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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jan 1972, p. 8

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The Ctnadia,În Statesmanl, Bowrnanvm1e, Jan. 26, ~2I SPORT, AST COLUMN t t t t t - Mi Tins wil be fhîl sat Spartapics columa ta appear in the ~tatsma, Afer15 yrears, sparts edîtor Frank Mobua will iý ngý e soitdwith tis newspaper. t t t t t -RED EAýGLEtýS FINISH1 SCHEDULE Bowmavile Red Eagies complote ther reglar schedule inwece dwifh a gaine in Lindsay Friday nîght and a home ncune Sunday at 8:30, wîf h Po rt Hope. t t t t t I~&RLBR0STAKE TOP SPOT Oshwa enerals were upset Tuesday nigbt by the fmil- *nd HanltReti Wings, but maoved into Kitchener Friday te am a -4 ctory over flic Rangars, On Friday, goal-tend- qr ills ratoncaine up with the graatest puck-stapping 4islaywe aveever senparticularly in the second parîod. Burng licmidle essonOshawa were out-shot 23-S, wlhGraton lttig l oniy anc goal, whîie the Generais Lcord oMthe oftheir five shots, n th obg na Sunday niglit, Toronto Malboros defaatad flic enri6- before 4,944 fans, the largest crowd ever ta seca'euacdue gaine in Oshawa. The victary caabiad Tonron,ýto ta ake oer first place by anc point - flic first tirn sine fic sas- began, that the Generais havcn'f heiti The Gen ral re 4aMonfreal Frîday, wîth Hamilton 'sisfngflcCivie Auditorium fortflic next haine game Sunday it t ft t 1 SKIIT1NG O BEST SEASON Th slng seaocntinued ta be an la anti out aff air tins weekend, henTursday's saow-fall appeareti ta have con- itos set --fo soe fine skiing. Howcver, alfhaugh Saturday ~terîngs crlydrizzlc let up ta ailow fwo or flirea hours of rio bti king flic rains returned ta spoil flic day af flic Sudy wc didn'ftiare hope for anything wonderful - but e hd beca învited ta ski at Devii's Elbow by manager1 Eob Hul,,as fhey werc holding a press receptian afîcrwartis ýo c terae i installation of their new chair-lil!t, and a large club hase addtioins season, Unbelevaly -tins sking was juif great - a fact If was îut abot1fli besf we have eajoyed in.a seasan whicli k2:a 4'tco operafedt fo well with autdoor wîntar eathusîasts. A opeof mnajor fings wich Dcvil's Elbow lias goîag1 *f o if 100 er cent snaw-making equipaient on every hli antilin-up 4at il taws guaranteeti ta be lcss than sevan 1nnuests wîiagtre, t t t t t NEARLY ADE IT On orîaynigif, lUise Hately was jusf f wa corner pins shot o a erfctbowling string, Piaying in the Mîxeti Major Legu , arteti with ciglt straiglif strikes, left the carner0 1; aflcnnfli, hatitwo more strikes l ic he fli and again leff ficcojrner pin with bis last bail for a total of 416. A gratfrfyng but ev-wracking experience! Ail flue happcnedr Prestoýn Movers Explode,1- ith 1 T wo Ma t rck Ta weeken gamas wth Daryl Pet crs, ad Preston ksiawaant Makha ,fMov-1again from Flînamatas Greg orsrccrdd atotl ! 3 Brntand ti Kon Cowie. Ken ~oif adin fathir nd- Cowla fraîn Greg Brunt, Kens vldal pont reors nd at Cowia from Greg Brunt antIl fIesane fne ainng n irst Bill Wright, Ken Cowlc scor- placeCaur anti second ing on flic penalty shot dlean- plac BaylitiesIY beafîng flic Markham goalie Movr laycd a home gaine playing flic shot deep ia his ~audYJwîh their nexf door crease; Wayde Preston Grcg neigbors Oshaa, saundly Brunt and Daryl Paters; de- decaig heiby a 7 fa 1 fenceman Bill Wright on a2 caut.rush rcceîving a pass fron 2 Thesc[% g pre o-r Mov- tictence mata Daryl Paters. ors: en Cwie ron aydeScott Sellers notchati the final ?restan, Bnnis obil raincaunter with a hîgli point 7ý newlinnafce adyRasseand shat blast, Ases ts went ta ~fadyProtDenniýs Sabul Randir Prout aad Bih Wright, !ro Sot Sllrnti Randy Hats off te haf trick mnnc crmt ady RLosa froua Deanis Ken Cowia and Wayda Pres- Sabi; KvinWard unassisteti; ton and the ail important as- ' rnt froin Daryl Pet- sîsts, five fram Grcg Brunt, T anti Waytie Preston, andt lree frain Daryl Paters and IV 'mnal goal bry Ken Cowlc fwo f-roua Bih Wright. 2 cbyGreg Bruat, rka unday affer- Iad n 'crs payeti ang teade î ti' an8f;o2 ýwin. nianville got flic qu,!i-k- Teanu Standings 4i i lmust ýîn týese siho:rt Bruce 6 pts., Sut cliffe 5, 3. Wa dcLi P1;7ýreeton scoreti firaf'Partner 3, Sanan 2, Campblal ad Simack1. aj assststaGrc Bunt Hlisingle, K. Campbell L 299; hîgli triple, A, Gîbson I n i. lAlau r I680; b gli average, B. Partner B ~EATNG SECIAIST Partaer 217, Burton 21 1 QeenStret Sutchiffe 206, Bemeter 201: Bewmaville Gîbson 200, Campbiell 199, î ">HNL JBruce 197, Bruton 192, West- POE623-7591 aver 190, Anaart 186. 241 110UR SERVICE Gaines Over 20o Campbllh 299, Gibson 290- OuGas& Eectie uraee229, Nicharson,249, Burtoan !u ir onitiIntalla- 246-234, Partnar 229-219, De- folrs - Central & Whiadow mter 28-206, Howarf h 227, Uîs - Ciae ficel & Ainart 227, Bruce 221 219- fîndley Equipînt 212, Sut liffa 219-219, Brutaîî FrecEsinats 21, Gray 211, Vanessa 211,' Buge ereAvýAilable Fard 205, 3S imnîck 205, Bata 1205. Wetva 24 50c ADMISSION flTiT, NEXT LBIG I KINSMEN SUPER CAR SAT URDAY, J A 29"th INCUDIG H-LOGAME FPOR $1,000.00 Jackpot SPECIAL Gaine Special BIG «SHARE THE WEALTH" ae In GUARANTEE 37Nos.$150.00 2 each 20 IG EGUARGAMES AT $50-00 EACH BRAND NEW o-ýr $2,è0Èù Cash EryBird "hr the Weath" Gie 'starting ut 7:30 pm, -Many 1 fRKEE an d Valuable Door PC.e BUE'AJTEBO January 2lst Men s hilh single, 'R..Vn darberg 388; men's-high -,tripleP, R. Vanderberg 773. Ladiesý high single, G. Smith* 283 ladies' high.triple. G. 'Smith 700.' Team Standing Smith ~98894 Raberts ___ 13 8631 Prout Il 8678 Murphy - - il 8593 Luffman -____Il 8526 Wastlake ____10 ,8908 Bansma ___ 10 8511 McKeen 9 8726 Van Goor 9 8613 M. Heath 9 8598 Bond -- - 9 8323 G. Heath 5 - 8397 Wednesday, January 19 Hîgh single, B. Nîmîgan 285; high triple, D. Ogdea 649, Team Standings K. Raîstan 8239 8 K. Campbell 8457 7 Dý Ogden ____ 8226 7 C. Bruce 8____ 228 5 J. Mairs ____ 8101 5 B. Wilbur 7612 4 Over 210 Gaines B. Nimigon 285, D. DeVos 260, J. Mairs 225, M. Oveaden 216, C. Bruce 219-217, D. Ver- leysen 218, T. Sweetman 232, D. Ogden 217-236, S. Carter 215, S. liaîsma 216, K. Camp- bell 242, F. Dykstra 257-212, L. Piper 230, M. Trîmble 259, 1Top 10 Averages J. Mairs 218, F. Dykstra 206, C. Bruce 205, K. Raîston 202, D. Ogdcn 199, B. Nîmigon 199, L. Piper 198, J. Rowe 191, B. Wilbur 190, YQut 'ow llng BANTAM GIRLS Luxton 3, Bruce 2: Ovenden 5, Farrand 0, Lane 5, Holroyd Teain Standing Luxton 13, Oveaden 9, H-ol- royd 8, Laae 8, Farraad 0. 111gh Single L. Richards 172, B. Lane [7, L. Sacey 168. 111gh Double B. Lane 303, R. Melanson 294, L. Richards 285. BANTAM BOYS Murphy 5, Thiessen 0, Wood 1, Campbiell 2, Edmandson 3,1 .Piper 2,' Gea% 7,Ppr ,Cmpljbil 4, Rd- 111gb Single J. Edmondson 188, D. Murphy 166, B. Brooks 165, J. Piper 160. High Double J. Piper 310, J. Edmontison 280, D. Murphy 278, R. Arends 274, K, Konopacki 272. JUNIOR GIRLS Mitchell 7. Gray 0: Luxtan 7Aide 0; Taylor 5, Bond 2. Teain Standing Luxton 17, Mitchell 14, Tay-j lor 12, Gray 9, Aide 7, Bond 4. Righ Sinigle9 K. Luxton 200-206-348, J, Trîmb1e 224, H. Gray 219, C, MIitchell 201, S, Michelson1 200 I Bgh Triple K. Luxton 754, R. Luxton 52, H. Gray 551. JUNIOR BOYS Brooks 7, Gray 0; Lane 5, Vye2; Mosher 4, Combes Team Standing Whyta 14, Brooks 14, Mosh, r 11, Gray 9, Coombes 8,t ,ane 7. This week 14 of our Junior Boys bowled two or three games ail over 200, s0 we areb ist listing the top aine0 triples, K. Joli 732 (216-210-t 106), M. Reynolds 707 (237- 234-236), G. Coombas 683 t (220-253-210), D. Wilcox 656 (259-226), W. Moshar 635 (241- 22), J, Leddy 621 (248-205), 1. Jensen 619 (235-212), J, Brooks 608 (247), G. Lana 12 -(203-205),ý SENIOR IMIXED LEAGUE Bouwmaestar 5, Whitehead Terry 7, Roberts 0, Mac-0 'aonald 5, Davey 2; Jensen 7,c 3rock 0. Teain Standing Jensen 16, Bouwmeaster 13,a Vhitehead 12. Terry 11, Mac- onaid 10, Roberts 9, Brock 7, )avey 4. ~oundr owli g ji fi 2 2. Ei 2: D D 1 A B B B A A G Gi IBi G, G. 6 212!I Ballantine -~- 9 204 Aiken -.~ 9 202 -- - - - - -- --- - 'f-w %,&mNfAe, On Safurday affernoon, the Consumers' Gas Mites of the puck while Coach Brian Purdy, players'and were sf111 in thair slump as they drapped an exciting Manager Jim Schultz look on. Bowrnanvîlle was wifh- but lopsideti gaine 6-1 fo West Rouge. This photo shows ouf the services of f wo of their top performers, Jon a scramble for the puck in front of the local players' Janack and Kent Wilcox. beach with Consumers' Jeff Logan gainmng possession by Ken Cryderman ln what had to be the Bowmanville Red Eaglca poor- est effort of the season they were defeated 4-0 by the Co- bourg Cougars in a game played at the local arena on Sunday evening. The Bawmanville crew were coaipletely aut-skated lrom the start of the game, which incidentally, took very littie effort from the vIsîting Co- bourg team. The Eagles camne up fiat to start the game and remained that way throughout, beîng a threat at no time la the contest, T2he fîrst perioti was score- serve credif are Steve Davey, lass but flic Cougars took a Bruce Osborne anti Byron 2-0 lea the li second on goals Haines wlio handîcdtifhe tic- by Bill Lewis anti Ji Flescli, fensive duties betwcan fhem-. Fleecli scorad lis second Saine o!f tha aider players goal of flic gaine at the nli- who should lie laadiag flic way mark of the ctird anti teain are piaying "lazy" hoc- then Ed, Ciarey cannecf cd key andti f refore mot satfing just 46 seconds lafedti f'put a gooti example for their an cadtiheflc vcning's scor- younger feain-safes, If us just ing. hopedtihflc mental attitude of D.ue ta flir iack of work same ot flic players change flic Eagies matie few scoriag before play-off, tino or it apport unit ie for thenselves coulti le a short scason. ant thosethat present cd fhem- Tlie Eagiee finish flic salves were iosf aither by schedule tins weekend whem erratie shooting or failure ta thc2y play af Lindsay F ,riday shoot, anti back haine agairfst Port Tle ouly players who de-Hop onSuntiay aveInn, EIec ~ t m ri o anage Electrons rai'ones iii Coach Team. ,by .,u Clarke the pIayer or persoi wIio haî contrlbuted the most ta ti Tism year's Loche TV Elec- bail club. trons will hâve a new mana- In addition tO flic clectior ger at thic reins as they oni of Manager and Coachi, Satur- pete with Intermedfiate, Sen- day's meeting also concernec for and Junior calibre clubs, a varlety of business lnclud. Clint Ferguson was appointeýd Ing the clection of a 1972 to the managerial post fallow- Executive. The following wli ing a well attended meetîn& comprise tihe Locke TV Elc. held last Saturday afternoon trans' executIve for the coin- at the old Town Ha.ll, "Fer- n yer President, GeorgE gie", a well knaw'i basebail Salnsbury, Vi ce President figure in tis areýa, was a Jack Hately; Secretary-Treas. classy hurler hîmself during tirer, Rae Cramble; Publicity some of Bawmaaville's Inter- jim Clarke; Directors, Brucs, mediate "Glory Days" some Ogdan,' "B.uck" Cowle, John 15 odd seasons ago. Fowler, Ken Parks, Larry An enthusiastie an d fiery Dewell, Tîm Cox, Don Cros- competitor, "Fergie" raturas sey, Larry Piper, Gary Akey ta thaenmanagersa raie ha and Bud Fanning, Manager, handlad during the Electrans' Clint Ferguson; Coaci, George 69-70 season, Clint laformed us he is eageriy awaiting the beginning of the 1972 season and has Issuad an aarly invi- IU _ i Le l btton teany player îitarest- ed in trying out for this yaar's team. by Jim 4Ciaàkc In Clînt's words, "Everyona County Chryslar cbilled the wvha coas out wîth the club hot stretch rua by Kramp's wiîll get a fair shaka. Nobody Furniture last Thursday evea* has a position assured an p.ast ing with a 5-3 vîctory la the performance." Another vet- second game. The wln along eran basabaîl p e r f o r mi e r, with Loche TV's 7-4 conquest George "Ganeral" Jones, will ovar McNulty's Sports ieaves be "Fargla's" sldekick and Chrysier atop tha four teain operating in the position of heap wlth 17 points. Lockes coach. "General", the first and McNultys are panting winnar îast vear of -the How- close behird with 15, while ard Caowla Memorial Traphy, Kramps follaw wlth 13 points. ldrs consideable axperie nce The regular scaccinle wraps and kow how. The Howard up la three weeks on Feli, 13. Cowle trphy presented ta Lockes dia lasteik;ho#n CHINESE and CANADIAN F001) 09/ O ff iLck-up rders (Over $3.00) FREE HOME DELIVERY (minimum ,00 Phone 623-3703 50 RING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS -KOURS: 10 ÀA.M. to,10 P.M. DAILY Joncs tm ewudlk tothis tJohnewle landî Teo thak J on olerand edth "Baly"o a wheonti- led fli blkad oa sesoa' manaerial antimustalng chalors Thankiinut aea go tar aldthoellho worktet1971 larasntiwforiln the 197lu. ic sc aon foathe ailîclubfNce stila ave and fmiiatrfes sill atountianinfazsrcstcd Ine te te an esurctoln 1968.rnea baseîlbak n 1968sponsobehaio!sfe a pes cat spoetn or, weisse a se- clalr grcfngta lshensewe- coerso hsya' xci tîetSnaJnur 0h a meeting will beý helt inl the altiTow Hallat12ey place Ia the. openiag perioti as County led 3-21 If was 4-3 after 40 pinutes with Bradley fîlshing off the scarîng at 6:52 of fthe final perioti Only three penalties ware callet i wth Kram'ps tirawing two. For flic County Chrysiar cluli the win was a big one as it boisteti themin ao soie pos- session o!fifrst place. A de- feaf would have lcft them n i a three way ticadlock, s This Thursday evcniag eCounty taka an Lockes at i7 p.n., while Kramps anti gMeNulfys clash in flic 8:30 raffair. eNewvîIIe- Starkville St. Jbseph's Mixed Thursday Jan. 2Oth Averages tBorothy Stark 194, Gaîl Mîlîson 192, Doris Tomnpkîns 190, Marg MacDonald 190, EMaine Marchant 186, Marie Tinn 183, Joyce Sfaccy 183, Jean MeQuat 179, Olive Hen- derson 174, Barice Rentier- son 174, Paf Milison 169, Shir- ley Marteil 167, Normna Mac- Inais 166, Nadine Trimbla 165, Bale Foran 162, Peggy Mîhlsoa 161, Lynda Wîllshar 157, Marg Gullanti 156, Cathy PLambert 156, Shirley Liglif- dboumn 143, Karea Millsaa 137, ,Bobby Clarke 135, Carol sTopp1e 116. gHigl i sngle, Jean Mcouat 0271! higli triple, Dorofhy Stark 0637; higli average, Dorathy 1Sf Ark 194. e200 Gaines, Jean McOuaf 271, Borofhy Stark 241-200, Olive Rentier- son 237, Marie TIn 229-223, Nadine' Trimbla 215, Marg Gulland 204, Doris Tonhpkins 204, Gall Milison 202, Lynda Wîhisher 201, EMaine Mardi= a t 2 0.Gaines W on Baring Benirns 31 Cocky Corduroys 3() cBoobie Berlaps 29 Tubby Tweeds 25 FondryBolg opener as flicy dumpeti Mc- Jaauary ililu Pins Pts. eNultys la teicsiva fasiîion. Gutter Balle 6234 4 sThey, led 3-2 affer the first Sore Heatis __ 6233 3 anti 5-3 foilowîag 4Ô minutes. Screw Balle ___ 6054' 3 McNultys narrowed it fa a Aîîey CafL 6028 3 single goal earhy la fha thirti Aces- ----- 5973 3 tbut the winners pumnpeti home Headi Pins -------- 5896 2 Stwo more tailles tiuring the High single, G. Simpson 327, 1final 20 minute session, B. Parfaar 266; hîgh triple, 8 igît players figurati in Bruce Smith 71-7' B. Partaer Loche s point parade, wifli 599. ruaaway scorlng ace Steve Hidden score wlnners Burns hamnering home lis Gama 1 B. Bridger, gaine 2 S. 24th and 25th goals this year. Coodrnurphy,* game 3 0.1 Randy Daaoghue, having an Knapp. excellent season la bath the1 Over 200 3Town anti Commercial lea- Bruce Smith 255-205-257, G. *gues, bagged thrce goals, gîv- Simpson 327-204, B. Adams lag hlm nina goals fa go with 231, H. Aihen 262-221, N, lis 13 assists, ' Cowle 251, Rom Gooti 218, R. Luke Prout anti 'rully" es 25,B. Partner 266, 'B Sodn235, L. Adams 201, Thoinpson coflectati sîngles o ap 1-3,J rde Fr flcLe unLi. er 212, H. Ballanfina 216, N. For MNuifs Lar Prîs Henning 201-234, AI Cale 229, turned Inl a flirce goal (16, 17 S. Gardon 225, G. Wilson 211- anti 18) and one assis effort 269-215. for a sparklng display. War- Over 200 Averages ner Wallroff ecoreti the other Gaines AVe McNulty goal, fls ltI, along Bruce -Sithf 6 22? witli a pair o! assisteý G. Wilson ____ 6 220 The wInaers tirew six of Ron Gooti____ 6 214 tle aevea penalties ticalt ouf G, Simpson 6 213 by officiais Kim Ratigers anti RugI Aiken 6 212 Boug Parker. Bob "Fuzzy", N. Cawle - -__ 6 212 MarjerrIson piclictiUp three B, Part mer -___ 6 205 asslsfs for Loches as their of- feace was ia hlgh gear for ST, JOSEPR'S most of the 60 minutes. MXE Ia flic 8:30 clash Counfy W E BOWLING- Chrysler contInuedti t lold January 23rd flic ladian siga over Kranp's Fts, pins Furnîfure as they posteti their Showoffs 23 11392 5-3 triumph. John "Bucky" Sliami'acks-,. 21 11246 Hughes, Chrysier's leader, Arduec Cats 21 11150 bagged a goal anti two assiste' Dough-licats 17 10931 glvlng hlm 15-9-24 figures for Thc Raiders 15 10775 the year, Ia addition lic led Banticlians 12 10974 flic majorlty of tiheir rushes Sundowners 3 10826 anti wes the ganc's standout Hustere s~ t 0 9929 figure. Men,, a gongtconpMca:Gary Con- way 770; llgh single, Gary Mel Ptaagon o-CanWay 330, cern aIl gaine, uacleti a pair Ladies: Higli triple, Marg of goals wlule Bnian Bradley Permis 687; high single, Mamg andi Kelth Andersont collerteti Perris 269, singles. Rae Pickell had two Over 200 Gaines eoals for Kramps wîth Brian Gary Coaway 330-268, Marg Evanýs addlng the other. Perris 269-266, Phiîp To- MetOff te c0Zcorng toolikhig 254,20&, hU e edy MAFLE GROVW Towers -Rotors Color & IJEF__ Anteanas Systems for ___ CALLANTM ltes. 623 3070 254-219-213, Jîn Fair 253-250ý,- 227, Betty Charlandi 240-209- 204, Mary Brînklow 234 M,1 George Gibbis 230, Tony Horsfnan 229, Jack Brown 228, Bill Holroyd 225-216, Faf ler- Frank 225,, Marion Vansfone 219-203, Jîi-Jcffrays 219 ,joan Gibbis 218, Elcan Hickay 218, Harvey Williams 218, John Fard 217, Bob Camp- bell 20D, Molly Horstmaa 207, The man we want to hire proAblyA, atý preseýnt, bas a job in whichhe does not sec nuhopr tuinity for advancement in spite of bis boe average ability. He will enjoy meeting and1 work- ing with people. Should like plants and be interr ested in gardenîng. Will have a working know- ledge of Metro Toronto and a chauffeur's licerse eith a good driving record. If you are a conscien- fions, eager individual .,,,ho is willing to start > ýat the, bottom", do physical aor and create a good position for yourself - Apply to: Mr. A. G. IBrand, Brookdale-Kingsway Ltd. 145 Duke Street, Bowmanvile, Otro Get VSED AR '66 Volsae Fast Back For real economy,lcay owned, excellent condition. Lic. 4897AI '66 Ponliac Laurentian 4-dr. Sedain 1 V-8, gutomatîc, radio, white walls. Sold and serviced bylis since new. Lic. 49014A. '67 Ponutia Parisie£-nne 2-dr.HCrdop V-8, automaýtie, double power, radio, white walls. In beautiful caniary, yellow witb blark vinyl top. Lic. 55917A. '68 Che-vrolet Bel Air Sedan '69, PlymOuth six Passenger V-8, automnatic, pw rrkes and teerin , do white walls, LalY uwned. Lik.X404 "69 Bui'ck ildcat 4-dr-. Ail Buick luxuryr equîýiment, in beautiful regal red with rich blacki vinyl toep. Lie. 30992A. Easy Convenîient Gý-MAC Financing Pros.: TomCoa Sales Mngr twPreston Weldon BtrownV Ry atanue DnadRo0gers We also ý have 100 aew aie d e oodwll cars te ehoose from 1: Con-sumers' Gas5 _-ifM *es The Bowmaavilae Coasu- in ýjury a a elosadwl crs' Gao Mites are inithe grip soon bebac lato n of a slump durîag whîch tîme - Êhey have dropped four con' On Sat, Jn.2nd W secutîve OMHA Mite Lake- Rouge caae ow o shore League contasts. legagiaisktdaa On Saturday, Jan. 8th, they 6-1 victory,1 over theCoiu. hasted Bay Ridges and'wercers' aites, dcfeated by ftho score of 4-1, I a the saine ltnry la- this A week later, Bowmanvillcie a has been Ior flic last hostcd Brooklilaand wcrc w wes fi the avil defeated again, tis turne taebyswee L skatiÎg or pàss- the tune of 4-1. îng thePuckJ. %Whe?, they did Ia this gaine, Bowmanville have thaî r canes ley miss- 'vas behînti 2-0 andi carme back ed the nt. ta tie the gaine on goals by Kent Wilcox was ai f o the Jon Janack. Brookla staged a lineup due ta in]ury, \nd ion late rally ta score two mare Janack, a high-scorîng prward goals la the third period for was absent due ta illnies. thaîr margin of victory. Kevîn Tink, an outs nding On Thursday, January Zth, defenceman, was mave2up te flic Cansumors' Gas crew trav- the forward lime occassnalIy elled ta Bay Ridges for an la tins gaine and scar4 thie 8:00 'clock cacounter. Bay only Bowmanvîlle goal. I was Ridges won by a lop-sîded 8-2 Kevin's firat goal of the s6ýSCn. score. Bowmanvîlle feul victim ta On Sunday moraing, 'Mdar saine base defansîve play and Hill was la town for an ýhi- shaky goaitendîng and were bîtion gaine with Bownfic behind 4-0 >bafore tbey knew and won 6-0. what bit thein. In t1îs ga!ie, sainefth Bawmanvla finally bit tha Bowmanvîlla payes owed scorasheet in the late stages of sîgas ofcongtlie the first period when Branton The oavle teait was Thompson fired a goal, the without the services o iex assist on the play goîng fa Tire Janack, Ellis and Braný for Almond. thîs gaina and were ýforedte t Grant Brock scored bis first go wif h three defenceme and goal of the seasan, with the Lwo forward units, assist on flie play gaing ta Jon The Consuners' Gaig4îe Janack. play two league gainetis Captaîn of flic Consumera' week. On Tuesday,Ja25h Gag Mites, Kent Wilcox, suf- they played in Brokiuad fered a back injury late la the on Friday, Jan. 8h h~pa first period and was takan off in Port Hope the ice on a afi etchar. Ha w transfarrad ta Aj ax - Pickering Gencral Hospital by amu (0F wliq Cosumrs'Gas Mites Snowed Under bv West Roiioe 1- Il- VI-b. ý411- -- --,- - - agies H ave D ult Nighf Takes Overý4mO iýý ti

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