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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jan 1972, p. 11

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I__________________________ Ilewvcast/e Socalanc1 (Personal Newcastle=-Mr, an d Mis, T .Th k Prunier and daughters r ,spevî,(tthe weekend in Win- a, cteOntario, viýsîing-with A rltvsand frienids and I jonn nthe celebratin Of tI weddng anivesar. Mc. and la Mvrs. John i N 1were 65 i Wr are sorry tinreport thiat i Mi.Viola Cowaniiii is a patient in Memril ospital, aise M 1e,-r,.weîington Adams, e Water Murphiy and Rod Car-j veth. on Lory Sr. and iý DoadTilison eacP(h iade , !ri)sto the hopîal follow- P rng si-d-joo ciet.Bothd are 7;r agai i ome-)i. While il 1o'Ld C's l was mý,iner, YMr.a Lowy s ndeda lucky man r a)s his wife e an reports that c only lisirnetsaved his lif e. hy (fllla hiet gaeorflthe night Cowan- i tronced aa soeof J2 to 3,- to retain their t hold on firsýt place. FredC Aldred l led the cýway for theS victors as he 1wscored 6 goals.0 Scoring: Cw --ile- Fredj Aldrd, gols,1 assist; Pete McCuloug, 1 oal,4 assists; jon ithrde2goals, 10 assit: Carll Gren, 1goal, 2asists; Paul McCullough i 1 goal, 2 asss er an 1 goal, 1iass;,it; Ron Good 3 assists, Bob Parachl, Laverne lrwn enl Greeni, 1 assist tQ',and's rian Roweb 2tU(ita goa],sic asi Jn edr 1 goal,'1DassNist;ete I-1ase-ts men 2 lassst ParliPiker- 1ngas. 1'sit c In he sond HgiLmeJoans- a-11 4-1ltiaasic Siunchl Jo, hnston the the Pomil 23galsc nei tBg Den 1 o dfali, ast;J71Wit 'P goal, n Meean 2 assists Afsnd d pach, P lte oint deon Tery iDak, 2Gord Loery, 2 goal, 1 assist Vrm Pe ~r1 goal, 1 asist B MCe Bie1 ecal , Hùgh ittie and aid DonlÎRug, 1 -Issist each.1 assishs G ame gal In hefna gae th sonery3glla and Jonm autithmn oepssin \Tania 1gol , Terry Wal- Peanrgoal, ---a-s-st- Bruce oaTNyE er AwSRon Sac nd onRoge rs 1sigst ah RedJ-'.-Wayn te Trui 1 Ol 2Tý a 0Tt H lER Green1 gal 2 asits; Glgmn Rowe 'goal. Ci1 0[hie 2asC, PleStn Two idles were iadented 2: 'igit fiotec helmet, and sic 2ý asks tint EVERYONE WEAR 21 A HELMET AT ALL TIMES.11 M-. Lowry suffered a broken humh and ,having serieusly twisted tic leg, bis foot is t( badly iruisrd and causîagE ui muci pain. His machineL s badly damngcd. but again, he was lucky.2 Tic Newcastle Lions Club'. will held their montily dance t on the las' Saturday oet January. Sometiing aew; willi .ic tic music as off red hy tic "Other Trio", a gioup fîom Peterborough, Many spot dances and pirizes will bc held ihrougieutt the eveaing wilh a draw te taie place at inter- Imissien.. Plan youî party and2 tem eu etclyour fîieads 2 mnd neigibours wheîe lie action is. Mis. McDoaald (Elsie), et Calgary, is visiting ici par- ents, Mi. and Mis. T. Lennarid- and sîster Mis. Irene Roberts, Newcastle. NESTLETON l Sympathy is extended le Mr, and Mis. Gordon Gîison on~ tie deat et is brother Mi.J Oswald Aaron Giîson in lie Scott Nursing Home, Lindsay, on Wednesday, January 121h. Tic fuacral was Fîiday, Jan- uaîy 141h from lihe Mnckey Funeral Home with Rev. Tedd, et Little Britain United Churci officiating. Temperary entomb- ment was in Riverside vaull, with burial later aI Pleasant Peint, Mariposa Ccmcteîy. 1 Mis. Arthur Hyland is a, patient la New Ml. S5mai Hoes- pitl, Toronto. On Satuîday1 ber hushand, Mi. Hyland ici falier, Mi. Wm. McCabe and Mi. and Mis. Oliver Rourer visitcd ber and reportthlat sic îs undergoiag tests and is h1aving X-rays. Oni SundalýyI. ïand Mrs.iý icnDPavisoni weîe aftr- noon andc evcninig cdinner guests with Mr. and is. R. Douglas Daivisoni, Scoît and' Neil la Mr. nd is.George Bow- crs lef t on, Wedaesday for ae six wvceks' Flerida vacation. Thcy willube visiting ici, brother nnid bis wif c, Mr. and, Mis. Mný,lcolmn Elford, who have iheir home Ibere;, aise Cntwigtreýsidenits 'who spend\ ieu witIhere. Mli. Fr'ed Philp anid MiS. Jhn W_5erry, ()w 1-1a y) %,e, weîe ;ediaesday afîcrneýon cahiers Wi th UM1. t1andiMis Grant Thempson. 7Mi. and[ 1Mrs. Charles Sith eit BîmeR-1 stock were eeig dne .guesîs. Holiday dinner guests witi -Mi. and Mis. Gordoa Gilîson .wcr-e Mi. and, Mis. Nivean etf Finland. This is their flîst trip te Canada. SMr. and Mis. VicIer Mlal- colm, wcic recent supper guests Swith Mr. and Mis. Wayne Mal- cohm, Shelley and Kevia. On Fîiday l1iey eajoyed eveniag ,diane'r witi Mr. and Mi.Ts.ý Lloyd HIuniter, Port Ferry. 0On :auda evening they anid ,B ey. VicIer and Mis. Parsons,ý Blakstckattendcdthe Kinig Jamnes Gospel- Siagers' prog-, ramme in-,Eastdahe Collegiate. For Suaday evening dinner lie .Malcoînis wcîe guests et Mi.' 1and Mis. Bert Gibsea, Black- ;stock. 1On Saturday, Mi. and Mis. 7Deug Fallis -aad beys,- Bow- manville, wcrc afternoonand -levening dinnei guesîs wl iMr. and Mis. Bruce Hcaslpý ivisited Wcdnesdny atternioon wilh M.aad Mis. Ewart BhghBrooklia. B--!It Was cohd Sunday moîa)ing. A number et cars re- fuised le co-operale, bence a sm11aller ima11 usual churci aI- tendaince. Many lainCartwriglt Townlsiip have been bit by-tice 'flu, bug -,and are receivingý mnedicatien. Improved'hemti is' wishedi for ahI liese folk - and mie arc remiaded tlii. wintci will soon be on liie waeand il is -shloppinig dayýs untilCisa. PresytelanLadies Alid ing o etvNstîctn resycii Ladies' Aid washcld cdne1ýs- day aflernioon et 1:30 at lihe home ot Miss Ruth Prouttt. Tich e ntMis , H.Lee,ý welcomed lte -ienmebers pres-, lecnt and lhankcd tli ostessq WOIJLD IK, T ANNOUNCE THE OPE"NNG 0F AN AENYIN NEWCASTLE. For~ thecvece of our Newcastle cuistorers garme-its rnay be left and picked up fxOml Crowther's Barber Shop ,KING STREET - NEWCASTLE Srvice e agi eyas follows: Pickup Tues, .m Rturned Thurs, a.m. P'iekup Thuns. a.m ReundFnl, by 3 Pickup Fr1. RlneiTues. a.m. C LE AN [R bowling Ladies - 175 anid Over P. Necal 273, P. Mercer 266, B. Thompson 262, A. Lang- staff 258, T. Langstaff 250, L. Farrow 246, M. Garrod 244, M.- Wade 243, M. Foster 231, S.Nicholson 231, H. Couroux, 27, R. Irwin 219, K. Martin 19, K. Mer"er, 219, L. Brown 00, A. Gogllerty 2?00, B. Major 98 ', JHutn19,P. Forth 92, B. Pethrick 1911, E. Per- in 189,.G. Dwyer, 189, 1. Pat- on 18,S. Robinson 184, G. Henry 184, P. Bugden 177, F. Lunn 176. Men - 200 and Over M. Henry s0i, T. Embley 265, R. Monro 263, B. Lewis 246, J. Forrester 238, J. Bru- on 230, G. Kinibaîl 229, E. Cowling 227, G. Cowling-223, J. Robinson 210, W. Flintoff 204. Thursday Mixed 175 and Over W. Forget 307, 1. Zulauf 260, H. Verburgh 246, T. Gaebel 244, T. Gordon 230, J, Worr '21, F. Lewis- 221, B. Glan- ville 215, P. Patridge 201, E. Schmiîd 194, S. Black 193: C. VlacGregor 190, E. Stephens 181, A. Farrow 178, M. Lewis 175. Friday Mlxed - 175 and Over 1T. Embley 306,- M. Hlenry 266, R. Good 231, J. Holmes 230: L. Willems 220, P. Halsey 209, 'E. -Darling 207, J. Jenk- ins 203, B. J. Sandercock 200, B. Caîl 200, B. 11oogkamD 198, A. Pearce 196,' S, Powell 195, A~. Vogels 194,' E. Nesbitt 190, J. McCracken 190, A. Kuipery 188_ J., Sikma 188, A. Roachi 185, G, Henry 183, L. Sand- ercock- 184, S. Glanville 179, E. Couch 176. ENFIELD As long as Christmaus 1ighitï are glowinig it cani't be too latE for a fewT itemns ofChita news thait came in late. Mr and Mrs. Floyd Lloyd anc f amily spent the hli a' their cottage at Lakie Mazinaw and visited aiso with Mr. an( Mrs. Brad Simmns, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wright Liday ere Christmyas Pai guests at Mr, TRussell Wright"s Miss Bonnie Wright ,stayed a Mivr, Allan Wrigh)t's, LindsaY for1 the1holidays. iMr. Norman Stinson was il hospital for a few dayns recov eCring from a fali when hi broke a bone in his foot, Hl is shïut in at home now w vitl bhis injured foot in. a wa1kinj cast and getting arouind ai cruitches. Mr.Wallace Pascoe Visitec a f ew dJays ý ithi Mr, and Mus Carl Sargent~ anci family, I.d; Mirs, iIoward May, M-11 bridge, has been visiting et tii ihomneof ber~ bro.ther, Mn- Geo rge Lavender. .Mr. and Mrs. Rpssell Bea 0 Hamuliitonj, recently vis.ited Mi and Mirs. Godfrey Bowman. Memorial Hospital Weekly Report 'Week or Jan. 3-9 iclulsive Admissions . 7 Birthis-2 male, .3 femal1E Discharges -64 Mînr perations 23 Emergency treatments -134 Visiting hurs 3-8 p-r., aly for ha(ving thie ýýThe hýynn, "O Master Le -Me Walk with Thee"', was surw with Mrs. Grant Thompson a lhe pino followecl by th Lord's Prayer. The devýotionial exercise w-ere taken by Miss Rut] Proutt Thiessaloniansc 4: 9-lo writh the epaain fî r "The11se Pays" andpayr Ina11mem-ory of the late Mn iso;çbel MeCaýlden, the _poer "Beyond Life's Gateway" -a iread by Mrs. H-. Lee, and tw mirinutes ci, silence observedi. The ïminutes ef the Peceni ber Éting wiere read by th Secretary-Treàsurer, Miss RutI Proutt and, adopted. The rc portas given on finances. eral "thiank-you" letters fe iChr-istnias cheer eand gifts, an sever-al donations were recerv ed. 1jA bale of good uSed clothîn is to be peckled on1 Wednesdeiý The appreciation of tii elcincaraMsmeeting was expressed by tC Davison to all the ofilcers fP their lime and efforts in 197 andc hopes for apucesstul yeý in 1972. Lunch wsser-ved by Mr H. McLa8ughhin.r, assistvig IMs' Ruth Proutl, anld Mis. G, 'Hei slip gave the vote eof tharksý. Thýe hynm, "O God Bethlr", ',,as s -'uag and tl MiZpah bceedîction was r ,peated iii unison.t Mai e Bok 04 Vin]ce ý 0c Leen Conniors -20 Jim Mmurphy ------ 2---- '02 ii joli -202-- OVE'R r00 Mrs. Bruce Tilison, Edtor weckend visitors witi Mi. and Mis. Perey Beggs. Miss Sandra Stewart bas r- tLurncd home atter a week la hespital. Mi. John Barsketis is pies-1 cnthy under lie dloctor's care. We hope liaI you wihi oo lue feeing muçi better, Johin. M\i. Laverne Brow;n bas rp- lurned t10 work la Honeywýell, Bewmranvilie, afier an absence et tirees metis foliowing foot suîgery. Congratulations te M-ài. and Mis. Lerne McGili, Oshawa, wie rccently cecbiated theîr 451h wvedding anniversmry. Mi. and Mis. McGiii arc wveli known la lic Pentypeol aiea. Last week et Granqidview Sehool Pa pregra-ten et "Winter S,,atety" wnas carîied eut for ahl pupils. OPP Censtable Joyati cenducted lie activities. Gi. 11ve loeigit were given lier- pgb"h Intornalin 11 ou.the Prop- cir use et si-owmobiles, proper clolhingoetc.,Snwobiles were previded and each sýtu- dent mas givein an npportunity te operate one, Const. Joynt aise vîsited Grades anc le tour an1d spoke ile hem n W ilcr On Tucsday, Jan. l8th, Mr. Clive Bramlhe, a resident et R. R. 2, Pontypeool, and wio w-,as formerly an aihinie stewv- aid with -BOAC is 10 visit G,'randview and speak about several South Ameriacý,-illes tint he bas visited. Mi. and Mis. Willard Spen- cer et Oshawa visîtcd \with Mr. aad Mis. Jimi MeMullen and Cari on Sundzly. ight Hawks High Single Jean Mairs27 -High Triple Joan- M airs ----------- 700 TEAM STANDINGS iK. Raîston --------- 5533 5 K. Campbel---------- 5602 4 C. Bruce 55~ i75i 4 J. Meurs ,------- 5537 4 Pj. Ogdeui., - ----------- 5323 4 iB. W îi uî -.------ 5169 3 GAMES OVER 200 JM eurs.------------ 279-243 ,K. Raiston 249- --------205 N. van Alubema 2 55 'ýM. Trimble -----246 J.MeLean------ --- 239 F. Dykstra-- 226-207 P. Ogden ------ -235 B. Nimigen -- --- - 222 P. Devos - ---- - 214 L, 'Burgess ----- -- 208 C. Brc -- -204 A. Pleitect-------201 Tlop 10 AVERANGES ý,ir-s --232 CBruce, ------- - 210 F. Pykst ra ---- - 207 tK. Raisten - -- --------.202 s#. Nimnigea-----201 .Wilbur ---------- » 199 B, -piper 199 ID. ---- - 191 P.31 Verîyse- - 191 MIEDMAJOR' BOWLING January 10, 19)72 tAVERAGES D1oris Joli ----------------- 247 Lnîry Piper ------ 244 Gord Simpson - --- --242 tMaurice Annaert 240 Albuert Saman .___ 235 P oss Wright- --237 Nyh1 Sheehan 232 Pe-ggy limynes ~--232 (Russ Hately ---- -225 LOhie Patfield 222 rMurray Calan ---220 rJim Bruton 217 Ro aye --216 Ron Burgess 213 s.av McNuty -..212 - Bernîcê Budey, --- 211 Lînda Crossey 211 ýf Pete Pobluins 210 e Jack Phalen --- ----207 -John Luffmaa ----- --- ---206 ~Roman Opoka --- - 205 F Hooerslweler man-GeogeStanko"' pickc'-d up fiv tained their slim nepon pinsapir'ce, withi Bill Ro margýin oveýr Coroýnation Cfebuac etting a pair ani in- lieMes TwnBasctallBranStainton a single poini Lea,gey as botiteais'on Ïl the nightcap, Ken's mad Tuesda «nihtath Bo-i clonse 'or the first haîf, trail manville îh eolg ym'p- ng 18-14,butlathe t1km nasiumn. quarr Coronation out-scer Hoopeî's dcfeatedc Steph-en cd the tail-enders 12-1 to pu Fuels 29-26, while Ken's Mfen'"s it eut of1 reach. Wear wcîe maintaining t icir P' ennis Fo-ret led the nightb winless record, this tue les-1scerers, with a 20 peint 'per ing te Coronatien 42-20. formance. Guy Parks an In the epýeer, Hoe' Ken Kelly each gariere trailed 17-15 aI lje hî but eight peints, witb Temm camre on te take a 23-19' lead Simpson ci ,olecting four an ea in o iefinal qat-BhWihliamns twe. er, Haîold Balakofsky scoî-ec performance, firing16pitcas.Fak Mha n te lcad leJeeths ce ae TIli1 added six apieci Boivin coilece(d ainle andIO Team Stanmdings Bill Burgess fouir. W L Ti Pt Don MaciDonald H wstir Hopr iinkSteve cBiygmaadConale C a --e - 7------- Phoneo 9874213 IMuicAnar- ---766 t ________ __ _-__-_---__----Lary-Piper - - 'Î51 Doris JoIli 29i ÂIGo d jSinpson ----------- 72 31 N D P W omen , Jack 1McNtyv-- --- - ------ 707 N DP vvomen yh hean 30------702 Plan M eeting Nyhi Sheehan - 322 O n Policies Berice Buday -- -216 The members ef the Pur- Romnan Opoka .------284 ham N.D.P. Wemea's Organ- Lýarry Pper)cý - - -- ---- 283-2721 ization will holci a policy dis-1 27 cussion et their next meet 7 ing te be>held at tic home et Jîm Murphy )----23 !Mrs. Mari. Hill, Hampton, o auieAnnaert 269-262 March 131h., Eaci eierBnyWisn- 262 will r'eport orn the N,D. stand ý PeggY Haynes 2)61 on) certain issues at tic-e et- LoIn Wright -2 57 -2I5 7 ing. Documnents and leafîcîs IGord Simipson- ..-25 were osde ut at liie Janui-,Alet Saman------ 25 a101h meeting hcld aitlthe Pet Anar".73 hILtoeetM. Tcrry St. Piejrre, Tic mcwere eut for 1peintsl Bowmanville. Ion Mondai"y ceigas ithey There will be a panel dis- overpowcred ie womea 2-1 in cussion on drug s et an open over 700 triples. auic n-j meeting ta be h e d on April naert, the rawedMyrof lti, pessibly in Bowman- Orone (laBwln Circles) ville. Il is hoped le have a spent mnuci timie on bIis kniees doctor, e teacher and a stu- fer a total of 766 for Higi dent on lie pael. Triple. Bowmanvwlle's One andý A penny sale wil be hcld Only Lary Piper 751. Oui la Hampton in April and an Higi Aver'age bowler Doris open meeting on pollution Jli729, Painting and Peccor- will be ield la May. The ating expert Gord Simpson group hopes te attend an ev- .723. McNulty's Sportsman -: ening session ef Parliament Jack - 707. Last but net least la May, alse. Nyhl Sheehan 702 wiichinl- cluded High Single et 322. Tic tram standings are as PONTYPOOL follows:' Wright --- ------------- 6 6420 Mr, Kenneth Keene has been Joli ---- -- - --- - ------ 5 6381 e patient in Peterborough Civic Crosse y -5 6138 Hosptal fer thc paslt wTo Sutelifi e- 3 6344 weeks. Haynes ----------------- 3 6074 Mi. and Mis. Ray Brown, Vandenberg 3 5892 Mr. and Mis. Martin Pwyer Patfield -----------. 3 60-12 and Mi. and Mis. Verdun Annaert Pen.----2 6023 Lethangue ail returned ioeFie -------- 261 on .Saturday trem vacationsFaircy - ----------2 6018 spent in Florida. Budtnay -- ----- 2 5972 Miss Dale Hyland, Kingston Butlnaw . 2 15678 and Mi. Larry Piicoa, Buck- AnctPli53 hein, spent lie weekend with Palc's mother, Wilmna, aad i ç f amily. I Mr. and Mîs. Robbi'E Porte 6477 6193 5730 5507 6116 6268 5992 5898 Breome Ful --~..4 3 1 91 Recreatin Nws lPre-.SclolcrisLeara te Skate1 There ils a pîc-scbeeicersý leara le skate pîogram cvery Moaday aftLeneon froni 2:00 te 3:30 p.m. ad lic Bowmani ville Memorial Arena. New Hig trple: Rn Boom memo -rs are wercomeA 111-e j72S, D. Wood 725. fee is only 75e per lesson. BAverages Baton Registration for the P.D Taylor 258, P. Wood 256, winter Term 4K. McGiUl 233, L, Coombes j 2229, Ron Broome 20 R. Laird There will bce-a registration 2216, J..Luffman 2, (J,. Slemn- for those who wish to take 3on 214, C. Goodman 213, P. Baton lessons. The Registra- 8Reynolds 212, C. Milis 2,10, Ray tions will be held on Wednes- 2Davey 209, Ron, Avery 2o6, day, Jan. l9th and 2,6th at theý 8J.* Cock-well 201, R. Bowers Lions Centre from 4:30 to 6:301 0200- _ Pa.___ ___ A nn ouncemenf.. wish to thank ail those who have support- ed theîr business in Orono during the past 10 years. This suvpport is greaitly appreciafeci. Our lasi day for baking q I be Wednesday, January 26th. We wiIIb. open, however, for the sale- of haking until Frîiday, January 28th, 6:.00 p,mi. MR. and MRS. HANK VANDERBRINK HANK'S BÂER OU0ON0 À e - e - g S ALL MRES SROW1N IN 1H15 AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIýVE THROUGHISTIDY JAN. 2, 1972. JANE PARKER (SAVE 17c) JANE PARKER <(WY 23-- SAVE 47e) SPANISH BAR CAKE 319-z cakes 100 4 KJ Akgsof 1 32c0 B A NA S ONLY TOP GRADE SOLD AT A7 ONTApio. 1E DEU IOUN.iGADE, SMALL, ApLES 3-6bcello 1alg49 Red Brand Steer eef EXCLLNTFOR BRAMISIG BONELESS SHOULDER CUIS LB 89< SUPER ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s RIFpiATYmeCE X RN PORK PORK LIVER LB < AUSGE1-L WAY e SUPERRIGH QIJATY, ARY MILIS PORK SIDE SMOKED ,2-V SPARE RIBS àB INR A A 7 SIýDE 5FE CHIC KE zllfl De grg71ýenI (5 ffývtm;."q ipk) J\ Plus Dep oi t,, "p Rural Bowlinqg January 111lh Team 'Standings TOMATO SAUCE, VEGETARIAN, BOSTON It9 FL-OZ TINS8 19-: --OZ TINS8 A&P, SOFT RINSE PLASTIC BOTTI, ANN PAGE FABRIC SOMTMER 3 32-fi-oz 1.(00 TOMATO ETCHU 25-fi,,u bti 5 3-PLY, WHITE, PINK, BLUE, YELOW, QUEENSBURY CI4OICE QUAMTY, GREEN OR VWAX TOIL E ISSUE pkg of 4 relis 69c A&P BEANS 419f i rs79%. LIQUID JAVEL CHOCE UAmLITYCREAM STYULE A& LEC 4-f-ai piatîC Container 39 zA&P CORN 2llî 19-fiez7 fins49 GIANT SIZE GROUND TO ORDER 1-LeBG $,9 SALC NEJR 42-ar etos 1.0î 0 8 qO'CLOCK COFFEE 1l bg6 9 CAKEDON',UTS SHOGRKT RIB ROASI BOE N PTROAST lb JANE PARKER BREAD Sliced, Cracketl Whf, 60% Whole W4i*îst. 1 OM% Who 24'-01 LBUT 4 -- SAVE 4 DAD>S COOKIES O,*mgaI (Banded De.IJ 2 8-oz Afl pkgs A&P TOOTHPASTJ~ IA&P IySizeTUPhTý 7 49*J!îg, ý, eý -4% U,.g ru R én & FIÉ, et 90k 0% Î 1 Sotina ---- ------ -- 4 Ili-C's ---- ----- -, 4 Rus's Sunoco --- - Dominion Stores 4 Enaiskillîca--.- Maple Gîovc --------2 Salern --------- Tyrone1 H-igi siagl, Boa 326. .mi" IThe Canadien St-aesman, Rowmaý-nvillle- oen-19.17 I Newtonville-Stark<ville League Thursday, January 13 Trîm 257, Olive Hen(dersonûï Averages 244-219, Pal Milîson 241, J-7ce e Gail Milison 193, Porolhy Stacey 240-217, N a d i ine Stark 193, Doris Tompkins Trimble 227, Elaîne Marchant .1 191, Elaine Marchant 187. 215, Peggy Milîson 205. tJoyce' Stacey 184, Marie'Trim, . Games Won .e 182, Olive Henderson 179, Cocky Corduroys 29 -ý Berniece Henderson 174, Pat Daring Denis 29 SMilîson 171, Norma Macînais Boobie Berlaps - - 2 -167, Shirley Marteli 167, Pale Tubby Tweeds .23 *t'.Foran 165, Nadine Trimnble __________ 163, Peggy Milîson 160, Lynda ] O ~Willsher 156, Cathy Lambert YELVERTON 156, Shirley Ligitbourne 145, ýd Karen Milîson 136. Tic infant sn f ,Ï Higi single, Cathy Lam- Mrs. BîBl]y Ga sepce bert 266; high triple, Joyce home fîom the Hospîta fo ,-d Stacey 639; higli average, Sick Childrienlis wec. Im Dorothy Stark, Gail Milîson provcd healti as wv; teMs 193. 0 ae Mabel Rowan and MN'rs.Jae Z0 ae Mackie, both of whom are> Cathy Lambert 266, Marie in poor health. BEEF

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