourse, not by any mneans the oniy pay. lompanly which is remis il this way. No dobt VIi %' We fcel chat in this day andi age, thti( cards wviil tak- ý,'hen- so mluch of our econouny is based the person living sr, credit, greater care shoiti be taken former client if ti y companies in the distrbution of ing uinpaid, buts ecdit ca cds, Jle in thie day to Ittae, iti ffort io imaigine the fa9ct1 that somethîr jroub1e wbiîcb couild be ulsed wvere onte For those MW - f these sta"cards uised. cards nue miake t Mliions of dlrswthof bulsi- tions. !ss iýs carried oUt annaily in tis Take tht card eournry by people presenting thfese pair of scissors. If Pastic re1'ctangles, o)r in somne cases oever naked flame, limPlY quoting a riunbr The faet tbat igarete ligbter il Duhn oun,?ty'ýs Great Fimily journcfl Etbsed119 5years ga n n1854 U-66 KjnAhSlW.orporating Judgment rin, ,anti nri o bis it1hre. olii clairnet [y Put hlm out: aihusi- i buck affïcialtiom bas wtt ve, îtwitb longue npletely.ý awane of tht nesul, tetiin tht artien usiness, but very, much ly wil be callic upon iane of tht jutigmnent, hatian samyin tht lic Servant mrent regional govenn- we look bback on wvorld he countrîeg anidpea- ijoyeti thtsanme fret- tas wtt still enjoy here Who have los' them ind-iffenence,' inlemal s. Anti tien ask your- ,en bete. tii bis comnmenjta thlat s are matie up ai tes- who are allen ma mýrental red btape, but ylrylog anti boping la munity a betten place ns Io live in. But, be w-ith the ca-operation uncil, rmembera of itht ipartant, tecitizens niby, can Ibis hope AÀl too brut! to Don McCuaig feels )unc-ilior Watts deplon- èoi7ge Orwell, There y of iialbing tie mave- )4. People tion'l came e decisionsý matie for- ,most af us and tht, in.Counicillon Watts, btwiil fmil on demif isý due entixely týo the 'have corne to" trust accept therm as vaIti. then places ftht onus- issuer ton ensure tha.t to tht person actually, aitd to use the service. eid by Somecone other iamned is amIrost a lic- ûods or, a service, at it, without bav"ing toi e cornlpanies issuling ke a great interest in at thetadrss of their :ey find acCouints be- Surelyv that is rather become awvare of tht ng hias gone wrong. io receive these stray 1an-d eut with strong fthis faiLs, 'holti card Such as match (es) oer intil- destro'yed. îM'xt ~1 AI q .po 1~o I. Phono 623 3303 YJOHN11M. IMES ;PATRICKC COULD GO .MRI Enroa-Pua~jsnsaAnDVira.MANAGMSBs~sMs epouei whtso prtPcyicmd in amy form .whattp oc, Onprii"lct >ar1y br Phgtocnpt rOfe prmee i phraotioi, musiha otatia ua i.pulchrad » pi rcrphuîcith0i" e tnp ta ta c ,,n nti dxthe iltat it will not b. I«bt oi amy error miii ay «dvertisemeynt pu.-bished hereundes niess.9a"Trji of such detpin arpuuetec i-i writtunq by the dsri md iIreuned ta The Caradian Stotesunacn buaiàsz ýoff tee dulY e4cized b ti. rothe rod with auch e7rra! Orzcorrctiums plauily aotd tawrîtupig theraan, end ýtilthatcasa if amy ,rrar sa notpd ita ut, crr,ùtad-,,y Thp Cdanadtan Soemnita tahit sahutc7cead auch Cr portiOnoft tii. catra a i ut 5<veîfssi,î a. * fpace ecculpieci * .ro--' euexzbaret* i. ot, 5pece O oaied b,7 euoh avrtei MacDuff Report Quotas at Issue Su ppl mngemtent or farm rodutiononqut toka bit of a heating li tht ue of Commions dur- ing 'tht prost-Çhriatmnas - p-NwYean seession. Tht idea swas atisusue durng debate of biJ C 176, tht Nat- ional FCrmsProducts RMr- keting AM and -cas not made' tu look Ion gond iwhea in tht midat aI ofiltht Canadian Dairy Commission annouar- ed a retreat frm itsquota system f'or tht remainder of tht dairy year. Tht between - bliday,- "ecsin was forced Mhen tht goveroment announnd tore, dAys before Chistmas liaI, passage of tht Mafqrk-eting Aýct was a muaIt before par- Eament took a mid-iterý recess. The opposition, pria- ci-pally tht N\DPhLm'ked aPt tht limitation on dehate whîch wouid be automatir- alîy im-1posed if the bilt wvouild be deitith befoie Christmas, so the sitting con- tinued. As ittlnedout thtGov,- trament did not get Royal -Assent tn tht BiH before tht M P.7s went home. Tht sen- ste decided on a moresl!ws- Ureyirview of it and stali- ýd tht nmalter ini committt putting the. date ofits Pro- clamation iota', law v niuch lain bt In tht Comnmons tht de- bate wtnt on) for fournay before a settiement vwas ne- gotiated ottide tht ebamrjîr and aýgrpeeet on termns ac- ceptable ta ail partieswa i eacbed. MVean)whiie,. the Bit]la laking adrbbngfrom pni- vate memnbers,ý Tht Coner- v'atives thOuýght ita go- hng booa Wr, htNDP noV far enuugb in cregutation of r- kecting. Tht Queber _-based Social Crediters didn't 1%k any aspects of il, and tht Gyovennment was illoin seltîe for somethiag ltesa thnit first proposed1. Thet upshot was thait tht ma;,nagerment permîitted - der tht Bih wl %as limited ta' poultry produrtganmd eggs, the produres of anv farmr crrop tar be ma'naýged wibave ta inasttiute preedings in ordepr itaget a marketing aýgtncy, and there las pecific requremnj'or them b ,obe represented ion anymakt ing board. Consýervatives er in fuît, cry liopsiin asuppiy mraný agemnent reqluinements of tht. original Bil] whien Ag- ricuilture Miiter H.L A. Oisoin foundiliif necessary ta announce ta tht House a retreat rom quotas on l- dustrial mii1k productin. TLheT)Da inLy Commisszioni wihlfind itaef short some 10 milli*on pouinds of butter i the present dairy year, andi wihi hbave taimport that. much In ktep uip ta damnes- tic requirements. la an effort ta attratilmore mrilk ta thte ar tpnqdu-l ens wii be altowed ta go aver quota belote tht ave-. quota holdback on subtbidJi(s becomies effective. In Ontaria, Quebec sud Prince Edward Islad whee dairmen wor unlder a shaneti manket quota aiystem the produicers wil be al-lowed to Cdeiver 10 per cent over-quota befor-e the beavy hoid-back is effective. liu other provinces those wcho lece nus"is ircty Drom tht fderat gover- rnient, a 30 pet cent uvet- quota deivery AUl be per- mntd, TPhe point seemtd ta'wbe made that the Dairy Comi- mission [hadude-smad bath 'thtdlomestie ande- port matkets and wscaugbt witli a siortage in an arez wvliere tbree scant ,years agoý t'her-e was av'erJ-Suppiy anti a great demandfo rai- alization" oifitht industr-y. At that timne tht goveroment wý"as paying $125 millon ýa year lui subsidies ifor indlus- trial milk.I luieht1969-70 dairy year Iblis ws educed ta $110 million. Thte figures are not yet li for tht pies- est dairy year. Tiat ituation seemed ta prove somibhing ta oppon- e-nta of tht supplymage ment fe'atut1es af ieh Nat- ional Farat Producta Mar- keigArt. Even Arnold Peters (N'ýDP Temniskam-ing) whoseparýity hbas heen a pro- panent of regulating farmn production hbad bteadmjitlu- fily thet quotas had w"orýk- ed effeCtively, bu;tprap not ln the advartas,ýe of the ConervViv MPs1su-h as Mac McCutcieon of Lamb- to-Kent and Jack Hanter or' Crowfoot had atçe supymna,1gýrnent as jth-e cratr ]'tht "closeti shop- in fai-ming. Their response in part ta thit Dair.y Corn- mission's sonouncement was [hat it shoulti consider g-iv- ing Yaung farmers a ch;ance ta get intotht business by crePating n lew quotafor them if only on aLý iîrited Tht Dairy Com.mission hati opted Iu increase marketings from farmers iwbo ,have act- ive quotas. Tht application of supply management to the flue cur - ed lobacro indtncity oil Soulbwestern i Onanho waa considered byv Mn, MeCut- cheon tao be a classical ex- ample of wvhat happq boa farm pruduct grown unider quota. Tobacco growers hiait- iag a quota are thtelfite lie aaid, andi the only way a younfg farmer cati gel mbt the business is ta be harn into thaýt elite or ta acquire a fortune 50 lie can buy into) il, lit meant nolhung -that ftht Ontlario flue Cureci Tobacco Growvers Association daimns il i ba d te eul acreages in bial]' during tht yeara ilba been in operation, Tl is pro- ducing as much lea.f as it did belote, thanks ta new tech- iqcues and plant varieties. The samne situjation witlï abotain -for poul[try and egg prodiucprqunder the Nat- lnal Farm Products Markiet- ing Aci claimed Mn. Horner. A poulbry or egg quota will bu sornething like 2a family fe'iroomn, availablie anly tb tht youniger genenation iFas a liheilanie, Cr tla aYoung man Who marries an heiress. Substance of bbe argument was that quotas, wbere pro- duction management is part ol' txislung nmarketing sciern- es, become a valuable prap- erty. Il costs plienly ta buy a lo-bacco quotainSÎ ,lh western Otarlo. Milk quao- Religion for Today by Rev. Gordon Smyth IREAL FREEDOM Chttren r risedti t consitier the absorption of knowledge more import- an iLtIh a n thte p usuil af, wisiom. Ail one bas la do ta atînact an audience is ta ý",ave nîhrbanner af emanicipatian. lis this v-ery new? Jesus saiti, If ,ýou conitinuie in my -word, you are lrntymy' disciples, anti yon witl know tht truthi, Panti thtrtnuth witl make you fret." Listeniers aI once thougl ouI lonti, "Wbho say wt are in bandag-e? How coul ntiwtsurnendepr fneedomn anti remaini fr'.et? Isn'V discipleship PanoîbeFrinme for saey? Ta Ibis Jesus nepliet inl effecb, "ÈEerylhing depentis on tht nature -f freedom. You seem ta think Ibal jil means foilowing any leader at wili ainti accepling no authority.> Whlis a fret nation? NoV ontc wilhouit ]aw - a landi of thtaanhs but a stale whene ilizens- respect institutions anti statules fashioneti by a general conrensus ai opinion. -Real lib- ely involves the transfer ai personai allIegiance lo a higher ont. Ont descendants may,, be cîiAJ/é is of1 thte wiorti. Aopything tl steps aven seifshots orpaýnochialism is a mat iii ftt nJighldirection. John Diefenhakýer iti thteiýecltion trail in 1958 ,vith 'a- Inorlhenîî vision". A decade laten Pierre Trudjeau Spoke across Canada bu 'Htc just ,ociet.y". Tie y we-eni'ltnick-i sers with slogan3s. Th1ey endeavore t t arouse what ij- s pschologically essenlia] Voibrî.l is as tht-i Bible says, "Wilîh-t ont a vision,.thtleuple pns. Monovrthe colinmPoriany cuit witb tiht creeti, "Do Yonr îOwning" Ieatens3thtethicai'abnic 0of feetio M Moallyl a mralter of life ai deat!h aS:nAnti this prlcuarcItj is', even t ibal l's prîmeval. Shoot a vîsiing dîij)omat if youdon'l lîke bisý gav-erroment. Beticlown as man'y girls as possible ta oSatîsfy your e go as tht great teenage lover. Do haevryou wanl bu. De.ser your wîi e on the sli ghlesl provocation. 'Refuise ta aiiow tht Chiltiren's Aid Soc- iely Vo find Ufui emotional seeur-iby ,For youn faîhenless chilti sioce he ilayouri baýby' anYhow. Conjure uip a way ta tfý .inaw unploymnent insurwance ifyo can't otherwise afforti a winter holiday. Howtever, self-f ulfilment requires self -disci-p ine. Others have feelings anti aspirations 100. Wb-at if Most everyvone decidodtIol do bis own tbing? R'eal hýib- erty ivle acceping a standard lang- er thann inclination. Tht servant ofIbtlis trutli la acluaily a fret mani. When lib- erty is cheap, it's a relapse lonS]avery. Fu rt Ilher, suAppose an individualI ask, "halcan Chrislianiby do for tnt?"'SufIce'il lu eminti that persan a« Whaî ils infiLuences tii t bushfape tht society loto wthich he was born. Lord Aclon wrole a famous essay on "Fret- dJomn ToAntlquity." lHe came lu Ibis conclusion, "Our Lord nul aniy delîvereti the prectpt, buit createti tht force ta execubte il. Tht, new law, tht ew spirit, the new authorit 'y, g7ave lu liberty a meaPnîng anti a vainue ib hiad nul possesset inhothe ph.ilosopby.ý or in tht constitution of Greece or Ptorne befote lie knowlIedge of thptIri th alk makes uis fret." Suffice il to adti that ontr Lord's tou)Lci fis stili ils ancient power. Pray ta Godi eacb night wibb a pictute af Jeanîs Christ on tht acereen of your Mind. Read abouit bis encouintens witlh ail sorts ai conditions ofmen. As yauý hanlestil.-Ir'y to rend t owards oliers as Christ ia poirîraâyet inb te Gospel nan- jaive, yu il earo Lo cherisb tht perfect lwtht law ofaCIpeft4iiberty. tas have been traded Pmd giveý a value te herdsý which after tri-nsfer nay be dis- petsed, It is said poullry f;armyera s in 45Onarbo boare operating under quota want anything from $1 to, $2 per bird li the sale of their riglits. There is niu way a man can get mbt theýse fields of production without pay- inig aiprice beyond that of stock snd equipment. Marýketing ;Agencies with o-, without production con- trol have -not 'proven a pana- ceaý for ?'a i frmungincome problems. Neither have co- operatives OPtrsýting on an open hasts. Thte big trouble is that robody bas yet Suggesled aRnytbu-ng that , or is feen beptter. 2p5 TASAGO The Hoapital ordl plnnngapersonal cam- n paigl'Ota aise the aac ef fundas required t o go 9;head] with building the new hospitil. The camp aigri w7ill St,-rt on11March 15. W'. 1L.Pate-ý3r.non bs iloess ilChicaglo, wired his coIliagIJesM of Wiood's Sen- ate, WednesiaY, xthat h e wotd be h omne .hrty and hopiet a Senate delega;tion wouild attend al sesýsionsý, or Towvn Couricil mefantîme. Farners are se.ekingp seed and fertilizer 10inanjticipaý- tion of a laVe Match sp-,ing. -Maoy are gettinig Ieady 10ý prune otchards. Orders for, ea7ly chlicks are being piaýC- Md. S aw-inrg outfits ar-e busy getting up summter',s wood. Winter moves rapfid- ly along. Mr. Roger A'llchi, pet-. er-borough, spen;ýt t eek- entId with bis parents,Mr and Mrs. Geo, Alichin. Ratepayers are taking aL renewed interest in cçounc-il affaira t'his year. At tht first myeeIng for, 1947 OF tht Bawianvýýille Branich, Caniadian Legion, held JPiauary th in tht Union Hall, the filowinig oifficers were elected: Presi- dent Maurice Breslin -was cointinujed in office withl- Out a contest and Lou M. Deweil was acclaimned as se Crar Y, The remaining officers are: lst Vicýe-Presi- dlent Ciff Samis, 2ndVie PsdetW. C. Mitchell, Treasuýrer Jack jkllini, Sgt.- at-Arma A. Bousteai, Padre Rev J. diePencier Wright (unanimous), Expecu iîve members . Cameron, L, Mc- Quarrie, -W. Baptes, J. Liv7ing, N. Porter,, T.O'Neill, -R. Keene, A. ýKiipatrkkl,,Rosa M \cKig, F. Couc, R. HaIrding,- Sugipar and 49 VEARS AGO (Jan. 16,123 Folen Rase, Mr.Wîlf n Rosa, Beleville;Miss bMabel Sis, Tornto, visiterd thp teo r m e rè E rndugtr MLVrs. C. F.Rceneety Mra. Thos. G. Norton, Locust Jil, basreind a1fter a pleasant tIwo wea vîsit vith ber sister, Mrs. Bd. pool", and numenousý thnrelativesbeaou. Mr. and Murs. George Chenery and sghe Gr tie left Mfonday ta vaf their auhtrMi-S. F. Stinson, Fort Wortb, Tx Mon, Stanod Symons ébas returned lbarne after - F tending Winter Schoot at Cobourg as a delegate for tht E;pworth 1LeagLu. Mr. Bruce Ilngham, Roseq- neath, bas accepted'a vos;- ilion as tht newv sixth t'each.. er in the l-igb School litre. Miss Manion Morris spentu Sunday with ber sister, Mss Greta Morris in Toronto. Mesans. Philip and Rossý illey, Toronto, spent tht, weekend at borne. New offiena of court BO wman-,vi!ll No. 964, C.O.F, are: J.PC.. J. E, EHllt C.R., b. Nichols; V.C.R., 1H. H-. Richards; R.S., F. W.' Couh;F,W, C. 1 es; Trmenr Geo. M a Sonf; Chapiain, A. M. ýHaruly; S.WV., Ge.Bagn1ejli; J.W., Sert C(, F5ennel;ý S.B., A. H. Living; JSB, C. Morris; Auditors, J. E. Elloit and A. M. Hardiy, MisEva Wakelijn reccal- ly visifteiMrs. Clýaude Wl Son, OshaMwa. Camnpbellfor is agitatng for a new, post office anti Oéams il bas a oite opposit the c-erea] miniland bas tfhp pledge of fthi- Domrinlion Government tha:t sri a; building wiJl be put up and! voted for tht purpose. cF AND YOLJ CAIN BIR PART OF ALL THIS This la tht time wben puýndits across tht-,lanti speculale in type a-bouit what tht co.ining year will bring fort1h. Jf titre is ont thinig wtt don'V neet i mort af in this counntry, il is -pundits. We have political ptndits, cteonomic pundits, sports pundits. Most of thenr spenti most of their verbiage dlisagret- iog with other pundits in tht same fieldi. What is a pundil? Il is a persan, wbo1 knows a litIle more about practic- ally notihing than we non-pundits. Hav;ng unburtiened myseif of those Sour sentiments, 1Iflow propose to leap int some pnnrditry (pundineer-ing?} concerning 1972. -Reati carefuily, ïno, so that you'il have a clear picture of vvhat wtt shali face this year. Miost parts of canada will have lots of soow. T hope nobotiy will give mie an argument on that ont. Rigbt nOW, on[t- aiÎde my wndwi looks like pluckling day at t'ht chiceken factoryv., Tht population, txs vat ouifuel bill wil locrease. Thiý;s staternent is nol baseti on fact but on pute intuition. Es- pecialiy 'the part about tax,,es. Accord- ing to some of tht rosy stabem.enits in tht new tfax reform bill.hustieti throngh -parliamenit, 1 wJil pay less taxes Ibis year, about enougb less bo bu 'y an over- coalt from tht Salvation Army. But tbey can't fool an old lax-payr lîke m-e. T k-nuw witb sickening clarity Ibat if ont level of goveroment banda me a few bucks, somne other level will be di:gging tireetlimes as tnuch ont ot my bac!k pocket. Tht wage-pnice spir-al will continuie, lhough perbhaps nul as -apidily. Tht rea- son? Wt're al Yreed.y as piga ut a broug(h. Anitht higgesl pig -- tht strongest unions ani the moat firmly e-ntrencheti capitaliats -- will gel more ont of thetIrongi '(han tht otis, ithé ordinary Jota. There witl be ai fedleral e-lectipn, anti whoever wins, ther-e will be promn- ises galant, new broloms beîng waved ini ail directions, aidthteuntr q c- cordiog bu tht puindils, 'wijllail i be go- ing sr Itl() tht dogs. Tht chunches will confitiue,(lu be one-third f iiied ani scrarnbiing fot- enoutgb m--rontyV lu sîay ite. BttthÉre will be 'a Coolinuin1g search for somfe sotof spiritual experience by or youth. Thousais ->who arenow enyA~ gleamn in someboýdy',s tyt will be born, Anid gooti luck to them whenj they enter a mighty compiex wVOIrld. Tosni will dit, anti lef's juat hope you and I are nult among them.. I dan- 'vliwantt go uait! I gel nmy rîgage paiti off IsA'thIat tht snpremne purpose of living? Tiausanis of kitis ,vill exýperimnt wîltimdugs.anti some af tbem will ,endi Up lragic figures, shaller'et bumnanb- ings. But 1thunsanda uf othiens will ignore- tflt chance of becomning vegetables, anti will Iead happy, healtby, useful livese loving anti iearning, sati and happy, UJnemploymnent witl continue 1,o be a f ainly desperate situationi. Anti thte schools will again be jarometi;to the raflera with stutiets who shoulnr't be Ihere anti don'l want Vo be there, bu t for wo there is nolhing else lu o.n TFhere wlll be thousantis of broken h'omes atimairiages urnedti l dut, Buti there wiJll bethou,ýsatis of dJreamn.,r- tytt i-ides anti prouti young grooms, positive thal nolhing cauli ever baFïppen lu thein love, whicb lasumelbing spe- cial. There will be iwars that have no vicbonies, anti peace confenenices that go on inberminably proceeding from no- where lu nowhere. Thte Unileti Nations7 ili again aninoulice Ilýj il is g"oing bruke, 'but nobody wllanît up enoughi Lo pay thtebiUs. Thouýsanis aofnbrjýtyoung people- willenmerge from college, spilling aver wilh knowiedge, anti corneface lu Ofaceý wilb Ihat brutal edicl:yu can't geV ai .job witbi no expernience, anti you can'tý gel expenience tuntîl yon gel a job. Butl thousantis aI othiers il breaýk ltheir backs taogel oacullege, where fthey wAR learo ail about Liftanti finti th mnate of their chuice, Dots Ibis ail sounti sort uf ifamitiar ta you? il shoulti. Dots il ail sni naiher depressing?Il sbnlidn't. Yu't baeyoun downs, but oullhave you.r ups, ban, those glaonos anti fleeling limes wben you woulidn'I fieanoyant tise -or anywher-e tise. Your chilciren i U Hchange; jpne'ferl- abiy for tî1ýeht er, but dmn't caunt ann il. Tht year ll fly by. MVake il a gcoot ont by tbinking posîlîvely , A~ Conertor £0~ WIE'RE PEOPLE Fanîts, we ailgot em because we'ure peuple. Altho-ugi, at limre, wtt masqueratie, prelenti we'ne perfect Ia shun ont uwn but tbey're stilI hr -Mss Suzannle Shebler-i, 1.59 Guelph Strerl, Osiawaý. MORE & ]MORE Tht mor>e be learos,ý tle fie knows, of truth and faiith Anti bew il gýrow>3, Tht mojre he rends tht irsuaar tht ia bc canes.ý Tht- mare ,hewite of Ihinga sta corne anti treama of penýce the less is, dune. Tht mort be speaý1ka Ille lesliesays antJ' noni opeaýý of honour deati. Tht mare lie learos7 tht less he knowvs tht patha b cape anti how lhey grOw. -,Itzaftir-e Shetier $y Bill Smiley A5