8 Tho Canadian Saemn Bowmanville, Feb. 2, 1972 FLASBACK Do you remember 25 years ago when for, three weeks straîght fans made predictions tha lcal bowling records made in succession would stand for the season? First it was Bll Westlake's mark,ý then Doc Runrdle dethroned him by a wide agi.Then it, was Doug Carter who got the spot- light wiîth ai near perfect single, to break the three- gamie rýcord. In the mneantime Jack Coole had ironed out Doc'sý high single- Coole rolled a 349 on Wednes- diay an-d the following Friday, Carter hitched uphis slacks anid registered 374. He followed along with 230 and ')00 -to ma.ke a nieat 904 for the triples titie. t t t t t CHAMIIPIONS - Members of the 1922 B.H.S. chamifon hockey team were Ross Tilley, Will, Pointen, Andrew Somerville, Kenneth Fraser, Raymond Armstrong, Kenneth Hall, Stuart James an-d Edsall Oliver. Coach was H. Weiler. B.H.S. football team members were Ross TiI- Iey, Will Pointen, Herbert Goddard, Alex Me- Greg-or, Robert McCullough, Kenneth Fraser, Stuart James, Jack Reynolds (Capt.), Perey, ColnCharlie White. t t t t t REGETSAND THANKS - Last week, veteran part-time StaLtesm-.ani Sports Editor Frank Mohun anniounci-ed his retirement in that capacity. We're sorry to lose himi but we're making several changes and plan to produce the sports column using mem- bers of our regular staff. Our thanks to Frank for a fine job over 15 years. We hope this will give him mnore time for skiing and for getting bis golf and tennis swing into, shape for the summer. Incidentally, we plan to include short items in.future columns, featurinig interesting items of local activiïties. If you know of an'y such that should, be included, please phone T he Statesman 623-3303, ti tl t t t BIG ONE - Gettiing back to bowling, plaudits mnust go to Ron Sellick of the Friday Night Mixed League who rolled scores of 232, 399, 305 for a total triple of 936. t t t t i. FOUR WINNERS - Congratulations to Bowman- vilIle bowlers who recenitly cleaned'up ïn the Durham Five Pin Bowling Association, with four winners, including týop bowler jack Phaleni, who won a trip tc Flocrida. Jack topped the group with 820 pins. Jim Parker, Oshawa, camne second with 819, only one pin off the pace and wont a television set. George Piper of Bowmanvllle was third with 813 and has a new dlock radio. Vi Jordan of Whitby rolled 798 to win an instamnatic blender. Myles Merrick, Whitby, rolled 795 to w7in an eletric can opener and !ce crusher. Joa-n Sultcliff e, Bow"man ville, bowled 792 and won a molded travel bar case. Jack Bond, Bowmanville, camne th.rouagh wiîth 763 and won a nine-piece steak carving set. t tt t t GýOLF NEWS -Brad Craig, popular pro shop h3elperf and club cleaner last year at the Bowman- ville Colntry Club is progressing nlicely follow- ing surgery at Sick, Children's Hospital, Toronto. lle is back at schooL. Atother casualty, cigar- smoking Bob Waltoni of Newcastle is in Oshawa hospital followhng an overhaul în preparation for the coinxg golf season. Their inany friends. will wvish both of these folks an early recovery. Bob Waltoni is the o)nly one on the course who is able to talk lisý golf hall into going- where he wants it toL, most. o4 the time, It's quite an experience to hear himi ini action. t t t1 t t SWE ET REVENGE - The Red Eagles Junior "'C" teamn sponsored by' Phil Vowles Heating must have reaped consideralble satisfaction fromn their decisive win over Po_-rt Hopje Panthersý 8-5 here on Sunday nighti'. Obiusyhe Eagles are geared up to top form for the playoff s that begin in Port Hope on Thursday, with the second game back here on Sun- day. WVe wTish themn well and congratuilate them on ther prfomace hatis ruy astounding whien one considers they lost mxost of their top players of last year either to other tceams or because of age. Keep it going, Eagles and come on fans, let's give themn all the encouragemnent we can by being at the games and cheering -them on, GREAT DAY -Once more those in chiarge of Young Canada Day ai-d the teamns involved came- up with some great hockey and superb enter- tainient for the large number of fans who attended the event on Saturday. it went off wîth -very few if any hitches which speakis for itself. CongrYatulations to those in charge, youve done a great job! ATTENTION DROP IN AýFTER BOWLING ENJOY DELICIOUS WIENERS & BEANS............. $1,25 SPAGHETTI & MEAT SAUCE ...... 1.45 Famlours Shopsy' s CORN BEEF ON RYE Top Sirluini BEEF ON ABON ............ .95 1.95 with a refreshing beverage served Îin our licensed lounge PII'ING HOT PIZZA TO TAKE OUT! Liberty S. .at Hwy. 40-1 Bowmanville 2Phonle 623-ý33721 .lM en'*s Bonspiel Winners PseWith Their Trophies at the End of a Busy Day It seemec i sue nearly every- one was a winuer at. the Fifth A n n u a 1 Men's Invitational Bonspiel held at the Bow- manvîlle Country Club Janu- ary 29thi. n fact "'only" 25 per enrt were - - four tearas. They are pictured above with their trophies. which were presented to them by club owner Bob Mac'liDonald at the MIXED LEAGUE JanUary 28, 1972 Ladies High Sinle - GMilîsoin 298 EH rihTriple- G. Mlîson 75 1 Higlïi Avere - O. Etcher Z31 High, Average- H. Brock 21 men High Single - A. Martin 399 Higli Single - R, Selleck 399 High Triple - R. Selleck 936 High Average - R, Selleck 261 Teams Pins Pts. O. Etcher -- ----12H90 20 ýB. Orme 12124 18 R. 'Selleck -128W02 16 V. P--rout ----- ----12163 16 .M. Richards . 12083 16 L, Smnale - - 11721 16 H. -Brock ~12083 14 L. Welsh 12 054 1- 14 G. Wilcox 11959 12 H. Palmer Uff1695 il E. Brock ~.11482? 8 D. Reynolds---- 11810 7 Ga3mes Avg. R. Selleck --.----- 12 261 E. Brock ,.12' 233 O. Etcher - --- 12 21 H-. Brock-----------. 12 n231 D. Bradley----- 12 22 9 V. Prout ------- -- 9 229 13 Orme - --------12 224 D,. Reynoldls -- 1.2 222 300 and oer Games - 'R.1 conclusion of the day's funou t The wluner was a Pickering- games. Sixteen rinks were entered fromn Whitby, Toronto, King- ston, Colligwood, Pickering, Cobourg and Bowruauville, There were two draws, one at 9 a.m, and another at il a.m. with each team curling two eight-end games. The top eight teams then curled a 10- end final game. team whlch swept ifs way te victory lu al three etofits gamnesý and gathered up )in the procesýs ff4%points. The --team wsskipped by Jack Rauch with jack Featherstone, vice, Gleni Pinkney, -seconld, aud Pau, Feathersatone, tead. A teamn from Bowmanvilleý skî,iprped by Ron lvtaiiiîng wen ýPIa y-offs Start Tonmrrow The Bowmanville Ried Eagles Rick Shackeltoni, Davýeo.01 displayed fine form Sunday well and Grant McLaughliu, ý evening, lu preparation for BillI McCuillou-gh was theý their upcomhiug playoffs as big performer for Port Hope.c they defeated the Port Hope He baigged four goals. Phil1 Panthers 8 -5. Watt pikedup theothe Theý Enls soredveyaryPnhrnrkr lu the game and neyer looked TheBomavileboys ha 'vel back, scoring four m-ore be- now played two stronig gamesý fore the first perî.od bncI end- in a row, and 5t is; hoped they1 ed. are hitting ?'their peak f, or thei Don SmiLh was the bigpaots shooter for the Eagles, firing AlI et the Eaglecs played a 1 lui three goals. The remainiugsog game. The most no)tic-e- goals were ail singles, goiug aLe i 'mprovement wavs the die- te Glen Rice, Byron Holmes, terminedJ way they broughýt Town League BasketbaÎl Hooer'SWaIIop K<,, teamn conslstedi of P-aul Kow,ýn winis earned them 463/ points, vice, Bruce Thiboodeau, sc The third place winner was ond, and Ken Nicks, lead. a team fromn Cobourg made Thieir score was 3714 points upcof George, Mitchell, skip, and Include two gamewis Barry Kingvice, Ken Wilcox, Second place wý\ent to) a four-1 second, and Bob--)Scanlon, leaci. some from Colingwood skip)- The.,, won two of the three ped by Gleni Brook and made gamnes they playeci and earned up et Paul Brook, vice, Ted '39"î points. Knu ýf f. second, and c Paul Org,.anize-r of the Bonspiel, Chanit, lead Thiei r three gam<-e ï1i. You-ngmran, called the a respectable fourth. The Bfons,,piel acomopile success. the services of Timn Almond anid Brenlton Thompson, both fine forwarnd s. On Fiday, Jan. 28th, the tronged lto Port Hope and shutout F the host squad toý the tune of here was only one scorig the puçck out of theQir own end The second period vas thel checking and hitting bard- . bIg ne for Bowmanivîlle when tLhey scored furunanswered Thefirt o th payoffI tallies. rn Brock scored bis games wlll be played ta i-inPort second goal of the igh-t, the Hope Thursday evenigat assist -oIith- play g-oing te Kent 8:30 p.mi., wththescn oBent Thonmpsnlin- game back i Bmnill rasdtelea[d to 3-0 mwhen Sunday evening, also at 8:30. he scored na ly set up b 1it's only a, short d1rive j, Tim ýAlmnd iiJatd Mark Ellis. Port Hope so wie ho-pe 'to se2e Vautghii Wells scored a goal manly Bowmanville fanlsdw on abetiu passinig play there on Thursday . with thie assisis goning ,to Jeif and te see those same faces LgnadA1a otr h filling the locial arnanet nal goldo the period and SundIay. ihe game asscored 'by Tim - -- . -- Alondassisted or the play by MrkEllis. Kev-,iin Welsh wao ilu the net aud ciPlayed ïan rýoutstaniding gaetear the shutout. ~fl 414 FoudryBowling~ Selleck 399, 305, A. MarýtinI by Frank Mohun detaulted. ILloyd Wilson notched seven, emStnig Hooper's built up a 12-31 Bill Burgess six sud Colin Po301.Baîy ,30 . Hoeper's 'Jewellery regain- first quartier lead, increasedl Cooke four.PisI sj 2,50) sud oveýýýr Gaes - G. d their wiuning touch at the their margin te 19-3 at the St e ve Blysma garuered Alley Cats 12431 81 Millson 298, 256, G. Wilcexý High School gymnasium, last hait on their way te an easy seven points for the losers Screw Balla . 12177 7 296 B.Marin 94,P. io Tuesday. night, deteatiug tail- wi.'e,"av onol and Mike Gilhoely three. Aces ------- 12374 6 280, W. Kenapacki 27î9, Lý.I end Ken's Men's Wear by a Once this season - sud that Frank Mohun sud Ross Beers Gutter Balis - 11984 6ý Richards 271, E. Brock 268, L.ý lop-sided 41-14 score, onue was by detault. The Men's each counted a pair. Sore Heads 12338 5 Welsh 268, M. Richards 267. The victory lef t Hooper's Wear are uudoubtedlyth Team Standings Ha isnle---H.---a-- auti2 e H-. Reynolds 261, E. Dickens'eue point beiund Corenation worst teamn ever te compete W.L T is. 83DsBiger- 264. anin 257, A. Martin 2-55, D. Orme C-afe, Who ha-fldcdwued the iu tl4e league.W.l TPts 3,D.Bigr2. 255 Jewellers eue week cearlier, te Jim Beam led the winning Coronation 9 2 1 19q High triple-H.Blale 650 and over Triples - R. t-ake over the Men1e's Town Jewellers , with '13 points, Hee0per's 8 2 2 18l808, D. Bridger 653. Selleck 936, A. Martin 8,58,1Bsebî League leald. Cern- Tuesday wheu Stephen Fuels Stephen Fuels 4 7 1 ý-Hidden S cor e Wiuuers: D. Bradley 820. L. Wý,elsh 717, nation wr easy wýinuers on while Marcel Beivin added 11. Ken's Men's 1 il O 2!uame 1, R. Stiles, 2 A. Sweet- _____ m-49 L Rcars -an, 3 Ada Adams. G. Wleo 709 L.RichrdsOver 200 708, D. Ormne 695, T. ilî1scu I rIil. Bailautine 213-212-383, 688, W., Konapackl 686, D.EN E I D IDE N. Heuuing 218, A. Cole 226, RV.yPoud 8,HBnet 67 7,B rm 1 LI"5 u g ~fg I ~ 5 J C. Suowden 206, B. Partner V. Freot 670 B. COe 671, g,216-215, L. Adams 203-213, O., - ~~1 H. Rells60 .Clis*N f gKnapp 229, J. Sierhuis 207, H. 660, M. Richa.rdsý 68. LkIene D 210-20,N. Cowle 201, D.eBAike r 236, M. Adm U I iIIlI 7aa r murphy 252, Ron Good 276, LA DIELS M AJO ù he teron d c ur- not only the trophy but a few Skip Kay Coathuip, vice Mr 24520,ASetan0-09 Te teroonlades'L. Uptoni 245-265, Bruce Smith High sbingle îug section held their annual jokes tee, iei Murry, second Kay David- 252723 G. Simpson 208, Shirley Bîckell --------- 311 seven year Fle Bonspiel on Wînuers et the early draw son, lead Marg Fox. TwoKe Whitney 216. High Triple, Tuesd1ay, J .ani. '251h, aI the were: High two game win- game runuer-up - O s h a aK' Averages Over 200 Marg Perris------------79 Bowmnviiell Couuîryn Club. uer, Jean McLaugb,,lin; Two Curling Club - Skip Eleanori Games Ave. Top Twelve Averages As this waLs Z"Robbie Burns" game ruuner-up, O s h a w a Robinson,- ivce Nancy Smith,. Bruýce Smith 12 228 Nancy Cox 231, Barb Os- birthda-y tac themoewa Scot- Curling Club - Skip Marg second Shirley Naylor, leadG.lso .9 2 borne 230. Jackie Pattield 228, tlsh. Cox, vice Jean Runualîs, sec- Pst Bîleuduke. Hîgh eu)]e 1H1. Baiautine ..- 12 220 Ollie Patficld 226, Cecile Bow- The loung-,e wss decorstedodHenGovrladJcegm wner Bwavle Ron GoocI -__ 12 217 crs 223, Onie Fther 223, Don- wlth Tartan drapesý, Scottish Wymau. From Bowmauville Country Club -Skip LIIIB. Partuer 12 213 na Bradicy 218, MUarg Perris flags, posters et pipers, sud Country Club - High eue Heoper, vice Dianii Vivisui G. Simpson 12 210 217, Tl Forrester 214, heather, game wiuuer, Skip Jean Grof, second Lorraine FillisîIru-it N Cowle 9 205 Shirley Davis 2M2, Marg King The table centres were Scot- vice Anu Wardlaw, ýsecond lcad Anus Marie Bryson. 'D: Bridger - 12 202 Joyc Maor 09.tîs heaher culin bromsMari Hodgsou, lead Betty Everyonc had a very go ________ 10 Teani Standings suid rocks arranged vcry 1eseoddrwwunr ay a aynJakfrin ,'12116 10: - ,.- .(These wey re gi E e ole.aI-ThuIeascndu. wnnr tg oreod sudgoed cfrena Iîberty Belles Tlle a Pins----P11 .6raciel y r.'d Cl.were: Napane Curling Club thgo mfore thn god cring, Dot Brooks -.--- 11 '878' 8 est scering team aI the prize'M ie iTauPn Ps 11i Ecer l630 8 pres-entatîon sud were weub onc i ar mii ' Hor~fstn7436 il Judy Bragg 11907o tePotPryriksipd JIIUý U J Mr-Donald 7464 9 Heleni Rogers .11579, 7 by Norma Hewsam, Iiu OMHA Mite Lakeshore cuded, in a 2-2 stalemnate. Stephens 7376 8 Shirley Davis . 11457 7 The curlers were welcomned League action asat Nweek, tbc Iu the iraI period, Bowman- Gibson-_ __ 7217 8 Dayle Wolnik.. 11455 7 lu the merning by Pres. Betty Bowmanville Consumera' Gas ville struck firat when Biliy Bradley'.__ 7081 8 Audrey Osmond 1118119 7 Brough sud then werc turned Mites garncred three eut et a Hogarth fred a ahot from juat Coombea,. 6956 7 Jackie Patie"l - 1l1981 5 over te Býouspiel chairman possible tour peints, sud ap- inside the blue liue that fonied Colvilie..... 7567 51/2 Cecile Bowers-- 11279 2 Shirley Robson wrho gave pear te be cemiug eut et a the Brookîlu netminder,. The Luxten 7004 5 Elleen Moore 11060 2 them the -draw, The curlers prolouged slump. host team tied the game lu iic erî s. 7191 41/ Helen Depew -- 10493 2 were piped around the ice by On Tuesday evening, Jan same period. Ki-rkîou - -___69 33 220 Gaes an Over piper Gary Cale sud then the 25tb, the local lads traveiled There was ne scoriugî beMler62 HlnDepew ,286; Helen Spiel wsa uderway. The te Brooklin whecre thc gamLe second period,,witb botb e Shackilon . 7090 1 Rofýgers 272; Shirley Biekeli power wcnt off about hait -Weodard in the Bowmaniviie Hight single 284 - R-ýae 23ý4, 31l-; Lily Edmnondsýon 240,1 way throug the tirst game _ net sud the BrookiUngai hclîu High doubl 469 AuryOsmond 25:Mabel sdate buteeherte, ~ * comiug up with many flue (284-185) - Rae Shackleton. ýLewis, 231; Cecile Bowers 2.50, curling sîarîed again. IJ~ I saves. Crl200 Gaines 252; Joyce Lyle 220; Nanicy CefDoaoxsuoisstf R oes 208 7-Mar3o Evrvns elieus o ad iuer at-In Tuthe third pcried, GrantBd Rbra 27-13 Evaus 243;aDebi Gren 238; ua EUE NUBrock won the draw on a face- Colville 228, Florence Land beirney 263,s2260, 6; OcebePwic MidrdABllply-S Joff în the Brookliluzone, sud Shrley26Da22is 240; Br s Jocre hc id elpa-i 236, Rita Fice 204, Joyce Rowe Majr 84 24;FlreceDr- d th-e piano for a sing soug. SN1OBL fired a bard drive te give Bo- 26 Fr rdc 0-236, pe 23 24 Jciren teiD Tepeettiu e zaS LS Snauville a 2-1 lcad. With enly Yvoune Edmoudsen 219, Em- 261; Doreen P"ark 76 enawaa t[he final item of the day, SAER-VUICE mninutes leftinl the game, the ma Clarke 209, Mary Kirkton Wisemu 244 Marg Perrs Th wuerwr:adPA S Brookln tcam tied the game 216, Marion Gibson 210-204, Wjsenan'_11ý Mrg 'errs Th wee: ad PRTSte complete the scoring. Faith Steadman 221-208, Val 295ýn ,19r 904Ema Bagg22; Oeral MckBron Toph1Phone This centeat tcat'ured excel- Miller 210, Mary Blunt 203,1 Ellen ooe 25;Dona iuues ere trom the Osh- i ent work by the Bowmannvîllc Barb1 Lyle 211, Wilma Coombes Braley 236 21; oane wa CuArlinig Club - Skip Jean Marshal1 Keast deecmn alDdnKnt 2445, Joy Luxten 211, Brenda Sudsbury 233: Onie YEtcher MLubivice Erla John-_1 a- ,Croa e who brke upd many ttsocjn 2 9, oeleanBurna 1, 261z Dorc AMutînu 233: OlliesIen, second Vi Rosa, laI 88!îcidx, Ksevîn Tiurkesud Brenît vsoen 2 9, elleaBuns 21ad Pattield 295; Thelma Ferreýs-lJoyce M%.ouaghaur. Mc Brown OrnoBrooklini scering plays. Rae Shackleton 284, Uns Mill- ý iter 259; Donna OaCiborne 234 was aIt he lub aqnd presented _____________ BW avle wat withoutier 2_16, Betty Fogg 207, C,.OMES SECOND - Over the weekend, Phil Vowles received a huge trophy for comning second in the Dune Buggy Division at the International Auto Show, "Speed Show '72" in Toronto. He was the only com- petitor from the Motor City Car Club of Oshawa, Nice work! tt t t t PLAY-OFF SCIIEDULE - The Bowmanville Midgets played their first play-of f gaine against Bay Ridges here on Monday night and won 5-2. The next gaine is tonight (Wednesday) in Bay Ridges at 8:45. Next home game is Satuîrday ý,at 7:00 p.m. in Memorial Arena. This is a best tWo out of three series. The Juveniles start their play-offs agaifnst Markham on Thursday in Markham at 8:45, Re- maining games are as follows: February 5th iii Bowmanville at 9:00 p.nt; February lOth in Markham at 8:45; February lZth in Bowmanville at 7:00 p.m.; February l7th, in Markham at 8:45. The Junior "C', play-offs get underway on Thursday, Feb. 3rd at 8:30 in Port Hope with the second gaine being played ini Bowmanville at 8:3"0 un Sunday, Feb. 6th. t t t t t TIMELY GOAL - Boyd Knox scored the winning, goal on Young Canada Day against Barrie in the Midget game at 19:59 of the third period. Bowmnan-. ville went into the third period four goals down an.-d in seven minutes tied the score and then went on to She! Muts n 8a by Jim Clarke The spirited duel for first place continued following lastý Sunday morning's double- beader. In the opening game. Bryson's Smoke Shop flatten- ed Mutton's Shel 8-0, to re- cover top spot by two points. Brooks' Supertest spoiled Wal- ter Franks hopes of gaining a share ef first, as they handed the Real Estate bunch a 4-2 setback. The regulrt chedule draws to a close Sunday, February 13th. A reent meeting of the league executîve approved a proposal that both semni-final rounds thîs year will be three- out-,of-five oontests. The Fin- als will remain a best of five serîes. In Sunday's first game, Bryson's completely'overpow- ered Muttons, as Curt Van- stone earned the shutout. They led 2-0 after the open- ing -period and 3-0 following 40 miinutes of play. Mutton's Grant Wright came under a terrible shelling in the third pcriod as Brysons pounded awayý, scoring five more goals. Jee Balson and Lanny Burns were outstaniding figures for Brysýons, each- collecting two goals and three assists. Char- lie Green delivered a pair of goals, with singles provided by Dave Green and "Tully" Thempison. There wasn't a weak link in the Smoke Shop team. The loss for Muttons wasl their first after two strong wins. It was their poorest sbowving of the season. 'Brooks' Supertest mean- while turned in one of their finest games as they dumiped Walter Franks 4-2. Goals by Steve Burns, Bob HelIam and Randy Donoghue bad given Vhemn a 3-0 lead after 40 min- utes. Walter Franks recover-1 ed in the final period, with goals from Rick Woolner and Larry Simpson closing the gap. Brian Bradley blazed home Brooks insurance mark- er at 15:37, as both clubs play- ed five aside, folloWirig rough- ,ng <'ails against Brooks' Brian Evans and the Real Estate's Ashton. Vince Vanstone -was back in typical form guarding the Brooks' cage. He was ably supported by his defence of Bradley, Howie Pollard, Gary Akey and George Andrews. Up front, Burns, Hellamn and Donoghue w e re persistent threats, along with Evarns. Lloyd Hamilton ,;nd Gary Wilson. For Walter Eranks, Grant Flintoff toiled hard through- out the eame. The win left Brooks one point off second place Walter Franks, and three from leae gue leading Brysons. The Supertest club drew seven of the nine penaltiei handed out by referee 'Archîe' Crossey. This Sunday, the 9 a.nh game bas Walter Franks rmeet4 ing Brysons, with Brooks and Muttons pairing off in thej 10:15 encounter. D. WHUTE'S TV Antennas ITov ers - Ptotors fiColor & UHTF _ Systemns foir Apts. and Motfels CALL ANYTIE 623-5251 Res. 623-3070 PONTIAC -BUICK UNITED COUNTIES '66 Vlsae Fast Back 2-D. cacl, 4sped tansisson.In real top nlotch condition. Tic. 489ý'71A '66 Pontiac Laurentian Sedan 283 V-8 engie, automatic transmission, radio, white 'walts anid discs. Local, one owner car. Lic. 49014A '67 Pontiac Parisienne 2 d7r. V-8, automatic, double power, radio, white wts etc. Finished in canary yellow with black vinyl top. Don't miss thiis one. Lic. 55971A 68 Cevolt elAiÀr Sedan, V-8, automatic, power, radio, whit wats and dises. Previous ownier's nam nrequest. Lic. 55404A Passeger Wagon V-8, automatic, double powe1ýr, whitewatsand dises. Local, now vner wagon, lowmilae '69Buik ildat4-dr. Hardtop Ail Wildcat luxu.ry equipment. Balan)ce of GM factory warranty. Lic. 30992A WE ALSO HAVE OVER 150 OTHER NEW AND USEIi CARS TO CHOOSE FROM Easy Convenient GMAC Financing Pres.: Tom Cowan Sales, Manager: Stew Preston Sale amen: Weldon Brown, Fai Lthnge Earl MeQuecu 623-3396 166. KTING ST. E 1 r4 --1 1.1- --- .