12The Canadlian Statesman, Bownanville, JTan. 28, 1972 ç 4O4?- TO By Frank Mohun- A -SALUTE DURI-NG IMINOR HOCKEY WEEK During Minor Hockey Week, we wïsh to recognize the hard-working ininor hockey coaches wîho make it possible for, local kids to play hockey- TYKE LEAGUE - Ray Gulaaîn, Randy Ponoghue, Lionel Hickey, Jîm Ruddy, Brian Purcly, John Logan, Wayne W"ig- gins, John Depew, Cal Potter, Poug Bîckell, Steve Parker, Allen Thonioson, Maurice Richards, Denrus Sniale. ATOM LEAGUE - Keith Jennings, Pick Bain, Pave Rey- tolds, Robert DeBoo, Andrew Gruyters, Joe Ho'ogeboorn, Douglas Nolan, B. Kingman, Larry Dew~ell, Sam Snowden, AlU Canfield, Ralph Wbhyte, Carl Brunt, Bob Carruthers, Harry Collocutt, Fred Sheehan, Pat Gould. PEE WEE LEAGUE - Jîrn Schultz, Rick Stockman, Richard I Hughes, Bert Perfect, Reg Hearl, Hughi Sàmis, Ron Thon'p- sonl, George Jces, Bon James, Bert Paynle, Sam Elliott, Lloyd Forsey, Hierm-an Fice, Peter Nolles, Pave Livingstone, Gartb CakBll Leamaýn. BANTAM LEAGUE - Milt Fountaîn, John Goode, Tony Visser, Ron Tbompson, Leïgh Sumxnmerscales, Lannie Burns, Fred Brown, A. Mackîe, Ray Adcock. MIDGET LEAGUE - Keith Smith, Lloyd Forsey, Bill Dem- etter, Bob Nemiaz, Fred Slieeban, John Osborne, W. Bagneil.t ALL-STAR TEAMS and COACHES - MITE ALL-STARS - Brian ?urdy, Jim Schultz, ATOM MINORS - Leo MacLean; -ATOM MAJORS - Don Wilcox;,PEE WEE MINORS- Jerry Morrîsont, Doni Badour; PEE WEE MAJORS - Steve Burns, Bob Hellan); BANTAM MINORS - John Fowler, Georgei Sainsbury; BANTAM MAJORS - Terry Black, DEPT. 0F RECREATION REFEREES and TIMERS - Bud Perfect, Kimn Rogers, Poug Parkîn, Poug Parker, Warren -AIder, Poug Henning, Mîke Corneli, Lance Livingstone, Paul Sheeben, Wayne Sheehan, John Colwell, Howard Ormistoni t t t1 t t1 PECOVERING2 Seven-year-old Kent Wîlcox, son of Mr. and Mrs. Doni Wilcox, had an înteresting experience recently that probably in some respects, wsll be envîed by'oneo i osue1 Gas Mite teain mates . .. be rode in an ambulance, as a j patient. We doubt if he experienced mucb of a thrill at the tîme because he was suffering from a paînfulback irzury] received in a game at Bay Rîdgea, and was taken to Ajax-a Pickerinig hospital for treatmenlt. We're pleased to report the injury wý7as not serîous and he'll soon be back ini action again, t t t t t RENOVAlONSt] The Mlemiorial -Arena's east entrance is beîng cbanged so cu1stomers and players Will not be enterîng and leaving justý off thestreet. The rew entrance and box office will be much saer anýd also provîde addiîonal office apace that is sorely ineeded1. We understandt the work is beingdneaLatw 'W-ixiter Wrorks project.E t t t t t FAT AIN MIRE On Saturday morming, Bowmoanville's fist father and so iceamr of hockey officiaIs volunteered to take over the referee E and linesman duties at the arena, for the Recreation gaines, J: They are Pat and Mîke Corneil and there weren't too many 1 compplaints. Father Pat is also an OPP Corporal.R t t t t NEW YEAR'S BABY R Soeow e missed one New YIear's baby and the Plti girl camrre into ihe world1,1wjthout thec usual acclaim. We've Sc included this iteini the Sportopics because ahe was born at b BowanvlleCouintry Club to the club's pet-watchdog Y, -oonr"i>ilb!asý been suggested by one member that the newA puip Might, be named "'Later"'. Just before the golf season D opened last year, Sooner had 10 Du-os, but this year abe was R miore restraîned and oly bad the on e. t t t t t ) Y SKI PATROLLERSR Normn Kerr, head patrol leader of Oshawa Ski Club,,one J of the largest cluabs in Canada wjtb more than 4000 membera, X P lias 25 qualified members of the Canadian Safety Patrol to 1; handlewekd and two mid-week days. skiing, B Kert, - hbis second cronsecutîve year of looking aiter 13 Gafety on the slopes, states that the OSC saft to aJz bee i oertio oer2Ye'1,far3 and each patroller must pass Ji pe àlarns, both oralan practical to qualify. Most akiers B. responld favoraýbly ta thr Suggestions and accept1 gladly in- C formation on safetY Suggestions and conditio f the slopes; A T7wo Bowývmanvîlle members-of the patrol are Bruce Col- Eý weland Jim B rownr. D El nE Tem tadigs bell 2, Saan 2 Bruce 2pt.,Sutcliffe 6, F îgl i nle, Bruce 2 78, bîgb G Partner 3, ~mîk3, Camp- triple, Partner 746; bigh av- A Enjoy Riing at COLONIAL SIABLES RB . 3, -Bowmanville Tel. 623-7336 For Appointment Insýtrulction ghïen and horses boarded. erage, Partaer 2.. Tov A0-Averages Partner 228, Bruce 208, Bur- ton 202, Wctover ý202, Gîbson 198, Sutclîffe 196, Cainpbell 195, Demeter 187, bruton 187, Annaert 186. Games Over 200 Bruce 278-206-206, Howarth 2701/, Partner 268-253-225, Vanesse 251, -Campbell 245, Westovcr 241-222-220, Sm- nîck 232, Burton 230-202, K. Ford 213, Martindale 209, L. Bruton 207-202, G. Downcy 205, Sutclîffc 204, Gray 204, McNulty 203, Gîbson 203, îWiitney 203. ON ANY MACHINE IN STOCK TNT-OLYMPIQUE-NORDIC 'Variety of engine horsepower available n 1U 1 L1D Phone 623-255 IJownianville men's Major Lge, Howar-d Bronieil, king of tic swine, iad games of 319- 237-278 for a total pÎnfall c 834 to win hîgi triple. Broin ell îust beat tic fainoua dog traîner Jack Bond by two pins. Bond had 237-309-286 for 832. One dozen bowî crs bettered 700. Jin Bruton had 799 (261-352), Pave Reynolds 797 (296), Greg Coucb 758 art thigh sîi ngle for thîs schcd- ule 373, Hector Ballantine 751 (2M), Morley Etcicî, father of tic famous Fat One 750 (261), Elton Brock 745 (260), Bob Smnith 730 (295), Ray Van Meer 730 (268), Ed Leslie 726 (271-260), Bol Kent 721, (283), Larry Piper 711 (260), Rusa Halînnan 709 (267). Karl Piper had a single TginC of 304,'John Van Dyk 300, Boss Wright 298, Jack Larder 295, Walt Hately 286, Doug Carter 286, Pick Perfect 284, LTowell MacPougal and Bill Luxton boti had 277, Ror Carter 279, Elwyn Pîckcy 267, Bruce Mîlne 267, Pat Murpi) 265, Bob Glanville 262, P'aul Lyle and Hap3 Palmner 260, Pave Rcynolds and Larry Piper are tied for hîgi aver- age wîtb 255 while Gorl. WVlcox us third at 250. Beaver Lumber and Ne1L Osborne Insurance are tiet wuti 7 points cachinir the teanr stanidîng. Mutton Sicîl are third with 6 points., Srd.-Week - 2nd Sehledule Averages Na-ne Games Ave. bave Reynolds __~ 9 255 Larry Piper----- 9 255 lord Wîlcox ---- 9 250 Hector Ballantine . 9 248 Maurice Aanaert 9 246 lt-cg Couch - 9 246 Ron Etcher---- 9 244 Rusa Oke -___ 9 2 Jack Bond -___ 9 242 Ed. Leslie 9 242 Jim Bruton____ 9 241 Hap Palmer 9 237 Ray Van Meerg--9 236 Howard Broincîl -_ 9 236 Bll Oke- 6 235 Harold Michelson - 9 234 Ross Wright 9 231 Bruce Milae- 6 231 Elton Brock - - 9 230 Si Trewîn ____ 9 230 Don Oke 3-____9 230 Mlorley Etcher. 9 228 AI Osborne-_ __ 9 226 Art Rowe 9 225 Doug Carter - 9 225 ton Selleck -___ 9 223 Duck Perfect .. 9 222 Walt Hatcly 9 222 Frank Mohun ___ 6 222 Les Smale .___ 9 221 Russ Hallinan . 9 221 John VanDyk - 9 220 Karl Piper - 9 220 Pat Murphy-. 9 220 Bob Smith 9 220 lob Konopacki - 9 220 Bob Laird -____ 9 220 ack Lander ___ 9 215 Paul Lyle - 9 215 îm McKnugit 9 215 Bill Luxton -____ 9 214 Clarence Oke - 9 214 Bob Kent ___- 9 213 Ab Saman --_ 9 213 Bill Wcstlake .- 9 212 Dr. H. B3. Rundle 9 209 Bob Glanville - 9 209 Elwyn Dickey - 9 209 Rowlic Coonibes - 9 208 Lowell MacDaugal 9 208 Ron Carter --- - 9 208 Murray Tigie - 9 205 7eorge Piper - 9 203 Johni Carte --- 9 203 ,andy_ Beauprue _ 9 203 Bob Williams - 9 203 Maurice Richards - 9 203 *ud Hennîng -__- 9 202 tan McMurtcr 9 201 tale Terry ---- 9 200 Standing of Tennis 1 Bc Bi st D, jTeani Beaver Luînber --- - 7 Nels Osborne Insurance -7 mutton Sicîl --,-6 I. G. A. -5 Jury &. Lovell - 5 Lander Hfardware --- 5 Kcn's Me's Wear 5 Frank's Variety .- _4 Food --- 3 Dykstra's Cowan Pontiac Buîck ------ 3 Pepsi Cola -3 Pab's Cab'- 1 W L Pins Pts. 10035 10361 10399 10381 10078 10050 10183 10083 6 98833 6 9761 3 5 9595 ' 1 Rural Bowling January lSth S&tanding of Teams 1Pts. Pins Hua's Sunoco -- 6 9092 Hi C'a -à - 5'h9044 Dominion Stores -- 51/2 8308 Solina - - -- --- --5 9477 Maple Grave--- 4 9448 Salern 4 9120 Enniskîllen - - 4 9087 Tyrone -2 89 4 1 Righ Singles F. Wotten - 3 R. Laird 295 Righ Triples H. Laird--------796 D. Taylor 757 J. Luffnan-------711 Averages P. Taylor 256, P. Wood 244, R. Laîrd 232, J, Luffinan 224, K. McGill 219, h. Coombesý 215, Ray Davey 214, C. Good-ý nian 213, Bon Broome 211, J, SîIeno-n 210, D. Feynolds 208, F. Wotten 208, C. Mîlîs 206, W. Siith 203, J, Coombes 203, G. Cockwehl 201. I f i g o 6 i 9 7 i e s i i ast (uimie ore On Pluy s Til lb If it had rot been for Don at most ines but they seem- the major factor in the drouglit Hulledge the -weekend of the cd to have lapses througbout for the Eagles. Pespite their 15th, flic Bowrnanville Red the gaine whîch proved costly fine play moat of the tîme Eagles mîght have had two to them. they are not capitalizing on wîns înstead of two defeats Along with Hulledge's per- the chances they make for by the fît-st place Sutton Rang- formance, Ron Cooper pîckcd thenîselves. But thîs Mill be ers. They were the fifth and up the other Sutton goal. corrected in tîme. sîxth straîght loases for the These two playera are 1-2 in The absence of Pau! Kane Bownianville Junior C teain. the league's scoring and prob- andDon Smith was very It was had enough wth hin ably the reasoh why the team notîceable as Paul's hîttîng scorîng tbree goals to lead the is in firat place. and Don's play-making abîlity rangera Frîday evenîng at Max Jol'inson playîng bis are big assets to the team. home, but lic out-dîd bimself usual bard - workîng gaine Witb only four gaines re- Sunday night as he scored four pîcked up, two goals wbîle de- maîning until play-off turne goals in leadîng the vîsîtîng fencemnan Tim Walto-n pick- the Eagles have to start -pre- Sutton crew to a 5-3 victory. cd up the single, on a tricky paring for the hard work It was another gaine in shot from the blueline. ýahead of them if they plan which the Eagles worked hard Inexperience seems to beto travel beyoind this league. Ràecreati onReviews The Minor Pee Wees camre uD wîth big vîctoî îea over the oas;t week wînnîng two exhi- bition games agaînat triple 'A' clubs. In the tii t gaine at borne agaînat 0O'sbawa they edged the vîsîtors 2-1 in a very tîgbtly played contest. Osha- wa got off -to a 1-0 lead in the firat period Brian -Hop- kins beîng the mat-karan. The second perîod action was fast and furjous, both teanis hav= îng some great scorîng chanc- es that were balted by good goal-tending and defensîve play by botb clubs, Don Farrow cvened up the score at the 11:10 mark of the thîrd perîod on a power Dla y goal set up by Brad Godfrey. Three mnuntes later Farrow TYKÇE LEAGUE two assists, Mike Bobko anc and one assiat, Glenn Johnsoni notciied his second goal, coni- BAN' In the fit-st gaine of JTan. llth goal, Barry Liingstone one oe goal while David MacDon- bVisrîng aîh lîe-my ae BdC the Steelers defeated the Hor- goal and two assista, Bobby ald bad one assiat,- and Danny play to givc the Transportera1 Indian nets by a 4-3 count The Childa one assiat. The Wîngs' Curwin two assista. the vîctory. Britt Murphy Brave, Steelers wcre led by Pana goals wcre scored hy Jimmy MIDGET LEAGUE played a aolîd gaine in net Peebles witb three goals and Maguire, bI the fit-st gaine, the Pîne for Bowmanville. Huaki none assiat, Pani McMullen one BANTAM LEAGUE Ridge Scbool defeated the TeTasotr rv1e at goal while Joseph i bll and Iri the fit-st gaine fSt R ol eesoe ywTh etrbsorougesatingdPath Mak uiian adon asit ar. St, ieHukes dfeat.- Canucka by a 5-4 score. The to, Milibrook for the gaine Flyers each. The Horrieta', goals were cd flic Flycrsa hy a 3-2 score, Cadot with tht-ce, Bradsbaw to a 4-3 wîn. T1e'lo, ala were MD scored by Rodney Plaîin with h uskies' goalsa were acor- one, Bliccît one assiat, Bonar led by Serard Morrîson Who MD 'y hre whle arlMetalfandcd hy Rîck Filatrault, Mark tbree assiats. The Canucks' bad a atanrdtgie notch- Gêe, 1Brett Richards each bad one Chislholrn, and Doug Severnî, goals were scored by Doug îng two goaL,oeo a fine Conet asin ecn otet b whîlc Hon Cooiiey had one Tamblyn i wth three, William solo effort, the otýhr ona1Canu< In te scondconesttheassiat. The Flyci s' goals werc Preece one while John John- rtlay set up by Scot tvens nue 8Indians upset tbe Cardînals y coedbyKethSeerl n son and Kerry Milner had one Wayn-te Whiternan and, StevensP.R.Si 1a 3-2 score. The Indians' goals yi ecr n~asist adedsingles, assst gin- t were scored, by Edward Os- ShontRoranTo on ntalc Bobby Ini the second1 gaine, the to Pusseidorp and Godfrey, Brave, -borne witb two, wbile Mark Sane adsTomFutancc Cornets defcated the eMt. Royals Brian, Fraser wcnt the diat- MacLean bad one goal and one habn sit y a 5-2 score.','be Cornets' 11ci goal, makîng some assiat. The Cardînals' goals In the second gaine,, thie goals were scored h y Paul real fýine saves for Bowrnan- Menf were scored by Brent Thomp- Braves and Cuba battled to a Forsey wîth thrce and onlelvîlic-. Goor7 son and David Maso'n ilhile 2-2 tic. The' Cuba' goals w cre asaîst, John Whîteman two -cMoi Bt-ad Clemens and Bîliy Sains- acored hy Donald Cbilds wlihile goals'an one assist, Andew tiple, burylia oneassat cdi. Ronnie Puaseldorp and Midi- Mackenzie two assista, Rary 'Cen n DÊ',uebg In the firat gaine of Thura, ael Hobbs cach had anc assist Gibbs two, and Donald Polack IUUU I Jan 13'h th Aiieicas autTIc Braves' goals were scored on. assîst. Tic Mt. Royals' p mt out the Royals by a close 1-0 hy 'Glenn Martin, and Joey goals were scored b y Poug Weta scr.Te3eîas goal Burnls whîle Lex Goleski had Bragg wth two, PaularnLos o B o kin was acorcd by Ricky' Erwin One assiat. son two assista, and Randy ! Dt-dGhenIcKeeî Zassisted by Kevin White and Ini the thîrd Banltain gaine Phillips. anc assist. The Bowmanvill GaTýilanj-t Mut-pli) Norrman Hurt, Kevin Welsh the Indians defcated the Pan- In the final gaine of the da, Bl Feven1 Redmen _okjhttrLfi >was credîîed wîtb tic ahutout. thers by a 5-2 count, The the Generals dcfeatcd 1the last Saturday night wben tbey an GO 1 In the second gamne, the Indians' goals were acored by Braves by a 2-1 score. Theý played Whitby-Brooklîn to a rout jBlades shutout the Bombera Stephen Jackson wîth two, Generals' goals werc scored by 6-4 baos. iBonani 3by a 3-0 score. The Blades' Bob Cowle one, Jin Jozkoski Nick Wund oce, Clii! Pavidson BProokliin opeoed the seorîng M1. Heo igoals were scorcd by Mark and Bob Shackelton one goal one goal and one assist, Tiussell at the ,3:50 mark of the open- Bond, iAbbott wîth two and one and anc assîst each, while McQuaid, Rod Sèllers and îng sýtanza for thc only goal. G. Hea 1assist wbîle Steven Cary had John Meeka bad two assista.lEric Goaick one assiat cadh. In- tho second, Brooklin 1the other ýgoal. ýThe Pantiers' goals wet-c scor-IThe Bravesz' goal was scoredinotcihto rmore goals at the ATOM LEAGUE ecd by Robert Milford anc ýgoal by Penis Bamber.42scn and the 6 minute i tb irs gm o St, ak efr Fe Ryan t-e- Jan. 151h,thFan' aiy asisa1e-ttoRadyAle boys defeated the Clippr;by C an Stve atsnd Ale a 4-0 score. The Variety goalsan t-VýýL , inte thir, Bwanil were scorcd by Mîke Buttor- o anle shaw, Brooke Bain, Robert by Jîm Clarke Akeyý and H-owie Pollard put. the assault forces togcth- Roget-sand Paul Cascagoette Bryson'a Sinioke Shop necd- after 4:40 of the third perîod, er to iialin the sc"re close. > wileGar Crss ndKevin ed anl unaaaîsted tbird pcrîod Bryaon's opencd tic game's At tic 1:25 mark Gar" Woey adoeassîst ard goal by Pave Green in Sun- scoring. at-10:12 of the fit-st B3aker scored wîth Phil à Brook Cole was credîted wîth day morning's opener to sal- with Charlie Green teaming Broome and John Colwell the abutout. vage a 3-3 draw agaînst un with Barry Oliver. assistîrg.I Intescn cnetteBrooks' Supet-test. Gary Wilson and Brian> Brookln camne bark wîth-- Inth scod onea te Theasingle point was enough Bradley shot Brooks into a two goals a -itnute apart. 2- c.TcFargos ' gatdth iols bare bo, Bryson's back into a 2-1 lead with goals at 14:55 Randy Allen let a blaat go' a 2-1 core.The Frgos'goalsshareof fîrat place with Wal- (power play) and ,17:12 (ail-to make the count read 53 were scored by Brian White ter Frank Real Estate. Both otier power play scuge). Bry- for Brooklin. Scott Burges with two whîle John Walters clubs have 17 points wti three son'a tied it at 2-2 just five put tic score withîn one after an Pvd aern cc hdwceks remnaining in the regu- seconds frorn the end of tic beîng set'up hy Tony Balson.! M 1one assist. The Bisons' goal lar achedule. Intheli second second period witi "Tully" Brooklin notched tic last iwas scorcd by Douglas Brooks cortcst Muttons Sheli bunch Thompson handcuffing Veitcih goal of the gaioe at fthc 18:32 assîsted by Martin Gruyters. turncd in anotier fit-st rate witi a low 25 footer. Brooks' mark of tic period to coin- In the third game, tic Seals effort in siockîng the Real Akcy was off for slashing plete ticescoring. abut out the Rama by a 6-0 Estate crowd 5-2. when Green counted tic ty- Tic, Redmen playe d tipir count. The Seals' goals werc This Sunday mrtning the ing goal at 14.20 of the third cancelled gaine agaînat Bay acored by Thomas Hollînger oirushiig Mutton crcw meet oeriod. Rîdges, Monday, Jan. 24th. wti three, Scott Clîfton two Bryson's in the 9 a.ni-. encoun-- Until then it appearcd like Around the Arena goals and anc assiat, Greg ter. The 10:15 affaîr secs Donoghuc's goal at, 4:40 and If fie boy s keep ayn Erwin one, whîle Kevin John- Walter Frank collidîng witi sorne diligent defensive work this type of hockey they son bad anc assist. Brooks', would ensure Brooks of a 3-2 aiould be able to take Mark- In the final Atorn game tic Io last Sunday's fit-at gaine vîctory. bain in the' playoffa whicb L Royals and Tîgers battled'to a acorîng leader Pave Green The Superteat gang all came siould bc starting in the near 4-4 tic, Tic Royals' goals were beat a superb Ken Vetehiniiiup with ari' all out effort in future. Bowmanville'a ncxt scorcd by Ronald Bennett wîtb tic Brooks' cage at 14:20 of tic absence of fîve of their Opponents will be on Satur- Lii two, Keiti Sheehan one -goal the third pcîîod, cornpletîng regulars. day, Jan, 29, 1972 du ring tic and anc assiat, Douglas Alîman tic gamce'a scorîng in the 3-3 ln tic late engagement Mut- Minor Hockey Day onegoa wileGlen errllticý It was Green's l4th goal ton's Shcll contînued their had two assists, and Douglas la 14 contesta. improvcd play as bhey werce Until tic coualizcr third led to their 5-2 triumph wîth _Î Gould one, Tic Tîgers' goal werescoed b Den HomesPlace Brooks'- with a mere an cncergetîc teani effort. wee coedbyDen obcssever man troupe, had put George S ai n sbu ry andP wîf h two, whilc Ronald Brown up a great show and appeared "Woody" Lee eaci rapped' and Steven Frank had One headed for a win. Thcy broke home two goals, whilc "Fuzzy goal eacb, a 2-2 tic wicn R anr dy Marîerrison counted a sîngle. j PEE WEE LEAGUE Donogbue clicked froin Gary For Walter Frank's John Ia tic firat Pee Wec gaine Acdamis and Grant Flintoff of Monday, Jan. 10th, thcer h rakmn Frank's Varîety defeated tic é& Mutton's led 2-1 aftcr tic Canadians by a 5-2 score. The ù opening frame and 3-2 after Franka goals werc scored by ~a u-40'minutcs of play. Tic win- Sam Ellîott with tirce whîlc eL ners drcw fîve of the seveni Doug Pickell and Leonatd P A R iS penalties flagged down b White had one eacb. Assista N WMBL officiaIs Mike Corneli ana went to Ron Hoogeboom, Mike "Arche" Crosaey. Reynolds, Michael Hollinger, SALES- SERVICE, The victory left Mutton's and Peter Whytc one assiatadPAT six points beiind Brooks wti caci. The Canadians' goals three gaines left in the sched- were scored'by Steve Green- Phone u.Ti .au's lad. grass and Bobby Davis. goal-adorer Larry Perris was Ina tic second gamne tic Marshall Keast held pointîcas indicating some Rangera defeated tic Hawks spectacular netminding by by an 8-2 count. The Rangera 983-5810 Muttons Wright and tireles were led by Ricky Bain with Orono ciecking by bis mate. Sains- * j four goals and one assiat, Joey i uy Lc ad Marierrîson Nowlan two goals, Tony Ker- -wr o rdcr ri i wood one goal and two assista ý, winners' forward ranka. Andy Rîck Brwn ne oal rd / ~ ,~lyMurphy and "Luke" Prout assist, Thom'as ,Kennedy ancede oe mui-ncc assia, Ti Ha ka' oalsweremuscle to tic Mutton crowd's II scre y rdlyJae performance. Pcoug HuttoBradl aGoradnFor the Real Estate club e em Sylvest n Jhn SmtGordn ko ~ i althougi held scorclesPerrîs Sylvste an Jon Sithhadalong wîth Rîck Woolner andI one assîst caci.ï Flintoff w et- e dangerous e- ee A Ia the fit-st gaineof Fri., Jan. ihrougiout. 14tb, thec Kings dcfeated the ~ Vf ________ Leaf s by a 3-1 score. The Kinga' goals were scored by James Murphy wîth two, and M ry M k r Bryon Samis one wile Pale M ry M k r Cary, Rory Erwin and Tom Conicl acihbad. one assiat. o lai The Leafs' goal wa. scored by Frank Leach assisted by Greg January 1 8th G.,. Balson. In the second gaine, the cHg ige lraSnt Bruina defcated the Blades by25.hg dobe Mary Lou 7 a 91 sor, Tc Buia wrcTownsley 489; igh average, led by Trent Masters with ~ ~ ~ , Mr o only24 gasand oeasa,~ U f Games Over 200 Wayne Joblnaon one goal and > N Gloria Smith 259, Dorotiy fie ssstRayrnn alae e Mooî e 223, Doris Mîlîson 247- wieaGzs, odDlas HE L20,T1,Bey Bannister 207, acocdbyJoh Lbat.Clara Sa;,-rgîr son 231, Jean Mc- soed goal.hnBLae'al Servce Cabe 217, Ev. Bîshop 208-206,1 In tic ganieed' oSt, JaniSitifBaverdefe at- ,IN . Mary hou Townsley 259-2.ý Blades - - Steeles ------ Bom-bera -------- 12 12 - 12 ATOM LEAGUE Fraîiks - -------- Royals i Clippers .--l Tigers --- - - i Faîgo's. 1 Bisons i Seals--i Ram a ------ - -- - ----- PEE WEE L EAGUE Beavers I Blades 4 Kings -i Bruina --10 Caiadians ---------- il Wýýîngs ---------- ll- - 1 R{angers ------- - -- il-- 1 Franks - --------- 10 Hawks ----- ------ 10 L eafs --------------- 10 fAM LEAGUE oes ------- hcrs s - - ----- GET LEAGUE il il il lu 41 ?als --------- îil 7 eta -- - -- ---------- l 7 ~ka -. il 5 -- ---- l-- 1 C.OV. BOWLING a' hîgh 'triple, A. Van 740, men's high single, brgan 301; ladies' high 1C, 'Murphy 641, ladies single, C. Murphy 306. Team Standing ke------- 12 5880 ake10 6119 tS----- 10 5597 ýen9 6018 hy 9 5748 lan 9 5625 ,or 7 5833 a -- --- 7 5664 eath 4 5530~ --- ---------- 2 5469e Cath ----- .- 0 5580 D &R Sports SKI RENTALS COMPLETE PACKAGE$5O 67 Ring Street IV- Bowmanville Phone 623-3421 FORGET WINTER EnIy aReresing wi or hatchangqe of Pace ýJNL TUES. -' THUJRS. e FRI. - 7 to 9 pn $1.00 per person at the ber:ty St. S atHwy 401 Bowmanville Phone 623-3373I t 1 =MI 1: .1 I ecreat o n RAeviews ]RECREAION MINOR HOCKEY STANDINGS a, of Saturda5, January lSth, 1972 League & Teamas GP W L' T Pts. GF G.M TYKE LEAGUE Card-inais 12 8 3 1 17 40 2 Amrericanis .- 6 3 3 15 20 1( indians ------- 12 6 5 1 13 22 s( Royal3 --- 12 6 6 0 12 23 il Hlornets. _ 12 6 6 O 12 32 3ý 1 Cs ý 1