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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jan 1972, p. 5

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New<.tonville W.1. Newtanville Women's Inati- ' lute heid their mantbly meet-1 ing at the -home of Mris. v Farrow, Jan. 12, and Presi- dent B ernnîce Millîgan, wei- camnmg ePverynne, opened with the poemi "I arn the New Year", atter whîch the Ode astsung, the Mary Stewart Caîicctrcpeated, and al ne- 'acateci the Lord' s Prayer in unisan. Minuites of last meet- ing n fïinanî-,iciai report wene gein by Secretary-Treasurer May Burcy.wh aiso rcad several expres3sions.of appreci- atin ram those nemember- cdA bv the Sunahîne Commît- tee. MNs.illigan expressiog, hers, inpesn The -President will be at-1 tenýdiing the 75th Anniversary1 of thec F.W.I.O . at the Royal York o on Feh. 12 and twno tben laie re planning to gn, also. SOtencesaary tickets wil A pair of flannelette blank-1 ets ie ta be gîven a family in Nwatewho' necently lbat their h 1i-me by tire. Anothen PePnny Sale is to bie held in September hn, the Community Hall.1 Pas-t Presidents of aur bnanich are to meet at the homoe (of the President, Jan. 19 ta mnake plans for the com- ing 6Othi Anniversary celebra- tien. Canvenar Iva Farrow pre- secnted the prgram with Mns. Fietclher gilving an intenesting paper on the days tapic "Edu- catianr;". The Motto, "Yon .anc neyer tona ad ta learo, non toa yaung tan listen", was ably gvnby MrS. M. Joncs. Rall CaJi, ".A mmory gemn fram achol days", brnught many amsinig and intereat- ing nespooses from the 25 ladiîes present and following the colction and benedîction lunch wasesrved. Pize fan ther nearcist birthday was shar- ed betwvecn Leta Samiîs and Quciei-Fletcher, whiie Mrs. Sodc ield the lucky cup. The- usujal expression of ap- preiatinfoer hem hospitality was made ta the hasteas. ýNES'TLETON W.1, Nestfî(tan Women's bnsti- tute helId their first meeting in the N eYan on Wednes- aaternoon, fan. 5 att the1 home 0f Mrsf Allan Beacock, Sportswear 3OV -o Off 48 -KING ST. E. The meeting opened with the opening Ode and the Mary Stewart Collect. Following this a memorial service for the late MrIs. George Johns was conducted by Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. A mninute's silence and prayer conclifded the tnibute to a \'alued member of the organiration. Mrs. Walter Welts, presi- dent, extended the welcome and the 'thank you" ta the hostess. Minutes of the Dincember meeting and correspondence were read by tbe Secnetaî'y, Mrs. Jos. Wygerde and fin- ances were reported by the treasurer, Mns. Richard Davi- son. Mn. Wclts, thanked, Mrs. Bowers for the use of her bome and ail who donated and 'assisted in packing the 33 Christmas boxes. Conrespondence încluded a letter from Bethany Women's Institute re a County Library. Plans were made for the "Short Courses', January 27, from 10 - 4 and Febnuary 15 and 16. Suggestions and de- signa for tbe luncheon cloth are to be brought to the February meeting. Several thank you notes and dona- tions were received. Greet- ings were receivcd fnom Mrs. Austin Zoelier re the 75th luncheon whîch will be held in the Canadian Raom of the Royal York Hotel. Mns. W. Welts and Mrs. Cecil Wilson were named as delegates. In the absence of Mrs. Mal- colm Emerson, Convener of Agriculture and Canadian In- dustries, Mrs. Welts presîded for the programme. The rail caîl, "A New Cao- adian Industry" was well answered and was cuite en- ligbtening. Mrs. Grant Thompson spoke to the motto "The Tools You Acquire Are Not So Import- ant As What You Do With thera". Changing the word "tools" to "4talents" Mr. Thompson spoke of the buried talents. She said talents have been developcd by Women's Institute Short Courses. Use our talents as builders, not as wreckers. Two poems were read to illustrate the ingenuity in using talents. The guest speaker, Mn. Winklaar, was introduccd by Mrs. Welts, A native of Holland, he came to Canada in 1964 and purchased hîs farn on the Cartwright-Manvens Sweaters ½/ Porice TO CLEAR BOWMANVILLE ______ ___________________________________________________'I Cnoka 24 IN TUE CAPTAIN'S LOUNGE Thurs. - Fn, - Sat., Jan*20,21,22 VISIT THE PORT -HOLE TAVERN Downstairs FRIS ad SAT. "DISCOTHEQIUE" LIBERTY ST. S. at 46 MOTOR INN Reports 1from Womnen's Institutes MAPLE GROVEK W.I. The Janpary meeting of the WI, was heid an the .1th ho the CE. Hall at 8 p.m. Mns. H. Prescatt, convenor of Hame Economica, was ho charge of the meeting. Al members brought a sample of bakiog and the recipe on a sample, of a handicraft and gave a demonstratian. The Mtto "Many folks are confusbng the high coat af liv- ing wth the coat of high liv- ing" was cammented an by Mrs. J, Hurrie. She said "IWhy daca evcrythiog cost-so mnuch?" Everynne wants ta hiave the beat of everything an they want ta change- funiture, cans, etc., mare oten. Fancy grades and packaging- al coat more and wages are of necessity higher for this service. people buy because they want, flot neces- saaily because they necd thinga. Ail these things addf ta the high coat of living: -Mrs. W. O'Neill read aR poem cntitled "The Great Equaliz- ,Pr" Mrs. O'Ncil has recent- ly returncd tram living for five months at Fart Simpson in the North West Teritories and tald a few things about the lite and conditions there. The Maple Grave Kitchen Hillbilly Band made their first appeanance in aur arca, siog- ing and playing aid tymne sangs. The ladies were Mrs. J. Hunnie, Mrs, C. Swallow, Mrs. H. Bradley, Mms. H. Pescott and 'Mrs. C. Russel with Mrs. W. Laird- at the piano. The ladies were apprapri- ately dressed in nid tyme costumes- and wcnc enthusi- aticaly applauided by the audience. Mrs. S. Morton, President, was in charge oif the tollow- hng business. The Rail Cail "An nid tyme remedy nsing vegetables"l showed that onions were the favorite vegetable forn this purpase. It was agfreed ta give oun usuai donation 01 $25 ta the Board of Stewards. The ladies wenc in favan aof having their Decemben meet- ing with the U.C.W. The "Gaad Neighbouna" re- part was given by Mrs. W. Brown.. Mrs. J. Hurrie gave the rest of hem report as aur delegate ta tbe Anea 1Canvention. Afen the repeating of thp Collect ho unison, Mrs. H. Bradley auctîaned the baking and handicraftt with the pro- ceeds being over $18. Mrs. H. Pnescott and hier graup served a lunch at Christmas cookies and cake with tea and coffee., BLACKSTOCK W.L. The January meeting of Blackstock Wamen's Institute began at 12:30, January i5th in the Cammunity Hall. The Presîdent Mrs. Percy Van Camp calied the meeting ta, order and the Institute Grace waa sung. Then each went ta the table and hclped thcm- selves ta the variety of des- serts and 'tea or cottec pro- vided by the gmnnp ho charge. When everyane had donc justice ta this part of the meeting we sang the Ode and repeated the Mary Stewart Collect in uniono. The Presi- dent wishedeveryone a Happy' New Year and the rail cail, "Name a food produced by our Nonthemo Citizena" was ho keephog with the theme of the meeting and was aoswcr- cd by many. The conespondence consiat- cd of thank yau notes tram many wha coioyed Christmas Cheer boxes; a letter regard- iog aur Short Course "News aind Ideas for Kîtchens", jan,. 27th. 10 sm.n, ta 4 .m. in tlackstock Comnunity Hall when Nestieton -will ualoojon Our President stated that members of branches were invted ta attend the F.W. 1.0. Celebration in the Rayai York an February 12. A Short Course - "News and Ideas for Kitchens" is being given ho Bowmanville on Wednesday, January 26. An. are weloenne ta o Tif Receives B. A. Degree boundary in 1966. By oro- ns; P Training Sehool Course fessian a geologist, who was in Bawmanvill e, Feb. lSth and employedby Sheli Ohl Comn- l6th on the "Knack ofScw- paoy. Mn, Winklaar gave ing with Knîts", the celebra- a splendid resume of the wonk tion af Women's Institutes' of a geologiat in nil discoveny. Sex'cnty-five Ycans, to -bc Dnlling for il is ont ncw hcld at the Rayai York, Feb. as the Chinese drilled hales i2th, ta have a delegate and 200 or 300 years B.C. The othens attcndîng. Directions ptch on Noah'a Ark was a were distributed for the lun- product of oil. che on cloth competition for In 1859 Colonel Drake saw the area.' It was decided ta seepage, dnilced 70 feet in hold aur meetings at 12:30 two months and obtained 41l p.m. for the next two mnnths barrels per day at $1 per gal- on the fîrst Wednesday. Ion. Mrs.. Skelding had charge Io 1858 Germany drilled af the programme and gave a 120 feet but no nil came out. reading. Mrs. Tbompson read Extensive ail fields have the motta composed by Mrs. been located in Texas, Mexi- W- W. VanCamp "Industry co and the Canadian West. exists for man, nat man for Rock fnrmations, domes and industry". Mrs. Glia dy s tidal flats arc cxamined by Thompson had the tnpic the gelogist. Picturea, are "Nnrtherrn Lights" and told of alan taken fnom the air to la- the wnrk of the Women's cate potential il fields ,In Intitutes ho the Yukon Terri- the ocean. Twenty years tory and Mý,ackenzie District. ago one well in 20 w;as a pro- The first W.I. branch- was ducer, 00w one in 10 is suc- formed in 1956 by Mis. Hongh cessfui. It is estimated many wh lived in the Yukon. With oul wells will be dry by th he heip.'of Miss, Florence yean 2,000. Canada's great- Eadie who made se4real trips est nil reserve is the Atha-it0 this area, aven a dozen basca Tan Sanda, but at the more branches were arganiz- present time, it is ton cxpens-leC~ during the nextfew'years, Wells have been drilled to being set up and contributed 1,600 feet. Mn. Winklaan had to by the Federated Women's worked with the natives in Institutes of, Canada as a the jungle of New Guinea. centennial praject ta assist He spoke of the abunrdance witb this wark. Jo 1966 the of nil in Trnidadl.IJoanc finat W.I. convention was held countny,,with na mapsa be and in the Narth, with Indian, nativeswalkcd six mnfes. Eskimo and white wamen tak- High octane gas ha used i n g part. The Institutes are aeroplanes, numben one and alan helpîng ta cstabiish the n e g n ar for automobiles, native crafttaindustny in the Conîpanies are tryîngta eîim- nonth, Ail of their activities mnate suiphadiaxide tram the may be read about ho the gasoline as that is what Cana- bulletin "Nonthermo Lights", es the suffocating and cough- published three times a year. ing when inhaled. A cammittce was appointed From ail thene are hund- ta arrange fan aur celebration reds of by-pnoducts. When of the 75th Anoivcnsary of il becomes in short supply the founding of the Women's synthetic ail will be produe- Institutes. The meeting clos- >cd. cd by singing God Save the To illustrate his talk Mn. Queen. Winklaar used a blackboard ta show rock structures, trata SLN j and different levels. SLN J Mms. Thompono extended NEW YEAR'S MEETING the appreciation ta Mr. Wink- laan for hiâ intenesting and The first meeting of the educational talk. The Thomp- New Year was held in the sons had pioneered the sale hall on Januany l2th. It of Shel ail in Cartwright opened with the singing of Township in 1934. the Institute Canal, with Mns. Fred Dayes' graup President Viola Ashton in the assisted the hoatesa with chair. Helen Milison, Secre- lunch and Mns. Raiph Sadien tany, read the minutes and voiced the thank you toalal gave the financial repart and for a splendid meeting. correspandence. The Februany meeting. "In- Thank you carda wene read ternationai month", will bc tram Percy Weatlake, Karen in the basement of the Pres- Yellowlecs, Margaret Perk- bytenian Chunch. ina and Elva and Bruce Mont- întenestcd, contact Vi. Alan, a Senior Training Sehool wll be ntfered on Febnuany 15 aod 16 in Bow- manville on "Knack of Sew- ing with Koits". The Luncheon Cloth Campe- thon wth W.I. Cnest embroin.- encd on it, la open toa ah membens. To be exhibited at the District Annual. Each Friday afternoon, be- ginniog Februany hlth for four Fridays, there la to be a course on Honsehold Man- agement at the Board of Agri- culture Room in Bawman- ville. Let some of us avail aunselves of these apportuni- tics tii learno new and interest- ing ways to improve aur methods of bonsekeeping. Miss Pearl Leach dcscnibed the gifts the commttee had puchased fan, Christmas gift, and Mrs., Hiemstna added what anothen cammîttee had given. Mrs. Geratschek tram Bnad- ley's gnou'a dstributed a non- pollutant product for us ta try. There is to he an executive meeting at the home of the president on Tuesday at 1:30 iog 75th Anniversary Celc- bration. Plans are alan unden way for aur Sprng Luncheon ho Mamch. The Branch Di- nectars are again ho charge. Sine aur dishes at the hall have been left out of place, by pensons using tbe hall, it bas been decided to mark the shelves and request users 10 put thema back whene they gat them. Damia His drew attenthon ta the chnrch ralendars still availabie and Pat Best dis- played some new books in aur library. Roll caîl was answened by bringing and reading an item from yaun oldest newapaper. This proved most intenestiog. There, were several dated in the 1800's, the canlicat being, Canada, Ottawa, 1864, There wene five editions 0f this newspaper. This was bnought by Marion Broome, A "Baw- manville Observer" dated 1878, sevenai Statesmen in late 1800's and early 1900, as well as a portion trra a Globe of simnilan date wenc shown. A sale bill, dated ho 1800's was bronght by Pearl Leachi. Those had news items in troim Sauna, Hampton, En' The Canadiari Statesman, Bowmanville, Jan. 19, 1972 5 niskillen and Tyra-ne. The _________________________ IPatent Medicine ads. really .dywthMs told us how to cure our ail- m i-o dayHoth Mrownshiar) Aima agad leader of (Intended for last week)ý Mr. and Mrs. Chailie e. Historical Research and Cur- neîlley were with relatives -in reint Events took charge for, Mrs. Ada Gerow returned Oshawa. the program. home from the Port T-ope Alma opened by display- H-ospital, Frîday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. fRaby; ing a beautiful photograph of Dec. 24, 197 1, and spent Christ-1 had dinner with Mr,, Fred nc Mrs. Pierre Trudeau with mas with her daugzhter-in-law, Hilda1 Raby. her new baby son, and saîd Margaret and David. Mr. and Sympathy of this commun- "The Events of'the PresentMrs. Donald Gerow, Toronto, ity is extended to flhe famiiy will be the History of the were also present for Christ- of the late Mr. Dilwyn Clack Future". This was the motto mnas dinner.1 who passed away in hissleep-, for the meeting. prepared bv Sunday. Dec. 26 Mrs, Mar- Thursday, December 30,19, Jessie Tink. Aima then read garet Gerow entertained hier at bis home at BayouPak a lively poem on the char- aunt Mrs. Russell, Pîctori, and Orîllia, R.R. 13. acteristies- of ~ "Boys". nepbew and family, Mr. and The funeral was field Sun-- Alma gave bearty congi'at- Mrs. Darrel Mordon, Welling- day, aur , 92 r ulations to Marilyn Knox for ton, lakand aiy 2 wer972 Mr. winning runner-up in Public Mi Leo Titterington ani~dents of Zion for a number Speaking Contest at the Junior Raymond spent Christmas withof years and were wlknnn Farmer Convention in Toronto fiends in Peterborough. IThe cid attended ion1,ýr aste atda heMrilnenaio Mr. and Mrs. Chas,' Rabv IPublic School here. Left tc preenedatth cnvntonenjoyed. Christmas with Mr. ýmourn bis ioss are h ,s 7ido\,, with a beautiful wrist watch Fe and Hilda Raby. !one daughter and th1reesns, and some money. it was our Fe pleasure to hear Marilyii%'s Mn, and Mrs. Charlie Me- IShirley (Mrs. Roy Addison), speech entitled "Easy Riders" neiiley had their family with West Hill; William, R.CM.P., This was compîeteîy prepareý themn for Cbistmas Mississauga; John and CDI-1 by Marilyn and very suitable During the holiday week wyn of Shanty Bay. to the generation gap whichi Mr. Fred and Hilda. Raby en- Congratulations to Mlr. andf is Lalked about today. Mari- tertains'd Mr. and Mrs. George Mrs. arlCswlBuo lyni's presentation was such Raby and family, Cornwall; St., Port Mope, who celebrat- that we could easîly under- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rabv ed i their 45th Wedding Aiini- stand her success. She has and Ilarry Rabys of Stirling. versary, Wednesday, Jan. 12,' talent. For New Year's Mrs. Titter- IMembers of their famnily too-k Helen Milison favored uS ington and son were wvith themn out for dînm nr a -a with two very pleasing vocal friends in Peterb1orougb, range-d an evening'a (enter- solos, accompanîed by Joycei Mrs, Ada Gerow,, spent the anmn frthm Taylor, "How Great Thou Art" and "Bless This House", Reta Fraser gave a few highlights in -the past year's most important Current Events and concluded with, items which important women of the world are doing. Pat Best, Aima Langmaid PROTETIN IN Y and Pearl Leach put on a skit in the form of a sulent With some prescriptions nto telephone or ciriovie. Pearl was Charlie : oral order from your doctor is acceptable and ~ iChaplin in modemn tîmes. Tol in other cases we must contact your physician the background of appropri- * for authorization ta refill a presc 'ription. Laws ate music 'Pearl and Pat in sîîch as these, regulatiag the practice, ofphar- workmen's combinations took macy', are made for your protection only. their places in the assembly Always phone, us when you want a pre- line of a factory, screwing on nuits with wrenches in each seription re-filled, Then we can eheck it In Ithe - hand. Their anties and ex-- file, proxnptly let you know what the statws l, A pressions could compete withl and how soon we miglît be able to have it ready Red Skelton, Aima Lang- , for you. If some further action must be takea maid displayed the action' before we can proceed we will tell you that, cards. The second scene wasi also. Please remember our prime consideration at the lunch hour, where A S your better health. Pearl munched on hait a loaf O ORYU DCT ANP NEIS of bread and a huge onion through ber moustache. Pat when you 'need a delivery. We will deliver, rpoured, invisible soup in a * promptly without extra charge. A great many iplate which Pearl st i people rely on us for their health needs. 1W4 splattering far and wide. Such welcome requests for delivery service, clownîsh displays had us ahl iroaring with laughter. _______________________ We sure had the education, ententainment and humor ahl 3 i one meeting. aa a A tAima thanked each one whni) -had assisted on the program.: _______________________ Vi added hier thanks andi ex- 1pressed pleasure at the pres- ' 6î KING7 ST. E7AST BowMANvILE ;ence of several visitons, AN 23?,4 tespecially one fnom Goose IIN,2324 Bay, Labrador, Juanita Fi-aser iTap. Lunch in the lower hall, Lwas bacon and cheese on a bun. I Mrs. Harry Stewart of Kingston, the former Dorothy Stapleton, recently received her B.A. degree from Queen's University, ho Kingston. Mrs, Stewart, who attended schoola in New- tonville and Port Hope, la the danghter of Mn, and Mrs. George Stapleton, Waverly Gardeua, Bowman- ville. I JANUA RY' SAL E -CONTINUES- one Rock OnIy! DRES SES VALUES UP $00 TO $30.0 $ ALL SALES FINAL NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS fllarY Choppe

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