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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jan 1972, p. 16

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Births' Cards of Thaànks Com-ing Events Articles -for- Sale- RIFENSTRA-Art-hUr and Lillie 1, would 1ike 10 Ihank al Northern RambVlrs, Fridlay SIDE of beef for, sale. Cal (neCar) igaaFllm ried and relatives for and Saîurday aI Queen's, 623-7150. 4-I onit.. are proudI to announce cards, fruit and flowers sent Newcastle, 9 p.m. -1 a.m. BANbadfosle Te- thearii of Iheir daugbter, 10 me whle I was in hospilal. - 14snn arlene, on January Special Ihanks 10 Drs. Sproull Women's HosDital Auxiliary phonie 623-2176.4- 22, 1972. A ister for Barbara and Hubbard, nurses and-staff Membership Tea, Friday, Feb. WRINGER wasber for sale, and Allan.- 4-1,0f Surgîcal Floor, Memorial 41h, 2:30 to 4:30, aI Mrs. E. V. $15. Call 983-5526, 4-1 Hlospiul; also 10 tbe Royal Hoar's, 158 KingSt. E. 4-2 DAVENPORT with chair, good DetsCanadman Legion 178, for their Dance, Tyrone Community condition. 623-5313, 4-1* ___________________kindness. Hall, Saturday, January 29tb, MILKING machYine, good con- DUVAL, Ea1 B.Suddenly Walter Murphy. 4-1 Lloyd Pearson and bis Melody dto.Poe7310.32 a t his., Leskard, Ontario, l---Boys. $2,50, petcouple. _4-1*mi o1iL Priduy, January 21, 1972, Hyland-I wsh 10 exoress F-- RIDGE, Ad ' al, good con- Earl B,. Duvaîl, age 80 yeurs my deep uppreciation 10- the Biackslock Senior Cîlîzens ditmon, $40, Phone 623-2176. (foD;rmerly of Grimsby, On- many relatives and frîends Euchre in Township Hall,41 tiobeloved husband of for the many acts of kindness, Tuesday, February 1 ut 6 p.m. WATER for sale and deliver- oaE. Miller, dear f ather Of floral tributes, cards and Admission 51Oc. Lunch and eýCl lf ehc 2-33 Gerald a-id Herbert of Orono; messages of sympalby during prizes. 4-1 c.CîCifPehk62-313 also survived by five grand- the sudden, sud loss of a dear Country and Western Dance, TDBKR Srie c chmli!dren; dear brother of Mms. hushand * and faîber, Lcroy, Millbrook Legion Hall, Satur- anTd uEd pa rts. cGraham ELlua Glover, Fruitland, Ont. Special thanks 10 Morris day, January 29. Music by adue at.Gaa' Î, sted aet the Barlow FunrlPnrlCa ,By ai a dm n h ounîry Garage. 1-416-263-2233. 19-tf Homen, Orono, untîl Monduy Northey andi Pontypool U.C.W. Hits, Dancingg 9- 1. 4-1* FOUR-PIECE single mraple emrie alCheld aInWîlma nd fmly. ~8Reserve Tuesday, Marcb ,f bedrooni suite, good con-- at Lang _______________Chape[__ ý im n fml. 418p.m., for Spring Fashion dition, $95. Phone 623-2940. 2 .. Interment Orono . )Show aI Legion Hall. Spon- ____4_11 4-P'ey. . In Memoriam ýorpci by Durhami Chapter, AMERICAN Eskimo puppies FORA-IMmralHs 0K- ETAEI oy- _S Admission $1.50, 4-1, (small Samoyed). purebred. niuBowmanvîlle, onFm- ing memory of a dear fulh- sopiomanlleiram ork- Batlpl.Aa 4-2 (, January 21, 1972, Marjorie er and grandfuther, F. R.shpiofengtirrdu--______ 4 Morsagcd 51 years, belov- Cook who passed away Jan, lion of "Barefool in the FANCY Courtland apples, $2 ed w,,ife of Edgar Porami, dear 71h, 1965, and a -wonderful Park" at the, Town Hall, Feb. bus. Phone Wm. Feddema moîher 0f Betty (Mrs. Lloyd mother and gramdmother Ida 17-18-19. Curtain lime 8:15 623-3325 aflem 4 p.m. Bring prescott), Oshawa; Ver n 1aMay (Avery) Westlake ýwho p.m. __ 4-1 own container. 2-31 Wicbma1ýn and Allan, Toron- passed away January 271h, Nurses' Association Used'NEW and Used Parts for to, Aýrîhiur and Marie, BOw- 1971. Clolbing Sale, Frîday, Jan. 28 ail makes of Washers, Dryersl i-nanv-ille-. Grandmrother 0Of One by one they go before us. from 2:00- until 8:00 p.m.,ut and Ranges. Paddy's_ Appli- 5l'vc graidcildren. Service They are fading lîke the Bowmanville Public Library. lance Parts Lld., Hampton. was heUidin Ihe MovIrris PFu- dcw, Good used articles, Priced 10e Phone 263-2241. 2-If ,eral Chupel, ouii, on But W, kuow Ihey're waiting to $ 1,_ 4-1 Monda-yrut 2 O'clock. Inter- for us,SonsfMah'7-Tb MOFFAT and Simplicity Ap- Ment Bowmvrr,ýille Cernet8ry. They feel the good, the fuir, Annual Spring Concert pre- pine, Hoe rdcs 4-1 Ih9re etdb h omnîl Large selection of new chrome They are waiîîng for us only, High Scihool Band wîll be Oon i. Phddyes2Ma-ke41.Ham- HARfING-AtTo-ronto Wesc-t- Where no pain can ever Mamcb 9th et 8 p.m. in theto Poe26-41 18f ciru Hospilal on Saturdiay, mur,1 Town Hall. Guesl performers KITCHEN suites .59 up; lumps, [j2ruury -22, 19'l72 , Re. A W. Dear one, you, wbo lefI 'us will be ýannounced laler. 4-2 39" Continental beds wilb Hujrd'ing, aged 80ycro be- lonely, beadboards, .66 up; Sealy o ved hus1baýnd cf Mu!riel'Bun- Watch us Ihrough- the gales MONSTER BINGO maîtresses, 39,95 up. Murphy rier Syvmons, dear futher of 1 aj ar; ,TIIURSDAY - 7:45 pnL Furniture, Phone 623-3781. orhy(Mrs (Dr.) R. W. There a father, theme a 4-1* th~ruonHamîliton, and niother, , Sponsored by Joy(Ms. ary cCamnus), Gone wthin Ibose gates Oshawa Minor Softball, FREE Cfatalogue'- Exciîing lbw R..3,Cva.Resîcd ut the ajar. JUBILEE PAVILION cost seif-improvement books-1 Mors Funeral Chapel, Bow- -In s w c e I remembrance, ~ SHAWA 3-fmny eib srlgsc runîl.Service was held Frank and Doreen Westlake cs; mn oe mt in TriniîyUnîe Church on and family. 4-1" Cartwright High School Au.n-Speciulty Producîs, Box 941, Tuesday u 1 t ,2'clock. Inter-____ nual Commencement Ex 'ler- Oshawa, Ontario. 2-4* meut Port Hopre Union Cerne- ODNI mgmmr ciscs, Saturday, February SE NG mcie rar, bery. 41 of a dear son and brother, '-0pnRceainCnrsales (Brothers, Elna, Singer, Dann, wh pased aay lackstock. Presentation of' etc.), skate excbange, new, PATERSON - At Sunnybrook January 22, 1970.dpoasprfceyprz, used funture and appliances. Eosita, Troîto onTuedu, H sgou bt nt frgtte athielie trophies. Valedie- Bernîna Fumniture Store, 42 Joianr1, 1972t, on usMc- AHeis dwn s noîheorgoyear orian, Lînda Mountjoy. Gîe Bond W., Oshawa. 723-5912. Janury 2th,1972 OnaMe-* An as awn anoher earClub selections and a Omie-Actdt 'iv7or Paterson, Newcastle, uged In our lonely boums of tbînk-42__ -t 48 ycars beloved wîfc of A. ing Pla- --- -__ USED 1800 and 1100 Cock- I.(Sdy Paterson, dear 'Thougbîs of hlm are alwuys W OODVIEW ! shutî and D14 AC with loader rtitheýr oftH4eat-her (Mme. Den- 1 near.,an ow bce tcor nu, Marînr) and Kcunetb. 'Tbough leurs in our eyes do CO1N'IMUNITV CENTRE radysnorwobukecent, rctors Resîing ut the Morris Funerul not giIen MONSTER BINGO diîion. Sec or caîl Trewîn haeBowmuunville, foar And our faces are nol Farm Equipinent, Blackstock erceou TbursduyaI, 2 alwuys sud, NEXT MONDAY 986-42831 3-2 ~'lc.Intermrent Bownman- Theme is neyer a nighî or 7:.~BOS aaieppr villecCemqetery. 4-1 momîng1BOKmgzns,,per But wte Ihînk of bbc boy Kinsmen Community Centre backs and comic 1pooks bought, eFud 109 C9olborne st. W. sold and exchamiged. Top1 ___________________ îssand awy e- O H prices paid for famîly libraries Ir.ami Ms.adrclLnflmerbe ed Modmy, ay e S A Aand collections. Morgan Self, L1 e u homre ta friendz uud and Sandra,.- j_____27tf 84 Simcoe SI. South, Oshawa, on È_' p'ir i Imz m o,,l~TTi-<f 723-7621. 4-1 'hi 2Sth weddliug anni- VIFremsry utPthý,e Odd Fsllowe ilail, Orono, Suudy auamy 30, -4 .m.Bes wihesony. 4-1 Th u yof Mr. alld Mms. C e Cil RaInI Vw IS-h la -invite hemr rElativ esfisd and tcigbaus oubb-occasion af heir 501h W7edding Anul- vesayl the Ennskillen Suuday Sdibool Rooni, Stur-i dzay, Frbýruumy Sbb froin 2 la T ..BesI wishes only. 4-2* 1 Cardls of, Thcmks 'Roral;ýd anid Cathyý Trent ,ould iles ta thauk friende ad uejýighbors and bbc Hay- ioni commounity for the. beau- iful weddîn111g gifîs. 4-1 To th-e Tyrone Cammunity. rbuk ou for your generous gïft. Weý used il la buy a cffee table. Sain u nd Junice Reyenga. 4-1* Cl d lsie Joues wîý,,sh nepessincere thauks bo teir îaimilv, relatives anmd payfriends for m-aking Ibeir loIh Wýedding 'Anniversary uic h a happy occasion. 4-1* I wo,ýuld like ta ,1Ihank bbe uan- uy god neigbbo(urs and edsfo)r al!lIbsir carde, Iwrconceru and gener- uýity;1 ulso ta Drs. Sylvester Hui Fbbard and the nurses -nh fîrst f'loor during my 'ty lu Mem1orial Hospîrtal. Mrs. Lois Dallas-. 4-1 My.1sîncere bbunk1.-s ta my freids ï,,and neighbours who emsbsrd ne witb flow- rs ;nndc rds while IT was in b- Memomia1l Hosoital. Speciai hnkstaDr, îmoDr. aaroule ai the nurses and tufou Ihe firsî floor for (Mrs.) Elva Leach. 4-I Mye sincere Ihanles ta the atf -"f First Floor, Memorial osinBowmanville, ulso o * Doclors Sylvester and ýooult Rev. H. Turner and brministems. who culsd mmýd ta a--l wbo rsmnmbred osý lui uny way while a jpatient Mr.L. M.)J Edua Somnerville.' Wc~ ~~t wudltebexpress ,ursicr thaules und ap- feciaion alal those who eut' curds und remsýmmbrances 7hil --,n bbc Commun'ity Nurs- îg Home;r the beautiful flor- I brbute id ouations from elaîve, fîensneîghboums, Tes] eon .C..end W.. udé ih'Deu'-metof Trans- orlaion und Conmniîca- carbraug, drirg aur re- f m der -îfe m herand unTye Nursiii Home and KERR-In loving memory of1 Clîfford , who Passed away January 27, 196--. Itis life was samnest, bis actions kind, A willîng hand and an active mind, Anxious to plense, loath to offend, -A lovîng husband and faith.. ful friend. -Loved and remembered by wife Leah. 4-1 MUL-1OLLAND - In loving mernory of a dear husbandi and Father, Fred, who pass- ed away Janluary 181h, 1969. Words cannot tel1 How much we miss you For lite is fl the sanie Without you by our side. -Sadlyv mîssed by wif e Marge, daugh-ter Marie, son Norman.1 4-4* TODD-In loving memory of a dear husband, father and gandfather, 'Lorne C. Todd, who passed away January 28, 1961. I've losI my soul's companion, 1A lite linked wîth My own;_ And day by day 1 miss hlmn more As I walk Ihrough 1f e alone. -Ever remembered by wif e and families. 41 VETZAL-In lovîng memory of a dear husband, faîher and grandfather, George Vetzal, who passed away January 28, 1968. Nothmng can take away The love a heart holds dear, Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps hlm_ near. -Lovingly remembered by his wîf e Mary and famuly. 4-1 Wanted DEAD and Crippled Purin Stock, Margwill Pur Parmi 263-2721. Licence 328071. 6-tf Wanted to Buy 500 BALES of straw. Phone 519-449-2646. 4-Il CASH for antiques, old things and- old junk. Write Adver- tiser 261, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmunville. 1-52 PIANO, grand or upright, suilable for student, will puy cash. Write Advertiser 240, c/o Canadian Stalesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 41-tf Pets PUPPIES, fîve weeks old, fre to good homes. Telephone 983-9326. 4-1 BEAGLE hound, good hunt- îng dog, $25. Phone Hàmp- ton 263-2551, 4-1 Cars for Sale '67 MUSTANG, V8, autonmalic, good condition, 623-5968 '69 , VIVA Wagon, standalrd, i3,000Umies; second car. Cali 1965' M/ETEOR 2 door bard- toVautomatec, power equiipped. Phone Blackstrck 986-5à73. 14-1 the Cnadian Cancer Socety is baving a "Sîlent Caffte T'arty,, fo, the ont f Pcb. lit to 29th. Any group or persone wýisbing ta make a donation please gîve toa umy amie of the following: MrEs. Rowland Combes, 263-2934; Urs. Bert Sycr, 623-3177; Mrs. B. D. Tillcock, 623-7155; Mme. George Wurd, 623-5721. 4-2 ANNUAL ROTARY BOOr',K SALE Hardhack and Puperbuck Books . Canadian Tire Store 160 Church - Bowsnanvillej Feb.Il and 12 FLORIDA ITO-UR Personally Eseorted by Nance Colmer 292 Day-s March il - April 1 TYPÏ-E WRIT-ERS,adders, calcs, cash' registers, desks, chairs, files, new, used, rentais, service Discount prices. Open. Tues- day, Wednesday, Tbursday. Bil Hamilton, B r oo kî1lu 655-4179.29-If UPHOLSTERY Pabric - One yd. pieces $1.99, bwo-Ibrce yd. pieces $2,99, lurger yumdages $3.99 per yd. Wide choice 0f colours and fubrics uvailable. Wbyle's Upbolstmy, 55 King East, Bowimanville. 4-1 ANDREWS TV, TOWERS and ANTENNAS INSTALLED AT Low Rates ALSO SPECIAL ON Colour, Systems Phone 623-2006 or 723-5198 24-tf INSTALL AN ~ FURNACE BOILER Information and Reservations (»> HUMIDIFIR Pitonsor HOT WATER Phone 0 1EATER 823-3265 or 623-3093 No payMents 'til July lst ___ _ _ - 3.-2 ~ Cal DEPARTING MARCH 7, 1972AVYPATE CONDýUCTED 21 DAY TOUR Ruwaiian Islands, Califomnia, Arizona For itinerary and details Write or Phone ALFRED ALLIN Creighton & Pearceý TRAVEL SERVICE LTD« P. O. BOX 149 TONGE and JOHN STREETS THORNHILL, ONTARIO Telephone 889-5643 Donors tJrgently Needed Wed., February 2nd Lions Centre Bowmanville BLOOD DONOR CLINIC, 1:30 to 4:30 pan. and 6:30 to 9:00 pan, For transvortation caîl 623-9010 day of Clinic THE NEED IS GREAT!! GET CASH TODAT FOR OLD APPLIANCES STATES21AN CLAS8IFIEDS Phone 623-3303 Tour ESSO Service Dealer FREE ESTIMATES 983-5206 Oro no Zenith 14620 24 Hour Service D. WHITE'S TV ANTENNAS TOWERS - COLOR AERIALS ROTORS - UHF ANTENNAS Systenis for Apîs. and Motels Channel Master (Top Quality Antennas) WRITTEN GUARANTEE CALL ANýYTIME 623-5251 Res. 62)3-3070 - Maple Grove 3-tf NEED A Pump? Jet, Submergible and Piston Pumps Sump, Laundry and Contractors' Punips BEATTY- JACUZZI - DURO We have a large supply of JPARTS and CONTROLS Cottage Owners NOW is the TIME to HAVE TOURS OVERHAULED Cail 983-5206 or bring them i n HARVEY PARTNER Articles for Sale CROCSSMAN - *2calibre 002 pîstol; Gecado . 177 calibre air rifle. 623-3832. 4-1 RED velvet gown, size 10, asking $35.00. Wom-ýn once. Telephone 983-925m9. , 4-1 SUN-CURED mixed bay, ten Ibousand bales 10 choose froin. Caîl Glen Rue Farm, 623-3090. 4-1 MUSKRAT fur coat, size 14, good condition, asking $60,,00 or best offer. Pbone 983-9259 or 372-5214. 4-1 USED 21" and 23" televisions lu good working order. Wil sell reusonabie. ,Television Service Co., 623-3883. 4-1 ANYTIME IS APPLE TIME! Buy Yours Fresh and Crisp ut FRED'S FRUIT MARKET_ Macs - Red and Golden Delicious - Spy SWEET CIDER and HONEY, HIGHWAY 115 - ORONO 1-41 Noice to Creditors N&OTICE- TO CREDITORS in the Estale of GEORGE ERNEST KEMPTHORN, de- ceased. Ail persons having dlaimsi against the estate of Georgel Ernest Kemjjthorn, laIe of the Town of Bowmanvilie, in the County of Durham, deceased, who died on or about the 141hý day of October, 1971, are hiereby nolified 10 send inltoi Strîke & Strike, Solicitors for the Estate, Box 7, Bowman- ville, Ontario, on or before the' 18th day of February, 1972, f ull particulars of their dlaim. Immedialely after the said 181h day of February, 1972, the assels of the deceased will be distribuled amongst the parties entîlled thereto, hav- ing regard only to daims of iwhlch the said solicitors for the Estale shall then have notice. - DATED aI Bowmanville, Ibis 21s1 day of January, A.D. 1972. STRIKE & STRIKE, Nursing Home of George Ernest Kempthoîn, ___________3ox>c7, ACCOMMODATION availabie, BOWMANVTLLE, Onturlo. for up or bed patients. Reas -_____ ____ amable rates. Apply South Stain o Haven Nursing Home, New- Stain o castle. Phone 987-4441. il-tf M4ale or Fernale Livestock For Sale - rds e I -HAV-Ea buarn.ýthat wants,~'ÏN.TWokr usîng. Wil hourd two horses Fatr okr 10 slart. Good, came. Caîl for Newtonville 786-2935. 41 M ngra n SERVCEABE age Shorîbomu Spnvsr bu, iso amworth boum of Su evsr servîceabie a g e. Stanley Taylor, Bîackstock. Telephone P~ositionls cvenings 986-4881. 4-1i Incomne $1,000 - $1,500 per ___ _ _ =__ month. Can be part time, For Rent must be willing to e-train. interview to be on a Wednes- TWO, bedroom apartment. day evening lu Oshawa. Phone 623-5142. -i Write 10 TWO bedroornibouse lu Bow- Advertiser 266 manville. Phone 623-2471. c/o The Cunudian Statesmuni 4-1* P..-o ix 9. Bûwion l The Canadi an Statesman, Bowmanvil1e, Tan. 28, 1072 ONElt bedrooni aparîmenb, 4-2*' I New Work and ifepairs dusonY. Phone 623-5044.'1 __ Service and Estimates -â-oAýïor--4 -1 Instructions Cail 623-2641 ROOM for m~~ent, Newcastle, (TRANSPORT TRAINING) ____ 3t Phone 987-4350. Ladies oniy. 33j--tf_ 4-1 WANT TO LEARN TO DRIVE TC UGS APARTMENT. Emqiue a JAEMBURGES M62d-2s2Stor 623-5 515 or NOW you can train righti-I BURNERS - FURNACES 623223.2-tf here, in Canada amid be paid CLEANED APATMNT haldstove, whie doing so. For' applica- PLUMBING REPAIRS fridge; central; aduIts. Apply lion and interview, write: PHONE HAMPTON Stalesman Office. . 52-If Safety Department 2325 FOUR r0oom aparîmemit, heut- Trans Canada Transport 2325 ed, Newcastle urea; no dogs. Training Mail Address. Phone 987-4487. 4P Suite .315, 207 Queens Quay W. P-0. Box 43 - Bowmanvîlle BACHELOR aparînemi, stove Toronto 117, Ontario and fridge; Îmmediate possC5- or eaul: 416-864-9381 0f sion, Phone 623-7746. 4-1 ______ FRANK BIRINK ýONE bedroomi apartinent, 6 Help WantedTr cin King West, $90 jthý - monbhly.q Available Feb. 1. 623-5012. IR.N.A. wanted, shift workI SEPTIC TANK -.2 1Staîbaven' Nursing Home, I ISALTO O NE antoberomaar-Phone 623-5555I4NSTA 6 BLLAIN L metd n Nwale newly JANITOR wauted, full time NO SUNDAY CALLS decoraîed, slave and frîdge. employment. Apply belween 6370 623-7571. 4-1 10 ain. and 3 pi..ut Voyageur ____ 623-7201________ LARGE one bedmooni apart- Restaurant, Wuvericy Rd. anid ment, stove anid fridge, in- 401, Bowmanviile. A G3O BORN mediate' poÈsessîon, aduits. CLEAN-CUOSeBiabE Caîl '623-3230. 52-tf ClEA eqUT red for imature --gentleman ceurdfrlgtCarpet -U h ltr ENNISKILLEN, lwo bedroom servicestatiomi work duys and upurîment, second floor, $90 evenings. Apply lu person ta Professionally Cleaned monthly; available now, Tels- Bruce Winning, Gulf (Liberty FREE ESTIMATES phone 263-8868.- - 4-1 St. and 401)., _4 ROOMS 10 ent by nmomth. GAS Bar Attendants anted 6320 Television, bath, sauna, indoor ut lihe Esso Centre, Highwuy BOWMAN VILLE pool. Flyîng Dutchinan Mot-,401 ut Newcastle. Sàary. I 201tf or Inn 623-3373. 39-If bonus, lwa wesks' paîd anuL- ONE bedroom hculcd apart- vacation. Apply in person. TthR ii ment. ,Central, $95 monlbly. - - 4-1 c R Paîig Immediate possession. Peter Volunleer sewess meeded b etfid Wthmkro Kowal Jr., Realtor, 623-2453. compîcte Red Cross disaster Cunadian Jewellers' Assn. TWO bedroom home, stove, relief clothing. Ail materlals Tii jw llr frîdge, heat and hydro lu- supplied. Workroom 28 Di- M r' ,e eîr ciuded, $150. Central. Cail vision St. open Friduys 1:30 39 King Street West afler 5 pi., Phone 623-5104. pi,,10 3:30 pin. or cal] 23-tf1 ,ONE bedroom heated apart- 6 -2-2639 or 93521 -3-2 ----- __ ment, ail newiy decorated, WOMAN preferably with car D R IG O suitable for young or eiderly or %vithîn pickup distance of couple,1001 a month. Cuil Mapie Grove Rd. or Courtice MASONRY 623-2672. ___ 4-1 Rd. u nd No. 2 Highwuy. b TW ~Yom upt~~tucominl an d gel three child- Brick, Block, Stone Lambs Lane, Available Feb, mcmi off 10 scbool and do ]igbtCHMES&FRPAES i. $144,50 includes heal, housekeeping five days aC, INY & REL Es hydmcio, fmidge and stove, Tels- week, 6:15 u.m. - 4:15 pi. Phone 623-2176 phne 623-5888. 4-tf 623-2956. _4-14- 49-tf, HOUSE lu Bowmamivillc, ull SALES persons or managers conveniences. Avaîlable Pcb. imierested- lu direct suies to 1, cbildremi weicome, close 10 home and indusîry, part or RLergeration shopping and schooi, New- fultins. Salary incentive, u nd tonville 786-2470. 4-1* bonuses Wilh eventuai profil- p lA - S rvc Business shuring plan. We wiîî train p la c evc Busiessund ussisî persons seiected. Commercial and Domestie For confid(itia1 interview Refrigerution - Milk Coolers Opportunity ~seud resume ta Advertiser 264, PhnBETSR EXCELENT ncomeOppo- c/o The Camiadiami Stutesman, PhnBETS R îuniîy for Imae muO lporPO.Box 190, Bowmumivilie. Days -'623-5774 Bowmauvforlmaure a n S ino-- _________ 3-2 Nights -623-3177 yeur Roof Line and reiuîed, MARKETING CAREER Lanlder Hardware producîs, Direct suies expemi- adEETI ece not uecessary, but must Suri Lit_ of Canada has anafdEETC bave albility to deal with own- înleresling position for a ers, managers anid purchus- ni a r k e til n g representative ing agents for commercial and leading bo additional responsi- ACK(ERMAN industriai accounts. Mcmi over bilities. Must be local resi- 40 prefermed, but ail inquiries dent with abiiity, ambilion AUTO VIRECKERS receive equal consideration, and show progress for age. LIGUT, HEAVY, SUPER Write Dept. 02W-S, Consoli- Recent entry intoeouily pro- DT O I c ctated Inter-Amemîcan Uorp., 912 E. Ohio Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio 44_114, 4-1 A PERFECT PART TIME EXTRA INCOME Can you use a high month- iy second cash income, froin accounts we establîsh for you in your area? Only a few bours weekly. Treniendous Profit Return. No compe-ý tition, Investiment $1,500.00 and upwards, secured by Produet Iniventory. An ex- cellent Opportunity for Dis- tributorship. For interview write including references and 'phone number: CANADIAN PERMA-VEND 1163 Tecumnseh Road, East WINDSOR 20,, ONTARIO Personal $100 REWARD for ,safeme tumu of part Beagle dog. Missing one week froni Hamp- ton arca. For full information Pýhone 263-8818. 4-1 HYGIENIC Suvpphes-(Rubber goods) maîled postpaid in plain sealed envelope with orice lisI. Six samples 25c 2Msmpe $1,00. Mail Order, îDepl. T-23. NvR brCo.,1 Box 01, Hamilton, Ont, 1-521 'ucts nus created tia peing. 'Expemience nol, necessary as GENERAL REPAIRS we are prepared to train the GAS and ARC WELDING ighl man. Send resume la: Licensed Mechanie on flîty SUN LIFE 0F CANADA OPEN AROUND TUE CLOCK P.O. Box 269 SEVEN DATS A WEEK PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO or Cuit for uppointmentj 623-5756 745-4665 colleet 2-4 42-5 ______ HelpWanted ___ STATIONARY ENGINEER $4.17 to $4.34 per hour" Whitby Psychiatrie Ilospital has opportunities for Third Class Stutionary Engineers who -hold certificates as required by the Operating Engineers Act 1965. Fringe benefits include excellent pension plan; three weeks annual vacation; sicle credits; subsidized heulit, lf e and incomne protection insurance; ail stututory holiduys and regular salary reviews. Pieuse write to: Personnel Administrator Whitby. Psychiatric Hospital Box 1270 Whitby, Ontario Fst Concession -of tbec-Town- sbip of Clarke and now-form- SECOND MORTGAGES iug part of the said Village *moîroey of Newcastle,' described as otppey follows,* Brick or frunie IFIRSTLY: Village Lot Nui-1 - 2- 3 year temifor ber Fîfleen lu Block Number above Ten Fronting on the Weýst Side 0f MiM Street and the City or suburban North Side of Edward S,,treet ~Also 4 to 10 yeurs ut in the said Village, according ~ rtsadtri to Regislered Plan of The good aman en said Village, and contuiniýng by udmeusuremenî one-flifh 24 ROfJR SERVICE of un acre be the saine more! or less; -.579-1321 SECOUNDbY: Village Lo t Number Twenîy lu saîd Block Number Ten fronting on the East Side of Churcb Street and the North Side 0f Edwurd Street in bbe suid Village, ne- comding to registered plan of the Said Village and cantain- ing one-fifîb of an acre more or iess. The suid Lots 15 and 20 are described uccordiug 10 a plan of the Village of New- castls made by C.ý G. Han- ring, P.LS. dated bbc 111h day of Junuury, 1868 wbich plan is lu the Registmy Office forý the Registry Division of bbc West Riding 0f The County 0f Durhami. Ou the premîses le said tb be erected a dwelling bouse of trame construction. ALL 0f which said righl, tille interest and equity 0f medemp- lion of the said GORDON L. GRAY, Defendanl, in the suid lanids and tenemenîs,_ I shaîl offer for sale, by Public Auc- lion, in my office, Court usWilliam ýSbreet North, Cobourg, Ontario, oui Wedne-s- iday the Second day of Febru- amy 1972, ut the Hour of 2:30 O'Clock lu the atmon DAP,,TED ut Cobouri-g, Ontlarma ibiis Elevenîh day of Juuu- [amy 1972. KENNETH G. GORMAN, SSbemîff. United Counlies of Northumberland and Durham.-3- INCOME MORTGAGE SERVICES 342 King St, W., Oshawaý,, Over 80 Years Comblned Experience 48-tf Notices Openîng, Jan. 31 - Cal'i Sels & Style Shop Kiug Street, Newcasîl s, next dor wsof Sledman's. Cali987-5150 o opening special. Open Thu-iii day and Friday eenigs Dr. Angus . B lair, .D. bsresumed eeulPatc uPt 216 Frpank Sitree, Bo;ý,wmân-- ville, neur DmninStores, Office boums 10 ta 10 p.ým, încluding Saturdayý. Phone 623-3181. 1t I ' Terry Sutclîtfe, wil ua be esponsible for any dbts contracted by my wif e, Tanyn-, or anyons, ou or ufler Ibis date, Junuury 26, 1972, with- out my wrîtn consent. Temmy R., Sutclitte, Mi.. 2, Ôrono, 4-V* __________ Notices_____ TAKE NOTICE THIAT THIE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE PRODIJCER MEMBERS OF THE Durham County Pork Producers' Asosoc. wîll be convenled at the hour of 1:15 p.m., E.S5,T. ont February 9th, 1972 at the Board Room O.D.A.FIBwmnvil for the purpose of the proper business of the annail meig the considering of amertdments toi the constitution, the eeto of the county board of directors, Between the hours of '2:00 o'clock and 3.00 o'clork lu the afternoon of the aboermnen- tioned date, NOMIN'ATIO)NS AND ELECTIONS forÇCoun;il- men under the Ontarïo Pork Producers' Marketing Plan wsll. be held. JIM RIOKARD, Presîdent. JIM BTERS, Secretary, 4-l*l ANNOUNCEMEN-T On April 15, 1970, a public meeting was helf ut lte Grandvîew Public Sehool'te enable cîtizeins resîdent la ite townships ot Cartwright and Manvers to discuss wlth mm bers and officiais oethie, Northumberland and purit h Coum . ÇPjty7 Board et Education matters pertainiag to lte secndury edu- cation available to young people eft tiat area, Recently information has been receiyed front officiais etfi the provincial Department et Educution wbichrk iesato by te County Board,. Ini order to convey tti inorm tio at lte residents et Cartwrighlt TonsIihip and te ir-ld n opportunityfor lten to respoimd A PUBLIC MEETING wili bc beld ut 8-00 p.m. on MONDAYE JANUARY 31, 1972 IN TUE BCRETIOAL ENTRE ELACI<STOCI< It lâ to be hoped ltaI interested cîtizene w1111 find if convenient tb attend. W. FRANK THOMll, Direotor of Ediucaton - DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Tuesdaýy,430 p.m 623-.3303 ,ýStiaons rîmarily 'Auction Sales Auctîon Sales of Interest Auc1tion sale, private cstate, Antique, consignment, Ett modern and antique furniture, 1 Farm - Furniture tO vvomen property of Mr. and Mrs. G. Reasonable Rates SHORT ordr - W. Lee, 230 Albert St., Osha- easaprsb3N bypiaer cook required wa, to be held at Stirtevant'sWeasapriebyette ibypriateclub, catering ex- Auction Hall, Saturday, Janu- TOIV LOWERY -GLEýNN --FVry perience an asset but not ary 29th aI 1 p.m.: Refriger-1 728-7639 62 3'ý38 essenti'al. Please reply stat- ator (like ncw), elecîric stove, Oshawa omnle ing experience, age, marital washing machine (good, con- Sale Managers- Auctionerns sttus and salary expecled, 10 dition), 9-pc. dining room suite, 1-41 Advertiser 265, c/o Canadian pine chest of drawers, chester- Sta tesman, P.O. Box 190, fi eld suite, antique centre table Bowmanville. 41 antique hall seat with mirrorEKL very large collection of-bottl is V ST C S LE _ Work Wanïted (all types), cedar chest, lib- IE TCA E rary table, magazine stand, ai Duîrham Coua-ty Sales Arenjab WOULD like 10 baby-sit pre- bedrooni suite, antique desk, Orono'- Every Thurs., 7:30 P.nî. school children in my home. antique picture frames, tele- Selling norses, Cattie, Swine, 263-2158. A-1,4~I* vision, two reclining chairs, Calves, Sheep, etc. Charlie INULTIN B1 w nglarg~e quanlity of antique Reid, Auctioneer and ýPro- meSLo, ith rock wooLWor dishes, china and silverware, prietor. 3t manhîp guafrcnteed. WFree bedding, wood stove, rugs,23t emaes. egalaie Insuee table sa ', jig-saw, large lsin Co, Phonie 05-742-7 quantiy of. tools, colored Auction sale, privaie estate, Represe hntae Harry42-02ad9 Philips TV. This is a large, property of Mr. Frederick Phoe 87453. _ ~ attractive sale. Plan bo at- Glasson, 1458 Fînch Ave., Phon_ 9874531 tend. Ternis cash. No re- Pickering, to be held at Stir- serve. Myles King, Auction- tevant's Auction Hall, 27 Hall Craw ord Heatng er and Cartage, 725-5751. St., Oshawa, Thursday, Jan. OIL BRN eRAtN 4-1 27 at 6 p.m. Automatic wasb- FURNACERNSTALA N er ancd dryem, Viking refrig- 24 HOURSHFINSTALALAUTNON> erator, angette, electrie stove, 24 HUR SERIF'S DJOUNED wooden table and chairs,. oak Emegeny ervce SALE 0F LANDS hall seat, single 'continental 'Emegenc, Sevý ieLiUNDER ANDD BY VIRTUE bcd, 6 ft. stepladder, chest of 141 Liberty S., Bownianville Ol? an Exemution issued out of1drawers, 16 ft. extension Phon 6237534The County Court of Countylladder, Craftsman, 5 h'p. rid.. Phone 63-7534 of- York, 10 mie directed, ýing lawn mower (good con- 4-tf against the goods, and chat- dition), tools, power lawn tels, and lands, and tene- mower, television, beds, crib, Don Brooks & Son ments, of GORDON L. GRAY, night tables; plus communîty Defendant. at the Suit ofEsle. Ail furniture welcome. Custom. Bulders HERTZ DRIVE YOURSELF Terms cash, no reserve. Myles STATIONS OF ONTARI O King, Auclioneer and Cartage, NEW HOUISES - ADDITIONS LIMITED, Plaintiff. and at 725-5751. 4-1 and REMODELLING the suit of CANADIAN OXY -______ You Namne It'and We Do ftGNLITEPanf, hae eze ndtae i - ages Wanted, Phone cution ail the right, tille, in- 723-8176 or 623-23O11terest and equity of redemp- ,_8* Ilionof GORDON L. GRAY, -Defendant, in and 10; 9V BOB BEERS: ALL AND SINGULARtiho FRs1 MRTAE 137, ELGIN ST. lad and premises situate lyîng and being in the saîd Plumbingi - Heatinig Village of Newcastle, and be-0 îng parts of original Town- -1 PresureSysems shîp Lot Numfber 28 in the -il

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