W'tneses1 TheOrono Ne ws anMs.RraiGmet C cci borneon Fi'hdy afIt Mr . MOrs, nGray of Cadu.teRbks Ï)al f rIanvrar fM.a aprnin atMr.wib Mr. and IVrs. Jim Idl-tre iarpeet loEFusilRbiso atra eîvh~ în.ss f i a riri Mx'. l3nce J. Éerre'ton xisited Mr. andMr.Rghrewlbepcilmievnngi owavle 'tBwanvl raae eni .13htrJeanectte Lyýno Ieari and son Larry, Bw c ilieueavioii Ms JaieB os fin akingprparations forithe a4 Bracb"idge.manvi11e, on Wednesday o)f P a, tio (of lad fifom w r hma ignToronto si anucon venti;on whichl Mrard Ms.Dogi i: lit ee. oca Ldg and perhp an- spent the weekend with ber will be held in Peterborough, of \Vntby sent Saturday Mesr,. Ia arw setohrnumber if it (,an be ar- parents, Mr. and Ms.Dc)jon a A.y2 o23i ranaged. rra ngements are Brooks, and hrbohrR-Toa .SeatScn- wctn brprnt Mr. and Mir. Sunday with Mrs. Ferry, Far-e rhrT,-a1 SIol Lawern Haris and sOn," row, Mr. and Mrs. Brooobigmaeb Mrs. Ed, bert. ie r,îe ol (Olve)Mîhsonof Orono, Dia- 7Remembere Con geegt i ona Te rorm ,eids1 Chprls, ofthe Frrow R.R.1, Netonvi1ý1.tricthDeur1.0f i-nstruýction] on tise Doula.ard Carlsor.o arrow, R. i wtnvil !-t eiet. meig nStedyee ingpplication of Bible principles i Eig'l't ue.f.an rra Ihî Joianusy 29th, at 7:'10 .M ..ln infmiyie.nadto, Me11d n oI.Ruho-and 'Nancy Lee of Oshawa the C E. Hall.jfor wo bours eIchadayitine fa ~o jstrlc teM.setSna ibM.aiAMs Katharine MGik eeae will engage inral \ ~hhigto Adms f Lke-Mrs. Len'Pears and Alan iffOUfC oetg olgKtceeigfo os-ohue e. shre Nwasle\wol' aMS. A. Sannard of Toronto, a- patint n te Meoria Ra - i vitînig ber istevr -nd bro- < sen t- ee.n wt le n h esg fteco pia.Bowavle hrl-aM.ad s l <~I parents, Mr. and rs.Tomvetion directly ta(iepol Mr ad rs l-Re uls fMcGuirk adistfer B ar.oePfeteriboroutghi. Mrint1i r.GroFoe mont M. Bullock and famiiy.i.1' vaittiMe ndMr. amsMr ed1es rue . -er *Me. and Ms.Don Brook ý One featiureMoftisie conven-ý Air. ad MrsBrucT . Mer-attended a birtfclay party on tinlwihi be peacticai emn Fower asn s Crai, Marker and daughtee Jeanette oXI%/VY im Tests J Satueday evening for bis bro- 'stration53 on, oi !("taprevent ïa- ant Tevr fRmpn on: Braýcebridg(e spent the weenk-1 eut fRdCosSi ther, Mr. John Brook,D cmuncto gap in thr,1e Afiniffliv nc] otrait, 9,hicbeiwas hltidoftRd CrossiSy. Monda eveing.en of Jran. 9th wîth Tests held ,at i ne Ridge t t hc a hl t fii,.Paýrents whibe sbown, Me.Mre Brooks ofFe-prents, Mr. andoolMrnd Ge borne of bis brother andi wife, bow ta involve their youingl ton ~ ~ ~ e Ba eund oeotrDunpe nt- aniM rs, w. DScol Poolanti FlyingMr. anti Mrs. Artbur Brooks,. spending a eakdvisitig re-MBddle-M 1971. Bowmanville. ~ry atesanti friends and was M.t Mr..JmMdde 91 Mr. aad Mrs. Fred Wright L a oue uctof beý_r bohr ton were recent vis itors of Pre-Bogfinner: Anne Snoek, wer Wenesay.Lf aVtwBe IVI. Cas.V.Cooper -m _Anti rs. Me. and Mrs. Bimer Mitdile- Iris Muray, Sharon Buttery, vsitre esdit ber sst e n heYlero n d Cpe.ton and dauigliterF, Oshawa. Joy Goemnans, Ursuia la' ieit , Mihe. an ti riif Mes.,,ro1 ni d iMrîad . Hora( Be, Mr. anti Mes. LamneAtkin- a aiatlk ats were aong tse reative son, C. Doglas tklnsnjkoi, Mary Coyle, Aie Col- Shir,,Npwmra-ket. Mr Leslie igwsbl nFia vp Jý-tram the Ornio ditrit woIM aodMr$. Bob HUitem;ýaf<welGrtaKommaer p< r, bolaweingnerin oin g the cu_ýstomary ait,1endtthe 5fltb edigWaibMr. ad Mes. ichadVnduethrbrdshwtb tem. pot îucul tpper M.Gecralti Anirsryof "Me. andiMr.Salnfeet of Oshawa, Me. ani egnnr:Jenste Ha Hfstetter presýidet i wth Mes. rck, Sandra Hudson, FeeidTdBuonatgasec- Frn l rof Newovil rs. Len jobnson of Faeýry BOS-,la 1Hnmmy VantierGaasýt, Ae Lxo, rt sgre oSundaf.ren onM.adMs Jui Ellen Liviýng, Mena Martîn, Announce Tvvo tary. The various reports Mes. W il, H.Robhinson, Me. Îol"15ot,n an family eftPFaer- Marie e, Chrýistînca Stof- (financial a nd otberwlse) pHnd Mes. Elmer H îogg and1borough weee among tise ce- fers, Daid Hadgou 1sonDyd1Fý were peesenteti by tbe churcis Kevin--Fpe1t Su1-day ýwith .Mr,.cent \viiors of Mr., andiMrs. Chathan, Bihly Vanrgas, eu ritreasurer, U.C.W., cemetery, and Mes Arnei1 MithellaI Jamjes L. Johnson, HilîcrestJessie Masteet, Sirley Henry, manse, etc. Bohievilie antUýi thele b ouiseLaine. Pat Mset Judy Hall, Necr- The Nominating report for guestfor'tse at tbre Me anti Mes. Carmien Cor- me Moffatt, Lam tkn For Recreatîon 172 as presenteti by thse Ses- week, Ma. iibert Moncrief nisisi andi family attendat tha Valerie Frew, Lynn Barter, sien was arcepted as follows: of Peeboogh Ith Weddting Anniversary of 1Leah Frew, Tina Fetidems, Nortbumberlantid Durham Elders, Ocam Moore, Ted Me.l and Mes. Reg. Sutton, Mr. and Mes. Frank Gilmer atiMarion Brooks. ýM.F. Russell C. Honey today Spenreîey, Harvey Malcolma;1 Me.HaseaiCeatiiîn, Me. Newtonvilla on Sunday aftee-i Junior: Albert Vantieegaast,lannounceti tishe appeoval ot. Stewards, Fred Stacrey, Jim atMe.Ca.Taylo!r wereepaon.-1 Trix Vandeegaast, Sharon1two eea grants te thse Gray, Ralpis Pfob, Balfour am-ong thoý friends who visit- Mrs. Eva Bullock 'Butler, Kennedy, Sidney Reinsma,iWarkworth Winter Recreation Moore, Floydi Stinson, Law- c'd tie, Mc-Dermott-Fanabacl age 87, widowT of the late BertýLueille West, Aly Kobes, Service anti the Janetville Rea rence 'Staples, Clarence Page, ake 'Ri ýp niýqfêro rJaneta Kobes, Sally Hozema,1 creation Hall Committce. Ra oisnadDvd ïe uneras Home, Por sFo-erry, 50 , , ter aiMadili, Ninair Jaýmes (Lihiien) Fowlec of Matielne ail in Oýhaviý nd M. Ulont ntermediate: JoAnne Bulflock of Orono, passed away Donald. a t St. Joseph's Hospital, Pet- SeirGaiCvr. $ . à erbo)rougli, on December 13, Senior:___ai 1971. Funeral was trom Tise Kaye Funeral Home. Inter ment in Lakofieîd Cemetory. -jMAP LE GfluVE Mr. and Mes. Lamne Eowinsi are enjoying a hol iday inu U.C.W. meetinag will be Foeida. Thusday evening (taci Me. anti Mes. Cecii Jonini the C. E. Hall atil8 celebrateti their 40tb Wedinig Slîte prosentation by Me. - i - Annivorsaey on S a t uertd a y .A.* Dancy et Oshàw; S January 151h, at the 1.0.0.F. Queber City, Eveeyone, 70UG Ky ~ê MORE Hall where tbey receivet fri- coe emn wihl aiso bo ATTNTiN 0 7C - e natirltie.Congraqtu-rine ~' $4N T4Ep~' i lat iOws. AMe.aniMs Grant SI LOT t4OEJItfEI IT!) h li thir meetjingniWaýd- nwinaniMeî, 33biS - . - - ne:dayv, Januacv 2t he te-,ien onSunday. bornaent Mes. Earl B. Duivail. MViss M1\arinSowin NexI undyOrono Uniteti onýto. viiber cui Va &M Church will wirim e teH. G. Freemiian on at B ,~~~ Hea3therReekbLdg N. IseM, Frecmant in OsI PLMBNG& EATING 334 ()f Orono for their Spec!iali Generol Hospital, wbo Service. Tise guest, speaker sinca retueneti hom. ~ Tron, Otaro wh e Mer. Glen Wannaimaker Me ant i-e. PBob SBarv etFoPr)t Ferry-, Delputy Grand issJudy Ba3.rrabî, M Pif ONE 23260 Matr e ri eniL otge ofT iTmotby Beerabai, Ma S Onýtaria. Mers. Btty HRobînjsnî Grove, M.ani Mes. Wanf1 fa Save Mriý%ey? andi a véry LnpIeasant job of pumpîng septic tank, at the same time ? THEN BUY CLEAN THE NON POLLUTION PRODUCT For Septic Tanks - Outhouses - Palil- A-Dy SUPPLIE» TO PROVINCIAL PARKS ... for thatitliead to pass every test! cEPT-CLEAN digests paper and other solids, luffered to nullif y causti( cotnsof deegntbeavchos, etc., Systemý, Drains, Tanks and Tule Bedý d(eani l t imois, SEPTO-CLEAN eliiinatos odor on contact, WiIl worl under freezinlg condfitions 4uo to fernientation. We ibsolutely gvarantee ?,gainsýt pumping if system wel cntudd digging for ouithouses. SPECIAL. NOTE to hunters, resort and cottage owners: SEPTO-CLE-AN iïs a'self-fed formula that wMl work during the weeI white you are away. YOIJCAN BUY .SEPO -CLEÂN CLEAN, SA FE, ODORLESS AT YOUR STORES BOWMAN VILLE IGA TOMS & SONS IGA ARMSTRONG IGA Maret Phono 63.7771Phono 987-4627 Poo9350 YOUR SOE LANDER Hardwaire & Electr-ic Bownsaniville Phiono 623'-5774 DY KSTRA'S Food Market Bownanville Phone 623-3541 McGREGOR Hardware Ltd, Bowmaniville Phon-te623-2542 DOMINION STORE Bowxnanville King Street Eaet REID'S HARDWARE Orono Phono) e983?,-538 q7 A& p F000 STORE, Bownsanville King Street East SEPTO u- CLEAN ,CO. 46 Scugo.tg St.,, Bowmanville Phone 623-4145 Maein Bowmanville . .. by theý People of Bowmanville Pla n for ian. 21sf eoelausefil aidbene- preeouathte development of a gen'ee-ation gap). Antislee teatore wiii ho the b'aptism of rnew minîstees by tiseie compleimmerionin 1,'j;te&rC. Tise Wta s ae among isa th astest gerowing ,religions of tishe ti.Du-- ing tise pat toyeare ve 280,000 new mînisters w ece ordinretiat their Dbaptism Tise higihigst oettise as- se-mbly wîll hoe apublic J1er- tue enititleti "Cen You Lîve Fo)rever? Wiil Yau?" Il illI bea dalivared, by Me, W;illiim Veenstra, ýan eider etf Je- hovah's Witnesses witist super- vîsory responsihlities inBEasI- ern Ontario. Attaný,-danre ila expectedti tecach 1200. ERTON IlA speedy convalescence t1 ,Mr. Wiibert Malcolm %whoen tereti Fart Ferry hoif-spital thisý week. Aiso etb Le infant soni of Mr. anti Mes. Bllly Gray,ý wbo is currently in Sirki Childran's Hospital, Toronto.,l Mes. Mabel Howan andi Mes. James Mackie are bath !i poor bealtis anti net showing, murs sign et impeovement. Miss Locrie Hofstetter spentl thse weekenti witb ber brotherl Jeery in Janetvlle and area., Me. Wm. Steele, visitîng in! Canada fram Australia, la eurontly ,stayîng witb tise Art Rowans at Yelverton. STARKVILLE marerte, Mr. and Mrs. Le TeCaiadian tes I3wmný1, a.1, 1172 I ber dagfhte Mrs J Bothme r niof ampto, rvîi well, wa.s In Uxbridge Suniday o o a D cial conil eegtiAiný *ev""'or Locl.Nmarie Mac Kenie f ilhvo 'Mr. J. Rotihwell, JBowmaýn- TeDra onyNwatraedel-gate; Ami Ait.- ville aýt Mr. RIuýSselI savery' Dm ra cParty heldeîc ceson of iFort Ropc tmc reetywhile enorgada tioanreenl and voted in a Gery Otofof R, R. ,B - Of hunting. ntew ýeXecutive. mnildelgtstn regý,ïOIAn WVe dnle Sday avfternOo)n -iast cmîte;Jim preamofn ew- Johln Salan of Tyrone, casti, Sociial conn ýer;Ni f weck the Shiloh ... e a engineer - academicianwhHognofBreoAvn at Mrs, John Layng' h lomýe teaches at Durham College was5 Kîrton o(f Port Hop'e.Aligui for the first meetýing of t.heIelected president and Bihlivnsoe0 omnîl eawith the president M.Sae of Bowmanville, a GM and Ba_ýýrrySnesn fMi. -1. Mý,orrow in chanrge. The lemployee, elected vice-presi- brok,membersat are. ûfficers were lnstalled and a dent. The first meigo h few plans for the year out- Othier memib.rS' of the ex- executivewahedr en1 linied. Fifteen ladies enjoyerd ecuive are: Veronica Opsitm'ikcon January -5th. the afternoon at Mrs. Layng,',lof Manvers, se-cretary; Jim new home, with Mrs. orw rw of BoWmIaivile, treas- expri-f5ing a spec(ial thaýn1k- urr; ran Moffatt (wif e of GET CSETOPAT you for everyone. Nex,,t im-onth party vcandidate. Doug Mo.ffatt) ~ ROG the ladiesi are iýnvjtedt me o ena, Iers-hipsre S T A T E 3MA' at Mrs. Car Todd's hoe. tary; Jon White of R.R.,CLSI XS ~GEORGE'S Men's Wl 42 KING ST. E. B I'G Savinso BOWMANVI LLF O O * Q Snowmobille Accessories ýWaekwoeth la te conduct crm- John.son; Sec.-Treasurer, Mrs Mr. anti Mes. Clarence Mer- Ma'c- h u anit p fag1a,61anti il e atuMs-Rwet ee, , 1 twere -ce- OOTS; Ma-mnt rgasadwhTdBuxton; M. & S. Treas,-f Elr, bethvylla, AI IE peovite tee 1l jobs. urer, MeadMs.Hwr cent dinnor guests wîth Mr. Tise grant et $19,714 te Malcolm-. anti Mrs. Russall Savery. AtOQ IZ Janetville la for ranovetions, Choie Leader anti Organfists, Mes. Morley Robinson visit- te tise reer'eatian ball anti Mrs. Linde Pfobi, Mes. Brentia oti ec dau..t.r,.Me, ..y.AD....... ' construction et a bail park Malcoml Miss Jenisifer Mc- A u s t i i, Wesieyvîlla, last J anti aena. Qi, Mers. Ernestine Robinson, weein. ISeven geants bave naw been andi Me. Ian Page. Sunday From .........9 beltdýapprovet tinter tise fetieral Sciseai.Mes, Tati Buxton anti Me. anti Mes. Siti Railowell iight)lprogeamin the Riding, Me. Mes. bave Jobosonl; Commun- ited Me. anti Mrs. Gardon ~oe p.m.lHeney sait. ion Aiteward, Mes. Balfour RHIlowell, Mount Forest, ce- HelinetsI a on et were tee Victoria Hall in Malcolm; Manse Comitnnitea Mr. anti Mes. C. Hait, Tom-ý wel- Cobourg, Cobourg YM-YWCA, ersnaie r r Rw nO r n rý'Jh rm ..... wel- Alterville Indien Reserve Ho:-eree aieMt r o n, 0Me.1antiesJon rm tary Club 'of Bowmenville an. itone ranothsentSna latr, !andtihte Town etfPort Hope Local ch.urcis members- ofwihtermteMs.F hu.C.te sitewalk construction, tisa ticea charges of Velver- Stone.___________________ lo-.Grants ta date in tise Rit- ton, Jntil adMutMe, and Mes. Beian Caswal iîng amoiunt te $188.000 with Horeb nmay be interastet in anti1a/l3etede afail TOY-i.hOcrtof e 120 jobs. îeaenîng ofthtie change ef pÈa- dinner anti receptlen for bis Mes.ceduce in the United Churcis parents, Me. anti Mes. Hareld i teJ3DGE UIHT N MRK vhih wii ermt M. Graci Casweii, Port Hope, on tise RIhawaO M R af s!.i e rte. iatr. comploccasion of tisir 451h wedding ILONG S-LEEVE Tas TI'rDelington R oa ta et bis last year at unliver .,ity anniversary. lasI week. MOST DENIMPEM PES BudIget tee i971 was $366,28fJ.- Ibis summer anti subsequent Me. anti Mrs. Russell Sav-i EM-RS a ai,09 iReets Stiperiioteianpt Jerk Ordination into tise ministry, ecy were in Oshawa Thuestiayl [est[Dnham etiviset council on te a rapt a "rail" mb tise lest week te sea Me. LawrenraFL RE Jane1ey't, local charge if suris invitation Savemy who hh îaie aPIPAs-et by counicil if thse s extendat (et a samewhat thora. Bi iwas nie oUIsstha bigber stipend of course>. in M. and Ms. $ici allowei1 lAG SLCTO 2 for080O p1i, It la rigist in tise areax mnister was obligedti t ac-1 guests with Me. anti Mes. Jeck ___....._____________ "Ani bsites" h ateti "icrpt a missionlary charge Jtialioweil, Clarke Union. es eigilet suisdy wberevee they faItha wa M'.anti Mrs Ewa oi- needeti .(frequienaiy in West-ona Pent SiLndaiyinOaa.i cen prairie prvc,;wes). The A 'Sundayý supPer guest it OffAEH ILE icilBoard meeting of the! Aiin Totiti was Beverly Cas- s of unadvertisea Ba rgains ELZBTVIL aeville charge i.cseedwl, anti Leslie Caswel xv ett Gardon Hill. Me, W. Ban- iter opened tee services. îe.J. Raijit bat tisa sc- mion anti the communion sec- _1IMI'1il TisTe, choie hati a num- Mbeefor us. On Wetnestay, the Women'sý 4 stituto mot et Mr. anti Mes, Jm RHainson's borne et Garl' tdon Hll witis 17 attending. F ceident Mrs. Ross Beatty pro idot Tise rcll ralwasçaw Tisedategs and t-i i.sa-0 ven.ages brougist hy neW in- -jI dust ries in the erea." Aaiswers - wece mostly, empleymet for 'd brcais, anti tiseiventage, Pol- lotion. Tise ,Minutes weme r rat, by Mca. Gea. Cawker, ai-i approvat. We plan te continue sponsoring aur tes-1C 3 ,gtrchilti. A quilting will be bot in tise basement on Jan. A U AYSV G s Aý The ~senior peojeet ot "Sew-C RR -,wt is ilbaehlers treniing Feb. 1 anti 2.I JIngram r a eatie VE ÀAN ETA10A OES RCEEEANEL SPECIAL r course.Tho giels' 4-H leaderi A ,E I10/o L" EPT P IE E E cleýs was lest week et Orono.MASMR Tise unit is "Sleepweam" anti RESILACRETE PRODUCTS uOC In DE RDRESDENýL OAK" A MR Mes. Ras.sBeatty anti Mes AT TMSREvC 1%BELOWEUlDII Ga Cawkeare tise leaders. OUR REGMLARECSD &CR RCE le F UOU I'IEEMBOSSED REPRODUCTION PREII* We la etalent table et tise NARD SURFACE, EASY CARE WXD"IHE~ r~D !~~tT nxtmeeting. Mes. W, Long- mEXAMPLE: LTL RN AIG~Y. ~ 5 /~ U RVACE i..1 N, yr was tise convenor oft Ag - riculture anti Canain nds-M LOOR PAINT ...2.79 Qt. 9.42 Gai. INSTALL YOURSELF ANYWHERE WARM RW OAK COLOR. tries. Tise motte, was:Tik WALL. PAINT..............7.71 Gei. IN TifE HOME WITHOUT ADHESIVE Caniadien, buy Canadien, anti 3 GaIs. 21.37 12' wide - colors of red, green, brown,4' 8 live gooti Canadien ives. aua o rne Mes. H-T. Quantrili brought a: MOISTURE BAR ......... 3.42 Gai, ntrlo rne report tram tise oxecuive 5,Gais. 15.84 BUY NOWsq d SPECIAL moeeting which sise attendeti - 4 AlW. CA1I - etevr prpit pon _______________________ t Lintdsay. Mes, M. Wbite LAUNDRY TUB KIT... ....... . 19 ANDLI SAVE iact u a very prpinte peti firs t aI : E o to t AN E EV N M R Ready-to-Finilsh DO.T-YORSEL wbil ho orkd etwiN EXTRA 10% SAVING OFF OURSev g FR E EFMIY OM Ejobs. Ho alse tait t EERYDAY OW RIC ONSMOOTH SURFACE PARTICLE R C'OURSE C N IUE teefo a raneiy cempany in. Exig- 4' xc S' SHEETS AR .., IDEAL FOR PAINT O C N IN E and ompredthedît STAIN AND PERFECT FOR ANY SPOT SCODESONAURYZt frent motheda. Ha was ]leter btA insulatioAnJ',ýRY' lid o ff andti ek op bis isai- Syoom Islto IN THE HOUSE FROM WvýORKSHOP AT 7:30 P. ýAT'AI'IUS by wisich la doing very weii. '/",,.,,,,.. xtra SipeciaI 1.03 sht. TO LIVINGROOM. LUMBERiLA ND Ho, treatedtihie ladies witb ¾ or 11/16" thickness in the group samples et candy. Lunch was* ¾/41 ............. Extra Speciai 1.57 sht. ail 113/" wide M servet. Te bt1nie72/2 xta me1 .0 '- i ln a ow .5 vilbe Sunday School was hait lx".................. .. Extra S'peciai 2.07 sht, 49" long ...........as Iow as .62 ea. 17 AEDR 1 ýthree folk singera t.ramFetee- a a o hborougis, wbo sanganti later -2...... Etalpiti41 st 7"ln ......as Iow as 1.35 ea. Pick Up Vour Copy Trew for dînner. , Me. anti Mes. H. Tirksn METNOà WHERE YOU CAN SHOP FOR AIL YOUR la inToronto Wednestay. N W 2 C ONVENINTL CATIONS% BUILDING MATERIALS IN INDOOR COMFORT Me. anti Mes. J. DeKoker, Osbawe, spent tise weekent àÂr.'mr ORIEC U P[YR with the Thicksons. Me. anti VAREHO..USE WAREHOUSE- LUMBERLAND ORIEC UP Y Dan Mes. H. Westheuser ent Aiy- LM RA Df4.i Q2 nAsT COURTICE RD,SAER O soSterkville, weee aiso LM ELN tisero on Sonda . I I S"- COURTICE RD. Tise congeegational meeting 100 Bond St. West BOND ST. W. 5ý ONE WAY * ~ H wshl tGreH ill e l A _ _ _ _ IARýýT SWetnesday evening. Oshawa m IGS.W N A wW ote adnHh n . n LO T Me. anti Mes. Ciarence1 Phone, 728-1617 t41ES XT7 AT AL N 1ïBeatty lbat al tise amily of'____EAST_______________73 Me. anti Mrs, Rosa Beatty, Mer.lnari and Mes. B. Burton anti Mr WIItJ IIIII ~~i Creiigiston et Fort Hopefo apr n Sunday nigist. Miss Il,-sBat wsbm rmcOUTCE78WAREHOUSE LUM BER LAÎNDP 728-1617 IY Haunltan for tise weekent d. 1IU"l1 IILI rlI1_fPi1,i IIýM_ 'ý¶l Me ni m. V. Paoc li li.II !IîI1111 i andaîu e .,,";'r,.,',,,p,,., ,,,..,.. , j ua-P u~îis iel-,ecently spent tiseetonni 6 - a;'àwith Me. ans i .Cett 0