of thee1 gand! [hiite, Marjorie Jeffery-. Unit Leaders: Unit 1. Merle aloMarjoie fey n 2t 2, Marlon Flintoff, ryr-tie Bradley. T1reasurer's; report showed a ialance of $817.03. The budget oir 1972wa presented and pproved. Three catering obs were accepted. Ali greeCl to secur-e the speaker .benezer are planning f0i have( or their Special Sui-d ay ;ervice. F o ur volunteers, ian to attend the Annual resbyteial Meetinig on Feb.l th in Simicoe Street- Church ýs our voting deIlegatPs. The Worsbip Service was resented by Winon and[ .dna Laird.' Edna Laird introduced Mi-. nd Mrs. Danceyv, member-s of fe Oshawa Camnera Club, vho took us by pictures -shown ýy Mix Dancey accompanied ýy comrments by Mrs. Danceyï il a trip through Quebec and ome of the Atianitie Prov- ices, Win Brown fhanked hem for sharinig their frav-i [s wtifh us. v Licensing Farm Trucksý Ontario [ture hfj of Order Cou ncil ber onie bie said, ,he Fire be soid BUILT-IN' FOAM CUSHION So PRICE MAPLE 1IaBeonivia --j PHONE W. for farm ftruck, dent Gordon H1 "11so iet's get use Jif" Hill, a hog farter from V merting on Lh1, cetion's new dule fo.r farmm-t ponsand o r TeFe tion originally poposed aý speciel rate for farmmfruck,:si and vwes iargely resp,-onsibieý for developingfhelew sehe-ý dule. "Fammers can starf buying their lienses on MWareh 1sfý front Motor Vebîc-le Lïcensing iAgenicies," Hill sald. "Ailte have to do fo get fhe reduced' llèýensing rate is fo sign aý' declarationi thet they are ehi- gible." Eligible femmers are tho"se thatf femiIl acres and noreý oýr seli more t11a,1$2,000 of] farmrr products if theýy have, ie'ss t-.an Il acres. jýA 6,000 pound license for ai ffarrn tructk ,vill now cost $37, 1 $7 less than lest -,ear. Farte-] *ers with.1 truck s requiringj -18,000 pound licenses will save, 1$20 over last year's price. ,Andi 28,000 pound licenses will' cost $195 less than lest year. "Fammre.rs should eýheck %vwjtb their local licensing agencY ni1 reductions lei other weighit fcaeeories," RuTsaid. "Youi showuid apply efarly to avoid a: "last inute rushý."' Queterly licenses for farm-i 1 truck-, will also cost les., this raes-, year. not he KENDAL ObbsU On1 Fnidey, Januery v 28th! ) 0 lere passed away onel ( 0 f and Kendel's bes knownvrtcifizenis,: the Mm, Wiil Jackson, affer e ion"ý inich ýilness le Memoniel Hospital' Bowmennville. FHe \w-,s ;homei aid le Kendai, attended High ngly Scbool le Port, Hope aed,( as al ýy asyoung tian helped bis fatheri reci-lAbrab-am Jackson to opervate: f0 finte sewr miii1 and the gist, mili; they caried on a large1 bu siness. Later as bis fathi- er's eyesighit feiled be car- r ied on fine business himself 1 doing customt sawing ai-d grinding of grain. Wen f ime made help Ifficult f0 obtale, of s0 he gredueally changed over held f0 the keeping 0f turkeys inl Dles- largýe numbers. He wi bel 1bÏy issed by those ,whlo knee ecit-; hlm. Sympafhy is ext ended f0 bis wife Julia and f0 is e- fourf daugiters andi three 0o- -sons and their. familles, andl 1972' biïs two sisters Mns. Vemel ent, Peacock and Mrs. Margaret' ie- Hon ey. His brother ,Harvey,-' Mar- Jackson gave bis if e in WoiId amyý,War I le 1918. Oer OnSunday momL)ninig ttr Fdnawere, sev,,en girls iný the choir.ý Tiney sang "Stanid up, stand Cit-iupr for Jesuis" as anl a11them., iol ie front seats wvere fin and boys' hockey Nteamni that 1Mn. C0j Waahadiv ted f0comne and tIo bis SuedCay Scinool ciess., Ruth In fine affernoon, they pieyed Hu-a teem lenOshawa. :Schooi for the JJep-armeniL Correctionial Services.,. academie and vocational frý ýig schiool for boys is loca ini the Township of Darlin.- adjacent f0 Bowm-anville, ri of Ilhe Macdonaild-Car- Freeway. Thie first project, estima f0tc cost S90,000, is the erect of a glass and metal-fra greenhouse, 1'25' x 25', divi( int o fhree ;rprtet attached f0 the existing gre house, The plans also includec struction of au addition f0 ,lassroomn, washi ýge fadilities. ýAuld said th avor is beinig lete the greenhi in time for sprin, ccifcalions for fi Ridge School pi lhe installation( ition ing syst 'em i1 trjat ion Buildhil an area of '11,00 'y on- one level a torey, This wAor d tf0 eost appr( 00 and be ope 'lete for the su. IDurham Agricultural Calendar Thursday, Feb- 10-Easterný1 Breederýs' Annual Meeting fo be held at the I.O.O.F. Hall,1 Oronio, starting at 1:3'0 pm Feb'. 10-11- Drainage Coni- tractors' Conference f0 be held at the H!olidlay Inn, Lon- don, OntLarlo, February 11,18, 25, March 3-Management Course fo r Hommakrs.f0 be heid in the Board RoDilom f the Agrîcuitural Office, Bow-s manville fronti 10:00 am. f0 3:00 p.m. each day. Open to urhan ti ~~inter- moneyt )iitario:I ,cia i on Ii Cons- r -Can- A ssoci-a at the1 ~-Ho -1s )nAn-' York Cania-p A thel SHoteli Tor',nto,.- Feb, 1.1 and 1 9-Ont ario Institut e of Agrologist s to be held at Ridigetown College of Agriculfural Techniolo;gy. Saturday-,, Feb. 19-Chin- chilla Sho(-w spDonsored by Eastern Ontarlo Chinchilla club af Keml-ptviile Co'ieeof Agricultural Teclmoloy,.' Monday, Feb. 21--Golden Jubilee 50th. Annual Metn 0f Canadra at -the Chata Laurier, Ottaw a. Feb. 21-28' and Mrh6- Beef. Cow-Calf Workshop for, bieef-cowý operafors in Dur- ham Coupty. Wor-kshiop f0 tbe held et the Agnicultural Of- fice, Bowmanýville from 1:30- 4:00J p.mr. eachi day, Inter-est-, ed prsons.wi receive more def ails, or youu. cn caîl our Wednt-esday.. Feb, 23-Par- Tour Opeý-rators' School, 192, f0i be held aPt the Legion Hall ýOmee f(,1-rm 10:30 a.m. f0t :3:00 p.m. For more in-foirm-a-1 tion contact our office. Feb. 23 and 24-Ontario, tAssociation o-)f Agricultural Societies Annual Mýleeting ,andl Convention, King Edw ard Hotel, Toronto. Feb. 213 and 241-Fertilîzerý Advisoryr Board of' Ontario ýMeeting,Hoia In, e- peler.% Feb. 23, MUarch 1, 9 aýnd 17 !--Be-ef Feedilot Operators 1Workshor tlo ibe held at the ýAgricultuîral Office, Bowmnan- ville from 1:30 - 4:30 pm e achi dIa. More cdetails willi Board Applies For Extra Grantý To Boost Jobs Theli Northumberland and Durbiam County Boar-d of Edu-ý caftion is applying for addi-ý tionial funds f0 expand its! Winiter Works Program. Notification of the availa- bility of etafunids was iec- eived by thýe Board January l8thi i a letter from Edluca- tion Minister Robeit Welch-. The Board intends f0 under- take anin ventory of school anid office eupetançi do additional grounid work for a total of 5,120 mi-arihours work.ý At p)resenit theÉe are 19 e-- ployvees workin'g under the- aUspices of the provincial I rogwram which initially awv'ard-, edKI ,50f th le County Board' for 11,000 man hours work. Thie make-work proýgram al- lows the Board to proceed -with work wihwould other- wise be delayed and provîdes emnploymenf to area workers, wvho would otherwise spenld theP w.initer withbout a job. The The Board ireco)wmeed ls Thîn'rcav that. incounin ' SAVINGS PLAN AD--VANTAG--E. 624 i in Osh, T yfine few wee tee busines' Dfory reports fine v-anjous EjyRdn fine Suerdey I1NDO)R0 cussed e nd P. A donc- nde te Rev. !COLONIAL SITABLES fine occasîin *of 50 yeams Sundey, Feb.,R RI3L BwmILll tree-t Uniit edTlel. 6373 Cevsion was For Appointment Miss C. W. conggio ks, ..Oronno aud lio!rs sboarded(, irsday-, Mrc F1-Dur- Oc CounIty 4-H Club Lecadý-ifess: 1,sociationn Annu al Spring birtI ing at the A gricultural 50t1,1 cBowm-aniville, SOcî. day,, March 17--Durham -,ineeý y Milk Comm-rittee An- T]- Banquet and Social E- its t0 be held in the Blacký- ca)m community Hall Centre Act rig at 7 p.m. Ail milk on cers are i.iged to attend, Wý -irsdiay, March 923-Du- g iuesciay. March 2 metn odiscuss thle newý federal ].tax proposais will be heild in thie Town Hall, Orono! êat 1:30 p.m.n This meeting-- ýwiil be of interest fo al counfy farmners as the new fax proposais affect everyone. Prepared b-y the Ont ario Departmnenf of Agriculiture & rFood, 234 King St, E., Bowv-! manvîlee.Phone 623-3348, Feb. '24 and 25-Ofarl Bpef lrnvcment Associa- lion Annual Meeting f0 be! Mvr. and Mrs. Eu.gene Touch-ý held at the Skyiine Hotel, buirn of Orono wvere SaturdayI Toronto. nig-ht dinnier guests of Mr. Feb. 2-8, 2'9, March 1-Cen- end Mus. E. Bryson. jadian Cattlernýen's Association Mr.n.ad Mrs. Bruce Merjecer Annuel Meeting ai the Cha- an-d Kenny and Miss Susan teau Laurier Hoflel, Oftawa. Bail of0f'saaweeSn Thursday, March 2-Dairy 1supper guests of Mn. an-d Mrs. Hleifer* Replacement "Worký- Ken Bail. shop ~ ~ ~ ,r f0b1edaffh gi Mnr. Donald Ransberry, Kin- cit urai Office, Bowmiianville'cardinie and Miss Marilyn froir. 10:30 a.m. f0 3:00 p.m. alro i ahrns pn Bary Kowalchuck, Dairv tayloreef-St. Cathie, spnf Cattie Specîaiist; Gordon*To- Mrs . weeked Rwif h Mn.an beyý, Agricitunal Engineer HaodRnbry and Bob Watt, Associaf eAgi lV. and Mus. Jack williams :cltuiral Representative, wiîî and famiiy, Orono, -were re- ,b looking ait fhe feeding Cent visitors with Mr. and, housing and overali manage: r.Lwec ars mient of dairy replacements. Mn. and Mrs. Bill Sears,ý Monday, March 6-Regional Scarboroug1h, spent thle week-ý Swine IHeaith Day f0, be held end wif h Mr. and Mrs. Roni-; et Lindsey. ald Harris and family and MVr, Wednesdaýv, March 8-Elec- and Mrs. Lawrence Harris. trie Day f0 be heid ln Biack- Mr. and Mrs. Lawvrence Han- strick. More details wllbe ris and Charles were Thurs- forthcoming, day night dinnen guests of, Tu-esday, March 14 -A Mn. and Mrs. C. Cowen,1 meeting f0 discuiss Workmen.'s Bowmnanviiie, and celebraeed Compýensation, Une m 1o- Mrs. Harris' 80[h birthday.I ment Insurance and &nada CongratuIlationsý, Mus. Haprrs.l Pension _Plan and how fhey Mr% and Mrs. Jint Ard with1 affectl farmers wvill be held ilu M'.nd MVrs. Gordon Camp-i t he 1.0-0,F, Hall, Orono, af bell a nd Mr, and Mrs. H. Mc 1:30 p.m. Rae of Avenmore, atfended Set urdayý, March 4 -- On-!the McIRae-Ward wedding ai ýopmnt ,of the pTrovinice nd much of that. progress dJevelopmen,-t has borne mark of the professional Leer. ring 19712, many of the )'s 42 eng-ineering chap- hrouglhotit the Province be uindertaking special ets to observe thie 1jubile and a number of themn 'pected to relate closely e respective commru.ni- pruvice, auministers tne Pro-1 fessional Engineers' Act, andý provides its mnember-s with aý 1Singhýami n, near Colling- w-ýood on Saturday-. M vr. and Mlrs. Mvel Switzer ,and faily, Port Perry, and Mrs. Alva Smith, Wbhitby, vis- ted with Mr. and Mrs. John Lowery, Sunday. Mr.E f h e 1 M7vcRoberts, Orono, visited withl Mr. andî Mr[is, Hartwell Lower-y on F-i day. Miss Donna Cochrane, Sca- boroughi and Mr. Ken Tho-- as 0fl Thorehili, spent Sunday,, with Mr. and Mrs, Don Cochi- rance and Craig. We were gÏad to hear Mrs.l Roy Cochrane has retlurnedý home from hospif ai and the' FIEE andl AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Contact:- HARRY VOERMAN 623-3111 or 623-3950 M3'KING ST. E. BO WMAN VILLE ADVANCED FARMING SYSTÉms LTD. 843 Guelphi St., Kitcherier, Ont, (1)578-5200 JIM TAMBLYN Box 86 - Orono (416) 983-5030 I OUM NOTICE 0F APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPRIATE LAND IN THE IMATTER OF an application by the United Counfles of Northumberianid and Durham for approval to e-xpropniate land being parts of Lots 28 and 29, and parts of t he original aiiowvance for roed between Lots 28 and1 29k, Concessions 2, 3 and 4, in the Townshiâp of Dariingtone the County ofDumham, for the purpose of reconstructin1g County Rd. No. 3. NOTICE IS H-EREýBY GIVEN f bat application bas been mnade for approval f0 expropriaf e the land describ'ed as foilows: Parts 2.-R, 3, 3-R, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15A, 15B, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 28, 33, 39, 40 and 41 oni Plan RD -No. 20 fiied le the West Durham Regîstr y Office at Bo-wmanviile, and also the oioig Aladsingular that certaumin arcel Or tract Of land and premises situate, lyingi ý and beilng in t he Township of Darlington, le the County of Durham lenfine Province of Ont ario, and bein g part of the original Road Ailow- ance befween Lots 28a and 29, Concession 29, the boue- daries of fthe said parcel being described as followvs: Bearîngs hierein are referred fIofine west limitî of ihe original roed allowa,-,nce between Lots 28 and 29, Con- cession 2, specifically ntortin 18 degrees 00 minutes west (egistered plan No. N35227); Begjining eat the north-east aingle of Lot 29, Concession 2; hence south 18 degrees eaist a distance of 16416.04 feet f0 a eail on the soutin limait of the K"ings HgwyNo. 2, saïd eaul being ftne point of commencemnent four 'the lands herein describedi; Thencenof 58 degrees 12 minutes east a distance of 36.50 feet f0 a point; Thnesouth 18 derees 06 iniutes and 40seod easf a distance of 30,00 feet f0 a point; Th-ence north-west f0 fhe point of commenicemenit. The herein described lands contain 0.01 acres be the same mnore or less. SECONDLYý.: Ail and siegular thiat certain parceL on tract of Tend and premises situate, lying and being le the Township of Darlington, lfine 'County of Durhem in the Prov- ince of Ontario being part of Lot 28, Concession 2, thie boundaries of said parcel being descibed as follows: Becarings berein are referred f0 I the east limnit of the original road aýllowance betwýeen Lots 28 and 29, Concession 2, Towýnship of Deniington; specificaliy north 18 degýrees 00 mrintcs west (registered plan No. N35227); Beginning et the not-ws3ngle of Lot 28, Concessioni 2;1 Thence soutin 18 degýrees 00 minutes easf a distance of 1634.49 feet te' an iron b-ar on the soutin limit of Kings Highway No. 2; Thence north 51 degrees 10 minutes easf aiong said1 limit a distance of 17.12? feet f0 an mron bar being the point of commirencemrent of the Tends herein dJescribed; Thence north 111 degrees 1,0 minutes east a distance of .30.00 feet f0 a point; Tinence soufin 16 degrees 35 minutes west a distanice of 49.40 feet fo a point: Thence norin 18 degrees 00 mlinuLtes VeSt a ditneOf 30.00 feet miore or less, te' the point of commeneement. The herein descnibed lands contain by admneasuremneet 0.010 acres f0 be the same miore or less, AND ALSO: CAn cagsrnnt and rimespuora pcnod tenîinin September 1, 1974, to'enkteneTedsdescibed ineren by ifs seraWf sagents, cneitnaco and worktnen with macnier, etniiveh-icles a'nd equiipmeliif for fine purpose of prmanntly atue gamd re-aignîng fie bcd of fine creek locefed on in e lands henein descibed, and fine flow of weter themein, fine seid lands being described as follows: AL aed SINGULAR tlInat cranparee(l or tra)ct o( Tend and premises, situate, ly.ing end bcing iefline Tonhpof Darliegton, lenfine Countly of Duï.bem, le ý fne Provnce of Ont aie'bÉe composed of part of lot 28, Concession 4, fie boundaries of seiVI parcel being2 described as foliows: BEARINGS aure neferd t in te east iifof fine origin a od eliownce befween lots 28 and 29, Con- cession 4 speclficeliy nortin 17 degmees, 47 inutes wesf (registemed Plan RD No. 20);- BEGINNING et a surivey mouet e iesuhws angle- of Lot 28. Concession 4; THENCE notlh 17ï degmes' 47 inotes west a distance of 1040.22 feet te' a point; THENCE nortin'78 degrees2 mnte at isac of 38.23 feet f0fine point of conmmencemnent for fine percel ineeeff cm descibed; THENCE eomf bi7, d.egrees 23 miutes easf e ditane of 250.00 f cet te' a point; *Ï3 THENCE inortin 75 degrecs 24 minues 34 seconds", s a distanlçce of 289.09 fuettl' n poit; THIENCE Lsoin h15 rdegrees 5 '*9 imitntes50'Cons-s a cdsaceYof127.33 feet imeor lets te finepoint of conmmencement. THE ine dscibe Tedscontain by emeue ment0=34 acresAo e fnthermnumoreor lest. Th AND ALSO: An ensemxenit and riglits, for a peniod teraninating SeptAember 1, 19741, f0 enter the lands descnibed herein by ifs servants, agents, contractors and wor-kmen, wt mnacbinery, material vehicles and equipment, for the purpose of permaeiently alterieg and re-eligniing the bed of the creek located on fine lands hierein described, and fine flow o)f wafer tlineen, the said lands being describedi as follows; ALL and SINGULAR that certain pDarceL cor tract of 'and and premnises sifuate, lYing and bPeing in f heý To-wnsbip of Denlingfon len the Province of Ont ario being -conmposed of part of Lot. 28, Concession 4, fthe bounidanies of said percel being described as follows: B EARINGS are referred fo fthe east limrit of' the orig- inal road aliowance befween Lots 28 and 29, Concession 4 specifically norti 17 degrees 47 miniutes -west (reg-istcred Plan RD No. -20); B3EGINN\ING et a survey monument et theý soutb-westd angle of Lot 28, Concession 4: TPHENCE nortin 17 degrees 47 minutes -west a distanmce of 1040.22 feet to e point; THENCE north 78 degrees 23 minutes east ;a distance- of 38.23 feet fo the point of commencement for fthe parcel ineeaffer cdescribed; THEINCE soutin 15 degmees 59 minutes 50 seconds eas', a distance of 28.00 feet f0 e3 poini THENCE eorth 74 deg*rees 00miue 10 seconids east, ai distance of 160.00 feet f0 e point;ý THENCE soutin 78 degmrees 23 rnmites weýt ae disitce of 162.43 feet m-ore ori- ess fo tire point of commeý-ncc- Mnent. THE hierein described lands cout aie byadmesur ment 0.005 acres f0 be the same more or less. .Any. ownem of lands le respect of -whicbi notice is given wo desires an iquirjv into winthe fin 1e f ekig of such Teand is fair, souind and reasonably necessary in the achievemient of the objectives of the ex-,propmiafing aufhority shah 50o eot-if'yftbe al-pmov,,ing authority in wnriting, -a) lenfthe case of. a egfisfered ow-nr, served person- aiiy on by regisfered nmail wý%itbie htbityday7s;affLer lie is served -witb the notice, or, lhnine is serv'ed by Tpublication, wlthin thirfy day-s after fthe flrsf publication of the, notice; (b) in [lhe case of ani owpeür who is rnot a mgsee owewitbini thint y days affer fine first publication of the notice. The approv"ing eut hority is flie Counicil of the Uîte Counrties of Northumbernland and Durhamn, Counfies' Building, Cobourg, Ontamio. UNITED COUNTIEIS 0F NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAMI BY ITS SOLICITOR, GORDON C. KELLY NOTES: 1. Thne Ex-,propriationis Acf provides that, (a,-) where an inquimy is requested, if shiah be conduefý- ed by anl iequiry officer appoint ed by fine Millister of Justice and Atfomeey Gen.eral; (b) the iiiquiiry officer., ()shah give eveny pnyt ieioiyn opruiy f rsn vdneadagmn aInd tf0 exaîrme andcrossexaine wfnesec cîýtIner personaily niby bie cuesel or agent, and j h mey recommecnd latohie apprDOng authoiy that, a pamfyf0 fInle îqirhe paid a fixedj emonueft for bis Cos f offie inquiry lttfl0 exceed $200,00 and fine approvleg aeuthouify mnay hleufsdiscetion order fine expropnatig authority f0 pay cucn costs fort1hwifth. sowner" aned "Meiserd owner" are defind leufine Acf as follows: " ne"includes a mrtga)gee, teant eecuio crdio, apensïon et fle (t', a liited es etle Or inneestl ed, ienmmitee of fine esate of a mnI- teiljy mcmeetpersonq or'of-a person incapable o managng bioefars, and a guerdianI,eeuorad mniusItf or n fmustee in wbom rryland is ,ves1fed;ý "reisfnedowner" mieans anione of 1iand ins ifenest in fie iend is dlefieed a e whue came isý- specifïied len n hstrumýent le fin proper registrý, Tendi fiLes or sineriWfs offie, and bncludes a person snow as a tenant of ]aed on fine lest reyised essaetroWi WThe eppniefin]1Ju1ority, ni on who ntfe fine a-provîng autlhorify finat ledeiebaieigi respect of f'ine lands inticecd tio b xponîfd n eny owner added as, a party by fie inquiry offleen a;re prties fotfChe inquiry. Fusý ntc rfpbiienine ý 90fi day -If Fhuay 972ý ami