6Tbe Caniadian Statesrman, townanville, San., 26, 1972 e' I Pre sbyterial WMS The a;nnuelý meeting eof ithe Sciture rrading, Psaim 37, Pcteborugh reayteeal .,verses 4-9. Deývotionel waa on M.(W.D.) wabid et St. the theme ai the meeting Paul'a Preeshyýteri'an Church, "Pcace'. Petrbo 0ug rio Tuesdey, A git oai $25,00 was given january il, 1972. te Miss Joy Rendeil, a mois- The Presidentf, Misa Clerc sonary in Teîwan Mission Th-ain, PBurnbrae, cped the Field, ta b.-3iused le bn er work. meinwth the Cail to Wor- GraupScetrs gave their ab, iolowed by prayer. De- reports. Mes. Hill, Brighton, vetionns wre conducte.d bY rcportrd that membership in Me.D. Mndîcott of St. 'Stoph- efternoan, graupa was down en' Chrch Peerbrouh. rem peeviaus yeers. Mes, ______________ -Greeithead, Cobourg, rcported thet childeens groupa had an increese le membership. There are 103 Home Heipers, and they have centributcd $370.001 for the year. Mes. H. Roberts, Peter- tborougb, Supply Sec., reipart- ed thet aur allocation of $8511) was met and over by $9,00, 0nr bundrcd eaid ixteen membres subacrîbe ta the Glaid Tidinga. Mes. H. Mor- ~ gan, Norwood, reported their wer-e 10 Lii c Memberahîpsaend twe Honouraty Memberahips give this year. Gucat speaker for the citer- SIlABILITY Iiiýsuranee te noce session was Rev. G. A. c ove yo1r égal1 liabllty~ for Malcolm, B.A. Mth., Cabourg, Bndîly pIjriy or famage te wba la Chairman of World Property of Othiers arÂîing Missions, Preabyterian Church from: leCanada, Rev. Malcolm steted that Preises General Board of Missions la pea ion t or ewey freipart of Worid Missions, and prernises ýthe Mîssîonery Society bas 13 Prodcta dais arisinZ gIot wcmcn as part of Woeld Mis- jM prodtjets si or ,ade ions on theù Board. This l'y T001)Board represents ail Mission Compieted operetions (wor ork of the Cererai Asscmbly. donle by you efter Poil He explained bow we as W. pletion and abandonnient) MS. members would support Elevtors(if nylthe "new" Worbd Mission and EOe1krat ioi f ontrctr hoped that we as mambcrs ofnpleyed t rswould accept thig naw chai- Contractuial liability (filbil-i Cmuig on s&vice was ty for 1Pecdily Injury and cenducted by the Hev. Alec Prorerty Demiage wrhieh YOiI Calder, and four Eiders of St. hiave assuimed under eny Paui's, Peterborough, le the cotac r agreeent), Senctuary of the Churcb. * EMLOYR'SLiabiity The business meeting was lasracecenducted le the Church * EDICAL Paymeinta Parlaurs. Misa, M. McGeary, Peterborough, brougbt words l'or Fute Ifrato ei îweicô me iromSt. Paui's Evenîng Auxi!iar. Gucat solodat wesq Misa Pri- Jame nura ce 'Illa Syabiam, foinmeriy of James IsuraliC! 'TýIndie, 'Who 1brauýtîfully ren- cer "The Lord la My Shep- Agency Li it d be;d ix laie for the anilnuel meeting. Spring 24 Rig St.E., Bx 100 Reli will be beid le St. An- M E., Bdrewls , Preabyterian Chuech Swi t a il je intro eCmbeiod Instllatofai Officers for 197i2 was co-nduýcted1 by Mes. W H. T. Fulton, Port Hope, wbo c consed 0 th ,a eeing with the B1enediction. Slate -cf offifcees for 19ý72: Plasit Peesident, 1Mes w. ýH. T. Fbuiton, 26 Princesa St., Port 0 ffi t1esdnc ope; Peesident, Miss Clace fi235681623-023Thein, R.R. 5, Stirling; lat Vice-Pes., Mes. H. E., Reyn- ad,186 Wltce ýSt., Port FRESH FARM EGIGS FROM Glen Rae Dairy 45di GRADE LARGE Produced under the most hygienic conditio.4.5 at Orchland Ferma, DELIVERE» TO YOUR DOOR . . . or AT YOUR GLEN RAE DAIRY STORL IF IT'S IT'S GOOD )Meefingl, ,Hope,; 2ndVicePres, sA. iW. Allen,RR.1Hveck 3cd Vieèe. e.J.li manville;Rcrçng Scy Box, 127, Cempbeliford; Trea- surer, Mes5. A.ý E. Eby, 2 Brns- wick Ave., Port Hocpe; ýAsst. Trees., Mes,. -R. Lep, 113 Bru- ton St, port Ho0pe. - cA C tii- rArterecen Pl.oupa. Mca.s P. Dye. RHF. 4,1 Peterborcugb, Otro vn feld (, 757 Onra St. C bouirg; Girls' grop, n Mii s. Chrle Sith, 26 William ,lSt. Hrr'Tno. <'<1., ili-r'q ,n1 are "In"; long hair for men i S "'outV Colored, textured, or fîsh- netý hase and mîniskirti are oýkay for wen, -but boots and excess3ive makeup are Irown- cdupon. Studfents witb bighrcgrades seem ta bc more liberal in attiudIes on office dreasr and graomrijng. Business admî-inis- tiration students, Co-op stu- decints, and toise with office iwork experience tend ta beý mnore cneraiv cn ron- ing and appeeranceI,. Altboughcoge tunt acceptne rfahossnr thanepoer, te stl tend tarat rtain items in «much the sm resas cm-i players",. From ail his, itý 1Would seýem thatertiidi-ý ferenes cfattit d do exst btenthecuen gne- tion at1ipecmn eea tien cfMangrinfcn ýthougb,an enuaggi that thesedfeenc tirent great.-Office 0Oveýrlaad IM/ai-ý Mrs. Peter Greathead, 982 agementips. Mémorial Park-Associatin iAnne Dilling; Cubs, Ms CiiCÀý Cobo-5ý: Tonic'beld their reguladïr maijbjthi Mrien Hcnnring; Press Repart, Culprts CreMics, CeornHm eeti ng wib a oey oed M.Bud Fanning; Telcphanc Helpes o Asocats, is M. PIT1TTTDV tur-naut. Thisý beîng the( last 'and Lunch, Mrs, Muriel Terry; Mc :r,313 Park- St. N.BUL)L.UftLlI meeting fer 19'71, it was t1hat Auditor, Mr, Bud Fanning;ý _Pcterbor:ough; Friends-hip and ýtime Ite bave a changeý in Membiership Dues, Loretta, Seieo, Mss . E Ger, JAMEs Rt, BETS ffficers. se cencluding business Kilgatnnan. Gilmetur St., Petèborough; cloi,ý",il n, ,1 1ý,1 thandthe election of effi- A social tea and lunch was Culiacb, R.R, 4, Camplbelifard; four mentb ,P, sR.Rbrcees was very ca-pably handled enjoy ed by ail.' -Gled Tiding, Ms Cifrddc Thursday, Januery îý, by Mr.1c Bud Fanning. M ûemarial Park members Hall, R.R. 1, Mlllbrok: Press, 19"72, at the Oshew,ýa Generai We aise hed an excellent and frienda gatbercd at Club M Trs. J. Neilsoni, Norwood; Hospitel, He 'iived an Vr prsrepot Éfromn Larry House, Dec. i4tb for aur 'Suipply, Mr$. Roge Hoeet, ce- Road, R.R. 3, oemn Dwi f the basebeil team Christmas dinner cxpertiy Lot8,"Th Ky",R.. 1 pt- ilewbich thie Memiorial Park scrved by Legîon ladies, which, erboreughy; Historien, M à. . Born Sept. 7, 1927 in Taýta- mernilecs son ,r was reast beef and gaiiy, dec- tR. Thompsaen, MLiflIbroak; Life Mageuche., be was the Officers for 1972 are as foi- ereted tables for the Christ- McmersipMra HaryMar- sn c Jen nd he ateJams ows: Presiden!t, Mes. Margaret mas season. The meel was an, Noewaad. ýRebeets. He wes married 'leffrey;VicrsdetM.eiius MemerswitoutPorfeio: ay 1, 949in estNewn-Harold King; Secretary, Mes. Prizes were given for luckyl -Mes. R. J. Pacock, 40 Bayvlew nan, N.S., 'and had lived le11 Shirley Cowan; Treasurer, cup and lucky chair. Lucky s Cesc, Cboug; rs.Donald the Osbawa area fer the pat Mrs. Marie Stainton; Rentai, chair winner Barb Caurtney, C rase.o, 3C9b tertg t.; Mýl ers. Mrs. Helen Cook; Bingo, Mes. lucky'ý, cup was Garfield. Clarke. erborougb; Mrs. Grant Car-1I He worked et General Mot- Vye îTbompson; Euchre, Mrs. Afterwards there weee games rai, NeinAv., etr-ors in the parts and service Annie Ciapp; Kitchen, Mes. and prizes for ýI. Then wbo brough,.9NeiAe.g Ce-tepatetfr21yaa eAnne Dilliing; Outs7ide Prop., should appear })but Oid St. lmittee: Mrs. H. Reynoldis, Mrs. was a member cf the U.A.W.A. Mr. Garfield Clark; Sirk Cnm., Nirk with a gift for each. R. R oberta, Mrs. Fleida. Local 222. Mes. Eileen Heari and Barb Everyene had a very joyoua The drceased la survived Courtney; Kitchen Store, Mra. evening. _______ by bis wîfc, the former Esther Snew; bis mather, Mrs. Jean Brai eae Seaks About Berean Robhets,0fOawe, athe Lynoa athome: w.so-7 'Math Contest Thomaet home and GordonS ho live e o cf Oshawa, anc brother Geairge S h d l M v n e t M arCh cf Oshawa. AIL i Infant twin brethera dîcd before him. I In March aà math ceteat Mr. Roberts rested aet the al,%Îd J ll C u end'prahlimacompetîtian il Armstrong Funerai Homec n ii C u be writtee in area Sccondery Oshawa. The service was hj At itheir annuel banquet on was decided that a schôolý Scbools and in many other Satuirday, Jan, lsth et j 10January 11, the Jack and Jlli sbould be opened in Canada. high schools ecross Canada as pm. Interment in Ebenezer Club cf Trinity United Church The Heigs were sciected to Weil. Cemetery. Rev. D. Harris cf iearned îfbout the founding' undertake this task and they Ten yearsaego, when he iEbenezer United Church of- and the opération of the returned te Canada with $5,000i conteat began in theWte-Icitd Berean Christian 'Schoal at and their faith. loe area, it waa provincial- 1Blikr ee c ip~Ï wide. Spenaored by the Uni- TheTAI BpINSSe rsor i tev.Acheo ertyM cm Wbythroery versity of Waterloo Math NWTX UIES HiDrco ftesho r"o"Wyepoet, Depertment, it is now nation- Bowmanville town ceuncil and bis wife Mary. Mary de- tbey learned about the formeri wide with most big a choola bas epproved a request fram scribed the events which led St. Mery's College in Brock- in Canada participating. John McEwen of Martin ROed up ta the founding cf the ville. Fnurth an d th year atu- South te operetLe a taxi ser- achool from the time ahe and At 1 iratý they dismissed the Ldents will enter the senior vice la town. The business, ber busband decîded ta com- idea cf purchasîng the prop- probleman competition. Full cllcd 3 Steer Cabs, will be mit their lives te the serv 1ice erty, bclieving the price would sltosare required ln thim loceted et 31 King Street East, of others. be tee high. But they wcre coieiinadastudent -______ She outlined the yeers when enecouraged ta 'enquire and mpstetîtlian ad atc nthey served in a community fineliy bought it for lesa than order te possibly wýin. UIIUAR Y in the northcrn United cee-quarter of the original Third year students, witb States, the. years when Rev. asking price, with ex5cellent seme 2nd and lat year, will MRS. DONALD HART Haig waa Dean cf Men et ternis. Mr. Haig exprýesard bis enter the Junior Math contrat In failing bealth fer several Mount Ailison University in gratitude ta the Redemptionist and the top three fram each, montha, Mrs. Donald Hart died Sackville, N.B., bis terni as Fathers wbo eriginelly ewn- achoal will make up its teem Tbursday, January 20, 1972 e Headmaster of Albert Callege cd the property. in the Junior conteat. The the Oshawa General Hospital in Belirvilir and service as an The Haiga took possession of students that "score" wili in bier 47th year. She lived eti assistant ta -Dr. Norman Vin- the propcrty fer the eren probably receive a free day R.R. 6, Bowmanviiie. cent Peale len ,ew York City. early in Sptemrn)c f 1969, et the University cf Waterloo The fermer Eleenor Grace I t was wiethry wcre in and wîtbîn thiee mwee'ks tbey7 and prizes will also be award- Clarke was the daugbtcr of New Yack that teybecamrre were aperating ea choal with cd e hebig sarrs. Me. dit Gec Clek ad nterestrd le the-,Beren a full staff of voluinteers. The the late James Conrad Clarke. movement. . Haig wes staff cf the schoci, including She was educeted in Osha-* Director of a Berean School the teechers, secretaries, cus- TENDERS ACCEPTE») wa Public Schoai and attend- le New Yarck State _when it todiana and ail others receiveý Tedrraebenatd dO'Neill Coliegiate and Va- $20 perý month if tbey are Tendhers htave den ccetecationai Instîtute, She waa i.LIL ADLJ.IVIJLL ige 3oamnhfo by heCant Bar o Eu-member of Ceourtice United ied cou pie. Ail are commit- ration for floor covering and Churcb, e membre of the Church services wer-e heid. ted ta the idéal of the >school draipes for the new Bowman- Osbewa General Hospital Aux- Mr. Pacock, Welcomc, was the wbicb la ta train young people ville High School, iiiary, and a membereaf the gucat speaker. The choir had to go to all parts of the werld Knigbt Brea. Sales will Y.W.C.A. an anthem. On Tuesday the te sprcad the Christian ideals. aupply the carpeta fer verious The deceased la survived by ladies heid a quiiting le the At prescrit, more than 20 areas ef ithe achool. Ita ýbld bar husband Donald George besement of the cburch and denominations are rapresent- of $,n,,,4 W," the lawrst cf fou rceve byth Bar..Hart; four deughters, Donna, a quilt waa quiltcd. ed at the acheol. The studenta. 0-Nancy, Susen and Barbera ait On Wednesday an executive came from 1 ifrn on Oympia Interiors willau-hm;tostrMs.Grg meeting af the Ujnited Churcb tries. pIy and instail stagedrps Beaton (Mary) cf, Toronto- Woman was held et Mr. and The school is financed by lits bld cf $4,795 waa $2,641 .82 Mes. Jack Kinsey (Mait) Mrs. M. Gerdener's home; fées paid by students aitbough leas than the anly other tend- egac ofPrince George, B.C. about a dozen attendcd. Des- meny are non-fer paying. er submîtted. The deceared rested et the sert wasserved whcn wc ar- Some bave bren rferrrtd by Mclntosh - Anderson, Funerai rived. Mes, K. Trcw presid.. the courts and social egencies. Home,, Osbawa, wberc service ed and Mes, W. Banister rcad Students ail pitcb le tc haip wsheid Saturday, Januery the minutes. We accepted an raise mcney by wcrking et Geneatron Gl 2 inthe chapel. Interment invitation ta Welceme for the varlous praiecta ln the com- he *wa et Mount Lawn Ceme- World's Day of Prayer. We munity and an the achool h1arroW d W hentery,. Rev. Dermot Arscott purchaerd churcb penis for farm, but the achool la vcry N rrwd Nofficiated.___ __gits for the sick instead of dpnet n donations ta ea diacussrd and we decided The School Choir, the Vis- Xome toFa-SIÏOI, Bsinss Drecory the present, date acceptable. sionaires, bas made two long- Do colla(ge tue ts, he1 No matter how wc change the playing recorda wbich are sold manage hr nd frmulietoran(C ntancY interfersa decided an Feb. Memiberes afthe audience furae brng peercticaad Wc plan ta spend about $100 wera impressed with the faitb mangeentse ey t ey, M.J. H. COGGINS on came for the boys anid and devotion demenstraed by or la there widc diîsagreemnt Chartcred Accountant girls at Quin-Mo-Lac from the speakers, on office fashions? - 115 Liberty St, S., Bowmenville this are. Next annuel meet- To conclude the ýening, A\ aurLVeY MF 324 stde te Phone 623-3612 ing la the third Wednesday in Barry end Geil Ccwling toak a idwestern uiversity sbrd.oertePesdn' soeligbt on these attitudes. WILLIAM C. HALL March. evrtePe ~ dties, Alanswers were enionymeits, B.Comm Mes. H. Shepperd la home froim outgoing arqde oug The questionnaire- asked thle Cbartered Accauntant from the hospital. cd Joanne James. particîpants: "If yeu were ian 36½ -ýKlng St. E., Oshawa Mr. Aubcey Gîlmore was office maenager, ho,,bow wauid Telphýone 725-6539 i a Peterborough hespîtal ~ you rÉeel about mtters con for the past wcak but is home - cernlng grooming len thec C hîro r a c ti c ncw. officel" rMr.H Quanteil apent moat M CG~R The esuln o thesurv G EDWIN MANN, D.C of the week et Counties Coun- Threslul talaf the urvcy prctrcii i. Cobourg. cacldr tat siebrs, hrorctrMr. and Mes. Ray Crombie mouistaches, sports jackets, Office: end Sba and even fturtienerk shirts 15 Elgin St., cor. of H .rs .... -e,-BAnvi......re It's Fun - It's New - If's Exciting KINSMEN $200.OO IN PRIZES FOUR- $50.00 GAMES - ($10.00 MINIMUM PRI' EVERY MONDAY AT 6:30 P.M. STARTING JANUARY 3lst ON CABLE TV CABLECAST 8 CARDS ON SALE AT CABLE TV OFFICE 26 KING ST. WEST- BOWMANVILLE IZE) I Office Heours: By appointment DLý R. E. DINNIWELL Dental Surgeon bas rcsumcd gencral, prac'tice eat 30ý Silver St.. Bowmanville Office Hours 9 - 2 am. i- 6p. exc(nt Saturday andSunday DR . W. M. RUDELL, DD.S. 75 King St. E. Bowmanville Oîffîie Heurs:, 9 a.m te 6 p.m daily eClosed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - 623-5790 DR.. WILLIAM KENT,. D.D.S. Bowmanvillc Prafessional BIdg. 222 King St. E. Suite 106 'Office Hours: Weekdays 9 -6 except Wedncsday afternean Telephone 623-7349 Insurance DONALD A. MacGREGOR Lîfe, Auto, Home Insurance 67 King E., Suite 2A Bowmanville - Phone 623-5962 Optometry KEITH A. BILLETT, O.D. Optometrlst 143 King St. E. - Bowmanville Office Heurs: By appeintment Telephene 623-3252 Mon. - Tues. - Thurs- - FrI 9 a.mi-ta 5 p.m- Wed. and Set. - 9 - 12 Thursdai' eveninigo wii1 IMr. anc IVis. Clarence Mercer. Mes. R. Westbeuscr, aed Alyson, Starkvilie, werc with Tbîcksans on Sunday. Mes. B. Wbeeler attended the meeting le Port Hope of the Historicai Society an Wed- nesday evening, Mr. and Mes. L. Mu]drew wer e le Oshawa a couple of day. IM. and Mrs. Whit- ber, sw, beeugbt tbemn borneonSaturdey. Mr. Clarence Beatty fr11 an the ire on Thursday and has a bed abouider and la con- fined te the bouse. Mr, aend Mes, H. Quantrîli were wtbMe. and Mes. E. Eiliatt, Oshawa, an Sundey. Me. and Mes. Rasa Muldrew and baby, Ottawa, wee with Me. and Mes. H. Muldrcw over the weekend. Visitera with Mr, and Mes. C. Beatty, Sunday, wcre Mes. B. Wheeiec, Me. and Mes. V. Peacock, Mes. W. Derema, Oshewa, and Mes. Burton. Several le the village bave suffered fram fails on the ice this werk as well as Mr. Beatty. Mr. and Mes, A. Kother spent Sunday rvening with Me. and Mes. Tbicksen. Me. and Mes. W. Dereme, Osbawa, weee with Me. and Mes. K. Trew. Alan from Brighton was aise et home. Visitors witb Me. and Mes. H. Muldrew, Sunday, were Mr. and Mes, H. Challe, Mîilbrook; Mes. Mac Teew and Bah, Garden Hill Me. cnd Mes. R. Overys and family, Oshawa. 9 %»WAAF "Instant Living" H To Form Orono Sut Th,,)he lryt1at mobile ptice tagz ýcf 2,9 and a home factoJrtes Wbic are dewn paymnent ef $1,0M0 abe'epedc os s SeentyL-epîigbt f, fthe new ýabl, 'K PI'd LICý,ýhomes will make their firsti practJr:allyl haif the c o f:aiappearance ini a subdivision conventinal oslg-ca)n under dpelopmenit at Orono turn eu- hreberomb n onrtb of -the Orono Ccm- pu t ta 1h týest. he f linal agreement for theý raombous, cmpleelyfur-som claifiationg but it bas nbbdand eupewlti.hbecn stated that every aspect Miiemo--rial Park AssnIp Elects '72 0f ficers FLOR)IIDA JIYDEVON OR ANGciES SIDE BACON Size 125's1 12 doz. 99c L 59c z' IoNSTALLAIION eS%-ALE THAT'"S RIGHT . .,.SUE THE NEW UPSY DAISY OZITE'S NEW MUUTICOLOR SHAG WITH HEAVY RUBBER BACK Completely Installed by Experts ONLY Sq. Yd. NYL TYME MULTICOLOR TWEED FOR ANYWHERE IN THE HOME. HEAVY RUBBER BACK Completely Installed by Exper ts ONLY S q. Y d, STYLE TON ES BlEAUTIFUL SHARP PATTERNS NEW & EXCITING PLAIDS & PEBBLES. RUI3BER BACK Completely Installed by. Experts ONLY Sq. Yd. - THIS OFFER GOOD FOR JANUARY ONLY- BRINGYOUR OWN CAREFUL MEASUREMENTS and COME READY I'D BUYIý USE YOUR "-CHARGEC 95 KING ST. W. 623-2542 B"OWMANVI LLE OUR 1HOMFE DELIVERED PRICE Can, Fxancy Grade ,Mcîntoshn Apples tu0 31lb. Bag 39e EGOR'S Bfe houlIg the subdivision will LO S UL a il&-_ 55%,ÊMe be conventional in ail way, L N A T : There will be paved roads, o u essidewalks, and underground Mr. and Mrs. H. Bakeran wiring, Lots wlll be large te girls, Mr. 'and Mrs. Bruceý accommodate septic tanks be- Baker and Para, Oshawa, Mvir cause Orono does nýot yet have and Mr:s. K. Gable andbos bdilevis i o n sewers.te po Blackstock, Mr and Mrs. John Sof tihe subiiin houldle eeoesoth e r-Bkradbywr Sny ; sýettled by mid February. ject are Renato Homes of dinner gucsts of their pareý 11To a dge the new by- Oshawa Ltd., an offshoot of1 ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker. tbricd bouses respemble mobile a long-established O s ha wa celebrating Ann's and Gairy'e, ihomes of douible wldth, They building firm. The Ideas in- birthdays. are not mobile In any waylvolved represent a break- A speedy recovery ta rs except that they are 1tran,- 1 through in the acceptance 'by W. Vancyk and Mr. -Robt Sin ported ta the site in two sec- municipalities of manufactur- who are patients in.MemorialJ tions and joined on the f ed and pre-furnIshed housesHosp'ta1 dation. in urban areas, and the use c0 Ms17 George Amu n 3They are manufactured in Mobile homne manufacturlngý Miss',Bertha Armour, Hamp- ba Cobourg plant. which aiso techniques ta produce finisbed ton, were Sunday afternoontý preduces Pyramid M 0 b i1 eý permanent bpuses. ýcallers cf Mr and Mrs. Sid- Homes. A largér model rei-, Because the idea is new ney Cornish a-nd girls. tails for $21,9()o and lbas a there is no word ta describel- flcor area of 1,200 square feet. the new type housing. Renato Once In place on their Pasquini, wbo beads the de- louindations, the bhousýes ap--velIopment firm, bas named pear like convenitional, 10w- tbemi "instant living" bouses, .profileý bungalows. Eaeh ilvil until a better description AT F/CE beon bts own separate lo)t camnes alang.ACUA( OC wb ich Is included in thle pur-, Speed of construction 5Fs ane chaIse price. The smaller bouse of the major factors in the /3T</ND F meansures 22 feet by 50 feet price saving achievcd by the PLMl TA and the.larger 22 by 55 feet. nwsve hue.I ae Ail furniure for iving an lvl thrce wccks ta produce WE D iGonsi rs and rckbd-a ouse, eompletely ready for- room, al dape an cepet liingfrom the time the firýt, tv, refrigerator- and all work is started on tbe site. eqlpmernt is included in the! price. The bouise is ready te Financing one of the bouses miove, into wtotfurther ia done by the down paymcnt purchases, except perhaps for cf $1,000 and a mortgage cfl a TV or hi-fi.- $19,900 at 914 per cent. There will 'be a chlo(e af at Mvonýthly7 payments w oui d least, four exterior finishesrag around $160' per miontb, H R Y inw1cludng claphoiard, alumi- plUS taxes. ý QH soV numi siding and panelling, Two models of tbecnw1 will be enaugh v-ariety ta in Oshawa at the ecrner cf make a p]easing arrangement Athol and Centre Stre'et,ap- ORONO 983ý-5206 cf the bouses in tlie subdivi- posite the city hall. The ESO if ME HAT SERVICE Sion. bouses will be on dlsplayV for Other tban the nrw type the- ne-xt twe weekS'. 50 WMAN VILLE OPENSUDY AMPLE F'REE PARKING FOR OUR ;GA CUSTOMERS YOREK FANCV 10 oz. RAISP. or STRAWBERRYT DELSEY Assorted VEETBLSIGA JAMS Toilet Tissue 7for C$1.00nzo 24 oz. Jar 9g3.$10 IGA FRESH - I3nlbAvg, WAX APERLO"IN PORK ROASTS W AX PA ERRib Portion Teniderloin Portion 100 ft. RoiI %A 2.9 %0 59h lb. 69c lb. FROZEN FOOD YORK - 16 oz, Jar ROBIN HIOOD Yr ORK PIES Pea n ut B utte r Pudding Mlx. 8oz. Pkg. 9oz. Pkg, 4 for A9c 44c Jar 5 for 100 <Becans & Pork' MARGARINE O'.cean PerVch 28-azý 3 lb.P. Pkg. 2 for 4 5e 99e 45C IAIGA MAXWELL NlS Chckn ooieV LIQUID WAX, COFrE SVO p M IX 32 o7. Tin 1lP~ 4 for 2,9c 66c85 FLORIDA 'Red - White CALIFORNIA MEATY GRAPEFRUnIT Prod. of ILS. No. 1 Grade SID Size 48'F, LETTUCE SPARE RIBS 10for 7e %-c e a2 9 c lb. 65c