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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Feb 1972, p. 13

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ff'h Caadin Sttesan l~'wsnvhle - Fb. , 172 P I9 72 Busketbail Season IM J Hobbs Victorious in 1- ~I-Ic'~ dVoIIeybaII Tournamentý rQîn f r BIS ed On Thuirsday, Janmary ,3, icybail tean eg nL/I~e i volleyball tournamrent to,âk'M. (captain), by David Passanit pr l attempt tci get bùack 8 fo1(r thie Redmnii place at Co rti ihschool. Sharý17ýl on iper, Julie Thornltonl, Atrdropping six straight into the game, takýe poor shots The, Seniors falybrokeÉ' The M'. J, hlobbs girls vo-Lo'Van Camp, Donna Bu13tr- exhibitinn counters the from well Out înstead oftyvtheý' ir jînxand won thir irebil tamplaYed itree ton, Jane ry BHS Snior Baske(tball Red- îng 10tework imside the key. gamie of the season at home gme nc xariemame - TpM. J. 140005 Boyq' Vnj- mni opendc heir 1972i! regular In their first four, regular on TuiesdaY, Januiary 25. They in Ontario Street by a lep- levball teami consists or Kirk sesnon Tuepsdayý, Jan. 18 on season clashes, the, opposition trounced General Vanier of sicted score of 15-3, Grand- Kem1pMr Chipman, Pauil a ornote.Sor that is, have outscored the Redmen by Oshawa 65-48. The Seniors view by 15-8, and Cartwrighit Sobil., Scott MorsoGry it lia tha thy 4dro-pped a close the greatest margin in the dealt Vanier bot lst and 4th by a close count of 1511. Nem-isz, Rab ph ryern [;il55 dnciion te the Henry premier quarter. On the oth- quarter hands for the win. The M. J. Hobbs Boys Vol- Neal iles Darrel Krnox. SreHa s.Actually, they er hand, the Redmen have Murdoch, Caruana and Bouw- leyball tcam did just as weIl. Both thei boys and girls of ,bye n -excellent contest, outpointed their opponents in meester had 21, l8 and 17 Theyý played four games and M. J. Hobbs 1i-,will comnpet in, ndasoahBruce Bail stat- the final quarter. This shows points respectively te pace the won them ail by wide marg- the finals along w th te datewrs"It was the they have great comneback Redmen. A. Tyce (16) and mns: Newcastle (15-2), Cart- CartwrTiigbit Gils Team anid bet am w've put together abiity and makes for some C. Randail (10) for Vanier. wright (15-3) Grandview the Onitario Strýeet Boy-s Teaml tiyer"exciting basketbalb. J. Campbell with 8 points (15-9) anîd Ontario Street on Wednpsd-ayý, Jan. 2ý6 -at Bwailesmajor prob- At Henry Street, the Hawks pbayed a pesky defensive game (15-1). Courtuce Hîgh iSehool. .- by Irem hasi beeni their poor per- ernployed seime excellent out_ for the losers. The M. J. Hobbs Gils' Vol- ýCindy LeBlanc. formrance in the initial quart- side shooting along with great Bowmanvilie',s victory cele- er. Theihooting is cold in finesse under the backboard, bration was short-lived as on miinutes and o.thuis ealow the lu the first hait, they kept the ing Donevan Blue Devils M ux daj r L g e oppoiin to get a jump on- Redm-en off-balance with a dowý,ned bbcl Redmen 56-46. The Mixeld Major Lau 3,Nyhli Shepehan 236, Ollie them. ThieRemn who des- tight mid-court press. Donevan pressed most of the held their Christmas laty ocn Patfie]d 235, Russ Hatiy ,ý Late in quarter number 3 first h alf and forced. Bow- Satui'day evening at M),emoia Albert Saman 231, Gord Sitmp- p * the Reç1men came wîthin 3 manvible into their miscues. Park. In truc HolidaySiitsn229, Mauirice Aninaert 229, Meruninue of Henry but bhat's as close The Redmen madle a tre- the bowlers and their guesýts Pegy laynes,, 22.5, Pete Dob- as they got. Huntbey led the mendous 4th quarter surge danced te the delighttul' musý- b)ins 2294, FR'oss Wright 224, wnners with 2? points while but the Devils hung on to ic provided by RossJck n John Lujffm-fan 22", Bcirnîce os g Sre k Fillier connected for 12. For win. Spasiw (24), Krawec and his records. Buiday 2'21, Jimy Bruton 22-0, te Redmen Ralpb Bouwmees- (18) and Kitý (12) paced the ter had 17, Joe Caruana had Donevaniiottenïce C aru ian a During the. evc»nng teJc cNly 27 on PetnteMover Novice A 14 and AI Murdoch bit for 12. (14) and! Murdoch (12) led toliowjing,, prizesW er wn Haynes '215, Gor d Cowý1ling w o hu ut by Oshawa 3-0 The Bowmanville Juniors, the -Redn. Door'pie o 1, Vivian P1, onl Burgess 211, JIii luaduli eau game last and Bantamns sutfered the On thie 27th bbe Bantioams Corbett, dinner for tmo (doni- Muriphy20, on ono Wensa1ight in Bowmau- saine fate as the Seniors, dumped Donevan 35-15, but ated by Castie FHetel: No. 9 ,2()7, Linida Crossey 205i, Jack ,villwihOshïaw-.a baving the bowing 59-39 and 47-29 re- the Juio(rs Ilest 589-38. Heln Vandenber.g, ie uc1k- Phaben 205, Don Bishiop 205, deir nd Bowma,-7nville net. SPectively te thc Whitby The other members et the et; N.3, Bruie XManzoý Eli7a- Bibi Jo11 205, Loba Wrigb1t 204, Sauray wic ws inrteams. eirRder ar beth Arden gift set donated BenuîY, Wilso04. ý Joan SUt- HokyDa av llyiad th, On Thursday, Jan. 20 lu the Draper, Archie Graham, Deug by Jury & Loveil. Spot cliffe, 202, MuryCain 201, \1,vr,.stup againsit bbc strong Bowmaniville High Schoob Vivian, Don Sylvester, Deýug dances: Ne. 1, Betty and Douf Vîrginia Fairey 201. visitoirs fre-in Barrie; aithough gymuasium, the Senior Red- Kramp, Deuotg Parkýer, Dan Bishop; No. 2, Ronl and Peggy OvePr 800 t-he scoreý( being a clear 6.te 1 men dropped their second Sturrock, Deug Mvn Steve Haynes; Ne. 3, Ban and Con- Russ Hatcly - .863 winl for Barie the Movers did meeting et the regular scb.jed-jPrc and Johin Dusýtan. nie Peavey.> Over 700 ilet quit trying at any peint uic. Oshawa Catholic, thauks The nx gmsfer thel A sumptueus buffet et cold Lanry Piper 784, Nyhl Sbiee- dýurînig the ame.Atter bwo te an airtight zone 'defence 1tbnee emavb qudis meats, cheese an fd relIs han 781, Bernice Buday 78., peid!he, score was à te 0 and a 3rd quarter rall]y,, drop-1this Thunsdayo., Fub. 3rd wherribrought the -iveiing te a close. Bill Ellbs 765, Ollie Patfîeld fer Barie it h treceoftheb ped the Seniors 48-34. Mc- Clarkeligb Scheerl supplies With freezing nain and high 752, Gord Cowling 752, AI- tive goals being hammencd Avoy (16) and Masterwak, the opposition. Game time winds, Menday evening will bert Samian 706. lu by, the nuoveried Barrie (11) pased the Oshiawa a t-lfor tlhe first eniceuntter is be a night te remember for Over 300 attaccrs.Moyes got te- tack. In the losing cause 3p.m.Cerone leut and sce several et our bowlers - bow- Bill Biis -- ------ 323 gether a goodi third perldCraahae n udchsm xiîu aktal ever Russ Habeiy wibl re- Bar-b tosa 303 holing i, Barie ,te a single member it for the nigbt lbe Over 400 gei. Wîith bhreminutes re -:e r- olled 863 ton bigh triple in- Rus Htey - 161 aiin lu te peniod Captain Ai wt cluding 416 for high single. Oe 250 WadePesonboke lin wibh 111f.411 Ici.Jt VYWin IVV1 How Sweet It Was - Russ! Lanny Piper 295-292, Ollie aq fou rv cleanily beating Honl Haynes bowled, bbc Patfîeld 294, Benice Bu-day- 0w are elr Barrie ""almest" impossible - Hon 2421 Rs rgt '0 wa pc-nedwih h Bill's '- spared a bead pin which is y 'hRn 2,-_2 );j,ï1 Biblard TrpbywithWaye N w P ayotts very rare indeed. . Maurice Annacrt 29,John Preto getig Bwmn-Bowmanville's own Piper ILuffman 268-2590, Gord Cowl- iles inidividulI p1 a Yecýr On Saturday, Jani. 29th,l first pe rle d C olhiýgwvo od (Larry) 784 (295-292), Nylling 2634-250. RuL1ss HabelyI 262. awr.rmi-Bowmanville bosted their an- jumped juteo a 1-0 lead. Ho-ý Shechan wbu is 110w cern- Den ihp27 lrn'Vn ovrhaebecnual Miner Hockey Day Tour- bert Ormiston blaste,ýd a shot fe Wlt oi olfrsoe27 evg ýbe23 iiig le-aguegaes- ede nament. The Bowmanville L.1 froni the blue hune to) tie th îe d gh average et 236, Albert Samian 253. virginîa dayý night uLidsay & L, Tool Tnailsleds played score carly in the second per- niled 8 (277-253-251), Ber- FaIrey 52-52, Jack McNulby nîgbt in Cobourg anice Buday 778 (2461,51 Sun- bbe Colingwood Pee Wees. led, assisted by Bobby Bickle. Biblîls 65( 238O -261P),_____25___ day Fb.13in Makhm.The gamne was very close with A littie later Tcrry Sarginson field 753 (294), Gord Cowl- Wihpaotscmng up if B owmanville coming eout on scored the winner on a beau- ing 752. Last but net least, s Moyens have ,au ho the y a 2-1 score. [tifully deflected shot from our own Tobacco Ring Albert ada fui] team effort both Both teams were fairly bbc peint by Robert Ormiston. Saman 706. Barb Buttonshaw A ad o ,b MwayIlS. evenly matched and in the Mike Goslck and Tim. Van- rolled bbc other 300 gae(- ________________________________________stonie s'hanec the goaltcnding (303). To ail - what a goodi Iduties. unight. miBatoni w rlrl IIn bbc( third period Tim Nineteen et our bowlens Two local bwirlcrs compet- IVanstone mnade two ýsuperla- quahtied te cempete in Osha-ean tuedwhhour J 1ecreatiOnIl £j %evt ews tive saescores te bDlank -wa lu bbc Flenidla Roll-off on cdmadrturnd Bth onouivrs Colibugwooqd and eairnd tbbcSunday. God luck te all. ofroniuaro-day aon1Tron,- TK LAGE assisbs, Bobby Cbilds ,niTm M.V.P. for bbce gamne and n e- Averages 1Oie on Jan. 22 and 23. They in bcfint ameetTue.,my Dyck eue goal while ceivpcd a- beautifuil tnophy LanyPpe 5, Doris Jol retuirued wibh these awand(îs: 2an 25thbbc Hornets defeated Steven Maybcnny' had eue John H Toganth wa a standout1 bbcr Roalvy a 2-1 score, The assist. Frauks goal was scomed on deteuece ton Bowmanville. ýand caeout of bbc local Ice Ou Jan. 22nd, Kathy Blake, Hionuet .s' goals wene cendy by Sam liott assisbcd by Captain Robent Ocrmiston ac ,Palace wuith a 5-2 victory aven 13 te 14 yns. advaucedl class, Rýodueiiy Plain anidBar Cul- Leoniard White. cepbed bbce Conisumeiirs' GaIBay idgcs. n3dluavcdso. lens wilc Carl Metc-ailtsud Ilu bbc second gaie the Tnopby on behaît et biîs team- The ,beys cbecked tenacieus- On Jan. 22nd, Cassie Wil- Stpe Mrî acb hiad ,,,ýWings hancd the Hawkýs a mates. ly, hbotii u Bay idgcs at son, 9 te 10 yns. class. vwon lst assst.Th Hoals gai as4l setback. The Wings were Bay 1Ridges- vs Bw nilecvery mnov-e. novice T strut, lst Întermedi- acoedby emy ithrsoeu -ld yvJmry agimre wîbh O udy a.3Oh o- Bi a league garie al bbc ate solo âand lsb Novice Miii- The second gie swbb iWo g',ls Wlo~ ee w-miIbeL. LTcel Tai- uscde layeris wîjll now betay and onne Poutbadsles xbîped ay Hdgc 7-1 alowd t copet tin bbc on Ja.31,d. Kathy B lake Candtuilals tandaBombersibattie t slepîayotfs which likcly wiî7-1!îuni ' "won :3rd bcst appearing ilulher te a 2-2 tic. The Cardinials' sngles. Ronald Bunigeis suýd lu Newvcastl, te0round up gîlu Manwic km, hunsay, edc lgdivision and 4th in poais wcrc scoied b!y Breiton Steven Invine bad, eue assist tlieir r'eguilar schcdule. For Febnuiary 3rd. idvanced T strut. Th snwilc bbce goal scon- each. The Hawks' goal wýas Bowm,1auvillc lb was lion Jukic phil lBroome, who bas play- On -fat]. ?rd, Cassie Wîl- oris tnbbic Bombenrs wcne scomed by Ge raid Knaayeubot wibb a bat rick sud eue as- cd a stcady game, ah ycar sen won Sth- best appe-arin Patick iuklowsund Kevin assisted by Doug Hubton. -sls beîng thecir big gun. counbed a bat-brick., in ber miode,.lling division1 and Inbon.thbbfirst encouniter et Fni- Bowmanlilcbuilît Up a 6-Dl At bbc 1:15 mark ef bbc lot intermedliate sole, lsb nov- lu bbc-lsi gamie eo n us- day, Jan. 28th, bbc Rings îead o oasby Jukic as- opcning stauza Phil Broome ice T strut and lot advanced Ja.27th bbne c niansdeeaec defeabted bbc Hangers by a 4-2 sisted by Johin Davis and pusbed bbc puck into bbc net. military, bbc, Blaqdes by a 4-2 count. Thei score. Tbc Rings' goals were Marty Pncstoni; Honl Jukic John Colwell cobiccbcd. bhc Bach et bbc girls also me- l Indans gols encscerdb soe y Tom Concl wibh again assiçýsted by John Davis assist.civd wasfe exlen EdOhouawb te0gal s twvo goals, Andrcw Jarvis oeeasd Todd ilco Tenny Sar- Ten minutes laben Lowell performaiif- nce l ir soles, Ti ;iudc eue assist, Leonlard Dyckgol Chris Marchant oeegoal gno usibd cr a-Ncosnbe b cr.Jh struts and moncdeling classes. eue ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ice gol n b siosnHb-adn assst. Ror The nginsen From Jerry Jobuston' Brown assisted.1 cnt W,'onden eue goal Tepce peeass. Tbc HRou JuiJ! ra tnom Marty Pres- Phil Broome was the only CIDE' Blaes'goas cncscocd y lgers' goal was secored by tow hnMryPetnta manksman lu bbc second Ma1;rk Abotsd Hugo Kap- Joey Nowlan with two wbile Rnýtk peried. Handy Allen collect- LEARN TO SKATE CLASS pes bl Deug Dilliug pickcd Dalrnyl Whilans pickcd up an Ho uke d bbc assist. PeshoesLaut kt l ecoîldlbb asîsstlet Bay idgcs broke bbce go"s" In bbc third Blroy Timble Prgar-schld .(,r eveSyaMtn gaie Stel- L b eod ae bcegg lu bbc third perilod, then pogattenoan flà r Mte3:3 In 1h secnd gyriicthe Seel-ln th second gme o the ddy ruytcomplebed bbc play 'starbcd by dyatronfo e33 ededbb nAenicans by a uigbb bbc Leats surprised tbhe dy Gnyers assisbed by Wayne Seymour and TonlypiMeoalA n. -sôore, on a goal by Dan Bruins and hlauded them a 6-4 Jlerry Lsedy andtBebby ic-Bso. The tee is oni.y 75 cents per sekie fiuTsbedLeutsbbcoacsning. John Monrison made lb close îcsson. New membens are setback. The Lest' goals wcre Bowmseven peu-. atten being set up by Stevewîoc M uie. EGU scored byT Franik Leach with alties te ýý iges twaý,. Burgess. _______________ -PE VE LEG tbre goails, Wayne Deunis two, . 1eBa i Ilu bbcr flnsb gaie etfMeuday, ý FBabich jone goal and Cýn,-NýUth PilBom te cne- JAnl. 24ffitb bb Beavers defeated tweo assists, Donnie Cewlc, rc,guiar sc-hcdlc w-ithi a 12. cd for bis third goal efthbc te Fnk's Vaieby cnepw byiCamerron Gordon, Dave Zwick- wahc9ad0 et- 1he otheý,rô.eaislu42 M errye M akersscre e al 5-1 soe The Baes goals el, ene assisb eacb. The Bruins, hilýrti ýjl ,asl -.M ry M k r wccscerced by Hoibbic Buruis goals were scoed by Trent thein owu gaupig (a Rid- At bbc 19:59 mark et bbc sdJmsPneciock witb anc ýMaste-rs wibb tour goals while ges, Part Hlope, Mrkbtaî, Ce- pcniod Scott Burgcss stole bbc Jauulany \ 24thl ýgoa1 l anee assisb, Barry Wayne Johnson bad four bourg). puck and shot lb into bbceopen H-i gib sigle, MaTry uima The L. & L. Tee] Tnailsleds net,1that bad been vacatcd 252; b1ighý double, MarHis- Livngtoc ac oa su tnc asiss.j ow mare ilnto bb ins f1t round canier by bbc Bay Hîdgcs mian 453; hg average, Mary RECREATION HOCKEY STANDINGIS o et bcpayt 7ith Bay goalbcndcr. Lou Towmýnsey '222. as cof Saturday, January 29th Hidgeps. Thec finîSt gaie wa Le's g-o, Bewmanvible Red- G-aines' Over 200 Teaand leagie G? W L T Pis. GF GA plae cday, Feb. lýitl men! Lct's put Mankbar n l Mary Hu(ismian 25"m,- 2 01, Bay fHidlpgst 9 pliý, sud c s abowl et cernent. Marj. rPiper '230, Mary Lau TXKE LEAGUE ~~~~~second gaie wîll bc lydTwse 2,Goi mb Garinls ~ 4 3 2 20 45 2 uBwarheFb2da 220., Mary Blunt 220, Shirley. 22UIli Greenhapvil200,(JDoris Mitl20o) ildi Ï)4 8 5 1 17 29 34 7 pi. If a third ganie ls m-O 201. Amiciianiý 14 6 5 3' 15 2Ô 14 quircd lb wîîî be pîaycd iý lu Team Standingsý, oys -- -14 7 7 0 14 27 21 Ba iwranvihhe Feb.,5 at 4 iB o i towslea'1350 cent 14 7 'i O 14 36 38 a e B o e lus n Bl1ade1 14 6 7 1. 13 36 3 DJc . OnSîîtb so 34415 Stees14 5 7 2 12 23 41' IReU men iJparls n SflOWIfobiIes Moore 3171 Bombes -. 4 3 1 71 6 30 IFaîis;ta FireA cempletely new cditbon etOf OOHDO AE h ~ - ens------ 12 3 9 0 6 2 8 e h'ngbtnbcHde, "Play Safe" safety booklct-sIBowmanvillc. wibh their par- PR llS. ~Assists went to, Randy Allen are available at SIki-iJoo 5f0w- ents, Mr. and Mýrs. Frank and Tom Connahan. mobile dealers, the Canada lHolroyd and fanily. The nexýthoegm is ISafety Council, and provpincilý A group of people r,fro plannedi for thiis Satuirday safety councils. Buktnatne eeting night. Check the soundtrc Booket aso are availablelof Oshawa Pre(sbyvtry held_ at and signs that ill be posted byv writing to: Public Rela- SPu'slntd hrh at te for coner to e Depiartment, Ski-Doo Div-1Bowmanvitwlle. The Bowmaniile St, M\aryvs ision, Bombardier Limited1, Mi-. and Mr Fred Tabbý) Cement Redmn pla cd hrir 8600 DcareBlvd., Montrea er una eein istr last league gamie o- i L se:Aso uebeu, Caniada. of Mr. and 7', . lIli au oa. Prefinished ini)ony Bige picase add $20.00. Prefiished i oey !eigepeaed $10 "'HANOVER" CQNTOURED ARBORITE C-OUNTER TOP I qetqtuaity Hanover Ceiin- ter tiop wih otud r- Ol ed ;sphasb bansd rle non-drip t-egs. Six adecor- ater coours t e cs onL STAINLESS STEEL SINKS M9 8' x 7" dcep esingle Only boi sl-runin sanh 4 ftorsnk Gmleewti for fauets. Aehf-imhny C,1omets Awi 1 sbil V es and LMELER DECK FAUCET tr9,swing spout Limitdqanii plete witlh swivcl spy> acrator)i. Fiugcrtip adjupst-e ment freni cearse te flac', -spray. o e KITCHEN RANGE HOOD 3"duiet type rangýe hoied. Litebu aluminum grease efie. PushbuttmOon Only'e 2speed tan. Damper feor verical an horizontal diseharge. Complctbely pr-d rd lu s Ace toper. 1 e9 prInc-renEat pe ish. Pei VENT! LATING FANS (Not 'illsrt We carry a coniphete uine « vyen- tilatiug fans for kitchens sud bath reoms. We have a tanr fer al your, I ,8 needs priced As 10w as KITCHEN kFIXTURES' (a) COPPentone Screhi Tiffany Type1 Crame .. . 8" epal )whîhte glabalIv O 28 8 Tes100 watt biiuhbs, 1 22 e (b ntqe ed oew;itb3 white OPal globes. 1"wde xU13"drop, Ol 95~ (c) Attracýtive ceppertone- finish J with white sudl crysial glass shade .OnlIy 7,99 MU LT [5H EL ~ Instant 'hehvlug in a carton, Gees auywhere, assembles n minutes. I~cal for den Utchen, family rooni, s,22 KITCHEN CORK BOARDS KITCHEN FTQEMT 2't",x-x36"" corklimina'te to the front and bhauk fa EM T durable mwood fireboard. Ai edg-es are becvelled, can ' 18" x 2" FAM BC be paînted te match the room dýcor. ICOUD ICOLO0UR SELTiTIO,QN ONLY 6.95 echI 2 for 1188 U TSE ALSO FPOR C-'AR M,"ATS BETTER HOMES& GARDENSac I store Heursý: ~i UWM MON. ite WED., fi MUW ANVLLE 8: 30 'TIL C6- SAT. 8:30 '!IL 3 "HANOVER" KITCHEN SATRST 1. Beautifl natural bîrcb cabinets cmpeel ssmbe si lc(cdesthese quahity featurl'es - nndu otue arbenite counter top . . . glcamiag stainhe'si teel sinks,. crm faucets.., preciion fitted deers auid drawems Smeothhy saaded. Ready te paint or stain. (a) BASE CABINET2,HAOE"8STR RST 72" wide x 25" deep x 36" high. Oly96"hs unit cempletewih Oî Complete wvith arborite topabrt counter top, sý7iiagl faucet and single bowf sinkUna88 owvl sikad hom aui s finished ,,readly te paîint or Unfinýished , * ready te ain stain. oir Prefinished ini Honcy Beige please add$20, Prefinished vl Honiey Beige pleae add $30 (b) UPPER CABINET n - 72" wvide x 32" hihx 13>" dvep. Ol (a) 96" UPPER CABINET Ol Unfinished...ready te paint or .88 Coplee wih ai harware stain.Or, stain.

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