12 Tise Canadian Statesro~n, Bowmanvilla, ,Tan. 19, 197 H PT Callens basf Tuesday wetb Brookham, Oshawa. Satun- Mn. and Mci, A. W. Pnescott day aiternanu visitons wîtl sud Mn. Alyrnen Pneccott wene Mn. sud Mcc. William Hol Mc. and Mn. Edeen Pîeccntt novd. Joanne sud Judy anc sud Mci, Donald Preccoti, Mn. Doris Hoîrnyci, Bawman Brookien. Sunday su p p e n suis, sud Saturday evenin~ guesti at the A. W Pceseott's visitons at Mn, sud Mci. Haw ~vene Mn. sud Mcc. John Car ard Hopsou~s, Zion. "Tht rigan aud Dnug, Oshawa, sud Countrysenes' Miss Lynetti Mc. aud Mn Jacob Kesîler, Hoînnyci sud Mn. Lanry Stouf An~y sud Aliced, Boit on. enbucg aloug wîfb fLic Jîm Sunday dînuer gucîts weth mv Hopson trio "The Sun Mr~. A. L. Blanchard were chine Sam" will be appeanin~ Mr. sud Mci. John Wcin, Osha- ou the Bowmsuvelle Countr' wa. sud Western Jamboree, Sun Saturday evenîug supper day Jan. 23cd. guesti wîth Mn. and Mci. Mn. sud Mci. Les Hunt arn Peccy Dewell sud famiiy were iamîly speut the weekenc Mn. Alf Dewell sud Mecs Ruby visîfiug wîth Mc. sud Mcc Dewell, Bowmauvîlle, Mn. sud Glcîî Kavenaugh ni Escex Mn. Doug Ferguson sud Visit'ng thîs week wîth Mn Chnîstine, Newcaîtlc. Mn aud sud Mci, Les Hunt sud fsm Mci. Percy Dewell sud Mis ily is Mci. Hecb Rusaw a Canolyn Dewell wenc gueits Norwood. au Sunday wif h Mn. sud Mcc. Mn, sud Mi RaînLi ~al kyce Bnown, Oshai. 5 lard sud iamîly were Sunda~ Mn. sud Mci. Fred Hoirnyci supper gucîts with Mn. arn sud Miss Lyneff c Holnoyd Mn. Marvîn Appelfon anc were Friday evenîng vîsetors iamuly, Scugng Islauci. with Mn. sud Mcc. Amos Mn. sud Mcc. Dnug Rentnî ABERNETHY'S STORE WIDE Vialipa pers INCLIJDING ALL 1972 WALLPAPERS sud VINYLS MANY PAPERS UN STOCK FROM AS LOW AS 7 c single roli SAVE 2O~~ ON ALL Paints> Brushes and Rollers MOORTONE SEMI GLOSS - - - LATEX - - - 5. gai, CFIARGEX? - YES ABERNETHY'S~AiNTsand ALLPAPERS 55 KING ST. W. PHONE 623-5431 v r Nof in Person As we move into a new building an good=bye to tii. aid building by induding îi and reminiscences as we cati collect. We h will be tii. problem. What do you remember permission. We want ail kinds of memories or hated, cf friends and activities, cf funn~ your memory, se dig it eut! DiD YOU GO TO BHS? j Yes DO YOU REA If the answer is YES t questions - continue e e E Do You Remember the friends - the sports the activities - the fun the studies - the teachei or cmnything of The Scr FOR UTS 1971-72 EDUTU4 PLEASE SEND TO: 2 who hitend ta dîsburae the funda over five mai or proj ecte. Four New Girl Guides and Their Leaders Jobs Created aspecialpaiiitrngprogram, Nuis men wilJ ha hireci ~ot and ground work; two For inter Works ~ers for _______ I îng I An p t-oatpri i!~ 1i~ 'viii men wîll be hired for a trans.. OnhluAhx b created îvith the implemen- portatino survey; and four tahon of the Pi ovincial-Muni- Liii cd for a survey and sort~ DR. ANDREW W. HARDING ripai Incentîves Program by ing of iecords of former A 44-year veteran of the the Nortbumbeîland aod Dur- Boards and a survey of enro1~ medîcal profession în Osbawa, h m County Board of Educa- menti Dr. Andrew W. Hardîng. <'lied hon, the Boaî ci discloard at its Peesonnel are obtained suddeniy at Oshawa Ceneral inaugural me tîng last Thurs- througb Canada Manpower Hospital Monday. Dec 20, 1971 day at Cobouîg Contres. The program is part at the age of 73. A ~ of ~2855 of a joint provincial-faderai niake-work sehenie to a11evî~ ~ <~, Fesiding at 73~ Sirocos St allocateci to the County Board ate unempinyn-isot thi ivinter, N., Dr. Hardîng va in active practice until the tîme of bis deaib. 1-le wa. bora May 1, 1698, in Carlingiord, Oîitaîiu, dfld was the son of the late Mich- ael anci Anna Harding. He marrîedon Aprîl 9, 1927 in Flint, Miebigan and resîdeci b Osbawa for 44 years Hie wife, the former Jeannette K. Butenscboen, dieci Dec, 2. 1939. j Dr. Hardîng practîced mcdi- cens for a total ni 47 year~. He was a member of Simcoe FOR iMMEDIATE DELIVERY Street Uniteci Church anci was on the officiai board of the eburcb. Dr I-lardîng was a menibcr of tb" Osbawa Curling Club, the Osbawa Lawn Bowling Club, anci the Osbawa Horti- Pictured above after tlieir enrolment into Guides, Heard and on the f ar rîght, Lieutenant Pearce and cultural Society from He serveci on the board of [rom the left: Cheryl Mimer, Michelle Moore, Lynu Junior Leader Sandra McKnight. the World Missions 10 the Laskaris ard Lori Ford. On the f ar lef t isCaptain -~ - -~ McRobbîe Photo iJoîteci Cburch of Canada. ______________________ ________________ ___ __________ _______ lie was a lue member of were gueste 1~st Wednesday Vhs O~hnwa General Hospital medical staff, a member of fLic LARGEST SELECTION EVER with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rn y- Ontanin Medical Association an, Tyrone. *'U W M and the Canadian Medical As- Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Clen-î- sociation, anci a certifieci eye, ens, Brent and Brad were Mr and Mn. Harolci Cas- attend cd the funcral of Ibe haci leit the famîly membens sar, nose and throat specialiet. USED supper guesîs last Sunday iveli ni Port Hope were enter- late Mn. Horace Gibbs, Satur- gaîhereci at the borne 0f Mn. Dr. Harding is sunvived by with Mr. anci Mns. E. Wright tained at a dinner at fLic Golci- day aiternoon at the Arm- and Mns, Phil Gilmen where three brothers, George of COMPLETELY RECONDITIONF.D and Betty, Enniskîllen. en Mîller Restaurant lait Wed- stnong Funenal Home, Osha- they presenteci the guesta 0f Canlîngiord, Edwin of Kitclie- Monday evening visitons1 nesday evening by members iva. bonor with a beautiful 400- ner and Fnank ni Willowdale. 100% GUARANTEED wîtb Mr. and Mns. Fred Hol- ni t royd anci family were Mn. and ni heir family, in cecognitioci 'Looking toward the future" day dock, and a substantial Funsial service was belci their 45tb Wsdding Anni- was the theme chosen by cheus, foilowing wbich ail sat Dcc. 23cd. Interment Mn. Bruce Caenns, Oshawa. versary, Present, besides th~ Rex' T. J, Sn'Mginve for bis down to a sumptuous repaît. Lawn Cemetery. at Mount Mr. William Hoiroyd was a er and wîf e, Mn. anci Mcc. stressîng tb~ need for an in- ivere neceiveci from grams~ Sunday supper guest ni Mc giiesti of bonon w'ere bis bnotb- Sunday mnrning sermon, Congratulatony t e 1 e ev. Ailan Lavis ni Simcoe and Mrs. William Miles and Ellswortb Caswell, Mn, and centiveŽ at fîmes f0 ~iV5 US Ministcî Trudcau, Goveinor ccl Miss T~rny Miles ni Oshawa. Mci. Bnian Caswell and fam cou 'age to face oun daily General sud Mn. Michenen, We ail can't be a President I can't ail play Hamlef, can't alI ily, Mc. and Mcc. Lucien Lam- problema as well as whaf lies Provincial Premier Wm. Davis, Palîbearens wene Mn. Stew- buîld the Taj Mahal But bien ni Orono, Mn. anci Mi's aheaci anci hope, combined Hon. Robent Stanfield anci Mn. ait Alger, Dr. J. F. Bnock, Mn each and everynne ni Robent Bnice and family. Mr. witLi trust in God, can really and Mcc. Alcx Carnuthens, as Robert Mercer, Mc. Wiifned BASELINE ROAD - AJAX make someone happy. ~ and Mn. Kcîth Caswell anci sustain us. The choir sang well as oven 100 candi fnom Alexander, ail ni Oshawa and lii es fineit achievement Many iamily ni Port Hope. ;'Sîy Best Jesus". fniendi neas and fan, whîcb two nepbews, Dr Austin Hard- booki 1~av~ heen wnitrn ~-< Thene wene 15 tables in p1a~ I (alleis wifh Mis. Agnes wcne ail very much appreci- îng and Dr. Walfer Harding of~ PIIONE 942-1881 the subject. A emîle, a kind at the card party Fniday 5i'5fl~ Bunley Sunday, included Mn, ated.__________ Preston, word on a belpîng hand - ~t îng in Community Hall, with acîci 'Vins. Clint on Bunley, coîts the giver nothing and the followîng winnecs: higLi Newrastle; Mc, anci Mn. Bell if ynu spnead cnnugh lappi- lady, Mn, Mien Adegesît of Clark, lVlirha I and Lnni-Ann, nese annunci anme ni it~ ~î Orono; low lady, Manie Coui- the latter family being suppen bound f0 rub off on you. 50 oux; hîgh man, liaymond guesîs wîfh Mn. anci Mn. Don untîl next week - Rememben, Bruce; Iow man, Doug Overy; Vinkîs Laughter i. the Beit Medi- 50-50 Draw, Diane Patnidge of Mn. aod Mci. L. Debmit cens. Bye nnw - 268-2985. Onono, werc nipper gusîts in Osha- - --~- j Mn anci Mca, Wallace wa, Sunday, wîth Mn, and Mn. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Boughen were among those 1h11 Fowlen and i amily, help- WEEKLY REPORT attending the annuai Shoîil- ing celebrate Debbie'i and Wcek ni Jan. 10-16 inclus dire Banquet and enfentaîn- Frcddie's birfhdays. Admi~sions ment in Toronfo, Safurday Binthi -1 mals, I female 2 lait. Debbic MacDonald of Ty- îone wa. a vesitor with Cindy Discbarges 74 Mii. Myctie Baiksi ni Prh Bnown over Sunday. Major openations I 16 enbnnnugh spent fLic weeksnd Mînor oponations 24 bers with ber brother, Mn. R. I Mc and Mci. John Caclaw Emengency tneatments 198 Bruce. ni Warkwonfb weî's Sunday . p. p. p. p. Vîsîteng houri 3-8 p.m. daily Mc. anci Mrs. Keiî Fletcheî' callens wîtb Mci. Bea Joncs. ____________ Mn. Trueman Hendenson and Mcc. Bea Joncs aftended C.W. exacutive meeting atEbenezer Church on Mon- Approximately 201) fnienda, 'i nrlatives and neighbouns ai- tended the reception in the Sunday Scbool Hall, Sunday affecci non, annanged by the family ni Mn, and Mci, Frank III Vil Gilmen, ta celebrate their *UM Jj~~IJ Golden Wedding Annivansary. MM Receivîng with the latter wene MMM their ions and thein wives: Laucence and Margaret ni Shirley ni Tononto, Jim anci The deluxe mattresswithSimmonsquaiity C O N C O R D Tonawanda, Raymond and (illustratad below) Docothy, Port Hope, and Phil construction. anci Carolyn banc in Newton- 405 Adlusto..Rest* colis to give your spine the protection ville, The six gcandsons and thnee gnanddaughfens helpcd and your body the comfort that it needs. Luxurjous look aiter the gucîfs' mats, bonded-to-foam Micro~.QuiIt* cover with Nylon. etc., the entnies Lu the gucît book, and with îerving ne- Our iop qualety budget mattres~ icesbments. Thnsc "pnuring" SPECIAL Sernil in faille cover~ SALE PRICES 312 strong *5 tables were nieces Elva os- Adjusto-Rest Coils. - ira IVI~iif'ii#v bonne, Lena Graham. Inca 4' - 6" or anci fcîends Bea Jones and IKI ~ ~ ~i'~wr ~ ULIi iii DVE~N5D~DJ Symons and Laurna Whiffak- TW.~ ~ rui~ ~IL~ ~ an expanded curriculum, we wish ta say Mary Joncs. Aifer the guesti Mattreas or Mattreas or Mattress and - ~" ~ $69~~~ n year's Box Spring Box Spring Box Spring tliis Screech Owl as many anecdotes SOLINA - or - ope ta have se many that choosing among them Mn. rîd Mci. Lanny Welsh, '~'~ ~ ~' Q 95 $ IR ? Yeur name wilI nat be used unless you give Bo\vmanvîlle, wcne Sunday j ~ UNIT $1 35.00 stîppen guesti wîth Mn. a. d r - cf games won and lest, cf studies loved Mn. Tom Baker and fami]y. r, dramatic and sad events. It's ail uer. in Mess Pst Whitlork. Miss Gellian Rogers snd Mc. Gon- ~ don Hîgbland, Toronto, werc ~ ~ I Sundsy dinner gueits af the.....................~ ... . ..-i ~. .:. Hanvey Yellnwlces home, Mn. and Mc,. Grant Down O nd iamily, Sunderland. were Suuday visitons wîth Mn. sud ,,~ ~ ~ ...................h~. ~' AEMBER THOSE DAYS? ~ Yes ~ No Mns. John Knox . ~ .~. .....~ :5~n~i&~*~. Mn ared Mis. Evenett Cnyd- a~0 . ~-~-'*', ...is~~.S~x*.s.. enman visîteci on Sundav witb iî~5.. Mn, sud Mci. Gen. Bitncr, ..~ ~.~ ~ ~ .~....., Osbawa, . o 'the above Cpi sud Mn, Glîbeif Tapp ~ x~l'5~ii famîly anci Mn. and Mci. R. Fraser visif cd. wîfh Mn. anci Mnc. Sf anlev Long and famuiy, Pont Credif. Mc. and Mn. Chas. Lang- maici. Sally anci Faye visiteci on Sunday wif h Mcc. Dora Norton and Mn. sud Mn, Ev- enson No ton, Mankham, Mi~, anci Mci. Russeli Vice wene supper gucîfs Thunsdav evcning wi+h Mn, spd Mrs. Venu Powell, Columbus. Mc and Mn. Wesley Yel- lowleea vi et cd on Sunday wîth Mn, sud Mn. Roy Grills, Valoutia. Mn, anci Mrs. Rosi Kassata, f Sheil'- nd Kevin werc wsek- sud tisitons with Mn. sud Mci, J Chas. Fsurhuk, Puslinch. And what a gift this bcd is! Conipiete Mn. and Mn. N. Grills, Can- nînglon, wene supper guesîs sleeping unit... niattress with Adjusto- ~ ~ c .~ Wcduesday night wîfh Mn, Reit Coi!s, matcl~ing box spring and ~. .~, ard Mn, Ralph Davis. Mc and Mrs. Wcs Ycllow- legs. Choice of headboards (çxtra). ~ech lees, Mcc. Jos Suowden snd Size 3' 3" Miss Pesni Leach atfended the Golden Weddeng Anni- SPECIAL I n ensary ai Mn. sud Mn Rus- sel1 Robbins, Bowmanville, on SALE - BEFORE FEB. 14'th Sa~d~d panty at the bail PRICE nu Fnîday uight had 13 tables 0f cuchre sud two ai Loît Her'~, reiultîng cu: hîgh lady, MEMORIES su bne, Mn. Wes HuIs; Bowmanvilie High Seheol h'ghuianeuheMn. ~g Thîs year enjoy the gît t o! s1eep~ ilîrs Bruce Monfgomcry and Gany Ps cos. lu Lait Hein, high lady, Miss mens Gleunia; ~ hîgh man, Rau Smîthson sud * concolafeon pnezes, Sheila FURNITURE LTD~ Smîtb on sud Donald Smith, SIMMONS The prias for the mou loue KiN G STREET EAST BOWMAN VILLE hanudi, Mci. W. Yellowlees.