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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1972, p. 6

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3The Canadian StatEsmai, BowmaRnille, Jan. 12, 1972 Man yExciting ames HeId Boxèng Day Hiockey Tourne yli by David Goheen scoreci by Ray Burns from ýBaker assistirig. Steve Burg- Philip Taylor and Gary Rowve. ess then iricreased the score On Sunday, DecemiSer 26tli The second game of the ith John Larocque assist- at 7 a.m. th-e Bowmanv.ýieth I.DA.Miges oend hemorning ended in a 2-ail tie ing. John Brown then scor- between WhitbtandoStouff-cd an unassisted goal. Randy 1971 Midget Juvenîle Tourna- ville.Aln o teanas vrd ment at the local arena with fo Dave Ormiston an a 7-6 loss to Port Hope. Whitby was declared thle Terry Baker assisting. Steve Denns Bal~e opeed hinners as Ken Vipond open- Burgess then increased the scorig orB oanvîh tle t ed the scoring with Stephen score with John Larocque Boyd Knox assisting,. Boyd Snfodad-o lya- assisting. John Brown then Knox promptly mnade it 2-0 sisting. scored an unassisted goal. after being set Up by Larry John Meeks tied the' score Randy Allen for the locals Brunt. Ray Burns s.or-ed for with Matt Leslie and Don1scored fromn Dave Ormistoq l Port Hope w,,ith GryRowe Deesor assisting. and Terry Baker. asisin.Stouffville then went two In the third John Larocque In he ecod prio Stveup with Nick- Fiore Bcoring scored Bay Ridges fifth goal. SIndtes tecod theigamewt and Kevin Barrick and Ken Steve Henry and Bruce Lavi- Sadestidth arewihSteckley assisting. olette assisted. Ken Baker assisting. Joe Ken Vipond completed the Steve Watson then scored Humnik uttheloalMig-scoring after being set up by from Wayne Seymour and ets ahead after Ron Strike fed David Sorichetti. Fred Ryan. John Brown then J70e a perfect- pass. Tom Kerr The third gamne of the morn- scored an unassisted goal. lied the score agaîn with Ken ing saw Leaside defeat Osha- Tony Balson completed the Baker assisting. Roly Sîmp- w 54 crn o h emn sonputBomaniset Rolly John Powers opened thle The Redmen were Dow after Paul Forsey st-Ro! scoring after Marcel Belancer eliminated fromn the tourna- Ulp in front o! tlie tn'et. set him up in front o! the net ment. in the th'ird periocl Gary in the first perîod. Bowmanville Red Eagles -Rowe txom1 Steve Sanders tied Ken Morris tied- the gamne chose a Most Valuable -Pl1ay- the score again, for Port Hope. with Todd Tsukamroto assist- er fromn each teaxa, each gamne The teamns then exchanged i1g. Kevin Glecoff put Osha- and handed autographed sticks goals. Paul Forsey fromi wa ahead with ant assist from to the players at the end of Rolly Simpson, Philip Taylor Rick Brinkley. Steve Mc- the game. Sticks were don- fromn Steve Sanders, Roly Donald tied the score again ated by the Red Eagles Junior Simpson unassisted, Steve wt Gord Ross assisting. team. Scorers and timers cinceruor PotdHop ewa In the second Leaside scor- Doug Henning, Ron Smit-h, _______________________ ed tw-o goals, the first bY Byron Holme-, and Lance Liv- _______Brian Ma'qrquardt unassieted, ingstone arrd Brian Cowan At and Duff Ackerley froxa Mike the gate dld a noble job. Clairfield and Rod Murray. Special thanks to our spons- In the thîrd Bill Innenkamp ors A. H. Sturrock & Sons <p -'~. ,~. scored with David Durrant and Frank Britton at Frank'e f .,.. aýssisting, Oshawa coming with-aiey Sincere thanke to -in a goal of tying the game. Mr. Joe Kennett, Bowmanl- - -The goals were scored by Bob ville Recreation Department, Bathe from Randy Palmer for lookîng af er mimeograph- and John Powers from Marty ing the programs for the Reynen. oraet ~~ ~At I a.m,. Cobourg andtura n. Port Perry played to a 4-3 wvin for the Port Perry club. Ken Jeffrey opened the LONG SAULT i scorîng for Port Perry with? PME Andy Litt and Tom Tennyson (Intended for last week) E Many Hazards exist n every assisting. Mr. and Mrs. John Kecan, hom. D no uneretimteion Greer broke the dornin- Burfordi; Mrs. Sophie Kovacs heme oevtueen mafle ation of Port 1'erry wiîth anl were Sunday supper guests of thcarn ae e e ialfr unassîsted goal. Rod Camnp- Mr. and Mrs. G. Koyacs and SMVOKE- Mike Harold and Jon Greer Mr. and Mrs. G. Kovacs and A fautyfunac cn pradcompieted the scorîng. girls were New Year's supperi Amoke a mly lrage throughou At 12:20 the Juvenile por- guests of Mrs. Sophie Kovacs. -zinke arnae trougouttion of the tournamnent start- Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Coin-l your homne ,, ostlY ed, withi the Bowmanville St. ish, Mary and Wendy were cdean-up0 job, Mary's Cernent Redmnen PlaY-iguests at the Hodsoll-Grahain EXPOSONing hosts t0 Brooklin, wedding NTew Year's Eve in EXPLSIONBîookiin defeated the Red- Newcastle United Church. An î4frequent happening, 'but men 2-0 on goals by Joe Mr. anid Mrs. Sidney Coin- j usually disastrous. Luciano and Bill Collins, the ieii, Mary ain.d Wendy were l'o, urîerInormtin Cliasisîs were by Bil Down New Yea's guests of Mrs. ZPo, urterfrerr.aîon CP1aith- two and Greg Cart- Geo. Armour and Miss Bertha wright and Joe Luciano. lArmour, Hampton. %. 15 ie losse me ant the Red- Mr, and Mrs. Peter Erce- Jam en wuldnow play later in govac and Anna attended a the tournaîpent. friend's i wedding In Hamilton,1 Age*e.y The Bowmanvilie Redmen ýNew Year's Day.1 had a chance for revenge forl Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Milîson their earlier loss o! the day1were New Year's Eye gueSs1 24 King St, E., Box 100 otin omnil otMr.AfeMRnwl b )Romanville - Otario 6 to 5. ýhostess for the Club 50 Jan.i Lioniel MacLsaac opened' meeting held Tuesday e-ven-1 the scoripg wiith anl unassist- ing, January 12. ed goal, In the secondl period Mu. Allan Baker, Mr. and NWayne Seymour scored with Mrs. Rod Burton and boys, Steve Watson and Steve Bancroft; Mr, Keii Baker and Davey asstnTeruy Buirlington; Mi.Harry Bay ~Ridges then tieýd the Baker an-d girls, Mr. and Ms game wîith Steve Henry scor- Bruce Baker and Para, Osha- office Residence îng frorn Steve Burgess and wa; Mr. and MiVrs. K. Goble *23-5_,,63_,023 John Larocque. and boys, Blackstock, were 1IRandy Allen then scored Sundlay guests o! Mrn and Mrs. Iwith Dave Ormniston and Teuuy G, Baker. Mr. and Mns. F. 0. Smith, Mr. and Mis. R. Smnith, Lîsa and Kari, Bowmanville, were »Ê%kW New~ Year's guests o! the Home 0%w ne r S can- now nitsa, St Air redu e pa mentgu:sso! Mr5, Heays, Prince Ms.RbbrrStt, wlOshawa, were Sunday guest-, o! the Southwells. Ail the fanxly weue gueste I BY AS MUCH AS HALF o! the Robt. Camerons ont Christmnas Day. Youas omeownr ae nw ligblefora lw cst Mi. Everett Gallagher, o! Yoecpnd o thid ortgage bn om $2gbl,00fo $25,000 aI Lakefieid, spent Christinas secod o thrd o.tageloa frir 2,00 t $2,00 at Day at the home of his sister reduced mnonthly paymenls. Mr. anîd Mus. G, Bernard and ho/n ownr ba canpay il amiîy, Find onUt hwalwcostr weluncrpaai Mr, and Mirs. Rye Giîbeon you, bille, give you additional cash if req.ired aild aI withMc and Mcc.i D. Davi7ýs the saine lime reduce your monthly paymnents by as spent a very pleasant even- muc ashal, ng at the homne o!lier par- much ,., hlf, ents, Mr, and Mrs. E. Kehoe, ~in on ho eay i leto el ourbanappove... Oshawa. Fin ou hov asyil s togetyou lur aProiedMr. and Mrs. Normani Davis weithin 24 hours, You can cali 10 10 pm today for helP- and famîly, Waterloo, spenti fui courteous service, Prompt Invetmenl Corp. Ltd., Sunday ,,;th lier parents, Mr.j 330 Bay St., Toronto. Caîl co!lect 366-9586, evenlings aiidMus. bye. Gbson. 1 231816, Mus. Wm. Ripley,1 231-8146. Milton, came do--wn on Tues-, lday to vieit with the R. Gib-u ýsons but due b btbc icy Con- ditionis of the road and Ith, biowing snow, they were un able 10 miake it as far as the Gibsons' home and 'had Io go back home. Thewetr conditions aI iiton wnee good compared 10 the weather bere on thUt cday. Mc. and Mý,rs. D. Davis had dinner wvith the R. Gibson's on Moniday,,. *Mc. and Mrs. R. Cameron and fam-ily were New Year's Day gueste o! Mc. and Mrs. Kellett, Japietviile. Raymo4d Çameron spent the weekend at home wibh bis parents and sister. Mc. and Mrs. J. West and boys were Wednesday supper gueste <of the R. Cameronis. Mcc. W. Penwardea le spend- ing a few weeks holidays with the Kelietts at Janetville. Mr. and Mrs. J. Davis and Baby, Toconto, w-ere wveek- end gueste o! the D. Davis. The D, Davi1ses with hic pareinsM.aad 'Mrs. E. Kehoe, Osbaa, weiome New Year's ai a party "ith friends. The D. Davises were Sua- day visitors o! Mc, anmd Mrs. H. Stoik, Orono; they visit- ed them on their Ski-dioo, Mc. and Mrs. R. Parkinson and son, Oshawa; Glenn and Bob Spear, Bowmaavillec, vis- Ited the Rye Gibsone on Sun- day. Mrs. Davis spent Tuesday aflernloon wibh the R. Gibsons ,and on Mionday afternoon Mc. and Mrs. D. Davis and Mc. and Mcc'.r. H. Stolk and famiiy, Orono, visited with the Rye Gibsons. Thiere are many folks in t.he commnunîty clown wifth a realhev cold. Hope they ,vill soo)rn ail be feeling better and iip ta par again RECREATIONTI '*"angefr - Thlin Tee" 91Freeze - Up" a -nd "Break, Uip" are the two limres we ice bakes ils greatest buo!l f d1rowaied victims, Fe-p is with us now. Saow-,mobil-ý ers and !ce fichermen shouid-1 use every caution before venturlng ont on fresh1l, frozen-lakes or rivers. Imm-yown girlMa. I ike to do thigemyýseif.Even talooking up nmbeue in the phonle book. They're ia such ~ ~ neat aiphabetical ordier, it only takes a second.. i Then 1 jot the nuhbers o imy-lte If you haven't alxeady got your pocket-sized Personal Directory- or would likçe an extra one - please cali usadw'1 edyou a copy, free. B -ll-ana a e John Ballantine lefI, iii thei pictuce above, an employee in' the Snow Track DeveIopDmentý Departrment, and Stu Caunce,! snowmobile engineer, reviewed! ihie fiier po'ints o! the m-achi- iine with hilm atiua ed, of course, hiere in, Bo- manville. Mcj. Stewývard fotind fil- 10 degrcee temperature "pretty, nippy". The coldest he hiadý ever experienced before was 36degrees,' a record low la sao Paulo. eDr Iliome, Pomipano BReach, Flo-tE P Der - -- - __ I - e- - Experiences Firsi Taste of Winfi E NISKULLE rintendled for lad wek) shawa, Mc. aýnd IMcc-. LloydDa upergeseo[!%Mc.a _Mr,.aand Mis. Ted Wefrry Siemon, Suisan and Fred o!f c.A.Wry 'and fml pn thle Crs-Haydon, Mr. Roy Trewlni is aki1eaesen h mas hotidaýys with jMc andChaîley and WrrnMcReao o! hoidy wjthfiedeat, Hall Mcc. Roy Wecry and ftiyi Mississauga; Mr. anld DMc. E. fax,. Sudbury. R. Taylor, wece New Yea'1-M.1anMc. Eda f Wigh Mr. and Mcc. Murray Mr Sunday guests at E. Trewdin's. adBtywre 1Newvear shahl, Andrea and Cacha, sp)ent Mc, and Mcc. -Roy MGIgesso cNorma Bi-ad- the Christmas holidays visit- Mr. and Mie, Milton Stainton fod, ndMc. N.\T E. Wright o!, ing with relatives at ov were Suaday dinner gues s cfo! O chaa Scotiia. 1 ,aMc. and Mcc. Lloyd Ashton o! Mcba, adMc.M.Sait Mr. and Mcc. Garth McGill, Haydon. M r. and Mrcc.C. Sano n Mark, Kim, Danny and David, Mc. and Mcc, George Petlh famih1 wrewîh c.anid Picton; Mc. and Mcc. Railpb ick, East Rouge, were visý,ijtois Ms. EiwynDicy', t Bow- Vîctue, -Judy and Laurie, weire 0on1Sunday with Mc. and 1 M-1rs. avl, on NcewYear 's ay New Year guests o! Mc. and S. R. Pethick. Mcs. Harvey McGili. Mc. and Mrs, Jim Knmn oetTUituie and Miss Mc, and Mrs. Franik oanad girls were New Ya sup,-:Doren iTrcewin, Ottaw,ýa, spet1 were guests on NwYear'spr uess Shc, S.Kinis-!a coule !buswt e Day with Mr. Rad Mcsrý. S, Tur,- 'man, Courtice. paren1ts on Suuday enriouleý nec, Oshaiwa. 1Mr. and Mcc. Norrmn HOwe bac!ý 10ottý,awa a!àitc .spendîng! Mc. anid Mcc. Ed Weeks anc' NO'ie, Whitby werehismsoidy with Missý Dougfie, Katby and Kenny oÏ New, Year's Eve visitors at Mc rDonnia Dufrno anid parenits o! Don MNille, spent Sunjday wvith 9nd Mcc, -R. Howe's. ScrorubaItei uter S. Laneb's, Dr. and Mcc. Clark Werr Mc. nd cchkl~c Wigh, elilfaily wreiNew Yea'sý Bety ad LwreceMcI, and Mcc. Jim- Muller and DacrylE IA ET IL M.and Mrs. Ron Clemens, B zd n Brent, wece New Year guests o! Mc.r and Mrs. (1Itended for ladt week) MvralexfraB, pton s 1rW. Banister wasOPEN SU Mr 1i rKiiiMc. l ýýp a t cburch seceý y ý Dleîw Bian M. ndý,fm l ic26tb. Thle choir r'endelce& AMPLE FREE PA Jim Kiinman, Lisa anid Robyni,la numiiber. .were New éear's Day gue sîs Mi and M fi H uantrihiw c :wl of R. McGill's. had Mc. andMc.HHoe, Mr. and Mcc, Roy Hope ad Guelph, Mr. Ray Quantrili, RULES. f amily, Prince Albert, spent Oshawa, Mc. and Mýr.e. John 3 Gel a'f leeLCKT PUCK fi 1New Yea's Da-y -wîth Mc., andi Curcier and famnily, Port you. viesil your partîcîpatin .Mcc. L. Stainton,. Hope, and Mc. and Mrs. John mairketý No ipurichase requil Mr. and Mrs. Dan MýcA- Quantrilli and famnily o! St. 2. HfIthe a scores on youj 1drews , Carol An-n , Mc. and Mus. Therese, Que., who arecseod pod idleatîcally 10the oi 1Edwar4 dMcAndrews anid f am- ing the week betwveen Quani- Htockeyýý League sýcores for illy, Lonidon,. were N\ew eav trilles and ScottIe.-onfthe date listed above, over iïght guesbs o! Mi. and Mr, and Mcc. V Peac;)ock 1-' become a $1l00,00 wîinne, Mcc. Harold Hpun held their celebraion on ibe- dîcating a suce o! wl M\îrs, FredTrwn Lloyd Fîiday and had both bhoys t ihat beam score's 9 or rmore antd arle, MccAlbert Wcight, wîth Iheir famiilles as well as 3 .1-i eirett lbree scores or o! lacstok;Miss Na-dia Mc.r and Mis. H1-oney, Milge soeso our forni are the Schwartýn-z, Mc. C. E. orrfo! Jackson and bie wi! e. NMc. and as thfe officiai N.H.L. scoi Mcc. sHoney left foc Florida. played on thle date itedl Business uîrecaory on- Christmnas Daynhgbl eom 50 __________________ M. and, Mcc.'Allan )Sbepf- 1 4. If you ,jare an, eligib)le winl A cc ou ni an c aud held Chrictrnas and'bad Ir)oyoui>loal IA Supei aid and'family and Sybil and, question leccrclyas WM. J., H. COGGINS !amîîy. whhl receive awacd uwitin1 C-hacteîed Accoutant M.adMc eiiain oeta i 115Liecy t. .,Bomavlie eatyheid Chrisîtmas anl ee frs wibb3in six da' Phn 2-62 had Rose 'and family and E ve- gami-es are play'ed. WU1iILAM C, HALL lyn and Baryý Burton. 0 i ,C 1. Mcc. B. Wheeier s-peat Chiartered Accountani, C i ims ith ]Mc. and Mcc.L LA 36],kKing St,. E., Ochawa W Cok Cmpelcub Telephione 7,25-6539 Mc. and Mcc. J. Wheelerl' ALL PURPOSEI Cwîrere with Davis', Chiropraci ic i iGA 3b G.EDWIN MNN3 DC. Mcc. R Cromibie, Bowmaîîi 0?u Bg Chicoprracto r ville. Office : îMc. aad rMcc. Ken TrewcA(folocetae 15EgrSt., cor. o! Hore401, i bld Chnic iasad ad . Mc. Phone 623-5509 adMcc. Wýý. Boyko, Kingeton, 48-"' ! office Hours: By apoineil Mc-i \1. and MVis. W.Demo Ju e Oshawa, Garcy Fowir andl D en a Ie Peacock Mi. and Mcc. O. Meccer en-ý DR. R. E. DiNiW;'tELL 1tectained their famll mot o Den.tail Surgeon tbe week Mc. and Mcc. D.' bas genecal practice Wcener (Gweai), Mr. Alani aI 30 Silver St., Bowm-aniville Meccer,' Miss Darlenie Heff Of'fice Hours fcom ,Cii!orn-ia spent the 9 2a.m. -h -6 1P.i ek along witb Mc. and Mc excepl Saturday and SuandaY' R. P'rovoct ,(RuIh), Lîadisay, DR. _W. M. RDLDDS Mcald Mis. J. FajI (Donna)ý 75 King St. E. BrowmanvJllej and famii 'y, Pontypoo-l,an Office Hours: 1Miss AIwi R ob ï le hom 9 a.m bt 69p.în. daîiy fcom Ryecso)n as.i Ciosel Saturday and Sundiay 'Mc. ald Mcc. H hick.sýoa Office Phone -, 623-5790 . had ahi the fam.1ily homon DR. WILLIAM KENT, D.D.S'i Satucday or Sunday. On Sat- BowmaavIlle Professional Bldig, uclay, Mc. a çiMcc. E.Foi 222 King St. E.- Suite j-06 er and famiiy, Mr. and Mcc. Office Hours: R. Wetheucer andlAysn Weekdays 6 Stackville, Mc. a l Mc. J. except Wedncda,-y abroî Dekoker, Oshawa, etnd Heleýn Telephboner 623-7349 Tcew. On Suaday, Mr. and Mcc. H. Staats, Brantford, Mc. Iï s ra c and Mrs, Henry Moore aid' DONLD-.---GRGOR J. ekoker, Oshawa. Mcc.CHF, Lite. Auto. -Homne Moore and gicle stayed ulntilM lasucance Wedi-esday c nd went hom1-e 67 Kiag E., Suite 2 witb Mir. and Mis. Westheuser <iR Bowmaviiie - Phone 623I'-5962 who spe-nt a'day la Toronto Our ice clora changel O 0 toM e Ir y bhlng s come. Some walkccd 10 ]A KEIT A. ILLT, oD. or stayed hri.Mail S ï, f , .P ,was held up. Some places ba3l) Optometrlstto bel 'down eiýxtra guesrOC h143 igS E lwmnl Mr, and Mc.Boton bIelcla Mo.- Tues-. - Thuce. ViFr! mi. and -Mcc-. L_ Muldrew ý ooo 9 a 1mnto0 pm are i Osbawa ;aIprcent u We.and Sel. -9 1 M. uldrew bý a, beencthe 1GA- Thuraday evenînga hospital agcmn. iMiýs- ti7inifred M. l-Cole, of Willowdle; Dr, anid Mrs. CakWer,v vJohn, Elizabeth and eter Etbicoke: Mr. and ~ MrsA. J. Werry, Sandra, ihrn n James, Mr. andý e M.s. Grant Werry,, Susan,i Scott, Wendy and CaÉolyn, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry, Mr. ert Werry were New Year1 Da"y guests of Mr. and Mrs. tyHanewich, Osh awa. Yr. S., Kersey, Hampton; Rev. and Mrs. Ted Kersey and f amly, Hamilton; 'Mrs. Pauline Alexander and Barry, Brama- la- Mrs. Audrey MeCune and girls, MUr. and Mrs. Keni Pool- er andl girls, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Len Player and sons of Bowmnvile; Miss Grethe Nilespent New Yea '"s Day wjUthM. and Mr, Hrold Ashtonýý and famîily Mri. Bob Nichofis, Lancaster, Ont. was a Monday visitor at Mr. and Mrs. H-. Hepburn's. MIr. ndc Mrs. Don Lamb and f mlBailieboro; Mr. and Mlrs. Ral1ph Lamb and Lesle,, Mr. anid Mrs. Stuart Lamb and family, ere New Year's Dany guests of Mr.1 and Tr.L Lamnb. Mr. and MTrs. John Griffin, Osaa -ere Suncey ?after- nooncallrs a r.andMirs. The Jr.firls Sndaehoo Siemnon, MJrs. Ross Sharand Miss Betty Wright, held an en- Joale' tobogannîng and a Crsasparty on De.T t at he nom of Mi. nndMr ped( ofteplane in levladMrS. Billiett, Bwavle lad saw thec snow, for the flrfst MiFss Jeannette Snlyder, MrIs. timeweknew at, last whaT, Bdith Waters, Mr. and Mýrs. r ea Christmras was lik," h mMrhMs eg i sd.son, Mr. Robert Siem'on, alil S'ldf of Toronto, Mrs,. H. Mi"lson1,1 Unotuaei issheueJanet and Heaýther, rs EFM ook hýim to iami for ýChrist- Slemion. mnas Day, and returnedl him to bi oein Sao Paulo, o nowx w tsow-ad nw mobiles, are ahabout.An nlot M anv Brazilians can say 1 thaÇt mucýh. 1 P~NHARVEY ýESSOPARTrNER %uu ORONO 983-5206 ESSO HOME HIEAT SER VICE CLASSESI JAPAýNESE ART 0FORGM GARDENING FOR FUN COURSE FEE: $5.00 Registration BE Telephlonie BEFORE January 25, 1972 Schoolt Houle: (728-5146 (623-2997) INDAYS «RKING FOR OUR IGA <ra everl imel n >g IGA Supec- ou C ced. cr foirm cocues fficial National2 rgaaes playeci 'ou) are eiil , . (A -foraln, bc accptedrjil rthle lad th01cg e scame numnbersý cres foc gamnes above, you aeYL nec, take forrnBea cmarket, Priz1e C a ekiîl testing Verd. iers mpe onie week after nesmust e- 0 ylrI is afler N,1H.1, G. Gtip, Evening Clus Principal )ULO WIT4 e e teic2me daeinlaidoeyw e 10e thé ea a'oruuir I hf liH "Cle 'l f4 !,, t b .dpeficahly euic affic ia CeLucky P«ark c u ieredeumpfiueniwieeig j r COULO WIN A- >LOR T . V. Plie lQwerSecion c yor utyJ' liii ~ ~ ~ -c caddeotî febalt DAYS SUNNYM( fma'i iersý' Gas Co. aninual epr ecology paper. This, Thie Fin-. ancial Post reports, is becom.- ing quite fashionable. Bell Canada and Abitibi Ltd]. are using similar paper - just. to name two others. Ecology paper is Madison Avenue for recycled paper. And that's paper macle part- ']y fromi the oriinal tree, andc partly from waste ppr Every paper mîili bas waste - technically -k nown as- "broke" - whî,lich for obvious3 business reasons is simply fed through the paper-mraking cycle again, Milis have been recycling for years. But The Post points out, the recenit str ess on pollution contýrl bas mnade virtue of therccln nlecessity. I I i '1 I 1 t 41 Everyone knows thereý is an Toronto and Bo aail) awful lot o! coffee in Brazîl. and for- pleasure i(he is thei But !ewv probalîly give a sec- 1971, eipeto!te 1oi ond tho-ughit to the f act thereý eiin fteCn- le hardly any cnow, ever. Take panIys Spirit Award, pýresented, George Steward, right, la the in Akron ata testimjonial diaji- picture above. He bas spent ner December 22nid), ail hie life -- 52 years - la While in Bowmanvile on a,! Brazil, where he is manager whirl-w,ýind tour, Decemberl o!. the Goodyear plant near 23rd, -Mc, Steward could hj-ard-, Sao Paulo, anid bas neyer ceea ly resist the temptation ,oî a enow before, ride on a sCnowmnobile'. So heý H3-e got a tasiteful o! il he was whisked off 10 thepin' has beeni missing when hne ar- testing groundiics met off Lib- rived in North Amrerîca rec-, erty Street on the Third, Con-ý eatly for business (touiring cession and placedt on a- 'Goodyear plants in kon acie

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