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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jan 1972, p. 8

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8 The C&n&jjdîa tsa, Bowmnanville, Jan. 19, 19721 G3Y Frank MAohun 623-72*1 ' 4 J4OSE TWICEC Bewmnvlle Red Eale lst any chance of catching first pl~e Suton 1ngeýrs, uwheii they lest to the Rangers Friday night hi Suti n and diroppecd another deio to the league,__________ 1ledrs, ;at hotreon Snda nght. t tt t t L L T aIV ' tÏASErAL ETN Ther wl be a basebI-ail meeting this Saturday aiter- W n ý1 iooýn at 1 'O00 p.m. Si the Committee roomn of the old Tow,.n W n i fl an, 14all, concerning the Locke TV Electrons. De 1-tet-eIntcr- On Tues, .1 'n, ISý miediate season's opening date some four nth away, this imani l ,Lh 'Ji Saturdaysmeeting is an important one, Playet, ,executive s ae s eWetounu d n(iernbers and anyonc interested in beeoming involvedin thsy ya cre of6-. ii !P72 internedi albal score are urged te attend the 1:00 pin l- in îh,ýe contest but bit gathefilng. goal lead three Ois s-ore was 2-2 at 1n the first periodwî ' narginsori seoring V i both goals being stî ohn Conboy. Inveç.st W ith Conf0 dence Bowmanville led 4- "nd of the seconîd fu!E ddy Gruytcrs seor- In Our Goodw'Ill Usîea Cars ed by Bob Bikd a '66 PONTIAC LAURETIN -DR. SDA ed Bowmanvi]1e's A V_8, au.tomatic transmission, rdewie al assistedby John Dnt Seld an ,onrvrcdio, us înce nw. Bowmanville sor tires, diss odad ev db u ic i answered, goals in tù Lic. 49114A. Iperiod with Eddy G '66 OLKS FASBAC 2-D. COCH notching his second '46 OLK. FSTRCK 2DR.COAH by Bob Biekel. Jo 4 cyl., 4±-speed tranismission. Runs and looks like boy scoredjirto an e p new. Locally owned. Lic. 48971A ýto finish the seoîr n i osiek ,was sparkli1 h, BALANCE 0F NEW CAR 'WARRANTY iEach team drewtw xn 67 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 2-DR. HARDTOP tis On Friday, ,Jan.A I4 V-8, automatic transmission, double power, radio, 1'ool Trailslcds t r' c white wall tires, dises. Finished in canary yellow Cobourg where tbey cc with blaý.ck vinyl top, Lic. 55917A. Cobourg 4-3. Fýor vi' giein a rî'oýw teT '68 CHEV. BEL AIR 4-DR. SEDAN built un a edof t, V-8, autolTlatic transmission, double power, radio, Bon Jukie s 'oii[rt Preston and Raob'nt rî white wal'ltires. Real clean car, Previous owner's ueassisted. They bcr name onm request, Lic. 55404A. allowin g Cobourg toc'en, %69 CHEV. CUSTOM IMPALA 2-DR. HTIlth irp, V-8, automnatie transmission, double power, radio, h-i theuii a" white. wall tires. Local, one owner car. Previous gonansetohnby1iaad ', owner's name on eusLé287A Jukic sioîd is nt -'9 LY OUHSTTIN AG Nnight,- assisted by mm 'rm '69 PLMOUTH TATIONWAGON o ive Bowmanvr e V-B, atomnatie transmission, double pow er, radio., lead. whîte wall] tires, discs. Local,,one owner wagon. 1 Cobourg aidft Previous on rname on request. .X43104A. itmander tandinth- in'3 '69 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 2-DR. HT' on to edge the C V-8, autornatic transmission, radio, white wall TmVntn i nt net made sevr n-i '1 ' tires, dises.- Sold and serviced by us since it was Isaves [o keep Cobaî-, new, Lir 45665A. score sheet, On Sunday, Jatt'I '69 BUICK WILDCAT 4iR HARDTOP 11, 'r-aîsleds mad, I' V-8, iautomratic transmýission,' double pier radio, sweep for tbe W,. white wall tires, dises. Regal red with spotîcax Ibeat Markham 6 3 interor, Lc. 3092 Ird gaine in a îow thtý h '~~tchhig ~up leads of 1-0. i - bu~~~it cnldn't kn1 t -~t- K LE SABRE 4-DR. SEDAN tjed up 3-3 nt thitn qatc rasmisindouble power,,radio, nros . Foi It- - ires, dciscs, Four brand new tirest Don" Bon Ju.kic scorc.-d tihto onoe. Lic 47073A. gante assistcd hy itC -I i. Terri Sargrmt sTEGO MX 2-DR. HARDTOP made t 2-0, st un 1', omtctranismissioni, double 1power, radio ,, hoboston. Mat'l-in' , . 1 2 i1but Johostons"am- ual tires, dises. Onily 12,000 miles. In show- B3owmanvil le "0 aei condition. Li. A44288. V[rkham battlediv- Eay oneneetGMAC Finaning thie winner in the :3î'd rTom Cowan lnnassisted goal Bon Jukic's seci Sales Maniager: Stew Preston Weldon Brown, R[ay Laithangue, Don:ald R-ofer HAIGS i PHONE 6 7 24 HOUE S ' i&AirCedte .s tiens - Central & ' We alo haVe 100 -1e1 and ujsedGodilcr Units - Car 1'f to ehooise frorn Fi ndley Eî ip n Free [alun' Budget TrsA' Sign, Your Name ? n t icke-y Doug ards, held bis right leg fait. -these days Doug heard fi break, then r n. The Red feît a sharp pain, Be was tak- 1 ý., s îuffered a eri to Bowrianville Memonial du im te Hospital and troated [n Fîn- ro against ergency. As he was getting t wrvtle Ar- patched up, bis mother. drtv- boff for ano- ing bis car was invol vcd in - .The acci- an accident on Libery St.-cet 'î . men minutes In front of the hosîtal. Th'e pc' 'riod whon vehicle was totalîy wrecked, ,hplayer feli said Doug. The 18-year-nid r ong went winger is lookiog forward to. 1rt"ht skate getting back with biz teain in thk 0fe 'ho- lime foc play-effs. In the meacwhîle il is just sîgn on -'- 'îdy Mas- the plastered lice . , if ý' ou "-3. Then can fied space, thei, 0',arn t i. ti iÀset u, by tnye gaine h *l' l'y Iwinanvtlle i 2 r',aI a date -f '~i -I 4-.- ~ WHVFEREAS, the week cf January 22-nd is'bleing obse,ýrved tr- Is " te focus public attention on thec physical, character hm mi sc hockey for our youth, and WHEREAS, the game cf hockey is recognizetia Cnd'sNii3' o ,.~ece our youth-to develop a competitive .-spirit, o.prtmîvî- a -.J -ui- ing, and respect for authority,. andi W VHEREA&S,,iît is the hope cf every nunîcîpality m0dee-p n or i ',v ,~ eipoble cf ïrepresenting Canada as a member cf Canadas ' h .t WHEREAS thie Minor Hockey Association in this cernmunit ist'"fil u îua ion and support of every citizen, -andl WHEREAS Mînor Hockey is the found'ltion from which cmt ' l~i '~i- develop, NOW THEREFORE, 1, as Mayor cf Bowmainville do hereb d t "s uin Januoary 22nd be observeti as "mMIO R IHOC Eù WE" l and rçquest that 2a1l parents an oterssupport Ibi obervpatnnes~ durirmg Mînor Hockey Week and threafter until the mnrhiL 4 -'~ IVAN . "- Janufiry '19, 1972. Don't SEND., . TAKE your boy teth , iiî 1 0*,.Andi STAY te se him pra! BANTAM GIRLS Bruce 3, Ovendeti 2; Lux- toe 5, Lane 0; H-olro-yd 5, Farrand 0. Team Standing Luxton 10, Holroyd 8, Bruce 5, Ovenden 4, hane 3, Far- rend 0. 111gb Singles C. H-olroyd 182, h. Richards 178, R. Melanson 167, M. West- lake 165-158, A. huxton 162, C. Vivian 162. Higb obe C. H-olroyd 33,M West- lake 323, h. Staccy 292,R. Melanson 291, h. Richards 281. A. Blanchard 2801, C. -ýVvian 275. BANTAM BOYS Thiessen 5, Camtpbel 0 iMurphy 5, Edrnondson O ýWoods 5, Piper 0. Tean Standing Woods 10, Murphy 8, Tis sec 7, Piper 3, Carnpbell 2 Edinondson 0. 1 High Sinigles J, Edmondsan 202, S., Rin 186, K. Aide 170, B. Bruce 170, W. Thiessen 154, B. Richards Higli Douls BANTAM BOYS Thiessen 5, Camnpbell 0;1 Murphy 5, Edrnondson 0; Woods 5, Piper 0. Team Standing Woods 10, M'Lurphy 8, Thes- sec 7, Piper 3, Campbell 2, Edmondsot 0. Htgh Singles J. Edrnondson 202, -S. Dune 186, K. Aide !70, B. Bruce 170, W. Thiesien 154, B3. Rich- ards 151. High Doubles S, Duen 331, W. Thiessen 298, B. Brce 295, I& Aide 277, J. Piper 277, _J. Edmond- son 275. JUNIOR GIRLS Taylor 5, Gray 2; Luxton 5, Bond 2; Mitchell 5, Aide 2. Teani Standing Gray 9, huxtoti 7, Aide 7, Taylor 7, Mitchell 7, Bond 2. iligb Singles K, Luxton 316, C. Brooks 280, Judy flolî'oyd, 234, A. Cbow 22, B. Taylor 224,' C' Vansto-ne 203. J. Paterson 200, H. Gray 200. 11gh Triples K. Luxton 638, B. TIaylor 602. JUNITR BC! q Mosher 7, Lane C0; WO7'e 5, Gray 2; Coomnbes ,roks2. Team Sadn Whyte 12, Gray 9, Br)ooks 7, iMosher 7, Coomra 5, Lace 2.j ICongratulatiotîs ta al'ou r fine young bowlera thi w eek esnecially John Jenîsen. Joht'i i~i roeda big 327 single. Other' good scores were: J. Lace S 280, R. Chow 263, J. Brooks s.Joseph' 213-235, K. Jo11 240, R. B~ iChapple 225, M. Reynolds 223, BOWIl9 IR. Ter'îy 202-223, D. Gray 2201, R. Blight 219, W. Mosher Jaeîîary1 21 R . Stacey 215-205, ~ Whyte 211-200, K.,,Woolley Showoils ... .. 205.1 hmos 111gh TriplesShroks .- J. Jensen 653, B. Chow 61-) Ache Cats ---- J. Latte 610. ~ The Raide'rs SEIR IEDLAGEDoughcads ---- SENIO "MIED LAGUEDandelions MacDonald 5, Terry 2; Ro- SundoNvîîcrs -- berts 4, Bouwîneester 3; Brock HustIers 5, Davey 2; Whitehead 5, Jen- 11g rp sec 2. lg Trl Team Standing Gar'y Coiv~ Whitehead 10, Jensen, 9, 111b 'n Roberts 9, Bouwineester 8, Jin JetTe'y Brock 7, MacDonald 5, Terry Hîgl ril 4, Davey 4. Marion Vnt' 111gb Singles 11beei The hero for the Senior Joan Hlo League Ibis week was Gîe Edinondson. Glen rolled a OE fine 357 singlo. Congratula- Jin Jeffreys, tions. Glen. Othnr fine scores Gary Coon v, t were moed by Mike Adains Mike Kcii"' 1304, Ba]ph Bouwrneester 296. Joan Hoîro - d hinda Whitehead 289, Wayne Father Fr'a-t" -Coarnbes 271, Steve Hogarth iBetty Char 'iid 255, Debbtn Mîttion 252. Marion Vanston Hî1gb TriplesElenliiv G. Edinosn 722, R. GeorgP Charlan( Bo3uwineester 716, h. White- Jin Fýrc.. .. head 708, M. Adains 6 61.- Doris H-olîoad _________- Cathy Ford SNOW VEHICLE TALLy Base Mqrie Cor Joan Gîbîsý Duîing the year 161,672 George G"'-" motorized snow vehicles were Tonv I1îci-1 regîstered, an inerease of 42.5 Phillip Tampkir per cent over the 1969-70 sea- Molly Horrîmai son. ___________Bob Campbel Km Lotteryll tickets mnay be purchased from the- following authorized"I. GEO. MUTý"iTON MASON RY 22 Albert Street Bowmanville JURY & LOVELL 1DRUG Ring Street E. Bow'manville Iiovwnianville UPDHOýLSTERY 55 Rn tetE. HARDWARE 36 King Street E. Bowmanville TORONTO-DOMlNlON ý BANK Temperance Street Bowman'ville ROYAL BANK King Street W. Bowmanville RESTAURANT Tatinton Rond FISK FUELS 8 Liberty Street N. Bowsnanville COUNTY CHRYSLER->DQDGE 219 Ring Street E. Bowman '111e VOWLES HEATINýG 17 Liberty Street N. Dowmanville 43 Prince Street Bowmanville King Strecet W. Box rn-an ville ELECTRIC Grove MinotrHce Weeký begîns nexh' ter oi a million boys, froin coast ta ca- ', hit Adults mn îal parts of Canada will bec-,r, -t. ing antd baving funn. Plan now ta k c Mînor Hackey Week, Dont send- TA Ir ai-ena - and stay te cee hum play. 1 t t t a n-rt SKIING - COLD BUT GREAT The Oshawa Ski Club was no pltace t ' ' ,g 'om on the xxeekend, xith zero and ber'a v apes, partieularly Saturday mornîng wihht~v fi tyi the huIs. Althoiugh Sunday's ternperat.v xv 't f"gd l s M'IXedl there wasiA' much wiimd, and it was fnh ' r Conditions werae fat and perhaps afttit't-b i Le g e people decided ta stay borne, whicm r" hi tad 16, 1972 get inpiesity of skiing. This corner w u 'i : 0-11 Pt$. Pins skiing an Wedncsday - and it was ju t- 16 8525 A ski-a-tbion will be held aI theeih i itx b- 16 8462 l-uary 5tb, with proceeds going to 1' . iiIu, -----14 8239' The top girl and boy who make the itttt'tia rl, ----- 13 8143 wiil receive a cash prize cf $10,00 ea h " xi L ---- 12 8204 10820h a lueky draw for five bucks ta aoileit-- - - 3 8209 At the national level the top 2-0 e1. t- t r i ----- 0 7433 ,o[ Dynastar skis and bindings. Anyone l, -v rY 0 de Meni will have a chance at a draw for 30 pai-.a r~m 682, î t t 't t je Men 6 EXPOS CONDUCT CLINIC - Iadies Outielder "Boots" Day, pitehers Rfi! - -i o e --629 Piehe along with broadeaster Dave XV i5 Alb- n ,e Ladies Oshawa on MYondaF night to conduet ab - -- 258 The evenl-ini-1g gels underway at sev"aa ktth ta1o Z200 Hall, neder the sponsorship of O'KE-," , i t vl ----- 269-237~ the Expos and the Ontario Basebaîl As'i ý c 264 237 Ev, -y oc interested, particularly a" ,etnt ----------263 attend the chie, which proved so p 1a' 'ivil-d --------- 258 last year. Even softballers could gai 'î'e t i r h --------233 instructio3nal session. We talked taî0 t, l -s ----21215 wtw!iý--e present last turne atut-da , lc 230 ýd227-223-205 wh bat tOny ]eained, hel-ped thenintrir o. î 225-206-203 A test will be held following t~c ,'ni t ctop -------------225 tlîree mar-ks having the chance et wM î 'it' t bida --.- ------2-95 for onea week, 10 watch the Expos ii j i ,- aa-- '210 A filin an ittîng will he showýiî ita 'hie ------------213 gaine wil] ha caverad ie detail -- cat"i ,a '-ib' - -- ----209 and lnrfe]d pla,,hase-running, tact u-c i'ti is - ----- 207 b nig r ciessin n i ic s.,L n -- 203203 of winnînig. Enclosed please find m-y cheque/money order for___- '-3a $2.00 eacl'iMàke cheques payable to "Kin Lottery"aimalo Kîn Lottery, Box 1179, Cornwall, Ontario address ap Km.... Lley1 lnedbthFeie fO aia517171, ----------- -Umm b"m mma aum Mm mmtmimuma ----------- -

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