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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1972, p. 7

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Zone Chairmian WsOakzley jamces, Winnipeg. ever C wiil visit bbc local Lions Club m-as and New Year's. ShE ai Iheir dlinner mieetinig an visitcd lier niece, Mr. and Monday, Janutiary 24tb. Aiidmew Jackson, in Fort Mr. snd1 Mrs. L. J. C. Langs and nepbcw, MVr. and Mr returned reccentlyI fremi spendý- _Colicuitt, Kild.oniai. RHo ing tbc Holiday seasonl at s1t. turned with bis moîhert Pctersburg Be3achi, Flor-ida. tenld a convention in Toi MIr. and Mrsý. Z. Adamis wrcM. Peter Werry and Sunday cveing innclier gucssJuy Hîbr, Vanco of their nice 'and iiephcwV, Mr. B.C., Mi. and M1rs. David and Mrs. Jamecs Dayecs and ry and Lîsa, Ajax,ý; Miss 1 famrily, Brookla. aret Wcrry and Mr. P. Mrs. Thelmia Bccrtbýieuzen ef Eldridge, Mr. and Mrs.i Green Gables Nursiag HmLne ooto1ess Stoufville, was an afltern(oon ýas, -Wesley and John1 guest cf Mrs. Mlargaret Adams ulclphi, were New i on Fridsy cf last wek gucsts cf Mr, and Mrs. Lane, Murijel and Sîs: Congratulations ite T. W.lSha's thaea whe as r td fem Mrs. E. L. Oliverý Goodlyear Tire & Rubbcr Coml- N e Ycars ec1eedndl pany ater 36rmcmawith lhemricce and panyaflr 3 yers ervce.ew, M1 r. and Mrs. W, ma Mr. and Mrs. George San- (bbcfererPal Austin) ders, daughtcr Jey and son attencd thecir New Y Wesley, Enai, Ont., wcre rcc- Eve party.- On Sunday ent visitons witb their aunt, Charles Austin, Mrs. Ai Mrs. A. E. Bilicît, _King St.,n ae netîc b East. ily at a dinnier panty and Miss Nancy Gcodwin lias re- boýuse aI their summi-er cct turncd 4o LakchiecdUnv-erty, .on Cnow ,Lake, Marmora. Thunder Bay, aller spcnding Recent visitors with Mr. the hehidays wîhberpaetMs Rupert Byers were Mr. and Mrs. Pcrcy Goodwiia,i and Mr-ïs, Don Wright, Pst teqwn. and Jeffery, London, Ont., Lions Club hockey drawland jMr-s. Gordon Sturrock wýinners arc as follow,ýs:NHL.Shrn town, MJr. and F. W. Rundle, F. Colc, G. Gary Haacock, Annette Siib and BarrY Mellor; Jr. Douglas, Orono, Mr. and "A", Jim Crcighben-ton, otE Don Forder, Joey and D Johnsoni and E. McCulloug_. Mr. and Mrs. -Ralpb Bal] If you have been aw'uay visit- Mr. a-nd Mr-S. Harold Fo ing frlends ai-d relatives on and Rhonda, slcf Port Pe holiday,, or entcrtained cut-of- AI tbc rcccnb coroiner's tewa guests, plesse givc US a quest into the deabli of call - we appreciate bbc par- ycar-cld Steven Getsca sl ticulars for this columil. Just occurrcd aI the Don Jail, 1 dm1l 623-3303. lonto, a native son cf Bewî,7 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bcnvle Hubert Hooper, and family cf Edmonton ta, amrong Ihose wbo besîified, have reburncd home after ýHooper is superinlendent e: spending the Christmaýs bel-l- imico Correctional Centr days wiIb bis sister Jean -and minimumn security institut husband, Mr. andi Mrs. To)m andwas fcrmerly superix- Harness and famiiy, denit at Pine Ridige Sel The Spring sampi-l'e bock of bore. wedding invitations, acccptanice! Eud Hening. a machiini5 cards, serviettes etc., ba-s ar- thle Goodyear Tire & Rui rived aI The Canadin States- Company Bowmaniville pl ma office. Future brideswlbs applicd, tbrcugbl be delightcd with bbcexqi plant's safcty coordinaler, rile new desigens and celors. WVieneke, for membersbuî Mr. nd rs.Lews Bcklilthe Wiisc Owl Club, an affi.i Mr.andMrs Leis ieke.of bbc Indlusîial Accid Chariene and David, retumned Pr'ievetioni Associaticn.B te Bowmaaville on Decembcnîî,,,ty a piece cf steel sth 23rd (Cbarlcnc's 71h birthday) bsiItec u eas alle spadîg te yars i as weamîng ,safety ,-giasses Jamaca wer r. Bickle ws eyvaS saved and hb emccc: employed witb enbeaElec- oï s asmraillcut on the br:ý trie. o f ihie nose. The iens wss cc eMr. Wcs Fice aîtendcd tbbc lctely shaîîcrcd. banquet beld by the Chriîstiani Accor'dinig te s release 1 Businessmien cf Ohsata the civcd fmem D. K. MIlive Motel Genosha, Oshawa. at sixiDiector, Informnationý Servi( o'clock Mondsy eveniag, Jani-'Ontalo'Society fer Cripp uary 10th. Guest speaker was Chiîdmen,1-H. D, (Des) Sir Editr Hy a bbcOttwa onformely Supervisa] CitiM1i.!Public Relations, lias bccn lUr. and Mms. How.and Mas- 'onted Superviser cf Co ters, Mm., and Mms. Vernie Mas- mluialitonis for the Onta ters, Mr, and Mrs. Archie Society for Crippicd Cbiidr M~asters, Town, attended theilHe is also a mnember of1 50t wedig aiiierarycfNational Public Reisti( their sister and! brothier-ila-Cucl fHaii n e laMn. pad Mrs. Rcg. M/it-, Serv-ices and a past chairer c la inGuelph on Sunday.of the Metropolilanl Torci cieiChater cf Menisa Canada. m.and Mms. Kerry Fiabtley Te- omnv-0 r Tomnt, ereweked ues"s Workshop is busy prepari of Mr. and >Vrs, Leland Bal for bbc pre-sentation cf 'l3a and family. M. Flattley at- foot la bbc PPark", a Neil Sicn tended a meeting cf Teenaglersicomyedy wih las had ma aI St. Thomas' Anîglican succcssfui ruas, bath ona Churci, Millbrook, on Satur-,off Broadway, Nc-w York. J. day evening, and rcburncd to Shcridsan is dîrecting bbecoci the same cburch on Suinday 10 ed and the cast inld tak pat i bc mmnig wr-many old favorite performe sip service. such as Iris Hllsm, H21 Mrs. J. H. Swindeiis visiîed'Neles, John Amesbury, Bar he m son,Mm and Mrs. Roy CowTinig and Bria Patrick, Swindelis and arily, ia St. ýwell as promisiag newcorn - - Peter Lunny. Plan toa stte for an evening- of fine cntc St. uêauoes tainnient. 1Recently Metme snjow United Church mo-val crcws anid Metro poil intmruteda church sesrvi Mhîilster: b loask flic womsippers te moi Rev. H. A. Turner, their cars le permit sacý &.A., B.D. ' plows te clear the streeb .1 Organist: R a resuilt bbc wvorshippers we Mr, R Metcalf. alarmed and [lhe ministei A.B.C.T., A.C.C.M.1 sermon was interrupted. Wor of ail, as tbc mirister tellsj 9:45 a.m. "4Wc have one man whe corr te, chu-rcli every Suniday Sunday School for those slcep. But bie cculdn't on Sui 9 years and over. day - the noise snd clam( frcm those plows wss figi il axn.f ul". It almcst seems ime Sunday Sehool for those inviýoke the Bill cf Riglits 4-8 vers old ý,Wben bthcauthorities won'b 4-8yess od. lcw- a man te slccp in chiure] ila. A levely Ncw Y, -)ear's part Public Worshiiip ýwas hcsbed at tbc homne of hf Infat cre urig srvïr and Mrs. Zack Adamns on NEi Infnt aredurng ervceYear>'s Day. AI four p.m.,3 ~ guests sat dlown le a suimptueu Minister- Rev. Geor'ge K. War-d, -8.A,, B.D. Organist - Miss Gail Thomp:sop SUNDAY, JANUjARy 16t!,, 1972 11:00 a.m.ý "A NEW MEANING MN AN OLD PARABLE" REV, GEOPRGE Ký , RD SunIday SCehool H[ours Junior, lermtediate anjd Senior Depts, at 9:45 Beginners, Kindergarten anda Primary Depts. ai ilj ORONO NEWS The Heari QI the Bowvma hrs- Mr. ai-d Mrs. Jack McKay i cfStarkvýille visited 1\ e aise Mrs. Ken Bal of Kirby oný S r.Frîd1ay eveniing. Gary,M [rs. W. BowmArthur Sauniders of - )y re- Dwast w e returned homeý to at- ls el after heing a bousel ronto. guest of Mrs, ac~k Red Dn Miss Middleton an.d Mr. and Mrs ouver, D. S. 1-tarness ever the Fcs- 1Marg: tive Season. phillip Mr Bob Cooper of Ag-in- James court and Mlrs. O. M. J. Fagan Deug- c f Mar-khamn spent several Lane,j days last wcek with their. Yecar'si Parents, Mr, and Mrs. F,.0O Ross Cooper. ~i n, of Mrs. Sadie Hamilton s holidaying in Flerida. spent Mr. an-d Mrs. Ted Lane an ". Mar- sens , were recent supper neph- guests cf Mr, and Mrs.C. fariott Jonces of Ncwtonville. Iand Ma. and Mrs. Albert Muan- D!ers neke and Kenneth visited Mr.î D.and Mrs. John Killeen, Rose'~ n 5tiflMary and Jehn David, Be\v In "The Times" Central _ Region News and Views.......l i Monthly of Ontario Hydroe w iif~ i ar. note that Gary Dienne, Mar- i raktngTane has been pro- ffl r. ia keto ranea Sale Repre- v 'ad entat ve, Bowmarivllle, Are a. . MsCongratulations. Gary I and grandson of Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Archie Luna of orono, )ana, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. ' Lard' Mercer and Kenny ef LOsiwa rerspeat Sunday with lier par- U5ii~' erry. eints, Mr. anldMrs. Ken Bal. n co- Mdltnsta-yed with 18- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Haits- hich ma and daughter, Cobb Hill, Tor- w,ýhile his parents, Mr. and alan- Mrs, Edgar Mlddleton speatý was: ten days in Flerida.1 Mr. Mrs. Lena Dereen LittIei ,f the Toye, age 16, wife of Mr. Earl ra Tove of Carnarven and no- .ten-! son)ý of Orono, also two sens, hol1 pa ssed away on Thursday, January 6th, 1972 aI the Red taICross Hospital, Haliburton, bbert afler a long illness. Funeral .... .. )lnt w,ýas oni Saturday from) theý the Welch Funcral ýChapel at CalMinden. pin Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lane (if liate! Newtonville were recent clin- detner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rec- Ted Lane and sons. Ruck r.W -ln r n The furriaces are the heart of any foundry ope: heMr. . ots f ayden Visit- are used for tiigs othier than rmeltirigdon he iron the ed Mr. an-d Mrs. C. L. Myles. lunches. In the backgrouid furnace eperator Richaî ivedf Mr. and Mrs. Ted Samuel, riew bateli while plant 'owrier C. E. Rehder looks cri idge Lisa, Katherine, Irene, Harry Rehder is stili vry uch The Boss, attenidinag b ev cOm- and Joshua reccntly enjoyed ý a skiiag hollday at Stewc with a tender lovirig care. NexI Wednesday he celet r'ec- Vermont.' withý the fouidry started by bis father, Christiari R ,en, Mr. Coiville Evans and _Mr. 1902. Thte two fuirnaces in thle picture above were iri ïeWm. Davson are patients ina reprïeent a total irivestmerit of about $170.000. Each ýmp iile Mmra osiaBw peunds of irori ii 40 minutes te a temperature of 29 r o rf Florence Adla Wina deing se it almost consumes as much elecbricity as th( ap- G ray, age 77, wife of the laie a imenth! !O-Milton Gray, mother of Jamecs aroof Janetville and Kennedy cfi1 îe.0ono, passed away he tbe! Civie Hospital, Peterborougb, e . e ions on"' Tu-esday, auay 4th., F uneal as on Friday aIthe nan Ohapel of McDermottîan- >,nto baker, Port Perry, Inîtrmn Yclverten Cemetery. . -% Dra The Orone United Cbujrchý ing W'omen held five meig re- last wek Un it i meeting ' non wshl on the Wednesday: any afternoon ia the Upper C, .E. and Auditorium, and on Tuiesdsyý anaflernoon Unit 2 at the hoe by Dereik Sidenias inurttes a nd of course m- of Mrs. Wm. E. ArmstronglOver alilthEBowmn)anvilled epatclysoecsy idesan Unit 5 at bhe home 0f Foundryv they nýeerswep Coolang cof the furniaces is MWrs. m ei;adi the their floors. But that d'sb* prov'ded by, water psssing-; sas ,,îi,, Unt3, uehnenen lCfLW- 1)Ofcsa ýthrough cil.The lheatcdi len evnnUi Sa h oementefudr hud v ater: is voided thirough ai =y f Mrs. C. L. Guniter and lqualify foicr be-ing anc e f thetoichmi it hecck as Uit aIthe ome0f rs.,clcaýnest, nmest pollution freBscll li pr1 apwtr ner Ron Black. 'factorieýs aroundt. Thal ma,7y Buttebaigassm end Çong-ratiationis ta Mr, and surpr7ise m people, but evený the oxygen cnetf Ler- Mrs. Russell Rabbinis OfBw the staunchest environmcent- Ofcotntob manili onther 5th ed-aliî wuldbe leaed e larnlest. That could be a saurcc Manvlleon hei 50h Wd-ýlis wOLtl bcl)lase(1 o 'ar"loipollution, but ndtca1, re- di'ing Aaniversary. Mrs. Rab- Just wvhat is being donc at the 0f t no dr lis ebetbe ice bins was Cie formerMad plant te redluce pollution t'o albc a1yc b 1 ice Allia of -,".R. Oreno, minimumn and decelop recl2a- eedd ve Suaday viiors witb Mr, matin'pra cti(cestalamai Suppflied scrap iron by To- )W and Mrs, Archie Lu-nn wr mumi, rnedaes h mn As l Tke, le rriot obvillei Fnundry b as a special AsUri. and Mrs. C. R. Lunnd akahemoàabiasp attue eard wases. In erel farmily, Mr. and Mrs. G. M.lutter - smokc. One might cx- word it, is watenet!" ýr, Luan and family, cf Oshawa,'pect to find black bi1llws cof For example, the principal ýrst1_Mr. and Mr. Robert Dionne smnokc rising fromn a factery nrcin n hludyi it: 1an~d famlly of* the Lockhart'sliwbose piciaictivity l'Sinrea inIbse ondryis1 îesý SehIool Raad. meltiing dewnsca iron BDut sr se pouî tW Mr. and Mrs. Caries TamYb- nht Ibis place. 11t doc)sn',t evca froni other factcry operations, [a- yn pen ModayaadTue- hve fuctinalsmoe- (About 50 pcr cent of the scrap [or day la Toronto. sFt a ck. The rasn is the dicme from tacorpner picc- it- Congratulations ta Mr. aad source cf IpOwer îs eîcctrîc, diarded by , aecompany manu- factuing wîor eaber.) T leMrs. L. Anderson cf Bew,ýmaa-ne clorcei this is acdded the fouadry's -lville on Iheir reccat 68thI-il hasn't always been that a wa wvast es rcsuling framn the ai- W\ýeddinig Anniversary. ýway. la carlier years the mjoIiing operatian. eh. MVrs. Ada May Paberen oudrycesume-,d about eighti An even more intrîgu.iag 'tAllen Galbraith. age 88, me- o fceai a da,Te -yrcyciinrceseissi he dr. ther cf Lawrenee T. J. Allen as n otwsacntn olding'eperatian. The, meldsý cwf Oshawa and Ms C. Ne-als nuisance te resideats wvho liv- are fragile sand aad dayý ,,j (Majorie) of Peterborough, cdin11Ihe shaidew af the-,staLck, .bedies miet whichi the malten, uspasscd awayî after a long il,- But since 1964 bbc skies abQve1 iran is pouired. Whcn thirea-iii Oshaws, Mr, and Mrs, DýS. Itlde-r nts O ae Ta hudgive somne en- Hamaes were New Year's Iba _wu0, beneeed teoOp vîroamentalisîs a îwinge of Day uess o Mm an Mr, crate 360 toasters fer an coptimlsi about bbc futue. Reid HmesRobert andher" eadslghl, Passibly, jiust possibly, Our Lisa. The furnaces mieit dewn 800 w-orld will be a cicaner place' Dr. and Mlrs, John H.. Leslie pound's OF scrap iren t)te bbc than wc" predicL Inow. il is, and daughîer Susan of Peter- rcquircd temperature - 2900 for a fsct, as fasr as tbc Bow- boroughLwere guesîs of Mrs. dIegr'ees _fairehleit - in n manville Foundry is concerra- Venu Riddell during tbc Fes- cd. live Scason. Mrs. Roy Brandi wcrc New 'ýOh yes, onc myore note, î Mm. and MIrs. Jack Williams Year's Suda linner geî Teeis a resson wby bbc. and daughters, Mr, aný ji- of Mr. Jim ares and Mýrs. floors, arc neyer s3wepb, Mlt- Ivand ariFarrow, an, en iron wiIllexplode if :spilicd Ronald rrseRicharsd and onto denan concrete flooms. Klmwer Nw Yars Dy Ur, and Mr.Wan Black - Tbelfine dusb and melding dinner guests oaI Mm.and Mrs. bora wcre gessof bsprh mtra as1 bcipc Lawrence Harris, Douglas and cals Mr. an.d M'rs. . Black-lthercby protccting the work-i CharIes, bura cf Hayden drling tbbc mca from flyýinig pice ci c Wr and Mms, D, S. IHaness, estve Season- lsd metaL. ~nvII Fo n ryTheC da ttsaBomn'1e a.1,1972 *.*.~.. ... .ev rs F. j, Reea veîn 'wth a r. and Mr OliverRoh er --.eNew Yc r' Ma' giests ,,ii n-aM.du 1ýrsandeltis Freunand Linda, 'Fr-aser- On1 Saturdlay the sixth of GibonReserve; Mrs, S.,R ville. Sun yclein inner Noveùmber, 1971, 11ev. Fred J. Coo)pe-r of. Uxbridge, Mrs, Vera get er .adM"sIsh. and M\rs. Anne H. Reed Cele Care, Ws hn;Ms e-mc aly eigvstr braed he5Oth AnnvraytiectaleToronto,' IaC ndcmr- wreMrand Mrs' Elrr oIf thir we -(ddinlg whiihtooký bers of the famiily, Ms laHgOoo placii Chegtu, VWest IChin a Woodley and Mrs, M aie . ad Ms ife ie -: on the eighith of Novemnber Fusee. arleb n Dree 12.The reception waq,:at(,red Mrs. Doný Barrabaîli, Don and Th e reception was held in lby the Sunderland United Kvnatne i-a : lthe S nnliday School Roo mis fiChuch UCW and co-ordm -Kd ne r iartylo Sun day h thc.Sunderland United Church atd efortiessly and efficent~ oeo . M Rg cd with Chinese ebodres apo.sauigainhorcMrMd tapstresand addresses of deo' itdy ýrecognîtion. The tables we-re(d ',s;ÂPl\i se ihChinese bowls hold- î NETLTt"Tfl TM, GenI'lclm ihl-Ï in gldn-ud chrysanthe- J dayig in Foia mumi-s, China's national flow- Monday istrwihMr, r.Sincere sympathy is e- an Ms.BrceHaslip Of ficial greetings were re- tne oM.Gog on r n r.Wyi C ceived from th,[1e Governor- and family on the dteath c ew n r inlM. Geneal, he Hnourble 1e]lis wife, Mrs. Johins, in Port Kon aeo at land Michiener; Prime Min- Perri optl usaJn ister Pierre Trudeau, the uary 'th, Leader 0f te postin , Sî, sympathy isaise, Roer Sanied;Mebers Of extended 'to the family cf Parliament, MLr. William Scoît Mrs. IMton Gray wlio djed i 0of Victoria', Dr, Rynard )f PeterboroughHopial WV Ori lia, Mr. Russel Honey of 1nesdJayý, January 5th.62-30 * Nrthmbeland-Durhamn; th1e Improved halhis wAh _ *Povince of Ontario, Premler f rs. Arthur Hyland wh Williami Davijs, Leadcers of thelsa[ainti h e M ~. . ..~' . Opposition Parties, Mr.-, s ptin'it0-ewM betNxnadMSehnSinai H.ospital, Toronto, alo Leiand Mebe of the to ]Mr. Jos. «Frey Jutnior who Legisiture, Mr. MWatthewv Dy- is in Port 'Peiry Hospital. mon 0fPor Pery.The comninlity extends a _More than 370 guests cam-e Ihel Baiey, Ajax, Mw o ~i ~from thel(-Gibson Rcsrv h avenl invd1 *ypeSebright, Sdwhv eetymvdt h Hampton, Zion,Elaan Nestleton commiunity. Almnond's, ail pastorates of i Mr. and Mfrs. James Hfedg.,l Mlr. and Mrs. Redi. Friendis frein their 30 years in estAnnoncng a Ci ancae frm-i agara Facsimile Edýi i f the Fails, Toronito, Cardinal, Ma ford(land11inda.Friends lutae a ndeghor were present H S * also firm Woodville, LBan- e croft,, Hamrilton. Oshawa, Can- Peterborough GravenhuLrst,1 Sunderland and Vroomnanton. NORTHUMNBERLAýND AJND DI M Cards were recci e rmontarlo * ~overseas and ai the provinces OrgnlyplshdyH.Bde&C. n88 wcst of QuLebec.M Mr. and Mrs. Reed welcom- ThIlsrae AtaofheUteConesf cd brothers and sisters from Noý rthumberlanid and Durhamn is one of 29 couinty Dundas. Argyle, Mecaford and: West Hill1 and relatives from at lilases publishied inla narjy etcn 85 n 18,A Norh akta Tei fve rearkably accurate source of normti, fr ts - chilren ith heirspoues dnt of local history aIlgi,] lgy thc ~sw i and toal f 18gradchld- in.aps, biographies, portraits zavn i ae find-a ren from Toronto, Uxýbridge, hias long sinice become a -ihyvalaed dcm tof tie Raînsomville, N.Y,, and Kings-ý past. raton.Butsomtims tey'on helped greet guests. publicationi Date: n. Such as heatingy the dayv's Pouring tea were 18 ladies Janruary 20, 12 d Krakenbeýrg pepre aWhorprelntd lte Res from the -ight. A t 81'i' r. v aried p ast. M rs. G raha m , Bolind iiia hard ce r, sz 8 4 , 1 a e and Mrs. SîFox, Daîrymiple;Prc 150 very operationý in the pla-nt M ýrs. ChlS, Sebrighlt;_M rs.<0ea.lnchr> brates his 6Oth anniversary Albert Eldridge, Sadowa: àMrs.1 The issule is ilmited 10 ,00 nmbrcdcoie ~hderbackon Jauary , Bocott, Almonds; Mrs. Glenn taehdeinth md-açks udGospnand Mrs. MMse, please orde-r from: Zion; in hcMrs. Harland Truli and MIKA STUDIO, unit cari Meit dOwril 800 MrT1ls, B3illettÉ, Bo)wmanvillc;: 41 Dussek Stree, 900 degrees fabirenhecit. jI Mrs. Elmier Harris, Almt-ondis; P.O. Box 53?,; e nrml ouehld se i Ms.J. n and M. Wes Bellevîllpe, Ont. leeorallowlees, tisInS ol.i na; Mrs. Telephonle 613-962-42 As this îs the 70d1h anniversary of our operations Iin Bow'manville - from Jan-, uary 4th, 1902 to January 4thi, 1972 - we wish 10 pay tributte t'o those Wvho have been members of ouir staff, ariulrlo those who have spent the greateýr prt of the'irf working Ife being wlii t s f or 25 years or more. In the course of those 70 years, there have been tw war-s and a very severe depression, which niearl- trinte ur existence. ln 1960, fîre totally destroyed our plant including alilokigpatterns. 1It1was a severe finiancial loss. After a shlort t1imle 17S sessing ,OUr, futu're, we decided to rebuild on the old site,.kow ing the hazards of our undlertalking. The loss of patterns was one, and the need to recover our cu--istomierLs asnother. By laIde October, w,ýe 'had completed the new iic buligadinstallinig the eqipm,)ienit and mi-achinery. It required almost twvo years to ýget customers bac.k and new onies to serve, with very scant revenuie ini themenie SomiehioW We maage t suviv. y developing newT products and new mnethods of melting- iron, w'e are again in a prosper- Ous condicition with increased sales and financial resources and confident about what the future will bring. Baden Pingle Wvalter Woolnier Harold Smrfr Cordon CW Norman Hening c Thorniton %Webb Frank Smitlh Williaminith Frank ý,Woolnter Gordon Yeo Norman Cowle Claranrce To.milinsont Roland Bate Donald Adcock,, jack Parkin Ray Shane Norman Kennedy Alfred Mri Robert Mutton Frank Blunit Cecil Karp Hugh Coutts Ri. Widdcombe John Living 1924 - 47 yrs. - pons 1924- 47 yrs.- pen 192S -45 yr - Pen 1 928 -43yr 1928 - 3yrs.- 1935 - 36 yrs. 1935 - 36 yrs 1935 - 3 c 19365-36 yrs. 19,37- 354yrs , .- 1937 - 34yrs. i1937 - 34 yrs. 1 37 1 4ys 1940 - 310yles. 1941 - 23s. 19431 28i yrs. 19445 27 yrTS. 1945 - 26 lrs, 1945 - 26 yur, 1945 - 25 yrs, 1946 - 25 yr 1946 -25 yrs. 128.-32 rs- p o6 ili memory of sorte rof he deîceased

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