2The Caniadian Statemmar, Bowma nvllle, Jan. 26, 1972 $,35,805'Reported MisingEnOrono Race Trackà Audit the Te theft of $15,3M5 over the past two years from ilOrono Race track, was reported te Newcastle SProvincial Police last Wednesday. In mnaking the report, Frank Gray, president of the 0Oshawa Harness Management Limited, operators i-f Uliç track, said that -was the arn<ôunt of adicpny which showed up in a financial statement preparedi last November. The money was arparenf7 tly tken f(rom the para. mutuel betting operation over the past twi years, a police spokesman said. Sergeant T. IH. Kcrr of the OPP Anti-Rackets miîiad and Newcastle Constable Doug Martin are iinvestigativlg the niatter, Pwedkct To wnE Cpr0M PAGS OFNE) Thie plan, releanc)d. during thPe regular Januayssin0 CôutiîeS Counicil, is the work ef a Tarorta firmn, -Muuinciîpa1 Planning Consultants, It rep- resents He first stage of a «Mater Planl" whîchi the Caun- tièshadcammstinedlast yèar at a tocst of $15,00 (about $7. '000 has been ape-nt r>o far). Asý artîculated bytepln iierà, theririary ýobjectives of the plan ave "to riaximizse>"the rbtertial of the landi resaurces of the counities' and "ta pro- ioite formulas of land dèývelap- mj-ent mwich -will niise- the corits tb public badie", The proposais are rneant ta be used orly ýasgzuides for area plning boatdsRr and are inat ixitanded ta upln plans al- ready ineitec The draft plan àsugge3ssR strong urbani centre for t he regian which wouldM attract in- dustry and cornrprce, and argues that beca1use a-Icfits tlediR1n, lakesh!ore location anid Sit-9 abllty ta rrovidle sewer tand vwater sevcés, thc Port SHope-CaobOurg area is a Dlogical tfocal 1point.i The ai sînplhita Pro- inote a stroang, urban pleý in thzcenotre The planners wrarn aganst boa apddevelopmenb 9,.wîich cauld dietract from the plan"' Though thre super city wauld s be bilt partially on Prime agricultural land, the plano ers feel that the need for gOod part faciliis tips thre balac t i faot f Port Honpe rathr jtiaithre poe"aiclua area ner ihe peCac bound2ry. (Tire 5Taronta-Ce- 9 red Regiaïcn Pla" rlese -l t May !P70 ii,,d whi h as su.- plid bc boadgenralguide- 4.port ln tire Poi lrtoe -(Cobourg The pat ra eotpre- gens asirglepreferred con- cept ratieýr tlian lternative con1cets 1as ws bcase wî"ti tfi e1Oshawa Area Pann u ta date for go tb.t taket 4place 'but niotes that tire pro- inIce iras intendpred develop- mient for ire aresafter 1980. Thougir thle impetus is ta Urbanize, there ta an activ'e e7oncerr n ta keep tire bucoIlic t avor alivre. 1hus 'the pia- 4nert s suggest careflly ou- For exaur ie reinta devclprnen wou 1-Cotbe pecrrmitted l aloi'g9 design1ated ~ encroutes. And only tesi- Sdential clusters would be pet- mitteýd in hamiets such as - Weconre, Perrytowu sud Cold Teplannreri propose estate rresidentýial areas but sugg_;1eSt CANERCAN For everyne c, Hae k a rguaP.di 3.Have your den-tiîst check for1 uinusual condiltions. 4. Arrange with your doctor1 for a ba-wel examinaion. 5. Avoid excessive exý,posure ta sunight. 7. Have za regular Paptest. t-OWIMANVILL2E UN!IT 0F A AIA a minimum lot size of anc acre, or one hall-acre for waterfront seasônal use.1 Dèvelopmenta lu a roali couni- tics cômmunitîca would be permltted but limitepd toaa cilïng of 5,000 people. Tirese Ëfmalcentres oucild bire rla- tively self -sufficicnt but reli- ant uponl the large cote cenitres for major facilities sucir as haý- pîtals, culbutai fa1cilities and tlirebulk i tir e MpTôy- meut. Tiré Mater Plan l is dé,ýn- dent ta lar e masure u-ipan, tire implemientatîôn at tire Torôntà-Ceitred Région -oni-ý ce t, and assumecs that t1ice Provincial policiés wýi1l be sulc- céasfully applicd.- lb la the Cauntiés first ttempt ta co- ordinabe on a regi<,nal brasis tire policies af tire varlous municipalities ta create a con- sistent polîcy for tire develop- ment af tie entireý are. Town Hesi'tetes (Fe0M FPAOS ONEý) d-trA1Comutissio)n, Councilor Don Alin, a memaber of tire Co,-mmission, aal1d ln an InterOvw wth tire Statesman isat wcek thiat the recommendablon af tic Comn- mnission would be, referred ta tire next meeting of tire Com- LORflC was established, 16 years zaga ta prnoes indutry snd tourisnî In tihe regio'r.ý However, as far as Ceun. l lin la concerned, thre organIza- tion iras donc next ta uctlrlng for tic Powmanville ares. "There la no concrets cvi- dence af tireir irlping tins ares," ihe aaid. -IIcaq't aee auy advantage lu conrmnuiug Hé-' would Dot speculate on tire pitteame of discussions' in the CommItte a - tire-Whole, defeuding 111 waut to know irow tire other councillors ledl firat." ( PROM PAGE CNE> mnore- Canadian tobacco. New- cil îàid tire Japanese have been brainwaaired by tire Anrerican babacco campantes. He nted tirat tire tobacco rade delega, tion werc able ta get îtbatire Freuchr tobacca monopoly by tire back dear. "In Landau," ssid Mr. New- cli, «wrýe met witir officiaIs af British leaf at Bristol snd tircy said tirey wauld ire taking thre same amount of Canadian tobacco hila year." They bbok ten m illion more paunds tia expected iast yea.r, he nobed. TWO FACTORS #"Two tiings," said Mr. New- eil, "wll vebalyafetus.: Oue as Rirodesian M-1rkebý wirere tircy zare graing 130 million pounda aI tobacco u planning ta increase l, Tirel bobacco peaple tu Bian irowcver, reasaurcd us net ta get boa eonccrned witir tire Rirodesian market becauseý they like the way Canadian tobacco ta andled snd are used ta il "The- otier tiring, as yau kuaw%Â," aaid Mr Newell, "is tatEngland iras jaincd the Eýuropeau Commets Market. After five years we w,,ill grsd- ually ]ase ur 18 cent duty Particularly rince tire Ameni- cana qtslslize bieir tobacca se mnucir." Mr. Newell commented birat United States was pubing ta- iracco inte West Gcrmauy wibir- aUt duty cetrary te G.A.T.T. Agtcreet. Tire federal gav- erumentt wou't do) :mything aboui t, lbie noted, "Th!ns shows, tie d rty btricks Amieri cans wiiý7fl play utire ruarket wireu aurý rade isaet stake," aaid Mr, Newel W it1- ECM and Rirodesia, aur 2,000 farmi tirat have aniy 30 actes; of tabacca i6irba wili have ta be _mare efficient. "At lotaIpeCele Wnd Mr. Tiare Ia no aubtitute for a proper lie rusurauce pregrain. Guaraiitefinancial aecuriby for you aud yaur family. A. HR (BERT) JOHNSTON REPRESENTATIVE Phoile 6423-3M7515Con-cession St, E. LONDON LIFE fINSUFRANCE iCO. A Lesson onth Meaning of Muscular Dystrophy The youngstetýs of Ma ple Grove West Public Scireel havýe learned thé meanlng ai two important words latel-y - Muscular Dystrophy. And they have learned ý tee thit uleas people band together te taise funds for tire dctad dîsease iA will continue to e ne eof tire mrajor chiildkier in eut society. Se they decided ta help what they ,vceuld and at Friday, te taise monèy, held abk sale at their acheel which iucluded ail tire kinids aofeod Grade Threte Six students enjoy tire mrost, lb was 50 successfu3 Mthey aeld eut and se held iaother onMouday. In tire picture aboya faut young, Newellt, areIlircpped up ouý povundagr cotrai. We havéý! iea going tirrougir peundage conotrai fr twai yesrs. Tire UutdStates wiricb as pana- dage contrôl can refuse ta bake iu 1auy Maverick iranda tiat pî'oducc 200 pouads-ta tire acre, Tiey have araigit poun- dage iu Buley toiracco crops." POUNDAGE CONTROLS "We have gond lover pana- dage contrais wti a fine tootb couri. Tire people wiro want paundage controa live lu Brant, Norfolk sud Oxford Couaties. But thcy doa'b wanb auy paundage-. contrai systeni tint would b equal aver thc wirole province. Ib is going ta be a long time belote political action is taken ta pub lb tirrougi tire bad"sbatcd Newell. H1e saad lb was toc earl.y ta bell wirat tire tobacco acreage would be. I expect bhc wirole crp o seli over 66 cents a pau,"ie aaid. "I'm alan quibe confident ia exporb mear- keba. I'm also confident Chinaý will bake sanie bobacca eut of bhil preseut market." "Tire American tbiacco growers are made as hell be- cause tiey can'b get labo tire China market," sad Mr. New- cil. "Tiey have came frour N. Carolina ta try to gcb in( tirrougir aur departmeub of rade sud commerce but bave beenunusuccesaful." Tire association eiccbcd tireir new ditectars for 1972 during tire annuel meeting. Thé five new directora elcct- cd froni Durham Couuty arc: Andre Planckc, John Zoeman, Frank Manning, Bill Adamaý and Edward Vaniavcrieck. Lucien C. Lambier was elecbedý secreary-treasnrer for 1972. Tire five ncw directorselect- c-d froni Northunmberland Counby arc: George De Pespe. Alpironse Castecla, Lea Me- Donald, Willim Jakobi sud Robert Steeves. Ove-r 65 growers atendedt tire saývuna i meeting aIn ecicf tire aretutnuts af associa- tionmeut in years. -Examainer Nominated for Banff Course D. WW. Pattersan, Superin- tendent af Planning for tire Uuibed Ceunabies Board cf e yteBadtatedaEucation iras been nominat-t Educabion Leadership cours at tire Banîff Scliool of Fine Arts Item 1May 15-26. Tie course isj a yearly study pub on by tire Canadien Edu- cation Assoc-'.iatio)n sud is lim- itbd ti) 75 senior education te- preacajitatfiveraitm acrosa Cmaada, Tire cost pet mcm- ber Ïs $650, Les-t ycýar .R Mooncroît, arssuperintepdeut for thre f wsen secion, was tic s Board's nomince. l Heal--1th Unit (PRO" PAGE ONE) iy7th tite ire reccived tire1 orr ir e iad incré-ased irisj opération six fld, tramo 20 taons te .120 tans. He cIrnced tiret tire iresîbrunuit order "put1 inn ont cf business" sud tireti by early 1966 ire had lest al ina contracta. Council aoted tint tire mat-' ber cccurred befare tie Hall-1 burton sud Kawartia unit waa connected with tire Nortirnm-j irnd snd Duram oee, Ib iras 'not iea determlncde yet whetier tire ireath nnit's tasurance wrinld caver tirei ij-dgenmrct f foc t ay. A sugsto wsmaetnt ailisuacpacisdvig tlire dfectcut aia i9na --siiutniM redtmae une ail aesa ae pnoebd, ,Form Coii Study Towi Following sevenal requcas' for improved street ligting, withia tire municipality, Bow-i maville bewn couacli at bic recommeadation of tire Pub- lie Uilities Commissian, iras formcd s commitbce te study tire proilcm in detail. 1 Tire committee will revicw tire town'a street lighting, systens and set np e budget soi tiret ereas cen ire upgraded on, an aunai basia. Mayor Houa ý-named Çoun-i misses an youngsber ceekies,. tire lef t, - nister, 10, 10, Beruî Cross, 1il 11. Oh yc might ire irreaktir n Liî cillora All to threcm include ta', Watt, cicr sepr MeIli ger Morle: Couacilli tire action Thre PU cýOst e5tir imnprovernE nue sud %122.02 ai lvcly. th ae. esugstdplanl- 1 E-ii<cidprit happening In tw nesconsider an alternt ir lflli dur-ing the past eek, a route, for exaffiple, on Manrs 'i tmated $200 dpiaaes Rosd. LU r.Udne wben vehle,,]s die A contingent from Newton- jew 01 ltlftJkmieneFilio 7 ville feit their community hadjrRîin od othsd Ja3mes behen ueglected by the Plan.R1elCrer o oot i/r. Farrow remarked that the Bo_ -wmiainvilletncocicllle onKgSret at area had insufficient develop- has i.ýapproved the purcaseanearnube 24 ment at prescrit to justify more a portable pump and 2 e ~ -- detailed planning. of suction hese Iloriu'e nth, Thre prevalent mood of thre fire department's rnewpup$ wr bil assembly was decidedly a ga:in't er truick. Thre cost, $640 0,6. S o m b acceptîng thre Plan. . as it' Tiie price was thre sencnd wss presented. In the- midsti lawest of four qoaîn of s cry ta "throw the wholeý secured. Tic lowest wýa s Ç)m 1IÇai kîtten-kaboodie out the do 1" $619.60. Mr.MKa rose ta sugg-est Fire Chief Jin' Haymnan re Nm III caneixre "Cuclshould be congratu- commended thre mare exoen- lated at ieast for attemptingý sive unit as "ht cornes with aAcmlîtaot apo to develop a Plan for tire camn-I wrap-arouind carrying frai îfrtin of soweîls munity; thre f act they are out! wbich should make for ditra- dsubn tr omlquie of line should be no reason for bility.", of tire MiiLnears's- us not ta te-examine tire pSi bee eer redtath Bwm tion sud direct aur efort 'taville tow,,n tpoli(Cefor ato foirmulate a more acceptable NICE GESTURE!Thcopat.onicd i one." ~~~~~On Tuesday, Kent Wilcax, alte acuclfo ry la the meanwhiie Planning thse 7-yr-old Bowma.2nvi[le C. lHanse, of 3 Mý,iiiLne1d Board chairman bas invitedý hockey player who wa~i-tbr uig te eua comment from any interested ý, ured receutiy ini s ganemê eigo nni au" persans ou tire Plan .,.and against Bay meeteingreceiv- 17th iras set a tentative date for: cd a17el hruthhe M.Hnel ai thtie anoter pblic meetng o mail that expressAd tie fine Februsry l5th at 7:30 p.m. gportsmàashi of this tiesnoýwmobiles were beîng riýl- leaeue.ye in thre area at al i hors Stolen Snowmobiie Damaged Tb was from the Bay o the day and evening,. Mrsý. Gien Reynolds of Nai Ridges team, signed by ail A bylaw passed by ta\vn- Road, Dariington, reported tan Players, wishing Kent a ou ol n January 18l, 1971 Newcastle Ontario Provinc-ialirpeedy recaverY. The gif t proscribes the, ooeration 4if Police last Saturday morning wav's a book an the historv snowmobies wtthinthetiowv that somneone thre previnus eof thse Toronto Maple Leaf 1limits between il pm n eve!n s ad;tle ahockey teans. b6ar. mobile parked in ber drive- 'away and had returncd it 4ire A ~$~ foliowlng mornîng dam.ag-d.1.,a i p le o Plce estimated damages at c ie t p ! s fo ' $10Round-up A nothe-er Grant 'a~~ ~ G e, * EE New Brunswick youlth, tr rvnilgvrmn o Gere Banuister, 19,f a further 120 grn t- Woods3tock, received cubSansd wards its in tcr wrspr- r tire tighb quickly satisfy a hungrty group of R '1d of bruiseq at ý1:15 arn. Ssllturday gram, here. tas' requests for caramel cern and bags of FO AG N) wieu tire car lire vas driving Meigl rvt aur skidded off tire rond at Scu- lotir, co)uil utroizd ek for a modest price of course. They are, f rom want ta, shoot tire animal wti goansd Middle Ronds and administratr Josp %T c1111(o around tire table, Susy Ulrlch, 9, Penny Ban- iris gun as it was boa powerful struck a tree, Police estim-tapyfrli ucsw1î4 ,Earl Doyle, 10, Scott Campbell, 9, Gary Cross, 8oli went out and borrowed atedc damage ta tire veiricle at taao0frtrefnawrc nd aiya22" fromn a neigirior Bill $700. are allocated b-,;y tire D-epactt- ie McCrae, 11, (Ca yHantirr, 10, Ca h ri.1eb tr oad n oetlranot ire ent of Municipal Affaira; Teresa Paterson, 1l, and Pamela Hanthoru, tint if ire but tire animal single car niisirap occurred. under tire Winbetçr Works ln- es, tire two day bake was $32. Whro knows, that squarcly in biheiresd there wirea a car driven by Michael centive Programr. ail that is needed te pay for tire big medical irobsbly wouldn'tb ie any Edward Roome of 67 Little Tire bown r ëcie a 1.00 smeil. went off tire rond at Wavet- grant fromre prvnelt -ougir. Tire officer and Mr. Harris le-- near number 85 and' skidd- fal la DeceMbecrcociwn went labo btceirasemient, tire ed into a ditcir, causing an aotified tint fanotirer $12.800 akunk approacired ticm wibir estimate'd $200 damages. No wotildire made availairle ster demnand for lobs lncreased bien pînyful curiosiby - and bang! injuries were reported. Deebr lti iàretowun appropriate changes could ire Tire akunk starbed ta tutu itslaIn obiroler reporbable ac- wsrdta apply foir lb. e nmade ta tire Plan. ador jets ou. Bath mca raced ___________________________ "However, bila is not tire fram tire ares, Mr. Howardt sort of, develolimcut anc, would was ail set ta stuif tire animal anmticipabe," ire sadK. intoa agreen garage bag wirn D L IT, HA KN EL A Newbonville ieietK ereal ire didn't havec lin, Prout and Bell Entwisle quesioned tire Plan's gloves on. He rusied ta find Chartered Auat miitewih iconcentration of dcvelopmient s pair. But lb was boa labe. Juateeu ,c una s mmltt1e w ricir inlatire Orono ares on thc enougi smcll irad escaped tire ýwn engineer C OFIarIlesËCAAIA ITE rk/adminiabtrator Jo- grounds lir ad "tire best acýess dying animal ta permeabe tire OFCSR AO AAINCT roy sud PU mana- ta tire wesb". He argued t-iratlbouse . . . and tireir clobh-iug.1 BELL CANADA BUILDIJNGý y Wtsn.areas dloser taY Higirway 2 and For tire paat bwo days wircni OSHAWA CENTRE - OSHAWA or Hor aaîdtira 401 irad fat superiar accesa. ever tire Howards meet a A aa ln verdue". A propcrty awner near Mio-s ttanger tiey explain discet RNR:GODNW IELç..ARIA as"ogpart Park, Stuart McKay, ex- Iy, "A akunk got inoa ur ba-se-! GORDON F. SEDGEWICfR, C.A. TC bave worked out prcsscd conceru tirat tire pro- ment." mates for ligirting posed igirway 407, as airown "lb wss a airame we irad ta BURT R. WATERS, C.A. ants ta Mearas Ave- on ,,t1lire map, would cut tirougir kili it," Mrs. Howard said. "Ib [Fourbir Stret- tire readwaters of, Wilmot wss really cube. lb piaycd iPnN 287 2 nd $69 1,94 repc- nresd 1dblb i would des- tire basement juat like a lîtie P O E 7 87 2 _______________ roy thre ecologîcal balance lu kibten." Board Seeks Agreement To ýUtoliîze Park! School Land Finding clatsarooni apace lfor At prsettireael0 tire ciildfren of familles living acres beîng cveloped rfon b oi la tire Waverlcy Rond suidiv- ides of Wavenlcet norbir ofI jalons may net pose muci cf a Base Line Road. Sa fatr 1141 proilem today but lb conld ia dwelliags have iea ioLilt in tire future, tire area. Tis iras caused an However until tint time bic increase cf 76 ta tire aciool- Northumberland and Durham age caroimeut. Counby Board of Education By tire end oI Septemier would like te utilise tire prop- anotirer 99 units are cxpecbcd erby wiricir by suidividers boeire builîtwbich wiil bring agreement iras been set asîde about a furbier increase cf 50 for schoal site purposes. 1 enrolmeats. Tire Board iras tins recom- According ta projections mended tint it secir au agre- prcpared by bic Centrai Ont- ment witirtire tawn so tiret aria Joinb Planning Board tic tire six acres reserved for population cf tire ares, ushesi scirools cen ire uilized togebi- dcvclopment is complebcd, will er witb tire adjoining 5.2 acres be 5,767, living in 1,361 dwell- set aside for park purposes, îing unîts. Tire achool-age en- ___ rolmnent projections are: 666 pupils for public K-6 (19 clasa- N ew p<u ,Y' roams) on tire easb ide of tire rond; 300 pupils for. Separabe M..., K-6 (aine clasarooms) ou tire P cec a g ie wesb ide of tiere ond; 137 pup- ils for senior, scirool (four (FROM PAGE ONE) cl'sro"" 1 ' ci'3a "p"'lu secondary scirool. man. Ia its place a system Tire firat plan of subdivision wicir determinca pay accord- in tire ares wss regisbered on iag te tire fine fi hibng duty June 30, 1969. No date ia given tire volunteer la as cd ta pet- for thre expccbed tume cf comn- ferm, nasstn 1pletion. It la worked o ytma ______ points, with eue point equal ta $5,00 exemple, if s fireman C a k goca ont an a caîl of bwo irouns or lesa, ire will receive tine c t peints, or $15. If bic cal c ex-en tends beyeud tire twe heur peniod, tire fireman will nec- (FROM PAGE ONE) cive eue peint for every addl- tire mapa it contained wcrc blonal iorn, "accurate". Tire were meedsa Under tire previons caabract, cf auget wiren explanatona volunteers were paid $5.00 for Iailed te satisfy thirlaerlocu- tire firat hirn d $2,50 for ber.Tirere were feelings oj, ecd addiblonai heur tieY Irnsbraien la ryiag ta grasp spent on a fire cail. bbc principle issues . . . sud Wirereas belote tire firemea tire wcre suddcn hcad-long received $2'.00 for service cails rusires into piesynne detail. and faise alarma, now tirey Only 20 copies aI bbc Plan wiIl receîve one point. had been pinted, mostly for Wbercas belote tire firemen tire use of members of tire, received $5,00 per day for Planning Beard, sud none ferl weckend stand-by, now they tire local press. Thus tire Plani will cara two pointa a day. ibseif waa pooriy knowa by Tic ncw cantract will aise noat attendîng thre meeting.k gîve tire fircinen sngle paintbal lb iecane apparent that thre for caci bwo heur training ses- 'plan stressed developsuent ia sien thcy attend (tirere are and around ,tIe Orono arcs sud at least cigirb hcid cvery tire small iramiets oI Kirby,j year) sud Ion ancir speciai ec- Keadal sud Newtonvîiic avenl casions as inspections, course tic ncxt 20 years. lb aecmed,' presenbatlons, sud mutual id ta wanbte lefster continued cf Fine Deparbmcnt meeting. neteution oI tire rural, rustîc Thé Dcpuby-Ciief wiil rec- qunlity cf tire tewnship. Ita cîve an addiioual allowaace over-rîding message was. cf $150 pet ycar, an lacrense growbir, yea but graduai of 50 pet cent over tire pre- growtr, . ansd on n psy-as- viens canbracb. Thc four cap- yon-go basis. bains asoc receive an adjuat- An Oshrawa lawyen Howard ment ta thein allowances aew Swarbz argucd tint a two-acte np 121/z % ta $100 pet ycnr. lîimitation ca Estate Residen- Tire achedule wa prcpared tiai zones may not eiretatire iry sabireeanuSpecial Fine beat intenests cf Clarke, andi cnanttee of council ireadcd snggested tint tire number aI iy Reeve Robent Dykabra sud acres Ionbhila kiad cf develop,- coasisbing cf Depuby-Reeve ment sbcuid ire incteased Item, Getorge Stepien sud Council- tire 350 indicabed ia tic Plan. 1cr James Bell. lb wasreview-1He pointed ont tint 1300 acres cd during thc councîl's privabe hmd been origiually recoin- meeting cf thé Commitbcc-of- mended. tire-WhIrae an Jannary lotir, Mn, Farrow% replied tiret tire sud passed witirout comment two-acre lots canld be reduccd in tic regular session on Jan- ianse but "we wcý,uld havei uary, l7tir, ta find another mcirad ef scw- Whirity, Ajax and Plckeing age treatmeat sud tiretwed are ail paying tircir volunteer pub a ireavy cost on tich,,wi- firemen ou shon u npints sys sun." bena,, ic committeeauoecd sd 1e Added that il lii ralled tire nthidnf amngn rpoetosfrt "mate, éqiabean1 ffcen.ae pnaved wlrlngand tire,. N LIBERTY COURT 100 Liberty St, North, Bowmanvîlle, Ont. THE ULTIMATE IN TOWNHOUSE LIVING 3 and 4,Bedroom units now available Ail units equippcd as follows: Color Ilefrigerator, Stove, Washer and -Dryer, T' CONCES SION ST, LIBERTY COURT KING bST, __ TO 401l E Cii rai A&P 3TORR U~Vi BEITER Completely finished Recreation qôoms, 2 and 3 Washrooms per Unit, Ail Light Fixtures, Spaciouis Kitchens, Separate Dining Room, Cable TV Installed. Ail Homes are Buit to Gold Medallion Standards Ail Exterior Maintenance (grass, snow, etc.) and Water Charges included in the RPent. 1 Transistor ciRadio FR 11 1 ?olaroid. Camera 1 19" TV (1 yeair fleae) (2 year lease), (3 year lease) If at ic time you asigu your lease you deposit wîih us post-dated cheques for thedýuratiGn of yoiir -,as MODEL SUITE OPEN DAILY (7 DAYS/WK.) FROM 4-P.M. - 9 P.M. OR PHONE 623-7651 ANOTHEII QUALJTY PROJECT BY: PETCO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY L IMITED IJN CO-OPERATION WITH BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 1 evelliliv. £Iact S-Loien a sriow-i IR