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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Feb 1972, p. 12

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12 Tlic Canadieîîn Stiesman, 78owmanville, Fcb. 2, 1972, $ChoIcoars Jemint Meetings prioposal by the Peterbor- rBoard, bas been operating in ough- Vctoi -Nor,ýtumber- Peterborough for a number cf fr a 1i ~ di.Drham Roman months. CaýJwolic Separate Sclihool Bd. According te F. H. Hogle, te Told -jojint meetings with Superintendent cf Schoois for tb~ouniesBoard cf Educa- the Separate School Board,,the tioZ- was accept-ed by tbe committee bas- met "with pro- Bor uin 97 nu- fit" te discuss -sucli topics as ured rmeeting lu Cobourg last a joint film lîbrary, a joint TI-frsdlay rigbt. purchasing plan, sharing cf .1 committee, conisisting of facilities, transportation, and representatives cf the Peter-Ifamily life programs. borou-gh County Boar f Edu-1 "At ts meeting cf Decemn- catlon and the Separate Schoollber l4th, our Board wonder-. ed about the dîelilrability of sîiilar joint comm-yittees for the other two counties lying withmn its geograpical area," Mr. Hogle wrote to the N-D Board. The Board concurred. It ,recommended that a commit- tee be chosen and that an in- vitation be extended to the 1Separate School representativ- es to hold the joint meeting at the County Board of'Edu- cation offices in Cobourg. Ga rdenionfor Fu n Mtimae %not s or wisky; tbey ma for that purpose, MAinkof better wa them, andl that t, heini al l to TERI C Improve aur en Lwith livng poants iincef-s nla the1 e terrarums can be iyone whaeverten you keepyour hou: ever ]ight is availi wm wbat are tenre 7are climato cantr supportiuig littie v u p of anty type cf duencr, wbether it 1glass bow£,l used Lot the large glas fort-imperting ] FSh tanks are ;biîs purpose, and s evered with glass. meii are not onity prai lots cf fun. 1 ha iterrar-'ium luj-1My y which we have net fer at ieast two M( a large size brandy with a lid, filled four plants, a. littie: Drd somle stonies anc grav-,,el. ý It ver tesour dreýsser go ami itiunshine erbfntdocrgarden insi. 0 a a bIy Harry van Belle béer, ence cfflie fterrarumi. a litile tee bouse, asa bach- aîy ho Thehet way te plant'fer-,- gnundI, etc. The pocsiiiiies but I nariums, le te place flic langer are unlimited, juet use youn ys te plant finsi. This will give you im-,agination. Whet btter way is t basic background, thon use f0 spond s fow evenings with RARTI licemsiallen plants andl dcc- youn kide, rafler f ban wef ch- vinan oralc wih figurines, ganden iug flic tube, flan meking ndhrwhite delomite clips, youn own individuel ferrari- hmousepiece cf drifiwood. or wliai- umi, witli bille, pools, frocs on us a ven maieial you wish te use, even watenfelis. Dpera- in decoratîng. I have made African violets, emyaîl ivies, se, or Chinese gardons, wiili hem- philodendron n sd imee f cffli Dble. boo fencing, made ouf cf tropical plants are excellent iÀUns? window shades, patios witl for pienting up ferrariums. ,,.,,,,ï_littié.pieces cf flagstone, witli doon gendening. 'o9rlds, is a 1 for s jars: talian ideal houid Ter- cticai, ýve a i bed- twat- Lontb-s; snif- with figur- il cl- tainiy and frem Wo air lufr.marhum si1jiay liesme fempeafur, su liumidity dcnfchange )cf ny type cf pleut, tropical sud foliage f.Thene are týowe wys ianfing, flic firetete Iofi container wiSi 2"of tipg sol for green plante, " of sand for cRathli nd wey le fo use jpenli1te, bave flic plants lanflic so thaf fhelipante will v i'n flic pots, neflier flien 'îo sou. One advaufaecof ing fhe plante inflic pote e faci fliat flic plants wll row vemyrmuci, sud Mwi ýtntdse thaffley will f111 flic bvowl f oc quickly, 'orthuumberland Firm iets ARDA Assistanceý facilities have been idded, en- abling the grewers te market te advantage'. The project was approved and recomended by both the Ontario Department of Agri- culture and Food and the On- tarie Development Corpora- tien on the basis cf its import- ance te the economy of the community. The ARDA Grant is shared equaliy by tbe, federal andl provincial goverumonts under the terms of the 1970 Rural Devlopment Agreement, ENNISKILJLEN New controiled atmosphere storage andl rofrigeration fla- cilities have been poided for the Big A Brand FrutFrms Ltd,. in Northumberlaud Couty as a resuit cf an ARDA Grant appreved recentiy. Appro<ra1 cf this project was announced by Hon. Wm. A, Stewart, Ontario Miister of Agriculture and Food and Hi-on. Jean, Marchand, Canada Mliister of Regicual Ecouem- ic Expa-nsin,-The new fa- cýility ascomrpleted lu time te acconimodafete heic1971 api rop. Tbe Big A Brand Frui't Ferme Ltd, at R.R. 3, Col- borne, beudies 'the total crop from ifs own corcbards and processes aud markets the production from 15 other growers lu the immediate area. Ifs annuel purchiases from local growers amounit te $3ý,50,000. Expert markets are w-,eil est ablishied, and whiie there is sufficieut processing capacity, the compauy needod adîlifionai controlled etmos- phe' st or a ge fecilities. Tbrough the prcvvisien cf a grant from ARDA and a matchiug lbau from the Iu- drbial Dee lrmoment FBank, Back Lby ONE ORDER 0F 1FUS H&CHP FRIDAY and SATURDAY G ol1de n C ris p Filsh & chips 2Division St. 62.>-7051 Boimalville FRIDAY and SATRA FEBRARY llH ad1 COo~ &orm, in the CAPTAIN'S DINING 'HUS. - FR1.- s ITj. LIBERTY ST, S. at 4 VISIT THE... "Discoflicquce" MOTOR INN loi 623-3373 read. These aý rticles for baiel are to be broug.,ht to the nextj mecetinig, to be packed next-f The new U.CW. calendïars were dlistributed. IMrs, E. A, Werry volun- teered todrv a carioad of l(adies tïo 1thoe meeicting at Sîm- coe Strecet Chiurch on Fen. 9. Mrs, . P. owe, past president, is le introduce(ý the guest speaker, Rev. A. ýB. B. Moore, at this meeting. Several reports were read.ý Mrs. R. Howe introduced us' to the study pak on Afri Ca. African recipes, art, the map of Africa and its Mssonary Profile, were among topics discussed. The Christmas U.C.W. meet- ing was heid at the home of Mr11s. Ross Ashton on Dec. 8th. Att11ractive decorations were the- setting for several season- ai readings and enjoyable Christmas music. A sii gift exchange and dainty lunchi concluded the meet- ing. OBITUARY MUÜS. MARJOIE P. BATTY Mrs. Marjorie Peari Batty died suddenly january 19th, 1972, et her residenSe, R.R. 1, Brooklin, in her 59th year. Born Dec. 5, 1913, in Orono, she was the daughter of t'he late Oscar and Ethel Graham.ý She-was married te Robert W. Batty, April 21, 1945 in King Street United Church, Osh- awa. She was a member of Brook- lin United Church, and be- longed to several organiza- tions in Brookli*n. The deceased is survived by ber husband, Robert W. Batty of Broo klin; two sons, Gary N. and Bruce W. Batty of Brooklin; one daugbter, Mrs, J. Watson (Linda) of Brook- lini; one grandchiild, Barbara Aun Batty; two sisters, Mrs. E. Henning (Edna) of Osha- wa, Mrs. M. Keast (Ethel) of Orono; two brothers, George and Norman Graham of New- castie. TheF, funeralI service wasc held Jnur 21 from W. C.a Town Funera)l Chapel, Inter- ment. was atb Groveside Cerne- tery, Brookiin. Rev. T. Fleet- ham of4ficiated.2 Palîbearers w e re Elroy Hnennings, Kenneth Hernings, Handsome One-YearCl-,1.d -Hi everyone. My narne is Danny - weil, reaiiy Daniel John. 1 was one year old on January l4th. I arn the delightful son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Carscad- den, Kendal, Ont. I would like to say Hi to Grandma and Grandpa Patton in Kendal and Grandma'and Grandpa Carscadden of IR. R. North, Orono, Ont., and alsoto ail my other relatives -andLc wee friends. Carke Residenfs I ncrease IlReading The annuel report for flic Clarke Publie Library showed an increase in boak circula- tion lu 1971 oiver 1970 of ai- most 10 pet, cnt, Total circu- lation was ae few less than 22,0ý00. Current active mcem- bcrship iLs over 800 readers. (Inteuded for last week) Marshal Keast, Johbn Conneil, alo he lLjJi kJY 512, UIdLw During church service on John Batty aud Roýy Engleten. iesoe la 1 e Sunday morning Clinton Jef- ________ books were added te the fery Hockin, grandson of sheives of the library lu 1971, Mr. aud Mrs. L. Stainten wasT 'L1I The library now contains a batied Afe srvice, thoseJ..'LA total cf 7005 books. Mrs. attending were guestss for Beauchamnp stated that the dinner et Staintous: the- par- Miss Catherine Stewart is Regioni Library Association ents, Mr, aud Mrs, Tomn Hoc- rmaking safisfactory progress lied taken, back some cf their in, Wiflowdale; the gcdper- lu Oshawa, Generai Hospital. books which included a numn- ents, Mr, asud lirs, T. Woodis; Her roomn number is 308 for ber cf Duteli books. She said graudmother, Mrs. H. Hocki.n, those wbo care ta drop ber a the Board ceuid consider the Mrs, P. DeHaas, Mrs. F. War- card. purchase af some Dutch books. reu, Port Perry; Mrs. D)orisÏ Bill andl Daug Mercer were A report wasý given on a Lapbam, Scarborougb; Mr, hm o h eku ihPoica rn bandl and Mrs. Keith Crydermnau0n1efrteweedwt rvnilgi1 ba dI aud girls, Zion; Mr. and Mrs. thir -parents, Mr. andl Mrs, the amount cf $3,930 te assist David Stainton ýand family George Mercer. They are em, with the reconstruction cf the Cobourg. ployedwitli the Donway-Ford souli room te be used as a Ms.Noma garage lu Scarborough. Junior room. Work is te, pro- Mr.e and fMrs. Norman Bb Geacli anîl Peter West- ceed on the project but lu the Hoesu aml, htby heu commute back and meantime the Board wiil con- wrevRsiforsw it M. ndforeach day to Whitby sîder a poicble re-alîgumenit Mr-R Hw.where tbey are- emplcyed in cf the ueof this rorm by Mren Ms.Fiod otuc, Bilp's -bo At rni cter 'the library or the mus- Scrbroglvisited on S un-- The ane Ametoin cf en day with r, and M rs. TeaiiS fKn Petick .dal United Ch urcli was beldý Mr. ýand Mrs. Grant Wil_ on Mcuday, Janjuary 31. Thore liams and famiiy, Port, Perry, was a pet luck dîn-ner1at neon were Sunday guests cf Mr. and followed, by tlie meeting., Mrs. F. W. Werry. On Weduesday eveuing, Jeu. 1-X Miss Elva Orcherd, Bow- I8th, the Kendal Women's lu- Co,, manville, speut the weekend stitute met et the home of with Mr. and Mrs. C. Stain- Mrs. H. Foster, There were Il There are oniy two uew ton. prosent. The presideut opened faces an United Counties' Mr. ai-d Mrs. Wilbert the meeting witli the singiug rester this year, Reeve-eleet Smith, Oshawa, were Mondlay of the "Ode". *Mrs. A. Lcw A. R. Gray, Newcastle and A. supper guests with Mr. sud read the minutes. The freas- U. Wartman, Deputy Reeve, Mrs. L. Lam-b. . urer gave the financial report Percy Township. Under fhe Our deepest sy,ýmpathy 18 sud tolîl us that flie Cliristmas fwo-year tenu the majerity cf expressed te Mr. sudMrs boxes lied cost $24.80. Thauk- eloctiens in municipalities Bud Chiamberesud family On you notes wore reed froma sev- will be beld lu December, the passlng of Mrs. Chiam- eral who liad been remember- 1972. bers' father, the late Allan ed et Christmas. Incumbent reeves cf the Kennedy, from Mackie's Fun- TeWo n' stuews towns aud villages include: oral Home, Lindsay. f1uTed 75 ear Istiage Hw W.I. Thomas, Cobourg- Mrs, Messrs. Frank sud Harolîl E. R. Clarke, Port Hope; R Spry, Rochester, N.Y., were shall we celebrafe this event? DEt ,r, oranviie; R.J weekend vIitors tE u rsident suggested WO Locke, Campheiiford; H. N. Wrigbt's. thiuk about this sud brîug Our Roberfs, Brighton; C. E. Heathi, Mn. sud Mrs. MV. Poliard ideas te fthe next meeting. Hastings; D. MeLaughlin, Coi- andl family were visifars et Each year the Institute berne;,C. J. Norfhey, iIl- Mr. sud Mrs. Art Pollards'inakes a donation fo the brook. DÏeputy Reeves cf flic Brougham. churcli. Moved by Mrs. Wm. tewns are: Mre. Lenah Fieldl Mr. sud Mrs. Garnet Goyne, MVercer fliat thîs year we give Fisher, Cobourg; C. A. Hew- Don, sud Audrley, Courtiçe; $100 te the ehurcli te be cre- son, Port Hope;, G. Stephen, Mrs. Mabel Winter, Oshawa; dlted in the 1971 report. This Bowmanvllle: Mrs. D. Britueli, Mr.andMrs Bi Astonsu was seconded liy Mrs. M. Lois,' Mr. Murray Flett, Mn. Manders. Carried. 1~T7Trr1T7TT and Mrs. Cliarlie Lanigmaid, Mrs. C. Langsfaff, leader cf ELIZIADLJ.flVILLi Sally, Tom and Faye, Soline, tho Girl Guides, roquosted were Suuiday eveniug diuner that flic Institute provide a Cliurch services were cou- guests of Mr. sud Mrs. Wayne $2 prîze for their nexf event. ducted by Mr. Cermon Bel Beckett, Penny sud Pauline. Ail were in favor. She stanted unt il Rev. J, Ramjit arrived Mr. and Mrs. Angus KingfltteKndlGrGucsfrm ece. Te chi were receut visiters cf Mr. htteKna il&ldsfo ecm. h hi andl Mrs. George înwîn.- are liaving a liazear April l5th sang an anthem.- Miss Wiunifred Cale, R.19, te cern money for a bus trip. On Monday evening flic Willowdele, wae MeVlnday dîn-,* The ladies of the W.I. are ask- quarterly meeting cf'flic uer guest cf Mr. sud Mrs. A. cd to donateco ýoking, sewing, Officiai Board cf flic churcli Werry. articles for fhe touch and take was held at Canton. We.plan Mr. andl Mrs. Garry Beck- booth, etc. 1 te have an cyster supper et ett, Valentia, -were Sunday Mrs. A. Low said flic motto Garden Hill. evening callers on, Mr. and for this meeting wiil be "It's Oaquting thefliebseen Mrs. Wayne BoBcket,-, Penjny people who, make the country cf the chuncli. Mrs.,W. Ban- andl Pauline. gc. Rl al "Name a ister brouglit seme quilfers Mr. sud'Mre. Edgan Wright, pl1a ce in NIewfoundland.' up wf h lier. Tlie ladies fliat Mr, sud Mrs. E, A.ý Werry Among flic answers was Goose cen'f qulîf prepared a dinner eftended fthe funerel cf the Bey, Gander, Corner Brook, for the oflier ladies and we late Allen Kennedy et Mackîes,,Concepion Bey, Port-eux- lied e nice dinner. On Wed- Funieral Home, Lindsay, on Basques andl St. Jobn's. Mrs. nesday flie quilt was faken MOnday.ý Low red an article entitled te Mre, C. Beafty's te finish Mn, sudnc Mrs. Lamie Lamb "Newfoundiand, Land of- Dis- up. were Sunday visitors ,with Mr. covery", from Augusf Reeder's, Mns, G. Knox le et illunflic sud Mrs. Don Lamb, Bailie- Digest. It foid about spectacu- liospitel.À bo ro. lr mountains, maguificent Mr. and Mre. W. Muldrew, MeTsere. Frank sud Harold fjords, a hisfory going liack Osliewa, are sedu Spry, Rochester, NY.; Miss Betty Wrîgli e Safurday 47 years and a rugged, couple cf days wifli Mr. sud eve - supper guests cf Mr friendly people. Mrs, L. Muldrew. Other cali- anîl M1rs. W. Sauderson, CO- Mrs. R. Elliott read came crs te sec fliem were Mr. C. lumfbus. fine articles wrîtten by promu- Mercen, Mrs. H. Quantrili, MJr. and Mrs. Lloyd [Siemon, inu men telling cf flic very Jack Muldrew, Mrs. J. dur- Suse-i nrend Fred,. Haydon, great achievements cf "Joey rier and ofliers- during flic Mr. Sftanley Taylor, Bîýurketou, Smallwood." week, werc Sunday gueste of Mr.1 A delicieus lunch was serv- Mr.ewandwer:-,E t. Esudt and iVrs. E. R. Taylor, c-d by our hostesses, Mrs. A. iOis.h.aQer ii on.San- Mr. and Mrs. Murray Sand- Deunis andl Mrs. J. Henderson. day. encan, Raglan, were Stur-- The uex,,t meeting wilho the Mrs. J. DeKoker, Oshawa, day evenîng visitors witb f lie third Tliursday, February 17, viîied Mr. and Mrs. H. Thick- E. Wriglits. et flich home cf Mrs. E. COU- son an Seturday. M\/rs. Rose Lee, Kere; r.rou.11 Sympatliy is ext ended te Franik Lee, Oshewa; _Mr. f, ud endal village lias liedfriendesud relatives cf flic Mns. Allen WeýVrry, Sand1raý, Iliriee ministens fnom New- late William Jackson, Kendai. Sharn su Jaes, ere n- ouuýdland: Rev. Steplien Pike Several frem liere visited flic day venig diner ucet f nm Carboneal, Newfound- undertaking parlons on Sun- Mm, ud rs.E. A Wery. land; Rev. R. C. White from day. Miss Wîunifned Cole, RN., 'Twilfiîng Gate, Newfoundland, If was a botter weekend for illedaltges f Mo1r ndy âvr sud oun present minister, Rev. flic ski-dooers. They lied sev- E. A. Werry. T. Sueignove from Gnate's oral good runs. LeIst week flic Il 1 w' Cove, Triuity Bey, Newfound- club lied'te play carde as The i';w Year of 1972 was land. thero wes ne snow. tarted ouf by flic Enniekil- On) Sunday mcrning the Mn. and Mrs. H. Thickson heu U.C.W. with s ea îa hoir san'g "Wliat e Feilow- lied supper wifh lMn. sud Mrs. tendedrmeet'.inge li oeSlip", sud Rcv. T. sueigrove R efiueSakilo of Mrs. John Siemnr on Wed- fook bris scipture reading Friday ýevenîng. nesday affernoon, Jeu.n, J'ude,1 verses 17-25, witli McR.He was lu charge 1spuecial empliasis on tlie 24th Wlieu eue begins te know of the Devofional. '4se Now unto Him '!& the e tOne does't know, then 1 The list Of itemis neeoîl ahie tW kmep y,,n rom feuî- li firet begîns te kuow a 'fer tlie pai-ce-ï teAngola uwes ing." -Orono Times. I1great deai., eumn group. The, Board willi consult with flic Museum1 Board if. any change is cen-J The, 1971 financiai report sowed a balance cf came $300 sud that expenditunes were kept within tlic budget, AI- meet $8,0100 was paid off flic boans for capital coste during flic year. A budget for' 1972 is te he presented et flic Feli- ruary meeting. Some cousideretion was giv- eu flic setting up cf picture iblan rentai. Sucli a eclieme weuld provide peint luge that couid ho rcuted on a monthly b-asic. The librarian thouglit ït wouid he a good idea. Fur- ther informetion le fo lie oh- f aincd an the operation of isucli a service., The 1971 claie cf officers were retumucîl te office, wiih cRoy C. Forrese r, dliairman, Mrs. Olga Beauchamp, secre- tary, Mn, Ray Dickecu, treas- urer, ehong witli Messrs. E. R. Woodyard, L. M. 1lalhowel anýd Reeve John Stone. .-Orouc Tîmes., New !FàCýcesr es Councilý Brightfon; W. J. H. Duuk, Camphcifond. Reeves and Deputy Reeves of flie Townships anc. in erd- cm: Cartwright' L. S. Malcolm, V. Asseistine;' Hope, Howard Quenfnili, J. W. Banister; Brighiton, Roy Cliafien (1972 Wardcu), A. Boce; Hamilton, Cliarles Bunrison, Feet cm M. Russell; Clarke, J. W. Sfoee W. R. Carvef b; Cremahe, J. F. Cochrane, J. A. Mecomb; Denlington, C. Dowu, G. B. Rickard; Murray, H. Lafferty, J. Quinn; Percy, D. C. Law- son, A. U. Wartman; Mauvens, Harvey Malcolm, G. H. Neals; Heldimanîl, Ed Roddy, Grant Maesey; Aluwick, S. J. P. McMillau; Seymour, K. Penn-, A., Rutherford; Cayeu, L. Olan, Lawrence Winslow. From the sbove-named flic Striking Commiffees wemc selected on Wednesday, as fol- lows: Finance Commiti ce: Mn, Richard, Cliairmen. MclVillau, Boce, Malcolm, L., Olan, Sfteue, Mécomb, Riekard, Massey, Russell, Benisier, Malcolm, H., Whuifingt on, Lafferty, Law- sou, Rutherford, Dyksfna, Dunk, Ficher, Clarke, Bnif- neli, McLeughliu, H eatfh, 1Nonihoy, Gnay. Roade and Bridges Cern- mifice: Mn. Penn, Cliairman. LMeMillan, Chafien, Asseistine, Winslew, Canvefli, Cochrnane, Down, Roddy, Bumnrisen, Quan- trili, Malcolm, H.. Whufting- ton, Lafferty, Wartmen, Penn, St ephen, Locke, Thomas, Hcw- son, Robent s, McLaughlin, Heafth, Nortliey, Gray. Legisiafive and By-Laws Commifice: .Mn. D y k cra, Cliairman. McMillan, Chat- ton, Asseletine, Olan, Canveili, Cochirane, Dcwn, Roddy, Rue- ccli, Banieten, Malcolmi, H., Whiffingten, Quinn, Warfman, Pann, Dyksfra,. Locke, Tliom- as, Hewceu, Roberts, iMc- Laughlin, Heatli, Nerf bey, Gray. County Property Commit- tee: Mn. Laweon, Chaîrman. McMillan, Bes, Asseistine, Winslcw, Stone, McComh, Riclierd, Mecsey, Russell, Quant ii, Neale, Wbittingt on, Quinn, Lawsau, Penn, Sf eplien,, Dunk, FisernClarke, Brut- neli, McLeughliu, Heafth, Nom- they, Gray. Agriculfural Commiffee: Mr. Ruthlerford, Chairmn. -Me- Milieu, Bes, Malcolm, L,, Olan, Stonc, Mcdomh, Rich- ard, Massey, Bumnîson, Bant- îsf cm, N e aic, Whîftiugtcn, Quinn, Lawson, Rutherfonrd, Stephen, Lacke, Ficher, Hew- son, Roberts, McLaughlin, 3Heathi, Northey, Gray. Accesmient and Industriel 1Commit toc: Mn. Whiftingt ou, Chair 'man. McMiilan, Chat- f ten, Malcolm, L., Winslow, Carvefli, Cochirane, Down, Rciddy, Burrison, Quant ii, Neels, Whutfiugt on, Lefferfy,ý T'Warfmau, Ruthlerford, Dyke- f ra, Dunli, Thiomas, Clarke, BnGitueli, McLaughlîn, Heaf b, Nenothey, Gray. SperPur À6Grandj oy George Vice The present site cf Soper Creek Park is the site of the former Crcam cof Barley Mill. About 1832, Leenard Saper built a woodeu grist miii on Soper's Creek at what is nowv known as Saper Creek Park, This mil was destroyed by fire about 1900. The' present four storey' brick building was buîlt about, 1905. It was in this miii that' the manufacture cf barley. preducts was conducted until about 1956. For many years, the miii was known as Soper's Mill but later was known as MacKay's Mili. J. L. Morden cperated the Cream cf Barley Miil for a number cf years and made Cream cof Bariey wellknown through the publicity frcm bis Creain cf Bariey Park at Bowmanville on Number 2 Hîghway. He was married te a daughter cf the MacKay whe had owned and operated the miii. Mr, Morden exceedingiy colourful an d flamboyant character who will long be remembered in Bowmanvile. The miii was, closed about 1956 and remained' unused until 1964 at whioh time the Rotary Club of Bcwmanvilie purcbased the 17 acre site as an arca for the use of the citizens cf this area as a park. The Town cf Bowmanvilie is fortunate te, have two, creek valleys withini theto)wn limits, and within easy walk- ing distance of most of the citizeus. Unfortunately, most of the creek velley land is in the bauds cf privato citizens and thus is net available for the use of the peopleocf thîs area. $17,000 To Buy Wifh flue thougltin lummd, flic Roaray Club cf Bowman- ville purcliased flic site lu 1964 et a cost cf $17,000.00 in flic hope fliat flue would be just flic sien of s pnogram ta acquiro al cf flic creek val- loy lande for flic future use of flic people cf flue area for recreetien pumposes. Since acquining flic land lu 1964, flic Club lias spent more flian $35,000.00 for improve- mente, etc. A picuic ares lies been providecl, e bail diamond STARK VILLE Mn. and Mme. Gordon Pow- er,, Mn, and Mme, Carlos Tamblyn, Orano, were receut dinner guesf s wiih Mn. sud Mme. Orme Falls. Mn. sud Mme. Carl Todd visiicd lien fathler, Mr. S. Boweu in Oshawa. Mn. andl Mmc. Don Vinkie, New-,'inville, wene dinuer gueste wifvih Mn. andlMe Bjrian Cswelasd famnily. Mnýï. and Mmc. Morley Robini- cen wiili Mn, and Mme. Roy Austin suad famiiy, Wesley- ville. Mn. and Mme. W. E. Reid, Orone, sud Mies Norma Hal- lcweli were evenîng dinner gueste lest week with Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell. )Mr. and Mrs. Jlm - Sftark were dinnen guesf s on Sefur- day evening with Mn. and Mrs. Orme Fells. Several atiendoîl flicpros- entation for Mn. sud Mme. George Stapleton et Newton- ville, Wednesdey eveuing lest week. Mrs. John Stark was a din- uer guest with Mr. sud Mrs. Jim, Sftark, Sunday. Rok r I Preet wbere the Bowmanville Elec- trous play their home games and renovations have been and are beiug made to the miii building to provide a Drop-In Centre for the use cf the teenagers of this area. In the basemeut cf the Mill House, there is a coffee shop, chairs, tables,, etc., where the youth can play cards, listen te music and conduet other youth's activities. -Facilities f or dancing and table tennis, etc., have been prpvided on the first floor. The second and third floors'still need te be renovated. Receives Grant This ycar for the first time, the Club has received a grant under the Local Initiative, Prcgram cf the Federal Gev- erument. The grant amounts te $24,200,00 fer wages and $4,114.00 for other expenses including the cost of Canada Pension, Unempicymeut In- surance, Vacation Pay and te belp buy the material neces- sary te complete the work. Some of the work which wili be undertaken is as fol- lews: * Toîlets will be înstailed in the miii building. Ma- terial for this will cost about $1,700.00. 11 * New floors ln the miii. The cost ef the plywood will be about $900.00. *Repairs to the uper part of the miii walis Yaterial will cost about $200.00.. Instal playground equip- tment. Cost of equipment $1,5100.00. * Provide new bleachers for bail park, put in ad- ditional crowd control fence, instal drainage tules for bail diamond, ad- ditional loam for diamond. Material costs, $l,500.0ý0. * Clean up picnic area - remove olci and dead trees - plant new trees - plant new grass, and in,!- prove-the area. * Possibly instaîl ad- dîtional well. Material cost $200.00., * Trim all trees in 'park and general dlean-up of area. Clean ditches and repair roads. The grant; provides meney for the cost of the labour. However, most of the cost of the material must be met from club funds. At this time the Rotarians are busy raising funds to help' provide the material necessary for the renovations. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WEEKLY REPORT Week of Jan. 24-30 inclusive Admissions 97 Births-3 maie, 5 femnale. 8 Discharges 87 Major operatiens- 17 Miner operations- 27 Emergency treatments- 297 Visiting hours 3-8 p.m, daiY U)LDER'S Storewide .~ SAVN MG S LIK E bNE VE.iR BFR 1 Save Now on -ALL SIZE Cheserfilds Chars -ALL PRICES- Kitchen Suites Boiprings GREALY EDUED SIi gl'y damaged) Must e SoId! Great Savings in Our Clothing Department CAPEs MEN'S - 'WOMEN'San and CHLLDREN'S WEAR ForCvrn Boys' Men's DRESS SUITS PANTS Reg. $79.00 Reg. $12,98 &k $8.95' NOW ONLU k' Now $5.00 1$3 5.OOup Gred etion of TEAK FUI--TURE M U L FURNITURE end CLOTHN !231 KING ST. E. 623-5515 BOWMANVILLE Wa~1 Upa 1 1 am- eue

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