sýuggested the center on Lots 1 to 4, at theu northern end of the Wavverly Gardens Sub- divisio,-n which his company, Marianna Developmenits of Oshawa, is developing. Mr. Vetrade f eit there was a strn eed for a small plaza at the l1oc-ation and ask- ed i oni would agree to his plin Jiprinciple. Buitconi was unanimous, ly opposed t0 the idea, argu- ing that there was rio pro- vision for commercial under- takings ini the area because phase one of the agreement specified zoning only for resî-. dential construction. "The plan was approved as a resî.dertial sb~vsn, said Councillon Hooper. I you waated commercial buildÎ- ings in the area you shouit have consîdercd tbem theýn." Mr. Vcltri's nequesf was, summariiy fumnet down. BOW,)%MANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEFDNESDAY JAý.'NUARY , 1 ý972 150 Per Copy NUMBER 1S Theirt istlîmntof the federal government's grant to the Bowmanvill ~otryClu fr ceaîng up Soper Creek Park was paid on Mionday Represen- tatve ofth Osaw Cnada Manpower Centre, John Barxnes,, righit, manager, andTomCotam tehnialofficer, hand over a cheque in the amount ,ofý $6,552, to clb preidentAi Syvester, second from the lef t and GeorgeVie lef t, Co- charma oftheclu'sPark Commiftee. The mnoney represents the costs of the proeetforthefirt wo months of operation. A total of $28,3 14 has been award- ed t theclubto dvelp recreational facilifies in th e park. The grant is funded thrughthefeera LoalIniitiatives Pro gram, a make-work program designed to, alîeiat unmplyrnnt his wmteCr. e t llean ms $2,DS Totl als fr heJanar mJn Prîce of 18 Birch Cres- Drawdropedslihtl frm cntAjax, 'the Deceber igur tiiThe ellers' awards were $4,76 0,Whie histoal aswonbyA. "Bert" Melvor of down$25400 or te mnth ewcstie - $209.00 and the if ws rall up$1,96 9 ovr cstoary$10.00 for the seil- thecorespndig rawtotl eot he2nd ize ticket was in 1970 wonby a forer eîet The mnthly draw as Bo Caleof Witby.Bt pris ~n. wa Il ereorecalld nxt f a arae nea acoe priz tiketNoB 354 aS ar ashis owaed by MarF nel b Bydn owel f etolumof Toronto, Ann'Ual einFi f c CNIB visry, caio Oardircî;exzýt T e With1p of a coinhe ofthe Nort humn- The anual eetig nI he belandand Durham Couty Bowanvli - est DuhamBoadif 'Education was decid- Advsoy oad o heCMSBI ed durîng the 1972 iniaugural willbe eldTueday Jauary -meeting of the Board in Cob- 25thla he ion Cetre Rcourg last Thursday evenîng, portsfrom ampaia, Teas I Bob Eakins, a trustée from, urer, Soial and Recreatio Cobourg ivas named Board Pubic elaion, ad Tanschairman when he won the toss porttio Comîttes wl e over f ellow trustee Hoýwarda fabeitasrea Dscusin onSheppard of Roseýneath l.Both HJge gîve. Ths rportis lway Th Wrs De;pI G elý-s Radios BmneniPe ue C40u cimeetinglcpnivafe Ja lOth resivetto prcaet5 mwhendorne Works epait- ime u vw e u Theeqlpen, equesta- edY bpyeTOUM nglce Chaire at,01de hc NIooumoilesr mote l 15 bonch sudone Cimesanne23 baseunit wva uedMat$t25 tu e Urgeslution sva f ! relo<ar nil mtetng, ,Januar lîfou selersarememerA0fBranch No, -78, and ithis ýt fthat the 7,410 iî cmeasagîft b cher p M Mcvorwho is rehaety Bowma0ynvil AginteiCaea Stanu Duna setryeg torec tha Durngthe ast 2 mots M Jtere h fav ,been only tove- Sourd ires (ourler Servkie to do the Job Because of uncertaînty ,n hani much of h mail be- mnail delivery, the Northum- tween the Board o ýffice and berland and Durham County the.schools and aLso the dis- Boarýd of Education bas con- tribution of studentf computer tracted the services of a Bow- cards between .the schools and manville courier eompany for the computer at Port Hope. a three-month trial basis. The service would bebased The company, Ontario Cour- an a three-day cycle in each ier Service, wîll delîver ma- of the Board's three areas.' terials created and produced The seven separate schools at, the, Learning Resources mn the United Counties could Center la Cobourg to schoois be încluded. throughout the two counties.1 The cost of the three months Ia addition the, company, will 1 TURN TO PAGE TWO) Ban onProjects The Ontario Water Resourc- es Commission has lifted itsý ban on certain developments la town. Since last September the Commission has put a strangle- hold on devlopment here by refusing to approve any plans of subdivision or changes to the Officiai Plan unless the town re-activate its proposai to buîld a water filtraton plant, As the town has now com- plied with this condition the OWRC îs prepared to approve tour small plans of subdivision învolvîng a total of 34 lots, and an ameadment to the Officiai Plan which would (TURN TO PAGE TWO) $1400DAMAýGES 1 IN COLLISION A two car collision la the intesecionat Chu,7rch Stee 4:5p.m., resulted inan sti maed$600 dam;;-aGe tohacar drivea byî; E arlGere o- kingL .fiCorg uci $800 touis es in the mishap, Bowmanville police reported, wn Decides County- n Board Chairman mca had been, tied la an open. vote, W. Frankt Thomn CountyT Dirýctr of Education. sttled the question with the toss of a ci explaining that the e- cours was"quite legifimate and~ i coee athe Education MVr. Ekîsand Mr. Sbep- part wer, fied la- last year's election for vice-ch,-airman of (TURN TO PAGE TWO MILESTONE IIEACHED Today marks the 60th anniversary of C. Ernie Rehder's unbroken associa- tion with the family busi- ness- Bowmanville Foun- dry. The Statesman joins Mr. .Refhder's many friends and acquaintances in offering our congratulaions to hlm on tis mlomentous occasion, sHonor in Hlospitaldom Bowmanville iVMemorial Hopital'sApucditatiobas, been renewed fora furthem three year peiod. Last week formal akoldeeto h wr the ighest honcr in, hospitaldom wa spreceyvedlanthe Son of a CertfcateyoA Accmipishmnenf i ch ospital Board vchairman Tom Cowaa, rghtAd dmnis- trto, icar Estnhold la the Ipitur abve.Th-e criiaewil be hunl a pac ofceera vewfor al to see. AccrediatWionsg ueati hoLehopial wbichmeet a etan etof stan-dardms lAid domnby the CaSnadiaî onci of HosptalAccediatin, ut of the 1415 hospifasla aadonyabur3'ercn -17a to ýbeexat are faullyikjed oiantl xnn hm ýSubscripti'on Price bo Go Up Effective FebA Effecive wi h -the first issue la February, the mail- ed subscription price of The Canadian Statesman will lu- crease. Vo $7,00 from $6.00 ini Canada and f0 '$9,00 from $8.00 for U.S. subseriptions. The six-months rate in Canada will increase to $4,00 yeàrly. There will be no increase la the 15e per copy rate for home delivery by carrier or for purchase afthe several ontiets throughout the area. WVqe re-gret thathisûtin- eras las becomenesar becauîSe ofcosts. A 'Wise OwI Looks After'His Eyes It is a wise owl who looks affer his eyes and the Wîse Owl Club of, Canada that rewards the conscien tious workman Who does. Last Wedne.sdýay the club got a new member- Allen Marquis of! St. MVarysc Cenent. Mr. Marquis, a maintenance repairman, nar- rowly escaped serious eye lai ury last September l7th when a nuf stud he was tighfening stripped off, sprang up and hit him on the leff eye. Luckily lie was wearing safefy glasses af theý time, The lens shattered as he DURHIAM CLUB MEETIS ,TANUARY 28th The Durham Couniy Club meets in Toronto on January 28th at 8:00 p.m. at the Edu- cation Centre, 155 College St, at, McCaul, Alex Carruthers, Durham M.P.P. will be guest speaker, Mr. Carruthers will review the orkings of the Legislatre,-Omplet,-,with CouRncil R-Tenderinïg Zamboni Advertising AIt er consîderable dîscus- problcm. by rcscîndîng za mo- soa and -soje cmbarassin«g ton whieh required the town moments, Bowmanville town tii charge no less than $200 council bas solved the prob- per side for advei'tising on lem of tenderîag advertise- the Ice clcanîng machine. The meats for flhc Arena's Zam- motionwas passed last spring boni machine. when couacil appnoved a reso- Simply, councîl, wîll ne- lution put forth by the ýArea f ter But this time there Recreation Commîtf e. wii k ohiddea ",upset Council indîcaf cd titat only price".1 tenders from local fîims and Council got anound tfiat companses would be aeccted. FORMER BHS'ERS With the ciosýing of the old Bowmanville lligh School this year, the staff, and studeats are iatending to put ouf a special edifion of the Screech Owi, They are soliciting help fnom ail former studeats and feachers Vo gathem information about 'the oid days. If you have any memories you would like Vo share, then write to Memoriès at the Sehool. If you have memoriesyou would like to me- live, then' order your copy of the Screech Owl now. There are notices on pages two and 12 of tis week's paper Vo tell you how. t I t t NEW BUSINESS - We welcome a new business which sfarted in town on, Tuesday - the Rice Bowl, It will be operated by Dick and Wally Sefo, (Dick was former part-owner of the Coro- nation Cafe). The Rice Bowl is offering a wide variefy of Canadian and Chinese foods încluding prompt take-out service.,If is located in the old Eafon's order building on King Street. t tt t LEAVING- Donald Cox, the popular chef at the Boýwmanvilie Country Club has tendered his resîg- iiation, Don,, bis wif e, and daughter Karen, are niovingVo the Guelph area where he has bought the i"Nothera Gates" restaurant and service station, located six miles south mf Gnavenhumst on Highway Seven. lie wili be missed by hic many frieads... and their îumbling stornachs, We wish hîm Good Luek la hîs new ventume. t t 1. t VANDALS - If you tried fo teilephonjýte us tact Thursday- and. became annoyed because, you couldn'f geV fhrough, here is the reason why. Someone ripped ouf the wires from flic outside box early in the morning, pufting flot only the phones in fthe office ouf of commissionbut also those of the tenants living ln the upstairsý part of thie building. We we-re noV fthe only ones van- dalizedl. The Quick Cleaýn lauindromat across the streef received 4bouV $150 damages f orneof ifs !miachines, and a numnber of litter one flic stfreef were set a4fîre. Bowmanille Police are invesfigaýting>, BASEALL XECUIVES Ourcogauton tii ran Wae ofNewonvile on his election t first vic-pesienùo the v tm Ontario Basebahi Asso- cainaf the Ascainsannual meeting lan obrgJanuary 15t. A Cobo.-urg mnan, John Ryan-j) was elected presiden. Two ,,ý)other Durham Cümnt me er lected Vo teeeuiecouncil. Theyr Chne cCaw ofWeom and Bnian Foster o-f Kenal.Grat hs ben ppointed to prepare abor-i ef on uming for resentto Vothe Ontario Bsbi Assoiatin. Tereu a hailngefor y'ou, Wcll in, the lead andwlth a lap tio i h iv-a modificdrc a opoto ond cor-ner of itthr- ur ter mile crut Luckily the native escaped vith only a eut to bis chia wbich requir- cd: five stifdhes to close. His machine, a 440 ce Blizzard, fared worse. It was exteasiv- ely damaged, and wfil pro- vide a mechanical challenge for the Davis Marine saow- mobile race tcam, of which Laite le a member,, to repaîr. Laite rcturned home with oeie reward, a secoond place finish la the B modifîed race rua eariier la the dayý Six Trophies His finish was one of six trophies the Davis team won ln the weekend Bosch Invita- tionai races- the second point la tbc tripfle erown of Ontario saowmobiie racîng. points out in thie picture above. lie wasreomene frmembers.hip to theWise Owl 'Club y i Wlsn plnt safety offiler ai the time of theaccien, COn Weldnresday, current plant personnel and safety officerý BhHay, righf, presented Mr. Marquis wth he ise, Owl certificate and pins during a rglrmeigo the company's Safety Committee, etda h al arfrom the lef t, Leo Michaud, EricNynoî, i Campbell, Wally Terry and GerbardSiedl The-îams wostckmc-sefrbath races-A s $0 n s n ra Brden ntdChris TNT. Hodyf o s sbý1aplwamde W' oDdhsear tSe team'i impcre seshoing. toprace, -un th irdpae in Burdenan e mïplyeeiatirh!th E !,,.y eentonSatupd.4y C stock eventandSanohe sh0 la e men.ss lcHié mehi latehgc e luD stock placjed third la SuJnday s Cý, ý"' race ait laer latde auter-Stoevent dowang am4CY ota rian Fs andLade on Prcday eveing, Jaauary v tiloary lbPeiet 14f , 161 iBowmaavi..LeR- r llnB Sleseinid tarians and guests attended rid DistrictGveor Wl the annualïRotary Club Ladies',Wilki-nson àand rs.Wilîn Nîght, which was held afthe son, Oshawa RtayCu Holiday Inn, Oshawa. P l,-resient JohnHoghonan Head table guesf s, whîch!Mrs HoghtonjisWohi were înfroduced by Bowman- i TUPN TO PAGE TWO>- memorial sitls criaio lRenewed frfltér reears As a resuit oi a survey car- The w;gt, fecti vfu nîcd ouf last October '9h the thmee years, is gîven t. those DE-EV IN IHA Bowmanville Memnorial Hospi bospifals which meef ail the Daintn epyRee tal bas beca awartct fuli ac- basic standards as lait downGant.Rikrwsth credîtation status. by thec Canadian Couacîl driver of one gowocr on Hospif ai Aerdiaton1 noiedlaa ision o SCHOOL BROKEN INTO (CA a fetcmally incorp- KngStreet just Wet t The caret aker aIo North orated, indepeadeat, nop-profit] nwcastlelatrdymo- Court ice Public Sehool, Mme organizaf ion. inig at about 10:30 a. M. Nemisz, neportet to New- The hospital was fluet award- The driverý' of the oýther-, castle Ont ario Provincial Pol- et accredîtatian in 1968 folhow- vehicle was Patrýicia owe ice Sunday ail ernoon that bbc îng a yean unden pnovisional of Clarke townshp sehool building bat been status, Oaly 479 (155 ina'Ont- Investig-atinýg N ewea i bnoken înto sometime carier aria) iii the country's 1415 hos- Ontario Provncil Plic turing the wcekent. Enfry pifais arc current members of etnatddmae t 100 was gaînet through the soutb the cliVe Accretitation club. Vo Mi.Riekrds ar andi window mi the.sohool. Police Ia bis summany, examining $900 tii Mrs. Twe'.Mp are confinuîng their investîga- oficci Dr. C. J. Dohcrty com- Towner aprn ysfee fîon, (T IRN TO, P-AGE TWO) braises lu tht eish1ap. The Canadian Statesm-en Deparimezýnt Heads George àMorrisharikGol oal iso The ubhsh? oftheCaainStemnspead cofmtefooig apponantsad inducethmson the ublic.Ail r ogtmepoeso this. nea ý.spaper, Wlquahfid 4jtake care ofcutmreuimes.Gog M ï orise is Business M anager, P trc G u d i aes a a e, n o al ih Plant AManagers 16 Pages Locr/ al ucermonginers