Mrs.ý Bruce Tilisom, Editor Phone 987-4213. Newcastle Mothers Getting Better Every Year N cateHockey Mothers show there is stili somýe' Marlene Rogerson (coach); front row: Joan Allison, spuink lef t after their hard-fought game with their Donna Furth, Betty Gray (goalie), Diane Langstaf f Ail-Star TykIe sons. They are, left to right, back row: and Betty Smith, Last year the mothers lost 9-0; this Sheila Stiles, lVarg Ibbotson, Marilyn Martin, Jean year the score was 5-4. They stili lost but they are H-endcersoni, Norma Mclnnis, Linda Huber, Marilyn getting better ail the time. Kent, Betelty Dubeau, Floreace Tillson (manager), and Tykes Stili Tops in Mother -SonContest The Canadien S4,atesinan, Bowm Tyke - oth rs R ise$9325 rage cf 60,000 citîzership cor- Mothes Rase $ 3o25 tificaes," thé former Tory 40 ercen o thsecorneéfrom In A nual FunPackd Batie undér hus jurisdiction, hé adce Newcestle:-- On béhaîf of been sîtting n it, Mrs. Marg ability te challengýe thèse up' However there are atili the Newcastle Miner Hockey Ibbotseu, beîng -ovorly friend- and comiag hockey players about % million people across Teems, which Include thé ly with thé linérsmen Howard with their spéed and deter- thé ]and who are éligible te very youngést tem cf Mités Quinney, assé flirtéd and minetion that knocked the apply (five years residency ta thé éldest teeni of Juven- rolléd lber eys t hlm, wes Mothers sprewling from bluse and ovér 21) but who haven't iles, thé Newcastle Hockey thought not teahbcencéntrat- lino te blue Uée. bothered, Mr. Sterr seid. Ho Mothers and thé All-Star lng on thé geme by référe Mothprs scoring were- Jean hlamed this apethy on thé Tykés express thoîr warrs,-t Ken Gray who gave ber e Hrnenron from Marilyn Mer- Canadiens gênerai lack cf appréciation teail these whýlo penalty. Wlhen team managertiDnaFrhfmMrintoaminhercuty attended their game lest weék' Florence Tilîsen buag onto tnly nMa rthia, M ari-botso n aWisint beîrcomunre and helped te reie close cte the ref, holding hlm against lroMarDone Forh and oanonscieustan ruc f thémor $100, whlch will hé spenit on thé boards et thé players b'ox fHenDronnaFrth DonadFotheanct weare and poinsoafthet teai iieéds. with oee arm oer bis éyes, Hnesnfo on ot.fC eacCnd. uadta A large crowd cf spectatorshé net' only lest sI$b-t of thé Thé winning scorerî wer Canada is a greet country," hée filled thé arène lest Wednespl- puck but thé playorz swel Danny Mertin from Bd, Knele-etetd day uight, with éach dms and se anoibor penal1ty was gen, Danny Wegar, Rîck Stilos Ho called Citizénship thé- Sien paying the 25rech ar gé ,givenl and -thé manager bier- h-cm TRick MacInnés, Rick hîghéest bonoer a nation cen oea- $93.25 wes raised on bebaîf soif had te sit la thé penalty MacInnésý, and. Mark Lake fer upna ern h ws cf thé efforts cf a tem cf box. Another penalty wes ré- from Hopkins.boaiaotelnd gocd sports and their eppen cocivod by Mrs. Jean H-eder- It is not known e't thiS tirme Hé spoké cf thé thousands ents. son when shé held ente thé whetheýr there will ho another Of, immigrants who arrive m. This year's geme, played ai puck. gemne this séason or not. But Canada each yéar. 'They cerry lîttIe differoatly, whéa thje It was a fuadad fun rais- in thé meentime,i thé Mctbersi with them drpems, dreams cf Hockey Mthers' goalie,, Mrs.1lng algbt. Thé Tykes and fans are slling tickets on a drnawVopportunity, cf freedem, cf e Betty Gray, and thé Al-Star i, le iéemingly enjoyrd se-te add te their fuads endu chance te speek as tbey feel, Tyke goalie, Joff WeodbEck î ng thé Methérs headinig inito holding cerd parties. Your cý f a botter lîfe for thernselves were~~~~ trdd et,î opo ité penalty box, biittveéré as responsé la their projectsEad their familles." téam., Tho coe toc, wasý, proud cof théir__sportem-anlîké_maké it aIlweirtbwhilé.___ "Basicelly we are ehl immi- mucb cloer then lest year, grants," ho went on, "Evén thé with thé final buzzér déclar- hindiens came from, Asie, Thére ing thé AlI Star Tykés the ~~g ,g g ~ 5 was ne quota thén and théré wînners 5-4. Following the d t cpîîgd (i i 1Jt is ne quota now."' geme, with each of thé two Hé was critical cf thé cur- tioemsof aédp, asprésenta- rént immigration standards tienef atropy wa med towbîch seemed te place an un- teamn Captain Greg Martin by due eniphasîs on eccupation. Newcastle Recréation Com-54 1 mittemembér, Roy Hopkins. 1 izér n-tsh bcgsato This wes quite a game, with Thé cldest Cafladian in Can- that is thé Canadien Citizen-evéyont sal"h ed somé of thé Mothors nover on ada is ne more than, 25-yéars- shîp Act which came into bc- adding that hie would like te eeall distinctions ehîmînated: skates hefore, but willîug te old. That is what Michael ing on January 1, 1947, suchi as thé distinction that try their ehl for e good cause. Sterr says. And hée shculd é! cmaé h asg fmksrvcto fctzn Penalties sceemed te have been know. Hé is thé Presiding 0f-tHe ct wîthdthé cemîngcof ,shî'p essîbl ftorneof-idigé,n- "awarded" the Mothérs most cor cf thé Cîtîzénsbîp Court ia agé cf Canada as a nation. eus Canadiens, but impossýible of thé night. Witb Mrs. Mari- Toronto. I hsebr n aaa lyn réceiving two, eue fer Spéaking te Bowmianvillé Béforé> that time theré o hoéboainCnaa holding up the garce while Rotarians etý théir lunchéon no prov-ision for a persan te "It sheuld ho all thé sae," roscuing ber garter and dés- meeting lest Thursday et thé bécome a Canadian citizen if the aile time Mayor cf Osh- peraely trylag te get It beck Flyinig Dutchman Motor Ina, hé w7as net bora in thé catun- awa rémarked, "An accident into place egain, thé other Mr. Starr said that a Cana- trý, Sinicé thea 1.2 million îm- cf birth should net bécome a timoi wheu thé puck wes lest dian cen hé ne eider tha the migrants havé taken thé oath. mark cf second class citizen- thoy lator discovered shé hadllaw thet créatét i hm . . . and "Eech'year wé issue an av- shîp." Inanville, J34b. .192 i CLARKE TAX DEMAND» NOTICES Tex dem and notices air- bolng sent te ail raté-paye- 1ra ia Clar-ke tnwpslImpouhil thé dates f 1or paymts cf taxes due, Théef irat injsta 1ment .- 40 per cent - - sdue March 3lst, thé séco-ilOJ per cent-ou June 3Ôth; ant thé remeinder on Novémibxo 3Oth. GRANT DNE A reeuest for funda îronc thé Canadieni-,Council e)f Chrîstiaus and eshas; beýn turned dewn by omnîl town councîl, Tue corganiza- p-ien had requéstéd fundsý te help finance its Eaghlsh/ French student excbange po grams which hapvé béén heldI 1éach summer for- thén past 2 years, PLTJMBI4',& 1EATTNQ TE-A Thé Newcastle Ahl-Star Tykes gave their mothers a few tips on hew te play hockey hast Wednesday night at thé NewcastleArène ... but only a few. Thé score, 5-4, wes, disturbingly close for thé mighty sens who Last year trounced their mothérs in a 9-0 debacle. Stili, for thé se-cond yer ia a row the sons havé demonstret- éd! that et least in hockey théy cen eut-manoeuvre their mothérs. lu the picturé aboyé Roy Hoskins, on heheif cf thé Newcastle Recréation Committee, présents thé victor's trophy to Greg Martin, Tyke captain, while Grég's mother, Mrs. MarilynMertin, second from thé léf t, and members of, thé Tyke and mothers teemn look on. More than $90 was raised in thé match, The money will go towards a nêw éléctrIé scorehoard for the Arène. Once that le in look eut for soe high scering feet-action games in thé future . .. eh, methers! flewca st/eSerPojc Start oin iuIy Tenders for a new $1,599,000 w il hé called early this spring, project engineers, Kilborne En- Newaste:-We re orr1 day'5 game winners are as yet gineering Company, told New- te) report th-at Mr.Robe, i ýt unknown. castie counicil last week. Con- Wato i apaiet a shwa Keep in mmd that the Linos etruction is expected to Start Generl Hosital.Club monthly dance is a big sometime in July with com- Mrs.Chrs Brchrd as e- vent in town. It's unfortun- pletion ini the summer of 1973. cently b een eravdof lber ate that on some dance nights The treatment plant should brothier-in-lawv, Mr. William couples have beau turned be ia production by November Enwigh'1t. Strathroyv. An uIncle Lway due to, lack of room. lst, the engineers toldi counicil. of Mr.DouSlas WValton), thie Plan early to attend and re-,Th plna2000glo symtyrnliIl'c f the ilaeis ex- serve your tickets now. he dplxant a 280,O gall ten-dedclton th11- andIother The Saturday movies at t er ocdaoidate o th wi membes 6f heir failyd. local public school are ute a oae a h otwg iýoukquite a corner of Lot 29, Broken Front Janury lth ocke gae success, with terrifie movies Concession. in the Lucky Puck Coatest that the young people, and fouind Mrs. uielp Noden and parents, can and do really ap- A homeowner with a front- Mr.i Paufl Allia winners of five preciate. age of 66 feet will have to pay dollars eah.Tis pnastSatur- S t artln this week, Volun- $157.35 a year for the sewer Notce~el ~or th ne2years. CORPRATON F TH asingyour' support In their amount to $32.54 a year and VILAGE 0FNEWASTE."ABIIY FND avss. a 296 P-er cent surcharge on an Th1is was, nc known as ihe annl wte bh f 336 NOTCE Q A L MrchofDimes. Their goal Thé charge,( may hé prepaid at QG ~ ~ now is to help. former polio a coto 30 D PX7O TVDR' victioiý, and Ipeoplé Who& are No ~ ~ , pesnsa é or phically dýisahed.There are xc _ýp il wrsosthogotOr- d;),- heldiret'ain-thè.e Community, d og haàeniene d~ lico eple sôethîey cen become la I- 1 ilerd nerY -,iýr1and70-8 o' déýpendeînt and gl ofdne brt théýrr iorolrtio 4fthé ,ila ndself respejDct, YBurlce- of~~~~~~~~t Nwaieai bjtteeperation s ikea elia thél pro)visjis c(e1io 5 and haud to those whoarls L IE - 175 andi Over ~ ot hé Df TRXantithe fortunate. If you are n1t at .Lgtf 29 .Dyr Catftle,, Shiecp aiPoultry pro_ home when a avsecls 259 B. Pethrîck 247, T, ag tectiri a At, a i a5son, a coiar they skyou te please senti staif 238, E. Perrina'136, 1. to whviiehl i affixeti a dog tar lInthe green énvelope ais ad- Pattn 229, B. Coinson ,, issu1ef3 for thé current year for dréssed. Let's hélp thiosé. , se H. Couroux 2-20, J. Hutton 219, the sali do,,- thev can he1pthese)es. A. Langstaff 218, 13. Major Thée 1972 nog, Licenes are Hoc)- key Nýews -TheNw-29 S. Nýicholson 208, M. NOWMý AVAILABLE andi may c:astle Lea,ýs played the Bow- ao 207, M. Potter 204, J. bie pue aséiatthé Muniipial manville Indiens on Néwcastle Stee 202, . Forh 1, M Office lai thé Village of 1New- ice recenly,, losing to théBurly15 . ecr17 castie. vlsîting team 4-1. Scoriug the M.\4 Foster 185, R. Irwia 182, onlv goal for Newcastle D Mercer 180, M. Garrod 179. 1972 LICENCES -Jeff Logan from Jeff flowler-.: MEN 1ý- M0 and Over MUST B.E PUCH LE B Scoring for Bowmnville Weé W, Flintoff 296, G. Kimbahl1 FE3BUUARY 1 5 S te v en Carruthersý, John 2ý992, E owig290, PB. Fer- Klompmeker, Mark Macbéan row 272, R.,ueif 237, D. >NO dog shah r ua atf large and Leonard Dyck. Eestabro(ok 2316, J. Forr(ester a'nt n1o person shahl per-mit a The N ewcastle Figure Skat- 222, C. -Rivers 220, M. Henry deg (onYIeabhlm te rua at ing Club are now makiag 219, J. Karclangen 216, G. Kup- large inathé Villag4e of New- preparations for theirnualerry 20,5, J. Bruton 200, T. castié, at any tm.Skating Cri Al. A 'bl 1 00. A dog shahl be deemed lte bP isplanard for Thursde y, Jan, HRDA IE a't large iiwn l, it s off the 27th heginniing t 8 p.m. la IXE pýropiertY Of thé Owaerr ai s the Centenniel Room offfthc 175 andi Over Inet undfer thé ce)ntrol of a cem- Community Hall. Ail] moth- B. lanrville 28, M.Couch pen e rsOn by mneéns cf aorsire urged toPattend. AIse 2 28, A.Farrow 27, T. Gordon léas;h not re than 10 fet it thîs lime the CFSA.tss210,F. rug 0,E tp ia leagth. l01h1)rdiscei i-d, il v (,'eS '05, W., oget 02, M.T J.MCULOGH alé infrýmiation ill jbe g%,i1V MacGregor 199, C. lVlcGr-i' Clerk-Treasurer '!for the benefit of those at or 108 J. Werr 191, T,7I. Zuaf 4-1 tending. - 191, Ï, Gaebel 190, J. With- éridge 187, F. Lewis 182. FRIDAY MIXED 175 andi Ovér B. Hocgkamp 189, J. Jénk- las 285, S. Powell 268, H. M. Meure 253, E, Jenkias 245, R. Goed 245, A. Reach 2,37, D. Budel 236, M. Henry 236, L. Willoms 228, G. Henry 216, M. Burley 216, T. Embley 212, J. Sikma 204, M. Briffétt 203, D. Halsey 203, E. Nesbitt 201, J, Holmos 198, E. Emnbley 196, A. Vogels 196, R. BurJey 196, B, Ceil 195, A. Kupery 188, B, Stapfleten 185, K. Powell 180, NewasleMan For RobbÈ41e ry A 21-year-eld Newcastle man, Robert Hayes, was sen- ténced to three years iiiprison for robbery lest Wednesdey when hoe ppeared before, Judge Joseph Sweet se Hemn-1 ilton. Hayes was charged October 2th alter hé béat, kîcked and rohbed a 43ýye9r eid mac of ea wallet centalnîeg $10 eut- sîde e Hamilton hotél, "Crime iu thé streets ii rot to hé toleratfed." thé Judge sald lu pas!siug se ntence, Museum Asks To Meet With Prov. Advisor Thé Clarke Muscýum Society, le makiug arrangements te méet with thé provincial muséumn advisor, Mr. Styrmo, cf thé Departrnt cf Records and Archives in erdér to dis- cuss thé opération and struc- turé cf thé muséum and thé establishment ci e constitu- tion and bylews. The society, meeting ré- céntly in Orono, ecceptéd thé résignation cf président Mr, Tansley and votéd Robert until thé annuel meeting. Hancock te act in his steadi Clarke Muséum and 'A- chives, located on thé secondTà fleor cf thé Clarkec Public Library building ini Orono leý open te thé public every Thursde-y ovening hetwééai 6:30 psxs. ta 8.30 p.m. LOINSupr.Rgbt5r~fld SISd .w~More$ Sale Items PORK (CHO-PS 11,99W SIDE BACON în"vcpacOY< MARVEL BRAND <E5U ýV 3c SuèrRibtOuii, led Prk.d OWGr Tan a Yav Ago URNS BRAN, STOREPACKED, BEI & PORK ICE CREAM 5 ne pi Ï $n si00 PORK LIVER ib 29<F- SAUSAGES 1 e653<Y e A&P TEA Bcs 2ksftO1O Town Clb Bran , tPkL1-d Va~uPterd, , m lvýH SW F EMUM, VISKING, 5V lTHE PIECE 5VAPRTIE, FrOZEiN COTTAGE ROLLS lb 68<f BOLOGNýg!A 1639 FARM1 H,-USE PIS3op $1 .OO S;X RRANC 51AOPSY PRAND PRICED LOr:WEft TMAN A YEAR AGO MACARONI &CPFEES WIENERS llbvécéc 59< CORNEDBEEF 2of 4 9< KRAFT WDIER 6~azks10 15V NE R 5'-' ib P 5 9. (OR ED BEF -"fHPýpV VAU, ;TAeNDARD QUALiTy, wNoL Prkk ju yow' FREE original recip alatVA&P'aMuScèt e,.Th-is weks rdpeITALIAN BEF ROLLUPS. KERNEL ( R 4fe is$ 0 uni