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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jan 1972, p. 10

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QLý C~ anadiar. Statesmai, rBwmaniville, Jan. 19, 1972 Durha(Jm Agri*c -News By Bob Watt Assistant Agricuitural, Representative iO-ME mANAGEMENT Homemkerslike if or nlot, yo yaei a p3osition of Man- agem cnt1,A re you a good Man- age? Wuldyou lîke to ecrea better manager? We have desîgned a course for For f o cosecutîve Fridayst - February 11, 25 and March 3 fromu' a.n' to 3:00 limre wîll be holding a Prga'in the( Boardroom ofs tbe Deprartîuent of Agriculture andFoo, 24 Kîng St. E., in nmnvi1le. The Course is opnto ail Rural and Urban woý,men - h lurham County, fra Hgstaio'ee of $2.00J forr mlete course. WeC hope tý bat through this prog-t r,,,ou wîll become moreç ïifiiiired consumers of food,a cJotýhing and household artic- j ~ ou wîll become better maaesof tîme, energy and nonyand you will become more awre- of your own val- esanid.goals. Throughout tbis cdusethre will be speakers on shopitips-, advantagesS and isavantgesof insur-E a -ccit buyîng. There t);- b food demronstrations; a setio on ardobeplan-r nin 1ad, if deired, a section Ifyuwould be rnteresteda In! th-s course, please contact tbeOntrioDeprîmntof Ag- C riýcu!fture and Food by JAN-2 uARY 8thso thlat you willt be bletoattend these ses-a DAIY EIERWORKSHOF A woksho)p that should be ointere'Io talal darymen in i the Couty is planned for the T rO O.P. Hall in Orono on WeclnesaJauar'y 26, 1972,a lîeiningat1030 arn. and ~ Bary KwalcuckDary 1Spcîaistfro Eyighton and ~turl Eninee, wll be învolv- icd i hsporm which will0 5coer eedngManagement 4an husngof the dairy _re-1 Ipîcemnts Tîs ne-aymeet-t 7fing sho ld ertainîly be anex- ~cletoppotunî,ity for eachv darman ta iscs hsae -cf daîiry fAring ae VAH0 E VOEMA N SECOND PLACE IN 'out to Marilyn on a job well IN PUBLIC SPEAKING done. Conraultios!goout this . 4-H FOR GIRLS week to Miss Marilyn Knox of atwehe'Drm R. 'R. 1, Enniskillen for her County 4-H Homemaking clubi achievement, on January 8. leaders completed the train- Marilyn, wbo is the daughter ing school for the project, of Mr. and Mrs. George Knox, , Sleepwear". Again, there wil took part in the OntarioJn be 13 clubs in Durham County lor Farmers, "Talent Festival lctdi lcsok oia in '72". In the Public Speak- Orono, Bethany, Tyrone, Long ing section, Marilyn finshed a Sault, Elizabethville, Garden strng ecod a sh copetidHill, Ganaraska, Morrish aod astnguseor a se ometed Enniskillen. If you are a girl, beaist Junillor Farerove- between the ages of 12'and 26 bnesfo. i ve h rv and you wîsh to join a 4-H ince.Club and learn to sew, just Fifteen nfembers from the contact your local leader. If Junior Farmers fron' Durham you do not know who she is,l County attended "Talent Fes- contact Mrs. Karen Fitzsim-1 tival '72" and tl'ey report it mons at the Ontario Depart- was a terrific program. Once ment of Agriculture & Food in agaîn, our congratulations go Bowmanville. I DuhamAgricultural Calendar jr January 18 and 20 -' Lind- say Area Meetings at the Gov- eroment Buildings, Lindsay. On the 18th the theme îs "Farming and the Environ- mient" and on the 2th "Cash Crops - Where Do We Stand". These are two meetings that ail farmers couid find useful. Saturday, January 22- Ontario Hereford Association Annual Meeting to be held at the Holiday Inn, Hfighway 241 and 401, Hespeler, January 24, 25 and 26 - Ontario Sai & Cran Improve- ment Association Annuai Meet- ing ta be held at the Skyline Hotel, Toronto. Manday, January 31 - Ont-, aria Sheep Breeders and Pro- ducers Annuai Meeting at the Constellation Hotel, Toronto. January 3 1 - February, 9 - Drainage Contractars' Short Course at Rîdgtawn Colege af Agrîcultural Technoiogy. Wednesday, Pebruary 2 Reional Park Conference ta be heid aItbe Rock Haven, in Peterborough. More details will be farthcoming. February 8, 15, 22, 29 Farmo Management Course will he heid at the Agrîculural, Office, Bowmanville. Detaîls of this Course wîll be Iorthcam- ing.-1 February 10 - 11 - Drain- age Contractors' Canference ta be held at the Holiday Inn, London, Ontario. 'Wednesday, February,16 - Canadian Landrace Swine As- sociation Annual Meeting aI the Royal York Hotel, Tor- onto. Wednesday, February 16 Hostein - Friesian Association Annuai Meeting, Rayai York Hotel, Toronto. Thursday, Pebruary 17 - Ayrshire Breeders' Association aI Canada Annual Meeting at COME TO Brow's ~Shlow BOWMUANVJýLLE TOWN HALL MAARCH 17, 8:00 pm Now l t feime think about Ford Equipment form §-ig orela, let us show you the f ulil ine of farm eqsprnen,lgrdfon tractors, mowers, tillers, ehain WM HI Brown Ford Equipment 91 Kng S W ~Bowmanville 623-5497 MONEY ON F% QUALITY DX PREMIUM FUEL GIL and STOVE OIL BOW11,1MANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALL COLLECT .As>k Operator for 668-3341 or Dial- 1-6 68-3341 CALL US TO-DAY FOIR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE King Edward-Sheraton Hotel, Toronto, February 18 and 19 - Ont- aria Instîtute af Agrologîsta ta be held at Ridgetown Cailege af Agricutural Technology. Saturday, February 19 - Chinchilla Show spansored hy Eastern Ontario Chinchilla Club at Kemptville College of Agrcuiturai Technology. Monday, , ebruary 21- Golden Jubilee 5th Annual Meeting aI the Horticultural Cauncîl o? Canada aI the Chat eau Laurier, Ottawa. February 21 and 22 - Ont- aria Piowme's Association Annual Meeting and Conven- tion aI the King Edward Hotal, Toronto. FebruarY 23 and 24 - Ont- aria Association of Agrîcul- lu-rai Soceties Annual Meet- ing and Convention, King Bd- ward Hatel, Toronto. Febr uary, 23 and 24 - Fer- tîlizer Advîsory Board o? Ont- aria Meeting, Holiday Inn in Hlespeler. Tuesday, Mareh 14 - A ýmeeting bo discuss Warknian's Compensation, Unemployment Insurance and Canada Pension Plan and how they affect farm- ers wil ho held in the 1.0.E. Hall, Oronoata 1:30 p.m, ]KENDAL The funerai o? Mrs. Ad Galbraith took place on Tues day, 'January 11, 1972 from Northcutt EllitI P u nl e r a 1 Home, Bowmanville, Mes. Gai- braith was born 89 years aga on the Patterson homestead an the eîgbth line north o? Kendal, now occupied by Allan Downes. She married John Aluln wha iived narth of Kirby. Aller iis deaîh she Lmarrîed Herb Galbraith. A strake ieft ber helpless over a year ago. Sympatby la ex- tended ta hier san Lawrencee Aluin af Oshawa and ta bier sîsters Mrs. Ethel Jones and Mrs. Elva Berry. The U.C.W. met at tbe home af Mrs. H. Poster on Tuesday aflernoon, Jcnuary 4. The presîdent read a prayer for guidance in the New Yecr. The W.I. ladies decîded ta brîglen Miss C. W. Stew- arl's stay in bospital by rent- îng a television. The U.C.W. ageeed ta go alang with the Institute in Ibis. Moved hy Mrs. H. Poster. seconded bv Mrs. k. Wood thial the bill a? $15,00 for the bulletin board be paid wilh Ihanka ta Mr. Reg. Elîbaît. A bed jacket purchcsed by Mes. Stevens for Misa Stew- art was aiso ta be paid for. Mrs. J, Ccrseadden read the serînoture,, Mes. G. Cathcert gave the tapie, "An int radue- lion ta Africa." We were gv- en a glimn e af life as il is lived in a great scapart wîlh its ivîckedness. This was con- teasted wîth rural life in a Christian community in Ugcn- da. Mr. Garth Legge alsa taid af meeting President Kunda aI Zambia. The Presîdent of Zambra asked that mission- arias be sent ta bis country, esnDecîally those wîlb aspeciai skiUs iike higb sehool teacir- era and agriculturalisîs. Moved and secondcd that $80,00 he paid in four instal- ments ta Missions and $10,00 he gîven ta the Bursary Pund, Hostesses were Mes. T. Stevens and Mes, H. Poster The next meeting is February lIs aI Mrs. W. Mercee's home aI 1:30 pa. Kendal LOL. 405 met ont Wednesday, Jcnuary tb with a good attendance. Caunly Master Fred Griffîin staled thal tbe annual counly meeting wouid be beid Tuesday, Peh. isIý in Bwmanvîlle .0,0 F. Hall, Queen SI., aI 8 pn. Bro. Stan ChaDman and Bro, Reg. ElliotI audiled the books for !971. Bro. R. Nichoils acled as recardîng secretary. Dr, John Stevens oaI owa and lady friend vîsîted bis parents Mr. and Mes. T. Stev- ens an their New Year vaca- tîon.-Orono Times. r A n-outices eul '0f Ne W 6Gif t TuX, Ontario Treasurer and Ministar o? Bconommcs, Han. W. Daecy McKeaugb, bas relea sed tire delails "o? a Provincial Gîif Tex ta replace bbc existmng Fadera i GfI Tex, effective Japuay 1, 1972, Legmsaeian will ha fineimzed and înteoducad in bbe spriug o? 1972. Wberees the Faderai GifI Tex lrebîlîty is dalermbnad by th, cumulative velue o? gifla mede, încludmng braose a? prior years, Onbri's gifltex wihi lic based only on the annuel value o? gifla mada. A numbar aI provinces, includîng 'Ontario, havea agreed t aedapt esseîtielly sîmiar gilI taxas and unîforin hagisilion ta ha administered hy tha Pederal Gaverniant. The oniy major diffaranca halween tire Ontar lo gift btiîi and tiret of lire oIrer coopereîiog provinces consista of an Ontario provision la exempt ail absolube and outrigirt inlaîspousci trensfars. Anly Ontario gift lax payable undar the new lagisiatron wiil ha credilad egainst Ontario succession dulias payable n respect aI sucir gifts, ilflire donar dies wmlhin 15 years o? makîng tire gifla. The Onterio gîfItex will bava the ?olowing exemptions: (a) Gffts up ta $2,000 par yaar b auy donea wtb an eggre- gala annuel maximum o? $10,000; (b) Ail absolule and aubightirt neespnu sel ransfers; (c) Gifla la Canadien charitable arganizalians; (d) Gifla ta any goveroment in Canada;,and (e) Gifla baking afellciantire deatir o? tire donor. Tire Ontario glît tex wil bave thie foilowîng rate sciraduleý 155r on fiesl $25,000 $ 3,750 on $ 25,000 + 20% an nexl 325',000 $ 8,750 an$ 50,000 + 25,7 on nexl $25,000 $15,000 on$ 75,000 -+ 30% on next $25,000 $22,500 on $100,000 +1 35 % on nexl $25,000 $31,250 on $125,000 + 40% on next $25,000 $41,250 on $150,000 + 45% on next $50,000 $63,750 on $200,000 + 50% on excesa over $200,000. Mr. McKaough regratted thea.ueed ta make relatîvely hesty decisions in thîs lax field and ta adopt retroactive lagîs- lation. However, hehaled hoped ta convînce the fedecel gav- eromen otal la vcale Ibis tex ficld quile 50 peecîpîtously. 'Wben the faderai govecument rafused ta recansider ils poiicy, Mr. McKeougli was pleased thal most provinces couid reach' early agreement an their intention ta flMIbh gap and that the faderai govarnment was willing ta make evaîlahie ils owo administrative resources. Me. 'McKeougb addad Ibal Onlarîo'a laleal succession duty lagilation and gîft tex plans are not axpectedla be the lest word. Ha bas every intention ta ravîaw the two reiated taxes and make whatever furîber changes are required. GoldesneLegionnaires 'j by Nortumbrlan-DuhamProgressive Coriservative Association ren Gr, Jol ANNUAL MEETINGdu Pa A AMIDIPa - IaNuary 0 I5tn - 8pnm. BEVEYNIE LLME B I Secretary, presented foau-r books, ta be taken home and returned at the next meeting. Mrs, Elmer Down was î b charge of the prograrn and used i New Year's paemn to emphasîzie that our Most preclou gîf t il that of time-oSe Up Inc( u s sold. After we were remind-i ed that Jesus leada us througb A network of low-cost co- qualîty as those provîded pat- îng body for dýntists in the ail cirrumstanees of if e opeî atîve denture clînics wîll lents of private dentists at pirovince - said it was creat- wherever we are if we cannot be opened by the dental pro- prices $100 beiow preserît les îug a niew eategory o? auxiliary 1accept Hlm, everyone joîned fession in key centres through- schedules, Dr. Lioiiel Schiller workers ta assîst dentists in in sînging "Ail the Way My out the province, the Ontario of -Wîisor, presîdent of thelprostlietie (denture) work. Savîour Leads Me". Dental Association has an- ODA, laid. In eutlînîng the programn, Dr. For our African study, a nounced. ' I conjunetion with the an-iSehîller said the low-cost cli- map was used fron- a Nation- The denture clinics wîll of- nouneement, the Royal College ici wouid be set up nitially ai Geographic issue, filied fer dentures of the samela? Dental Surgeons licenis-iri Toronto, Hamilton, Windsor, wîth up-to-date information. Oshaw a, Ottawa, St. Cathar- Mrs, Downrearl th inscI es, Sudbuîry, Peterborough, about the African musicalor i u e s a a iandBleil,$8] iberîtage, sculpture and people. Fees wiii average$100 The program was. giveni from ane prepared by iIs Beatrice MeLean. Witb Miss Stwudenrests Le r t th Louise Osborne at the piano F1,xeA rosIs, accounts pay- Calege. Finial pror . of g l ea ahdueof$800 for the musical interludes, able, simulations, statistical data is handled by th~e staff I o h i Mrs. Down interviewed Mrs. analysis, general iedger, ac- ensure strict quality contrai. The ODA president said the Chas. Found. Mrs. Faund eounting, budget contrai, 10gi- The kînds of jobs these gov d entai profession was en'- very capably Iook part of Miss cal modules, These termsray rmntttos ne ocb arking on its pragiam of ' ow- Ange Book. Ie 3d Arîcnont mean much ta the genera.l l, the field of aecounting and, cosî denture chonies because iA President of the Assembly of public but they mean businessstttcsTeeob cud realîzed some persans were the inited Nations and now t eirsuets aigtesattccnî s os iilueatrce o nqaied e- Assistant Secreîary of State taseio sudnt tkig hepayable, budget con-trctdtaualfeddn far Liberia. The "radio audi- computer course at Durham trol and general ledger a'-turîsîs by their lower prices. ence" joîned in singîng Kum Clee attrecounting. eeat c~Csrset a vqality Tayh ioîg Foas a rte a pulic ectrs, he Frank Benn rthe so 1the dentrst'ewcn' Thecloingwasals aniprvat an pulicsecorshave college GBE. 415 computer asles wouîd be the samne as those African devotionai, stressing been makîng use of' the coin- a true medium scale, eoin preserîbed by private dentists. the rantinual need for rirayer. puter expertise at Durham. puter. Hwvr ainswudrc The hymn "Nearer My God ta Not only have the students lIwvr ainswudrc Thee*', foilowed bv prayer been learnîng thraugb the pre- "It ean do 80 per cent af the rive less iodîidualized per- ciased Ibis very înîeresting paralian af programs,, but in spectrum in the computer field sonal attention than theY meeting. same cases they are being paid and there la very litIle Ihat would fram their famlly den- .Our general- meeting will for it at the same time. The cannot be done on Al in ac- tîsta. be Thursday, January 27, practical experienee gainedi counting". hie said.i sîarîing with a pot luek dîn- bas aided the graduating stu- This student computer c-n-ý Enjoy Riding nler at 12:30 pm. dents in obîaining jobs. eialion runs on a 12 month The Presbyterial U.C.W. Coilege clients have includ- basis. Durham weicornes the! INDOORS Annuai Meeting wîll be belid ed the Durham - Northumnber- opportunity toasnsisî outside aI at Sîme Street Cburch on laïnd County Board of Educa- organizations wîth Iheir coin- February 9, wiîb the Moder-!lion' The Oshawa City Hall, puter needa. Ail sucht educa- CLNA TBE ator Dr. A. B. B. Moore the iThe Centrai Ontario Planning tional training programs muaI COLONIAL_ STABLE guest speaker. 'Board Commission and the be entîrely self -supporîii)g. R .3 omnil ____ Oshawa Generai Hospital. They R .3 omnil The dairy eow derîves 73 supply information which is per cent of bier food from for- made ino a system. This sys- One man usîng an autonialic Tel. 623-7336 age inedîble for humans, but tam is Ihen brakeni down ino bale wagon can load, haut andý o ponmn returns 90 percent nI what she logical modules which cao be 'stack up ta 3,100 bay bales îno!Apinmn eals as nutrition in milk, se- handled by the students under an eigbt-bour day, aceording rcioide carding ta New Hoiland, the the direction o? Frank Benn, ta a study compiled by New; Instrcingvî farm equipment division of Assistant ;Chairman of the Hoiiand Division of Sperry and horses board ed. Sperry Rland. Business Division at Durham' Randengineers. _______________ I'Z- I Iii I 5 >ung ior benîoýr Ç-,tîwzens At irst 1972 Meeting The firal monthly meeting g essîve auclire for February.î7 ýfSenior Citizens was held on -Cccîîed. She ad Mrs, .esday, Januarv 111h in Lucas wouldcame in Pebru- oaCentr ia wî he cnew ccv Ii aur gcaup.i ,relsdent Mes. T. W. Cawker Mes. Young read caepr resîding. The meeting open- an 1971 Sr. Cîlîzens. i 1971 Id wîlh O Canada wîtb Me. Club 15 dîsbandad and as raban aIthepian. Iis club bcd sponsorad Se. Aller a weleome and best Citîzens far many years, the isbas la ail, and c raminder Se Citiî'ens naw bcd ta org- er us ta vîsit the sîek and anîze ta carry an for tbcm- ut-mn, Mes. Cawker express- salves. To do Ibis bbc axecu- id the appreciation af tbe tive met aI Mes. Woolley s lub ta Mes. Woalley and ber home, set up conmîllees, di oimmittea far Ibaîr good vîdcd the membarship int six adarship in 1971. Mes. Wooi- graupa, mcking ana persan 9 Ey lhcnked Mes. Cawker for respansible for 'phonîng and er kind words and esked ail being canvenor of the lunch embees la give Mes. Ccwk- for their nîgbl. rIheir cooperatian. Tbay bcd severai aIt iuek A minute af silence wcs suppers in 1971. A trip ta aen aobserved by cli i me- Ontario Place, a bus loed and V lory of bbc laIe Mes. Rundle, several cars wanl la tbe Dis- Irs. Cawkar askad for the tricl Pienie aI Cohourg. Thee amas, of any aick or in lias- buses and severai cars pro- beal la ba reported la ber or vidad by tha Kinsman Club ers. Young. took the Senior Cilizenson a Mrs, Armietbcd gave the tour ta sea lthe mapiale eva easueer's report. To starI in colnio.A-lunch wcs servad 972 thare was e balance of aftarwards aI Mamarial Park, 215.44 and an extra $2.28 for Tbay also pravîded bbc Chrat- he ta fund. mas Ligbts Toue af tire tawn Mes. Young raad tire minutes and gave bbc Se. Citizens a - 1an execulive meeting heid Christmas party aller. tMrs. Ccwker's, Jan- 61h,- For 1971 bbc membeeshia Îhn Ways and Means wcre wes avec 170 wîtb a monîhlly scussed b niake 1972 an in- ellendance on bbceaverage af eesting year. Commiltees 80 or more. Muical enter- nd convanars weee selecled, lainaient was of tho hast. r. Grabam chosen as pianial Picturas ware sbown af aver- e Ibhe year; Me, Newman, secs teips. Card games, idibor, Mca. Lucaa wira was crokînole and bingo wera an- ppoinled by Red Ceosa la in- joyed cI egch meeting. Those eviaew Senior Citizen Groupa not Iakîng part in gamas wara nd la Dresent ta Ihem ways providad wiîh a progran' in 1ý-,-U, ndmeana af belping. Pot tlire rading , room. Bacb ck suppars were dîscussad, Tbursday aI 2 p.m. any Senior Mrs. Cewker bren put ilta oCitizan mcy go la bbc Lions vole as ta wbeîber Ibey Centre far a game of? carda ranled a patliuck supper for and anjoy a social time. Each rbruacy.-Carried. Sire ask- persan alîendîng is expctcd d who wanled ta play pra- ta bring a lunch. A few minutas af silence îs observ- O BITUARY ny em bwo baor aI an. Sick and shut-ina are 'toronce Ada (Winn) Grmhy vîsîtad and carda sent ta Ibose in the bospital. The deebir af Mes. Florene AI Ibis lime Mr. Cordan irey occuread suddeniy Onl and Mr. BhiiolI wee reporled% îaesday, Jcnuary 41b, 1972, as bcîng in bbc bospitai. tPeterborough Civie Hos- Mrs. Young înteoduced the itai aller six waaks af boa- Golden Laegiannaires Choie taEization, She wes bhc lest who deigbtad bbc citizans by eviving member o? the many aid lavarites. Mr. C. imily of Mr. and Mes. Wm. Ives tircnked then'.Y v Winn and wes harnoan Buchre wcs enjoyed hy ail rvambee 3rd, 1894, et Cala- and leber a beaety lunch. o, Ont. Sire was predacees--___ * by twa sistees, Sadie and ,race and ana brother, Bert. Ira. Geay attende Noral ' EBENEZERi1 bhool (Teachers' Calaega) in U.C.W.e lteeborough and tcugbt The Ebenezer eflernoon bhoal et Dale, C 1ear k emetn a hldT say Union) and Lotus Publicmetn wa bld usdy boals To 923 ire aJnuaey 11. wilb 18 attend- chîld In marr3ag ta Milan îng. Our new leader, Mes ray wbo predeceased ber in DogaJ>eoeîdd ac 64, ire as adadicledopened wiîb a "Recipe for bbc 964 be aLtsa edmus edNew Year" from "Patchwork nd Yý,elverton United Cirurcir, ecs. H. F. Osborne collecteel r anubr oythes C.. leug pennies for lire Pellowshup af )rny Schof Ibag te leasl Coin.ç Thedacaaedissuvied Mes.L, Down expeessed the H y r o g y wososJane o Jne-Ihanks ofte graup ta Miss Phone 623-2586 two ons, Jmes ? Jnt-Ann Hall for ber years as aur 1 igS.E on swail as thiee grandchild- unit lear. on-Ltrtr on, Brian, Linde and David Ms alDwLbrtc xy, Aiso a foater son. Roy ohnson and famîly a? Osha- Funeral services were con- allter feam bbc MeDermoîl- lnabaker Puneral Homne in ort Perry with inteement inà je famiy piol o? Yelvarbon oîitad Churcb.E The palîbeerers were lwo Épbews, Messrs. Elino and Igin Gray and four neîgb- >ers, Ho0ward MeMuilen, EXHIBITIO ames Mackia, Wilfrid Beggs nd Keilir Stînson. Friands and relatives. fromi distance wiro cailed ta payJ N U Laie respects were fýrm ;ouffvîlla, Toronto, Uxbrîdge. )sewa, Bawmanville, Orono, ebirany, Hampton and Lind- PICK UP ADMISSION ay as weil as local communi- ies. g........... Ltd. nanville DAVIS MAR INE Phono 728-5565 617 King St. E- Oshawa RR. 2 >N TA RUO SPORTS Phonoe93-5444 Orone ýRMIN' IL 'A11-T m7s )N PARK - TORONTO, ONTARIO 2-9 TICKETS AT YOUR FARM EQUIPMENT DEAL ER.

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