4 Tl~ Canalan tatesman, Bowmnanville, Jan. 19, 1972 EDITORIAL COMMENT How- Right or How- Wrong Th~ ~orav1.Drit onCom- rturity Sprts Cenmtre COrnmittee might have faIledý in theïr bidi to have the two municipalities i down and talk with tJhemý but they h avecceddinne vitRl1area): r elmakinýg the publie awvtarle of the need for. the sot aii tie;s here. Thtuh om iity rgethey knew ýkch a red eitd ogbefore the, Coirn ftce carne calong to tlîl them, Itsw have seerned prcpared to do anythinig abouitP. ~owmanvlle concil'sf latree- tiOnî of the Comitee' poposaI might wc-l1 influence othcrs who >want! actio)n t:),throw up theirhnd in despair and ~y, LIt5 boeles."Danlngtn'srejec- tion -- on thte'--rounds tha t it is con- sidening aothrpropos)ýa[i fr qanare-na - at least gives some caue'or ho-pe. The roucis aintain they rpr sent 'the rijiyintereaýt Jin their decisions to hold the'lint' and e-xercfse- caution. Their- argument iscoicig After ail, tbey cdd eceive the maijority votes in thec last elcetion. HowevLerý there is anlot'her elecion this December and aRt least twoqu- tions are bourn ocrop iup One is Shouý)ld we deiay tht' conistru-ction o)f new sports facilities lJongerr?" An)d the other 15 "Can the two uiîplte work toehe o develop a comm-on recreaýtion progrm?" Only tinme Nwill teli just how rgh or how wrog tt' wo couincîls have been. Joey Steps Down Af fer TPi'-wee-k JOscPIImallwood, the ~ather iC sdrain ofarn as New- founiand r r re d, staps downvr as premier i tfhat province to end anr hitoric period luin ad'shisýýtory. He hadi led tht' p-ojItical party ini power sieNewfounidland became a part of 22 Years Joey will long e re'iexber ed as a dynamic and persuasive leadeýrkwit: flair for, thet' drMatie. e doubtt haýt tht' new -Pr(e ý ierFank ,Moîores wil e able to mantch hlm, but don hope he--wvll continute Joe'y's effor-ts to ak tt eastern provýince moreprpeo. Thene'lI be many tear-s shed in Newfie as Joey leaves the' helm. Controllers Are Tying Up Things Again Thceapoal will be widespread tîng fed up to the' teeth. s_ýupport for tht'ý Toronto Star and Globe Fortunately for the' controllers who and pMa l itin that it is time the' currentiy are tying up ail air fravel in raverci lef nd paced Canada, this iF an election year, makî ng gvermet evredîe o nd ac'Nd ifdoubtful that such actinwill ha '-tiak oenefsevcso N taken in the' immeiante future, 1ti a sis.But, the day may well icone next Thene have been un many stnikes, in year ortht',,earnafti-r whenl thi' doemand esmpntilpublic service in rnetnt years, frmatht' publi c wibnng Paon tn end ~bta wrkrs jar controllens, and strikes in essential public serie. Many _mh L hat tht' public generally isget- will agret' if is long oerle Parabte of the Corn (FroafiC tyaLow Journal) Tht' farrmer agreedi that that seemn- Tre asa nman wvho waS in tht' ed fair eogbut Radded: "T agýret' that bs nes a raising chickens, lowever,? prices are goung up and that you shoud ha-ie dno corn to feed tht' birds and get $750 per day, but pnices have gone the hans raîusad fa lay eggs unleas they up for mie too and 1 can't selI you a tkare fed. bushel of corni for, less than $1!.50". Neanby there was a farmer who Tht' çhice-farmner agreed that gre lrge quantities of corn, so tht that wvas fair, sn ht' workt'd for $s750 eWicken-farrner mýe, tfo himm anid offer- per day and paid $7.50 for five bushel1s ed to) work o)nt' day each week for a of corn. wvage of $500. Finially hc got $10.00U per da-y and Tht' agreement was made, tht' paid $5200 a bushel for conn. eblkenfarerwent to work each And tht' farmer was haýppy and said wa'k eradfiedolasand gave the' to bis wifé:_ "Thing-a(,ç;arýe good. I1 get two lnrney back, to the' farier in raturn for dollars a bushel for m cornc". five buofsa corni.1 And the' chieken farrner said fo his For a fume e verync ne w happy. wife: "Thbngs are good. f get tLen dollars lýhirhens got their corn, their ownen a day for my labor". oarned fhue dollars a week and the And tht' statistician said: "In't this farrinr h -ladtht'labor of tht' chýickt'n- wonderful: Nlational incomes are at inew farmer ont' day each wveek. high levels" ht ont' day the' cickenfarmer And tht' politicianis braggedf about wr.nt fi thet' farner and said: "The it and said: "It was our liarty that did ptict of everythinisiý going up so much this for you". thit cannot work for iless than $7.50 Everybody feU w good about ht that Per day". fhey voted for tht' politicians. Bad News for CoId Shower Types Hene's bad news for tht' sauna sales- *inen and tht' fellows who fhink a staady diet of cold showers keeps them fit. ACicg heant speci-alist has finu- ally throwni coid -watt'r on tht' idea af codi hoenia aheaith fonic. ColM sow -s- particuflanly aiter c-xercise - can tngebeant aftacks, ý-aYs Dr. R. VW. Childers ni the' Univer- ity ni 'Chicago, "Col shoerscause r-apid changes. wvithin tht' badylie expiains. "Tht' bloýnd vesais ear tht' surface cntract ta nedue tht' mouint c' ai he bing osf *througb tht'e b-odyv'.s sur'face. Soon affen- wads ht'pulse ;ratei eac.Mean- whitht' blonçd pesr is sharply £etterç Bcthany, Ontario, ,T-Janury 12, 1972. Lif;rARiY FOR BETHANY As couvenirronfnI he Citi- zenlup anrlEduicaion Com- mnitten (nJ tht' Betlaay W. I alrwiftng ft' cuO atyou and ynun readens mwith ont' af o ur projgrarns duing We have no library facili- tics la this area unlesa we go to Laayin, Victoria Co)unty, onr Pefenrbnrougb in peterbor-Ough ontWe iaivestigated tht' possibilities elevafed. This results in qan iacreased work load for tht' heant." a Although there is n data to prove a case-ad-efpctreiationship, Dr. Childers _notes thaït Scanidinavikan coun- tries, where taklingÏ cold showers.and ending a hbot saunma bath withi a plunge in tht' suow ar'e popuilar, havýe tht' high- est cnnouary death atesin tht' world. Thene is, ni couirse, ont' slightly> cheerng thoughlt for- tht' cold shower addicts. If tie y survive tha shlower - on plige intlo snow aiter tht' sauna bath -.- tey rau b'e reasoniabiy sure their he rt' n odshape. At ieast until tht' next showver, -St. CtarnsStandard to the & (Dilor of a township librai-y and fiaally wrote f0 tht' County Clerk oI tht' Unitedl Couatiesý nf Northumberland Aa Durhami to sec what posai- bilities there were' af tht' Count y level1. Front this, the' County Council b)as set up a cont- mittet' to lavestigate tht' setting up nf a County Lib- rary Systemn witb tht' posai- bi]ity nf bookmobiles for outlying areas. However, the' Council would like f0 hear front ther areas -in the' Unitedl Counties to sec if this wi]l filîla need in tht' areî not alreadiy having librar f acilities. Since your papei jbas wide circulatlion la tît' Uni ed Coulnties I trust you wj pint tia letter witb tl hope thlat if people a)re ir terestled lt4bevy wj i rief tht' Couoty vClenit, Admini: traion Buiilding, 860 Wfilliai Street, Cobourg, Ot., Than you for your assistancei this matter. Sincerely, Barbara Adarn, (Mrs. K.UD Adams) k i Il Dunh'am County's Great fanvly Journal Established 118 years ago ln 1854 PhoNe JOHN U. JAMES EDTOI-PUBLISNER Alan Iacorporating The Bowmanvî1le News The Newcastle Iadepeftden1 The Orono News Second cdos a miiiregistration number 1561 Produced every Wednesday by, THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LTMITED 62 -66 Kng St. W., Bowmanville, Ontario GEO. P. MORRIS PATRICK< GOULD E BUSINESS MGR. ADVTG, MANAGER Phone, 623-330-Q DONALD BISHIOP PLANT MGR. MacDuffReport The Mont hiy Jobs Game Once a motllhtcFdea Govermantand tht'opo5. tino prte engage lina arit-- uaýl that bas becorne almoot a g2ameý on Parliameat IHilI. B3ut it is aï garne they bofli exvt'çect could affect tht' te- sulta nih' nextlection. Tht' g-ame is tht'skpimishing over Ithe'mrnohly fgueson Over tht' paiSt xvo yar, tht' opposition blas woCnl most nI theee skir i îsae . It f)ou 1 C have' been difficut rt ht opposition to lat' becaýuce unempbnmeat bas been s badt la Canada.Tht' Jaýn uaryr inçdet as typîcal of tht' type nI batties that have beetn fougpht over tht' figures. Tht' tatitica released Jainuaiy il deal,!ing with un- empilo2ryrienýt for tht' moath of December were not asF black aýs Ithey bave been for anme moaths re(,centiy. 1la fact it was psibeto st anme reasona foi optirniam la the' figures. Wbile unern- pinymnent hac iacese tht' total number i obisahad not jumrped as mueiil as usual between Novemben and December. However wben tht' thi-et- page sunmnary of ernploy- ment statisics bit tht' deaka of oppositioni members, they were quick f0 reject any suggestion f bat fhinga rniight be improving. Newsmren wene 4suiected to a b)arraýge of press releaýses front van- oua$ posto MP's con- ftemning the Governrnent'as handlinI -ftht' econnmy and cîting tht' bigh level of un- employaiient as evidence that the Govennrnent does't cane about human aufft'ning, Opposition Lea-der Robert Stanfield wac iHalifax wîen thc figurces were ne- leased. But thlat didai't 'stop hlm frorn ensriag that newsmea la Ottawa receiv- cd a presa elas with bis commentantsý ht' figures. othen oneratve , ild ing Gt'rald Baldiwin, John Lundrigan andi Maîcel Lam- Leader David Lewis ld a press confrenclle at which hle hittcrly 1citicizcd tht' (oy- ernmenti's rec>ord on dan with unemp Ii nyrnent-,. H' commenta were alokg tt same lines as those of tht' Conservatives - charges that the' Goverament had purposely created laýrge- scale unempinyment, Tht'e nrm nt' ractin t0 ail these chariges waýs dif- ferent from btsbe- a il Most past kirhs . n moat ,occasions wbenuem- pînyent igursbaeee reea ed eGvrana a ctetditacîf to mak broad stterensabuho things wnuld getbet. How-e.cr i nuar, s il -1d'in la overnben, the'(ly caettuineel f0 anw utc that rnigbt le descnib- cd as a smokescreen, As far as tht' Goverament la co- cernt'd, tht' political danger, la tht' monthly skirmishes cornes not from tht' uaemi- pinyrnent figures hmaîe but from tht' publicityv that members oI tht' opposition get fnorn repcating tht' fi- ures. Gencrally, tht'e enly ment statistics andciltht'a- compenying chargea by op-e position MP'saiae beard on radin and television attaçk- ing tht 'Govnrncnt. And thein quotea arc carried by most nt'wapapeî-s. To combat this tht' (lov- craiment bas corne up with the' technique oIftt' cnewevr announcemeat. A few bours,, alter tht' unempînymen fig- ures were revealed ia Jan- uary, Manpowen iice Otto Lang made a ttmn tbat tht' money avaiýl-abi'fon tht' make-work Localý Initia- tives Prograrn would be in- creased by $50 million. Tht' UP jpnograrn itcclf was rcvcaled ii! oeme as part of a large Goveraitý met iibudgeýt hi;c h dierel tention Irom the' c arnpaa tijv ely highÏ- un1ýein- ploymnt ifigures anaotjaccd fiaitriontb. Both iannounce-. mycnits could havwe been, made earli (' jo fjact tht' prograwrns migit bave bee more effective l-a cornbattiag winten unieyro- ploy«mr-ent if the' announça- ments iad been rmadýpecaj iler But by main ter sortly,1 alte uaenplometfîiues eriameot blocked ,t mucli of tht' discussion of those figures. . Whether tht' skirmisiiiing will bave any efft'ct on tht' 7next election is debat)'able. BRut both sides have been plyinrg tht', garne veny In the Edîtor's Mail 6 Liberty St. S., Bowmnanville, Ont., Jainary 7, 1972 As ýan avid supporter of tht' nw Sports Complex poo aiiad ïas ont' who appecitestht' sincere el-- forts of this hard-wonkinýg cornImittee, I am moveel to write this letter. Tht' Canadian Statesman (Jan. 5, 1972) in its edi- tonial comment, has express- cd, a portion oI my feelings very well. "Tbough cou ncil's cn cern for the' financial im,ýpli- cations la quite undcrstand- abl, they emr to have mnissed tht' whole poinitIf) fie- cornmittee's requ est for joinit tallis: tht'raizto thiat if tht' two unpai ties united thiey soel*a good chance t) Gwth'fa- cilities; but divided hey would end 1up) with atoth- ing" How)\ever, I feeltatiu rnust also add rny thoughts. Gentlem ý'ý1en. .....ou are a ,very unfunny loke! - Kcnncth D. Park. IReport from Queen'lms Park I by Alex Carruthers M,P.P. desiguated aeas, community centre grauts for- arenas, community halls, athietic fields, etc., recreational prng- ram grautstrouhtht' Depantinent nI Education suid equipmrent grauts for recreation through tht' Departmient ai Labour. (liants under the, Community Ceni- tres Acf are pérhaps tht' mnst widely 'used' sud may be summarized as ,fol- lnws: (a) A grant not lu e>iýcess ni $10,00û. or 25 per cent oi the cost ni a comniwity hall, skating arena on athletiîîel î"d, bn-- ciuding addiions theneto. (b) A granit inotlu iexcess ni $15,000. or 25 per centni tht' cost nf an indoor on' outdnor swiming ii-pool. (c) A grant nat iu cxcess nf $20,000, or 25 per centoai tht' cst.ol a building or part thereoft t include both a commun- ity hall and au areus., (d) A grant n lu excess ai $5,0,00. or 25 per cent ni tht' cost ni a combined community hall and swimming pool. This Act L5 administered by tht' Ontario Departmt'nt ni Agriculture and is particularly adaptable for citizen participation. Under tht' terms aift'e legsiainua runicipaîity may bav7e mort' than ont' cammunity centreand commutîlties whîch by agreement hiave joint use ofi commutiity centres are each eligie ion fIe above grautls on condition fIat tht' total aid providied will not exceed 50 per cent ni tht' total cost. These grants aie ail incentive in design with tht' major recuits beîng achieved through community effort. Iu my opinion if is better to, panticipate lu tht' creation ni ofgond things -.;than ta boasf ni thein possss,,ion, aaIiix wish to assure tht' spotinors ni thecse prjects sud the' citize-ns al imy full co-operation lu the' r:eahîzation ni f heir plans. Accidents tI Fatals Dow iBUlILDING BETTER COMMUNITIES as Over tht' past few weeks, if has uy been my pnivilege to share iu a number ni meetin gs sponsored by community- a jindad citizens for tht' purpose ni dis-, 11cussiug sud planning community pro- be Jeets. Prnjects under consideration in- -ic.ude necreational facilities in tht' Dan- to liugton-Bowmanviile ares, medical cen- am tres la tht' Millbrook-"Pont Hope corn- ýnk munities, sud more r-cently a proposed in skating areus iuivnlving sund serving the' needs ai Bewdley am? tht' adjacent municipalities, Thene are certain key steps to be taken by citizens iu seeking ways to r improve thein commrunities: FINDOU THE NECESSARY FACTS; SURVEY tht)e s whene impravement is need- eal; %MAKE AN INVENTORY ni tht' resources lun people and matenisis; EXPLORE meaus ni anousing interest; INFORM tht' epublic ni steps being taken suid PROVIDE OPPORTUNITIES for citizans ta chant' lu the' planning and work. If le gratifing to note that tht' sponsors ai thece local projects are tak- îug these sfeps into cousideration. Tht' ueed for tangible cnmmunity facilif les and tht' ueed for participation by individuais are two differeut needs, sud fhey only came together wheu tht' process permits fhe individuai ta chant' ln tht' planning aud work. They do nt bieud when people are forced to accept a solution worked outfion thern by gnv- erumrent -where they are limited to say- iuig yt's or n., Goverument can pro vide consider- able assistance, however, in tht' fonm ni incenfive grants which have enabled couuiisto iindrcita ke projects otherwîse not feaýsib. Thei,3a grantsincuagaate -' alaries for medical practitioners lu 11ev. Frank Yrly of GannoqeWho recc-ntly acetda Cali- to tht'Eb of ht'Unîed Hchsc who has mousve- oPily wil] asu i ilnOfdtýies nxt unda Jnunr 2 , Belleveille, pvisd ited lMrs.a no nrigs ihetySret elected Waden oIdth. bourg -, âon Tad ay eving He d efea tuday eeve Ted saiplanzrdee adolel D. Tht' weajýhtthermoram aIl iFsteredL 10 below zero. St. Paul's C.GI.T. met .Jan. 15. miss D. Cese bad,- charge of tht' worsipf Kîngsay Nusiis, was u lce vic-e-president oftht Ontar-io Nurierylmenis As7- sociation at th eir ,annmual meeting held in Toronto enl this week. Adi utant Arnoldl Brown, Mrý., -Andý 'rew( We chor ' BroadiewMan., la vigitin' is cousini, Mr. Ti. C. Jacksýon a;nri bis numerouI other reltinslathi!^ vic- Mnc. Wvelh bas nmariea ret or s 0 aninbcing 'iedc arsin ato. M.L. F. Raffauf leIt on M\onday Ion Atlantir Ci!y, NAto attend tLA'Cannera' Convention, rt'pnesent n g the' Rocs Cap Co. ir.Robt. Allani, Cbu and son, Mr. Chaýs. AIlAn ,%of Moose Jaw, Sask. , pent thif, weekend with tht' fonmen's daughter, Mns. W. J,. Clen-i- ence, Kingston Roaqd Fast. Messrs. Jhn . nd Frank A. Wakeplini, who have been spending anmnewek with thein motlher, have neý- tuirne-d to _Boston, Mass.-i,, RveGeo. A. Sinifi to Pot ope vwas f eleCted oardln,(I tht Uited 1Coup- DuLInI)Rfor* 1923. Miss Donothy Johnston dressed as an "Italian GCirl" won first prize at Onono lannivaL Tuaday nigi. Mrft. Hary Foster, whoI bas ben visiting fnUiends- here, bas neturned to hia_ hoenear Pîcton. Dunbarto, la vis fing Mrs. G.,A. Gillespie, LlerySt. Thee wre9.)trfj ee-a former popular ia rmy . Sam TV1J y, ports lgged by thie Newcastle officer in charge of the, rone, ;i3knt t lif weeii7ndl OntrloProinialPolcedujr- local Salvation Army Cor-ps ih "hr cousin, Mre. ing 1-971, an inilcrecase of 31 has beeni appointed national CanridiJr, oyerthepreiou ye r, ( publicity r presentative at Mr. veet J a C k M n portls are com-plti(n cases the S.A. hleadquarters in Oshaqwa, waa recent gýes-t of rportal'i' motor ehileToronto. Of 1hiS uncle, Mr. Thom, C, ccdtsanld Mwhen charges r$n Mrs, C. A. Jarl- Jacksonl. ofdngerouis driving are rett, Bainmoral Hotel, vwere Troe'M.an-M 1 Fe ma dec). in Toronto altendinig Ithç Mackjln. Grimgby, reeeutlly AÀt tht' same tinie, however, convention of the Ontarli-io visited Mr and lm rF. HaR"- the numbii-erof fatal.itiesý drop- Hotelmeni's ,Associatiloh. old G. MjNacklin. per fr-oni 1H in 12 accidents Newtonville: Mrs, Louit' laplce Grove: Ms ag durýiini 1970 to 1l in 10 acci- larke, who lias been visit- -Rutley.ý of Edmonton. it. dentiis in, 1971. ing Mrs. George Ovens, has is \isiting lier parents, Mr, Lastyearta te yar be- rcturncd to Chicago. ndMr. lE. ~uIy foire flthefirstfatalitv occur- rco, in April. Thisye on Janua y 8thaWh- jomins New A ss ociatio snlowmlobiler .Franicis Fyland a1 hap ininei.ainsBut ProteW-sts High Fee AETCGAMES Tho e 1w Ascitof nIOnl-0fTeltrgou (yn Whntt 92Arctic Win-- anothr mmbr he Dar]- sh i),ut -not the fore ni"fle, ter Gamies opeois il, White- inigton CouclntdJnay Cu'ncil was ditre hor', Ykn Mrh6t1, it 7th to pay th-' $25 member- tht' jumpilafees tJ(hog i t will brnïtgt e nury ship fec. ithat if it was -oing to hav 1,000 parti1cipa)nts from evt'ry The Assoiation was nwyavoice iniicia ffiait coreJner o'f North Anic alabove foîrned this year when tht' had to inmin. the 60th parallel. It will1 be Association of Mayors and Cucilripooed!l, tht'- second iii a series of wNeek- Reeves amalgamated witthjti mlittin-g a Iresolutioin to $heî3 l o ng fesFtivalas inolv 11ga1- Ontairlo Municipal soiain w Associationpoînting t l~tcsan cltra eehngs.Darlington wavas mmba.he fI tt'feçwa Io1' Suga Wn Spic JUNK GOOD FOR, A CAPITAL GI Either I'm slowinig dowu or lii e is -speediag îùp. Probably bath, which is ont' reasan IFin so confused these days. Tht' other r-easa,ýn is that I've always been -cai used. For nue tiiug, thé-- naw fax legisia- tion, If may be manna to, lawyers and àccountants, but to tht' ordinany, rather stupid Canadian, like-me, it's like waa- dering araund in a bog in a fog, blind- Whaf did I do- beinre Valuation Days were anuounced? Nothing, I didn'f have a cht' where fa sfart, and besides, tht' whole thing had about as much fascination for me as a Jantiary sale, NoW I discover fIat I should have valued som.-e oaimy precînus, antiques and stufi, so that 1 could psy taxes on them. when ,ithey, increase iu valut'. Weil, I haven't auy stamp collec- tions or coin co llections or paintings that are goiug to increase in pnice stea- dily. I dou't have a summer cottage, which seems ta ha a bad thing to have, according to tht' papers. But I do have some antiques, There's tht' violin, for example. It's an authentîle hand-made instrument. MVy Unicle Tomn made if about iorty years ago, and samt'haebw iif camie into mny pos- session. No ont'ilu'tht' family has play- ed if, because tht're is oiy onue string, tht' bridge is broken, and the' frame is siightly warped. Therefore, it's not just junk, but almost pnistine, and surely is incneasiu -g lu value; daily. Tht' case in which if is t'ncios'd- is equally antique, (I'd sa-y about 1850 vintage). I deiinitely slipped Up thera. That thiug cudb worth as muçh as $38 in ten or twelve yeans, sud I got if for uothiug. How -much will a rapacinus goverumeut snatch irom me in capital gains for that? And tht' beds, ni course. They are genuint'à antiques. My mothen hought them af an auction sale, sud they must haveý been 100- yeans nid then, We iu- herited them, and they're probably priceless by now. . How about my hip waders? If they're not antiques, lil est YOUR hîp waders. They're an old I can't rt'mtm- ber wheu I bought them, and they.are ful ni genuina holes, jusf like nid fur- ulture. ,And where does my wood-pile come in? Ont ' ny oaks blcw down last suimmer, anid I had if uýt into fine- wood. Now I didn't gay for the oak 3y Biihl Smileyj wheCn f. bough1t tht'prpetyand 1 havi, about $3ý5woh of wood there. DoT pay cýapital gýcains fa-x on if?' Enough i o that. I'm becomling steadliyiymort' worriad., I caýn sek, my entire estate gning down tht' drain fa the,'!gneedy fax collector. Someîliin,, else bas* me jusf about as pu7zaled. It's tht'e fdicafional say-stem. It's diffenent in every province, an fIat you can. leann as nmuch in f welve 'ye-arsý in M1anitoba ais you can in thinrteen years in Ontanio. Thiat is uindlensfaudable, be- cause oi tht' difference ini elimnate (the only reason I can think ni).) > But a whole new, f iighfening aspect ni tht' blackboard jnl is beîng in-. tnoducedluin y province. It's pnobabiyr something tht' Yanks trîed ouf feu years ago and iound unworkable and have- since abandoned. That's the' wayCa- dian eduLcation, at ifs worsf, seema sfca operate. -Beginingii,,, nexf September, the' kids and their parents choose wh-af sub-, jects tht' kid wiillfake in high school. 50 fan, so gond. Irve always been op- poseQd ftht' niod, nigid sysfem junder wýhich y* ou haud fo t ake-math or French or somehin yo wene hopelessly int'pt at. I t1iink thlere should be lots ni option1s. iButhuriy, hisis gning ( itfn Tht' provincialgveuenwîhtht',, ai d nifafderai help, has spef illon and illonsnollasestfing tip sch1ools with ah manniiýer ni equ-ipmnent, especiaHY in tht 'techinical departineuts, Dîflenent suibjeets, ltsny English sud History il be vying for students1 s0 that tendiers wà,on't lose Jobs. The' History departmnent will make ifs ploy by showing pictures ai nude statuies nf Rome and Greece and tht' Renaissance. But I've ýlaid my plans foô. We'ra goiug to lay lu a supply oi dinty modern nov'- els, and also give everybody, at least 75 per cent. iDou't fell me that a 13 or 14 year nid wili choose auythiug except what he thinks are' tht' "tasit'st" subjects. This could lead fo courses in basket weaving, ancheny, or mope sud gawk- eny. And what do I do if tht' principal iniorms me that nobody wanf s to take English next year? I'm not a bit wor- ried. I am conviuced I can cook beffer than some nf itt Homne Economics teachens, and coulid fit in nicely fIera. I know tht' firsi, four lettans ai thtý Greek alphabet, and cou-Id teach Graeek iu a pinch. "C'Crjght anao rperty rghts ,ubsist in the image appearing on ibis preot. Permiss;Ion ta repnoduce in whole (or in Part itid in ony torm whatsoever, particularty by poorahaor offset prorese in a puM v-t t b@ sIh. Ittaed train the publigher and the pinter, Any -iautorized reproduction wil] ha cubject Io rnourse in lw' 6aoayear - moaflt$35 $8.00 a~ Yecir in ltho Uaited States Girîctly in advance -Ahug vcry procotution Wlil b. taken tea avid eror Th, oodo tonJ oepsavertis. lagin ts olnneon h. acereonaa thar t il rl ,0o h. hble faray crror l n y adcveliSement puhîsd eruner nis.a pr-)ol a I sud, dvertîsmnî la i-reliuerted in ritirn hy t1h. dvertisez oa rtrodtam CndinSIisia h'lgs at.-dlyegnd he,1h. dvert,qer ni-wth eurHi erroror corectins'pliaty ioted lwitirg the>,mro, aadin rthot case il aay erolo oe t. n l'yreceI3 b' Ti aanSttso t ihiltty s.l I not oseeds « aPortio)n -fh. ertle c etembt'r ,riaa es the Spin.e 1ouptod hy the aot.d error herirs , ie whevil, ecn. oocuat.4i hl n, b dvrtt.mst