T-he Canadian Stateaman, Bowmanville, Jan. 19, 1972 Former A*rea Miin ister eturns from G(uatemala The Hev. W. H, Crawford, I m1iýniste'r c Gibbons Streetr Evaugelical Churýlch-, Oshawa,i b-as just recenitly îýetrned renanlother trip te Guate'- ma, Central Amenica. His ' s-tai,3l5toek hlm jutes;omne reoearcais et that country, including the> jungles et inufte jungle, the r e are bth ,Spaui'sh-speaking anld those wîvth au-In ndian Iulee-t. Teepeople are stili îJl inl a er primitive wýaY, with ne cointerta et lite as we of thee)eople are quite suLit- Soli-Iret the new prorects wýhIch1 are beîug pandfor 1this ;vnr k, include c sp)ecia efo i> rts te deal wîth lithjifa -pe Crut pDreblejet fiiliteracyý. Mr. Crwor ias been thie Ex- ecutive secretary new fer 5v erfal years for this wr "Mission en elfit erioir (de He-Ispanoaminerica." -Guate-1 -u hsfiscal yens etfthia fýnission jthe echurch ,cengrega- tUinlu' Oshawa bas raisedl o'verS$3700 fer this foreigo mission. in. th1C firat fteur m-olnthis et this fiscal y ens' thic-ylhave alrea"dy r iaisvd $l,800 -anld hope te excceed theýir prevbeus year'q iuConire for toreigu missions, Slidies and lmnovie films iu coinur are availabie for anly AUTO COVERAGES: OWNED VHC ly: *Al Perila - combinatïiofe C o l lî i o i n a d C o m p e l u a v *Collision aud UpsDet SCinprebe-nsive -comrbina teetSpcified Perla and! Ereakage et Glass *Specified Perils - Fise, Thefti, ,nca dMiacclaneous inCeverages" surI as Wiudstorm ianld tai- ing Objecta. MDALPAYMENTS: *Insurauce - surgical, medi-i cal, dental, ambulance, lies-i pital and tuniesal expensesl t iujuircdpasseugers, For Fusi nfoi-mation Cal Agency Limoited M4 King St. ofmRct 62?3-5681 E, Box 100 Residepce 623-5023 g;roup iaterested in foreign The Rev. Crawford wiil be issiôn work and would de- remembnered by friends both szire to know more of this in Port Ferry and several work in Central America.- All areas inorth of B3owmanville donations go direct to the mis- where he heid pastorat es for sion field. severai year s. ifecrea tîo n [J? cv TYKE LEAGUE bu the first gaj-ine et Tues, Jan, 4th, the Cardinals dcfeati- ed the Hornets 6-0. The Card- ioul ' goals were scored, by ,Brent Thouipsea wîth tour goals and one assist, Brad Clericren two goals anudoe assiat while Tin Jozkoski lad euie asist, la the second gaine the Incians and Ainericans battied to a 1_1 tie, The bdinffas' goal waS Scored hLy Edward Os,- borne ie Kevîn Andier talliedi for the Ameticanls. In the firat -gaine eoTuf Jan. 6th, île Bombera defea-t- cd thie Stcelers 3-0. The Bomb- era' goals were scoed by Pan Eliott with tLhree, and Peter Brinklow had eue assiat. 1lI the second gaine the Hoyals defeatiled the BLadesý ý3-0. The Hoya)ls' goals were Icored 1by Ted Withcrepoon wivth two goals and Terryi Witherspoos' nne w'hleSct w-'Rrard nliJohn issonettcemcail aad an asist. ATOM LEAGU-E In the firt Atoin gaine et Sat. Jan. 8th the Scals defeat- cd the Clippers 7-3. Thé Seals' goals were scorcd by Scott clitton with five goals and oe assiat, Russell Precce one goal and eue assiat, Earl Doyle euee goal whilc Kevin Johnson haid ýto assista. The Clippers' goals: wcrre acored by Arthur Bous' with two and Jin Hogarth, eu'e. In the second couteat the Fargo'sanad Frank's Variety battled te a 1-1 tic. The Par- go's geai was scored la Hus- sei Carruthers whilc Panka goal was scored1 by Hob)eri Deboo assisted by Ho1eest Rogers. bui thc third gaine the Hoyals dleteated tle Bisons 5-1. The R1aas werc led by Glenn Fer- mii wth tour goals while Keith Shechan had eue goal. Deug Gould, Paul Cooke and Tim Barry each had oc Passist. TIc loue Bisous goal was scored -bY ChuisChipmnau. In th, final Atoin gaine et the morniag the Tigers deteat- cd the Rama 5-1. The Tigers were led by Honald Brown with threc whîle Deanu Hoînies had eune, and Steven Frank had eue goal and an assiat. David Kennedy picked up oe assist. PEE INEE LEAGUE In the firat gaine et Monday, Jan. 3rd the Beavers defeaited thc Rangera 3-b. Thie Reavers' goals were scorcd by Mike Bebko with twe, Barry Liv- ingstone eue whiie Bobby Childas, Stephen Mayberry and Gary Pascoeecacl lad oe assiat. The Rargers' goal wus scored b y Joey Nowmlan. TheW'.inga decated the Bruina 10-6 in the, second gain e. The Wînigs' goals were scoredi by Jimmy Maguire with six, goals and two assista, Larry Ueay' two goals and oe assiatl, Peter Kuowlten and Dounie Prout eue goal each. Stephen Irvine aud Sidney VanAbemna each had eue assist. The Bruin' goals -were sSeo red Annonciug a Facsimile Edition of the HIS5TORICAL ATLAS of the Couinties, of NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM On1tario O)vig1'a1Jy puhlisherd by H., Belden & Co. in 1878 Thfe Ilustrated Atlas of the [United counties of Noxthumberlanid and Durham is ene of 29 eounty, atiases published in Ontario between 1875 and 1881. A rew-arkably accurate source of Information for the stu- dentd of focal history and genealogy, the Atlas with its mnaps, biographies, portraits and pctures of land marks 'ias long.ine become a highly valued document of the va st Publication Date- January 20, 1972 Bound In liard cever, size 181 x 141/21, 115 pages Prive: $15.00 (50c mailing charge) The Issue is limited te 1,000 nlumbered copies Please order from: MIKA STUDIO, 41 Dussek Street, P'O, Box 536, BellevilUe, Onit. L Teleplhone 613-962-4022 (0 Weeks) ai LAW FOR PERSONAL USE JAPAN ESE ART 0F ORIGAMI GARDLENINGý FOR FUN COURSEFEE-$5.00 Regitraton y Telephone 1BEFOPE Jénuary 25, 1972 School: r Home: (M2-5146 (64-3-2997) G~ Gilpini, Evening -Clasa Principal by Trent Masters with thrý and .ee asâist, Bruce Gai one, Daany Brock one ar Wayne Johnson one goal ai one assist. Eddie Vandebe picked Up one assist. In the first, gaine of Frida Jan. 7th the Leafs and Bla1di played to a scorýeles tie both goalteniders xnakiing sor exceptional sa-ves. Barry He, ning piayed goal for tl T1aclesanad Larry Bishonpf the Lents. ia Inthe seon gme tl Kings deteated the Canmadia- 4-1. The Kings' goals weý scored by Andrew J arvîs wi, two, Tom Conneli and Hoi Erwin one goal and onie assî each. Dale Cary, James Mat. ews, James Mgrphy and Jo: 'Hulis one assist. The Canadiai goal waLs scored by Ste, Greengrass assisted by Dav IDoiren-i. 1lI the Pee Wee gaine Saturday, January 8th, t] Frank's Variety erew defeat the HaWkýs .5-1. The Variet; go-als were zcored by Do' PickelI with three, Sam J1 lIiott two, while Peter WhY had two assists, Paul Osbouri Leouard White and Bicha, Krakeuberg had one assi each. 1 BANTAM LEAGUE Iu the first gaine of Satu day, Jan. 8th the Huskî defreated the Panthers 4- The Huskies' goals were sc( ed by John Castie one gc and eue assist, Norbert Viss one goal and one assist, Doi Severn and Kevin Gibsoin c goal. Steven Treleavenl, Dav Dowu, Barry Glaspeli, Hil Filatrault, Jamie FPerfect c assist each. The Pauithe goal was scored by Hani Jarvis. ,lI the second gaine tý Cuba defeated the Flyera 6 The Cubs' goals were acor by Mike Uobbs wîth thrE Ken MacGregor and Hand Locke one goa l and one assi Dave Bro-,wu eune goal wýh. fDon Child-, had one assist a Pete Willo)ughiby two. 'T Flyers' 'goals were scored Tom Founitain and Kcith Se cm 'while Bob Shantz had c sassist. la the third Bnatain gar the Braves and Indiaus batt] to a 2-2 tie. The Braves' go, were scored by Joey Burus aý Larry Reid. The budiauis' goý were scored, by Bob Shack] ton with eue goal ancd oee sist, John Meelta eue gc while Jin Jozkoski hiad c assîst. MIDGET LEAGUEF In the firat gaine the Coin sshut eut the P.H.S. 9-0. 'T Comlets werec led by Pau-l Fc seY with five goals, AnýdrE _Maçkeuzie two _goalýs and 0 as otHry Gibbs0eue gc aý'ndtw assista, Stephien Riob euie goal wbuliie John Whitexr- and thrýee aýssts' Don Poi -two, Dale Cowlie and Hebi Duuhiam oeeassis', each. In th'e second gaie t Braves cdged the Mt. Hoyý 4A-3. The Braves'. goals WE ,scorcd by Bryan Hllam, Grý Luxten, îKenLiÏvingstOne, DE nis Liviugstouie ene goal -, one asalat each, Tue Mt. Hoyý goals were scorcd by Ker N\oble wî,vthtw goals, Dr Brage one goal. Joey His wi two assista, Robert Ms eeassiat. la the final gamne et the(1 the Geucrals dlefeatedt Cauuicks 4-0. Tie ,Qenera aois were scored bY Pea, w\ilcox . witb eOne goal audn assiat, Clif Da),vidso oee g1 and eue assiat, Rod Sellers u goal, Husseli McQuaIýidi goal while Paul Sheeliý Brian Head and Eric Gosi had oee asist encb, EnigmaCloud$ Sweep Sponsoi A request te seli sweepsta tickets hiere frein the Bothxx Rotnry-Sertomn was, approv by towu council Jnnuary 3: However wheu a council, nsked what the uame sto for - ne one could auswer They believcd that Bothw -was a amaîl towu la WeStE ~utrio...but the rest, w( it was pre euigina. The Statesman as-e EnrliBrownies ai, Annual Pot Luck Supper cee les le ry Pietured ubove are tle Bsownies who werc en- ,,-relled ut the Annual Pot Luck Supper of the Second lin Bowmanville Brownies and Guides, on November 29th, rs' ut Trinity Church. Frein bef t te rigît, Brown Owl Mary rve Leu Townsiey, Tawney Owl Betty Bal, Brownies Kelly let ug Îne ,it The Township et Clarke held applications for rezoning are thcîr inaugural meeting on being heid awaiting tunther in- Tuesdny, Jnnuamy 4th in the formation and considemation. Township Chambers. Follow- Council madeý appointinents ýr- ing brief womds et welcome by te varieus municipal erganiza- îes Heeve John Stone, Hev. SncI- tiens as well as setting up their gove, Newtonvilie and Rev. own- committees. or- Long, Oone bought words et Deputy-Heeve Hod Cnvethi rai wisdoin te the epening cere- wiii head the Hond and Bridge er monica. Committee long with Coun- )ug Heeve John Stone, oui behaif ciller F. Gray and Heeve ne et Council, tlanked both Hev. Stone. Tid Sacigmove and Hev. Long forý Couacillor H. G. Chater was iktheir part in the openling cene- appointed clairman et the .smonies. Fropcmty and Finance Cern- bu îl te cor respoodence n copy mîttee aieng witb Councillor et a letter frein Sanier, Gos- Ted Cepping and Heeve Stone. hdon and Glubermman me the Deputy-Reeve Canvetl was SClarke Fish and Conservation appoinîed chairmnofe the cd lub wns filed. The Club is FinePreveution Ceminittee. enowv seeking approval fro Cuclo hae a p ist, for a club bouse and five peinted te the Centrai Lake, ile Chalets on prçperty seuil et-Ontanio Conservation Authior- nd Leàkard aleng the WiImot ity, Ms. Roy Poster te the Gn 'le Creek. Heeve Stone, Pt a pre- 1by vieus meeting etf the Planing wv- Board, stated thnt Council was New, Tourist ,etaking ne futher: actionî in se- zoigteproperty until sucl e te h ra ldfrein the O.M.B. Street Lîghting for Leakard We bave heard frein sev- ndI we eemdt l fnce cml sources that thc pro- ais, conmittee and the cienk fton vincial govemoment is in- le- tuther study. tending te ereet a new a-A letter frein the Depart- Tourist Center some place nal ment et Public Works referrcd on the 401 between lere )lue te a receat purchase et baudc, and Oshuwa. paýrt et lot 15, concession i Sx We stili huaven'tdtal frein Mn. and Mrs. John M.ýÏ but hope the govemomnent Stapleton for the Deparinent gees îhrougl witbî1 le pll. iasi; et andsanduciForesta. Tis It would be ai decided aýsset ýjlparceet ofland Illbe added ote leaenand prolvidie one 0-ý te le endal recnentMioaana.mre incentive for tounisti .'I Mvinutes of île Planning te stop aden usm-1 neBoard Vwere ffled at1l(île motfcpaîtesinted t erain- al ixug notiugaproa wiih sc n atin the rus1ýh et ba ol-c,-ndatiou te ounifor se-freewaýiy taffic. au, Loîg103 acrýes e ano wuf____ ak cd by J. George Stephienson, cnrt R. R. 2, Newcastle, fl0rinAml LZ T -'TITT culture te Rural Hsieni L IADLJXIVILJLE he The Planning B3oad ,aise las granted their approval for se- Intended for at week) ire zoniug 45-acres, lot six, con- At tIe recont church serv- sut cession tîrce, owned by Alton ire Mr. Geo. Stapleten, Cao- eu- andlc Valerie Smnith te be Te- ton was île speaker. The àLad zonced frein Agriculture te eboir's offering was "How Fais Ope-,,Space. Great Thou Art". rY Tirïc e ewapplications weme On Wednesday attemneon iug fibed by îe ard whiie 10 Unit Twe efthte, United ith Chunci Women met at Ms. uePy Business Direcory and Mms. W. Bnnister's home _______________witl abouta dozen attend- Ia -ing. Thc new Presideut, â A c c o unta-i cy' Mrs, Wleeier presided and the - Secrctnny-Tseasurer Mra. H rce! W'IVII J. H.z COGGINS White took the minutes. Mrs. une îartredccountant M. MeAllister lad charge et oalt 115 LibetySt S., Bowmanvllbi. the pregrmi. We had n 01ne Floue 23-3612 study and discussion on the une parable efthîe sower. Also, ian, WILLIAMýý C. HALL we had a missionaay story for ick B.Comi-m. the misaionnry part et eus Clastered Acrountant meeting. The minutes efthîe 36/2 King, St. E., Oshawa lat meeting wene rend and Tclephoue 725-6539 npoe.W lnnqii __________________- ig n Jan. 25th at MsIs. Ken Ch r pr c i Trew's home. The nei meet- ____________________ ng will bc at Mr. and Mrs. G. EOWVN !MANN, D.C. S. Mercers' home on Pcb, 9th. Chisopmactor Mrs. K. Tnew oftered'te take Office : the Bible study tor ncxt 15 Elgin St., cor, et Honsey SfU meeting. Lunch was scrved ake Phone 623-5509 by our hostess. ehl Office Hurs: By appointient Mr. and Mrs. L. Muldrew ved ruine home on Satunday frein md.r D e n 1 Oshawa wee Mr. Muldrew ood - _.R. . ad been in tle hospital. Mr. r. D. R E.DINNIWELL and Mrs. D. Whitbsed brought 'cli] Dental Surgeon thern. las msumed genemal practice Mrs. Henry Sheppard is in i 30 Silver St., Bowmauvile Fort Hope Hospital. Tic dl, Office Heurs Wleeler baby apent mioat et 1l2e;t am. - 1 - 6 p.nî a week 'in île bospital. Miss ew Satumdand Suaday Donnra 1Hornerr bas been i la the AasJodeun Potier, JUI ll Hein-, Cinidy Rauphorsi, Paula Muntle undl Scotty Owl -Vera Laskaris, Front low, Lynn Greenhain, Teresa Augesr, Patricia Towns- bey and Denise Fisk, ____________ -iVbReblue ,-Photo H. Samuel, Mi -ss Almaii CutteIl CIaud T 1ownslip reps.,Ree 1 mi Ce,ý-ît*ý1Sto)eneiad Depuity-Heeve H.1 Car-,etli. Clarke Public LJirary ar weme L. M. Haiw ll, y Dicksou, Ted Wnoodyar-d, Roy Forimester and Heeveo John arsaConservation Authorîty. Stocne. Mi,, James Stutt was appoint- Mesarvs,Laen Boyd, John cd couneil representative te urhyRoy Poster and Mss -. îlie Memorial Hospital Board, N(orma Lee, Mms., Dorothy Bowmnanviile. Mr, L. M. Hal-jStark, Mns. J,. Barlow, Ms lowell was appointed livestock 'Sharon Brown weme appointed evaluton.t lieClarke Towniship Rer- Mes,,sms. Gcmnld Duvail, Gs eninAssociation. dnWatson, R. G. Cimier ard, Tethie Newtovill Hall Fraak Gray were appointed te Co)mmitice wer'e appoint'ed the Township Gaine Commrisý-,Measma-iý. W. ge, Hughi sien. Saitn Don Vinkle, ChaCtn Reeve Stone and Ceuncillor Far.rowv, Maurice O'Niell as F. Gray represent council on wvell as Couac nillons E. Copping tIe Planning Board along witl and F. Gray. Messrs. W. Turansky, Lloyd The fellowing weýc apit Lowery, H. E. Walkey, S. J.:cd te tle Clarke Cemeter L'ancaster and E. H. Woodyard. Boai-dMess. .Saveryv, John711 Tlousc appointed te tI Moffat, -Granit Wadel,,Atu 'Orono Park Board were Mes-jThompsýoo, DonadcI Vinkie srs, Stirling Muthen, H. M. Counciliors Gray and Cpig Mercer, S. B. Rutherford, E: Txie Hope w Treaesurer For eary 2 Years Six former reeves of Hope tratFor- clerk treasure , Mr Township paîd tribute Jan.'Barbara Merson. llth to Hector Inch wo was Foliowing the dinner ~n township treasurer for nearly presetation local law\yer Hni 20 years. Good gave a presentation oC The reeves ai-d about 150,s]ides which lie ha Utken la r resÎdents of the township pîus'the township during tle past present and past couniciliors few'Yeas attencded a dinner la Canton -ud Comnmunity Hall held to honor 7 Mr. Inch, whn retired frrn bi post iast November. Tie former reeves, Carroîl] Nichols, Victor Wilson, 'Ste-u ri art Gray, Weston Baniste!r, George Finnle and Elmer C S T/ Scott, reminisced about the' old days la the towship office NAIN/ FVR and thanked Mr. Inch forbi J0 6150A work and for his interest n B$N S township affairs, i The carrent Reeve Howard Quantrili was master of cere- mon1ies during the evenîng and speeches were made by Alex Ca)-ru thers, MPP for Durham and by Mr. Incb's former asso) ciate Willard Lord, who was township cierk for many, years, 11ARVEY Mr. lnch was presented with an inscribed silver tray o I bebaîf of counceil and the tow Stapleton aind Mrs. loch rce eiv ed a large bouquet of red ossI ;OHMEHAT SERVICpE from h ousi' dmns BY As MUCH A S HL You as home cowner are now eligibie fra oi ca second or third mortgage loan from $2000 to $,ý25,000 at reduced monthiy payments, Fiad out how a low cost home owaer lan caot pay ail1 your bis, give you additîonal cash if requîred and at the same time reduce your monthly payments by as muiLch as haif. Find out how easy, it is to get , your baniý, approve'd withiun 24 hours. You cari eal! b 10 p.m. today for help- fui courteous ser-vic-e. Prompt Investme-iý ntCr. Ltd., 330 Bay St., Toronto. Caîl collect 366-9586, e veinigaý 231-8146. ~IMLMU 7", ~A~A ~U Ar~ U RICI ', EFFETiVr W UD THRU AT. AN. 19,20, 21 & 22 I M ~~' ConFEE AE ~ 7 WE REIErVE PIE ICHiT oL I . 1 1, 1 Ï- e