McNuty'SSports - County Chrysier Ha'-rry Locke TV ---- KapsFurniture ------ TOIP Sc S Burins, Locke TV-- -F Per:ris, MeNulty's j- Pickell, Kramps ---- W', Wýalraff, MeNulty's J.HgeCounty --- - -- L. urns5 McNultY's LProut, Locke TV R Doriioghue, Locke - B. eadwsKramp's- G.BloCounty ----- . Cameron, County ---- .G iMeNlilty's ------ B. H elIam, McNulty's T. rout, Locke TV ---- A. CourtiCc, MCNUltY'S R.Woolner, County --- B. Hughes, McNulty's B. Bradley, County - --- ID.Green.' Kramp's G. Wilson, 'Locke TV. ID afsLocke TV --- rmpFurniture and Mc- utysSports bung up vic- Service OWAVILLE DonMeLchin -Don Plali nd a parti7v ni ly impressivel The I kue crowds' re - 5I5 niI , um e mick y aîeing rcî c rn rmRay' ro ie y Pickle, Brian W L T GF G A Pts-ý Lockcs talles were supplied T e W df by "Luke" Prout who fired a 6 5 3 67 69 15pair, with single~s by Steve 6 5, 3 55 63 15 Burns and Randy Donoghue. 5 I airîlln 6 7 1 70 61 13 Only four penalties were cali- 6 7 1 63 62 13 ed by referee Kim Rogers'ia liy David Goheen but didn i, r e a crisply played affair. Bowmanville's St. Marys In thu'scn ~îdBr ýORERS Bclth Kramps' Ray Coakwell Cernent Redmen gllant elev- Ferry wet Ahed aItt P A t, M and Locke's Curt Vanstone en played their hearts out on 10:00 rmïiiet euk Bw , G A t. M lwere outstanding, as they Saturday, nighl,, Jan. 151h. manxîlia cexbc u ~r 13 23 15 383 18 foiled countit s scorieg aI- They eerned a tie by comning unable b .uh i n rn 13 15 10 25 6 temipts, Kramps led, 4-3 after from behind a 4-1 deficit, ty- of the' net. 13 17 6 23 0 40 minutes. Albert Green ai- îng, going ahead one goal Ine tuebud 11, i t i 13 9 14 23 2 though hceld poiîitless, turned and then having Port Ferry 2 aed 4 mnt e ' -c 12 1 1 in his stronesî game tis year tie0 the game in the lasI 20 Perry inade tL ceît4t 12 14 7 21 2 for the wîiineers. seconds to, make il 5-ail. Prom tbhe m i ~oe 13 9 12 21 1 The I'urnituic club reev7omniile piayed with tecke c. ed Ale a 13 8 12 20 30 ed lotssoet milege fioni éevr-Io MacDonald and Dennis unassrrcdç x , oed 13evry B ickeln goal; Scott Burgess, laIe-r r-bit l u~tvù 12 6 13 19 26 one ie Ibis victorlr wthb the Tony Baison, Mike O'Brien eut mm thtBr Pr 14 11 7 18 4 iowusopcai rmn on defence, with Randy Alle, afler ud Alt sitlb ent. FoS Lockes Vanstone, Fred Ryan, Phil Broome, pudk Fe PIitf 14 8 10 18 4 Prout and Bures were their Steve Watson, Wayne Sey- the puck cdpti eott il 6 12 18 8 pick. le lhe nigbt's late en- mour, John Coiweii 'piaying xehbýiegeth ie ora 9 3 14 17 6 ceeinter, McNulîy Sports mev- on the forward lines. unassisttdor"i 13 10 6 16 2 ed inte a share of first place Wth this teare the beys Steve P/ie u ueIe lacing a lrfeiess County Chry- really showed bow a Juvenite aiead ih intlete 9 6 9 15 8 Isier bunb 7-2. Tiey led 4-2 Al Star teamn could play cap ,a brintce'bd 14 6 9 15 6 ýaftcr 40 minutes but added when bhey stay out of the frem tnt e Idtci.rd 13 4 il' 15 8 tbree unanswered third period penalty box, check Ibeir op- Ryan geLth ais il 3 12 15 8 goals te rue away and bide. ponents at every move, and Bowni leplvc fr ii iMcNulttys Larry Perrds scor- even skate and carry the peck win but Pot' ryscatg 13 7 7 14 6 ]cri bis finI cof two at 7:53 as by siooting ilt toIhe tee ding came wt, 'r-onýer -ci 9 6 8 14 2i the' Sportsmen led 1-0. John forward as he cul down the ing whebe ý,W e~ o lee 9 '5 9 14 21 i"rlîîicky" Hugies, one cf thc ice Ithe scoror tii e t'eý et lb 12 5 9 14 4 ýleague's lickest peck iand e-1 wmanville opened thee net betore thi las si,;otwei tors lied tie score aI 14:08,scorîng tn the opening stanzaz *n tories ln tast Thursday even-1 - gaiume 1 bs e-wben Phil Broome cashed l in ed ht Aen ng's double billas the jockey-' .Ttiinesnee uI tic perfect pass frcm Rendyl Tiose fdes ct pp,, ing for positions, continues in 70 sconds le recover bbh e edAllen. Port Perry then tied really nîsi 1 '~ i, tie ierc fou tea rac. Ti '1,t "Aýrchie" Courtice (bey- the game. Bowmanville bed 1gam cfel t1e e' ~n i'n Furniture club continued thir ing anotber fine yeer) con- ohr soig opruiisgm ~l 't r rlrn lateseaon iere foniticnecting trom Bob Hellern. before tie period was overJanuary2nda-erIWb;" basement handing Locke TV 1Ceunty squared tbe 'r-unI 6-4 loss. In tie late contestiagain wien Rc Wooiner McNulty Sports jerred Countyimade il 2-2 afler 4:34 cf lhes Chrysier 7-2 second. The remainder c'f lie The teams have four more way it was mostly e Sports- league gemes te solve lie mc'S show as ti"e' bit for Rs 'îgr Oe wnOb±e 1 D, 0'" jumiled standings picture. Isecond period ceunters by high tri gwen hOe wbýowlBeurie70 2)'-dSen Ie ,lasI week's rsI gaeBia uge edWerner83, ad epo32-0-8.Oir rck onu70(7 Kramp's pieying a lbot handiWalr off. Tus30,gaveussofa326306ver8geditarolk neîll-wii;a< manrgedto stay a step ebeadieThird peiod goals b fTop pleRus 5ace.r eurtefriet16onn' of Lockes ail nigit le postieg "Woody" bLer, Berrîs aed Wall- Ro "Fs" tcebt82gm;Bb noaiilda Iheir 6-4 win, The viciors' rof put Ithe finishing touches R(264-259-298) endleIhe t 214 ieî e i ,1" goalswere prea amoe fiv te asol trier-b.One in second place et 264. 292, FlonBr Bkco-t players wi Charlie, Green! Boti teares drew e penalty Larry Pper had 814 (284-297- Piper lTdlIeil26 leadîng the way wilh e pair noiece wti County Clîrysier's i233) and brought Pipers av- Hgàro 1d 2c ~r21,D.I nbin vyul resulinig in a sec- erage te 264 for Ihird place. B. F1dcý f2 konCre uudprcrod power piay geai bY This, we must admit, is pretty 261 Bntalr20 D. nu :~ Tr'v GU11picked up tiret' ,Sîxîcen bowlers were in bchîgb sini' t a TV-1A-,e-ni thpwin;gsWbîle17004 rcke rBigEd Leslie b]ebcIAFdbosh -luhu; a piralog wth1 hd 75 337, Grd'Smioothie' 3706 te- ii. 1pie MAPLE PO 1-i goaland' Bob 1Heilam lco 76(313), Speedball Tiret'r n î 1r o ciîppd unmitiIwe ssiss. etist XRayan Meer 747 (270), spot - J; "L, l11'to Towrs RoorsThis Tiursday eat seven p.m. Hep Patmer .739 (344), John Sit'll an(,IN x1t" Cc"ii color & UHF /à ' McNulîy's t ake on Lecke's TV Van Dyk 738 (267), Maurice surance be-ys. A' 1, eeteai Antennas -wbîie CeeeJty Chrysier and Annaeet 732 (302), Wiid Bill bave a recofet5'uian ysesfor Kramps bave an 8:30 date. Oke 726 (278), Our Bresident only i losi, Apts,and Motels. "Golf" Sme]e 720 (252)', Jim wil ecnie î t ol' R 1 1 ANYTIETotal net inîcme et Cen- McKnight 720 (273), Deug mcwii ueli itrc e CALL ANYTIME ada's tai-rs from t aire OpîlC- Carter 718 (273), Greg Coucb liebrot>ioid rfo 623-5251 -ations deý0,g l1)90 dropped1717 (278), Bil."Jake" P/est-175% w, ill i xa- ett iue n 1 Res. 623-3070 imore tlienr 45 per,ýcent froml]akp 717 and the higi single round cdtrih ilc _________________leperu yorf__ th lenîgit 346, AI "Goose" canoetti i ht 'bi 2ndWeI- bdr-~di evrypocketbook a rcho Lighitwelght, ful-size sled with- some pretty hefty ideas on performance. Star engines from perky 175cc, 12 hp to free-air 294cc, 23 hp. Hydrau- lic disc brakes, 15", track and Vari-Plush foam seat in Polaris racina red. Starting at, performance, comfort, style - that's what our 1972 Pol aris Mustang is ail about. Wide 20" track floats you over decp snow and walks up steep grades. 398cc, 30 hp or 530cr, 36 hp, twin-cylinder Polaris Star enigines. lias hydrEulic disc brakes, Torque-O-Matic drive, sealed beams and remavable access cover. DazzingncwCharger takes mouncietrala iW3 a sports car at MonG arlo. Twin-cylinder Star eniafram 294ee, 22 hp to 530ee, 36 hp. Twin sealed beams, hydraulie dise brakes, aluminum Torque-O-Matic drive amî111" fraek. AsIw as The Super Sied dlvr ail the performee e most guys can handîe. Free-air Star engînes 398ce, 32 hp or 530c0e 38 hp and eiuminum True0Maî drive keep you ahead ci(the pack. i-ydraulic dise brakes, - speedomeler, tachometer, 15" traék, chrooied skis and shoeks are standard. OK êO «~;$ Sales an vic M. Keast Orono 983-5810 Ri La G( Mý D, At H( Gi Ec si Bi R( Fî D( Rý Bi D R( B( Bi J, A El A il Ji P E T E PE L un~ ~ .t.. 6 2 ed ----c-r 6 2î et~ - 6e'O2 VI Be ,-L eln b _ G ---- ---- - 6 4 'A - - - - -- - - -- - )ono6 2 a>' Vu- 'T~ n 6 i) niîo tit r 3 "-6 uîic FrFr 6 2 )r.îlImr 6 "2 tan~~ ~~ Mrimmfr .lu>1 ,'al S itrih ----'->- teniC a, - -r --- --r - 6 1 T oxvd , l miîrî Il-----'-- [r l >l-il. u -m-- 6 21 [3ss 0-rlmo - 1 tIIel L î,c 6 21 Juy 'îi'& 2 Laedî',B1 - -m__e5 -167234 Nlbt eit,-'-Lx 5 1 7135 - iOn e Ca'2 71 52 7 ie1 Cola 3r 3 668 207 F OCd -1 a------------- '20'6 Irol rem---t- 2 4 6672 2o 4inii 6420 2 Teai Snam c Iam W2,1n0 Is nShrac 7 63 Diac Luir - 27u i ore ---- 3 ----67--6-3 0004 2 4 66912îým I Il t i Th'le Canadian, lomniie Tn, 14172 TRI S~S2I-tL ~] IiTUR &BONUS DI.IMER SWITCH O'F.RO EAVER!îl e WH~~~~~~~î~~ r'r r>-.r ' ýieebatiful light fixtures you Wil e c aI , --r-tIinu " cets-l sitch. This offer is good 'only until f i À51 CI1MsILIER ..,. g]ittering Czech, e i n 'ras tuc.20"wide, Complete wîth (fI~~~~~)~ L;i.î'ý PAIELEM., 4 liglit fixture r---'i - e~ a-s eu1r an ranique gold toue ler- xî cha rmComple .e vîth dhnmer 3 .5 -i.-------t-- 1 -- -e ~--- - -- - -3 9-- -- - <C MXURE ..,. 5, amber glass liin - ' fis l' rff l back and gold fin- ixhi - . I orlieCînngroom, Complete8 dieoind you want irer 1x r xutta 'xi i ,stwit asingle "push- on ' - p ;e cextrl, eplcespresent wall ~JdQI f ~ 'ni j I COPPER WIRE 63k CFT. D EICES and, ACCESSORIES 1</l " Jiitro lex 1h Knckouts (~ Ti iix wreh ox ith Clamps '(C ho S 1.1e Fie ockr witch -> i -- - - - --- - - -- - - - - - 'i îwn I}uex 'L-Ground 3 ea R' of e Bc..7 Only----- (B>~~~- 7c"IiP-lChamin Receptacle 5 a (G li-ni e eess Rcnai eea. vTI~' x Or-c Sîli Wall Plate c a (3 -) -u mi - ph W-il Plate 0î v -------- ---- -- Cea. (K)g B25onlyoSic Wl li RegL.2 K y - -oke & ua-Ou-e Cu)rr e Tap. e &52uOly Ote (M) rew BTaseg52ny OMnlye Bb (N) ylsTwnSkeCuet Tap, Rye, .51 Ony ____ rren (O) Two Wire Current Tap 3 49c ea. Outiets. Reg. 51 Only1 (P) Marrette Twist-On Connectors No, 31 Sie ~2c a No, 33 S ize 2 for5 No, 35 Sz----- fr10 (Q) 15/20/30 Amp Fuses. Reg, .09ea. Only3 for 25c TOBL hang p ..15 vookt.ujîtfn sw tch o h ad 5 wtrd. Rg. 3.99,ok.Biy ti wtho ade 5 cOrowneg 9 I ndoo-r-2-Wir - - -h-PO- Cubed Tap Extension Cord. Reg. ;85 Only cf CORI cord 'T ~ O$TF~ ALL ~UL ET K 1T Cer I rteLrn, ~ap- outiets, 2 end caps, 1 wall outlet ~ 'e. san'1 n itspus complete instructions, St ~r'niiOntrote 4 il6, 100 watt. O---- - - ----- le ucn ~îy Heglai o Cardelabra Base. 25 or 40 watt. $369 e MER TOOL EXTENSION ,..3 wire 50> heavy vinyl À *ith tap and connector. Reg, 6.19 Only $1488 I for 47cl 7 7C each VMR BOWMANVILLE MON, O WE1, 8:30 'TIL 6 THURS, FR!. 830 'lIL 9 48c a 15ea A7llf 1 SATc 8:11 .'TIL-15 1 r / J