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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jan 1972, p. 14

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DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Tuesay,4:30 pm 623-3303 Enagement Cards of Thanka In Memoriam _oigEet MT1r. and Mrs. Allan A. The Cawey Family would WILCOCK, Edth-In iavîng Bowmanvilie West Durham1 presto'n, Oshawa, announce like to tbank friends and memorv ofour dear mother Advisory Board to C.N.L13. tbeic engagement of their neighbors for cards and flow- who passed away January 2 1, wiil be heid January 25, 1972î dailiter Janic Ann, ta ers sent at the time of their 1970. at the Lions Cererý. Film,2 wiliam Wvalter, son of Mrs, bereavement in the loss of Two sad and lonely years have "Happy - -Forwardc" to be Au, Arey 1uie ai MaDIe Grave their Son. -A seeciai thank passed shown. Ail, canvuassers and and theic late Jack- Hurrie. The you from Senior Citizens for Since our great sorrow fell, tcamcaptains welcome, 3-1 7,ýidding wîvl take place Fcb- their lavely letter, and to the The shock that we received rqa.ry 2 t 7 pm. in Maie Northcutt Elliott Funeral that day, WOODVIEW GYae Curc.)3l* Home for their efficient serv- No one could ever tell, COMMUNITY CENTRE ice. 3-1*,God gave us strength to meetý Forthcoming My sincere thanks to ail And courage to bear the 1 O ST R BIG Marriaes vho remnembered mie wth blw NX M1A baskets of fruit, cards and IAnd wbat it meant ta !ose you, 7:45 pm. MÏ, a nd M rs. Na Mc- visîts and ail who helped at Mother Rînsmen Community Centre Kenr are ha-py -toa arnounce the sale. Svecial thanks ta No ane will ever know. 109 Coiborne St. W. the foarth1comine marriage a1 Drs. Sylvester, Bee*,Da It is lonely here without you, tbei.r daughterICinda Lee. to ade and Guy Luke, Coin- We miss you more each day, S AW Allan Edwvard McKeer at mercial' os Associati oFalife is not the same to us .7t Fýebrulary l2t1-h, 1972, Revrend nurses and staff, thîrd floor, Since yau were.called away. t-eed officiating. ev -1 Memoriai Hospital. 1Yau bade na one a iast fare- FLORIDA TOUR 3Russell Cochrane., well, 3-l* Nor even said goodbye, Personally Escorted by Mi% and Mrs- R. C. Graham ____Yau were gone before we N neC l e ýre hapmp ta anflaunce the 1 would like ta express my knew, il, N neC l fbrthcoîng mar,,yriag e of their sîr'cere thanks ta ail myj And only Gacd knows why. daughter Lyndia Mrie, ta friends and relatives for cards, It broke 1aur hearts ta lase 22 Days Normian Grr Achrsn Of candy, fruit and flawers, yau I,M and Mrs. Ablin A4rcher, with special hhanks ta Rev. But you did not go alone, March il - April 1 cshawva. Trhe m-arriage wiil Mr Ward, Drs. Maroosîs, Vi- For part af us went with Yau, !Information andi Reservations tpke place on February l9th, pond an Gardiner, and ta Mother1 ~7 t4 St. John's ail the nurses and girls in The day God called you Phone Anglican Church, Bowman- blue for ail their kindness and home. -fille. 3-1* care ta nme whiie I was in -Sadiy missed and lovingly U23-326J or 623-309 Oshawa General Hospital. remembered b y cide -mr. and rs.John Loohsma Thanks ta ail. Ernie, Margaret Ann and Dprmn fRceto 11p Ewaniearec apy aBeatrice Bl. *Tommy. Dpr3-i o ereto ~Pnounce the fTorthicomng -Bowmanville ~irig fterduhe igîwîsh ta express IW.RIGHT-In loving mcm ory Shfrley, t a Mr. Andy Rinsma, my deep apDreciatian ta thelai a dear busband andi father, Town Hall sonof Mr, aMrs. D- Rei'ns- many relatives and frientis Tom, who died January l7th, m1a of The Netherlanti . The for the maniy acts of kindness, 11956. S A T f2 imarriage wuill take place On beauiful floral tributes, cards!'I ittle tribuhe but true and Sufl'ay, Jan. Lru Friday,,, Fe--bru;ary 4, 1972, ah andi messages of sympathy1 tender, 1972 7-30 ., in Rehobth Christ- during the recent loss of a1 Just ta show wc stili re- COUNTRY & WESTERN ipnr Reforrnied Chiurch. 3-1* dear hushanti andi father member, Wayne. Speciai thanks ta No ane knows my aching J A M B OR EE Marricageý Northcutt Eliott Funeral sorraw, with T-ome and ta Rev. F. Swann I shedi my tears wihh aching CbeT os-(cat lit Mr. and M'-rs. Donald. Davey ai Oshawa. heart CbeT os-Grl lit &-e praud t a arounce the Mrs, Bannie King Whiie others are as]eep. IThe Country Kitis, Joe Both- in-arriage of) 1their daughher and* family. 3-1* 'Stili misseti by bis laving welI and Chuck Kilpatrick,l Lynd. ,ta Er-an Wiliams, sonl wifc Annie and family. 3-1* of Mr. and Mrc., Erie' Williams, Thli Famîly af the late Mrs. --- Terry Klatawer andi Special N~orth Carolîna, on Friday, Ada M. 'Galbraith wish ta Coming Events Guest Terry Arnsel andi thel 1a1iaylth, 1972. 31 express their appreciahion for____________ - Jimmie Hopson Trio. -the many kindnesses shown There will be a dance in 3-1 Reception them'durîng bier long iilness Sauina Hall, Sahurday, Janu-_ anti their recent bereavement. ary 22 with Ray Avcry's Donors Th~e fan'i-vof Mr. andi Mrs. A very special thanks is ex- Orchestra. 3-1 A. P. BrookinR wîsh ta in- tendeci ta the nurses andi staff -- - - Ure tyN d d v.ite thleir relatives,, friends i Memorial Hospital,, Bow- Olti Tyme Dance, Tyran e reu ~e and neighbars ta attend Open mnil;t r .Fru Hall, Saturday, January22W d F bu r 1i Hause froni 2-4 and 7-9, Sun- son, ta the Rev. Harold Turi- Music by the Country Swing-W dF bu r n .ay, January-23 ah their home, ler af St. Paul's Uniteti Church ers;_$1.25 per persan,___3-1 281 Liberty'St. North, in haon- and ta the Northcuth Eiîott Bob Adams anti bis Blue Lions Centre or el ai eir 25tb Wetiding An- Funeral Home. 3-4* River Boys appearing this B wm vie ~ivesary ~es wîses oiy.Friday and Saturtiay ah the 3* Frank anti Violet Glmer Queen's, Newcastle, 9 ji m L-D D NO wîsh ta express their sincere a.m. L O D N R Deaths appreciation ta ail. tbose who - ~LAC, Etel My-AhMe-heiped make their 50th Wed-, Special - Evcry Sahuiay C IT î~'oril HspialBo Me-c ding Annîversary such' a nght-AlI the Fîsh and Chips onTedy Jnày1,1972, happy and memorable oc- you 'can eat for 99e ah The 130h430x. at Ethri Cl~sakl \Ja nu 18,' casian. This includes mcm- Acres Restaurant. Open week- 6:30 ho 9:00 p.m. el lak o Nwtovîlinbrs of their immediahe fam- endis only. 40-hf For transportation call lier 79th year, widow oai"YRay,,-relatives and f____ Elack, mther aio Edna and îl,,relatives and f ri h ed Goodyear Employees Recre- 623-9010 day of Clinîe Mervyn. -Resting ah the fo eradfr h e ation Club Dance, Saturday,, THE NEED I8 GREAT!! Norhict't Elliohh, Funerai membered us with lovely Jan. 22, 8> p.m., at the Lions 1 bomie. Funeral service ah 2 cards, flowers and gîfts, andi Centre, Bowmanville. Bvery- 1r 3-2 o'lokThrda itroo.the U.C.W. ladies. who did an-e-----iArile orS l Temp raryentomb en Lng such a splendid job ai cater- ýewlo .1--A tc sfrSue 3-1 irýyenàmmntL ng.3-If Country and Western Dance,- _____ Vau_____________-3-1_____ Janehville Cammunity Hall, UPRIGHT ýpiano. Telephone LIPPETT, Fretierîrck W.-At ln Memoriam Saturday, January 22nd. MUS- 623-5652. 31 ____________ ic by Fay Adams andi the ÏIVLKIN1G machine, goati con- ..s home vn K111gCty, on ADAMS-In loving memory Counmtry Hits. Dancing 9-1. dition. Phone_723-1308. 32* Monday,iJury 17, 1972, of aur father Charles Fred-- - 3-1"'WTRfrsl nidlvr Fred .Lippeteoei ubn erick who passeti awayJan Memarial Park Baster Tea cd. Caîl Clifi Pcthick 623-2313. of Sybil Colon,' dear father ai 5 1938 andi aur mother Bea- anti Bazaar, April lst. There2-t Jean (M1rz John Buchanan), trice Blaà, who passed awywilbeadrw aniprzs - ___ Jck, Neil, Anneý (Mrs. Robert Jan. 30, 1961. given ah dîfferent intervals. '71 SKI-DOO, boughh new this Olils) andiPal Also sur- Softly the leaves ai memaory Please plan ho make hhis your year. Best affer. Telephonel viveti by 12 grantichiltiren. faîl, seildt 3-1 987-4878.3- -Resteti aht he Marshall Fun- Genly we gather, treasure s _ ______date- ýra1 EHonpe, 126 Yanlge Street hhem ,ail, MONSTER BINGO S34 WMBlizzar, 1970 Ski-oe Nort'h, icmonti Hill. Serv- Some may 'farget now that TUSA :5pm lzad ienw hn ice on WeVýdnesday, 2:30 nDM. yau re gane, 623-5888.:5 pm.3-1- Intermient -King City Cerne- We wîll remember na mnather Sponsoreti by 6-PIECE dunette suite, gooti tey. 3î ho lng Oshawa Minor Softball condition. Leroy Short, Phone ~.. , ~-Ever remnembereti by Ruby, JUBILEE PAVILlON 623-2479- 3-1 Cards co T'-±nn±S Ba,Pearl, Ahf anti families. O S HA WA 30-tfFEýED cýarr-ts, 7-5c bushel. -M.R-usseil Rab- 3î* .- - Contact Jim Wood, 576-6415 binE would lîke ho hhank HOLROYD-In mcm ary of DLont M s or 623-5817. 2-2 their man- frientis anti rea- a who passeti away Janu- Our Annual 1970 -M-d-OOÉ-SI 399 c-c., cx- tives for cards, flowers, gif~ti, 1969 celent condition, $550 or best an nî în ortei eP Nne knew him but ta love January offer. 623-5742. 3-1 hicaedgonth ocsin i him, I.ERW R197- ARCTIC Cat "Puma 440" their Goldeni Wedtiing. 3-1* -Sadîy missedi by son Fred, SIV R A E wjth accessories. Telephone A sîncere thanks ta ail staff Wife Audrey anti Family.3f SALE rn 983-5810. 3-1 crn Médical Floor for their 3i of ORGAN, "Orcana", floor mati- care and attention, also toailame_ International andi Community ei, wood -cabinet, $50. Phone irientis who vîsiteti me whilst MAHAFFY-In lavîng me famous patterns aiter 5, 623-5450. 43-1 e. patienit inMémorial Has- mory ai a dear father, HenryLS A O RESSUDBKR Srie e, -itaj, asothanks ho Dr. An- Mahatîy wha passeti away AN AFRY 22, 972' atiuet aKRr. cGrahaew f05ý1, ~~~~January 21, 1970. ý.1 JNAY2,17 ad ue at.Gaa' Reg, Hartiing. 3-1 We do not neeti a specîi day A- great way to save andi Garage. 1-416-263-223M. 19-hi _____To bring you ha aur mind, complete your flatware needs '72 MOTO-SKI, 28 h.p., war- 'VJ wîs1ýh [ta extenti - aur -Ever remembereti by ranty, $750 or best ofier. thatks ho frientis, relativesduhe aysni-a Ph one after 6, 987-4010. 3-1' service clubs anti busînessesGere at ganaghr JEWELLERS MXD grain, excellent quai-1 for their kinti help ,ah the Vicki. 3-11 ity, $49 a tan in bulk, $2.60 timie af aur fîre. Special dciLTD. pr-ude - agd. 786-2247. thanka h o aur famffies. RICHARDS, Herb, who 3-1 j ______________agg Wayne 'anti Jane Pactien January 20th, 1968, also Rich- -3 34l* ards, Etina, who dieti April DEPARTING 1ARCH 7, 1972 GB 23" FLOOR Model TV _______ th, 1961. Excellent condition, 6 yearSý i wîhIo hhank thle 1nur11se-s Treasureti memaories ai very CONDUCTED aId, $50. Phone 987-4378. on the ý3rti lora Memiorial dear friends 21 DAY TOUR Plospita1, Bovmanville for Worthy ai remembrance. AUTOMATIC Singer sewing their kindness. also Dr. Cum- -Reg. 3-1 Hawaiian Islands,, California, machine \ith cabinet and Arizona Mcenie Rbuttonhole attachmcnt, $95. woJýflt also +oketa tank the -t MNiîsitranti S-ýession af Orori aif ornic1 Departing Feb. l19th, April th, TV TOWERS Unîtýeti Churých, Sthe Carres- October l4th and ANTENNAS pc-ntiîng erea Mrs. Stella Priceti from $360.00 ver person INSTALLED AT C arson atiUnts Two ,anti Three oi the Unîteihrch LoMEte WretheReea Loig--E XICO- 23 Days - Departing Apiil SthLo Rae anti Dr. A,F.Meze anti For Brochures contact: ALSO SPECIAL ON the n urses anti saff on dthe clu yt Anti most, rra i, Jury & Loveil Travel Clu ytm ~ ubadanifaiyfor 9Kn t E:omniî Phone 623-2006 their kîntneas at ttention 9 Anne Logan, 0Orono, Ont. Phone 623-3182 or 723-5198 Aricles for Sale W r Wanted - --.Notices ýEW and fUsed Parts for DRESSMAKER, will visitl Dr. Angus M. Blair, r... ail makes of Washers, Dryers yoir home for fitting; p_-ro-j has resumed General Practicel and Ranges. Paddy's Appli- fessionally trained and fuiiyIat 26 Frank Street, Bawman-1 ance Parts Ltd., Hampton. experienced in men's and ýwo- ville, near Dominion Stores. i Phone 263-2241. 2-tf men's fashions. Cail 987-4851. !Office hours 10 arn. to 10 p .m. MOFAT ndSimliityAp~ ___ ____ 3-i, including Saturday. Phone, MO4.. T and ST1a'PTÇ'ty A p-i 623-3181. 1-tf 1 f4nnP U Un2Uit. ITNITTITION- B 1o w n Notice F NOT IC E TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE Pumps Sump, Laundry anti Contractors' Pampa BEATTY - JACUZZI - DURO We bave a large supply o! PARTS anti CONTROLS Cottage Owners NOW la the TIME ta HAVE YOIJRS OVERHAULED Çall 983-5206 or hriag them in HARVEY PARTNERI! ORONO _________________ 3-5 Tender TENDERS The Northumberland antiý Durhami County Boardi a Education invites tenders f or the, supply af General Class- room Supplies. Tenders wîll close Friday, January 31, 1972 ah 4:00 p.m. Tender lista anti conditions may be picketi up irom the office of M. A. MacLeoti, Business Atiminîs- trator anti Treasurer, North- umberlandi anti Du rbhanm County Board ai Education, Box 470, D'Arcy Street North, Cobourg, Ontario. 3-11 TENDERS The Northumberlandi anti Durham County Board ai Educatior' invites tenders for the suppiy ai finîshing hard- ware for Courtice Secontiary Sebool. Tenders wiii close Tuestiay, January 25th, 1972 ah 3:00 p.m. Specifications may be obtaineti froni the office ai M. A. MacLeoti, Bus- iness Administrahor anti Trea- surer, Northumberlandi anti Durham Counhy Boardi af Education, Box 470 D'Arcy Street North, Cobourg, Ont. 3-1 TENDERS Tenders will be icceix cd unitil 12:00 o'ciock noon on January 21, 1972 by the untier- s'neti for the removai anti isgposai ai householti garbage from the Police Village ai Orono on a weckly basis. Tender forma available. froni the untiersîgneti are ho be uieti. Tenders ho be clearly marketi as sucb. Further in- formation is nval1ab1e. Mr,.EB R.Wootiyari. Secretary,, Orono Police Trustees, Orono, Onitario. 3-1 î ght s - -623--3,17 j employment. Apply bctween Lande Harware10 a.m. anti 3 p.m. ah Voyageur Lande HarwareRestaurant, Wavcrlcy Rd. anti anti ELECTRIC 401, Bowmanville. 3-3 -STUDENTS, housewivcs, earn AC ER AN $2 bouc atidressing cpvelopes in spare ime. Information: Senti stampeti, seif-atidresacti AUTO WRECKERS envelope. Business Oppor- LIGHT HEAY, SPER unities, Box 1094 Beamavihle, DUTY T 0 W I N G Otra - GENERAL REPAIRS SCIIOFIELD-AKER Ltd., Real Estate Brokera, require ah GAS anti ARC WELDINIG least anc mare mpale or female Licffed etichanie on Duty sales represenhative ho ac t h OPEN AROUND THIE CLOCK aur Bowmanvilic office staff. SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Abilihy ho speak the Duteh 623-5756 lan',guage aniSM sle experience would be a asset 42-52 but not a neccssity., We will = train anti assist the accepteti Pets applicant ho become sces Sfui in the real estate fieldi. For THREE maie pupa. Border an interview, cail Mr. Michael Collic Cross., Gooci farm dogs. Bei monte, Manager ah 623-4403 Phone 263-2553. 3-î lac bis residence ah 576-1908. _____________________ __________47-hf, aîoom and Board MARKETING CAREER Sun LiL aio Canada bas an RQOM anti boarti available in interesting position for a! friendiy home. Telephone ni a r k c h i n g representahive 623-7746.______1 leading toa atditional responsi- bltics. Must be local ceai- Cars for Sale dent with abiihy, ambition anti show progresa for age, SIX lighh trucks, 1966-'71. Recent entry inta equity pro- Phone Biackshack 986-5517. ducts bas creaheti this opening. 3-1 Experience not necessary as '70 HONDA, hwo helmets,' wc areý preparedti t train the. $400. Phone 623-,5159 behween rîghh man. Senti resume ta: 6 anti 9. 3-l* SUN LIFE OF CANADA ______________P.O. Box 269 '69 VIVA Wagon, standard, PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO 13,000 miles; second car. Call or Call for appoiatmoent 621-2677. 2-3 745-4665 collet 2-4 Help Wanted__ STATIONARY ENGINEER $4.17 to $4.34 per hour Wbitby Psychiatrie Hospital bas opportunities for Third Class Stationary Engineers who holti certificates as requireti by the Operating Engineors Act 1965. Fringe benefits inclutie excellent pension plan; tbreel weeks annual vacation; sick errdits; subsidizeti health, li!ej anti incarne protection insurance; ahi statuhory bolitisys antiý regular salary reviews. Pleaso write ho: Personnel Adlministrator Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital Box 1270 Whitby, Ontario way or sidewalks as outlineti borein. , 1 9. Any persan who vialates any o! the provisions of this by-law shah hoe guilty o! an offence ant i able on conviction thereof ho a penalty not exceeding fi!ty dollars ($50.00), exclu- sive o! cashs, for each such offence, anti every such penalty shah hoe recoverable untior the provisions o! the Surmaàry Convictions Act, alI provisions o! which shall apply, except that any term o! imprisonmenh for tiefanît la payaient o! thoý fine anti cashs imposeti under this hy-law shahl not otxcëeet tweahy-ono (21) days. The imposition o! the penalty for ceo- travention o! this hy-law shall not excuse the condîio or matter resulhing la sncb contravention or permit ho coninue., Any persan contravening, this by-law shahl correct or remetiy the condition or matter roaulting lan sncb coatraventiora within a reasonable time anti, when not otherwise spocifieti, eac h ton (10) days that a condition or matter resultiag la the contra- Iveation o! this hy-haw la allowedt o exist shah toilsittute a separate offence. î 10. By-Law No. 1839 anti ahi hy-laws coatrary ta or at variance herewithbeh anti are hereby repoaleti. Il. This by-law shahl corne into force anti take effeet on thie day o! enactment thereof. J. M. McILROY, Town Clerk-Administrahor. Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville NOTICE TO ALL DOG OWNERS No persan shahl keep or mainhain any tiog la the Town o! Bowmanvilo unlesa sucb tiog has heen licenced anti regia- tereti under By-Law No, 67-9 O! the Corporation o! the Town o! Bowmaaville, anti subject ho the provisions o! Section 5 anti 6 o! the Dag Tax anti the Cathie, Sheep anti Poultry Protection Act, anti bas on a collar ho wbicb la affixeti a tiog tag issueti for the carrent year for the saiti dog. The 1972 dog licences are aow available anti ay ho purchaseti ah the Treasurer's Office, Town Hll, 40 Temper- ance Street, Bowmanville. 1972 Licences Must Be Purchased by February 19 No tiog shaîl runaia large anti no persan shall perit ý tiog owned by hlm ho runaia large la the Town o! Bowamanvillo ah any time. A tiog shall ho deeret"ho hoahlarge whea à1 la oITthe property o! the owaer anti s not imitier the contrai o!4 a cons- peteat person hy means o! a leash not more than 10 fot laÉ length. J. M. MeILROY, Town Clerk-Admiaia-trator Large selection of new chrome methoti, with rock wool, Work- Attention, all women. Bow-. Occupants and owners of property in suites. Patidy's Market, Hamp- mianship guarantecti. Fre manville Unto ai ai ton. Phone 263-2241. 18-tf estimates. Seaidaire Insula-lCancer Society urges all wo- the Town of Bowmanville are adlvised] FREE - low ~tian Co., Phone 705-742-0272.1men tao make an ap inenth tB Lw No 713 pasd b te FRECatalogue - Écihing 0 Representatîve Harry L. Watie, at the Cancer Detechion Clin h tB -a o 13 asd b h cash seli-improvement book- Phone 987-4531. 45-tf ic, Womcn's College Hospital, Council of the Corporation of the Town moncy, health, ashrology, sc 76 Grenville St., Toronto 5, ceas; many more. Smith Don Brtooks & Son ta have a Pap Test anti com- of Bowmanville on Janu'ary 4th, 1971, 'Specialhy Producta, Box 941,1 picte check-up ai female org- ýOshawa, Ontario. 2-4* Custom Builders ans. This examinahian is cov- being a By-Law respecting the remnovail ýUSED 1800 anti 1600 Cock- HOSS-ADIIN red by OHSIP. 3-1 shutt anti D14 AC with loatier.NEW HU-S AD-IOSof so and ice within the Town of anti snow bucket, tractors anti REMODELLING For Rent Bowmanville, provides as follows: ready for, work, excellent con- Von Name It anti We Do Ih APARTMENT. Enquire at dition. Sec- or cail Trewin Phono Multicr's Store, 623-5515 or Wheroas it is deemeti atvisable anti expedient ho provide Farm Bquipment, Biackstock 986-4283. 3-2 723-6176 or 623-2301 623-2293. 2 -tf for the clearing away, anti removal of snowv ant icte front -e - 50-8* APARTMENT, heateti, stave, highways anti sidewalks, by the occupants or owners o! 1anti1 TYPEWRIT[ERS, atiters, calers, - - frîige; central; adults, Apply anti prernisos adjacent thoroto, anti also the romovl of! sow cash regishers, ticaka, chairs, B B B E S SaemnOfc. 5-fat c ri h ofso rjcin !bidns files, new, useti, rentals, service O E R ttsa fie 2t n c rm h of rpoeto- fbidns Discount prices. Open Tues- 137 ELGIN ST. TWO hea teti apartments, anc, Now therefore, ho it enacteti ant i i l hereby enacted as day, Wedncsday, Thursday.i anti two bedroom, newly dec-i a bv-law o! the Corporation o! the Town o! Bowmanville by Bill Hamilton, B rooak lin Plumbing - Heatinglorteti. Cail 623-2672. 3-1 h'cuclterols!los 655-4179. 29-hi Pressure Systems !ONE betiroom apartment, 63 D &R ,POTSNew Work anti Repairs King V'cst, 8 90 monthly. 1. Every occupant andi, in case theire is no occupant, th e D R SORSService andi Estimates ýAvailable Feb. 1. 623-5012. owner o! every house, dwelling, shop, other building, lot, or SKI RENTA,-LS Caîl 623-26-41 3-2 parcel of landi, fronting or abutting on any stroot or bighiway Complote Package 33- tf1 W betiroom apartment, or any park, square or other property shall clear away at Only --------------- - --- $5 _.-stove, fritige supplieti. Im- remove or cause ho clear away or remove the snow anti ice 67 11~t ~TTD"tc5~rieniate possession. 623-7574.,, entirely frorn the sidewalks opposite, sncb bouse, dwelling, 67King St. W.. Bowmanville JAC B RG SS i3-1 uliglt rpre ! ad ak qaeo to Phono 623-3421 shop,buligloo aclolad aksqrerohr 3-1 OIL BURNERS - FURNACES FOUR betiroom home, cen- CLEANED raily locaheti, for rent. Phone property. UPHOLSTERY FABRICS PLUMBING REPAIRS 623-7116. Available Fcb. s. 2. Every occupant anti, in case thero is no occupant, the R emnant Sale HNEH PTN NEbtro apten , r-v owncr of every house, dwolling, shop or other building, front- Piecos as'low as .25 263-2151 ate entrance anti yard, cent- îng or abutting on, or erecteti sa near ho any street that :nt Gotivaiey ! abi atiMal dde5~raily locateti. Phone 623-3259- or ice nîay or is li1kely to faîl upon the street from suýtch color as low as$,9pry. ..Bx4 Bwavle31 house, dwelling, sbop or other buildiin, wbývenever snow or 30-tf LARGE anc betiroom apart-1 ice shahl accumulateupan any portion o!fuhbue wlig SALE STARTS THURSDAY, I ment, shove anti frige, îm-oroerbidnaaoesihonexnthtsa o JAU ARly 13 Bargans FRANKBRINK mediate possession; adults. Core ary fr arain! 1L 1~Cali 623-3230. 52-tf dangerous ho persons passing upon the street, cause tie snow 1Whyte's Upholstery Trenchîng iWO bedroom apartmenh.otcoh otwt eovt hr!o.Eoypro 155Kin St E. BomanilCentral. Stove, fritige, heat- wbile removing the snow or ice, anti tho persan or persone 55~~~ Kn StE, wanîle SEPTIC TANK ed; available March 1,, $150. responsible for such romoval, shall take due, -uîiind nt 2-3 INSTALLATION Phone 623-7264. 3-1 poe aeadptato o h anný1idsff 1 R.R. 6, BOWMANVILLE ROSt etpoe aeat rcuinfrtewrigat aoyo INST LL N N SUDAY CALL ROMS e, entby month. persans passing. INST LL N NO SUNAV CLLS Television, bath, sauna, indoor FUIRE623-7201 pool. Flying Dutcbmnan Mot- 3. Such snow anti ice shall ho -rmoved -ivithin twelve I~S I HUMIDIFIER - . or Inn 623-3373. 39-tf hours from the commencement o! snowfall ant i sah hc dep- or RIOT WATER ALG OS RN KENDAL - 2 betiroom bouse, ositeti in such a way as not ho obstruct agcess ho any lr ýs0 ~HEATER secludeti lot, 10 acres wood, 3 yrnoraypsgenthhilwyad 0;Io e No payments 'tiI JuIy lst r 4 -T .~+ ~ ar pond, fireplace, ail con- bdato n asg ntebgwy nisalnhh C.arpet Jp±holster1 vnc es 786-2264. 3-1 removeti in sncb manner as ho injure the sitiewýýalk. Calprof essionally Cleaned PERMANENT pasture avail- 4. No person shall place any snow or ice !rom bis, prop- HARVEY PARTNER FREE ESTIMATES able for 20 heati af cattle. Lo-et pnheraledotinfay ý1vyDrnn ny -cation east of Blackstock. Callerypotetreleipron!aybgwaorpoan Vour ESSO Service Dealer Phone 623-2002 Ray Lathangue ah 623-3396 or' sidewalk ln the Town, o! Bowmanville. FREE ESTIMATES BOWMANVILLE after 9, 623-3418. 3-2 5. In case o! defanit o! compliance with the foregoingj 20-hf RENT tili its yours, home on the Corporation, through its officors, the Chie! o! Police, or 983-5206_____________ Cedar Crcst Beach ah the 98-26or on - foot oi Wavcrley Roati, only the Town Engineer, or anyone acting untier the jurisdition Watc Re airlig $169.00 month. Mr. Antiely, o! eitber o! them, may clear a nt remove sucli snow anti ice Zenith 14620 Certif ii Watcbmaker of Guy LeBlanc Real Btate nitor two bours notice anti the expense incurrot inlaso doing Lhd., Reaihor, 725-9529. Wc 24 Hour Service Canadian Jewellers' Assn. also bave a nîce anc on thia may ho recavoreti by action, or the amount snay hoe.nieretY ~ M rrs ew llry plan ah 136 Annis St., Osh- la the Tax Collector's rolîs anti recoveret inl like marnno-r a&ý MarrsJewelery awa.43tf municipal taxes. 39 King Street West APARTMENT, modern, com- D.W IT Spletely 'furnished, waîî ha, 6. The Corporation may clear aivay anti remove anaw TV NTE NASwaii broadioom, fuliy equip- anti ice frons the roofs.o! ail unoccupioti buildings, whieh abut T A T NN S DARLINGTON peti, hhree-piece bath, kitch- on any sidewalkon the bighway, or upon any open space ha TOWERS - COLOR AERIALS enette, living room anti ane wbich the publie bas acceoss, anti !rom the sitiewalks on the ROTORS - UHF ANTENNAS MASONRY bedroom; locatcd just hhree blocks fromn downhown Bow- bigbways in front of, alongaide or ah the rear o! any unoccu' Systems for Apts. anti Motels Brick, Block, Stone manville; grounti floor, priv- pied building or o! vacant landi anti the expense incurre i ii. ate entrance, no bease requir- so doing may ho recovereti by action, or the apsount niay h. Channel Master CINY FIREPLACES cd, available March lat. For (Top Quality Antennas) Phone 623-2176 inspection Phono 623-5213. enheret inl the Tax Collector's rolîs anti recoveret in laikeý WRITTEN GUARANTEE 1 ________ 3-2 manner as municipal taxes. CALL NYTIM _________________ 49-tfNTIM Help Wanted' 7. The removal of saow or Ice by, the Corporation, Mi servants, agents or employees, shall not relieve any persoil 623-251 efrgeraion R. N. A. wanted, shift work. front iablity or the penalty for breacb o! any o! the abov4 Ros. 623-3070 - Maple Grave anti Strathaven, Nursing Home, 7T1~ . Phone 623-5555. ___ 3-1. provisions. i nppîane ervceEXPERIENCED bairtiresser S. This by-law shall not ho allegeti as the hasis o! any' . N EE D A Commercial and Domeshie for Chalet Beauty Salon. Tele dcaim for damages1 for any accident on sidewalks, due ta the 1Refigeration - Milk Coolers phone 57 6-8900 or 623-5786. PUMP? Phono BERT SYER 3-1 presenceor location thiereoito! saow anti ice, nor shah 'samo L . - . - ~. . Dava - 623-5774 TA.TbeY ~ ~ h pleadet inl any action as an assumption of civil liability by _e_, JANImerribie antfullston

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