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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Feb 1972, p. 9

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w' EARLY JBIÎW WINNE:RS -The wvinners cf the' 10th d[raw of the Ear1y Biýrd Sports,ý Lottery wer.e: L. Mr, Thomas lrkoi London, Ont.; 2, Ms Sue Rafidi, Ottawa, Ont.; each winining a prize of $1,0KO Tickets paay bc obtained fromn Jean Devitt, or any rnember cf the Bowmanville Hockey Association. SENDDESTWISHES - Friends of wveil known sportsmnan and postal employee, Fred "uk cowle, wili be sorry to hear lie is a patient ini Toronto Western Hospital, for observation and possible surgery. We are also sorry to add to ouir list another golfer, Joe Nowlan, who is in MemoriaI Hospital. ti. ti' t t t BOAT SHOWV - Anyone int erested in boats, and the very latest iïn boating accessories, should plan to attend the Boat Show Februiary 4 - 13 in the Autdo- motive Building, Exh1ibition Pa rk, rno WIN SERTES - Cnrtltost'O Alex 3MGre- gor Druigs MUidgets on winning tbeir series against BaY Ridges iiri two -aines straiglit with iden-tical- scores Of 5-2 in each gaine, The niext series started in AMarkhlami, Suni-day niyht which B3ownianville won 4-0. This %vas the f irst game of the second series. COINCIDENCE- Bowian-vills Pee Wee L & L Trailsleds ani McGregor's Mlidgets both won their first, series by identical scores ai-d in each division1 in two games straight. Keep up the good work, SOLTD ON DEFENCIE - In the Toronto Maple Leaf - Phuladeiphia Flyers gane in Toronto on Saturday eveingi,, Brent Hughes, son of Mr. and M1rs. Harry Hughes, Liberty Street N., played a solîd gaîne on defene for the FIlvers. Brent, Bowinanville's contribution to the NH.L., was on camnera nxany times and it was great to see hilm' givinig the Leafs acirn for their mkoney aýs they defeated Leafs 34j. Chrysier G3rcid-bs Leam-di In Clo0sely Mw-atched l Town Lewgsue nHockey-r' by Jiju Clarke County Chrysler secuired n .5-1 triumph o)ver McNuty, Sports last Thurmday andl Inched into first place, in thet close qu-arter battling for i- tionis. hyse' i ie them 19 -points, a point iii front of Locke TV. Locke's, wïithPthe final regui- lar schedule doubleheadler tiî] ThuiLrsciay, is th-e ol club with a chance to bump Chiry)s- ler's from their leaguLe Ieading~ perch, The TV troop had cýto settile for a cone -fromc-behind 2-3 tie against Kramnp Fuirniture In a later 'carne last Thursday, Y.Kramips, -wlth 16 points, aadc 1lý.CNul1tys at U5' complete tLhisý year's finely balaned Ileg. Comty built p Pa'3-0 lead headirig into the final reriod, on goals, by Bob Cameron, Gar7y Akéy ;and Brian Brad- ley. McNrlty's Lanny Burius ýtruic1r for his llti of the ycaiH to deprive Ken Veitch of a 5shutoDut. Veitch-, except fo 'r Bi urii' tally at 5:12 of the hird, was dazzlinig. Andy Murphy and Gene Balson f ir-ý ed County Ohrysler's rema"in-àî Ing goals, late in thefia franme. Bob Heliamr, one of VMcN1-1 ty's rnost honest worker7s, w ~ergrency duty Ibetw-,een the pipes and turned in r go PHIL VOWLES HEATING SPECIALIST 1 Qucenl Street Bow'maaville PH-ONE 623-7591 24 HOUR SERVICE Oil, Gas k, Eletrlc Furnace & Air Condition Installa- tions - Central & Windowv Upite - Clar!e icela & Findley Eqipment Free Estimates Budget Terms Available performanýce Intsihe stran-e,, spot. MeNultys drew ail four of thse inîno-r penalties, but Ch-ryspr failed te score witi thse mari advantage. Hellanil wae tested with 30 drives i hic goal-tendlng debut. Ii the 3-3 draw, Kramp's Furniture took a 3-0 lead late I ntci the imiddle period. Afteri a scoreIees openlnig framne,ý Bac Pickell (22nd), Llo)yd Hanitonl and Dave Green connected for Krarnps. Steve Burns, wlie Slammcridi home al of Locke's goals, notched ie 3th at 1838 cf the second peniod. He added'I nunîbers 31 and 32 at 9:29 and 1!2:11 of thse third. His final goal camne 35 sec-1 onids after slashlng penaltiesl te Kramnp's goafie Ray Coakp-,I wTell and Randy Donoghue. Kramips drew three of thel five penalties handed eut by officiaIs Bob Hellam and Deugý Parker. Ken Vete saw ac- i tion aain and êontinued his iînpressive work. For Kransps, who faded] eomewlihiat in thie closisig 201 miueHaniltoni, Pickeil, Bruce Meadowe and Brian Evans showed wl.Evaswas. strong throughouit along the Furniture outfit's blueline. Along withs Burnis and Veltclh, Lockes recelved 'big, gaines from Luke Prout, Donoghuie and Ronnie Simpeson. Tlhis 'rhursýday the regular echedule concludes, as Countyý' Chrysler (8-6-3) play Krainps (7-8-2) at 7.mwhlle Locke TV (8-7-2) meet VcNultys (6-8-3). TeNew Hollanid DivisionýI of Sp erry Rand notes that the assete cf Anerican agriculture equal about haîf the markct value of ail U.S. corporationsi listed on the New 'Yack Stock I ATTENTrION BOWLERS DROP IN AFTER BOWLING ENJOYfl 1WT TCIOUS~- WIENERS &BAS ,,,,,...,,,. SPAGHETTI & MEAT SAUCE M.,.. .5 CORN BEEF ON RYE Top sirloin BEEF ON A BUN wihl eo ui gbvrg - ALSO- FIPING H1OT PIZZA Liberty St. S. at Hwy, 401 Phono 623-3373 .95 1.95 TO TAKE OUT! Bow man villù men's5 Mfajor Lge. ýTt Wýhat a nîgIt as the [Men's Maj or League bowlers st-artýd fl ptting on. the pressure for jindîvidual honors. Five bow1-ý e-rs -were over 800 with that On1 Famouis do'- tramier Jack Bond BOc1ý outi in frontwth8,31. Bond OWifl had gamecs of2621 and 395,Pe high single game of the ceas: toBa on. on Seleck with hie haîrl first bloingligtlyin the wo'indiplete t had 823 with gamnes of 254- Trailel 1i-6 - Donke_ hit p818 (4-Ridges ilad 811 (256-260-'295). RuSS scornil "Wi" Oe î807 252925) a Eleven bowilers mnade the si;sted 700 plateau. Larryv Piper, 794 John C (318-263), Kai Bickell 780ýJohnst' and a bîgc 337 inle gai, Gruytc. Luke Annaýert 739 (2I)'Ere T Leslie -7 35 (28-6 ), Clarence Sargîn;j O'ke 736 (9) George Piper solo ei ,25 (284), Dr. Hl. B. Rundle-, son ro 715 (269), George Bebee 710 assistec (266), Howard Bromeil 704 and Jc (261l), Randy Beauprie70 (275). Frank AMohun had naM 33 single -ame, Bruce Mlne 2-)9 2,L Kari Piper 289, Si Trewîvn 276,1 Jack Lander and Doug Carter-, High 272, Gord Wlcx265, Morl.ey Etcher and Harold Benneftt11 264, Ted Bagnell '-60. 8. Larry Piper is on, ton) in thbe onie averages, clipping along at Cox 22 254. Ruse Oke is second at 0111e, 249 while Ront Etcher and bor Dave Reynoldýls are tied at '248. Donna, eav er Lumber leade in the l vEmýcrs team standing vwith I12 points,! Elleecn Nels Osborne's Insurance boys have Il pts., w"hile bander pw Hardware has 10 pte;. for third1 place. Team Congratulations to GeorgeiDot B- Piper and Jack Bond for their O0nie I1 fine- showTing in thae Durham OlJie1 5-pin tournament held . ayl Oshawa. Shirley 5th Week - 2nd sebedle Ade Averages Judy E Name Games Ave. Jci larry Piper 15 2 52_ ilke Ruse Okle ___15 12 49 Cci Ron Etcher - 15 24" Hellen Dave Reynolds -15 124i8I ýJack- Bond ---- 15 245 Hl E'd Leslie 15 242, Marior Gord Wilcox 15 240f Etcher Gre-g Couds ____15 29Pafl Don Oke _ 1_-)_ 15 " Heati Ron Selleck - 15 23G Davis Jimfl Bruton 15 235 ,2 22 M1,aurice Annaert 1,5 2n3 41'3 Elton Brick------ 15 23.1 Toots Hector Ballantine - 15 23f) Burns Morley Etcher -15 --2-" 235,1 RusHalîman -15 226( ýAudjref- Bi11 Okýe 12 225Cox2 Walt Hately* v 15 25Trirn2 Franik Mohulatn 12 22: Nnc Howý,ard Bromneli 15 la 224 Moore AiObrn 5 231ley 221 Harold Michelson- 15 223 Walt HFately 15 22')3 Doug Carter - 15 222M Hap palmer - 15 21ai Bob Smi'th - .15 221 Ray Van MVeer - 15 221 Rose Wright - ---- 15 220) Mlaurice Richa1tds 15 2209 le Dr. H . RRunidie -15 21'9 Gutter Si Trewin ____ 15 219 Screw Bob Laird - 1.15 219 A'cee Kari Piper - 15 218 Head Bruce Mm ___12 '218 sore TI Bob Kenit 15 2 717 igl2, Les Smale 15 217iC. soc) Dick Perfect ____15 _217 G. Wi] Clarence Oke - 15 215 hidden Bob Konopacki 15 2 15 J.T Si er' John VanDyk -l15 214 IH. Bal jack Lander___ 15 2141 George piper - 15 214 B. Pat Murphy 15 2 14 Smith Bih Wetlake --- 15 213 so 20 Art Rowe --12 213,0-1 Mike Murphy - 12 2 13 b. Ada Bud Henýrng - 15 2121G.,VW Elwyni Dickey - 15 212 Adarne Dale Terry ---- 15 211 )D.B'rf Bob Glanville - 15 211 Goodni Luke Annaert -1,5 21 tine ,2 Ron Carter l____ 1 211 92071-22M Bob Williame - 15 209 A BEih LuLxton___ 15 209 Murriay Tighie -129 208 Bruce im M'cKnight -15 '207 G. 7 Wil Don Bagneili- 15 20)6H.B al' John Carter - 12 206 Rýon G Ab Saman - --- 15 205 G. Sm Harold Bennett- 15 2 05 B.] Par Ted Bagnell 15 203 DB Paul Lyle - --- 15 200 N. Cov Team Staingv Team W 1 Fins ?ts. Lurnber -1 3 17809 12, N 1,els Osborne Ilneurance il 4 16979 il1 bander1 Hlardware lu 1 5 167421 10 Treamt Jury &1 HorstIn VALENTINE HEART ASSORTMENT BOXES w- $1.19 to $9.75 '.Reg. 2.50 - Special Z09 JOHINSON's GILLETTE VO-5 Baby Shampoo FaceSae Foani Hair Spray Reg. 1.89 Only 91,k Reg. 1.19 Only 95c 1.98 Only 99c DRY NIGIT COUGHI Benylin D.M. Syrup 4 oz. -$1.43 8 oz. - $2.65 PROMATUSSIN I CONTAC-C COUGHMl CONTROL, SYRULt> COLD CAPSULES 1.90 - Special $1.59 IReg. 1.59 for $1.19 CREST TOOTII PASTE 1.39 - Only 88c oor SPECIAL SAVINGS .. DEEP DISCOUNT PRICES .. PLUS FRIENDLY PERSONAL SERVICE SMILES 'N CHUCKLES CHOCOLATES MIXED LEAGUE 'Mo aniilOver L, ýRicharde 298,M . ih ardei 296, D enls2421 D), Bradley 23,G.Pie 293, P. Selleck 2930,KB Luxton 9-89,1 W. Konopacki "279, L. Welsb 276, M Wilcox 276, E. Brocis 274, B orme 272, E.DiF en ?65, A. MIvartîn 26,(5, M Etcher 26,H Reynols 257ý 60andI Over Trilples, D. RynodsM15, G', Piperý 77, B.Orme E743 , Bok 735, b.1 cad 734, 1'. Welshi 728, Mi. Wiîcom 722, A. Martin 721, H, Sr11leck 720, B". Sl îc 70,D. Bnadlj'ey i700, M. ardo 7,H. oi 6691, B., iLxton 561, A Cane Bons Joy Li man I 196, Shachi 192, V band Manior McDor son il Wilrna Horstn Tnudy Chapp? 181, Pi Fox lE Caro ence Bradle son 22 256, Th Gîbson inan 2 232-22: Lyle 2 (in Both Gaures 5 - Q Nigoht Hawks ra ligh i nle, K. Ralton 62,1 ails leds Oust Ba'y Ridgeshtieaton672. Campbdell 23977 o 14 0 Sý Raîston r 3,9 1, Mairs 23,50J3 8 Pe W é aor'ly ff:l.Bruce 23,479 6 B. Willbur 22,818 6, Tuesrýday, Pcb. lst, tie ville took 3 penalties te Bay1 made it 3-0 on) anl nLb. & b. TooDl!rdges 2.j goal. Terry S.arginý Tee TFrail-siede raeledThe tenacious checking abil- connected to, make Ridies te play 7thir îCýity of Bobby Bile, Jerry againl 1,O 1una'ssistc playoff gam-e. A em- Leddy, and Eddy ,_uter Davis put tishe teamn effort enabled tisewa a big factor in tise gie.-ed1- ssse ed t witwah ayTîmi Van.stone picked up thse Jukic and Robt. S-0 Shutout. Mik-e Gosick pickec 'ty PresýtI on openled tise On Wednesdlay, Feb. 2 n C, shutout. Bomanvi]. gfor Bowýmanville very 1 Bay Riçges ýtravelled t o:nlisto ay Bld in is fnî pnid s-manville for the second gameý Bowmý-anville Nwill 1- byl Juki a d bDavis. .' the series. They were very ably mieet Mrsa onby asised y J rry rete as tise Trail- next round. -Tilf toi ake it 2-0. Eddyv ygeee ns1ý made it 3-o set up 1lidsagain knocked thern off shouid take place in 1-for thse second diay in a' ville Feb. 8tis,,vith mrdy Srinso.-0TerrIY roW. ond shdldfor son adeit 40 o* a Robert Ormrieton gave Bo1Fb 3th. Tise third ffont, and iseni Sargîn,-1maville a 2-0 lead set up by neceesary wihl beF unIded out tise soig o ic. on Hoa Yowavle Pc. ,d by JrryJoinstoin ahnm Conbo)y. Bowrnan_ý )IES' MAJOR Icingle, Orne Etchýer lgh triple, Onie Et'-her: j Top 12 Averag-es Etchler 23,5, Nancy 18, Jackie Patfield 22,11 Patfield 224, BzBarb Os5- ~20, Shirley Davis 220, Bradley 219, Ceeuee 214, Marg Pennes 214, MWoone 208, FHcelnTIDe M7, Shirley -Bîckell 207, Tea-M Standings r(oke 14840 il Etcher -14815 il PaUtfield -14 961, 1P Y Davis 14340 .10 Roglers 1446 V Oeod 141,37 8 3r agg --- 145607 Patfield -14730) 5 Mdoore 13990 4 Bowers l- 423 7 3 Depew 13351 2 Games Over 'MO n Depew 230-243-247, s McKnight 228, 251-246>-351, Jackle ,10 250, Fa(- Lewis 244, 1-LB. ALL MILK ASSORTMENT V Reg. 2.25 - Specicd $1.88 ndry Bowling February let pins 1bts Cats --15387 Ji rBalls -15009.3 8 Bale 14941 8 -- __> __- 154 Î6 7 Pins - 15274 6 ---ds-- -- 15145 5 ,i ingle, M. Adame 3 00, owden 259; higis triple, son 7 17, DU Bridger 690; n score wiers: Game 1 hbuis, 2 Linda Adames, 3 lanltine-. Over 200 Wilson 2.24-206, Bruce 244-229-234, G._ir- iirrphy 200, H 1. IlB; 147-2-44, S. Gordon ýverages Over 200 [sosi ____1 lia tin . ----15 'oodi 12 npeon -15 trtncr 15' dger 15 Wf1e 9 Team Stanidings Pvins Fts. ian --9390 14 naId - 919G 12 nsoý 91061 - 91154 518 ný ____...8833 eton1817 2 àsingle3W, CaromB! Higis douible 595b21 Carol Robert. Lverage Over180 ni iRberte 219, Ansi 20e, Mjaron Gibon 198, 'ixten 197, Faitis SteaId- 97i, Brenda Stepqheis Mdary Lane 196, B ae- eton I93, Penn Bradly [191, MVary JKirkton 190, fiColville J89, Maàrgý. naid 189, *Eleanour ad- man 185, Jan Eiean 185 MaNrchand 185, Jean [e 18,,A u ra TrI Land 21J,6 - 223, Frsi yw 202, Yvojnne drnn 41, Mary Krirn2i ýcesie Forey 20W, Mre r, 20-11 aiis Sea 14-49, MollIyHotin m. AnipBons240, Bab 21S Panay Johuaton 217. s 235, Lvera-es Ovei àîston ,224, J. ce 201, D.C stra 197, L. iible 192, E Rowe 191, Sm-ith 188, 5, J. Mlc Lea R~ n îil- SKI SALE 400/OFF AIl Hockey Equip. 150/'OFF Ail Skates 25"7OFF Ail Skis & Boots 200/@-OFF Ail Binding&Poles D &R SPORTS 67 KING ST. W. BOWMýANVILLE 623-31I m mm m - j 3 BIG DAYS FEBRUARY 10, 11, l2th FREDERICK'S' PHARMACY 67 KING ST. EAST 623-2546 3O WMAN VILLE OLU SPICE Atter Shiave and Deodorant 3.50 Value - $1 SHOP end SAVE! MANY IN-STORE SPEC IALS SHOP' and SAVE' NOXZEMA IA SNOW WHITE NEWI PERSONNA Shave Cream FACIAL TISSUES BARE FAC? F0AM Super Stainiles-. Steel wîth FRZEE Blades J Reg. 2/77c CLEARS BLEM11IES Jlades 79c Special 2/67c $2.15 Special 5/49c NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM Spec. 1.69 Only $1.49 FREDERICK'S CHEWABLE VITAMINS for 'CIIILDREN Special $1.95 VITA-DIET for Aduits 3.49 - Special $2.79 Il-COMlýPOIUND and VIT. C TRIAL SIZE VICI<S FORMULA 44 Coughd Reg. 1.89 f or s1 LOSE POUNDS - REDUCE--I"N-C--HE-ÉS-- NEW "SLIM LINE" Candy Slimming Plan Reg. 1.98- Special $1.49 PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED WHILE YOU WAIT or WE DELIVER FREE! Prescription dlaimsprcese for Blue Cross. D.V.A., Workinen's Compcissation and. Other Insurance Dru- Plan% FREDERICK'S PHARMACY LTD. 67 KING STREET EAST. 623-2546 BOWMAN VILLE WITH ANY PURCHASE 0F $1.00 VALUE SPECIAL GRAB-BAG OF TRIAL-SIZE MERCHANDISE ý WHILE THEY LAST THURSDAY ONLY NE~W CLATROL NEW MIST NEW PANTY HOSE TRUE BRUNETTE HI ETRLighted GIFT PC Hlair Color HAR ETE MARE-UP MIRRORff 4 pair plus Pant'y Brief 2.75 Val. - Spec. 2.35 Special $ 19.99 Specîal $19.99 Reg. 4.95 - Only $3.88 DEEP DISCOUNT SPECIALS. CLAIROLSPECTAL OFFER JOH1NSON'S NIVEACLRL BRADOSOL NoNzeina Baby Powder SKIN CRtEAMý Herbai Essence IOECSMOTWS Shamoo 1 oz.for 98C Reg. 1.29 Only 77c~ Reg. 1.59 - 88c 1.09 for 94c Reg. 98c - 71c l9o 75c PHOTO FINISHING- SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! ~ASK ABOUT OUR POSTER ENLARGEMENTS. ýL 1 ý 1- r'INOUX . . .

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